Blade of Darkness - Manual

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Installation ................................. 2
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Controls ..................................... 4
Getting Started ............................. 6
The Champions of Ianna ................... 7
Tukaram ................................ 7
Sargon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Naglfar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Zoe .................................... 13
Weapons & Shields ........................ 15
Journal ..................................... 16
Combat .................................... 17
Attacks & Combos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Experience ................................. 24
Movement ................................. 25
Items ....................................... 27
Controls Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Options Menu ............................. 30
Arena Multiplayer Mode ................. 31
Codemasters Technical Support .......... 34
The Moon shall be tinged with blood,
The Sun obscured.

The Earth shall be covered by waters,

Place the Severance: Blade of Darkness™ disc in your CD drive and
close the door. Wait a few seconds for the drive to initialise. And the brilliant stars shall fall from
If you have Autorun enabled on your PC, Severance:
Blade of Darkness™ will automatically begin to their sanctuaries in the heavens.
Fire and smoke shall rise up until they reach the very skies.
If you don’t have Autorun enabled, go to the
Start Menu and select RUN. Type D:\setup
(replace ‘D’ with the drive letter of your
CD) and hit [ENTER]. IANNA SPEAKS...
The installation program will
initialise, intelligently opting
to install to the hard drive Know then that the legends of aeons past echo down the corridors of
with the largest amount time. Once more the Dark One presses against my barriers. Once more
of free space; you
he has found a terrestrial puppet to perform his tasks. Once more the
may change the
destination drive if Law of Balance is tilted.
you wish. Follow
the on-screen It is the nature of Chaos. He cannot see beyond his limitations, just as I cannot
work beyond mine. He cannot see that his work may force the Universe over
to progress
through the the edge, may tip it into the maelstrom. He is blind to what We will become,
rest of the Installation. collapsing into non-being, never to exist, never to have existed.

Severance: Blade of Darkness™

My nemesis, my counterpart, my husband, you are mad, mad, mad. So long
requires the presence of DirectX 8
on your system. You will be have the Laws of Entropy eaten at your core, that you know nothing else. Is
given an option to set up this my fate? Must I become the extremity of my being? Will I become so
DirectX 8 during entrenched in the Laws of Order that I can suffer no change in the Universe?
No. No, this must not happen, not yet. We shall be restored! I must find my
Champion, or rather they must find me. I may not act directly. Through signs
and portents must I work, to nudge, to cajole, to tempt. Then and only then
may I act...

...just like the last time.

2 3

Walk / Run FWD or Double-tap to run E

W (see Movement).
Use / Pick Up or

Double-tap to run
Walk / Run BWD S or
(see Movement).
Cycle through
Turn Left A or or mouse left. Select Objects Space Bar or End
nearby items.
Press USE to make use of a
Turn Right D or or mouse right. Cycle Inventory Objects C or Home
selected item.
Jump or Left Alt or Cycle Weapons F or Up or Wheel UP.

Jump FWD or Climb JUMP + Walk FWD Cycle Shields R or Insert or Wheel DOWN.

Hold to increase launch

Jump BWD JUMP + Walk BWD Throw Q or Del
power, then press ATTACK
to throw items or weapons
Dodge JUMP + LEFT or RIGHT or BLOCK to drop shields
(see Movement).
Sneak Shift + Walk FWD Look Up O

Look Down L
Attack or Right Alt
Free Look (numpad).
Block Ctrl
Press repeatedly to Lock On
Lock On or 0 to multiple enemies in turn. Next View + (numpad).
Circle Left A or while Locked On.
Last View --- (numpad).
Circle Right D or while Locked On.
Journal F1
Draw / Sheathe
Weapons. Lock or Pg
Release Lock On.

4 5

To enter the world of Severance: Blade of Darkness, double-click the Severance Tukaram
icon on your desktop or go to START MENU>Codemasters>Severance. Once the
game has loaded, select New Game to enter the Travellers’ Camp. Press LEFT or "Rest is the enemy of the Sword"
RIGHT to fly around, focusing on each Traveller in turn, then press USE to Irkanois saying
possess the person you want to inhabit for the duration of your quest.
The Irkanois, the civilised ones. A proud and magnificent people. Centuries ago,
Each Champion has different combat and weapon abilities, and their skills will disillusioned from finding filth and corruption at the heart of the governing powers they
develop at different rates, so choose carefully. When you have confirmed your were sworn to uphold, they broke fealty with the Kashgari High Ones and departed to
choice, select Continue to go into battle or Back to make another choice of Kara Kum, to a new life in the highland fields of Dasht-e Kavir and Dasht-e Lut.
Now their only protection is their reputation. Known throughout the world as the
Select Enter Tutorial to go to the training level. Ianna’s Champion can only bravest and most fearless people ever to walk the earth, battle is a way of life, a
conquer the forces of chaos if in the hands of a competent guide. Run through tradition, an ingrained part of their very being. Children are taught to ride and hunt
the tutorials to get used to Moving, Attacking, Defending, etc. from their first tottering steps, marriage is sealed by a ritual bloodletting across a
Shaman’s sickle.
Loading and Saving
To save a game during your travels, press ESC to go to the Main Menu, But for several moons now, the tranquillity of the Steppes has
select Game, then Save Game. The number of times you save is recorded become increasingly disturbed. Strange signs have been noted
with the file, so play boldly to earn respect. in the sigh of the wind across the grasslands. When night
falls, the empty plains of Dasht-e Kavir are prowled
To load a game, go to Game in the Main Menu and select Load Game. by shadows and demons. Warriors vanish
Select the game you want using UP or DOWN, then press ENTER. soundlessly in the night; women and children
If you die without saving on your current level, re-start from the bind their tent-flaps tight shut while the
beginning of the level by selecting the first item from the Load Game list. elders quake in silence and the Shamans
scry phantoms of bloodthirsty enemies and
invaders from the north.

