Midterms in CHN

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Always pray. GOD bless.

I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Nurse Aida also knew that most maternal deaths are caused by
A. Hemorrhage
B. Other Complications related to pregnancy occurring in the course of labor, delivery and
C. Hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium
D. Abortion
2. The nurse is providing health teaching about the breastfeeding and family planning to the client
who gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Which of the following statement would alert the nurse that
the client needs further teaching?
A.I understand that the hormones for breastfeeding may affect when my periods come
B.Breastfeeding causes my womb to tighten and bleed less after birth
C.I may not have periods while I am breastfeeding, so I dont need family planning
D.I can get pregnant as early as one month after my baby was born
3. The community nurse is conducting a health teaching in the group of married women. When
teaching a woman about fertility awareness, the nurse should emphasize that the basal body
A.Should be recorded each morning before any activity
B.Is the average temperature taken each morning
C.Can be done with a mercury thermometer but not a digital one
D.Has a lower degree of accuracy in predicting ovulation than the cervical mucus test
4. The nurse in the health center is providing immunization to the children. The nurse is carefully
assessing the condition of the children before giving the vaccines. Which of the following would
the nurse note to withhold the infants scheduled immunizations?
A.a dry cough
B.a skin rash
C.a low-grade fever
D.a runny nose
5. A mother brought her child in the health center for hepatitis B vaccination in a series. The
mother informs the nurse that the child missed an appointment last month to have the third
hepatitis B vaccination. Which of the following statements is the appropriate nursing response to
the mother?

A.I will examine the child for symptoms of hepatitis B

B.Your child will start the series again
C.Your child will get the next dose as soon as possible
D.Your child will have a hepatitis titer done to determine if immunization has taken place.
6. During immunization week in the health center, the parent of a 6-month-old infant asks the
health nurse, Why is our baby going to receive so many immunizations over a long time period?
The best nursing response would be:
A.The number of immunizations your baby will receive shows how many pediatric communicable
and infectious diseases can now be prevented.
B.You need to ask the physician
C.The number of immunizations your baby will receive is determined by your babys health history

and age
D.It is easier on your baby to receive several immunizations rather than one at a time
7. The department of health is promoting the breastfeeding program to all newly mothers. The
nurse is formulating a plan of care to a woman who gave birth to a baby girl. The nursing care plan
for a breast-feeding mother takes into account that breast-feeding is contraindicated when the
A.Is pregnant
B.Has genital herpes infection
C.Develops mastitis
D.Has inverted nipples
8. A nurse is planning a home visit program to a new mother who is 2 weeks postpartum and
breastfeeding, the nurse includes in her health teaching about the resumption of fertility,
contraception and sexual activity. Which of the following statement indicates that the mother has
understood the teaching?
A. Because breastfeeding speeds the healing process after birth, I can have sex right away
and not worry about infection
B. Because I am breastfeeding and my hormones are decreased, I may need to use a vaginal
lubricant when I have sex.
C. After birth, you have to have a menstrual period before you can get pregnant again.
D. Breastfeeding protects me from pregnancy because it keeps my hormones down, so I
dont need any contraception until I stopped breastfeeding
9. A mother worries about her small breast, thinking that she probably will incapable to breastfeed
her baby. Which of the following responses of the nurse is correct?
A. The size of your breast will not affect your lactation.
B. You can switch to bottle feeding.
C. You can try to have exercise to increase the size of your breast.
D. Manual expression of milk is possible.
10. Kevin, Susans husband tells you that he is considering vasectomy. After the birth of their new
child. Vasectomy involves the incision of which organ?
A. The testes
B. The vas deferens
C. The epididymis
D. The scrotum
11. Supposed that Dana, 27 years old, tells you she wants to use fertility awareness method of
contraception. How will she determine her fertile days?
A. She will notice that she feels hot as if she has an elevated temperature
B. She should assess whether her cervical mucus is thin colour, clear and watery.
C. She should monitor her emotions fro sudden anger or crying
D. None of the above

Situation 5 Nurse Lorena is a Family Planning and Infertility Nurse Specialist and currently attends
to FAMILY PLANNING CLIENTS AND INFERTILE COUPLES. The following conditions pertain to
meeting the nursing needs of this particular population group.
12. Dina, 17 years old, asks you how a tubal ligation prevents pregnancy. Which would be the best
A. Prostaglandins released from the cut fallopian tubes can kill sperm
B. Sperm cannot enter the uterus because the cervical entrance is blocked.
C. Sperm can no longer reach the ova, because the fallopian tubes are blocked
D. The ovary no longer releases ova as there is nowhere for them to go.
13. Child Isabel is already 12 weeks old. What immunizations should Isabel have received?
A. BCG, OPV-0, DPT+HIB-1, Hepatitis B1, and OPV-1
B. BCG, OPV-0, DPT+HIB-1, Hepatitis B1, DPT+HIB-2, Hepatitis B2, OPV-1 and OPV-2
C. BCG, OPV-0, DPT+HIB-1, Hepatitis B1, OPV-1, and Measles
D. BCG, OPV-0, DPT+HIB-1, and OPV-1
14. If ever convulsion occurs after administering DPT, what should the nurse best suggest to the
A. Give DT instead of DPT
B. Give Pertussis of the DPT and remove DT
C. Advise mother to come back after 1 week D. Do not continue DPT vaccination anymore
15. These vaccines are given 3 doses at one month intervals:
C. Measles, OPV, DPT

