Proceedings Haldane

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The Future of Diving:

100 Years of Haldane

and Beyond

Michael A. Lang
and Alf. O. Brubakk

A Smithsonian Contribution to Knowledge



This publication of the proceedings of The Future of Diving: 100 Years of Haldane and Beyond is co-sponsored
by the Smithsonian Institution and Trondheim University. The symposium was convened by the Baromedical and
Environmental Physiology Group of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway,
on 1819 December 2008.


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Cover image: Photo by Hans Wild//Time Life Pictures/Getty Images.
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ISBN-13: 978-0-9788460-5-3

The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for
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FOREWORD by David H. Elliott

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS by Michael A. Lang and Alf O. Brubakk
Introductory Remarks
Alf O. Brubakk
Welcoming Remarks
Stig A. Slrdahl
J. S. Haldane, the First Environmental Physiologist
Alf O. Brubakk and Michael A. Lang
Environmental Physiology of the Future
Richard E. Moon
An Introduction to Clinical Aspects of Decompression Illness (DCI)
Costantino Balestra
Haldane Still Rules!
David J. Doolette
Biochemical Approach to Decompression
Susan R. Kayar
Exercise and Decompression
Russell S. Richardson
Diving Medicine and the Cellular Stress Response
George A. Perdrizet
Individual Risk of Decompression Sickness: Possible Effects of Genomic
or Epigenomic Variation Altering Gene Expression
Andreas Mllerlkken and Ingrid Eftedal
Inducing HSP for Protection against DCS: Heat Exposure before Diving
Reduces Bubble Formation in Man
Jean-Eric Blatteau, Emmanuel Gempp, Jean-Michel Pontier, Costantino
Balestra, Tony Mets, and Peter Germonpr











Lack of Signs of Brain Injury in Rats on MRI after Decompression

Marianne B. Havnes, Marius Widere, Marte Thuen, Andreas
Mllerlkken, and Alf O. Brubakk
Exercise, Endothelium, and Diving Physiology
eljko Duji
Animal Experiments for Evaluating Decompression: Development
of the Modern Submarine Escape Method
Mikael Gennser
Ultrasound for Evaluating Decompression
Olav S. Eftedal
Current Trends in Ultrasound Imaging Technology, SURF Imaging,
and Decompression Induced Microbubbles
Lasse Lvstakken, Andreas Mllerlkken, and Svein-Erik Msy
The Future of Dive Computers
Michael A. Lang and Sergio Angelini
Discussion: Decompression Physiology and Methodology
Breeding Diving Scientists: Cloning, Spawning, or Cultivation?
yvind Ellingsen
National Centre for Hyperbaric and Diving Medicine
Marit Grnning
Baromedical and Environmental Physiology Group (BAREN)
Alf O. Brubakk
Physiopathology of Decompression (PHYPODE) Network
Francois Guerrero, Jacek Kot, Peter Germonpr, Jean-Michel Pontier,
Alessandro Marroni, Adel Taher, Frans Cronje, Bernard Gardette,
D. Nicola, and Costantino Balestra
International Cooperation in Diving Research
Matthew Swiergosz
Discussion: Diving Researcher Recruitment
How Do Marine Mammals Avoid DCS?
Andreas Fahlman
Does Diving Destroy the Brain?
Stephen Daniels
Effects of Diving on the Lung
Einar Thorsen
The Limits of Breath-Hold Diving
Peter Lindholm



















Parameters of Extreme Environment Diving

Michael A. Lang
Creativity and Improvisation As Phenomena and Acting Potential
in Different Contexts
Bjrn Alterhaug
Discussion: Environmental Physiology and Strategies
for the Next 100 Years
APPENDIX A: The Prevention of Compressed-Air Illness (1908)
APPENDIX B: Syposium Speakers
APPENDIX C: Symposium Participants






t was a disappointment for me not to be able to attend this conference, but it is an

honour to write its preface. While a postgraduate student in Oxford I had a period
of using the Lloyd-Haldane gas-analysis apparatus1. My contribution to respiratory research was negligible2 but some serious effects arose in a colleague from chronic
exposure to the mercury that had spilt from the apparatus and was trapped between
the laboratory floorboards. Mercury poisoning was notifiable even in Haldanes time
but while this incident introduced me to inhalation toxicology and health protection
(another area in which Haldane excelled), it also shows that an important lesson does
not necessarily remain in the spotlight for a hundred years.
One hundred years ago John Scott Haldane was already a Fellow of New College,
Oxford, the Reader in Physiology at Oxford University and a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS). In the opening review Michael Lang and Alf Brubakk illustrate the breadth
of his scientific output and his philosophical criticisms. We should also remember that,
like many other researchers, he was often his own subject and once after breathing a
carbon monoxide mixture for nearly a half hour, he felt distinctly abnormal.
This international meeting covers what has happened since Haldanes publications
and focuses on the hyperbaric aspect of his contributions to physiology. The soldiers
exposed to poison gas in the trenches and the coal miners exposed to after-damp in
the mines may still out-number divers as the beneficiaries of Haldanes investigations
into respiratory physiology and health protection, but these two major problems which
Haldane solved, occur within an otherwise physiologically-normal body.
In contrast, there are additional factors in diving that arise from the effects of
a unique physiological variable, that of environmental pressure. Haldane investigated
the decompression problems of deep air diving for the Admiralty and made immense
progress in providing a practical outcome for the diver and a foundation for the further development of decompression tables. The additional complexity of the effects of
raised environmental pressure on the whole body affects many cellular and physiological mechanisms, some of which in turn may influence the bodys response to the presence of bubbles. All these developments and revelations have catalysed the researches
reviewed here and have inspired the convenors of this meeting to reprint for us the
original paper of 1908. This paper is the foundation of what follows in these proceedings, more than a hundred years later.
Professor David H. Elliott O.B.E., D.Phil (Oxon), F.R.C.P., F.F.O.M.



Lloyd, B.B. J. Physiol. 1958; 143:5P.

Cunningham, D.J.C., Elliott D.H., Lloyd B.B., Miller J.P., Young J.M. A comparison of the effects of oscillating and steady alveolar partial pressures of
oxygen and carbon dioxide on the pulmonary ventilation. J. Physiol 1966;


n 1908 John Scott Haldane and coworkers published The Prevention of Compressed-Air Illness, which has formed the basis of modern decompression procedures. One century later it was fitting to try to look into the future to better understand the physiological effects of the underwater environment on man. To that end, a
large number of friends and colleagues agreed to gather in Trondheim, Norway just days
before Christmas, December 1819, 2008.
All participants contributed significantly by agreeing to speak at this symposium
that celebrated Haldanes seminal achievements, by taking part in the discussions, and
by contributing papers to this volume. As co-editors, we deemed the content of the
Haldane symposium and the speakers to be of such quality to warrant publication of enduring materials in the form of a proceedings volume. Because this decision was made
shortly before the event, we are grateful to all authors for their responsive collaboration
on this project. We thank David Elliott in particular for his fitting foreword.
The Faculty of Medicine of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology kindly offered conference facilities. The Baromedical and Environmental Physiology Group at NTNU provided technical and organizational support. In particular, we
thank Astrid Hjelde, Svein-Erik Gaustad, Marianne Havnes, Andreas Mllerlkken,
and Kim-Vidar Rasdal for their assistance with symposium logistics.
Although he was not able to attend the symposium due to unforeseen last-minute
circumstances, we give a special thank you to our friend, colleague, diver, physiologist,
and NASA astronaut Mike Gernhardt for providing his special videotaped presentation
Diving in Space, which was a symposium highlight.
Financial support was provided by the IMCA (International Marine Contractors Association); ACERGY Norway; TECHNIP Norway; StatoilHydro Norway; and
HELPRO AS, Trondheim. This publication was supported in part by the U.S. Navy,
Office of Naval Research, Undersea Medicine Research Program (award number XXX).
We also thank Ginger Strader and Deborah Stultz of the Smithsonian Institution
Scholarly Press for their expert assistance in the timely compilation and production of
these proceedings.

Michael A. Lang
Washington, D.C., USA

Alf O. Brubakk
Trondheim, Norway

Executive Summary

he symposium results of The Future of Diving: 100 Years of Haldane and Beyond,
convened by the Baromedical and Environmental Physiology Group of the
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 1819 December 2008, in
Trondheim, Norway, are reported in 30 papers and 3 discussion sessions in this volume.
These proceedings include a wide range of environmental research studies demonstrating the breadth and diversity of decompression physiology studies. The first section
treats an overview of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, John Scott
Haldanes life and work and environmental physiology of the future. Subsequent proceedings papers represent findings by international workers on overarching topics of decompression physiology, decompression methodology, strategic approaches to decompression research, and environmental physiology. The volume includes contributions
on clinical aspects of decompression illness, biochemical approach to decompression,
the cellular stress response, and individual risk of decompression sickness and the possible effects of epigenomic variation altering gene expression; on inducing heat-shock
proteins for protection against decompression sickness, lack of brain injury after decompression in rats; on exercise, endothelium and diving physiology, and animal experiments for evaluating decompression; on ultrasound decompression methodologies
and the future of dive computers; on decompression research strategies, collaborative
networks, and recruiting new researchers to the field; on marine mammal adaptations
to avoid decompression sickness, whether diving destroys the brain, diving in space,
and effects of diving on the lung; on the limits of breath-hold diving and parameters of
extreme environment diving; and, on creativity in science. As we are preparing to face
challenges of new ideas, methodologies, and interdisciplinary approaches to studies of
decompression sickness, we are reminded of the limited increase in knowledge of decompression sickness as a systemic disease since Haldanes seminal work 100 years ago.

Introductory Remarks
Alf O. Brubakk

elcome everyone. I am very pleased to see so many people fill up this auditorium. I never expected that the idea of this Haldane symposium would
catch on and encourage so many of you to attend. Our thoughts were that
organizing a symposium to honor Haldane one hundred years after his seminal publication in 1908 would be a good idea, because since that time we should have a better
grasp of what has happened in the field of decompression and, more importantly,
what should happen in the future. We will try to discuss some of the issues that we
think are important for the future and how we might approach them. In particular,
how can we get young people interested in this rather limited field of science? There
are quite a lot of interesting biological and practical diving problems that need to be
The interactions at this symposium are going to be important. Hopefully many
people will take this opportunity to talk with each other and by making their contributions, lead to a useful result. We have asked all speakers to submit a manuscript by
March 31, 2009 and we will hopefully not have to hound you about this since it is difficult to do after we have already paid for the airline tickets. Speaker forms need to be
filled out and submitted to us for reimbursement.
The chairman of todays session is Otto Molvaer of Deep-X whom I have chosen
because of his excellent ability to keep speakers within their time limits. Even though
speakers may have a lot to say, we ask you to stay within your time limit because of our
full program schedule.
The discussions will be recorded because our goal is to publish this volume. My
good friend Michael Lang from the Smithsonian has done a lot publishing and he
has convinced me that, although this will be much work, this Haldane symposium is
such an event that we need to record it for posterity and disseminate the results. In
order to do that, we have supplied two roving microphones. It is important that when
you make a comment or ask a question you state your name in order to attribute the
remark to the appropriate speaker. Otherwise, we will not know who said what, which
might be an advantage in some cases. In others, some speaker might say I didnt say
that for which we will have a video tape back up to prove that they did! There are
several NTNU people in the audience and we will try to help you in any way we can.
I now welcome Stig Slrdahl, Dean of the NTNU Medical Faculty, to share some
welcoming remarks. Once again, welcome to the Haldane Symposium.

Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging,

Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
N-7491, Trondheim, Norway.

Welcoming Remarks
Stig A. Slrdahl

Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Norwegian University of

Science and Technology, 7491, Trondheim, Norway.

adies and gentlemen, it is an honor for me to welcome you to this symposium,

to Trondheim, and to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
(NTNU) Faculty of Medicine, your host.
Trondheim is the number one student city of Norway. Every fifth inhabitant in
Trondheim is a student, in total there are about 30,000 students. About 20,000 are enrolled in the university and about 10,000 in the county college. Trondheim has a long tradition of being a student city. We can state that we have the oldest school in Scandinavia,
dating back to 1030, an optimistic figure that was related to the church and the cathedral.
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, as a university, is a fairly new
construction, dating back to 1996. Several institutions were merged to establish the
new university: the Engineering School of Norway, the Norwegian Institute of Technology, the Medical School, and the University for Social Sciences and Humanities. We are
proud to say that our university enrolls the best students in Norway. Of the top 1% of
students graduating from high school in Norway, NTNU enrolls more than 60%, and
of the top 10% of high school graduates, NTNU enrolls around 50%. As you know,
Norway is a social democratic country, so I will not comment on this any further. Internationally, universities work really hard to attract the best students, providing the
chance of producing the best research with those really good brains.
The Faculty of Medicine has 720 registered medical students, around 250 PhD students, and 250 students attending seven different Master programs. Altogether, around
900 people are employed by the faculty.
Alf Brubakk started working here at the very beginning of the Medical School,
which at the time constituted only a small part of the university, but which is now one
of the largest faculties. The proximity between the Engineering School and the hospital
has been very important for the Medical Schools research activities. Alf was actually one
of the professors who initiated this collaboration. In 1970, he had lunch with a fellow
from the Engineering School, and being a very creative individual, immediately after
this lunch Alf started to collaborate with him on the cardiovascular system. In order to
estimate what happens in the cardiovascular system, they agreed that more information
was needed, and this triggered the first discussions on Doppler ultrasound and instrumentation. This was the beginning of the establishment of a business called Vingmed,
later purchased by GE, which entered into the international market of echocardiography. Since then, the collaborations between the Medical School and the Engineering
School have increased considerably and Alf continues to be part of this.
The Faculty has conducted a population-based health survey in a county near
Trondheim. For the third time we have invited the entire population of the county
to participate. The HUNT study (Helse-underskelsen i Nord-Trndelag) started in
1984, when more than 90% of the population showed up. Ten years later, 70% of the


population participated, and in 2006, 56% of the population

showed up to give blood samples, go through an examination,
and provide other vital data on health and occupational background. People working in the oil industry also participated.
In total, over 100,000 individuals were invited to participate
in the HUNT 3 study, one of the worlds largest health studies. The Principal Investigator of the HUNT projects has been
Jostein Holmen, and the HUNT 3 Project Director was Steinar
Research related to diving has been an ever-increasing undertaking within our faculty. I came here as a research fellow in
1987, working in the same Department as Alf, and I have, since
then, been following the development of the diving research
activities. I am quite impressed with the scope of Alf s work and
his creativity and success in this process.

Again, I wish you a warm welcome and I expect you will

have two interesting symposium days. I also hope you will
have an opportunity to see more of Trondheim. We are currently building a new university hospital here on campus, a
$2.5 billion dollar project. The Faculty of Medicine will be
housed inside the hospital buildings and basic scientists will
be moved to the academic floor within the new hospital with
interconnecting skywalks between the buildings. Our vision
is that more frequent interaction between basic scientists,
clinical colleagues and engineers will stimulate exciting collaborative research. The entire construction project should be
finalized by 2013. Hopefully we can reconvene the 200-year
Haldane symposium in the new venue.

J. S. Haldane, the First

Environmental Physiologist
Alf O. Brubakk and Michael A. Lang

ABSTRACT. John Scott Haldane was born in 1860 in Edinburgh, Scotland and can truly be called
the first environmental physiologist. He studied poisonous gases occurring in coal mines and wells,
sunstroke, the physiological action of carbon monoxide and the use of a caged canary for early CO
detection, the regulation of lung ventilation (with J. G. Priestley, 1905), and devised the haemoglobinometer, the apparatus for blood-gas analysis. He also described the effects of oxygen deficiency
and exercise on breathing. During the First World War he worked on effects of poisonous gases and
designed a portable oxygen administration apparatus. His work on hypoxia and the acclimatization
of the human body to high altitude revolutionized concepts in respiratory physiology. Haldane
published some landmark books on his philosophical ideas about the true significance of biology.
Most importantly, however, Haldane investigated the problems of deep diving for the British Admiralty, developing the stage decompression method, a lasting contribution to the diving world.
This elaborate experimental investigation was conducted in part in a steel pressure chamber at the
Lister Institute and with divers in Scottish deep-water lochs. In 1908, J.S. Haldane published those
results in his seminal paper Prevention of Compressed-Air Illness in the Journal of Hygiene with
Dr. A. E. Boycott and Lieutenant G. C. C. Damant. Stage decompression allowed divers to be safely
brought to the surface and made it possible to conduct 120 fsw salvage operations on the LAURENTIC to recover over 5,000,000 of gold ingots without recordable incident.


Alf O. Brubakk, Norwegian University of Science and

Technology, Department of Circulation and Medical
Imaging, 7491, Trondheim, Norway. Michael A.
Lang, Smithsonian Institution, Office of the Under
Secretary for Science, P.O. Box 37012, MRC 009,
Washington, D.C. 20013-7012 U.S.A.

ohn Scott Haldane can be considered the first environmental physiologist. As such,
he was interested in how the human body functioned during normal life. To study
that, he took his physiological insight to various extreme environments like coal
mines, high altitudes, and under the ocean. Thus, using man as his subject, he showed
how theoretical and experimental physiology could have direct applied uses. In modern
terms, it could be said that he was the first to show the value of translational research,
demonstrating for instance that the sensitivity of canaries to carbon monoxide (CO)
could be used to prevent CO toxicity in man.
He was born in Edinburgh on 3 May, 1860, fourth son of Robert Haldane by his
second wife Mary Elizabeth and died March 16, 1936, of pneumonia. Few pictures of
J. S. Haldane actually exist. Haldane believed that the aim of the science of physiology
is to deliver general principles which shall enable us to predict behaviour of the living
body under various physiological conditions. He was also considered the father of
oxygen therapy: The first step in good practice is to know what the oxygen is aiming
at, where it is going, and in what quantities.
We know about Haldane from his work on developing decompression tables, but
his contribution can only be understood if one considers his previous work and interests.
First of all, Haldane was an observer and an experimentalist, who always pointed out
that careful observation and experiments had to be the basis of any theoretical analysis.


Why think when you can experiment and Exhaust experiments and then think. His passion for obtaining data was demonstrated by the fact that during his medical studies in Jena, he
carefully observed the amount of beer being drunk, noting that
the students on the average drank about 20 pints per evening.
Haldane received his education at the Edinburgh Academy,
University of Edinburgh (1884), and University of Jena in central Germany, after which he was a Demonstrator at University
College, Dundee. From 1907-1913 he was a Reader in Physiology at Oxford University where his uncle, John Burdon-Sanderson, was Waynflete Professor of Physiology. J. S. Haldane became
member of the Royal Society in 1897 but had issues such as The
Royal Society system of selecting papers and excluding speculative ones makes the meetings, Proceedings and Transactions as
dull as ditch water and quite unrepresentative of the progress of
British Science (Goodman, 2007). Regardless, he was awarded Royal Medallist of the Society in 1916, Copley Medallist in
1934, and in 1928 he was appointed Companion of Honour for
his scientific work in connection with industrial disease.
J. S. Haldane was personally gifted with a unique power
of encouraging the faculty for research and his teaching was
characterized by his efforts to make the students observe and
think for themselves. He had the great ability to add both force
and charm or character, the effect of which was securing the attachment of his pupils. Haldane had a profound sense of public
service and he believed passionately that the world could be
made a better place through the application of science. From
miners dying of carbon monoxide poisoning and soldiers being
gased like rats in the trenches, to mountaineers and aviators
coping with high altitudes, Haldane showed that science could
bring light into the darkness. A friend described him as almost
quixotically anxious to do good to all mankind and to teach
them all a thing or two (Goodman, 2007).
Haldane was also a philosopher of science and many of his
lectures were published in books, such as The Sciences and Philosophy in 1929, The Philosophical Basis of Biology in 1931, and
The Philosophy of a Biologist in 1935.

Haldane was himself such a coalmine canary, putting his
own health and life on the line to protect others (Goodman,
2007). Haldanes own philosophy was All life is a physiological
self experiment. Once, on his way home from his laboratory
after such an experiment, he was stopped by an Oxford policeman who had observed the scientists stumbling progress.
Haldane explained that it was not due to alcohol, but gas. His
housekeeper offered her sympathies to his wife, Kathleen: I
know how you feel, maam. My husbands just the same on a
Friday night.
Haldane liked nothing better than to explore dangerous
mine shafts and sewers. But it was in the specially constructed,
air-tight chamber in his lab that the effects of gases on people
were revealed. In an age before risk assessments, Institutional

Review Boards and Human Subjects Ethics Committees, Haldane was a serial self-experimenter. He also thought nothing of
exposing his own son Jack to dangerous doses of chlorine and
other noxious gases. His young daughter Naomi once told a
6-year-old friend outside their house: You come in. My father
wants your blood. Her friend screamed and ran away.