An unsettling vision has appeared in the dreams of the

elder Dabaghiyeh. A chosen warrior, the vision said,
one from the tribe must travel to the sacred Stones of
the Ancestor in Kashgar. One must be sent to ask of

6 7
the source of these strange disappearances and if possible, to seek aid from the Sargon
distant forefathers.
"Honour - to the Hilt!"
Tukaram is the chosen one. A warrior of the line of Arran, strong and valourous, Motto of the King’s Knights
proven in combat, loyal to tradition and to the way of the ancestors. A hero to the
young of the tribe and a figure of respect among his peers. Lagash, the throbbing, bustling heart of the Empire of Armina. A triumph of human
ingenuity, its golden spires thrust skyward like pointed fingers straining to touch
It is the ninth day of the eleventh moon at the closing of the year. The cold is starting the flesh of the Gods themselves. Forged from the spoils of war and centuries-old
to draw in and the yellowed grasses of the Steppes crumble and splinter under the conflict, Lagash now stands as symbolic evidence of the pride of the people and
blast of the northern wind. Bearing the hopes of his people, Tukaram, Chosen One of power of Law. "One day, you may be called to Lagash" common folk promise
the Irkanois, sets his foot on the trail to a most unexpected future... their children.

Weapons Naram-Sin, a just and noble ruler, lionised by his people as ‘The Earthly Servant of the
Never one to bottle up his anger, Tukaram prefers to charge into battle Gods’, has been plagued of late by a rash of crime and disorder that seems to be
with his two-handed sword or axe flying. Its length and weight make it sweeping his lands. The King’s Knights, the most highly skilled and venerated soldiers in
an ideal companion to one who fights best when the blood frenzy is Armina, have been unable to stem the tide of chaos. Each time they return from their
upon him. The use of both hands on his sword precludes the use of a forays with empty hands and emptier cuffs, frustrated in their attempts to find the
shield. Fortunately, he doesn’t really need one as when he’s in full swing, cause of the trouble.
no-one can get close enough to score a hit.
The arrival of the message was the first fragment of information to
Examples shed light on the problem. Scribbled on a scrap of parchment and
sealed with the imprint of a travelling Court Sorcerer, it spoke of
rumours of rebellion at the fringes of the empire, hinted at
pillaging raids into north Arminian borders by outlanders and
most strangely, told of one small village where the inhabitants
had vanished in the middle of their Midsummer Rites.

Chaos Sword Eclipse It could have been nothing, but it was certainly worth
Attack + 5 Defence 0 Attack + 20 Defence -5 investigating. Naram-Sin assigned a battalion of
Resistance 100 Resistance 400 King’s Knights, led by Captain Sargon to ride out
Armour from the garrison at Tell Halaf. They were to
The people of the plains learn from a young age that free movement is travel to the border fortress, the Krak of
the best form of defence. Whenever he can find any, Tukaram wears Tabriz and from that base of operations, find out what was going
the light flexible armour manufactured by the Barbarian leather on. Decorated numerous times for honour throughout his career and champion of many
masters in the West that protects but does not hinder him in battle. a year’s Arminian games, if anybody could get to the bottom of it, it would be Sargon.