D. OPV, Hepa B, DPT

16. The earliest age that BCG can be given is:

A. At least 6 weeks later
B. At least 9 weeks later
C. At birth or anytime after birth
D. As early as possible during pregnancy
17. The Tetanus Toxoid vaccine is given to protect women against tetanus and also prevent
neonatal tetanus in their newborn infants. The TT5 vaccine gives this duration of protection for the
A. Lifetime
B. 3 years
C. 10 years
D. 5 years
18. The BCG vaccine is a:.
A. Weakened toxin

B. Live, attenuated bacteria

C. Weakened virus

D. Killed bacteria

19. Factors that affect Reproductive health includes, except,

A. Socio-economic B. Status of Women
C. Status of Men D. Social and Gender Issues

20. Element of Reproductive Health is responsible for the sex education for students:
A. Men's Reproductive Health B. Adolescent Reproductive Health
C. Family Planning
D. V.A.W

21. Essential Tool used in Community Health Nursing, that saves time and effort,
A. Bag technique

B. Public Health Bag

C. BP Apparatus

D. Thermometer Technique

22. In giving tetanus toxoid immunization for pregnant women, the first dose should be given.
A. Second Trimester
C. 1 year after deliver

B. 3rd Trimester
D. as early as possible during pregnancy

23. The correct temperature to store vaccines in a refrigerator is:

A. between -4 deg C and +8 deg C B. between 2 deg C and +8 deg C
C. between -8 deg C and 0 deg
D. between -8 deg C and +8 deg C

24. This is the vaccine needed before a child reaches one (1) year in order for him/her to qualify as a
"fully immunized child".
B. Measles
C. Hepatitis B
25. Which of the following dose of tetanus toxoid is given to the mother to protect her .infant from
neonatal tetanus and likewise provide 10 years protection for the mother?
A. Tetanus toxoid 3
B. Tetanus toxoid 2 C. Tetanus toxoid 1 D. Tetanus toxoid 4
26. Which of the following conditions is NOT true about contraindication to immunization?
A. do not give DPT2 or DPT3 to a child who has convulsions within 3 days of DPT1
B. do not give BOG if the child has known hepatitis .
C. do not give OPT to a child who has recurrent convulsion or active neurologic disease
D. do not give BCG if the child has known AIDS
27. Which of the following statements about immunization is NOT true:
A. A child with diarrhea who is due for OPV should receive the OPV and make extra dose on the
next visit
B. There is no contraindication to immunization if the child is well enough to go home
C. There is no contraindication to immunization if the child is well enough to go home and
child should be immunized in the health center before referrals are both correct
D. A child should be immunized in the center before referral
28. The Community/Public Health Bag is:
A. a requirement for home visits
B. an essential and indispensable equipment of the community health nurse
C. contains basic medications and articles used by the community health nurse
D. a tool used by the Community health nurse is rendering effective nursing procedure during a
home visit
29. What is the rationale in the use of bag technique during home visit?
A. It helps render effective nursing care to clients or other members of the family
B. It saves time and effort of the nurse in the performance of nursing procedures
C. It should minimize or prevent the spread of infection from individuals to families
D. It should not overshadow concerns for the patient
30. Which among the following is important in the use of the bag technique during home visit?
A. Arrangement of the bag's contents must be convenient to the nurse
B. The bag should contain all necessary supplies and equipment ready for use
C. Be sure to thoroughly clean your bag especially when exposed to communicable disease cases
D. Minimize if not totally prevent the spread of infection
31. The following are vaccines which are less sensitive to heat:
A. oral polio, DPT B. Measles, Hep B C. BCG, TT D. BCG, oral polio
32. Hepa B is given at birth with 6 weeks interval from the 1st dose to 2nd dose, 8 weeks interval
from the 2nd to 3rd dose. It is given intramuscularly in the:
A. outer part of upper arm B. gluteus maximus C. vastus lateralis D. deltoid region
33. It is the principle practiced in order to assure that all vaccines are utilized before its due date:
A. First expiry and first out
B. First used and first contained
C. First expiry and last out
D. First used and last contained
34. When reconstituting the freeze dried BCG vaccine the nurse must always keep the diluents in
the room temperature by sustaining with the BCG vaccine ampules in the clinic table:
C. TRUE in Hep B and DPT
D. except A

35. Supplementary feeding should be started:

A. at the age of 8 -12 months
B. at the age of 8 months
C. not earlier than 2 months but not later than 4 months
D. not earlier than 4 ninths but and later than 6 months
36. You're Interested to know whether Tristan has signs of malnutrition. Hence, you will:
A. weigh the child and perform physical assessment
B. weigh the child
C. perform a physical assessment
D. refer to physician or nearest health facility
37. Immunization and water purification are examples of:
A. Primary prevention B. Secondary Prevention C. Tertiary Prevention