Haldanes first essay in 1883 with his brother Lord Haldane
contributed to Essays in Philosophical Criticism examined the
relationship of philosophy to science and attempted to answer
the questions: What is man; discover mans relationship to his
environment; and, knowing mans relationship to his environment, determine his function, what is he most suited to do in the
world? His real interest was the study of the relationship between
the organism and the environment. This, as well as his deep feeling
for social issues, would determine the focus of his professional life.

Haldane as Sherlock Holmes, environmental investigator,
asked a) What is bad air? b) What makes air dangerous to breathe?
c) How can its bad effects be prevented? He proceeded by studying the air in overcrowded Dundee slums, turning up without
warning in the middle of the night to collect air in bedrooms
where eight people were sleeping. His results indicated that rooms
of 180 cubic feet had 65% more carbon dioxide, twice as many
molds, 254% more organic matter, including hydrogen sulfide
(0.07% can be fatal), and 1000% more bacteria than normal.

Some of Haldanes rebreathing experiments revolved
around the concept of the good air being used up. His findings
included that oxygen was a gas that supported life longer than
an equal amount of air; that carbon dioxide spoils pure air once
it was breathed; that after seven hours, O2 was down to 13%
and CO2 was up to 6.5% accompanied by symptoms of heavy
panting, severe headache, and vomiting; and, that after breathing O2 of 2%, he went unconscious after 40 seconds. Word
of his propensity for experimentation got out prompting one
neighbor to knock on his door asking My wifes cat has been
lost and we thought that possibly it might be here. Haldane
invented the haemoglobinometer, the apparatus for blood-gas
analysis and also designed an apparatus for the accurate and fast
analysis of air or mixtures of gases (Snyder, 1937).

When a Select Committee called upon him to delve inside
the lower depths of government and analyse the stink that flowed
beneath, Haldane ventured into the sewers below Westminster


Palace. A born iconoclast, he successfully challenged the idea

that sewer air was a cause of typhoid and other diseases.


Serinus canaria is affected by gas 20 times faster than man,
prompting Haldane to hold canaries in cages in the mines. Being fundamentally a kind man and concerned about the animals
well being, Haldane modified the cage so that only the front was
open and could be o-ring sealed when closed. He had mounted
a small oxygen bottle on top of the cage. When the canary fell
off its perch from breathing toxic gas, he would shut the front
door and open the oxygen bottle, ensuring the canarys survival.


In 1896, a mine explosion occurred in Tylorstown Colliery,
Rhondda Valley, South Wales, with over 100 men below. Enter
J. S. Haldane, medical detective. The toxic gas after the explosion (afterdamp) had not extinguished miners lamps, leading Haldane to believe that oxygen was present and suffocation
needed to be ruled out. His diagnosis was accurate: 75% of the
deaths were attributed not to blast injuries, but to CO poisoning as evidenced by pink and red skin coloration and carminered blood samples.
Further refinement of Haldanes curiosity about why the
miners died led to more self-experimentation. Breathing 0.2%
CO for 71.5 minutes, Haldanes vision became dim, his limbs
weak, he had some difficulties in waking up or walking without
assistance, and his movements were very uncertain. Afterwards
he confessed feeling confused, making spelling mistakes, experiencing indistinct vision, and not recognizing what he saw.
Oxygen breathing made dramatic improvements. On another
occasion, after 29 minutes of breathing CO, Haldane calmly
noted that he felt distinctly abnormal: he was panting, breathing 18 times a minute, his limbs shook and his pulse was racing.
Soon, he began to feel unsteady on his feet.

Haldane and Priestly (1905) showed that the regulation of
the breathing is normally determined by the tension of carbon
dioxide in the respiratory center in the brain, and that this nervous center is sensitive to variations in the tension of carbon
dioxide supplied in the arterial blood. Since carbon dioxide is
one of the principal products of the metabolism of the tissues,
an explanation was afforded of the automatic changes in breathing rates which occur with alteration in bodily activity.


Haldane conducted other environmental studies on the effects of hyperthermia, nutrition, and in particular lung disease

mechanisms (lack of sunlight, poor ventilation, ladder climbing, infections, smoke, high and low temperatures, unsanitary
conditions and breathing of stone dust - silicosis). Acott (1999)
referred to Haldane as the father of the salt tablet for his recommendation of salt replacement during excessive sweating.
Haldanes altitude studies consisted of work at Pikes Peak
(1911) and Mount Everest of which he said the highest points
of the Earth could be reached without the help of oxygen, providing they had the right men and the right weather. He was
further involved with the design of the first prototype space suit
(1921) and balloon flights to 90,000 feet (27,430 m) in 1933.
Also, the identification of nitrite (NO2) as the active ingredient in red meat curing procedures dates to the late 19th century. J.S. Haldane was the first to demonstrate that the addition
of nitrite to hemoglobin produced a nitric oxide (NO)-heme
bond, called iron-nitrosyl-hemoglobin (HbFeIINO). The reduction of nitrite to NO by bacteria or enzymatic reactions in the
presence of muscle myoglobin formed iron-nitrosyl-myoglobin.
It is nitrosylated myoglobin that gives cured meat, including
hot dogs, their distinctive red color, and protects the meat from
oxidation and spoiling (Gladwin, 2004).

Haldane found that it was not pressure that damaged the
body, but differences in pressure. Paul Bert (1878) dived 24
dogs to 290 fsw with rapid decompression, resulting in death
by nitrogen bubbles. In his studies using goats (Figs. 1a, b) at
the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, Haldane used slow
ascent rates of 5 feet/min. The decompression studies results
were published in the seminal paper by Boycott, Damant, and
Haldane (1908), one hundred years ago.
Haldane made the important observation that no diver had
the bends after rapid decompression from 42 feet to the surface leading to the general principle that a 2 to 1 pressure difference could be tolerated. A staged-decompression technique
was developed and tables describing uptake and elimination of
nitrogen were developed by his son Jack Haldane at age 13.
The body was divided into six compartments with different half
times and the deepest dive tested to 210 fsw (64 msw).
Haldane also suggested that oxygen should be used to shorten decompression provided the pressure was kept less than 2 bar
because of the fear of oxygen toxicity. However, Haldane made
little contribution to the therapy of decompression sickness
although he recognized that recompression was the treatment
of choice. Haldane had doubts about the safety and efficacy of
uniform decompression practice. Haldanes experiments were
conducted at the Lister Institute of Medicine in a recompression chamber and he assumed the following: a) for bubbles to
form, the pressure of gas in the tissues must exceed the external
pressure; b) that body tissues will hold gas in a supersaturated
state unless a certain limit is reached; d) that any decompression
is free from risk only if the degree of supersaturation can be


borne with safety; and, d) that tissue perfusion was the limiting
factor in inert gas uptake (Boycott et al., 1908).
His decompression experiments examined the depth and
pressure exposure, its duration, and the mode and decompression rate. Initially, a few experiments were conducted on rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice but it was difficult to detect
symptoms in these smaller animals. The goat (Figs. 1a,b) was
chosen as the experimental model because they were the largest animals which could be conveniently dealt with and those
who are familiar with them can detect slight abnormalities with
a fair degree of certainty. The dog was rejected because they had
noted that Heller et al. (1900) had previously used them to produce safe decompression profiles that had failed in humans.
Goats were excluded from the experiments if they were ill.
Only 5-8 goats were used per experiment. The chamber was not
ventilated because they believed CO2 to have a minimal effect
on the susceptibility to decompression sickness. The chamber
temperature was not controlled and no allowance was made for
any variation in atmospheric pressure. Large pressure variations
were used to produce minor to severe symptoms. The compression time of 6 minutes was neglected in short exposures but
included in longer, deeper exposures.
At the time of the experiments, Haldane knew from Naval
diving data that decompression from 2 bar produced no symptoms irrespective of the time of exposure. However, decompression from 2.25 bar produced the occasional slight case hence
Haldanes assumption that halving the pressure would not produce symptoms. He used a perfusion mathematical model of
gas uptake, the half lives of which were calculated from data
available at that time (Acott, 1999).
The most common bends symptoms in goats were limb
pain where the affected limb, often the foreleg, was raised
(Fig. 1a); pain was detected by urgent bleating and continual

restlessness with the goat often gnawing at the affected area

such as the testicles; temporary paralysis noted about 15 min
after decompression with improvement within 30 min and
the animal being quite well the next day; permanent postdecompression paralysis where the hind legs were noted to be
paralyzed immediately with any spontaneous improvement followed by a permanent relapse (urinary retention and an acute
gut distension were also noted); obviously ill goats were noted
to be apathetic and ill, refused to move or to be tempted with
corn (of which goats are inordinately fond); dyspnoea, a sinister symptom usually occurring just before the animal died;
and, death. Importantly, Haldanes data showed that goats had
an individual variability and susceptibility to decompression
Diving tables were published in 1907, the Royal Navy adopted them for military divers in 1908, and the U.S. Navy in
1912. They became the Blue Book for civilian divers who felt
no discomfort from working at 210 feet. Referring to applied
physiology, Richard Haldane, John Scotts brother, stated Dr.
Haldane has shown yet one more instance of the application of
science to practical work. Haldane continued to think about
the decompression problem for the rest of his life, considering
how to extend and extrapolate the tables.
The S.S. LAURENTIC (White Star Lines), built by Harland & Wolff at their Belfast yard, went down the slipway on
29 April 1909 at the time that construction on the TITANIC
started. Captain Reginald Norton was chosen to carry 43 tons
of gold bullion from Great Britain to Canada. On 25 January
1917, she struck a mine and sank within an hour in 40 m of
water in Lough Swilly, Donegal, Ireland, with a huge loss of life
and all the gold bullion. In 1906, Commander Guybon C.C.
Damant had set a world diving record of 210 feet during Naval
endurance diving tests. His experiences as a salvage diver were

FIGURE 1. Bends in the foreleg of a goat (a) and goat chamber dives (b). Both figures from Boycott et al. (1908) and reprinted with permission from Cambridge University Press.


well known to the Admiralty. In 1917, the 36-year-old Damant and his team included Augustus Dent, a diver and aboard
S.S. LAURENTIC when she sank, who knew where the bullion room was. An incredible salvage feat between 1917 and
1924 recovered 3,186 gold bars of the missing 3,211 with a
further 5 being recovered in 1932 by another salvage operation, leaving 20 gold bars still unaccounted for at the bottom of
Lough Swilly worth some 10 million at current prices. Over
5,000 salvage dives were conducted using Haldanes tables in a
200 square-yard working area at 120 feet with no loss of life or
serious problems.


Apart from his many important contributions to physiology, where perhaps the description of the principles of breathing
control is the most significant, Haldane demonstrated that environmental physiology was a scientific discipline of considerable
theoretical and practical value. By studying the intact organism in various extreme environments, he was able to determine
how the environment influenced normal physiological variables
as well as disease processes. This approach is still controversial,
even in our own field, diving, where there is considerable support for focusing on what works, works and where studies
of basic mechanisms are considered more of academic rather
than practical value. Haldane, with his strong focus on science
as the basis for his practical approach, demonstrated that real
progress for improving health can only be achieved by combining the two. This is even clearer today as we increasingly are
understanding how the environment may even influence gene

We wish to thank the Haldanes and their enduring effect,
the Baromedical and Environmental Physiology Group at the
Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, and the Smithsonian Office of the Under Secretary for

Acott, C. J. 1999. J. S. Haldane, J. B. S. Haldane, L. Hill, and A. Siebe: A
brief resume of their lives. South Pacific Undersea Medical Society Journal
Bert, P. 1878. Barometric pressure. Translation by Hitchcock, M. A. and F. A.
Hitchcock. Columbus, Ohio: College Book Company, 1943. Republished
Bethesda, Maryland: Undersea Medical Society, 1978
Boycott, A. E., G. C. C. Damant, and J. S. Haldane. 1908. Prevention of compressed air illness. Journal of Hygiene, Cambridge 8:342425.
Gladwin, M. T. 2004. Haldane, hot dogs, halitosis, and hypoxic vasodilation:
the emerging biology of the nitrite anion. Journal of Clinical Investigations
Goodman, M. 2007. Suff er and Survive. Gas Attacks, Miners Canaries, Spacesuits and the Bends: The Extreme Life of J. S. Haldane. London: Simon and
Schuster. 320 pp.
Haldane, J. S, and J. G. Priestley. 1905. The regulation of the lung-ventilation.
Journal of Physiology 32:225266.
Heller, R., W. Mager, and H. von Schrtter. 1900. Luftdruckerkrankungen. Mit
Besonderer Bercksichtigung der Sogenannten Caissonkrankheit. Vienna:
Snyder, J. C. 1937. A note on the use of the Haldane apparatus for the analysis
of gases containing ether vapor. Journal of Biological Chemistry 122:2125.

Environmental Physiology of the Future

Richard E. Moon

ABSTRACT. Environmental physiology consists of the varied responses and adaptations of organisms to environmental stresses. These include cold, heat, water immersion, high and low ambient
pressure and microgravity. Why should environmental physiology be studied? First of all, understanding of the human response to the environment can lead to protective strategies in adverse
conditions. A second reason is that humans often voluntarily expose themselves to conditions in
the field that would never be allowed by any human ethics committee. Studying people under such
circumstances can elucidate and lead to understanding of basic mechanisms. Systematic study of
humans under different environmental conditions began in earnest in the 19th century, when exemplary experiments were conducted in hypo- and hyperbaria. Hypoxia, hyperoxia, high and low
G, and high ambient pressure have been extensively studied. However, much remains to be learned.
For instance, exposure to altitude hypoxia is known to cause several clinical syndromes. While strategies to prevent and treat these conditions are well known, their etiologies are obscure. Procedures
for compressing and decompressing divers have also been worked out, at least to a degree of safety
that is acceptable. We know that bubbles instigate decompression illness. However, we know little
about the biochemical connections between bubbles and syndromes. The almost exclusive focus on
bubble formation, growth, and resolution has blinkered investigators to molecular pathways that
bubbles may trigger, the understanding of which could lead to improved prevention and treatment.
I propose two approaches that need greater emphasis. (1) Most physiology is based upon studies
of the steady state, but there is much to be learned by studying physiological transients. (2) While
studies of macro-physiology are crucial, they alone will not lead to a complete understanding of
environmental physiology, which can only be achieved by parallel study of cellular and molecular


Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Environmental
Physiology, Duke University Medical Center,
Durham, North Carolina, 27710, USA.

nvironmental physiology can be defined as the study of adaptation to environmental conditions, which are often adverse. These include the following conditions: altitude, hyperbaria, immersion, extremes of temperature, dehydration,
and altered G force: microgravity or increased G.
Environmental physiology is worthy of study for at least two reasons. The first is
that because humans and other animals live in, or voluntarily expose themselves to,
such adverse conditions, an understanding of the biological effects is of intrinsic interest and importance. The second is that for those interested in understanding human
physiology, environmental physiology in the field consists of an experiment in which
people willingly expose themselves for fun to the kind of condition that might, for classic experimental purposes, be considered unethical.
Like most areas of science, environmental physiology received its major start in
the 19th century. An example is the series of observations that were made during high
altitude balloon flights. Glaisher, in 1871, reported that the number of heart beats per
minute increases with the altitude at 10,000 feet, certain persons are of a flaming


purplish red, while others are hardly affected. At 17,000 feet my

lips were blue (Doherty, 2003). Amongst other things, Glaishers observations pointed out the variability of the biological response to hypoxia.

An understanding of the effects of varying degrees of hypoxia on oxidative capacity has been obtained from field measurements by Pugh et al. (1964). Field observations then led to
laboratory studies of acclimatization in a hypobaric chamber,
where sophisticated measurements can be obtained such as arterial and mixed venous blood gases, cardiac output, and ventilation-perfusion relationships using the multiple inert-gas elimination technique (Sutton et al., 1988). Exposure to extreme
levels of hypoxia and hyperoxia in a laboratory setting has also
given us an understanding of vasoregulation in the pulmonary
circulation. While hypoxia causes an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance, hyperoxia at 3 atmospheres absolute (ATA) actually reduces pulmonary vascular resistance (McMahon et al.,
It has been pointed out that the warm, comfortable environment in the laboratory setting does not accurately represent
conditions in the field. This has led to application of monitoring techniques previously available only in the lab to the mountain environment with often spectacular results (Scherrer et al.,
1996; Maggiorini, 2006). Ear oximetry under field conditions
has revealed evidence of exceptionally low hemoglobin-oxygen
saturations (Hackett and Roach, 1987) (see Fig. 1). End-tidal
PCO2 measurements atop Mount Everest revealed values lower
than expected from the laboratory environment (Sutton et al.,

FIGURE 1. Ear oximeter in a sleep study of a climber at 4,400 m

on Mt. McKinley. When he attempted to climb to a higher altitude
he developed severe AMS. The severe degree of his hypoxemia may
have been explained by a negligible increase in ventilation when
exposed to hypoxia (absent hypoxic ventilatory response). Redrawn from Hackett and Roach (1987), with permission.

1988; Malconian et al., 1993). More recently, arterial blood gas

analysis has been obtained from climbers very close to the summit of Mount Everest, with yet different values (Grocott et al.,
Of course, arterial and mixed venous blood gas analysis represents only surrogate measurements of processes at the level of
the cell (see Fig. 2). We have learned from near infrared absorption that there is variability in the response of tissue to the type
of changes that occur during altitude exposure. For example,
Hampson and Piantadosi (1990) observed measurable changes
in cytochrome a,a3 redox level in the brain during manipulation of arterial PCO2. During hypocapnia cytochrome a,a3 redox in the brain moves towards a reduced state, presumably
due to a reduction in cerebral blood flow and oxygen delivery.
At the same time, only minimal changes occur in muscle (see
Fig. 3). This may explain how the profound hypocapnia that
occurs during high altitude exposure may adversely affect brain
oxygenation while muscle oxygenation is maintained within acceptable limits. As yet, estimates of tissue oxygenation using
needle electrodes or near infrared optical techniques have had
limited field use.
The clinical conditions associated with prolonged hypoxia
have been well described from field observations. Acute mountain sickness (AMS) consists of nausea, headache, and malaise.
While this disorder is poorly understood, the time course of
its spontaneous resolution even when hypoxia is maintained
(Sampson and Kobrick, 1980) and development of appropriate
prophylactic measures have also been developed from observations in the field. Headache and progressive encephalopathy
are the hallmarks of high altitude cerebral edema (HACE), in
which, despite its name, there is scant evidence for significant
cerebral edema (see below).
High altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) is a condition of
generally healthy people, which became well-known during the
India-China border conflict of 1962, where the incidence of
HAPE was noted to be 13-15% among Indian army recruits
transported rapidly from sea level to altitudes above 3,350 m
(Menon, 1965; Singh et al., 1965). The condition was initially
believed to be due to acute left heart failure induced by hypoxia,
a hypothesis that was quickly dismissed by right heart catheterization measurements. Pulmonary artery wedge pressure in patients afflicted with HAPE was shown to be normal, although

FIGURE 2. Oxygen transport cascade from atmosphere to mitochondrion. From Moon and Camporesi (2004), with permission.


than low altitude US residents, yet during hypoxia their forearm

blood flow is twice as high (Erzurum et al., 2007).


