What Air Crash Investigations Didn't Tell You About QF32 (Airbus A380)

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What Air Crash Investigations Didn't Tell You

About QF32 (Airbus A380)

Tony J. Hughes
Keynote Speaker, Author and Sales Leadership Mentor
This is an unlikely but true story about iconic brands being
protected by an amazing airline captain, the power of social media, and how to
create customer-centric culture. Every enterprise can learn much from this story
as it exemplifies the incredible benefits of empowering and trusting employees to not
only do their job but also represent the brand in this case, also save lives. The QF32
incident occurred in November 4th, 2010. The ATSB (Australian Transport Safety
Bureau) published their final report in June 2013, and Air Crash Investigations
released their documentary in February 2014.
But before both of these, in late 2012 I was fortunate enough to interview Captain
Richard de Crespigny in his home. As we discussed the incident, it became very
apparent to me that Richard is not only a talented and seasoned pilot, in both military
and commercial aviation, but also an exceptional leader. Richard de Crespigny is an

example of what Jim Collins calls Level 5 Leadership. There is much to learn from the
culture he imbues on any flight he commands. Richard is more than a professional
pilot, he is committed to giving his passengers the best possible experience and being
a positive representative of the Qantas, Airbus and Rolls-Royce brands.
On November 4th, 2010, Captain de Crespigny
was in command of QF32 flying from Singapore
to Sydney. Ive been on this flight a number of
times but not on this occasion. At 7,400 feet
during climb-out there was a catastrophic failure
of an inboard Rolls-Royce engine resulting in a
very rare uncontained explosion. Shrapnel flew
out at supersonic speed crippling control
systems running along the Q380s left wing
leading edge, peppering the fuselage, invading
the underbelly, puncturing two wing fuel tanks in
at least ten locations and wreaking havoc with
21 of the 22 aircrafts systems. In my opinion it
was far more serious, and far closer to being a disaster, than anyone has been willing
to acknowledge there was a fire that fortunately self-extinguished in the wind. Jet
aviation fuel is kerosene, not petrol, and it burns with low thermal properties.
Miraculously, no passengers were injured and, due to the low altitude, the passenger
cabin was not compromised by decompression. But exploding shrapnel had
penetrated the underbelly, slicing through both of the two main electrical trunk lines
the backbone of the aircrafts central nervous system. There are many electrical wiring
looms within the A380 for inbuilt redundancy but it was incredibly unlucky, and
potentially fatal, for two primary looms to be taken out at the same time. Passengers
heard several loud bangs and could see obvious wing punctures and the fuel vapour
trail, but there was far more damage than the eye could see. The largest passenger
airliner in the world was severely degraded and had probably lost 50% of system
networks and 65% of the aircrafts roll control. It was set-up for catastrophic cascading
events unless the flight deck had the right leadership culture.
On the ground in Indonesia, the engine cowling with the Qantas logo, along with other
debris, had rained down over the populated town of Batam, including onto school
grounds. No-one had been injured but the Twitter-sphere and Internet were abuzz. The
Qantas CEO, Alan Joyce, was travelling in a car with his head of Corporate
Communications when they received a phone call asking why Qantas share price was

falling dramatically. For them this was the first sign of a problem and highlights the
instant speed of social media and its power to impact a brand in real-time.
Back up at 7,400 feet there was calm
on the flight deck as the worlds most
experienced A380 flight crew
[literally] dealt with the situation.
Qantas has the well-deserved
reputation of being the safest airline
in the world it is the oldest
continually operating commercial
airline globally and no passenger on
a Qantas jet aircraft has ever been
killed as a result of an incident. All
pilots are hired to become captains and this means that they only hire the best. On top
of this, Qantas invests heavily in training and every captain is checked-out seven times
a year. Just as in the military, there are full and frank peer reviews any time there is an
incident. Safety, transparency and accountability are dominant cultural elements for all
Qantas pilots not something that exists in all airlines.
On this particular flight, Captain de Crespigny was being checked by another senior
pilot who was himself being trained as a checking captain. This meant that there were
five on the flight deck instead of the normal three the Second Officer (Mark
Johnson), First Officer (Co-Pilot Matt Hicks) and three captains but all had no doubt
that there was only one person in command. Before take-off, Captain de Crespigny
had ensured that there would be no confusion concerning the chain of command and
that everyones roles were crystal clear. He discussed these issues at the pre-flight
briefing, during the drive to the airport and again before the A380 pushed back from
the aerobridge in Singapore.
During the incident everyone knew their roles, and every issue and task was dealt with
calmly and professionally. The First Officer, Matt Hicks, dealt with well over one
hundred alarms and checklists while Captain de Crespigny concentrated on flying the
aircraft, monitoring his First Officer, keeping his situation awareness, weighing his
options and laying strategies to complete the flight. The second officer visited the cabin
to investigate the damage and to communicate with the Customer Service Manager,
Michael von Reth.