D. None

38. Which of the following oral health services is not covered for pregnant women?
A. Oral examination
B. Oral Prophylaxis
C. Dental check-up as soon as the 1 tooth erupts
D. Gum treatment
39. Which of the following oral health services is not covered for neonatal and infants under 1 year
A. Health instruction on infant oral health care B. Advice on exclusive breastfeeding
C. Dental check-up as soon as the 1st tooth erupts
D. Permanent Fillings
40. A woman, 6 months pregnant, came to the center for consultation. Which of the following
substances is contraindicated?
A. Tetanus Toxoid
B. (Vitamin A) Retinol 200,000 IU
C. Ferrous Sulfate, 200 mg
D. Potassium Iodate 200 mg capsule
41. You explain to a breastfeeding mother that breast milk is sufficient for all of the babys nutrient
needs only up to ____.
A. 3 months
B. 6 months C. 1 year
D. 2 years
42. Which biological used in Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) is stored in the freezer?
B. Tetanus Toxoid
C. Measles vaccine
D. Hepa B vaccine
43. Which immunization produces a permanent scar?
C. Measles vaccine

D. Hepa B vaccine

44. A 4-week old baby was brought to the health center for his first immunization. Which can be
given to him?
C. Infant BCG
D. Hepa B vaccine
45. A 2-month old infant was brought to the health center for immunization. During assessment,
the infants temperature registered at 38.1C. Which is the best course of action that you will take?
A. Go on with the infants immunizations.
B.Give Paracetamol and wait for his fever to subside.
C.Refer the infant to the physician for further assessment.
D.Advise the infants mother to bring him back for immunization when he is well.


Part II. Fill in the boxes.

Prenatal Visits

Period of Pregnancy

1st visit


2nd visit


3rd visit


Every 2 weeks




Schedule of Giving


Vitamin A


(7.)____ a week
starting on the
(8.)____month of

Do not give Vitamin A

supplement before the
(10.)_______ month of
pregnancy. It might
cause (11.)__________






Massage of uterus and expel

2. If bleeding persists:
- Placed cupped palm on uterine
fundus and feel for state of
- Massage of fundus in a
(12.)__________ motion
- Apply (13.)________________ if
ergometrine treatment done
and bleeding still perists
- Give ergometrine (14.)___ mg
IM and another dose after


(16.)_________, (17.)__________, and

(15.)____ minutes


Give (19.)_______, (20.)___ mg tab

single dose anytime from (21.)____
mos. of pregnancy if none was given in
the past 6mos
Given in first or (22.)_____ pregnancy,
(23.)______mg, 3 tabs at the beginning
of 2nd to 3rd trimesters not less than
(24.)______ month interval.

Do not give Mebendazole in the 1st

(25.)_____ mos. of pregnancy


Age at 1st

Number of


Route of
Site of
Administration Administration












region of the








Hepa B













of the


Percent protected

Duration of Protection


Minimum Age Interval

As early as possible
during pregnancy















Most sensitive to heat

Least Sensitive to heat

Type/Form of Vaccines
(68.) ____________ (live

Storage Temperature
(70.) ______ C to ______ C (at
the freezer)

(69.) ____________ (freeze

DPT/Hepa B

(71.) ______ C to ______ C (at

the freezer)
(72.) ______ C to ______ C (in
the body of the refrigerator)

Hepa B

(74.) ______ C to ______ C (in

the body of the refrigerator)
(75.)______ C to ______ C (in
the body of the refrigerator)

(73.)________ (Freeze dried)

Part III. Identification/Enumeration

____________________ 1. Female sterilization.
____________________ 2. Male sterilization.
____________________ 3. Contains hormones estrogen and progesterone taken daily to prevent
____________________ 4. Sheath of latex rubber made to fit on a mans penis to prevent passage of
sperm cells and STDs into the vagina

____________________ 5. Contains synthetic hormone, progestin, which suppresses ovulation.

____________________ 6. Lactating amenorrhea method is just to applicable to ________.
____________________ 7. Products covered by this law consist of breastmilk substitutes, including
infant formula; other milk products, foods and beverages, including bottlefed complementary foods.
____________________ 8. This law requires both public and private health institutions to promote
rooming-in and to encourage, support breastfeeding.
____________________ 9. It requires mandatory food fortification of staple foods like rice, flour,
edible oil, and sugar.
____________________ 10. It is the process by which vaccines are introduced into the body before
infection sets in.
____________________ 11-17. The EPI target diseases.
____________________ (18-19.) The main oral health problems in the Philippines.
____________________ 20. This is a practice to assure all vaccines are utilized before its expiry date.

Prepared by:
Maria Christina Bernadette L. Cepillo, RN, MAN


Chris Norman G. Dimaano, BSC-BM, RN, MAN



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