8 9
But no-one predicted treachery. Ragnar, perfidious Baron to the King and Lord of Naglfar
Tabriz, lay in ambush. Sargon’s entire squad is dead, lying rotting by the tracks of the
Northern Marches. His mission a failure, Sargon himself swelters weak and starving in Vengeance is a precision instrument. Used properly, it can heal a breach or excise
the dungeons of the Krak of Tabriz. infection. Used improperly, it can sever the senses and ravage the soul.
Murgott Stainsmith, Dwarven Healer
Hindsight is a cursed blessing. It is all too evident now, the cause of all the troubles.
Baron Ragnar is mad or ambitious, or both. Tabriz is haunted by disembodied voices Yötenheim, deep beneath the Mountains of the Half Moon. At the excavation
and peripherally-seen presences. If only there were a way to warn the King... face of a particularly rich strand of copper, a strange phenomenon has occurred.
The copper vein has begun to bleed. At first the dwarven artisans mining the ore
Weapons thought nothing of it. Occasionally layers of water would be found trapped
Sargon is a trained combat strategist and as such uses weapons that between strata of rock, stained red by iron in the earth. ‘Tears of the Mother’
grant him the optimum combination of attack and defence. Ideally they called it; most often the thin dribbles of moisture would run out in only a
suited to him are sword and shield combinations that allow him to few hours and excavation could continue. But these ‘Tears’ were different.
dodge, block and retaliate at blistering pace. Although other light
weapons have also been included in his training, Sargon becomes After several days, the flow had not abated; this fluid was not the same as in any
clumsy when wielding heavier arms such as two-handed swords or axes. other recorded occurrence. It ran thick and deep purplish red and the tunnels had
become suffused with the scent of wintergreen. Eventually attracting the interest
Examples of Wise Ones from the upper chambers, the liquid was tested and found to be
true, albeit de-oxygenated, dwarven blood.

But how could this be? No-one had been reported missing. The attacks
from orcs seeking to lay their paws on treasure had increased
beyond recorded levels of late, but all casualties had been
accounted for. Messages were sent out to the Waxing
Gladius Mace Comet Shield Moon and Waning Moon mines, but still replies came
Attack + 3 Defence 0 Attack + 15 Defence -5 Resistance 20 back negative.

Within a week the Dwarven Council had

Armour met at the Moot Cavern to decide a
Sargon’s years of military training have given him experience in all types course of action. Not even the oldest
and weights of armour. Naturally his needs are admirably met by the Wise One could recall such a happening.
forms of plate mail for which the King’s own smiths in the forges of After many raised voices and much
Lagash, have become renowned. stumping of axe handles on the floor, for
the Dwarves are an exuberant if solitary folk, resolution
was reached.

10 11
A messenger was to travel to the ancient dwarven city of Khazel Zalam, there to Zoe
consult the tomes of wisdom in the Great Library. Naglfar, one of the few dwarves
familiar with the world outside the valleys and mountains of Half Moon, takes to An unstealthy footfall is likened to the cry of a falling man from the city's highest
the road... steeple. Sooner or later, everyone looks to see what the noise was.
Argoan Adventurer's Guild maxim.

For Naglfar it’s axes all the way. Staunchly upholding the traditions of Several moons ago, in the cluttered cobble streets of Argos, Zoe was trying to make
his mountain-dwelling people, to whom axes and hammers are the a deal with a trader of furs and stones. She knew that she would have to barter hard
sacred cousins of the shovel, Naglfar will only reluctantly use anything in order to get the price she wanted for the ruby she had recovered from a shipwreck
else. The axe is a versatile weapon; in combination with a shield, the in the Southern Seas, but that didn’t trouble her. She knew this trader of old and was
sharp edge provides an excellent balance of slicing attack and defence. prepared for a long battle of words; it was a ritual they had performed many times
The hammer, on the other hand, provides astonishing concussive and before. Afterwards they would sit, drinking the thick honey-laden coffee which was
crushing damage to enemies vulnerable to that type of attack. a staple of her hometown and chuckle as she regaled the trader with tales of her
recent exploits.
Around the mid-point of the familiar word-dance, Zoe looked down to spy a hand
retreating from the pouch at her belt. Whirling, she grabbed as
the arm and the hand attached to it retreated into the throng
of people crowding the narrow street. Shoving pedestrians out
of the way, she spotted a wiry old man haring away from her.

Being a woman unused to the receiving end of theft, she

gave chase, rounding a corner after the disappearing
Axe War Hammer Wood Shield back. A dead end. The man at the other end,
Attack + 18 Defence -10 Attack + 95 Defence -13 Resistance 80 frozen against the wall like a rabbit in her
arrow-sight. As she was about to
Armour grab hold of him, he gasped and pointed
Despite the safety-consciousness of the dwarven miners of the at something behind her. An old trick, which she wasn’t
Mountains of the Half Moon, cave-ins do sometimes occur in the going to fall for, until a stray sound alerted her. Glancing
tunnels. To afford the best chance of surviving a collapse, Naglfar, like round, she predictably saw nothing and by the time she
his brethren, habitually wears some form of rigid light or medium looked back the man had, predictably, vanished.
weight armour which could just save him from being crushed in the
passages of his home. Checking her pouch, she found nothing had been stolen. Instead something had
been deposited, by all appearances a very old and tattered map. A map directing her
to the lost city of Marakamda! Could this be true? The treasures of Marakamda are

12 13
just fable surely? Still, less likely situations had led her to many lost artefacts of WEAPONS & SHIELDS
worth, could this be any different?