Multiple failures had severely

degraded the already leaking fuel
system. They had lost all ability to
transfer fuel between the eleven
different tanks creating dangerous
imbalances that became worse with
time. They had also lost all the wing
slats, which provide greater lift and
enable the aircraft to fly slower for
landing. Back in the passenger cabin,
Michael von Reth and his team were calmly assuring passengers while watching for
any signs of panic in individuals and then quietly addressing problems with empathy
and reassurance.
Everyone on the flight deck and the cabin crew had trained for just this emergency and
they instinctively knew what to do. The flight deck team trusted their leader to lead.
The leader trusted his team to perform every standard operating procedure and
delegated task. The A380 was the most technologically advanced and robust
(redundant systems) passenger aircraft in history. They were flying safely and just had
to figure out how to mitigate the extensive failures and to get down safely at Changi
Airport back in Singapore. Captain de Crespigny knew that height gave them more
time and options so he told the flight deck team he was initiating a climb. No! they all
said in unison. It was the only time in the entire flight that there was any discord
teamwork in action. They were in stable level flight and they did not have all the
information about what was wrong leave everything as it is. No ego, just teamwork.
Captain de Crespigny simply said, okay."
With less than a 3% margin for error in landing airspeed to pull-up on the available
runway they managed an incredibly difficult landing. Way faster than normal and with
badly degraded brakes, no reverse thrusters, they came to halt with a mere 100 meters
of runway left. But they were not out of danger 3 tonnes of fuel poured onto the
tarmac, pooling around white-hot brakes. The fire crew held back because the
outboard engine on the damaged wing would not shut down. Eventually foam was
sprayed all over the fuel and Captain de Crespigny decided that the passengers were
safer on board than executing an emergency evacuation. Eventually the outboard
engine was stopped and everyone walked away safely.
Captain de Crespigny led his team faultlessly and harnessed all the resources
available to him. Despite all the damage caused by the Rolls-Royce engine explosion,

and despite the potential problems with having too many cooks on the flight deck,
Captain de Crespigny maintained a calm atmosphere where everyone knew and
performed their roles. At one point in the crisis he re-set the flight deck team to focus
on what systems were working rather being focussed on the endless alarms and lists
of things that had failed. He communicated clearly and dealt with the realities but
focused on the positives. He managed the risks by making sure they didnt rush and
that they triple-checked all calculations. He also quietly prepared for a glide landing
(Armstrong Spiral) in the event that all engines failed. Most importantly, he didnt make
assumptions but instead tested the aircrafts handling characteristics while he had the
safety of height before the final approach. This is not standard operating procedure but
was a master stroke on his part.
The QF32 incident made headlines around the world but beyond the airmanship,
leadership and teamwork on the flight deck, Captain de Crespigny then instinctively
continued to lead when back in the terminal with his passengers (customers). Despite
his emotional and physical exhaustion from piloting and managing the crisis over four
hours in the air and on the ground, he then assumed the role of customer service and
Public Relations (PR) representative for Qantas, Airbus and Rolls-Royce.
He didnt need to refer to a manual to do a masterful job because the culture within
Qantas empowered him with shared values of transparency and service excellence.
Rather than leave it to PR and customer service people, he took charge and when
every passenger was safely in the terminal he went and spoke to them saying: When
you fly Qantas youre flying with a premium airline and you have every right to expect
more. An army of Qantas staff are right now finding you hotel rooms and working out
how to get you to Sydney as soon as possible. But right now I want you to write down
this number its my personal mobile phone and I want you to call me if you think
Qantas is not looking after you or if you think that Qantas does not care. Then he
explained what had happened, why, what would happen next and disclosed everything
he knew. He answered every possible question in multiple passenger lounges for over
two hours. He prepared everyone for the media circus that would ensue and stayed in
the lounge with passengers until there were no more questions eventually he was
standing on his own.
Later, when the media shoved microphones in the faces of passengers asking: Did
you think you were going to die? they responded: No, the captain and crew were
fantastic; they kept us fully informed at all times. When someone else in the press
asked: Did the crew or passengers panic? they responded with: Everyone was
calm. The captain explained that the fire trucks sprayed water to cool the brakes, laid