FIGURE 3. Muscle and brain redox as a function of PCO2. During

hypocapnia cytochrome a,a 3 redox in the brain becomes more reduced, presumably due to reduced cerebral blood flow and oxygen
delivery. Hypocapnia induces only minimal changes in muscle.
Redrawn from Hampson and Piantadosi (1990), with permission.

pulmonary artery pressure was high (Fred et al., 1962; Hultgren

et al., 1964).
This provided a clue, since the previously described increase in pulmonary artery pressure with hypoxia (hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, HPV) tends to be greater in people
susceptible to HAPE (Hultgren et al., 1971). Furthermore,
reducing PA pressure with vasodilators can prevent and treat
HAPE (Scherrer et al., 1996; Maggiorini et al., 2006; Anand,
1998). Observations using the balloon occlusion method to
estimate pulmonary capillary pressure have further implicated
high intravascular pressure as a cause of HAPE (Maggiorini et
al., 2001). A genetic predisposition to HAPE has been suggested by evidence implicating polymorphisms of the eNOS gene
(Dehnert et al., 2007).
While the mechanisms of HPV are incompletely understood, recent advances have been based upon molecular evidence implicating nitric oxide as a mediator. Observations by
McMahon et al. (2002) have demonstrated the relationship
between blood PO2 and S-nitrosohemoglobin. In low PO2 situations, NO is released from its binding to reactive thiols (Cys
93) of hemoglobin. A genetic factor is suggested by racial differences in the degree of HPV. The rise in pulmonary artery
pressure in response to hypoxia is greatest in North Americans,
somewhat attenuated in South Americans, and significantly less
in Tibetans, a population adapted to high altitude (Groves et
al., 1993). Recently it has been observed that Tibetans have a
significant higher concentration of nitroso proteins in the blood

As in altitude physiology, high pressure physiology began

as a result of the adverse effects of large numbers of caisson
and tunnel workers during and after exposure to compressed
air. Musculoskeletal and neurological syndromes occurring after
decompression from high pressure were initially not understood
and not treatable. In 1878, Bert (1978) provided the first clues
as to pathophysiology by demonstrating that decompression of
animals after a hyperbaric exposure produced bubbles in the
blood, and that administration of oxygen would resolve them.
We now know that bubble formation in tissues can occur either
via de novo formation of bubbles in situ due to supersaturation
of inert gas (usually N2 or He) in tissue or due to pulmonary
barotrauma during decompression. Treatment of so-called decompression illness (DCI) was developed entirely empirically
on the basis of men experiencing relief of symptoms upon reentering the compressed air environment during a following
shift. This was eventually systematized by Ernest Moir, an engineer, who instituted regular recompression for afflicted men
working in the Hudson River tunnel project in New York City.
Moirs approach of recompression using air reduced the death
rate from 25% per annum to 2 deaths of 120 men at work in 15
months (1.3%) (Moir, 1896). This therapeutic success was followed by successful strategies to prevent compressed air illness,
in which staged decompression was proposed by Boycott et al.
While it is generally agreed that bubbles are the instigators
of decompression illness, little is known about the downstream
events that produce decompression sickness. One mechanism
for which there is some evidence is related to bubble-induced
damage to the endothelium. Once believed to be nothing more
than the lining of blood vessels, the endothelium is now understood to play a major role in maintenance of fluid homeostasis
and regulation of vascular tone. In the endothelium, the enzyme nitric-oxide synthase catalyzes the reaction of oxygen and
L-arginine to produce nitric oxide (NO) and citrulline. Nitric
oxide can then diffuse into the bloodstream where it can inhibit
adhesion of platelets and leucocytes. It can also diffuse into the
adjacent smooth muscle cell. There, it activates the enzyme guanylyl cyclase, which facilitates the conversion of GTP to cyclic
GMP (cGMP). This initiates a series of reactions that result in
relaxation of vascular smooth muscle. This mechanism underlies
the effect of agonists that interact with receptors on the endothelium cell, such as catecholamines. It has been demonstrated
that vascular bubbles can injure the endothelium and reduce the
vasoactive effects of compounds such as substance P and acetylcholine (Nossum et al., 1999). Nitric oxide production can
be up-regulated by exercise. Indeed, studies in animals (Wislff
et al., 2004) and humans (Dujic et al., 2004) have provided
preliminary evidence that appropriately timed exercise prior to


a decompression stress may reduce the number of intravascular

bubbles. Similarly, administration of nitroglycerine to animals
prior to decompression stress can reduce venous gas embolism
(Mllerlkken et al., 2006). Whether either of these interventions will reduce decompression sickness in humans remains to
be investigated.


Orthostatic intolerance is commonly experienced after
spaceflight (Buckey et al., 1996). This was initially believed
to be mostly caused by relative hypovolemia induced in space
by diuresis due to central translocation of blood from the extremities (Blomqvist and Stone, 1983). If this were the sole
mechanism the syndrome should be preventable by volume
loading prior to re-entry and landing. However, evidence has
accumulated suggesting impaired vasoconstrictive response to
standing (Buckey et al., 1996). Using a rat model designed to
simulate weightlessness (hind limb unloading with head down
position) impairment of the arterial vasoconstrictor response to
norepinephrine was observed (Delp et al., 1993; Purdy et al.,
1998). Another possible mechanism involves up-regulation of
eNOS (Nyhan et al., 2002). Such observations not only provide a more complete understanding of the problem, but will
undoubtedly lead to more effective pharmacological or physiological countermeasures.


While advanced technology is facilitating increasingly sophisticated measurements in environmental physiology, our
understanding is thus far largely built on steady state measurements. However, significant transients can be missed by steady
state techniques. For example, in primary pulmonary hypertension, indwelling pulmonary artery catheters have shown that
mean pulmonary artery pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance may change substantially from hour to hour (Rich et al.,
1985). Similarly, during acute immersion in cold water, quite
large transient changes occur in both systemic and pulmonary
artery pressure (Wester et al., 2009). Another example is normal pressure hydrocephalus, a condition consisting of gait disturbance, cognitive decline and incontinence. In this condition
enlarged ventricles suggest that intracranial pressure (ICP) is elevated. Static measurements of ICP in this condition are usually
normal, however long term observations of intracranial pressure
in these patients reveal cyclical variations, with periodic elevations to high levels (McGirt et al., 2005).
The pathophysiology of high altitude headache is unknown, but the possibility has been raised that it may be due
to increased intracranial pressure, although with some contrary

evidence. For example, a study in which normal volunteers

breathed 12% oxygen for 18 hours induced either severe headache or clinical acute mountain sickness (AMS) (Bailey et al.,
2006). However, there was neither MRI evidence of brain edema nor elevation of lumbar CSF pressure. The possibility that
transients may be important has been suggested by a remarkable
field study, in which ICP was directly measured in three subjects
during an expedition to Hagshu Peak in the Himalayas (altitude 6,330 m) (Wilson and Milledge, 2008). While under resting conditions CSF pressure was normal, intermittent pressure
elevations occurred in two of three subjects studied. Of these
three subjects the only one to develop headaches was a subject
in whom elevated CSF pressure was observed.

Measurements at the level of the whole organism provide
fundamental observations and remain the bedrock of our descriptions of environmental physiology. Whole human or animal studies should provide the impetus to look beyond our
original observations into the cellular and molecular mechanisms. By so doing, we may gain an understanding of not only
phenomena of immediate interest, but of physiology in general.
Further advances will require widening of the scope of research
(traditionally based on steady state methods) to include techniques that can detect and measure transients. By implementing
a wider array of investigative techniques to include transient
phenomena and cellular and molecular methodologies, a clearer
understanding might be obtained of hitherto elusive phenomena such as high altitude pulmonary edema and decompression

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An Introduction to Clinical Aspects

of Decompression Illness (DCI)
Costantino Balestra

ABSTRACT. Decompression Illness (DCI), Decompression Sickness (DCS), Dysbaric Illness (DI),
disorder, syndrome are terms associated with the clinical signs or symptoms originally generated by
a reduction of absolute pressure surrounding the patient. For 100 years the definition of the disease is a matter of disputes or consensi. We understand nowadays that it is not enough to know
how to cure evident clinical manifestations, but also to reduce or virtually eliminate the primary
physical cause for the physiological damages: the gas separation phase from saturated tissues stationary or circulating bubbles. To achieve this goal, research is more oriented on the decompression
procedures or the diver pre-conditioning (heat exposure, physical activity, whole body vibration,
antioxidant medication, oxygen breathing, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, hydration or dehydration)
and post-conditioning (different decompression procedures or models, deep stops, shallow stop
followed by a deeper one, post exposure hydration, speed of ascent, exercise during decompression). Some factors that were believed to be crucial, such as patency of the cardiac Foramen Ovale
or gender, are considered less important than modified decompression procedures that are studied
today with sharper technology.


Haute Ecole Paul Henri Spaak, Environmental and

Occupational Physiology Laboratory, 91, Avenue C.
Schaller, 1160 Auderghem, Belgium.

ecompression Illness (DCI) is a complex condition that can appear with a wide
variety of signs and symptoms. Any significant organic or functional decrement in individuals who have been exposed to a reduction in environmental
pressure must be considered as possibly being DCI until proven otherwise. This applies
to acute, sub-acute and chronic changes related to decompression and may be related to
acute clinical symptoms or to situations that may develop subclinically and insidiously.
It is in fact generally accepted that subclinical forms of DCI, with little or no reported
symptoms, may cause changes in the bones, the central nervous system and the lungs
(Kelemen, 1983; Shinoda et al., 1997; Wilmshurst and Ross, 1998).
Generally, a disorder is a physical derangement, frequently slight and transitory in
nature. A disease is considered a condition of an organ, part, structure, or system of the
body in which there is abnormal function resulting from genetic predisposition, diet,
or environmental factors. A disease is typically a more serious, active, prolonged and
deep-rooted condition. DCI should be considered a disorder due to a physical primary
cause that can transform into a disease unless adequate and timely action is undertaken
to abort or to minimize the pathophysiological effects of bubbles on the body tissues.
The predominant physical cause of DCI is the separation of gas in the bodys tissues, due to inadequate decompression, leading to an excessive degree of gas supersaturation (Kumar et al., 1990). Rapid decompression (rate of ascent or omission of
decompression stops) is a primary cause of gas separation in tissues (Figure 1).
The most obvious prevention strategy for DCI is, therefore, determining and observing appropriate ascent and decompression procedures (Marroni and Zannini, 1981;


FIGURE 1. Intravascular bubbles in rodent submaxillary capillaries (Courtesy of Divers Alert Network)

Marroni et al., 2001). Unfortunately, the recommendations for

decompression are largely empirical and not always reliable. This
is confirmed by the finding that more than half of the DCI cases
managed by Divers Alert Network (DAN) worldwide over the
past several years have not been associated with an obvious violation of decompression procedures, dive table or dive computer
limits; they have been unpredictable. This has led to a search
for other contributing factors to the development of DCI, such
as a Patent Foramen Ovale, in an effort to explain the wide variation in individual susceptibility to DCI. Other factors include
complement activation in the presence of gas bubbles as well as an
uncertain relationship between gas bubbles, blood cells, and the
capillary endothelial lining in response to bubble presence and
development of DCI.
The manifestations of DCI are sometimes trivial and subtle.
These are likely to be ignored or denied by individual divers,
training organizations, and emergency physicians unless they
are made aware of them and offered specific information on the
manifestations of DCI. However, there appears to be growing evidence that under-reported, under-estimated and under-treated
signs and symptoms of DCI may result in permanent organic or
functional damage so that raising the level of suspicion amongst
divers and physicians alike becomes increasingly important.
Although the presence of Doppler-detectable gas bubbles
in the blood is not necessarily predictive of clinically evident
DCI, the appearance of DCI in the absence of detectable pulmonary artery and venous bubbles is rare. There is even growing experimental and clinical evidence that suggests that asymptomatic silent bubbles in the body may be causing cellular and
biological reactions that release secondary potentially damaging
biochemical substances in the blood.

The previously adopted classification criteria, i.e., Type I
or Type II DCS (decompression sickness) and AGE (Arterial
Gas Embolism), are inadequate in that they presume that the

underlying pathophysiology is fully appreciated. Unfortunately,

there is great disparity in the application of this classification
of DCI amongst specialists when asked to define similar cases
of decompression disorders using this traditional classification.
Consequently, a descriptive form of classification has appeared
that uses the common term DCI, followed by a description
of the clinical signs and symptoms and their onset and development characteristics. The latter has been considered both more
universally understandable and simpler to teach. It also shows a
much higher degree of correlation among specialists describing
the same DCI cases. For purposes of clarity and consistency,
DCI refers to disorders of decompression that are clearly due
to DCS or where the origin or embolized gas cannot be definitively attributed to pulmonary barotrauma. Where the cause of
arterial embolization is the direct consequence of pulmonary
overexpansion, the term AGE is used.
Epidemiologically, there is universal consensus among the
international diving medical community that the incidence
of DCI is generally very low and that there is no significant
gender-related susceptibility. There is also consensus that neurological manifestations are by far the most common form of DCI
amongst recreational divers.
Many yet unknown aspects of DCI are the subject of ongoing international studies. These include: the relationship between gas separation and DCI injury, the relationship between
clinical symptoms and the severity of the disease, the relationship between initial clinical onset, treatment results, and permanent sequelae, the reason for the large variation in individual
susceptibility to DCI, the lifespan of gas bubbles; and the true
incidence of DCI.

Boyle (1670) demonstrated that DCI could be produced
in a reptile by a sudden lowering of atmospheric pressure. The
first clinical recording of DCI was in compressed-air workers.
Triger (1845) reported that two men had suffered very sharp
pain in the left arm and another had pain in the knees and left
shoulder 30 minutes after emerging from a seven-hour exposure
at pressure (the pressure could have ranged between 2.4 and 4.25
atm). Although not knowing what it was, Triger also reported
the clinical treatment for DCI as rubbing with spirits of wine
soon relieved this pain in both men and they kept working on
the following days. Pol and Watelle (1854) wrote that they were
justified in hoping that a sure and prompt means of relief would
be to recompress immediately, then decompress very carefully.
Yet it was only many years later that their advice was heeded.
In 1878, Paul Bert demonstrated that the cause of DCI
was dissolved nitrogen going into gas phase in body tissues and
that this bubble formation was responsible for symptoms. Bert
also highlighted the existence of silent bubbles in the venous
blood. He understood that recompression was the key treatment
of value and that it should be applied promptly. He also used
oxygen at one atmosphere following very rapid decompression


and observed that cardiopulmonary symptoms, but not spinal

cord paralysis, could be relieved by normobaric oxygen breathing (Bert et al., 1943).
Moir (1896) published his work on the 1889 excavations
of the Hudson River tunnel. Facing a tragic fatality rate of 25%
of the employed workers due to DCI, he installed a recompression chamber at the work site. Following this intervention there
were only a further two deaths out of 120 men employed over
the following 15 months. Moir wrote:
With a view to remedying the state of things an air compartment
like a boiler was made in which the men could be treated homeopathically, or reimmersed in compressed air. It was erected near
the top of the shaft, and when a man was overcome or paralyzed,
as I have seen them often, completely unconscious and unable to
use their limbs, they were carried into the compartment and the
air pressure raised to about 1/2 or 2/3 of that in which they had
been working, with immediate improvement. The pressure was
then lowered at the very slow rate of one pound per minute or
even less. The time allowed for equalization being from 25 to 30
minutes, and even in severe cases the men went away quite cured.

Unknowingly, Moir was recording both the means of prevention and treatment of DCI. Variations of his techniques,
now called surface decompression, are currently still used.
Even though few subsequent publications appeared on recompression treatment for the next 30 years, it was the widely
accepted notion that, to be effective, recompression should
commence promptly followed by slow decompression. These
principles remain in effect to this day even though the pressures used, breathing gases applied, and rates of decompression
observed, have undergone much modification.

medical personnel), caisson work and tunneling under pressure.

Whereas the primary factor causing DCI is undisputedly
the reduction in ambient pressure causing a rapid inert gas desaturation of tissues, several factors have been identified that
can increase an individuals susceptibility to DCI.
Exercise during exposure to increased ambient pressure
(during the bottom phase of the dive) appears to increase the
incidence of DCI. The probable explanation is that increased
perfusion during exercise leads to a corresponding increase in
inert gas uptake, which must be subsequently eliminated during
Exercise during ascent has differential effects. During decompression stops, mild exercise appears to be helpful. On the
other hand, increased activity during pressure change appears
to increase the DCI risk. At least three mechanisms may help to
explain this effect:


DCI is a disease with protean clinical manifestations. It follows the appearance of gas bubbles produced by the excessively
rapid lowering of ambient pressure. This reduction enables inert
gas dissolved in tissue to enter the gas phase causing the formation of gas bubbles in tissues and body fluids.
The clinical syndrome is known by a multitude of names
including decompression sickness, DCI, decompression injury,
caisson disease, bends, chokes, staggers, dysbarism and gas bubble injury. Although arterial gas embolism is usually associated
with pulmonary barotraumas, decompression bubbles can also
lead to embolization if there is shunting between the venous
drainage and systemic circulation (e.g., intracardiac and intrapulmonary shunting). This blurs the boundaries between decompression sickness and arterial gas embolism, which is why
the term DCI was created. Many languages do not differentiate
between sickness and illness so that the terms dysbarism,
dysbaric illness, or dysbaric injury have become equivalent
terms for DCI. Clinical settings of DCI include diving, aviation,
hyperbaric oxygen therapy (i.e., nurses, chamber assistants, and


The formation of gas micronuclei. Rapidly flowing blood,

especially in the area of vessel bifurcation, may create foci
of relative negative pressure through a venturi effect. Molecules of gas from the surrounding supersaturated blood
may then diffuse into these foci down a partial-pressure
gradient. The resulting localized collections of small numbers of gas molecules called micronuclei are thought to act
as a nidus for further bubble growth formation;
Increased local CO2 production by exercising muscle may
play a role since CO2 is a highly diffusible gas that could
contribute to the formation of gas micronuclei. Even small
increases in FiCO2 seem to increase the incidence of DCI.
The mechanism of this effect is not clearly understood; and,
Increases in core body temperature due to increased muscle
activity may reduce the solubility of gas in body tissues
leading to bubble formation.

However, very recent research results are questioning some

of these assumptions regarding exercise and diving, in particular that of exercise prior to diving. The latter appears to lower
DCI incidence depending on when the exercise is performed.
The explanation of these findings is still hypothetical, although
nitrous oxide seems to be protective when it is produced by
an increase in physical exercise 20 hours before diving (Wisloff
and Brubakk, 2001; Wisloff et al., 2003; Dujic et al., 2004;
Wisloff et al., 2004). There is an association between recent local musculoskeletal injuries and an increased incidence of DCI
at or near the site of the injury. The mechanism responsible
for this phenomenon is unclear. Changes in local perfusion and
increased gas micronuclei formation in injured tissue are postulated mechanisms.


Diving in cold water tends to increase the incidence of
DCI. Inert gas uptake is generally not affected because the exercising diver is usually warm and has increased tissue perfusion due to exercise (Martini et al., 1989; Gerriets et al., 2000).
However, as the diver cools during the dive and at the safety or
decompression stops, the divers tissues experience a reduction
in blood flow due to the cold and an increase in solubility tends
to retain more gas. As the diver rewarms after the dive, the excess gas may be released as bubbles.
Advancing age increases the incidence of DCI for reasons
that are not yet clearly known but may be related to the reduction in pulmonary function or the reduction of tissue
Dehydration was reported as a factor that increases the risk
of DCI during studies on aviators during World War II. The
mechanism is again unclear. Changes in the surface tension in
serum favoring bubble formation have been postulated. Anecdotal reports suggest that prior alcohol ingestion increases the
incidence of DCI, possibly through this mechanism. Some recent papers add insight on the mechanism and advocate new approaches, considering hydration of the tissues more important
than plasmatic volume or surface tension (Gempp et al., 2009).
As with alcohol, there is anecdotal evidence suggesting that
significant fatigue preceding a dive increases the incidence of
DCI. It is uncertain whether the fatigue is a subtle indicator of
some unidentified biochemical factor or a non-specific warning
of general hemodynamic factors.

Vascular obstruction by bubbles or bubble-formed complexes may occur in the systemic or pulmonary circulation, a
most important element in the pathogenesis of DCI. Vascular
obstruction may occur as bubbles enter the circulation from
supersaturated tissues and slow down venous return or due to
embolization of vascular beds by bubbles formed elsewhere.
Such disturbances may be clinically invisible in non-critical areas such as fatty tissue, but may be life-threatening in critical
organs such as the central nervous system and heart.
Diffuse peripheral vascular obstruction and stasis with resultant tissue hypoxia or anoxia may lead to metabolic acidosis

and hypovolemia due to increased capillary permeability. Acidosis and hypovolemia may considerably impair cardiovascular
function. Vascular obstruction of pulmonary capillaries, secondary to embolization of bubbles or bubble-formed complexes
in venous blood, results in increased pulmonary vascular resistance, bronchiolar constriction and peribronchiolar oedema.
These changes may lead to alterations in ventilation-perfusion
ratios with resultant arterial hypoxemia, a condition called the
Much attention has been devoted to the possible consequences of blood-bubble interaction. Bubbles are thought to
be capable of activating Hageman Factor (Factor XII) with activation of coagulation, contributing to vascular obstruction.
Bubbles constitute a foreign element in the blood and activate
the complement and coagulation cascades. They may even cause
denaturation of lipoproteins with the release of large quantities of lipid. Electron-micrographic studies in animals have
shown vascular obstruction by a complex that appears to be
composed of a gas bubble surrounded by a layer of lipid, to
which platelets are agglutinated. This and similar observations
have given rise to a variety of experimental work investigating
inter alia the possible usefulness of anticoagulants in DCI. To
date there is no firm experimental evidence to indicate that disseminated intravascular coagulation occurs in DCI, nor that
routine anti-coagulation is therapeutically useful. Enhanced
coagulation at local sites in tissue, however, may contribute to
the pathogenesis of DCI. Coagulation Factor XIIa is, however,
capable of triggering the reaction of the complement system.
The sequence of reactions of this system produces factors that
increase capillary permeability and factors that are chemotactic to leukocytes. Factor XIIa is also capable of activating the
Kinin-Bradykinin System with liberation of bradykinin and
histamine. Bradykinin may cause local pain. Both are capable
of increasing capillary permeability.
There is little reason to doubt that the localized pain in a
joint is the result of local gas formation. Webb et al. (1944a;
1944b) and Ferris and Engel (1951) showed that gas could be
seen in periarticular and perivascular tissue spaces. They also
demonstrated a correlation between the presence of gas and the
occurrence of localized pain. The effectiveness of local pressure
in relieving such pain, such as by inflating a blood-pressure cuff,
adds legitimacy to the hypothesis. Importantly, DCI often occurs simultaneously in several sites and limb pain may distract
physicians from more sinister neurological abnormalities (Figure 2).
While bubbles within tissues are clearly a cause for concern, significant numbers of venous gas emboli may be recorded
without any clinical manifestations. In fact, precordial Doppler


detection of bubbles in the right ventricle or pulmonary arteries

is not considered to have significant positive predictive value
for DCI. However, high degrees of bubbling are associated with
an increased risk of developing symptoms. On the other hand,
Brubakk et al. (1984) have not observed DCI symptoms in individuals with no bubbles in the pulmonary artery and in the
muscles of the thigh. Nevertheless, Nishi (1993) has reported
that DCI is always accompanied by bubbles, if all monitoring
sites are considered. Brubakk et al. (1991) have argued that
Doppler detection, which is performed at intervals, may miss
occasional bubbles and that the exceptional cases that have presented with DCI symptoms in the absence of Doppler bubble
signals, may have fallen in this category (Table 1).