Some months later, Zoe stands at the edge of the jungle which supposedly contains Throughout your journey you will meet hundreds of chaotic minions who are
the lost city. Checking the map against the direction of the sun, getting her out for your blood. If you are to survive, you must learn some combat skills.
bearings, she folds up the map, stashes it away and plunges into the undergrowth...
Equipping Weapons and Shields
You can carry up to four weapons and three shields at a time. Press CYCLE
Weapons WEAPONS or CYCLE SHIELDS to look through your inventory; highlight the
Zoe, deadly creature that she is, will take any opportunity for a sneak weapon or shield to equip it. You can use almost any object as a weapon,
attack. Particular favourites are very light weapons such as polearms including furniture, torches or severed limbs, but only those objects
and staves. The length of reach a spear or naginata grants her, means identified as weapons or shields can be stored in your inventory.
that she can move in for the kill and back off before the enemy even
knows what’s hit him. Zoe has no use for a shield as she can easily roll In desperate situations, if you’re caught without a weapon, your best
out of range of an incoming assault. bet is to grab the nearest item and use that (although any damage you
cause may be minimal, depending on the item), or beat a swift but
Examples strategic retreat.

If you have a bow equipped, press CYCLE SHIELDS to switch between

the types of arrow you have found.

Bo Boathook Spear
Attack +3 Defence 0 Attack +16 Defence -5 Attack +35 Defence -10
Resistance 100 Resistance 400 Resistance 600

The wisdom of the Adventurer’s Guild in Argos, states that a guarantee of
safety is the surest thing to get you killed. Any form of armour is guaranteed
to shine even in the blackest shadow, or rattle when silence is required. Zoe
disagrees. Her long experience through the toughest regions of the globe have
taught her that light armour, properly fitting, can sometimes save your life.
Consequently, Zoe is always on the lookout for the type of ultra-light leather
and plate that is hand-stitched by Amazon warrior women from the steamy
southern jungles. Press CYCLE SHIELDS to Press CYCLE WEAPONS to
select collected shields. select collected weapons.
14 15
Your Journal is an invaluable tool in your quest, containing vital
information about your progress, weapons and combos you learn.
1 2 4 5
Refer to it often by pressing F1; to close your Journal and return to your
journey, press ESC.

6 7 8

1. Health 5. Enemy Array

Reduced each time an enemy Enemies currently in your line of
attack is successful. Replenished sight (see Locking On).
with food or potions.
6. Defence Level
2. Character Level Increases as you gain Character
Levels, also modified by Weapons
3. Level Progression & Armour.
Bar fills as you make successful
kills. When the bar is full, your 7. Energy Bar
wounds are healed and you Your stamina in battle (see Energy).
achieve next level (see Experience).
8. Attack Power
4. Locked On Increases as you gain Character
Spiked frame indicates foe you Levels, modified by Weapons.
have locked onto (see Locking On).

16 17
Attacking & Defending sharp edge. Even if you have chosen the best weapon, each attack is unlikely
to cause the maximum amount of damage. This could be due to a number of
Attack Variations factors including your enemy’s armour, your compatibility with the weapon
The Basic attack involves no weapons but the power of your fists. When and of course, blind luck.
you equip a weapon, you are able to perform much more damaging
attacks. Provided you are comfortable with the weapon and you have Occasionally, you may find a magically or elementally empowered weapon.
enough experience, you will also be able to strike using Special Abilities. Used wisely, these weapons can significantly increase the amount of damage
Finally, your specific weapon and experience level may allow you to pull you can deal to certain types of creature. Fire weapons will do extra damage
off a Combo. Combos, almost beautiful in their destructive power, are to ice based enemies; ice weapons will hurt fire based enemies more than
fluid series of attacks that do far greater damage than a single strike. standard weapons. Poisoned weapons will deliver increased damage over time
to fleshy enemies.
When you get a new weapon, always experiment to see what you can do.
Your Journal contains details of all Special Abilities and Combos, Shields
including the keystrokes needed to execute them. Each shield has its own resistance level; some types have more resistance
than others. When you block an incoming attack, your shield absorbs the
Melee Weapons damage that would otherwise be inflicted on you. The damage taken by
To perform a basic attack using a close-quarter weapon such as a sword, axe or the shield lowers its resistance, eventually causing it to shatter. If this
hammer, move into the enemy and press ATTACK in conjunction with the happens, you will need to find or select a new one.
direction keys to perform different offensive moves (see Attacks & Combos).
Press BLOCK to stave off incoming blows with your shield or weapon (many
two-handed weapons have a Resistance rating which is reduced when they are
used to block incoming attacks, see Shields). Learn to fight strategically using
both attacks and blocks; Ianna’s Champion needs to be a trained fighter, not
just a tavern brawler. Be ready to jump out of range of enemy attacks.