foam on the leaking fuel and tried to snuff an engine that wouldnt shut down. Captain
de Crespignys full and open disclosure and personal guarantee had transformed 440
passengers into the best PR and brand agents that Qantas management could have
ever hoped for.
1,000 Qantas staff had leapt into action, looking after their customers by organising
buses, finding hotel rooms, communicating and meeting individual needs until all 440
passengers were returned safely home. Everyone was deeply grateful to Captain de
Crespigny, the flight crews and ground crews for keeping them safe.
None of the passengers ever called Captain de Crespignys mobile phone to complain
or to ask for help. Richard explained to me that this is his audit process, proving that
the entire Qantas organisation performed brilliantly during this extended crisis. Qantas,
to their credit, never reprimanded him for overstepping the boundaries of his
responsibilities on the ground in the terminal with passengers they were grateful to
have a leader step-up when needed, technically and commercially.
Captain de Crespigny is a shining example of the fact that the leader determines the
culture no, the leader is the culture. He believed that he was not just responsible
for flying the aircraft safely but he represented his employers and suppliers (Airbus
and Rolls-Royce) brands. In the days, months and years that followed he neutralized
sensationalist media and highlighted that the safety and training culture within Qantas
combined with the safety and robustness of the Airbus A380 were the reasons why the
incident ended without loss of life.
Richard shies away from individual praise and continually states that it was a team
effort he is right. But make no mistake, had QF32 ended in disaster, and it very
easily could have, then he would have accepted sole responsible for the loss of life.
Thats the burden of leadership you dont get to blame others.
Captain de Crespigny is a classic example of a Jim Collins Level 5 leader and he
continues to fly A380s for Qantas. Just as hes done his entire career, he walks the
cabin on long haul flights and talks with passengers. He believes that a good leader
has to be seen and nothing reinforces a culture of friendly service more than leaders
exposing themselves to customers. Richard de Crespignys also knows that no cabin
crew want to see passengers complaining about service to the Captain. He has
behaved this way his entire career because he is committed to giving passengers their
best possible experience. He even built an online community for all the passengers
to connect and help deal with their fears or need for additional information.
After reading the book QF32 and also after interviewing him for several hours, I formed
the view that Captain de Crespigny embodies the following philosophies to which every

leader should aspire:

Be an unrivalled expert and passionate about what you do. Richards
intimate knowledge of the A380 helped him manage its systems in a
crisis and lead the team with clarity.
The job is to provide a great experience for customers [passengers],
not fulfill the role technically [fly the plane safely].
Avoid complacency and dont make assumptions. It is the things you
do not know that can get you. Be positively paranoid and manage
every conceivable risk.
Teamwork is everything. Communicate clearly and ensure that
everyone knows their role and is empowered to perform it.

The Qantas A380, Nancy-Bird Walton, which was operating as QF32 on November
4th, 2010 is now back in the air after what was reportedly the longest and most
expensive aircraft repair in aviation history. Fly with Airbus, Qantas and Rolls-Royce
with confidence companies that have great cultures.
My advice for every business is to build a great customer-centric culture and empower
your people to passionately represent your brand in all channels, especially social.
This is a keynote I did in 2012 talking about QF32. I have since been converted by
Richard to now be a huge fan of Airbus! Also, not all Qantas pilots prefer Boeing
certainly not Richard.

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Follow the QF32 community blog here. Buy and read Richards book, QF32, here.
See Air Crash Investigations documentary here. Read the Transport Safety
Bureau report here. Link to my full white paper: Everyone Represents the Brand How to Create a Customer Centric Culture.
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Photo credit: Main picture from cover to ATSB report.

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