National Banking Act Plus Notes

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Statute at large is the standing law from 1864.

There is only one amendment and that is

public law 73, 48th volume, pages 112, 113 and you know that as HJR192. That is the only
amendment. The only other body of law is the Federal Reserve act. The Federal Reserve is
still subject to the national bank act and in alignment with public law 73.
How are we supposed to contract based on our status? Right now most are doing it as
corporate position, they don’t know they position to the government and they are not the
beneficiary of the contracts and are making themselves sureties to legal fictions as opposed
to standing on civic nationality, the aboriginal.

The federal enclave is different from the operation of the republic or the jurisdiction of the
aboriginal and occurs strictly through negotiation. It has nothing to do with civic
government except that citizens have contracted in. The resolution is the proper civic
orientation to how government is supposed to run and a proper understanding of how you
are supposed to approach your economics based on that civic understanding. If you know
that you would know you are to have an account with the treasury department because that
is the only lawful bank. The other banks are only operable based on negotiation. If you
don’t know how to negotiate you will lose with any financial institution. The courts are
financial institution, banks, and utilities companies. These are all agents of government
and the only way they can do business with you is to get your private information. And
then they are going to do business with you. They do business with the government that I
am supposed to be contracted to civically. This is part of our own ignorance.

Summary on the national bank act passed by senate and house of representative. The
constitution is the contract, the supreme law of the land and the statutes at large are written
in conjunction with the constitution. Anything else that is written you are not liable for
unless you hold yourself liable for it. Real law. The purpose of the act was for the senate
and house or representatives were to protect the government during the civil war in line
with constitutional law. That’s the purpose of the act and it is still organic law. It was
passed so the federal government could operate its own currency without international
intervention. The confederate states rebelled against the constitutional form of government
and wrote their own constitution. In their rebellion they were getting international support
to run their operations. The north decided to print their own currency which would be
based upon the wealth of their citizens. You have one lawful form of government, and one
unlawful. The south was upset over their property rights. The north was saying the Negro
had rights and your rewriting a constitution is a violation of the federal constitution so
therefore your existence under the union is now cancelled. The real issue was the
nationality of the Negroes and whether they could be citizens of the republic.

Black people participated in the formation of the formation of the United States. The issue
was genocide and denationalization of the original heritage of the blacks, not slavery. The
public school system has miseducated about this. The national bank act was following
constitutional law.

Here are things that are part of the act. This act created the office of the comptroller of the
currency a part of the department of treasury.

Notes on National Currency Act
Establishment of the Office of the Comptroller of Currency

That there shall be established in the treasury department bureau which shall be charged
with the execution of this and all other laws that may be passed by Congress respecting the
issue and regulation of a national currency secured by United states Bonds—page 99 sect 1
38th congress

Oath of the Comptroller

Within fifteen days from the time of notice of his appointment the comptroller shall take
and subscribe the oath of office prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the United
States—section 1 page 100 38th Congress

The comptroller of the currency is subject to the constitution and the statutes at large. And
is subject to this document. Look at what is going on right now financially. The remedy
comes when people position themselves properly to the government. Here is an example:
the comptroller of the currency is the register of all bonds in the United States. Any
financial instrument that lists a creditor and a debtor in regards to commerce in the United
States of America is registered in the system under the auspices of the comptroller of the
currency, mortgage, court cases, utility bonds; anything that deals with finances is
registered. Everything registered with the comptroller is available under FOIA and
whatever is registered has to be in alignment with the national bank act because it is the
document that set up the registration.