Try to equip those armaments best suited to your Champion. If lumbered

with an unsuitable weapon, they will become clumsy, unbalanced and
unable to perform even the most rudimentary of Special Abilities or
Combos. Spare weapons are useful to take down an enemy before they
close on you. Select a weapon from your inventory and throw it at them
(see Movement).

Some of your foes will fall easily before your blade, but watch out, some
may well be more vulnerable to particular types of damage: the concussive
blows of a blunt weapon, for example, or the penetrating wounds of a

18 19
Ranged Weapons Combat Stance
If you find a bow and arrows, you immediately have a strategic edge. Find When you approach an enemy and Lock On (see Locking On), you will
a high location and from your lofty vantage point, pick off the enemy one automatically enter Combat Stance. This is a ‘ready’ position from which you
by one. To target your bow, hold down ATTACK, home in on your quarry can easily dodge, block or attack. When you are Locked On to an enemy, LEFT
and release. You’ll need to take the time for some target practice before and RIGHT will allow you move around without losing your bead on them.
you become a crack shot. Even if you miss, make sure you pick up your
arrows again; they’re not easily come by.

You may only hold one full quiver of each type of arrow. If you’re lucky
enough to get your hands on more than one type, switch between
quivers of arrows by pressing CYCLE SHIELDS.

Each attack uses a certain amount of your available energy, shown by a
green bar that flashes across the bottom of the screen as you strike a blow.
Your energy does recharge very quickly, but executing an intense succession
of attacks can rapidly deplete your energy, leaving you gasping for breath
— and vulnerable, especially if you use many advanced Combos in sequence.
Your best strategy is to lunge in for a quick series of blows or combos, then
back off to regain your energy levels before wading in again. Alternatively,
use BLOCK to counter incoming blows while you get your breath back.

20 21

- attack - direction keys - jump - attack - direction keys - jump

- press simultaneously + - press in sequence - press simultaneously + - press in sequence

Requirements Attacks Requirements Attacks

Tukaram Naglfar

Basic Attack No weapon + DIRECTION KEYS Basic Attack No weapon + DIRECTION KEYS

Weapon Attack Two-handed sword or axe + DIRECTION KEYS Weapon Attack One-handed hammer or axe + DIRECTION KEYS

Special Ability Special Ability

eg. Rage Sword + Exp Level 2 + eg. Cyclone Hammer or axe + Exp Level 5 +
Level dependent Level dependent

Combo Combo
eg. Speed Kill Chaos Sword + Exp Level 5 + eg. Nutcracker Club + Exp Level 3 +
Level & weapon dependent Level & weapon dependent

Sargon Zoe

Basic Attack No weapon + DIRECTION KEYS Basic Attack No weapon + DIRECTION KEYS

Weapon Attack One-handed sword or mace + DIRECTION KEYS Weapon Attack Polearm + DIRECTION KEYS

Special Ability Special Ability

eg. North Cross Sword or mace + Exp Level 3 + eg. Whirlwind Polearm + Exp Level 4 +
Level dependent Level dependent

Combo Combo
eg. Swing of Pride Gladius + Exp Level 4 + eg. Blinding Slice Boathook +Exp Level 7 +
Level & weapon dependent Level & weapon dependent

22 23
It’s sometimes hard to know which enemy to take out first, especially
when they’re trying to surround you. Press LOCK ON to focus on the
enemy most directly in your line of sight. Some enemies will constantly Walking & Running
circle away from your sword-arm in attempt to avoid your slashes; use Press FORWARD to walk in the direction you are facing or BACKWARD
LOCK ON to stand a much greater chance of taking them out. to back off. Steer your movement using the Mouse or LEFT and RIGHT.
To run forwards or backwards, double-tap the FORWARD or
Press LOCK ON repeatedly to shift your LOCK between each foe in the BACKWARD key. You’ll run faster (and jump further) if your hands are
enemy array. To switch your Lock off, press DRAW / SHEATHE WEAPON. free to help you balance.

Alternatively, if you want to automatically face your nearest enemy, set Sometimes you may just wish to creep by an enemy without alerting
Autolock to ON in the Options menu. Whenever you encounter a monster, them; hold SNEAK and FORWARD to sneak by with out a sound (you’d
you will face it and adopt the Combat Stance so you’re ready to attack. better make sure you’re not seen either).

The Enemy Array at the top of the screen shows portraits of the foes you To turn through 180o, press FORWARD and BACKWARD together.
currently face in the same order they appear on the screen; the portrait
directly above your head indicates the monster most directly in your line of Jumping, Dodging and Climbing
sight. If you have Autolock activated or if you’ve Locked On manually, the To jump forwards, press FORWARD and JUMP. For a much longer jump,
portrait of the creature you are Locked On to will be framed. take a run-up first (see Walking & Running).