Gas bubbles affect cells and disrupt biochemical processes as has been demonstrated by in vitro studies. Thorsen et al.
(1986) showed that gas bubbles are associated with the aggregation of thrombocytes. The degree of aggregation seems to be
independent of the gas content of the bubble, but rather is related to its surface properties. Independently, Ward (1967) and
Bergh et al. (1993) have also reported that gas bubbles activate
complement in vitro, and that the response is unrelated to the
content of the bubble. This also supports the hypothesis that
the bioactive properties of bubbles are related to their surface
characteristics. Ward (1967) and Bergh et al. (1993) also differentiated between sensitive and non-sensitive individuals,
depending on the degree of complement activation in response
to bubbles. The latter was also related to clinical manifestations
of DCI. Individuals with low C5a levels before dives produced
many gas bubbles and a single air dive seemed to reduce C5a
levels suggesting that gas bubbles may activate both C5a and
C5a receptors. This phenomenon has been confirmed by Stevens
et al. (1993) in divers up to 14 hours after treatment for DCI.
Complement activation (Kilgore et al., 1994) triggers
the activation of neutrophils and the formation of multiple

membrane-attack complexes (MAC) that eventually lead to cellular destruction. This also causes the leukocytes to adhere to
the endothelium as they circulate over damaged endothelium.
Such neutrophil activation has been demonstrated during decompression (Benestad et al., 1990).
C5a activation may be related to some of the skin changes
seen in DCI: erythema, edema and infiltration of inflammatory cells (Swerlick et al., 1988). Another important effect of
C5a is vasoconstriction and blood flow reduction (Martin et
al., 1988). If circulation of blood is restricted during decompression, gas elimination is similarly reduced leading to possible
critical supersaturation local bubble formation. Post ischemic
hyperemia is not seen, possibly due to C5a activation, leukocyte
adherence or even persisting vascular or perivascular bubbles
(Bergh et al., 1993).
Vik et al. (1990) also observed that pulmonary changes in
pigs following decompression were similar to those observed
after complement activation. Lungs exposed to significant
amounts of bubbles for approximately 100 minutes after decompression developed considerable leukocyte invasion. Complement activation was therefore considered to be the most important mechanism for acute lung injury (Ward, 1967; Ward et
al., 1995).
Certain pulmonary function changes have been observed
in divers. These include a reduction in carbon monoxide diffusion capacity and compliance (Thorsen et al., 1986). They
are believed to support the growing evidence that inflammatory
processes may follow decompression. In fact, the reduction in
carbon monoxide diffusion capacity is rapid and is associated
with the development of bubbles (Dujic et al., 1992; 1993).
Vik et al. (1990) consider the lungs to be a primary target
organ for gas bubbles that are probably exposed to their effects
in all decompressions. Indeed, the concept of the lungs serving
as a bubble trap has been purported for many years, but we
are only now looking at the impact that this function has on the
filter itself. Although removal of bubbles by the lungs prevents
more harmful distribution of bubbles to the arterial system, the
process of doing so also has consequences for the lung. In addition, the filtering mechanism is not foolproof: if the gas load on
TABLE 1. Doppler grades (precordial) in different studies and
DCI incidence (Modiefied after Brubakk et al., 1991).

Spencer and Johanson (1974)

Gotoh and Nashimoto (1977)
Marroni and Zannini (1981)
Nishi (1993)
FIGURE 2. Huge bubble found in an aviator in 1945 (Courtesy of
R.D. Vann)

Brubakk et al. (1991)

DCI inc (%)
DCI inc (%)
DCI inc (%)
DCI inc (%)
DCI inc (%)

Bubble grade


the lungs is large, the filtering capabilities of the lungs will be

exceeded and gas will enter the arterial circulation. An increase
in pulmonary artery pressure of only about 30% is considered
sufficient to cause arterialization of venous gas bubbles
Central nervous system alterations in DCI are believed to
result from multiple mechanisms, including intra- and extravascular (tissue) bubbles (Francis et al., 1990). Vascular bubbles
do not seem to be an important pathophysiological feature of
spinal cord DCI. In a group of 10 amateur and 10 professional
divers, five of whom had neurological DCI, no changes could be
seen (Morild and Mork, 1994). However, the same authors reported changes in the endothelial layer of the brain ventricles in
a group of divers (Morild and Mork, 1994; Mork et al., 1994).
Brubakk (1994) has entertained the possibility that this
may not so much be evidence of intravascular gas bubbles in the
brain as it may be indicative of an increase in venous pressure
due to venous gas embolism of the lung interfering with venous
return. Another possible explanation may be gas bubbles in the
spinal fluid adhering to the lining of the ventricles and causing changes in the adjacent endothelium. Chryssanthou et al.
(1977) has indeed shown that animals exposed to decompression show changes in the integrity of the blood-brain barrier
and Broman et al. (1966) has also confirmed that even short
contact between gas bubbles and endothelium (i.e., 1-2 mins)
leads to such changes. Further studies in rabbits have shown
that bubble-endothelium contact causes endothelial damage
and progressive reduction of cerebral blood flow and function
(Helps and Gorman, 1991).


There is ongoing controversy about the best way to classify decompression disorders. Until 1990, these disorders were
divided into DCS and AGE. DCS was then divided into two
broad categories based on the severity of symptoms and the associated treatment regimens. However, today we recognize that
certain forms of DCS may be the result of paradoxical or even
frank AGE. Therefore, in the application of the traditional classification that follows, a modifier (DCS or DCI) is added to indicate where such pathophysiological ambiguity exists. Certain
manifestations of decompression disorders are known never to
be associated with arterial gas embolism and therefore can confidently be classified as decompression sickness. These include
limb bends and lymphatic DCS.
Time of symptom onset in cases (all manifestations):

50% occur within 30 minutes of surfacing;

85% occur within 1 hour of surfacing;
95% occur within 3 hours of surfacing;
1% are delayed more than 12 hours; and,
Some symptoms have been reported to begin as late
as 24 hours and more after surfacing and even longer
if there is subsequent altitude exposure (e.g., flying or

In recreational compressed-air diving the upper extremities
are involved three times more often than the lower limbs. This
is reversed for caisson workers and in commercial saturation
diving. The pain can range from slight discomfort to a dull,
deep, boring or even unbearable pain. It is usually unaffected by
movement of the joint and there may be overlying edema and
regional numbness.
The lymphatic manifestations of DCS presumably result
from obstruction of lymphatics by bubbles. The manifestations
can include pain and swelling of lymph nodes, with lymphedema of the tissues drained by the obstructed lymph nodes.
New data are suggesting that normobaric oxygen may improve
the flow of lymph and may assist in resolving inert gas bubbles
contained within the lymphatic system or even to remove some
tiny micronuclei that can behave like proteins and thus be captured by the lymphatics (Balestra et al., 2004). Oxygen preconditioning is a known factor to reduce venous gas emboli post
diving, which may be explained by micronuclei elimination by
the lymphatic system. Some recent results show a reduction in
post-diving bubble grades after a known boosting of lymphatic
captation by whole body vibration (Figure 3); more evidence is
needed to asses the hypothesis
Itching is common following decompression from dry
chamber dives where the skin is in direct contact with the chamber atmosphere rather than with water. This condition, sometimes called divers lice, is thought to be the result of gas dissolving directly into the skin and causing cutaneous irritation
and the release of histamines with subsequent itchiness upon
decompression. This is not a true or systemic form of DCI and
does not require recompression. On the other hand, itchiness
of the skin following a dive in which the skin was wet, is more
likely to be true cutaneous DCI. Note that some in-water dives
are performed in drysuits. Under these conditions the skin is in
direct contact with compressed gas and divers lice may appear. However, this is usually accompanied by some degree of
skin rash or visible skin change.
Cutis marmorata is a form of DCI which is thought to result from a complex interaction between bubbles, venous congestion and the immune system. It usually manifests itself as
bluish-red blotches, frequently affecting the upper back and
chest. Prominent linear purple markings are also frequently observed. These manifestations are a systemic form of DCI and
suggest significant bubble formation that may also be affecting
other areas of the body. As a result, prompt recompression is


recompression. The neurological manifestations of DCI are

therefore unpredictable, and any focal neurological symptom
or sign may be a manifestation of its presence. Any neurological
abnormality following a dive should always be assumed to be of
central origin and treated accordingly.

FIGURE 3. Bubble score after 30 min. of whole-body vibration

preconditioning 2 hours before the dive (25 m/25 min), n = 6.

recommended, which usually leads to prompt resolution. This

sign frequently heralds more serious forms of DCI and there is
a statistical association with PFO even if the physiopathological
link is currently not fully understood.

This is a syndrome usually presenting with a triad of symptoms:

Substernal pain that usually burns and progressively increases. Initially, the pain may be noted only when coughing or with deep inspiration. Over time the pain may become constant;
b) Cough that is initially intermittent and provoked by cigarette smoking (Behnkes sign). Paroxysms of coughing may
become intractable; and,
c) Progressive respiratory and dyspnea.
The manifestations of pulmonary DCI are believed to result from the combined effects of gas emboli in the pulmonary
artery and obstruction of the vascular supply to the bronchial
mucosa. Untreated pulmonary DCI may be fatal.
Although the exact mechanisms of neurological DCI are
not fully understood, they are believed to include embolism, autochthonous (i.e., spontaneous interstitial bubble formation),
venous stasis and immunological phenomena. These mechanisms have different latencies and show different responses to

Brain involvement in DCI appears to be especially common in high altitude aviators (i.e., flying in excess of 25,000 feet
in unpressurized aircraft). In this group pulmonary venous gas
embolism is also common and hypoxia and positive-pressure
breathing may facilitate the transfer of bubbles or immunological products into the systemic circulation. Not surprisingly, a
migraine-like headache accompanied by visual disturbances is
a common manifestation of DCI. In divers, brain involvement
usually presents more overtly with stroke-like symptoms. Collapse with unconsciousness is a rare presentation of DCS but
common in AGE. If it does occur, it represents a very grave form
of DCI.
Paraplegia is a classic symptom of DCI in divers and
clearly represents spinal cord involvement. Bladder paralysis
with urinary retention and fecal incontinence frequently accompany such paraplegia. Recent years have seen a decline in
both the proportion and absolute number of cases of serious
paralysis in recreational divers (from 13.4 percent in 1987 to
only 2.9 percent in 1997). Similarly, loss of consciousness has
dropped from 7.4 percent to 3.9 percent during the same period. The incidence of loss of bladder function has dropped from
2.2 percent to 0.4 percent during this period (DAN Diving Accident Reports). Interestingly, the reduction in severe neurological symptoms has not been balanced by a proportional rise
in pain-only or skin manifestations. Rather, there has been an
unexpected appearance of mild, ambiguous neurological manifestations, such as paresthesia or tingling, which appear to respond well to oxygen administration and recompression.
Audiovestibular DCI is a not an uncommon manifestation
of CNS involvement. Usually both the cochlea and vestibular
apparatus are involved and the presenting symptoms include
tinnitus, deafness, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, and ataxia. Nystagmus may be present on physical examination. It is not clear
whether the situation depends predominantly on bubble formation in the perilymph or is due to embolization of the auditory vestibular Inner ear DCI is a serious medical emergency
and must be treated immediately to avoid permanent damage.
Since the nutrient arteries of the inner ear are very small, rapid
reduction in bubble diameter, with immediate 100% oxygen


administration and prompt recompression is essential.

Shock occasionally occurs in DCI and is usually associated with serious pulmonary manifestations indicating a hyperacute form of DCI. Multiple mechanisms may contribute to
the pathogenesis of shock in DCI, including loss of vascular
tone from spinal cord involvement, myocordial depression from
hypoxemia and acidosis, pulmonary embolization, and hypovolemia due to increased capillary permeability resulting in loss of
plasma water and hemoconcentration.



Pain in these areas, in contrast to limb pain, should be considered with great attention, as it frequently represents spinal
cord involvement.
Fatigue, out of proportion from that normally occurring
after a dive, has long been regarded as a serious manifestation of
DCI. However, the biochemical and pathophysiological mechanism of this symptom are unknown.


The simple classification into Type I and Type II DCI implies that the different categories are well defined disease entities
and that there is reasonable agreement about the classification
(Brubakk, 1994; Brubakk and Eftedal, 2001).
However, two separate studies (Kemper et al., 1992; Smith
et al., 1992), showed considerable uncertainty between experts
using the classical classification system. For instance, cerebral

DCI could not in many cases be distinguished from arterial gas

embolism or vestibular barotrauma. Other studies have shown
that solely articular symptoms are rare, as they are usually accompanied by central nervous system symptoms (Vann et al.,
1993; Freiberger et al., 2002). Extreme fatigue can be classified
as a minor symptom, but could also be a sign of subclinical
pulmonary embolism (Hallenbeck et al., 1975). Francis and
Smith (1991) therefore suggested the currently widely adopted
term DCI, to include the two previously used definitions of
decompression sickness and arterial gas embolism. They also
suggested avoidance of the classifications of Type I and Type II,
while adopting instead a descriptive classification method according to the clinical manifestations (signs and/or symptoms)
and their evolution in time. Using this classification scheme, a
very high degree of concordance between different specialists
was possible (Pollard et al., 1995). Francis and Smith (1991)
proposed the following Classification Table for Decompression
Injuries (Table 2), which is a useful guideline to correctly describe the various possible manifestations of a decompression

Air was nearly always used as the breathing gas and oxygen
treatment was not really explored until Yarbrough and Behnkes
(1939) preliminary experiments. The early treatment theory
was conceptually homeopathic in trying to decide how deep to
take the injured diver. The original depth of the dive was used
as a guide. For example, if decompression from a depth of 40
meters caused the symptoms, recompression to the same pressure should alleviate them. However, there were controversies
as others thought that the situation of the diver should lead
the decision and that the depth of relief should mark the initial treatment pressure. Still others argued that bubbles may be
compressed but never disappear and should always be assumed

TABLE 2. Classification of DCI symptoms.






Limb bend:
Periarticular pain
Tingling or numbness,
may herald spinal DCI
Skin changes or painless
Loss of consciousness,
hemiplegia, air embolism
Girdle pain, loss of leg
movement and bladder control
Unconscious diver with
spinal findings
Chokes; acute systemic
respiratory collapse

Limb Bend: fluctuating
pain after dive
Tingling or numbness,
may be combined with pain
Skin changes or painless
Hemiparesis, delirium,
brainstem signs, vertigo
Waxing and waning weakness,
bladder dysfunction, sensory
Combined spinal and
cerebral signs, varying
Fatigue, rare visceral DCI

Recurrent or episodic after
treatment; probably benign
Asymptomatic osteonecrosis
Chronic neuropsychological
Chronic gait and bladder
Combined cerebral and spinal
disability; spinal predominates
Rare cases of ARDS and lung


to be present. For these reasons the recommendation was to

compress the patient to the depth of relief plus at least one atmosphere. The rationale was that if a bubble became extremely
small, surface tension may cause it to collapse and disappear. It
was generally realized that bubbles remaining in the tissues and
circulation would continue to take up inert gas, as more nitrogen was absorbed during the recompression treatment.
In the 1924 edition of the U.S. Navy Diving Manual, a
suggested recompression treatment procedure was first published, but more than 50% of the treatments were unsuccessful.
The U.S. Navy published treatment tables again in 1942 without much improvement in the results.
Van Der Aue and Behnke (1945) experimented with better
treatment methods that resulted in the publication of the U.S.
Navy Air Recompression Tables I to IV that became the universal standard for the next 20 years The outcome improvement
over the previous approach was dramatic and over 90%. The
principles of these tables were:

Recompression to depth of relief plus at least one atmosphere. In practice, this meant going to a minimal depth
of 30 meters;
A maximum treatment depth of 50 meters. This depth was
considered a good compromise between optimal recompression of any bubble while minimizing nitrogen narcosis
risk and subsequent decompression;
The use of a 12-hour stop at 9 meters before surfacing.
Theoretically, this overnight soak was intended to allow
all the tissues to saturate or desaturate to the 9-meter level,
from where, according to Haldane, direct decompression
to the surface would be safe; and,
The use of intermittent oxygen breathing during the last
hours of treatment.

These tables were at first considered very successful, with

a failure rate on the initial recompression of only 6% in 1946.
Despite their great length, from 6 hours 20 minutes for Table I
to 38 hours 11 minutes for Table IV, they represented the only
available therapeutical solution at the time. In 1963, however,
the observed failure rate for serious symptoms cases was 46%
on the initial recompression, and it became 47.1% in 1964. The
reason for the failure of these tables, which had initially been so
successful, was that more and more civilian recreational scuba
diving cases were being treated. The civilians had often dived
in total ignorance of decompression requirements, not to speak
about the pre-treatment intervals, which were significantly longer than with the military divers.
Goodman and Workman (1965) started investigating the
use of oxygen at moderate depths (2.8 ATA) for the treatment of
DCI. Oxygen treatment had first been suggested by Behnke and
Shaw (1937). At that time, however, the U.S. Navy Bureau of
Medicine and Surgery was concerned that oxygen breathing in
the chamber may be dangerous and not sailor proof and that
the risks of oxygen toxicity and fire were too great (Kindwall,

1998). For this reason Behnkes excellent results were ignored.