Rules Governing Holding of Real Estate

And, be it further enacted, such associations shall not purchase or hold real estate in any
other case of for any other purpose as specified in this section. Nor shall it hold the
possession of any real estate under mortgage or hold the title and possession of any real
estate purchased to secure debts due to it for a longer period than five year. Section 28,
page 108 38th Congress

By construct of law a 30 year mortgage is fraud and is civically an injury to whoever is in

it. How you get remedy is that the financial institution is an agent of the government. I’ll
show you directly from the text. As an agent of the government all of the directors of the
financial institution take an oath to follow the constitution and the national bank act and
that oath is registered with the comptroller of the currency. Knowing that if they do a 30
year mortgage and take an oath to follow the constitution and the national bank act, and the
body of law says a 30 year mortgage is not lawful, then they have violated their oaths. You
can pull their oath in any mortgage case as a subpoenaed document to see what the oath
says. It is documentary evidence to see if they violated the law; the mortgage instrument is
fraudulent and is void ab initio. No mortgage is supposed to be over five years and if yours
is, it is constructively fraud. You can go through procedures administratively or judicially
because of the fraud. Every mortgage in the United States of America. The mortgage
market is the largest market and people get in over their heads and don’t understand what is
going on.

When the stock was bought by the department of treasury of the 8 major banks, the reason
it was bought out was the department of treasury had a fiscal responsibility to take those
assets. The only other thing that could have happened is that if the citizens had a class
action network they could have discharged the mortgages and instead of the banks getting
paid the citizens would have gotten their properties and homes. Through ignorance and
propaganda people have not learned what they need to do so in that case in the buyout the
banks won out as financial agents of the government and through negotiations.


And it shall be further enacted that the term United States Bonds as used in this act, shall
be construed to mean all registered bonds now issued, or that hereafter be issued
On the faith of the United States by the secretary of treasury in pursuance of Law.”
Section 4 page 100 38th Congress

So bonds are all registered with the secretary of treasury.


Each director, when appointed or Elected, shall take an oath that he will, as far as the duty
devolves on him, diligently and honestly administer the affairs of such association, and
will not knowingly, violate or willing permit to be violated any provision of this act, and
that he is the bona fide owner, in his own right of the number of shares of stock required
by this act, subscribed by him ,or standing in his name on the books of the association.
And that the same is not hypothecated, or in any way pledged, as security for a loan or debt
and certified by an officer before whom it is taken, shall be immediately transcribed to the
Comptroller of the Currency,, and by him filed and preserved in his office. Section 9 page
102 38th Congress.

They have published on line the statutes at large instead of having to go to the library. Go
to Google and type in statutes at large and then look for volume 13 and pages 99 to 118. A
bank association always has 5 or more directors and each one much have a certain amount
of stock to start the business. Stock is investment. If a bank or financial institution tells
you they are going to give you a loan you can chop them down. They cannot loan the stock
of the directors, one of their assets. They cannot loan of the assets of the people who have
the deposits. So they can’t loan the depositors’ assets. That’s unlawful and illegal. What
other money does the bank have? What other money? The bank can’t borrow from the
Federal Reserve until they have stock from the directors and depositors’ money. They
make the money when they loan it to you and your autograph creates the money. It’s a
play on words. Your autograph is what initiates the credit of what they lend to you. In
this act you have no way of substantiating that you are the creditor and that you gave the
bank the money. You can use the personal defense that there was no consideration. If they
say they loaned you money then you, through interrogatories and depositions ask them
where they got the money. What is the source? They will end up saying that they gave
you a line of credit. Your next question is, ‘from what source?’

They did not have any money; they are financial agents of the government. Your signature
or autograph is what creates the obligation.

If they let you discharge the debt they are participating in law correctly. If they try to stop
you from discharging the debt that’s when all the fraud comes in. You have to allow them
the opportunity to allow you to discharge the debt. If they do not allow you the opportunity
to discharge the debt which is rooted in the civic orientation of the statutes; this one and
public law 73, that‘s where you get them in fraud. The banks can be shut down for any
illegal activity. You can bring them into court and shut the mortgage down. I just found
out on my first two cases they have 20 days to answer and we’ll see what their response
is. It was Sun Trust and a loan service. I did this because I wanted to prove that they did
something fraudulent according to the National Banking Act. I put a removal and then I
added the national bank act for shutting down the bank if they are found guilty. Woman:
could you clarify that they govern national bank or a national association. How do you get
past the Countrywide and other mortgage companies who say we don’t fall under that bank
act because we don’t have national association or bank in our name? Presenter, if they are
a financial institution check to do a FOIA to see if they have the certification from the
department of treasury to do financing in the United States of America. If they don’t have
that a holding company has created a sub operation and they are going to try to foreclose as
that sub operation or servicing company being the trustee. The original creditor has to have
the certification. They have quasi financial organizations that are not registered with the
treasury. But if you are the foreclosing entity you still have to provide the certification.
Loan servicing is not the original creditor and you have to get back to the original creditor.
Which financial institution to interface with the department of treasury and to initiate the
autograph? If they sell to the loan servicing later, you still need the paper trail to show the
original certified institution.

