Physics II Problems

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Discussion Questions



Electric Field Inside a Hydrogen Atom

A hydrogen atom is made up of a proton of charge +Q =

1.60 * 10 -19 C and an electron of charge -Q = - 1.60 *
10 -19 C. The proton may be regarded as a point charge at r = 0,
the center of the atom. The motion of the electron causes its charge
to be smeared out into a spherical distribution around the proton,
so that the electron is equivalent to a charge per unit volume of
r1r2 = - 1Q>pa 032e -2r>a0, where a0 = 5.29 * 10 -11 m is called
the Bohr radius. (a) Find the total amount of the hydrogen atoms
charge that is enclosed within a sphere with radius r centered on
the proton. (b) Find the electric eld (magnitude and direction)
caused by the charge of the hydrogen atom as a function of r.
(c) Make a graph as a function of r of the ratio of the electric-eld
magnitude E to the magnitude of the eld due to the proton alone.
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1. The charge distribution in this problem is spherically symmetric, just as in Example 22.9, so you can solve it using Gausss
2. The charge within a sphere of radius r includes the proton
charge Q plus the portion of the electron charge distribution
that lies within the sphere. The difference from Example 22.9 is
that the electron charge distribution is not uniform, so the
charge enclosed within a sphere of radius r is not simply the
charge density multiplied by the volume 4pr 3>3 of the sphere.
Instead, youll have to do an integral.


3. Consider a thin spherical shell centered on the proton, with

radius r and innitesimal thickness dr . Since the shell is so
thin, every point within the shell is at essentially the same
radius from the proton. Hence the amount of electron charge
within this shell is equal to the electron charge density r1r2 at
this radius multiplied by the volume dV of the shell. What is dV
in terms of r ?
4. The total electron charge within a radius r equals the integral of
r1r2dV from r = 0 to r = r. Set up this integral (but dont
solve it yet), and use it to write an expression for the total
charge (including the proton) within a sphere of radius r.
5. Integrate your expression from step 4 to nd the charge within
radius r. Hint: Integrate by substitution: Change the integration
variable from r to x = 2r>a0. You can calculate the integral
2 -x
1 x e dx using integration by parts, or you can look it up in a
table of integrals or on the World Wide Web.
6. Use Gausss law and your results from step 5 to nd the electric
eld at a distance r from the proton.
7. Find the ratio referred to in part (c) and graph it versus r.
(Youll actually nd it simplest to graph this function versus the
quantity r>a0.)
8. How do your results for the enclosed charge and the electriceld magnitude behave in the limit r S 0? In the limit r S q ?
Explain your results.

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. , .. , ... : Problems of increasing difculty. CP: Cumulative problems incorporating material from earlier chapters. CALC: Problems
requiring calculus. BIO: Biosciences problems.
Q22.1 A rubber balloon has a single point charge in its interior.
Does the electric ux through the balloon depend on whether or
not it is fully inated? Explain your reasoning.
Q22.2 Suppose that in Fig. 22.15 both charges were positive. What
would be the uxes through each of the four surfaces in the
Q22.3 In Fig. 22.15, suppose a third point charge were placed outside the purple Gaussian surface C. Would this affect the electric
ux through any of the surfaces A, B, C, or D in the gure? Why or
why not?
Q22.4 A certain region of space bounded by an imaginary closed
surface contains no charge. Is the electric eld always zero everywhere on the surface? If not, under what circumstances is it zero
on the surface?
Q22.5 A spherical Gaussian surface encloses a point charge q. If
the point charge is moved from the center of the sphere to a point
away from the center, does the electric eld at a point on the surface change? Does the total ux through the Gaussian surface
change? Explain.

Q22.6 You nd a sealed box on your doorstep. You suspect that the
box contains several charged metal spheres packed in insulating
material. How can you determine the total net charge inside the
box without opening the box? Or isnt this possible?
Q22.7 A solid copper sphere has a net positive charge. The charge
is distributed uniformly over the surface of the sphere, and the
electric eld inside the sphere is zero. Then a negative point charge
outside the sphere is brought close to the surface of the sphere. Is
all the net charge on the sphere still on its surface? If so, is this
charge still distributed uniformly over the surface? If it is not uniform, how is it distributed? Is the electric eld inside the sphere
still zero? In each case justify your answers.
Q22.8 If the electric eld of a point charge were proportional to
1>r 3 instead of 1>r 2, would Gausss law still be valid? Explain
your reasoning. (Hint: Consider a spherical Gaussian surface centered on a single point charge.)
Q22.9 In a conductor, one or more electrons from each atom are
free to roam throughout the volume of the conductor. Does this
contradict the statement that any excess charge on a solid conductor must reside on its surface? Why or why not?

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