To jump backwards, press BACKWARD and JUMP.

To dodge out of the way of an incoming blow or attack, press LEFT or
Even battle-honed veterans can improve their skills with practice. As you
hack your way through your quest, you will gain experience points and If you find a ledge within your reach, move underneath where you
levels. For each level you gain, you will increase in strength, stamina and want to climb and press FORWARD and JUMP.
ability. You’ll also be able to use more advanced weapons and perform
more intricate combos. Refer to your Journal for weapon specifications Looking Around
and combos. Check out every corner of your environment while standing still by
using the mouse to move your view.

24 25
Throwing Items ITEMS
To dispose of an item or weapon, or throw it at an enemy, hold down
THROW to power up your Launch Energy bar, shown at the bottom of Food
the screen, then press ATTACK. If you need to get rid of a shield, hold When you’re running low on health, look around for some food.
down THROW to power up your Launch Energy, then press BLOCK. Sometimes, this may just be lying about, but mostly, you’ll have to
break a case or barrel to get at its contents. When you find food, press
USE to pick it up and eat it; it will restore some of your health. Some
types of food are more nutritious than others and will restore more
health. Some even have the ability to cure a fatal dose of poisoning.
Unlike potions and remedies, food cannot be saved for later so it’s best
Throwing items can also be a useful tactic for distracting enemies or to leave any spare where it is for when you really need it.
setting off traps before you get ensnared.

Selecting and Using Items

When the floor is littered with body parts and blood, you won’t always
be able to see items that have been dropped or that are just lying
around. Press SELECT OBJECT to cycle through items, then USE to pick
the item up. Potions & Remedies
There are several flavours of potion, some restore varying amounts of
Occasionally, you will need to use an item health or cure poisoning, others will give you greater strength for a
in a specific way in order to progress (ie. limited time. You can store several potions in your inventory for later use.
lighting a torch). Hold the item in your
hand and press SELECT OBJECT to see To use a Potion, press CYCLE INVENTORY OBJECTS to look through your
where it may be used, position yourself, inventory until the potion you want is highlighted, then press USE to drink it.
then press USE.
Be warned, your foes are not stupid. If they are carrying a potion and
you let up in your attack for long enough, they will use it to recoup
their strength before charging back into the melee.

26 27
To use a key, approach a lock and press USE. If you have picked up the
right key, you will sheathe your weapon and unlock the door. If you
haven’t got the key yet, you will need to search around a little more. Define Key Bindings
To re-define a control key, highlight an action and press ENTER. Next
press the new key that you want to assign to that action. You will be
notified if your new key is already assigned to another action. You can
assign up to three bindings to each action. To delete all existing bindings,
select the action and press DELETE.

Torches Reset
Pick up a torch to light your way or burn through a barricade. You may If you wish to restore the default control setup, select RESET from the
find discarded unused torches that that can help you along your way Controls Menu and hit ENTER.
(see Selecting and Using Items), but their usefulness is limited. Once
they have burnt out, they can’t be re-ignited. Mouse
If your mouse appears to move your view or motion in the opposite
direction to what you would expect, switch the Invert option by
highlighting it and pressing ENTER.

You can also adjust the speed at which Severance: Blade of Darkness
responds to mouse movement. Adjust X Speed to adjust horizontal
motion and Y Speed to adjust vertical motion.
Other Items
There are many many other items lying around. Some may have no use,
other than to serve as a distraction to your enemies when thrown,
others may be vital to your adventure, as seen in the ITEMS page of
your Journal.

If you’re brave and skilful enough, you may also come across further
mysterious items, the significance of which will become apparent as
your adventure unravels.

28 29
Autolock Play Severance: Blade of Darkness™ head-to-head across a Local Area
See Locking On in the Combat section. Network. Other players can join as observers before pitting their skills against
the winner. When joined as an observer, Left Click to cycle through cameras
Video and view the battle from various viewpoints. Start by selecting a connection
Adjust Gamma Level, Contrast and Brightness using the LEFT and RIGHT protocol by pressing ENTER to cycle through the options available:
Cursor Keys. • IPX for IPX Networks • TCP/IP for TCP/IP Networks.