The disk has all the documents I’m covering today.


The Comptroller shall have authority to withhold from an association his certificate
authorizing the commencement of business, whenever he shall have reason to suppose that
the shareholders thereof have for same for any other than the legitimate object
contemplated by this act. Section 12 page 103 38th congress.


And it is further enacted that it shall be the duty of the comptroller of the currency to
countersign and entering the book in the manner aforesaid, every transfer or assignment of
any bonds held by the treasurer presented for his signature, and the comptroller shall have
at all times during office hours access to the books of the treasurer for the purpose of
ascertaining the correctness of the transfer or assignment presented to him to countersign
and the treasurer shall have the like access to the book above mentioned kept by the
comptroller, during office hours, to ascertain the correctness of the entries in the same;
and the comptroller shall also at all times have access to the bonds on deposit with the
treasurer, to ascertain their amount and Section 20, page 10338th Congress

And it is further enacted that the entire amount of notes for circulation to be used under
this act shall not exceed three hundred millions of dollars. Section 22 pages 105-106 38th


And no such Association shall insure post notes on any other notes to circulate as money
than such as are authorized by the foregoing provision of this act. Section 23 page 104.
38th Congress.


And be it further enacted that it shall be lawful for any such associations to purchase, hold
and convey real estate as follows: First, such as shall be necessary for its immediate
accommodation in transaction of its business. Second. Such as shall be mortgaged to it IN
GOOD FAITH by way of security for debts previously contracted. Third. Such as shall be
conveyed to it in satisfaction of debts previously contracted in the course of its dealings.
Fourth. Such as it shall purchase at sales under judgments, decrees as mortgages held by
such association or shall purchase to secure debts due to said association.
Shall not purchase or hold real estate in any other case or for any other purpose than as
specified in this section. Nor shall it hold possession of any real estate purchased to secure
any debs due to it for a longer period than five years. Section 28 pages 107.108 38th

Question, so no one can give a mortgage unless that company is set up by these banking
regulations? Answer, they can do a mortgage, the mortgage is not the problem. It’s what
is happening with the national debt where the secretary of treasury and the comptroller of
currency have set up a system where we have all this national debt. And the reason we
have all this national debt is twofold; the citizens are ignorant of how to participate in
commerce since these different clauses have been enacted like public law 73 which allows
for discharge. If they were not ignorant and they knew how to do it the national debt would
be zero. I am advocating that we have a civic problem and we have to approach it to get it
solved. You are going to get a credit card next week and now you have information of
what is really going on so now you have to solve the problem. Now you are not causing
injury by trying to get remedy. The injury was already there because of our ignorance and
those who tried to stop us from inaugurating solutions. They wanted to keep us in out in
the cold in our ignorance. In that sense what we are dealing with the discharge is following
the rules. We are not causing a problem, just follow the rules and allow the discharge to
take place. The federal government should not be making money off people getting
treasury notes, bills and bonds. The federal government is supposed to get money from the
states who tax directly on the citizens to run their fiscal operations. They are not supposed
to set up side operations to get additional funding. And banks do that. The banks are
registered agents of the government. They are supposed to follow the rules too. Again,
this is about proper civic orientation. What this will do is level the playing field in finances
and create solutions to some of the problems. They are not supposed to set up side
operations to get additional funding

See Section 32 National Currency Act


Be it further enacted that no association shall make any loan or deposit on the security of
the shares of its capital stock. Section 33 Page 110 38th Congress


CAPITAL STOCK: And be it further enacted that no association shall either directly or
indirectly, pledge or hypothecate any of its notes of circulations for the purpose of
procuring money to be paid in on its capital stock, or to be used , or otherwise;
nor shall any association use its circulating notes, or any part thereof it form,
to create or increase its capital stock. Section 37, page 110 38 Congress.