End (1937) had also noted that treating DCI with compressed
air was inefficient and had introduced oxygen breathing with
excellent results in over 250 cases of DCI in compressed air
workers (Kindwall, 1998). The first 52 cases treated with the
new Goodman and Workman oxygen schemes showed that
at least 30 minutes at the maximum depth of 18 meters and a
total oxygen breathing treatment time of 90 minutes could be
considered adequate treatment, allowing for a 3.6% failure
rate. Treatment schedules were lengthened to two hours and
four hours of oxygen breathing, with air breathing intervals of 5
to 15 minutes, to avoid oxygen toxicity. The two- and four-hour
schemes were called U.S. Navy Table 5 and 6 respectively and
were officially published in 1967. The most significant conceptual difference, with respect to the previous approach, was the
importance given to the time of relief, instead of the depth of
relief (Kindwall, 1998). Compression ceased to be limited to
the scope of reducing the bubbles until they could disappear
and then decompressing the diver according to a safe profile.
The concept of a real therapeutical treatment scheme
was introduced where compression is just the vehicle for a
therapeutical drug (oxygen) that exerts its treating action during the entire treatment schedule while also offering a double
tool for the reduction of the offending gas bubbles, both by
pressure and by a favorable diffusion gradient. Serial treatment
of DCI had been advocated by many, until, at a meeting of
the North Sea offshore diving groups at the Royal Society of
Medicine in London in 1976, a consensus was reached that if
the diver had residual symptoms after the initial treatment,
daily hyperbaric oxygen treatment should be continued for at
least two weeks or until the patients signs and symptoms had
plateaued (Elliott et al., 1974a, b; Elliott and Moon, 1993;
Eke et al., 2000).
Ancillary pharmacological treatment to recompression began to be emphasized in the late 60s and 1970s. In 1979, the
Undersea Medical Society organized a workshop on the management of severe and complicated cases of DCI, where the importance of hydration, steroids, heparin, aspirin and other agents
were discussed. Several modifications to treatment schemes were
then introduced, such as the Comex Table 30, using mixed gas
at a maximum pressure of four atmospheres, and the concept of
saturation treatment. This was first introduced by Miller et al.
(1978) with saturation treatment to start at four atmospheres
while the patient breathed oxygen at 0.35 to 0.5 bar.
Currently, many different treatment protocols are in use,
while the U.S. Navy Table 6 probably enjoys the most universal
use. Available evidence indicates that this table is adequate in
the majority of cases where treatment is initiated immediately
(DAN Diving Accident Reports). Unfortunately there is often
considerable delay in initiating treatment, and many of the secondary effects of the bubbles on blood and tissues become important. Kelleher et al. (1996) has shown that initial treatment
is effective in only about 66% of the cases. Leitch and Barnard
(1982) and Leitch (1985) have demonstrated, however, that


none of the alternative proposed protocols, including saturation decompression, are superior to U.S. Navy Table 6
The severity of symptoms should not be the only variable
considered. Heliox and trimix dives may differ from air dives
due to the differences in partition coefficients of helium and
nitrogen in the tissues (Brubakk et al., 1986). The use of different gas mixes, particularly heliox for the treatment of DCI, also
for compressed air diving, is controversial. Some reports seem
to indicate that helium is beneficial. Air bubbles in tissue have
been observed to disappear faster from the spinal cord if heliox
is used instead of pure oxygen at 1 ATA, but the reverse is true at
the pressure of 2.8 ATA (Hyldegaard and Madsen, 1989; Hyldegaard et al., 1991; Hyldegaard and Madsen, 1994). Brubakk
(1994) believes, having shown an increased shunt in the lung
and a reduction of gas elimination at increased oxygen tensions,
that there is actually little benefit in using high oxygen tensions
and that lower tensions may be more advantageous.
Over the years, many attempts have been made to improve
the treatment of DCI with certain drugs, generally, with little
success. Some of these possibilities have not been sufficiently
studied and may deserve further attention, such as the use of
fluorocarbons, which have a higher solubility for nitrogen than
plasma. Lutz and Herrmann (1984) were able to substantially
reduce the mortality of rats undergoing rapid decompression
from 8 ATA when fluorocarbon was infused after decompression. A further point that deserves attention and study is complement activation and its effect on the leukocyte-endothelium
adhesion, which appears to have a certain role in DCI, and for
which drugs could have a role. In 1994, the European Committee for Hyperbaric Medicine organized its first European Consensus Conference, where DCI was one of the topics. In 1996
a second, more specific Consensus Conference was organized,
the theme of which was The Treatment of Decompression Accidents in Recreational Diving. Following both Conferences,
and after extensive presentations by leading international experts, the two International Juries formulated recommendations that have since been adopted as the current standards for
the definition and treatment of DCI in Europe.

DCI is generally considered a rather benign condition, if
adequate treatment is promptly started, with a success rate in
excess of 80%. There is universal consensus that 100% oxygen
should be administered immediately as the single most important first aid treatment of any DCI case related to surface-oriented diving and that rehydration is a valuable adjunct during
diving first aid treatment in the field.
Hyperbaric treatment should be started within the shortest possible timeframe from surfacing or from the onset of the
first DCI signs and symptoms. Hyperbaric treatment tables
using 100% oxygen at environmental pressures not exceeding
2.8 bars, with various depth/time profiles, demonstrate very
good results in more than 80% of the treated cases. There is

no significant evidence that any other therapeutical schemes

provide better results and would therefore be preferable as the
hyperbaric treatment of first choice for DCI related to surfaceoriented diving.
It is accepted by many specialists that the use of high pressure (generally 4 bars maximum) treatment tables using a gas
mixture of 50% Helium and 50% Oxygen may prove highly effective and provide good results in the cases that do not quickly
and satisfactorily respond to the standard low pressure hyperbaric oxygen treatment tables.
Although conclusive scientific evidence suggesting the use
of any pharmacological treatment other than oxygen is missing,
the administration of adjunctive fluid therapy is considered very
important and generally recommended by diving-hyperbaric
medicine specialists, whereas the role of other drugs, such as
steroids and anticoagulants, although widely used without any
apparent adverse effect, is still controversial.
The continuation of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, combined
with a specific rehabilitation protocol in neurological cases
when the initial DCI treatment tables are not totally successful,
is considered important and there is growing scientific evidence
that it can significantly contribute to eventually achieving a better functional recovery.

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Haldane Still Rules!

David J. Doolette

ABSTRACT. To minimize the risk of decompression sickness, dives are conducted according to
depth/time/breathing gas decompression schedules derived from algorithms that minimize bubble
formation through controlling tissue gas supersaturation. John Scott Haldane developed the first
practical decompression algorithm in 1908. Haldanes decompression model featured multiple parallel perfusion-limited compartments, limits of tolerable supersaturation using a 2:1 ratio, and a
maximized tissue-alveolar gas partial pressure gradient for inert gas washout. More recent bubble
models may skew decompression time towards deeper stops than gas content models. Gas content
models that are direct descendants of the original Haldane model remain the most prevalent approach to decompression.


ecompression sickness (DCS) is thought to arise from intracorporeal bubble

formation during reduction in ambient pressure (decompression). During underwater compressed gas diving, alveolar inert gas partial pressures change as
a result of the change in total pressure and blood and tissues take up inert gas in accord
with Henrys law. During subsequent ascent to sea level, the ambient pressure may
drop below the sum of the partial pressures of all gases dissolved in tissue. This state,
referred to as supersaturation, is a necessary condition for bubbles to form and grow
from the excess dissolved gas. Sufficient bubble formation may result in DCS from as
yet unidentified pathophysiological mechanisms. To minimize the risk of DCS, dives
are conducted according to depth/time/breathing gas decompression schedules derived
from decompression algorithms that implicitly (gas content models) or explicitly (bubble models) minimize bubble formation through controlling tissue gas supersaturation.
Haldane developed the first practical decompression algorithm (Boycott et al., 1908)
and a century later this gas content approach remains the most prevalent form of decompression algorithm. The key features of the Haldane decompression approach are
illustrated in Figures 1 and 2.


Navy Experimental Diving Unit, 321 Bullfinch Road,

Panama City, Florida, 32407-7015, USA.

DCS in humans was first described by Triger (1845), and by the time of Haldane
the hypothesis was well established that DCS resulted from bubble formation from
excess dissolved nitrogen taken up while breathing compressed air pressure (see Bert,
1878, for historical summary and relevant experiments). It was also known that the risk
of DCS could be minimized by limiting time under pressure or using a slow decompression. Zuntz and von Schrotter, applying the Fick principle, had developed an expression
for nitrogen uptake and washout, in which body alveolar nitrogen partial pressure


FIGURE 1. Ambient pressure (solid line) versus time and the corresponding total gas pressures (Ptisinert) in two compartments
(half-times of 5 and 20 minutes) for an air breathing dive. Classical decompression is scheduled to keep dissolved gas pressure in k
modeled compartments less than or equal to a maximum permissible value, Ptis.maxkakPamb+bk. For simplicity, the above figure shows
only two compartments and sets a = 1 and b = 0, so that the safe
ascent depth, Pamb.min = max((Ptisk b)/a)), is equal to max(Ptisk). In
Haldane and colleagues algorithm, compartment half times were
5, 10, 20, 40, and 75. The Haldane 2:1 tissue ratio arises from
treating air as an inert gas and setting the safe ascent depth as Pamb
= max(Ptisk/2). By convention, decompression stops are taken at increments of 10 fsw (0.3 atm abs) deeper than sea level.

difference declines exponentially with approximately an 8-minute half-time (see Kety, 1951, for review). On this basis, von
Schrotter and colleagues hypothesized that linear decompression at 20 minutes per atmosphere would allow sufficient washout of nitrogen to avoid DCS.


Haldanes decompression model provided the following
three key advanced in decompression theory:
Haldane modeled the uptake and washout of nitrogen in
the body using a collection of parallel perfusion-limited compartments in which gas uptake and washout are symmetrical
and each compartment is characterized by a different half-time.
Differing half-times were based on the premise that different
body tissues receive variable blood flows and have differential
solubilities for nitrogen. His slowest half time was based on
observations and experiments indicating that the risk of DCS
increases with exposure duration for many hours, and his fastest
half-time was in accord with experimental measurement of the

FIGURE 2. Tolerable supersaturation. Although decompression

algorithms use a maximum permissible tissue tension (Ptis.max) to
control ascent to each decompression stop, it is informative to
examine the tolerable supersaturation (Ptis.max - Pamb.stop). For a 40
minute half-time compartment, the thick line shows the relationship for the Haldane 2:1 tissue ratio; the thin, solid line shows the
relationship for the Workman m-values (Workman, 1965); and
the dashed line shows the relationship for the Thalmann VVal-18
m-values (Thalmann, 1984). Note that gas content model development during the 20th century resulted in progressively less tolerable supersaturation at depth, which results in deeper and longer
decompression stops.

rate of saturation of urine with nitrogen (Hill and Greenwood,

Observations of DCS in caisson workers and Haldane and
colleagues experimental work with goats indicated that a compressed air exposure of greater than 2 atm abs was required to
provoke DCS upon return to 1 atm abs suggesting that some
degree of supersaturation can be tolerated without developing
DCS. Without then available evidence to the contrary, Haldane
hypothesized that bubbles did not form unless this tolerable supersaturation was exceeded. Contradicting his own premise, he
further hypothesized that a decompression from, for instance,
6 to 3 atm abs would be equally as safe as decompression from
2 to 1 atm abs because the different amounts of supersaturation
represented the same potential volume of gas bubbles according
to Boyles law. Haldane used a 2:1 tissue ratio (ratio of maximum allowed tissue-dissolved gas pressure to ambient pressure)
to define safe ascent depths. This 2:1 tissue ratio allowed a
greater tolerable supersaturation at depth (Fig. 2). Haldanes


experimental evidence supporting a greater tolerable supersaturation at depth was slim, consisting primarily of 10 goats that
were decompressed on one occasion from 4.5 to 1 atm abs with
8/10 DCS and on another occasion decompressed from 6.1 to
2.6 atm abs with no DCS. However, in the later experiments
goats were only held at 2.6 atm abs for one hour and 3/10 suffered DCS following subsequent decompression to 1 atm abs.
Development of gas-content models in conjunction with mantrials subsequent to Haldanes work has tended to limit the extent to which the tolerable supersaturation increases with depth
(Fig. 2) which results in deeper and longer decompression stops,
but all define a safe ascent depth based on some degree of tolerable supersaturation.
The classical shape of decompression schedules - initial
rapid decompression that slows as the surface is approached follows from the previous two features of Haldanes model. Under such models, the most efficient decompression is to effect
the maximum tolerable decompression to maximize the tissue
alveolar gas partial pressure gradient for inert gas washout.
The decompression is slowed as successively slower half-time
compartments govern the safe ascent depth (Fig. 1). This shape
of decompression was shown to be more efficient than linear
decompression by Haldane and colleagues.

Bubble decompression models (models that explicitly
limit the formation and growth of bubbles) have been developed since the time of Haldane (e.g., Hills, 1966; Yount and
Hoffman, 1986; Gernhardt, 1991; Gerth and Vann, 1997).
Bubble models may prescribe decompression schedules that
depart substantially from the classical shape described above.
Since the publication of Haldane and colleagues classical work,
it has been firmly established that bubbles often form even during safe decompression. A large decompression and accompanying supersaturation increases the probability/rate of bubble
nucleation and bubble growth. Balancing these effects against
maximing the tissue alveolar gas partial pressure gradient for
inert gas washout, bubble models may prescribe deeper initial
decompression stops or skew decompression time towards deeper stops than gas content models. Only recently (Gerth et al.,
2009) has such deep skew of decompression time been directly
compared to classically shaped decompression, and the latter
found to be more efficient (Fig. 3).
This is not to say that bubble models are without advantage. Bubble models provide better descriptions of certain aspects of decompression than gas content models. For instance,
because the peak supersaturation occurs immediately following
ascent but peak bubble volume can be delayed, bubble models

FIGURE 3. A recent manned evaluation of two decompression

schedules that differed only in the depth distribution of decompression stop time (Gerth et al., 2009). A gas content model decompression schedule (solid line) was compared to a schedule of equal
length predicted by a bubble model (dashed line). Number of DCS
/ number of dives are indicated next to the schedules. The greater incidence of DCS was observed on the bubble model schedule
whichhad deeper initial decompression stops. The deeper initial
decompression stops must result in less initial bubble formation,
but to explain greater incidence of DCS, also in less efficient gas
washout and subsequent bubble growth.

can provide better description of time of symptom onset than

gas content models (Gerth and Vann, 1997). Also, outcome of
some unconventional dive profiles may be better predicted by
bubble models. For instance, intermittent recompression during decompression reduces bubble formation (Mollerlokken et
al., 2007) something that is predicted by bubble models (Gernhardt, 1991), but not gas content models.

Despite some potential advantages of bubble models and
some deficiencies in Haldanes original model, gas content
models that are direct descendants of the original Haldane
model remain the most prevalent approach to decompression.
In addition, the general shape of decompression stop distribution promoted by Haldane is demonstrated to be the most efficient for decompression from typical dives. Haldane still rules!

Bert, P. 1878 La Pression baromtrique, recherches de physiologie exprimentale.
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Boycott, A.E., G.C.C. Damant, and J.S. Haldane. 1908. The prevention of compressed-air illness. Journal of Hygiene (Cambridge) 8:342443.
Gernhardt, M.L. 1991. Development and evaluation of a decompression stress
index based on tissue bubble dynamics. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of


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Gerth, W.A., and R.D. Vann. 1997. Probabilistic gas and bubble dynamics models of decompression sickness occurrence in air and N2-O2 diving. Journal
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S.J. Mitchell, eds. Decompression and the deep stop, 24-25 June 2008. Durham: Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society. p. 16585.
Hill, L. and M. Greenwood. 1907. The influence of increased barometric pressure on man.-II. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B - Biological
Sciences 79:21-27.
Hills, B.A. 1966. A thermodynamic and kinetic approach to decompression
sickness. Doctoral Thesis, the University of Adelaide, Australia. 370 pp.
Kety, S.S. 1951. The theory and applications of the exchange of inert gas at the

lungs and tissues. Pharmacological Reviews 3:140.

Mllerlkken, A., C. Gutvik, V.J. Berge, A. Jorgensen, A. Loset, and A.O.
Brubakk. 2007. Recompression during decompression and effects on
bubble formation in the pig. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine
Thalmann, E.D. 1984. Phase II testing of decompression algorithms for use in
the U.S. Navy underwater decompression computer. NEDU Report No.184. Washington, DC: Navy Experimental Diving Unit. 134 pp.
Workman, R.D. 1965. Calculation of decompression schedules for nitrogenoxygen and helium-oxygen dives. NEDU Report No. 6-65. Washington,
DC: Navy Experimental Diving Unit.
Yount, D.E., and D.C. Hoffman. 1986. On the use of a bubble formation model
to calculate diving tables. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine

Biochemical Approach to Decompression

Susan R. Kayar

ABSTRACT. Haldane envisioned that decompression sickness (DCS) risk is eliminated by obeying
rules for time at depth in order to manage inert gas fluxes. But New Millennium divers want more:
longer dives, faster decompressions, shorter surface intervals between dives, and lower residual risk
of DCS that resists management by time at depth. Can DCS risk be further reduced, or dive profiles safely stretched, by something provided in an oral capsule? If we knew the chain of biological
events starting with bubbles and leading to DCS, then we might find a pharmacological approach
to blocking that chain. While there is hope for someone identifying such an approach, we currently
do not have one. Alternatively, we could place inside an oral capsule the enzymatic ability to remove
some of the gas taken up by the body during the hyperbaric exposure. Biochemical decompression
has been demonstrated in small and large animal models with H2 as the diluent to O2, in a breathing mixture designed for ultra-deep (>350 m) diving. Hydrogen-metabolizing microbes (the archae
Methanobrevibacter smithii) are placed in the large intestine where they create a chemical scrubber
unit. The metabolism of M. smithii converts H2 and CO2 to methane and water. The release of one
molecule of methane for every four molecules of H2 consumed provides a non-invasive marker of
the metabolic rate. By gas chromatographic sampling of the environment around the dive subject
for methane, we have demonstrated that removing approximately 5-10% of the body burden of
H2 reduces the risk of DCS by approximately 50%. Nitrogen biochemical decompression would
be far more useful but far more difficult to implement, both biologically and energetically. We will
need a New Millennium Haldane to make the capsule that lowers DCS risk from air dives a reality,
whatever it may contain.


Susan R. Kayar, Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton,

Consulting Senior Scientist, 5947 Valerian Lane,
Rockville, MD 20852, USA.

ills and capsules to solve health problems are ubiquitous. What about swallowing a capsule to reduce the risk of DCS? What indeed might we put into a capsule that would have this benefit? By now, it is generally agreed among DCS
researchers that we have all been missing something critical in the sequence of events
starting with gas supersaturation in blood or other tissues, progressing to bubbles, and
culminating in manifestations of DCS. Haldane was of course correct that most of
DCS risk can be eliminated by establishing and following rules for compression and
decompression pressure and time sequences in order to manage inert gas loads and
fluxes (Boycott et al., 1908). But there is a residual component of DCS risk that defies
these time at depth rules (Weathersby et al., 1984), suggesting that there is more that we
need to know than gas burdens alone. The same conclusion is drawn from the recognition that almost all excursions in barometric pressure lead to some degree of bubbling,
but there is a poor correlation between bubbling and subsequent DCS incidence and
manifestations (Eftedal et al., 2007), until the bubbling reaches extraordinary levels.
Many lines of evidence suggest that there is a variable biological response to bubbles
that may include a cascade of inflammatory activations (Little and Butler, 2008; Nyquist et al., 2007). It may thus be possible to reduce the risk of DCS by oral treatments


of anti-inflammatory medications. However, highly successful

pharmaceuticals of this nature have yet to be identified (Little
and Butler, 2008; Montcalm-Smith et al., 2007).
There is another potential approach to lowering the risk of
DCS by means of swallowing a capsule. This approach, which
we have called biochemical decompression (Kayar et al., 1998;
Fahlman et al., 2001; Kayar and Fahlman, 2001; Kayar et al.,
2001), involves placing in the capsule the enzymatic capacity,
provided by live microbes, to remove some of the inert gas load
in the body. The capsule travels to the large intestine where it
releases the microbes. These microbes remove from their surrounding environment, and then from the blood passing
through the walls of the intestines, molecules of gas that are
inert to the diver but metabolites to the microbe. Removing a
small but critical fraction of the inert gas load during the dive
lowers the subsequent risk of DCS. The feasibility of biochemical decompression has been demonstrated in a rodent and a
swine model, using ultra-deep diving gas mixtures containing
H2 as the diluent to O2. We present here a short description
of the demonstration of H2 biochemical decompression, and a
discussion of its place in DCS research and the future of diving. Other pharmacological approaches may ultimately be more
practical and far easier to attain in the quest for a capsule or pill
against DCS. But the study of H2 biochemical decompression,
useful in its own right for ultra-deep H2 dives, had important
lessons to teach about DCS and inert gas loads, even if it did
not lead to a bottle of capsules in a dive store or a Navy dive





The microbes used to eliminate H2 from inside the rats and

pigs were the methanogenic archae, Methanobrevibacter smithii,
strain PS. The M. smithii were obtained from the stock culture collection of the Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and
Research, New York State Department of Health. Culture and
handling of M. smithii are described in detail elsewhere (Kayar
et al., 1998). The metabolism of M. smithii converts:
4 H2 + CO2 CH4 + 2 H2O
in which the H2 breathed by the experimental animal combines
with carbon dioxide released by the aerobic metabolism of the
animal to form water and methane; this process generates energy
for the microbes. The methane released by M. smithii becomes
the tracer gas for the metabolic rate of the microbes, which can
be detected non-invasively by sampling the atmosphere around
the experimental animal by gas chromatography.
Although we envision that M. smithii would be provided
to people via oral capsules, for expedience in these experiments
with animals, cultures of M. smithii were surgically injected into
their intestines as described below.




