Physics Rmning HHW

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Q16. The sum of two point charge is 7×10-6C .

They repel each other with a force of 1N when

kept 30cm apart in free space. Calculate the value of each charge.
Q17. Define electric flux. Write it’s SI unit . A charge q is enclosed by a spherical surface of
radius R.If the radius is reduced to half,how would the electric flux through the surface change?
Q18. A regular hexagon of side 10cm has a charge 5 micro coulomb at each of its
verticies.Calculate the potential at the centre of hexagon.
Q19.Four point charges qA=2µC ,qB=-5µC,qC=-2µC and qD=-5µC are located at the coners of a
square ABCD of side 10cm.What is the force on a charge of 1µC placed at the centre of the
Q20.An infinite line charge produces afield of 9x104N/C a a distance of 2cm.Calculate linear
charge density.
1.why is the electric field inside a hollow sphere is zero? eventhough we consider gaussian
surface where Q=0 won`t the charge on the surface of hollow sphere cause electric field inside
hollow sphere? why??
2.Why field inside a unifomly charged thin spherical is zero
3.Why does the charge inside the closed surface of a gaussian surface contribute to electric flux.
Why doesnt it pass through as in the case of electric flux due to a charge that is situated outside?

4.Using Gauss's law obtain the expression for the electric field due to a uniformly charged thin
spherical shell of radius R a point outside the shell. Draw a graph showing the variation of
electric field with r, for r > R and r < R.

5.Derive the expression for electric field intensity due to a uniformly charged thin spherical shell

6.Prove that total electric flux over the closed surface S in vacuum is 1/ε0 times the total charge
(Q) contained inside S.
7.A hollow conducting sphere of radius 10 cm is given a charge of 20 μC. What is the electric
field intensity? a. At the centre of the sphere, and b. On the outer surface of the sphere?
8.Draw a graph showing variation of electric field intensity E with distance from the centre of a
uniformly charged spherical shell.
9.Why gauss law is valid only when coulombs law obeys inverse square law?
10.A uniform electric field of magnitude E = 100 N/C exists in the space in X-direction. Using
the Gauss theorem calculate the flux of this field through a plane square area of edge 10 cm
placed in the Y-Z plane. Take the normal along the positive X-axis to be positive.
11.A large plane charge sheet having surface charge density σ = 2.0 × 10-6 C-m-2 lies in the X-
Y plane. Find the flux of the electric field through a circular area of radius 1 cm lying completely
in the region where x, y, z are all positive and with its normal making an angle of 600 with the Z-
12.A charge of 4×10-8 C is distributed uniformly on the surface of a sphere of radius 1 cm. It is
covered by a concentric, hollow conducting sphere of radius 5 cm
13.The figure shows three concentric thin spherical shells A, B and C of radii a, b, and c
respectively. The shells A and C are given charges q and -q respectively and the shell B is
earthed. Find the charges appearing on the surfaces of B and C
14.Two conducting plates A and B are placed parallel to each other. A is given a charge Q1 and
B a charge Q2. Find the distribution of charges on the four surfaces
15.A point charge c is placed in a metal block having a cavity. If the charge C is kept or brought
outside the metal, will charge c experience any electric force?
16.A nonconducting material is used to make a circular ring of radius r and is placed with its axis
parallel to a uniform electric field. The ring is then rotated about a diameter through 180°. What
will happen to the flux of the electric field? Will it increase or decrease?
17.There is no net charge in a metallic particle which is placed beside a finite metal plate having
a positive charge. State where the electric force will be present on the particle?
18.What is the angle between the electric field vectors at points A and B because of an infinitely
long line charge
19.Find the potential due to a charged ring of density 2 units with radius 2m and the point at
which potential is measured is at a distance of 1m from the ring
20.What happens when an electric dipole is kept at the centre of a sphere.The electric field is not
zero anywhere on the sphere.
1.Define electric flux. Write its S.I. unit. State and explain Gauss’s law. Find out the outward
flux due to a point charge + q placed at the centre of a cube of side ‘a’. Why is it found to be
independent of the size and shape of the surface enclosing it ? Explain.
2. State the theorem which relates the enclosed charge, inside a closed surface, with the electric
flux through it. Use this theorem to obtain the electric field due to a uniformly charged thin
spherical shell at an (i) outside point (ii) inside point.
3. State Gauss’s theorem in electrostatics. Using this theorem, derive an expression for the
electric field intensity due to a charged metallic spherical shell. Write the special cases. Draw the
graph showing the variation of the field with distance from the centre of the conductor.
4. Define Capacity. Name the factors on which the capacity of a parallel plate capacitor depends.
Derive the expression for the capacity of a parallel plate capacitor with a dielectric slab between
the plates. A parallel plate capacitor has a capacity of 100 μF with air in between the plates.
What happens to the capacity when the plates are introduced in a medium of dielectric constant
80 without changing the plate separation?
5. Explain the effect of introducing a dielectric slab between the plates of a parallel plate
capacitor on its capacitance. Derive an expression for its capacitance with a dielectric as the
medium between the plates.
6. Show mathematically that the electric field intensity due to a short dipole at a distance `d’
along its axis is twice the intensity at the same distance along the equatorial axis.
7.Derive the expression for ‘Energy Density’ in a parallel plate capacitor.
8.State Gauss’ Theorem in electrostatics? Using this theorem define an expression for the field
intensity due to an infinite plane sheet of charge density σ C/m2 ?
9. (a) What is equipotential surface? Show that electric field is always perpendicular to the
equipotential surface.
(b)Draw equipotential surfaces for an isolated point charge