UNITED STATES MONEY And be it further enacted that no association shall at any
time…knowingly pay out or put in circulation any notes issued by any bank or banking
association which at the time of such paying out or putting in circulation
its circulating notes in lawful money of the United States.


And be it further enacted that all associations under this act, when designated for that
purpose by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall be depositories of public money; and they
may be employed as financial agents of the government….and they shall perform all such
reasonable duties, as depositories of public moneys and financial agents of the
government, as may be required of them…And the Secretary of the Treasury shall require
of the associations this designated satisfactory security, by the deposit of United States
Bonds and otherwise , for the safe-keeping and prompt payment of the public money
deposited with them………………and for the faithful performance of their duties as
financial agents of the government. Page 113 Section 43


Section 46 page 113-114 38th Congress


Status at Law Status in Contract – True Sovereignty

Republic was founded on the moral code of the Aboriginal Algonquians aka
Moors/Israelites, sometimes referred to as Sumerians, New Kingdom Egyptians, People of
Punt, Punic People aka Phoenicians, Moslems, __________, and Jews, Asiatics The
Ancient -Unincorporated Associations

Status in Contract – The Federal Enclave/ Insular Possession
*Constitution - The Republic
* Public Laws
* The National Banking Act of 1864
* Discharging Debts Public Law 73 Volume 48 sect 112 & 113
* Treasury Account
* Securities – Bond Cycle
Federal Enclave and Insular Possession simply means that all these states are supposed
to be republics. The only way they can perform in that capacity is making sure we know
our status. The only contract you have with them is the constitution and the state statutes at
large. The other side of it is the constitution, the supreme law of the land and is your
contract. That’s the only thing these states have in common, the constitution and the
statutes that we call the uniform commercial code. Each state has passed those commercial
codes into their statutes.

Republics Foreign to United States

• 11th Amendment
• Ratified February 7, 1795
• The Judicial power of the United states shall not be construed to extend to any suit
in law or equity, commence or prosecuted against of the United States by
Citizens of another or by citizens or Subjects of any Foreign

The only thing that binds the states is the constitution and the statutes. If you are dealing
with a mortgage case you need to understand that a mortgage cases is a case that is always
determined by federal jurisdiction.
1352. Bonds executed under federal law
The district courts shall have original jurisdiction, concurrent with State courts, of any
action on a bond executed under any law of the United States.
If you want to argue a case in judicial action you have to take it to federal court. This is
title 28 of the US code and is positive law because the state is written directly from it.

Exempt Entities—Unincorporated Association—The Republic

*Par. 6033. Returns by exempt organization.
*(a) Organizations required to file (1) in general. Except as provided in paragraph (3)
every organization exempt from taxation under section 510(a) shall file an annual return,
stating specifically the items of gross income, receipts, and disbursements, and such other
information for the purpose of carrying out the internal revenue laws of as the Secretary
may by forms or regulations prescribe, and shall keep such records, render under oath
such statements, make such other returns, and comply with such rules and regulations as
the Secretary may from time to time prescribe, except that, in the discretion of the
Secretary, any organization described in section 401(a) may be relieved from stating in its
return any information which is reported in returns filed by the employer which established
such organization.

*(2) Being a party to certain reportable transactions. Every tax exempt entity described in
section 4965(c) shall file (in such form and manner and at such time as determined by the
Secretary) a disclosure of--- being a party to any prohibited tax shelter transaction
(as defined in section 4965(g)).

The other side of this is understanding how to set up your business.

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