You can also switch character shadows on or off. Turning shadows off can New Arena
improve performance on slower systems. When you select NEW ARENA, you will become the host for the game that
others will join. Start by giving your Arena a name that is identifiable to
Sound other players and press ENTER.
Use the LEFT and RIGHT cursor keys to adjust FX and Music volume.
Highlight and press ENTER to cycle through Sound options. Next, choose the location/s for your battle using the LEFT and RIGHT cursor
keys to cycle the images, then press ENTER to select the Arena/s you want to
Gore play. You may select more than one Arena, progressing to the next when
Setting a password for Parental Lock will prevent the appearance of blood you have conquered your enemies in the first.
and mutilations within Severance: Blade of Darkness™. Foes will simply die,
rather than being hacked into a multitude of small pieces. Whilst less Finally, set the statistics for the game:
entertaining, activating the Parental Lock may be more suitable for younger • Number of Players The maximum number of players allowed in one game.
players or those of a sensitive disposition. • Packets per Second Select from 10-60 to set a specific packet rate, or Variable
to allow variation in transmission speeds between players.
Re-enter your password to re-activate the full bloody experience. • Death Limit Specify the number of kills required to win the match.

Also, setup or adjust your Player Configuration.

Join Game
Set the address where Severance: Blade of Darkness™ should look for active games. A list of games
present on your Local Area Network will be displayed; select the game that you want to join.

Player Configuration
Go to Player Configuration in the Arena Menu to set the character you want to play,
how you will appear in the game and other statistics. These options are also
available from the New Arena and Join Game menus.

30 31

PROJECT MANAGER Xavier Carrillo Costa

LEAD PROGRAMMER Angel Cuñado Pérez
PROGRAMMERS Carlos García Cordero, Jose Raluy Quesada, Bob Ian Ives, Dario Halle
Cano, Rodrigo López Carrillo, Arturo Justo Ibañez, Manuel Ruiz Montes.
LEVELS DESIGNERS Miguel Sanz Salazar, Manuel Ruiz Montes, Enric J.Alvarez Benito,
Fernando del Ama Gonzalo
2D/3D ARTISTS Luis Miguel Quijada Henares, Daniel Delgado Mañas, Javier Rollón Moral,
Sonia Flores Delgado
AUDIO Emilio Gutierrez López
MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS Music composed and conducted by Oscar Araujo • Magic warrior
and catacumb orchestrated by Eugeni Martinez • Choirs . Lloriana Chorus • Choirs conducted
by Aïda D. Raurell • Choirs recorded at Palace of Cirvianum • Recorded and produced at
Araujo Studios and Duy Studios • Mastered at Araujo Studios • Sound Engineer: Oscar Araujo
Performed by: Jordi Palau (Flute), Albino Araujo (Pipe Horn), Oscar Araujo (Digerido &
exotic instruments), Guillem Soldevila (Second digerido), David Planta (Percussion),
Miquel Llobet (Sarrack), Aïda D. Raurell, Susanna Puig & Natalia Verdager (Sopranos),
Pepe Trabal & Toni Casanoves (Tenors), Oscar Araujo (Teluric Voices), Natalia Verdaguer &
Mª Jose Cantudo (Terrifying atmospheric voices), Judith Trillo (Wishes)
Technical Support - Alex Solá & Jordi Vila
Special Thanks to Rafael Duyos & Ramon Soldevila
ADDITIONAL SOUND EFFECTS Mariano Lozano, Fernando Luna
INTERNAL BETATESTERS David Byron Gonzalez Charlo, Ana Belén Abril Fornieles
CEO REBEL ACT STUDIOS Luis Alarcón de la Lastra Costales, Juan Diaz de Bustamante Berasategui
ALSO WORKED ON SEVERANCE Javier Cortijo (Additional Design), Aurelio Rodriguez
(Additional level design), Adolfo Dalda (Additional level design), Marcos Martinez (Additional
3D artist), Angel Acosta (Additional 3D artist), Jose Julio Garcia Gomez "Yuio" (Additional
programming), Armin Sommer (Additional Audio) and Enrique C. Balari (Additional Audio)
MANY THANKS TO Kjerand Pedersen "Warlock" and Dr. Haggard from www.blade- • Juan Manuel Redondo Hernandez "Sarrus", Rubén Yeray Castro
"Volador" and Alejandro Jimenez Salmerón "Samsagaz" from •
Luis Melgar Solis "Luispy", Carlos Expósito Iribarren "Matus" and Joaquín Francés Claret
"Energy" from • Rarufu from • Jaime Puig de la
Bellacasa, Jose María Smith, Marta Riva, Clive Pembridge, Ian Stewart, Steven Zalud,
Heraclio Iribarnegaray, Arturo Rey, Susana Gómez Ruisanchez, Mónica Sansebastián,
Antonio Jimenez, Roberto Aranda, Daniel Guerrero, David Vazquez, Jose Ignacio Peñas,
Wil Dani Barrientos, Josep Oliver, Didier Berthreux, Josep Vizcaino, Eric Labelle, Alvaro
Aguilar, Maria José Fernandez Serrano, Isabel Quesada, Rafael Jimenez, Luis Bertol Mena
and to all Codemasters people!!
MANY THANKS ALSO to the people of the Forum of : Gandalf, Amatar,
DarthLuis, Matus, Danilovix, Nib, BirdMadBoy, ColdBlood, Victor Martin, Spyd, TaCto, Kiranga, Don,
Neutron, Dalfgan, Energy, Triod, Pulsar, Rarufu, Alpha, Quel, Lojeño, Jarllll, Samsagaz, Krummork,
Vinnie the Great, LadillaAtomica, Slayer, Darky, MaLdo, Volador, LuyspyArts, Sarrus, Ranoc, Phecda,
Hunt, Joker, Masklin2, Godo, Metal, Damned, Justin paplus, PegLegBoy, GeorgeTGimp, Bourrie,
Squire James, KurganQ2, Onslaught, Dave, Yoodaa, Reality3D and many more!