These experiments have been described in detail elsewhere

(Kayar et al., 1998). Male Sprague-Dawley rats (Rattus norvegicus, body mass range 215-324 g) were used for all experiments.
The rats were housed before experiments in an accredited animal care facility with ad libitum access to food and water. All
procedures were approved by an Animal Care and Use Committee and were conducted according to the principles presented in
the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (National
Research Council, 1996).
Two milliliters of the M. smithii cultures were injected
directly into the upper end of the large intestine under sterile
surgical conditions. A total of 63 rats received injections of M.
smithii, 40 rats underwent the same surgical procedure but received 2-ml injections of 10% sodium bicarbonate in the intestine, and 60 rats served as untreated controls.
For each of the dive experiments to test for M. smithii activity, four or five rats were placed together in a clear box inside
a large hyperbaric chamber (5.6 m3 internal volume). A stream
of chamber gas passed continuously through the animals box
and was sampled by a gas chromatograph every 12 min for He,
H2, O2, and CH4 content. The chamber was pressurized with
helium to an absolute pressure of 11 atm for 1 h. (This initial
pressurization with He, prior to introducing H2, is necessary to
create a gas mix in the chamber that has the 0.2 atm PO2 that
is breathable to the animal, but below the explosivity limit of
less than 5% O2 in H2). The helium in the chamber was then
replaced with H2 at constant total pressure to a final concentration of 85 92% H2, while adding O2 as needed to maintain
2-4% O2; this flushing procedure was completed in ~ 2 h. The
chamber was further pressurized with H2 to a total pressure of
23.7 atm (91-98% H2, 2% O2, balance He), and maintained
at this pressure for 2.5 h. The chamber was then depressurized
to 11 atm at 0.2 0.45 atm min-1, which was intended to be
slow enough to be unlikely to cause DCS in the rats (Lillo et
al., 1997). After 45 min at 11 atm, the H2 in the chamber was
replaced with He at constant total pressure. To reduce the H2
concentration to < 4% (to remain below the explosivity limit
for H2 in combination with air) typically required 2 2.5 h of
He flushing. The chamber was then further depressurized at 0.1
0.25 atm min-1 until the chamber had returned to 1 atm. The
animals were removed from the chamber, observed for signs of
DCS (which were rare), and left in cages with food and water
overnight for further observation after 12 h.
A second dive procedure was used to test for DCS risk in
rats. In this procedure, we used some animals that appeared in
normal health after 12 h in air following the dive to measure
M. smithii activity (19 rats with M. smithii and 18 surgical controls), and also animals that were either treated with M. smithii
(n = 20), surgical controls (n = 20), or untreated controls (n
= 50) that had not previously been compressed. For this dive,
a small chamber (140 l internal volume) was pressurized with
He to 10 atm. The chamber was flushed with a mixture of 2%


O2, 98% H2 until He was less than 10%. The chamber was
further pressurized to 23.7 atm and a final gas composition of
2% O2, 94% H2, 4% He. The rats remained at this pressure for
20 min, which was sufficient to saturate them with H2 (Lillo et
al., 1997). The rats were then decompressed within 36-40 s to
a pressure of 10.8 atm and observed for signs of DCS over the
next 30 min. Throughout their stay in the chamber, the animals
walked inside a slowly rotating drum mill of wire mesh; DCS
was diagnosed as a change of gait or inability to walk inside the
mill for at least 1 min, as agreed upon by two or three observers.
At the end of the observation period, all animals were euthanized in the chamber by introducing 2 atm CO2.

on which the animal stood or reclined throughout the dive) at

5-min intervals, interspersed with 5-min rest intervals. The animal was examined for its ability to stand and walk with normal
gait for up to 1 h or until clear signs of DCS were identified by
at least three observers (inability to stand, difficulty maintaining
normal posture, failure to right after falling, labored breathing).
Animals were quickly euthanized in the chamber by asphyxiation with He as soon as DCS was diagnosed or the observation hour had passed without DCS. The chamber was further
flushed with He near 1 atm to remove remaining H2 before
opening the chamber door.




Pigs (Sus scrofa, male Yorkshires, 19-22 kg body mass) were

housed before experiments in an accredited animal care facility,
had ad libitum access to water, and were fed once daily (laboratory
animal chow, 2% of body weight). All procedures were approved
by an Animal Care and Use Committee and conducted according
to the principles presented in the Guide for the Care and Use of
Laboratory Animals (National Research Council, 1996).
Experiments with pigs were described in detail elsewhere
(Kayar et al., 2001). The treated pigs (n = 16) received injections of M. smithii in the caecum and upper end of the large
intestine under sterile surgery. The volume of M. smithii culture
injected in an animal varied with the volume and activity of
microbes that were successfully cultured that week. This volume ranged from 12 to 116 ml, and represented an activity
range from 200 2,200 mol CH4 min-1. Surgical control
animals (n = 10) underwent the same sterile surgical procedures
as treated animals, but received injections into the intestine of
sterile saline solution. Untreated control animals (n = 10) were
also studied. All animals were trained to walk on a treadmill and
acclimated to being in the dive chamber at 1 atm prior to dive
A single dive protocol was followed with pigs for measuring
methane release rate and DCS incidence. For each dive, one pig
was placed inside a large hyperbaric chamber (5.7 m3 internal
volume). The pig could stand, walk a distance of several body
lengths, or recline at will, and could access containers of pellet
food and water. A stream of gas passed continuously from the
chamber to a gas chromatograph for automatic sampling every
12 min for He, H2, O2 and CH4 content. The chamber was pressurized with He to an absolute pressure of 11 atm, adding O2
as necessary to maintain approximately 0.2 - 0.4 atm PO2. The
chamber was then flushed with H2 at constant total pressure to a
concentration of 60-75% H2, 2 - 4% O2, balance He. The chamber was further pressurized with H2 and O2 to a final pressure of
24 atm absolute pressure (0.3 0.5 atm PO2), which was maintained for 3 h. The chamber was then depressurized at a rate of
0.9 atm.min-1 to 11 atm, while observing the animal closely.
After arrival at 11 atm, the animal was made to stand and
walk on a treadmill (which formed the floor of the chamber




The release rate of methane from rats treated with M.

smithii is presented in Figure 1. Methane was detected in the
atmosphere around the treated rats from the beginning of the
dive as animals breathed He, due to native intestinal microbes
producing H2 and supplying it as a metabolic substrate to the
M. smithii, even before H2 was introduced into the chamber.
Methane release rate increased as the chamber was pressurized
with increasing amounts of H2, and decreased as H2 pressure fell
during chamber depressurization. Notably, there was a spike in
methane release rate at the beginning of depressurization, which
may reflect a period of supersaturation and release of bubbles
of H2 in the intestine that gave more rapid access to H2 for the
metabolism of M. smithii.

FIGURE 1. Average methane release rate per rat () from 5 rats

with Methanobrevibacter smithii (50 mol H2 uptake min-1 activity) in their large intestines as they breathed H2 () at various
pressures (Kayar et al., 1998).


Rats treated with M. smithii and tested immediately for

DCS risk had a 25% incidence of DCS (Fig. 2a). This was significantly lower (P < 0.01, Chi-squared one-sided test) than the
incidence of DCS for untreated rats of 56% and surgical control rats of 65%. The incidence of DCS did not differ for these
two control groups compared to each other (P = 0.34, Fishers
exact test). A similar result was obtained for the rats that first
underwent the dive exposure to measure methane release rate,
and were then decompressed and allowed to stay at one atmosphere over night before their second dive to test for DCS incidence (Fig. 2b).
Animals treated with M. smithii had a 36.8% DCS incidence, which was significantly lower (P < 0.05 Chi squared

FIGURE 2. Incidence of decompression sickness for rats with and

without Methanobrevibacter smithii placed in their intestines, following a standardized compression and decompression sequence
(Kayar et al., 1998). (A) Animals with no treatment (controls), and
with a bicarbonate solution (surgical controls) or M. smithii (with
methanogen) placed surgically in their intestines and tested within
13 h of surgery. (B) Animals with surgically implanted bicarbonate solution or M. smithii tested for DCS ~24 h after the surgery
and 12 h after completion of an exposure to hyperbaric H2 to measure methane release rate. Error bars represent 95% binomial confidence limits.

FIGURE 3. Methane release rate data from one pig that had received surgical injections of Methanobrevibacter smithii (795
mol CH4 min-1 activity) 12 h prior to an exposure to hyperbaric
H2 (Kayar et al., 2001).

one-sided test) than the 55.6% incidence of the surgical control rats that also underwent the two dive procedures.



Pigs, as in the experiments with rats, released methane

from the beginning of the dive protocol, with methane release
rate increasing as the chamber was pressurized with H2 (Fig. 3).
Methane release rate continued to climb following the decompression to 11 atm, which we again speculate is due to bubbles
of H2 in the intestine allowing more rapid access of M. smithii
to this metabolic substrate during tissue supersaturation with
H2. Since the dive with pigs was terminal at 11 atm (for reasons
related to gas safety and economy), there was no opportunity to
observe a subsequent fall in methane release rate from pigs as
the chamber was depressurized to 1 atm, as there had been with
rats (compare the later time periods of Fig. 3 to Fig. 1).
Methane release rate from pigs was significantly correlated with
activity of M. smithii injected into them (P < 0.001, R = 0.70, slope
= 0.046, least squares linear regression; Fig. 4). Since pigs, unlike rats
but similar to humans, have a native intestinal flora that includes M.
smithii, there was variable but detectable methanogenic activity even
in the surgical control and untreated control pigs (Fig. 4).
Addition of M. smithii to pigs significantly lowered their
incidence of DCS during decompression. The treated animals
had a DCS incidence of 44%, compared to 90% of untreated
controls and 70% of surgical controls (P < 0.05, Chi-squared
two-tailed test comparing treated animals to untreated control
and surgical control groups combined; untreated controls and
surgical controls not different from each other, P > 0.50, Chisquared two-tailed test; Fig. 5).

FIGURE 4. Activity of Methanobrevibacter smithii injected into the

intestines of pigs versus mean rate of release of methane from these
animals during a 3-h exposure to hyperbaric H2 (21.7 atm PH2). Decompression sickness (DCS) outcome is indicated for each animal. The
line represents least squares linear regression (Y = 40.1 + 0.046X; R =
0.70, P < 0.001; Kayar et al., 2001).


FIGURE 5. Decompression sickness incidence (%) for pigs that

were untreated controls, treated with intestinal injections of saline
solution (surgical controls), or treated with intestinal injections of
Methanobrevibacter smithii (methanogens). Error bars represent
95% confidence limits on binomial distributions. *Significantly
lower than in pooled control groups (P < 0.05, Chi-squared test;
Kayar et al., 2001).

The increasing evolution of methane from M. smithii
treated rats (Fig. 1) and pigs (Fig. 3) during the course of a
hyperbaric H2 exposure demonstrated that these methanogenic
microbes did indeed extract H2 from the blood of the animals
while inside the intestines. We envision that gradients for H2
in arterial and venous bloodstreams and across the lung can be
modeled as illustrated in Figure 6 (Fahlman et al., 2001). A sink
for H2 anywhere in the animal, particularly in an organ with a
large surface area and excellent perfusion such as the intestine,
can extract H2 down a pressure gradient from the arterial blood
perfusing the intestine. This sink would result in lower mixed
venous return of H2 to the lungs. During compression, the sink
would prevent the animal from reaching full saturation with
H2. During decompression, the lower mixed venous PH2 would
create slightly lower alveolar PH2. Since alveolar gas exchange
with the environment is never 100% efficient, the slightly lower
alveolar PH2 would allow arterial PH2 to be lower with versus without M. smithii, thus accelerating the washout of H2
throughout the animal. We believe this process of gas elimination by M. smithii during biochemical decompression can be
described in terms similar to those for a chemical scrubber unit
in a mechanical system.
The treatments with M. smithii unambiguously lowered
the animals risk of DCS for both rats and pigs (Figs. 2 and
5). In fact, we discovered serendipitously while establishing
our basic dive protocol with pigs that their native gut flora
of methanogens can provide enough H2 scrubbing activity to
reduce DCS risk (Kayar and Fahlman, 2001). We made some

simplifying assumptions regarding H2 solubility in the tissues

of animals and thus total H2 content in rats and pigs of the
body masses we used (Kayar et al., 1998; Kayar et al., 2001),
and the estimated amount of H2 eliminated by the M. smithii
in each case (four times the amount of methane evolved;
Equation 1). Based on these calculations, we estimated that
the M. smithii removed approximately 5-10 % of the body
burden of H2 acquired during the hyperbaric H2 exposure; this
gas removal resulted in a roughly 50% decrease in DCS risk
in both the rats and the pigs (Kayar et al., 1998; Kayar et al.,
2001; Fahlman et al., 2001).
It is important to note that although DCS risk was significantly negatively correlated with increasing methanogenic
activity in our large animal model, eliminating more tissue H2
was not completely deterministic of reduced DCS risk (Fig. 4).
The two animals shown in this figure that released more than
130 mol CH4 min-1 during the simulated dive both had subsequent DCS. This may well represent the same phenomenon
that has puzzled diving physiologists for years; namely, that
grades of vascular bubbles as measured by Doppler ultrasound
and other means of bubble detection are not deterministic of
DCS risk or severity (Eftedal et al., 2007). Thus, while we have
definite evidence that increasing the elimination of tissue inert
gas is significant in lowering DCS risk, there must be one or
more other risk factors that we have yet to identify.
It is feasible with existing technology to freeze-dry or otherwise concentrate and suspend the metabolism of M. smithii,
then pack the inactive microbes into enteric-coated capsules.
With customized coating, the capsules can be designed to break
open only in the environment of the large intestine, allowing
the microbes to be released and reactivated. Since M. smithii is
a normal constituent of the human intestinal flora for people
on a western diet and is well characterized as non-pathogenic
(Miller, 1991), it would be a minor step to making such capsules ready for human safety testing.
If the remaining steps to achieving safer and/or faster decompression by taking a capsule are currently within our reach,
why is it that a decade after the original demonstrations of H2
biochemical decompression were published are we not all popping capsules before our dives?
The answer is of course because we are not all diving with
H2. Hydrogen as a low narcotic potency diving gas was originally studied in Sweden in response to being cut off from access to
He during the Second World War (Brauer and Naquet, 1987).
The inclusion of H2 in an ultra-deep diving gas mixture reduces
High-Pressure Neurologic Syndrome (HPNS) and decreases
breathing resistance, thus making possible the record dive to
700 m in Marseille in 1991 (Imbert, 2006). The U.S. Navys
motivation for investing in ultra-deep H2 diving involved Cold
War spying (Sontag and Drew, 1998). However, the Herculean
efforts needed for working safely with hyperbaric H2 are barely
hinted at by the descriptions above of the complex gas mixing and dive profiles used in these experiments, not to mention
the added levels of complexity added when human subjects are


FIGURE 6. Proposed physiological mechanism for H2 biochemical decompression (Fahlman et al., 2001). In each figure, the number in
parentheses represents the net result of the process of gas uptake (compression) or elimination (decompression) by the body at the end of a
circulatory pass from the gas exchange surface throughout the body and returning to the gas exchange surface. Units in these figures are
hypothetical and are used only to describe the current working hypothesis. See Fahlman et al., 2001 for a detailed description of this figure.

used. Nitrogen can also supplement heliox to reduce HPNS,

along with slower compression (Imbert, 2006). There is thus
little motivation for using H2 as a diving gas when He is readily
available or in operations in which submersibles can perform
the tasks. The experimental H2 diving in France of the 1980s
and early 90s (e.g., Abraini et al., 1994; Fontanari et al., 2000)
is no longer taking place.
Can the experience gained from these experiments with H2
biochemical decompression be translated into something more
practical, such as N2 biochemical decompression? Theoretically,
N2 biochemical decompression should be possible (Kayar et al.,
1998). The processes of metabolizing N2 and H2 have similarities
(Lehninger, 1970). There are microbes that metabolize atmospheric N2 to ammonia, nitrites or nitrates, a chemical process
referred to as fixing nitrogen, some of which are present in the
native gut flora of humans and other mammals. However, there

are multiple practical impediments to N2 biochemical decompression. Nitrogen fixation is a biochemically complex process
that requires an input of energy, as compared to the metabolism
of H2 that liberates energy (Lehninger, 1970). Consequently,
most microbes will only fix significant amounts of atmospheric
N2 in the absence of fixed nitrogen compounds in their environment. Feces are a major source of fixed nitrogen, hence their
common use as plant fertilizer, giving the plants their needed
precursors for making proteins. In order for a microbe to fix a
significant amount of N2 while inside the intestines of a diver,
we would have to select or create a mutant microbial strain that
is constitutive for fixing N2 with high concentrations of fixed
nitrogen compounds in its environment. Nitrogen fixation is
a relatively slow process, much slower than metabolizing H2;
identifying or engineering a mutant strain that is constitutive
for fixing nitrogen at a rate that would be practical for diving,


and in a volume of microbes convenient to introduce into the

intestines, will be a challenge.
Then would come the challenge of tracking the nitrogen
fixation reaction inside the diver. Unlike H2 metabolism that
conveniently allows stoichiometric quantities of methane to escape and be tested in the atmosphere around the diver, nitrogen
compounds fixed by N2 biochemical decompression processes
would be in the aqueous phase and mixed with fixed nitrogen compounds from multiple other biological processes. One
would probably have to work with an isotopic N2 and look for
the label in feces and possibly the intestinal wall or other tissues
in order to track this reaction. All these steps would be difficult,
but not impossible.
We believe that there are benefits to diving research from
having completed the demonstrations of H2 biochemical decompression, despite the negligible role of H2 diving today. It
seems little likely that anyone would want to face all the obstacles to N2 biochemical decompression without evidence of the
feasibility of the concept of the intestine as a chemical scrubber
unit for the inert gases acquired during diving. Our analyses
from H2 biochemical decompression demonstrated that removing only a few percent of the estimated total inert gas load of
a diver can have a major impact on DCS risk. This finding not
only made some of the obstacles to N2 biochemical decompression less daunting, but also gave us a new way to examine our
underlying assumptions about inert gas loads and DCS risk.
The H2 biochemical decompression research also reconfirmed
our speculation that while inert gas load is the primary factor to
DCS risk, it is not exclusive.
It may indeed one day in the not-so-distant future be possible to mitigate the risk of DCS before a dive by swallowing a
capsule. The best current bet on that capsules content would be
an anti-inflammatory drug. It remains to be seen if that capsule
alone suffices for all our demands on diving and all our aversions to occupational hazards that we will want to place on it,
or whether someone will have to rise to the challenges of N2
biochemical decompression.
Andreas Fahlman made amazing and enormous contributions to this research, through his critical insights, his mathematical and scientific gifts, his unflagging determination, and
his congenial nature. Erich C. Parker made several of the figures presented here, provided expert guidance in data analysis
and DCS modeling, and gave the unconditional moral support
of a loving and patient husband. The quality and quantity of
work on this project, and the perfect safety record throughout
hazardous duty, are also directly attributable to the dedication,
professionalism, and friendship of our support team members,
Richard Ayres, Jerry Morris, Roland Ramsey, and Chiefs Anthony Ruopoli and Scott Ario, U.S. Navy.

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Exercise and Decompression

Russell S. Richardson

ABSTRACT. This overview focuses upon the relationship between exercise and decompression.
Specifically, studies that examine vascular bubble detection and the consequences for the endothelium, the relationship between exercise and decompression sickness (DCS), and finally, diving,
vascular function, and the role of nitric oxide are discussed. It is concluded from both animal and
human models that exercise performed 24 hours prior to decompression and potentially after a
dive is not harmful as once thought, but appears instead to protect from DCS. A reduction in the
number of venous gas bubbles may be related to the reduced risk of DCS. There is convincing
evidence that the mechanism responsible for these interactions is related to NO bioavailability and
thus the administration of an NO donor may be a reasonable pharmacologic alternative to exercise
to protect against DCS.


his overview focuses upon the relationship between exercise and decompression. I was fortunate enough to be involved in some of the first studies that
Drs. Alf Brubakk and Ulrik Wisloff engaged in to find the links between
exercise and decompression, at least those of bubble formation and decompression
sickness (DCS).
There are multiple components that ultimately may yield DCS, starting with a
reduction in pressure that leads to a gas phase separation; gas bubbles generated in the
vascular circulation that lead to adverse reaction to these bubbles; and, a large array of
other physiological responses that are quite variable including epidermal rash, seizures,
and even death. Predominantly, these features of DCS manifest when the diver exits the
water upon completion of the hyperbaric exposure.



University of Utah, Department of Internal Medicine,

Division of Geriatrics, Department of Exercise and
Sport Science, Geriatric Research, Education and
Clinical Center, VAMC SLC, Bldg. 2 Rm. 1D25,
500 Foothill Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84112,

The use of ultrasound Doppler facilitates the detection and ultimately the quantification of bubbles within the human vasculature, as can be seen in Figure 1, with the
left panel as an example of cardiac image with a large number of venous gas bubbles (no
pre-dive exercise) and the right panel with significantly less bubbles evident (pre-dive
exercise) Duji et al. (2004). With this ultrasound Doppler approach, allowing one to
actually quantify the degree of bubbles formation it is possible to compare and contrast
the prevalence of bubbles with differing interventions (e.g., a dive with and without
prior exercise).
Systemically, there are significant deleterious consequences of bubbles passing


FIGURE 1. Evidence of bubbles in the heart after a dive without

prior exercise (left) and with prior exercise (right), from Duji et
al. (2004).

through the vasculature. Histological slides from the endothelium of the pulmonary artery (Fig. 2) illustrate the typical
healthy condition (left) compared to the damaging effect of
bubble laden blood passing through the vasculature due to
rapid decompression.