(c) Show that work done in carrying electric charge on an equipotential surface is zero.
10. (a) Define 'electric line of force' and give its two important properties.
(b) Sketch electric lines of force due to (i) isolated positive change (ie q>0) and (ii) isolated
negative charge ( ie q<0)
11.(a) An electric dipole is held at an angle θ with a uniform electric field. What is the torque
on it? Explain what happens to the dipole on being released.
(b) Find the work done in rotating an electric dipole from stable equilibrium to unstable
equilibrium position.
12. (a) Two identical point charges `Q’ are kept at a distance `r’ from each other. A third point
charge is placed on the line joining the two charges such that all the three charges are in
equilibrium. What is the magnitude, sign and position of the third charge?
(b)A conducting stab of thickness ‘t’ is introduced without touching between the plates of a
parallel plate capacitor separated by a distance d (t<d). Derive an expression for the capacitance
of a capacitor?
13. (a)Three hollow concentric spheres A, B and C having radii a, b and c respectively (a<b<c)
have uniform surface charge densities +σ, -σ and +σ respectively. Compute the electric potential
at the surface of the spheres.
(b)P&Q are two conducting spheres of the same radii, P being solid and Q hollow. Both are
charged to the same potential. What will be the relation between the charges on the two spheres?
14. An electric dipole of dipole moment p is placed in a uniform electric field E. Write the
expression for the potential energy of the dipole in the field. Show diagrammatically the
orientation of the dipole in the field for which the potential energy is - (i) minimum (ii)
maximum (iii) Half the maximum (iv) Zero
15. (a) Derive the expression for the potential due to a dipole. Find the ratio of potential along
the equatorial and axial line of a dipole.
(b)Derive an expression for the potential energy of a system of two electric charges in an
external electric field.

1.Two point charges of 2.0 x 10-7 C and 1.0 x 10-7C are 1.0m apart. What is the magnitude of the
field produced by either charge at the site of other?
2. A charge of 6µF is placed at the centre of a cube what would be the flux through one face?
3. A conducting sphere of radius 10cm has an unknown charge. If the electric field 20cm from
the centre of the sphere is 1.5 x 103 NC-1 and radially inward, what is the net charge on the
4.What distance must separate two charges of + 5.6×10-4C and -6.3×10-4 C in order to have an
electric potential energy with a magnitude of 5.0 J in the system of the two charges?
5.Two charges +3.2×10−19C and −3.2×10−19C kept 2.4 Å apart forms a dipole. If it is kept in
uniform electric field of intensity 4×105volt/m then what will be its electrical energy in
6.An electric dipole consisting of two opposite charges of 2×10−6C each separated by a distance
of 3cm is placed in an electric field of 2×105 N/C. Calculate the maximum torque on the dipole.
7. A charge of 24 µC is given to a hollow metallic sphere of radius 0.2 m. Find the potential at
the surface of sphere.
8. Three capacitors each of capacitance 9pF are connected in series. What is the total capacitance
of the combination?
9. A 12pF capacitor is connected to a 50V battery. How much electrostatic energy is stored in the
10. An air capacitor is given a charge 2µC raising its potential to 200V. If on inserting a
dielectric medium, its potential falls to 50V, what is the dielectric constant of the medium?
Level – 2
1.Calculate the electric field strength required to just support a water drop of mass 10 -7kg and
having a charge 1.6x 10-19C.
2.Two point charges of 3 x10 -8C and -2 x10 -8 Care placed 15 cm apart in air. At what point on the
line joining the two charge is the electric potential zero? Take the potential at infinity to be zero.
Q. 3Determine the electrostatic potential energy of a system consisting of two charges 7 µC and -
2 µC ( and with no external field ) placed at (-9cm, 0, 0) and (9cm, 0, 0) respectively. And how
much work is required to separate the two charges infinitely away from each other.
4. A charge of 17.7 x10-4C is distributed uniformly over a large sheet of area 200m2. Calculate
the electric field intensity at a distance of 20cm from it.
5. An electron and proton in an atom are bound at a distance of 53pm. Find the potential energy
of the system. If the zero of potential energy is shifted to 106 x 10-12 m separation. Find the
potential energy of system.
Q. 6 Two capacitor of capacitances 5µF and 10µFare charge to 16V respectively. What is the
common potential when they are connected in parallel?
Q. 7 There capacitor C1, C2 and C3 of capacitance 3µF, 2µF and 5µF respectively are
connected as shown in fig. find the equivalent capacitor of the combination between point X and

