Dungeon Master Rules Reference Sheet

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Attributes (pg6) 3d6 for each attribute. You can increase a

Light (pg9) Elves, Dwarves and monsters see 60 feet in the

characters prime requisite by lowering another attribute.

dark. This ability is lost if they are within 30 feet of light. A torch
will burn for six turns. A flask of oil in a lantern will last 24 turns.

Languages (pg9) Characters with intelligence above 10 can

speak more than one language. Alignment language takes up one

Both allow the bearer to see 30 feet. Artificial light will attract

option automatically from the numbers listed. 10-2, 11-3, 12-4,

party is approaching.

monsters that live in the dark, and will also warn them that the

13-5, 14-6, 15-7, 16-8, 17-9, 18-10

Hit Points (pg7) Fighting Men & Dwarves d8, Clerics, Elves &

Traps, Doors, Secret Doors, Surprises, Wandering Monsters

(pg10) chances lessen in lower dungeon levels.

Halflings d6, Thieves & Magic-Users d4.

Trap door in floor If a character passes over a trap door, roll
Thieves Abilities (pg12) Thieves are allowed to perform their
abilities once per task by rolling under the % provided.
Clerics (pg12) Turning undead, roll 2d6 and consult the Cleric
Versus Undead Table. If successful and there is more than one
undead, roll 2d6 to see how many were turned away.
Alignment (pg8) Characters do not have to reveal their
alignment. A character that is behaving outside of their alignment
will be penalized a loss of experience points and have their
alignment changed.
Character Death, Recovering Hit Points (pg7) Zero hit points
= death. Restore hit points potions or spells or rest. Each day of
rest back home will restore 1-3 hit points. (pg9) A character
may be allowed to designate a relative who will inherit his
wealth and possessions (after paying a 10% tax) on his death or
disappearance. Players may opt to retire their characters when
they are at their peak of wealth and glory.

1d6. A roll of 1-2 the trap was sprung and they have fallen in.
Roll 1d6 for damage.
Doors Closed, stuck, or locked have to be picked or forced
open roll 1d6, 1-2 door has been forced open. If it takes several
attempts to open the door, the occupants within the room will not
be surprised.
Listen To detect any sound within roll 1d6. A score of 1 for
humans,1-2 for Elves, Dwarves, Halflings indicates they have
heard something. Undead make no noise unless they want to.
Secret Door, Passage Roll 1d6, 1-2 Elf pauses and senses
something is there. 1-4 if the party is searching for door or
passage. Doors opened shut automatically unless spiked or
wedged open. Doors automatically open for monsters.
Wandering Monsters Roll 1d6, 6 means a monster comes

Non-Player Characters (pg8) Only the lowest level of

wandering along. If someone is watching they will hear or see it

within a 60 foot radius unless coming around a corner. Monsters

character types can be hired. Cost of advertising expenditures to

distance 2d6 x10 feet. If the area is guarded, roll every 5 turns.

hire NPCs 1d6 x 100 gold pieces. Minimum cost required to hire

The number of wandering monsters appearing should be roughly

human NPCs 100 gold pieces. Dwarves prefer gold, Magic-Users

and Elves desire magical items. Clerics want some assurance of

equal to the strength of the party encountering them. The number

of lower level monsters appearing on lower dungeons increases.

having a place of worship to house themselves. Monsters can

Level two dungeon x2. Level three dungeon x3 etc. Wandering

sometimes be lured into service if they are of the same alignment

as the player character or they can be charmed and thus ordered

Monster Table (pg10)

to serve. Note, however, that the term monster includes men

found in the dungeons that may be high level characters that can
be brought into service, charisma allowing or through a charm
spell. Some reward must be offered in order to induce it into
Time & Movement In The Dungeon (pg9) Each turn is ten
minutes (scale time) except during combat where there are ten
melee rounds per turn, each round lasting ten seconds. (pg20) An
unarmored man can move 20 feet per melee round. A fully
armored man moves10 feet per melee round.
Distances Using Miniatures (pg9) 1 inch = 10 feet, etc.

Monsters Hit Dice 8-sided dice

Holy Water Effects of a vial of holy water on the undead are
the equivalent of a flask of oil on other creatures.
Fire, Flask of Oil (pg19) Flasks of oil can be spread on the
floor of the dungeon and ignited. The pool will be 5 feet across, if
circular. Anything caught within the flames receives 2 8-sided dice
of damage. The fire burns out in 1-10 melee rounds. Any
creature that is directly struck with oil (whether or not it is
immediately set aflame) damage will be 1 8-sided die on the first
melee round it is afire and the second melee round 2 8-sided dice
of damage. No further damage will be taken after, as it is
assumed that the oil has run off, wiped off, burned away etc.

Flasks of oil can be used as missiles hurling them at adversaries.