The risk factors for decompression sickness are diver specific (i.e., age, gender, body mass index, fitness, dehydration,
patent foramen ovale, and previous DCS), dive related (i.e.,
duration, depth, ascent protocol, frequency, exercise, and temperature) or post-dive related (i.e., exercise, ascent to altitude,
and surface environment). It is clear that there are several mentions of exercise as a risk factor and depending on its timing and
intensity could play a role in the DCS phenomenon.
Carturan et al. (2002) detected a strong relationship between the number of bubbles formed and the maximum capacity to consume oxygen (VO2max) invoked by an graded exercise
test. After similar dive exposure, reasonably fit individuals with
a VO2max of ~46 ml/kg/min exhibited only ~0.07 bubbles/cm2,
whereas less fit individuals with an average VO2max of ~35 ml/
kg/min exhibited ~0.5 bubbles/cm2. Thus, fitness appears to
afford some sort of protection from post-dive bubble formation.
Recreational divers include not only younger healthy individuals
but also older people who tend to have a lower VO2max, likely
due to both decreased activity and aging per se. Indeed, there
is a reasonably robust relationship between age and exercise capacity, specifically, as one ages, approximately 8% of VO2max
is lost per decade (Fig. 3). VO2max can be improved by exercise
training notwithstanding significant genetic components of this
variable. However, the somewhat disappointing observation has
been made, that if one is well trained when young, although
starting higher in terms of metabolic capacity, it is likely that
the loss of this capacity still occurs at the same rate even in the
face of continued efforts to remain physically active. Therefore,
for all, ultimately the line of decaying VO2max intersects the

FIGURE 2. Endothelium of the pulmonary artery in a healthy

state (top) and damaged by bubbles (bottom).

FIGURE 3. Age and exercise capacity.

x-axis and, at least conceptually, signals the end of life as we

know it. However, the good news for the promotion of physical activity is that this does suggest that the upward shifted and
parallel line of decay for exercise trained individuals will intersect the x-axis at a greater age, suggestive of longevity associated


with regular exercise. As a brief aside, it has been reported that

the English Nobel laureate Professor A.V. Hill, who studied the
limitations to maximal exerise at University College, London,
plotted his VO2max many time throughout his life and was subsequently able to predict his own death to within several years.
Returning to the link between exercise capacity and DCS, based
upon the work of Carturan et al. (2002), the implication here is
that other factors, such as age, may play into the equation that
links physical activity with the susceptibility to dive induced
In 2001 Drs. Wisloff and Brubakk were conducting decompression studies in rats without any real thought to the role
of exercise in this process. While in the midst of these typical
terminal studies (due to DCS), they experienced an acute shortage of animals and acquired some rats which were by happenchance exercise trained. When these animal were exposed to the
same physiologically challenging decompression regimen that
had killed the majority of other rats they found that intravascular bubble formation was dramatically reduced and all the
animals survived. Ultimately, the take-home message from these
somewhat serendipitous experiments was that aerobic endurance exercise training reduced bubble formation in rats exposed
to hyperbaric pressure (Wisloff and Brubakk, 2001). It was here
that my laboratory became involved in these studies, having an
interest in exercise, endothelial function, and nitric oxide.
Exercise training results in a myriad of adaptations, one
such adaptation is an increase in VO2max. This is facilitated
by adaptations that lead to greater capillary growth factors and
elements that improve performance. With our laboratorys interest in oxygen transport and utilization we have documented
morphometric differences between trained and untrained subjects showing an increased capillarity and coupled these structural findings with functional measurements that reveal elevated
oxygen extraction across the muscle bed. This is the result f an
increased diffusional conductance for oxygen and reflects a
greater ease of passage for oxygen from blood to tissue. Interestingly, as the result of exercise training and the aforementioned
angiogenesis, the vascular endothelial growth factor signal in
response to acute exercise is now attenuated. This makes sense
teleologically, for as you repeatedly exercise in the form of training, there needs to be some limit to the capillary growth, as ultimately there has to be balance achieved between contractile and
vascular structures in skeletal muscle (Richardson et al. 1999).
However, what exactly links these complex exercise-induced adaptations and the apparent protection from DCS afforded by
physical activity are not yet completely understood.
Looking for the link between exercise adaptations and
DCS, again utilizing the rat model, revealed that although exercise training and the subsequent increase in fitness per se may
be beneficial, it was recognized that an acute bout of exercise
exhibited the same protective effect against DCS (Wisloff et al.,
2004). Indeed, it was determined that progressive long-term
training is not necessary to elicit this phenomenon. The stimulus is simply a single exercise session, which can be repeated, but

does not have to be to yield this reduction in bubble formation

and a reduced incidence and severity of DCS (Wisloff et al.,
2004). Duji et al. (2004) took these experiments into the human realm where a single exercise bout prior to a dive produced
extremely clear, bubble free, ultrasound images of the ventricles
compared to the bubble-laden images from dives that were preceded by inactivity. Thus, there is clearly a protective effect of
acute exercise, but what is the optimum timeframe for acute
exercise before a dive? With our current knowledge it seems that
there may be some species differences. Specifically, in rats the
optimum time for exercise prior to a dive to yield protection
from bubble formation and improve survival is approximately
20 hours prior to submersion (Wisloff et al., 2004). Interestingly, in the animals, survival time was elongated when the exercise occurred 48 hours prior to the dive, but there was not a
large reduction in bubble formation. In humans, on the other
hand, the optimum time to exercise prior to a dive appears to
be much shorter, with acute exercise just 2 hours prior to a dive
providing a protective effect Duji et al. (2004). To truly separate species-specific differences from varying methodologic approaches, more work is needed in this area.


Hyperbaric pressure, induced by diving puts a significant
stress upon the cardiovascular system. Recently, Duji et al.
(2006) examined central cardiovascular responses, in terms of
cardiac function, to a single air dive to 30 m for 30 min. Following the dive there were significant increases in end diastolic
and end systolic volumes and a reduction in ejection fraction.
In combination, these variables provide evidence that the dive
exposure resulted in greater total peripheral resistance, against
which the heart has to work. Endothelial dysfunction, a major
mediator of vascular resistance, could be the cause of this increase in cardiac work. An additional link between DCS and
the endothelium is the recognition that the bubbles associated
with this disorder may originate in or around the endothelium.
Of endothelial micronuclei, Harvey (1951) stated if bubbles
come from nuclei they must arise from gas nuclei sticking to or
formed on or within the endothelial linings of the vascular system or extravascular spaces, and only when they have enlarged
to the point of instability do they pass into the blood stream.
Thus, although circumstantial at best, evidence is growing that
the endothelium may play a role in the development of DCS.
Although, as discussed, exercise training results in significant adaptations, even a single bout of exercise is a powerful
stimulus that will elicit a multitude of responses. With respect
to the endothelium, nitric oxide production, free radical generation, and antioxidants to protect from free radicals, are all the
result of an acute exercise bout (Kojda and Hambrecht, 2005).
Among many other ideas, this raised the question, does nitric
oxide blockade ablate the effect of exercise on bubble formation
and what is the impact of such a blockage on survival time?


Wisloff et al. (2003) exercised two groups of rats and then administered an NO blocker (L-NAME) prior to the dive simulation (Fig. 4). The previously exercised control group demonstrated very little bubble formation after the dive because of
the prior exercise, and after 60 minutes were sacrificed, as there
was no sign that they were going to die from DCS. The other
group infused with L-NAME, the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, exhibited far greater bubble formation and only survived,
on average, for approximately 25 minutes following the dive
(Wisloff et al., 2003) (fig. 4). This study provided substantial
evidence that nitric oxide does play a role in both bubble formation and susceptibility to DCS. In a follow-up to this rodent
work Duji et al., (2006) turned their attention to humans.
Intravascular nitroglycerin which exogenously elevates nitric
oxide bioavailability was used to assess the importance of NO
levels. In control dives there was much greater bubble formation
than when divers were provided with nitroglycerin (Duji et al.,
2006). Thus, providing additional support for the role of nitric
oxide and subsequently endothelial function in the process of
post-dive bubble formation and DCS.
Flow-mediated dilation (FMD) is a common bioassay used
to assess vascular function and has recently been employed to
better understand the interaction between exercise, vascular
function, and DCS. To study FMD, an area of ischemia is created, often in the lower arm, by clamping off the blood flow
with a suprasystolic cuff for approximately 5 minutes. The cuff
release causes a hyperemia, after which the dilation of the vessel under scrutiny is measured by ultrasound Doppler, yielding
both vessel diameter and blood velocity. The latter variable is
likely of importance in addition to the assessment of diameter,
as it has recently been recognized that the shear stress experienced by the vessel because of the hyperemia is perhaps the
predominant determinant of the observed dilation and therefore blood velocity should be measured and taken into account.
Thus, taking shear into account, the vasodilation resulting from
an FMD test is thought to reflect nitric oxide bioavailability.
Utilizing this FMD approach, Duji et al. (2007) revealed a
significant attenuation in endothelial function following a dive
with post-dive function starting to be restored after 24 hours.
This is further evidence that nitric oxide may be a major player
in the development of DCS.

FIGURE 4. Effect of NO on bubble formation and survival


Within endothelial cells, Arginine is converted to Citrulline by the phosphorylation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), the production of NO, and subsequent smooth
muscle relaxation (vasodilation). Prior to this final step, NO
can be intercepted from its target of the smooth muscle by
reacting with superoxide, a form of oxidative stress. This is a
very rapid reaction (proposed to be the fastest in the body) that
results in peroxynitrite and reduces NO bioavailability. The recent use of antioxidants to study the role of oxidative stress and
NO bioavailability in the post-dive scenario provides more evidence that nitric oxide is a major player. Specifically, Duji et al.
(2006) revealed that FMD is attenuated as a consequence of a
dive but the prophylactic treatment with antioxidants lessened
this effect, presumably by increasing nitric oxide bioavailability,
again supportive of an interaction between NO, vascular function and diving.

Both animal models and studies in humans suggest that exercise performed 24 hours prior to decompression, after a dive,
and even during decompression stops is not harmful as once
thought, but appears instead to protect from DCS. A reduction in the number of venous gas bubbles may be related to
the reduced risk of DCS. There is convincing evidence that the
mechanism responsible for these interactions is related to NO
bioavailability and thus the administration of an NO donor
may be a reasonable pharmacologic alternative to exercise to
protect against DCS.
Funding for Dr. Richardson and his laboratory was provided by The National Institute of Health, Heart Blood and Lung
(PO1 HL 09183-01A1), The Tobacco-Related Disease Research
Program (15RT-0100), and the Francis Family Foundation.

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Duji, ., D. Duplani, I. Marinovi-Terzi, D. Bakovi, V. Ivanev, Z. Valic,
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sea air dive increases pulmonary artery pressure and reduces right ventricular function in professional divers. European Journal of Applied Physiology
Duji, ., Z. Valic, and A.O. Brubakk. 2008. Beneficial role of exercise on scuba
diving. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 36:3842.
Harvey, E.N. 1951 Physical factors in bubble formation. In: Fulton, J.F., ed. Decompression Sickness. Philadelphia and London: W.B. Saunders. pp. 90114.
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Diving Medicine and the

Cellular Stress Response
George A. Perdrizet

ABSTRACT. Divers and their physicians are well acquainted with the physiologic and medical
implications of transient excursions into extreme environments. Exertion, hypothermia, anxiety and
exposure to various breathing mixtures under pressure are all components of this complex equation.
The physiologic responses that characterize these exposures have been extensively studied, including
that of oxygen toxicity. The pathophysiologic changes associated with decompression illness have
likewise been extensively studied but remain poorly understood. More recently, investigative attention has begun to focus upon the roles played by the cellular and biochemical changes underlying
these phenomena. The complex processes of inflammation, oxidant stress, and vascular endothelial
cell activation are becoming recognized as playing a major, albeit obscure, role in the physiologic
and pathologic responses of divers to their environment. All of cellular life has preprogrammed
within its genome the ability to respond in an adaptive way to noxious stimuli. This complex cellular response is referred to as the Cellular Stress Response (CSR) and is the focus of attention in a
wide range of medical investigations, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and trauma.
The activation of the genes controlling this CSR (heat shock and molecular chaperone genes) can
dramatically alter the physiologic outcome following exposure to extreme cellular environments,
such as acute inflammation, hypoxia, or ischemia. This paper aims to introduce and review the
history and development of the CSR as we know it today, relate the CSR to diving and hyperbaric
medicine, and introduce the potential of hyperbaric oxygen to trigger and control the CSR.


Department of Surgery, Morristown Memorial

Hospital, Box 88, 100 Madison Ave., Morristown,
New Jersey, 07960, USA.

he Cellular Stress Response (CSR) has its early beginnings linked closely
to a phenomenon known as the Heat Shock Response (HSR). The initial
description of the HSR was made, unexpectedly, by investigators using the
polytene chromosome of the Drosophila fruit fly as a model for studying gene expression (Ritossa, 1964). Tremendous growth in the fields of molecular and cell biology
have occurred since the initial description of the HSR by Feruccio Ritossa in 1962
(Welch, 1993). The discovery and characterization of the heat-shock genes initiated
the rapidly expanding field of molecular medicine that we are experiencing today
(Schlesinger et al., 1982). Early on it became clear that the heat-shock (HS) gene
expression could alter cellular physiology in a predictable fashion. Increased HS gene
expression conferred a state of protection to cells, permitting them to resist potentially lethal insults such as, hyperthermia and acute ischemia (Horowitz and Robinson,
2007; Rokutan et al., 1998). Furthermore it quickly became apparent that there were
many noxious insults that could induce HS gene expression besides the original
example of hyperthermia. One of the original, non-thermal, biochemical inducers of
HS genes was 2,4-dinitrophenol a potent blocker of the electron transport chain and
aerobic respiration (Ritossa, 1964). Since that time, the list of known inducers of the
HS genes continues to grow and now includes exposure to diving environments and


hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) (Kregel, 2002). Current models

suggest that the common denominator through which these
seemingly unrelated agents trigger this protective response is
via the appearance of denatured intra-cellular proteins (Bensaude et al., 1996; Kim et al., 2007). It is now clear that the
CSR can be induced by a wide array of conditions and agents
which, in turn, can provide protection from an equally wide
array of harmful or even potentially lethal insults.
A second major characteristic of the CSR is that it is a timesensitive phenomenon and thus its onset, duration and resolution are potentially predictable events. This predicable time
course lends itself to useful integration into many medically relevant applications, including the fields of diving and hyperbaric
medicine. The time course of this HS-gene expression and associated state of cytoprotection was initially mapped out within
the context of hyperthermic treatment of cancer and became
known as thermotolerance (Herman et al., 1982). The early association of new HS-gene expression with the phenomenon of
thermotolerance represents the first association of heat-shock
proteins (HSPs) with a biological function, i.e., acquired resistance to lethal thermal injury (Landry et al., 1982). Since that
time, understanding of the molecular and biological behaviors
of the HSR has steadily progressed. It is now widely appreciated that the functional outcomes of HS-gene expression are
the induction of the transient states of cytoprotection and antiinflammation. These altered physiologic states are temporally
associated with the synthesis of HSPs, especially the 70kD protein, HSP70. The HSPs belong to a larger class of proteins, the
molecular chaperones, which have now been assigned basal as
well as stress-related functions.
Since the initial application of the HSR to the problem of
organ preservation in 1986 (Perdrizet et al., 1989) significant
advances have been made in all levels of HS-related research
(Wheeler and Wong, 2007). The body of knowledge surrounding the molecular chaperones and CSR has grown, now being represented by an international society (International Cell
Stress Society), a dedicated journal (Cell Stress and Chaperones)
and annual scientific meetings. A detailed description of the
HSR, HSPs and CSR is beyond the scope of this paper, but
excellent reviews provided by (Csermely, 1998; Nover, 1991;
Maresca and Lindquist, 1991; Morimoto et al., 1994, 1997;
Rokutan et al., 1998). For this review of CSR and HSPs with
an emphasis on models relevant to the science and practice of
diving and hyperbaric medicine, four questions are addressed.

The concept of stress was originally defined with great difficulty by Selye (1946) as stress is any stimulus to which the
system is not adapted. He further notes that not all stress is
harmful and differentiated between good stress (eustress) and
harmful stress (distress). This latter distinction clearly recognizes the existence of an intrinsic and adaptable state of resistance to stress. A stimulus that is harmful to one cell or organism

may not be harmful to another and, furthermore, by manipulating the state of resistance of the individual a potentially harmful stimulus can be made less harmful. Thus, taking a person
unfamiliar with diving and asking them to dive to 200 feet in
the cold North Sea would be certainly distressful, perhaps even
lethal. However, for the same individual with proper diver training such excursion would not be stressful but exhilarating or addictive! Diving is a clear psychological stressor. Managed appropriately, the response to stress is adaptive, but if overwhelmed, it
can become lethal. Psychological stress has been shown to induce
the CSR in humans, including induction of the HSP (Flerov et
al., 2003). Simply studying for, or taking, an important professional examination can reach the threshold for the induction
of the CSR (Morita, 2005). Relevant to diving and decompression illness, this stress-induced CSR is associated with a state of
anti-inflammation, including down-regulation of inflammatory
cytokine release and vascular endothelial cell activation (House
et al., 2001). No one would argue that excursions to any extreme
environment are not stressful on both psychological and physiological levels. But is routine or recreational diving stressful?
Psychological stress aside, uncomplicated, routine diving presents at least three potential stressors to human biology: a) exposure to increased partial pressures of dissolved gases, especially
nitrogen and oxygen, b) thermal stresses, both hot and cold, and
c) weightlessness or microgravity. This last factor is counterintuitive, weightlessness would appear to be the antithesis of stress).
One may also add to this list sleep deprivation, dehydration and
the fasted state as variable but real contributors to the total stress
related to routine diving activities. Is there scientific evidence at
the cellular level that diving is stressful?
A brief literature review reveals that a myriad of examples
exist in which diving is associated with cellular stress, as evidenced by increased synthesis of HSPs. Monocytes sampled
from saturation divers on day 40 at 400 msw demonstrated a
175-fold increase in HSP70 and 210-fold increase in HSP27
protein expression (Matsuo et al., 2000). Lymphocytes taken
from experienced SCUBA divers demonstrated elevated baseline expression of HSP70 protein and mRNA and reduced
CD18 mRNA compared to non-diving volunteers (Cameron
et al., 2008). Lymphocytes taken from humans three hours following a single dive (n = 7 male divers, 40msw, 25min, breathing air) demonstrated elevated heme-oxygenase-1 (HO-1, also
known as HSP32) and the neutrophils showed a reduction in
myeloperoxidase activity (Ferrer et al., 2007). The authors attributed these changes in white blood cells to the presence of
oxidant stress. They also noted elevated markers of damage to
red blood cells (LDH-lactate dehydrogenase) and skeletal muscle cells (CPK-creatinine phosphokinase) consistent with cellular stress from the single dive.
Interestingly, the apparently stressless environment of
weightlessness provided by neutral buoyancy may in fact be a
significant cellular stressor. A review of the published literature
demonstrates multiple studies that confirm the ability of microgravity states to induce synthesis of stress proteins in both


animal and human tissues and cells. Zebra fish exposed to microgravity during development demonstrated an increased expression of HSP70 within lens tissue (Shimada and Moorman,
2006). Adult zebra fish exposed to microgravity demonstrated
elevated synthesis of HSP70 within splenic tissues (Ohnishi et
al., 1998). Human vascular endothelial cells, the monocytic cell
line (U937) and human lymphocytic cell line (Jurkat), demonstrated an increased synthesis of HSP70 following exposure to
microgravity in vitro (Cotrupi and Maier, 2004; Maier, 2006;
Carlsson et al., 2003; Cubano and Lewis, 2001). The stress response to microgravity appears to be highly conserved across
species as E. coli up-regulates sigma factor in response to microgravity and is consistent with the universal nature of the CSR
(Lynch et al., 2004). Finally, the occurrence of a diving complication, like DCI, expectedly induced the synthesis of stress
proteins in the rodent (Montcalm-Smith et al., 2007).