Q8. A 800 pF capacitor is charged by a 100V battery. After sometime, the battery is
disconnected. The capacitor is then connected to another 800pF capacitor. What is the
electrostatic energy stored.
Q9. What is the area of the plate of a 2F parallel plate air capacitor given that the separation
between the plates.
10. Three capacitor of 1µF, 2µF and 3µF are joined in series. How many times will the capacity
become when they are joined in parallel.

1. Two capacitors are once connected in parallel and then in series, if the equivalent
capacity in two cases are 16 farad and 3 farad respectively. Then calculate the capacity
of each capacitor(ans 12F and 4F).
2. A parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates has a capacitance of 8PF. What will
be the capacitance if the distance between the plates is reduced by half, and the space
between them is filled with a substance of dielectric constant 6 .
3. A 600PF capacitor is charged by a 200V supply. It is then disconnected from the supply
and is connected to another uncharged 600PF capacitor. How much electrostatic energy
is lost in the process.

4. Two plates of a parallel plate capacitor have 4mm distance between them. A slab of
dielectric constant 3 and thickness 3mm is introduced between the plates with its faces
parallel to them. The distance between the plates is so adjusted that the capacitance
becomes 2/3rd of its original value. What is the new distance between the plates.(ans-

5. In a parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates ,each plate has an area of 5*10 -3
m2 and the separation between the plates is 2.5mm.

Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor.

If these two capacitors are connected to 100V supply what would be the charge in each

6 .Two capacitors of unknown capacitances C1 and C2 are connected first in series and then
in parallel across a battery of 100V. if the energy stored in the two combination is 0.045 J and
0.25 J respectively. Determine the value of C1 and C 2 (ans-C1=38.2F and C2=11.8F) .

7.A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C is charged to a potential V. it is then connected

to another uncharged capacitor having the same capacitance. Find out the ratio of the energy
stored in the combined system to that stored initially in the single capacitor.

8. Twenty seven spherical drops of radius 3mm and carrying 10-12 C of charge are combined
to form a single drop. Find the capacitance and potential of the bigger drop.
( Ans-1pF,27V)

9.Calculate the equivalent capacity in the given figure across M & N.

(Ans. 6F)
10. Calculate the equivalent capacity in the given figure across

i)M & N
ii)M & B
(Ans (a)6F (b)8F)

11. An electric dipole of length 4 cm, when placed with its axis making an angle of 60 with a
uniform electric field experiences a torque of 43 Nm. Calculate the
1)Magnitude of the electric field
2)Potential energy of the dipole, if the dipole has charges of ±8nC
(Ans- 1)2.5*1010 N/C) 2)-4J)
12. Calculate the equivalent capacity in the given figure. across the points
i)M & N
ii)M & C
(Ans. i) 12F ii) 12F)

Hint- Capacitance between MD and DC are in series

13. Calculate the equivalent capacity between points M & N.

14. In the given figure calculate the capacity between the

points A and C.
Hint- in this case capacitance across AB and BC are in series
similarly across AD and DC are in series Finally they are in parallel.
15.In the given figure calculate the equivalent capacity
Between the points M and N.
(Ans 16F)
16. Calculate the equivalent capacity between the points M
And N.
(Ans 12F)

17. Calculate the equivalent capacitance of the infinite chain between the points M and N.
(Ans. 1F)
18. In the figure shown calculate the potential difference across the capacitor C 2 if C1=20F;
C2=30F; C3=15F and the potential of point A is 90V.