An enemy that is very well concealed firing through an arrow slit

To hit a target with such a missiles assume that a base score of 11

or better is required. Adjust your roll to hit using the dexterity (fire

or heavily wooded area -4 to hit roll.

any missile) adj. Use the following information to adjust the

Combat Rounds, Melee (pg 20) Light weapons such as

Daggers 2 blows per round. Heavy weapons such as the Two-

number required to hit. If the target is smaller than man sized of 4

feet tall add 1, 2 feet tall add 2, about rat sized or smaller add 3,
8 feet tall subtract 1, 18 feet tall subtract 2, huge targets like

Handed Sword, Battle Axe, Halberd, Flail, Morning Star and most
Pole Arms can be used once every other round.

dragons subtract 3. If the target is stationary reduce the number

needed to hit by 4. Treat the oil flask missile as a hand-hurled
axe. To ignite oil once the flask has struck a flaming object must

Poisoned Weapons If a hit is scored by a poisoned weapon,

the victim must make his saving throw (listed on character sheet)

be hurled such as a torch or lantern etc., probability to hit 11 +2

against poison or paralysis and also take the number of damage

to ignite oil. Flaming oil does not harm non-corporeal monsters

points indicated by the roll.

such as wraiths and spectres. Half damage to skeletons, zombies,

ghouls, wights and mummies. Monsters that use fire as weapons

Variable Weapon Damage Option II: light and medium

such as red dragons, fire giants and hell hounds are not harmed

weapons 1d6 damage, heavy weapons 2d6 damage.

by flaming oil.
Option III: *Keep on the Borderlands Module*
Starting Spells Players select their spells and roll 2d20 (%
Chance to Know Any Given Spell) to determine if the spell is
known. The process is repeated until the number of spells known is
complete. The Magic-User must return to his study to re-learn the
spells he has cast. It takes up to 1 day to memorize spells.
Making a Scroll of a first level spell that is already known costs
100 gold pieces and 1 weeks work for each spell of the first level,
200 gold pieces and 2 weeks works for a second level spell etc.
Creating New Spells - 2000 gold pieces per level, 1 week of
preparation 20% chance of success roll 2d20 less than 20 the

1d4 Dagger, Torch, Sling Stone, Club

1d6 Hand Axe, Morning Star, Mace, Arrow, Flail,
Quarrel* (Crossbow Bolt)
1d8 Sword, Battle Axe,
1d10 Two-Handed Sword, Pole Arms
Surrender A losing combatant may offer to surrender, the
opponent does not have to accept. Surrender or Subdued (pg8)
A man or intelligent monster can surrender or become subdued.
Assuming that communication is possible as outlined on the

spell research was successful.

Hostile-Friendly Reaction Table (pg11) subdued monsters will

obey for a time without need to check their reactions.

Saving Throws (pg13) 1d20 Monster Saving Throws

Withdraw, Fleeing Monster The withdrawing party must

Monsters use the table of Fighting Men or whichever suits them

accept an attack without any return on his part. The attacker adds

best. Each hit die is counted as one level.

+2 to die roll for hit probability, do not include shield AC. If a

Who Gets First Blow? Highest dexterity strikes first. If the DM

character is being pursued they may have to throw away heavy

treasure or armor in order to escape. If the party decides to flee

does not know the dexterity of an attacking monster he must roll it

on the spot.
Die Roll To Score A Hit (pg18), Monster Die Roll To Score A
Hit By Defenders Armor Class (pg19) 1d20 roll over the
number indicated on table.
Surprise Attackers who surprise opponent or who approach
from behind always get first blow. A roll of 1-2 on a d6 indicates
the party or monsters were surprised.

they may be able to delay pursuit by discarding some of their

possessions. Unintelligent monsters will stop to pick up food half of
the time (d6 1-3) intelligent monsters will stop for treasure half of
the time (d6 1-3). Burning oil will deter monsters (referees
Experience Points & Experience Levels (pg11) Additional
experience points are divided up equally unless it is a character
that performed a special task only they will be rewarded for. 1

Parry A player may elect to have a character parry an

point of experience for every gold piece gathered. Convert

jewelry, gems, etc., into gold piece value, (see pg 34) Base

attackers blow. He must announce he is doing so before the

Treasure Values. Only a fraction of the experience points are

opponent strikes. A parry subtracts 2 from attackers die roll and

the defender does not get an attack that round. If the attacker

received for monsters killed that are of a lower level than the

makes the exact roll needed, the parrying weapon was broken but

character. If a level 3 character kills a level 1 monster the

experience points are divided by 3 etc. No more experience

no damage inflicted

points should be awarded for a single game that will move a

Missile Fire (pg20) Long Range -1 to hit roll, Medium Range -

character up an experience level. Characters that have a high

prime requisite score gain an additional % to experience points

normal, Close Range +1 to hit roll. Cover (pg20) Firing at a

target that is partially exposed behind a wall, rock etc.,-2 to hit.

earned (pg6).

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