30 31
Lines are open between TO BE LEGALLY BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT When returning the Program for warranty replacement please send
WITH CODEMASTERS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF the original product disks only in protective packaging and include: (1)
0900-1730 Monday, 0800-2000 Tuesday to Friday, 1000-1600 Saturday. THIS AGREEMENT, YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO USE THE a photocopy of your dated sales receipt; (2) your name and return
PROGRAM AND YOU SHOULD RETURN THE PROGRAM TO THE address typed or clearly printed; (3) a brief note describing the defect,
VENDOR FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THE PROGRAM AND the problem(s) you encountered and the system on which you are
Before you call the Technical Support line, please check that you have read the Severance: REQUEST A REFUND. running the Program.
Blade of Darkness™ help file, which can be found on the Severance: Blade of Darkness™ THE PROGRAM is protected by the copyright laws of England, LIMITATION ON DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT WILL CODEMASTERS BE
CD-ROM. international copyright treaties and conventions and other laws. The LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL
Program is licensed, and not sold, and this Agreement confers no title DAMAGES RESULTING FROM POSSESSION, USE OR
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To access the help file: 1. Limited Use License. Codemasters grants you the non-exclusive, PROPERTY, LOSS OF GOODWILL, COMPUTER FAILURE OR
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1. Double-click on my computer on the Windows desktop. Program solely for your personal use on a single computer. DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURIES, EVEN IF CODEMASTERS
2. Ownership. All intellectual property rights in and to the Program HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.
2. Right-click on your CD-ROM drive. (including but not limited to video, audio and other content CODEMASTER'S LIABILITY SHALL NOT EXCEED THE ACTUAL
3. Left-click on Explore. incorporated therein) and title to any and all copies thereof are PRICE PAID FOR THE LICENSE TO USE THIS PROGRAM. SOME
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• Sell, rent, lease, license, distribute or otherwise transfer or make WHICH VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION.
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• A detailed description of the problem including but not limited in a service bureau, "cyber cafe", Codemasters, this Agreement will terminate automatically if you fail
• If it is repeatable, under what conditions? computer gaming center or any other commercial location in to comply with its terms and conditions. In such event, you must
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• Your brand of PC (Dell, Gateway, Compaq, IBM etc.) offer a separate Site License Agreement to permit you to make the
• Your processor brand & type (Intel Pentium 266, Cyrix 200 etc.) Program available for commercial use; see the contact INJUNCTION. Because Codemasters would be irreparably damaged
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• The make and model of any video / 3D graphics cards in your computer, • Reverse engineer, derive source code, modify, decompile, agree that Codemasters shall be entitled, without bond, other security
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• The make and model of your CD-ROM Drive (Panasonic 562 Double-Speed etc...) • Remove, disable or circumvent any proprietary notices or labels Codemasters may otherwise have under applicable laws.
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• BIOS version and date. This is displayed soon after the power-on. (AMIBIOS, 1992 etc...) INDEMNITY. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Codemasters,
• The make and model of your sound card (SoundBlaster 32 etc..) its partners, affiliates, contractors, officers, directors, employees and
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• Your DirectX version (e.g. 6 or 7) consumer purchaser of the Program that the recording medium on directly or indirectly from your acts and omissions to act in using the
• Your operating system (e.g. Win95, Win98,Windows ME) which the Program is recorded will be free from defects in material Program pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.
and workmanship for 90 days from the date of purchase. If the
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original purchase, Codemasters agrees to replace, free of charge, agreement concerning this license between the parties and
Codemasters E-mail: [email protected] such product within such period upon its receipt of the Product, supersedes all prior agreements and representations between them.
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Program is still being manufactured by Codemasters. In the event provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable for any
Codemasters, Technical Support / Customer Services, PO Box 6, that the Program is no longer available, Codemasters retains the right reason, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary
Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV47 2ZT, UK. to substitute a similar program of equal or greater value. This to make it enforceable and the remaining provisions of this
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Codemasters games. The Codemasters Software Company Limited, PO Box 6,
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Tel +44 1926 814 132, Fax +44 1926 817 59

32 33

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