19. Obtain an expression for the capacitance of the capacitor shown.

(Ans. 30A/ 2d)

20. The sum of two point charges is 7C they repel each other with a force of 1N when kept
30cm apart in free space. Calculate the value of each charge.
( ans-2C,5C)
21. Two point charges 4C and +1C are separated by a dielectric of 2m in air. Find the point on
the line joining charges at which the net electric field of the system is zero.
(ans - x=4/3 m)
22. ABCD is a square of side 5m charges of 50 C, -50 C and 50C are placed at A,C, and D
respectively. Find the resultant electric field at B.
( ans 2.7*1010 N/C)

23. Consider a uniform electric field E=3*10 i N/C. calculate the flux of this field through a
square surface of area 10cm when
1)its plane is parallel to the y-z plane
2)the normal to its plane makes a 60 angle with x axis
1) A metal plate is introduced between the plates of a charged parallel plate capacitor. What is
the effect on the capacitance of the capacitor?
2) Show that equipotential surfaces are close together in the regions of strong field and far apart
in regions of weak field.
3) N drops of the same size coalesce to form a bigger drop. How will the potential on the bigger
drop vary with respect to the single drop?
4) A capacitor is made of a flat plate of area A and second plate having a stair like structure as
shown in figure below. If width of each stair is A/3 and height is ‘d’, find capacitance of the
5) Two isolated metal spheres A and B have radii R and 2R respectively and same charge ‘q’.
Find which of the two spheres have greater ( i ) capacitance ( ii ) energy density just outside the
surface of the spheres.
6) Given two parallel conducting plates of area A and charge densities + σ & -σ. A dielectric slab of
constant K and a conducting slab of thickness ‘d’ each are inserted in between them as shown. Find the
potential difference between the plates.

7) How many electrons must be added to one plate and removed from the other so as to store 25J
of energy in a 5nF parallel plate capacitor?
8) A slab of material of dielectric constant K has the same area as that of the plates of a parallel
plate capacitor, but has the thickness 2d/3, where ‘d’ is the separation between the plates. Find
out the expression for its capacitance, when the slab is inserted between the plates of the
9) Two charged spherical conductors of radii R1 and R2 when connected by conducting wire
acquire charges q1 and q2 respectively. Find the ratio of their charge densities in terms of their
10) A dielectric material is inserted in half portion between the plates of a capacitor touching
both the plates. If the initial capacitance is ‘C’, what is the new capacitance?
11) Consider three charged bodies P,Q and R. If P and Q repel each other and P attracts R, what is
the nature of force between Q and R.?
12) Can ever the whole excess charge of a body P be transferred to the other Q.? If yes , how and
if not, why?
13) Ordinary rubber is an insulator. But the special rubber tyres of aircrafts are made of slightly
conducting. Why.?
14) Two identical metallic spheres , having unequal opposite charges are placed at a distance of
0.5m apart in air. After bringing them in contact with each other they are again placed at the same
distance apart. Now the force of repulsion between them is 0.108 N. Calculate the final charge on
each of them.
15) A hollow conductor has a tiny hole cut into its surface. Show that the electric field in the hole
is σ/2ε0. Where σ is the surface charge density. .
16) A charge q is placed at the center of the line joining two equal charges Q. Show that the system
of three charges will be in equilibrium if q=-Q/4.
17) A metallic spherical shell has an inner radius R1 and outer radius R2. A charge Q is placed at
the center of the spherical cavity. What will be the surface charge density on (i) the inner surface,

and (ii) the outer surface.

18) A charge Q sits at the back corner of a cube. What is the flux of electric field through the
shaded surface?

19) Plot a graph showing the variation of coulomb force F versus 1/r 2 , where r is the distance
between the two charges of each pair of charges (1µC, 2µC) and (2µC , -3µC).
20) A thin metallic spherical shell of radius R carries a charge Q on its surface. A point charge Q/2 is
placed at the centre ‘C’ and another charge +2Q is placed outside the shell at A at a distance X from the
centre as shown in figure: (i) Find the electric flux through the shell. (ii) Find the force on the charge C

of the shell and at the point A.

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