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO2T) is widely practiced
throughout the world and has been for many years. HBO2T is
provided by highly trained personnel in very controlled, clinical environments. It is without question that the practice of
hyperbaric medicine is very safe, but is HBO2 stressful? Modern
hyperbaric medicine programs routinely expose hundreds of
very frail and debilitated patients to HBO2 on a daily basis for
the purposes of aiding the wound healing response and do so
with very low complication rates. It is therefore, from a clinical
perspective, an unexpected notion that HBO2T might be stressful to humans as it appears so very well tolerated by individuals
whose physiologic reserve has been compromised by years of
chronic disease (i.e., obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease).
As with the submersion example in diving, entry into a hyperbaric chamber can provoke acute anxiety and as such likely
induces the synthesis of stress proteins. Aside from this psychological stress, does the respiration of high partial pressures
of oxygen also induce a CSR? Humans have clear limits to the
amount of oxygen they can be exposed to before direct organ
toxicity occurs (Clark et al., 2006). The doses of oxygen currently used in the practice of hyperbaric medicine have been adjusted to minimize gross end-organ toxicity. Current algorithms
used in HBO2T rarely produce organ injury, but is it stressful at
the cellular level?
A review of the published literature reveals a consistent
finding: mammalian tissues exposed to HBO2 produce large
amounts of stress proteins. This new protein synthesis indicates
that HBO2T is triggering a CSR in animal and human cells and
tissues for both in vitro and in vivo settings. Several recent reports in the medical literature serve as examples. HBO2 induces:
expression of HSP70 in a murine neuroblastoma cell line in vitro (Shyu et al., 2004); HSP90 and NOS in rodent brain and is
consistent with a response to oxidant stress (Thom et al., 2002);
lens epithelial stress protein expression (Padgaonkar et al.,
1997); DNA damage and stress proteins in human lymphocytes

in vitro (Dennog et al., 1999); HSP72 in human lymphocytes

(Shinkai et al., 2004); and, HO-1 in human lung cell line in
vitro (Speit and Bonzheim, 2003). Despite these cellular and
biochemical findings, patients exposed to HBO2 generally do
not experience any acute discomfort or harm. Contrast this to
the experience of using classical whole-body hyperthermia to
achieve the same end. Whole-body hyperthermia (core body
temperature of 102 - 108F) is extremely uncomfortable for humans and posses a severe cardiovascular stress. Thus, the relative
clinical ease by which HBO2T (whole-body hyperoxia) induces
a CSR stands in stark contrast to whole-body hyperthermia. By
virtue of its tolerability by humans it is a very attractive agent
by which to manipulate the CSR in patients. The mechanism by
which HBO2T induces the CSR is currently unknown but will
likely involve the denaturation of intracellular proteins by the
increased production of reactive oxygen species during exposure
to hyperoxic stress.


A logical next question to ask is if HBO2 can induce the
CSR, can it also induce tissue-level protection? A state of cytoprotection against numerous noxious insults is known to
temporarily associate with the CSR and HSR gene expression.
Specific examples exist in a wide array of models and attests
to the robustness of this phenomenon. The published literature contains models describing ischemic preconditioning, endotoxin tolerance, thermotolerance, and stress conditioning,
demonstrating the fundamental similarity of these seemingly
unrelated phenomena (Perdrizet, 1995). The unifying concept
was first described by Hans Selye as the triphasic nature of the
stress response. Selyes observations were made on the organismal level and have now been confirmed to be active at the
cellular level (Perdrizet, 1997). The phenomenon of acclimatization described as an adaptive resistance to decompression illness in caisson workers would appear to represent yet one more
example of the triphasic nature of the stress response (Walder,
1968). Furthermore, a prior sub-lethal episode of DCI appears
to confer protection against a subsequent DCI episode in rabbits and is associated with increased synthesis of HSP70 (Su et
al., 2004). Exposure of rodents to whole-body hyperthermia in
a model of DCI protected the lungs and was associated with increased pulmonary expression of HSP70 (Huang et al., 2003).
HBO2 exposure has been shown to confer protection
against numerous noxious insults. This should come as no
surprise given the consistent observation that HBO2 exposure
induces the CSR and HSR gene expression in animal and human cells and tissues. The ability to protect tissues against acute
ischemia would have wide potential application and benefit in
medical and surgical therapies. There is extensive evidence in
experimental animal models of acute ischemia that preconditioning with HBO2 can increase ischemic tolerance of many


tissues. Prior exposure of rodents to clinically relevant HBO2

confers a state of ischemic tolerance in brain (Wada, 2001),
heart (Kim, 2001), and spinal cord (Dong, 2002). The mechanism of this protection is under investigation and may involve
HSP32 (a.k.a., heme-oxygenase-1) (Li et al., 2007). HBO2 protects rodent lungs from LPS toxicity and increases HO-1 expression (Huang et al., 2005). HBO2 protects rodent liver and
is associated with increased expression of hepatic HSP70 (Yu et
al., 2005). HBO2 can protect rodent brain from acute ischemia
and increases stress protein expression (Konda et al., 1996).
It is important to recognize that given the universal nature
of the CSR and the highly conserved nature of its genetic apparatus, a phenomenon of cross-protection exists. Thus, the stressor used to induce tissue protection need not be the same agent
against which protection is desired. For example, heat acclimatization can delay the onset of CNS oxygen toxicity in rodents
and is associated with elevated HSP70 (Arieli et al., 2003). Heat
shock can protect against DCI, oxygen pre-breathing can reduce the incidence of DCI, HBO2 protects against LPS-induced
lung injury (Huang et al., 2005).

disease. In short, diving is stressful. Humans exposed to HBO2T

demonstrate an increased synthesis of stress proteins. The increased synthesis of stress proteins is the biochemical signature
of the triggering of a CSR and as such may have wide-ranging
potential for medical application. But are these changes in gene
expression associated with cellular protection from oxidant injury such as that which occurs with acute ischemia? Exposure to
both diving and hyperbaric oxygen environments results in the
up-regulation of the CSR and HSR genes and these changes are
predictably related to a transient period of cellular resistance to
oxidant injury. Because HBO2 is so well tolerated on a clinical
level, it may represent the ideal pharmacologic agent to stress
condition human beings prior to exposure to anticipated stressful events, such as invasive medical or surgical procedures. Can
HBO2T precondition humans? The clinical need to provide
robust protection from acute ischemic injuries associated with
common medical and surgical procedures is great. Additional
interventional trials which can test the HBO2T-stress conditioning hypothesis need to be performed and the nature of the potential benefit for future medical care determined.




HBO2 protects human lymphocytes from DNA damage by

oxidant injury (hydrogen peroxide). This protection was associated with increased synthesis of HSP32 (Grger et al., 2005).
To date, there is only one study that has tested the ability of
HBO2 pre-treatment to protect humans from acute ischemia
during coronary artery bypass grafting procedure employing
cardiopulmonary bypass (Alex et al., 2005; Yogaratnam et al.,
2006). Sixty-four patients were randomized to receive (n = 33)
or not receive (n = 31) three pre-treatments of HBO2T (100%
oxygen, 2.4 ata, 90 min per treatment) at 24, 12, and 2 hours
prior to the surgical bypass procedure. Patients receiving the
HBO2T were found to have significantly less cognitive impairment when tested four months following surgery as compared
to the controls (HBO2T: 30% versus Control: 55%, p < 0.05).
The observed protection of neurocognitive function was associated with significantly less HSP70 in the serum from those
patients treated with HBO2T as measured at 2 hours following
completion of the surgical procedure.

Humans exposed to the routine diving environment are exposed to significant biological stressors as evidenced by increased
synthesis of stress proteins, the hallmark of a cellular response
to stress. Clearly important factors such as the degree, duration, and innate host resistance all contribute to determine the
ultimate impact these environments have on diver health and

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Individual Risk of Decompression Sickness:

Possible Effects of Genomic or Epigenomic
Variation Altering Gene Expression
Andreas Mllerlkken and Ingrid Eftedal

ABSTRACT. Changes in the physical or chemical surroundings of any organism, such as the pressure changes experienced on ascent from diving, are likely to trigger adaptive changes in gene expression patterns. However, the molecular responses are not necessarily uniform. Considerable variation
in both constitutive and inducible gene expression is seen between and even within individuals at
different times. The expression of a specific gene is regulated both by the DNA-sequence of the gene
itself and by epigenetic modifications that alter a genes availability for transcription without changing the sequence of DNA. A divers capacity for adaptation to decompression may vary according
to his or her individual genetic and epigenetic make up. Some of the genes involved in nitric oxide
homeostasis in the endothelium display considerable individual differences in activity, which is
known to trigger susceptibility to a number of diseases. This could indicate a link between endothelial dysfunction and decompression sickness (DCS) making the endothelium a highly interesting
organ to study. We plan to examine alterations in genetic expression profiles of RNA in vascular
endothelium in situ following decompression using rats as experimental models. We further plan to
look for epigenomic variations between individual animals by examining the methylation pattern
of cytosine in genomic DNA. By doing so, we hope to gain knowledge of genetic responses to the
physical and biochemical changes experienced in diving. Ultimately the goal is to be able to better
predict individual risk of developing DCS, and possibly also to prevent or relieve disease by means
of preconditioning or pharmacological intervention.


Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging,

Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Olav Kyrres gt 9, N-7489, Trondheim, Norway.

uring recent years there has been considerable focus on the risk of injury and
dysfunction to the central nervous system in professional diving, commonly
known as decompression illness. Different models have been developed to
prevent the adverse effects of decompression for more than 100 years, but still the
mechanisms behind the clinical manifestations are not completely understood. What
we do know is that the initial step in the cascade of pathophysiological events leading
to decompression sickness (DCS) is the formation of gas bubbles (Francis and Mitchell, 2003), and that most health hazards experienced in diving are consequences of
changes in gas volume and formation of gas bubbles due to reduction in the ambient
pressure during a divers ascent. The Godysund conference in 1993 highlighted the
possible detrimental long term health effects of diving. This consensus conference was
followed by a second conference in 2005 in Bergen. Both concluded that long term
detrimental health effects of diving may occur and can represent a threat to occupational divers quality of life (Hope and Risberg, 2006).
Recently, two epidemiological studies from the North Sea have verified the presence of functional changes following dives. One showed that there was a relationship between decompression and these changes (Irgens et al., 2007) and the other also showed
additional risk for welders who dived (Ross et al., 2006). In a previous study we found


a correlation between manifestation of DCS and the number

of times the diver underwent decompressions (Jacobsen et al.,
1997; Brubakk and Eftedal, 2000). We have further found that
a significant number of experienced professional divers (70%)
have had symptoms of DCS without ever reporting them (Brubakk and Eftedal, 2000) and that signs of minor brain dysfunction were detectable in these divers. Even if clinical symptoms
of DCS are relative rare in professional diving today, it seems
well documented that decompression is still the major inducer
of long-term effects on the central nervous system.

The symptomatology of DCS is heterogeneous. Peripheral
symptoms are frequently seen, but several central organ systems,
including the central nervous system (CNS) and the respiratory
system, may also be affected. It is quite possible that the pathogenesis of DCS at least in part is of an inflammatory origin
as there is significant inter-individual susceptibility to decompression trauma. Furthermore, repetitive dives have resulted in
greater tolerance to DCS due to acclimatization (Bergh et al.,
1993; Hjelde et al., 1995; Ersson et al., 2002; Buttolph et al.,
1998). Bubbles may further lead to a tissue response with activation of platelets, the coagulation cascade (Eckmann and Diamond, 2004; Nyquist et al., 2004; Thorsen et al., 1993), and
complement (Hjelde et al., 1995).
The pathological effects of bubbles may originate from a
mechanical disruption of the tissue concerned, for example the
endothelium (Nossum et al., 1999), with compression of noncompliant tissue or blood vessels and lymphatic tissue, or from
simply obstructing blood vessels. Signs and symptoms of DCS
also differ with the pressure profile and breathing gas. Neurological symptoms are most common after short deep dives or
altitude exposures with little or no pre-oxygenation. It is generally assumed that localized gas bubbles are responsible for all
DCS incidents in the CNS. However, Wilmshurst and Bryson
(2000) showed that a large PFO can be found in about 50%
of divers having central nervous symptoms. They have also observed that large shunts correlate well with spinal cord DCS.
Wilmshurst et al. (2001) demonstrated further that there is a
relationship between right-to-left shunts and cutaneous DCS,
which often is associated with more serious DCS involving the
CNS and the lung (Conkin, 1999; Zwart, 2000). Gas bubbles
can cause changes in barrier permeability even in the absence of
clinical manifestations of DCS. Breakdown of the blood-brainbarrier (BBB) and blood-lung-barrier (BLB) may allow proteins
and leukocytes to move into the extravascular brain tissue, with
subsequent formation of oedema (Hjelde, et al., 2002; Chryssanthou et al., 1977; van Hulst et al., 2003). Leukocytes have
been implicated in the progressive fall in cerebral blood flow
and decreased cerebral function in animal models of gas embolism (Dutka et al., 1989; Helps and Gorman, 1991).Various
plasma proteins including the coagulation system, complement

and kinins are also activated by bubbles (Ward et al., 1987;

Pekna et al., 1993).
While bubbles in the venous system can explain pulmonary
symptoms of DCS, there are other manifestations of DCS that
can only be explained by bubble formation within the tissue
themselves (Francis and Mitchell, 2003). Extravascular bubbles
may form in tissue that is aqueous or lipid, and except for extreme decompression bubbles are seldom observed in heart, liver
and skeletal muscle (Wienke, 1994). Daniels (1984) reported
that the earliest bubbles detected were intravascular, but that substantial accumulation of stationary bubbles would occur before
any signs of DCS were seen. In the periphery of the body, small
intravascular bubbles may grow to sufficient size to occlude small
vessels and thereby give rise to stationary intravascular bubbles.
Blocking of the microcirculation causes not only tissue ischemia
but also retards the elimination of dissolved gas and produces
local areas with gas tensions higher than the surrounding tissue
(Davies, 1983). Once formed, extravascular bubbles persist for
long periods of time. Gas bubbles have been shown to persist up
to two days after the original decompression (Davies, 1983).

The endothelium plays a key role in the short- and longterm regulation of the cardiovascular system and harbours many
factors that influence blood flow, blood coagulation as well as
angiogenesis (Triggle et al., 2003). The vascular endothelium
consists of a monolayer of cells lining the luminal surface of all
blood vessels in the body (Fig. 1). The endothelium functions
by sensing various physiologic stimuli and triggering release of
multiple vasoactive substances, including nitric oxide (NO).
Such physiologic stimuli can be for example substances present in the blood or the shear stress associated with the blood
flow. A large number of vasoactive substances are produced and
secreted from endothelial cells to act on the underlying vascular smooth muscle cells. The balance between dilating and contracting factors is critical for maintaining vascular homeostasis
(Cockcroft, 2005).
During resting conditions, the endothelial lining of the
blood vessels forms a relatively inert surface that regulates and secures unhindered flow of cellular elements through the capillary
beds. In response to an inflammatory signal initiated by bubbles,
endothelial cells may be converted from an inactivated to an activated state inducing cellular functional changes. These changes
may in turn destabilize pre-existing nuclei and make them expand into bubbles. Activation of the endothelium generates endothelial microparticles (EMP), which are fragments of activated
endothelial cells. These may in turn reduce the endothelial function, possibly by increasing expression of the endothelial adhesion
molecules such as vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1),
intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and E-selectin, and
by influencing NO production (Jimenez et al., 2003; Brodsky et
al., 2004). Following a decompression, this activation could be
caused by endothelial damage from gas bubbles.


FIGURE 1. The structure of the blood vessel wall with the three
layers intima, media and adventitia. The figure is reproduced
in agreement to conditions given by Stijn A. I. Ghesquiere,


It is well documented that gas bubbles occur both on the
arterial and venous side of the circulation following decompression from a dive, and we have increasing knowledge of the damaging effects these bubbles have on the endothelium (Brubakk et
al., 2007). Changes in the physical or chemical surroundings of
any organism, such as those experienced on ascent from diving,
are likely to trigger adaptive changes in gene expression patterns.
The observation that some of the genes known to be involved
in the nitric oxide (NO) homeostasis display considerable individual difference in activity (Kojda et al., 2001), and that NO
is an important mechanism in gas bubble formation (Wisloff
et al., 2004; Mllerlkken et al., 2006) points towards possible
genetic links between endothelial dysfunction and DCS.
When exposing the body to extreme physical or chemical
conditions, such as the rapid alterations in surrounding pressure
experienced by divers during and immediately after compression and decompression, what is usually sufficient in terms of
protein expression and interactions may no longer be enough
to ensure health. The amount and rate of changes in pressure
experienced by divers is a challenge not normally experienced
under basal life conditions, and the genes needed to cope with
these alterations thus may not have been subject to strong selective forces to retain high activity of expression. Haploinsufficiency is a condition where the capability to adjust the level
of RNA-expression in response to a stimulus is lowered due to
partial or complete inactivation of one copy of an otherwise
diploid gene. Since decompression is not a phenomenon normally experienced by humans or most mammals, it may well be
that individual variation in susceptibility to DCS is reflected in
levels of RNA-expression. We propose to examine alterations in
genetic expression profiles in the endothelium in situ following

decompression using rats as experimental models. By doing so

we aim to gain knowledge of how specific genes respond to the
physical and biochemical changes experienced in diving. Ultimately, the goal is to be able to better predict individual risk of
developing DCS and possibly also to prevent or relieve disease
by means of preconditioning or pharmacological interventions.
Large-scale techniques developed for transcriptomics and
systems biology are useful for examining how genetic variations
in complex biological pathways contribute to variable phenotypes such as disease susceptibility. In this study we plan to use
micro arrays for cDNA and global DNA methylation to study
both genetic and epigenetic variation, since both may contribute to phenotypic variability. Mutations to the DNA sequence
can cause changes in gene expression by altering the affinity
for transcription factors, changing the catalytic properties of
a translated protein, or abolishing expression altogether. Epigenetic patterns such as methylation of cytosine to 5-methylcytosine by imprinting during embryogenesis are also involved
in regulation of gene expression. These patterns may be altered
later in life by environmental factors such as diet, infections
and age. Epigenetic changes have been shown to be involved in
the development of malignant disease through altering the rate
of transcription of tumor suppressor genes or proto-oncogenes
(Lopez et al., 2009) and similarly may be involved in susceptibility to other diseases (Jirtle and Skinner, 2007). Considering
the apparent increased susceptibility to DCS with the divers
age, it is interesting to note that both genome-wide and gene
specific methylation patterns have been shown to change with
age (Bjornsson et al., 2008; Richardson, 2003).


Rats are generally considered to be genetically closer to humans than mice and its genome was recently sequenced. Global
RNA expression arrays that are highly suited for studies of gene
expression patterns in rats, mice and humans are commercially
available. By using full genome cDNA expression arrays, global
alterations in expression patterns that may be subscribed to altered DNA translation can be examined simultaneously.
A key first step in any genomic study is precisely defining responders and non-responders to any controlled influence.
One approach is to identify candidate genes that may determine
the action of the bubbles by screening for RNAs that are significantly differentially transcribed in animals that have undergone
decompression. Then the candidate may be screened for genetic
variants and altered biological activity.

The first part of our study will be a pilot involving a relatively small number of animals. We will extract RNA from
the endothelial lining of rat aortas following dives using well


established diving protocols. RNA extraction will take place immediately after decompression to best preserve the true expression pattern of genes. Genetically similar animals not subjected
to decompression but otherwise identically treated animals will
serve as controls and RNA will be extracted and analysed using
the same protocol.
The second part of the study will take into account the
results of the RNA expression studies, further examining genes
and pathways found to be significantly altered in animals during decompression. We also have access to a rat strain that we
have found to be more susceptible to decompression-related adverse effects than other strains and plan to compare their genetic
profiles with the profiles of less susceptible animals. Knock-out
animals are now commercially available for thousands of mouse
genes, and a limited number of rat knock-outs are also emerging. They may supply models for further studies.
Finally, we seek to examine genetic variation in humans
that may explain variable susceptibility to DCS. A bio-bank
consisting of blood samples draw from divers may form the basis for studies in which individuals who present with specific
adverse effects of decompression are examined retrospectively
for the presence of genetic variants suspected to be involved in
susceptibility to disease. If clinically relevant genetic alterations
are found, we seek to prevent or treat disease by preconditioning or pharmacological intervention, or to facilitate information in advance for those who may be at particularly high risk
of DCS.

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Inducing HSP for Protection against DCS:

Heat Exposure before Diving
Reduces Bubble Formation in Man
Jean-Eric Blatteau, Emmanuel Gempp, Jean-Michel Pontier,
Costantino Balestra, Tony Mets, and Peter Germonpr
ABSTRACT. Heat stress is a non-pharmacological preconditioning strategy which can lead to protection against various types of subsequent insults, such as ischemia, hypoxia, inflammation, drugs,
and even bubble-induced injury from decompression. It has been suggested that the protective
effect of heat exposure against DCS in rats could be related to biochemical processes involving
heat shock proteins (HSP) of the 70-kDa range. The purpose of this study was to determine the
efficacy of sauna-induced heat exposure prior to a simulated dive on bubble reduction and to examine the adjustments in Hsp70 concentration and hemodynamic parameters. Sixteen divers were
compressed in a hyperbaric chamber to 400 kPa for 25 min and decompressed at a rate of 100 kPa.
min-1 with a 4 min stop at 130 kPa. Each diver performed two dives, one with and one without
pre-dive FIR dry sauna session for 30 min at 65C, ending 1 hour prior to the dive. Brachial artery
flow mediated dilation (FMD), blood pressure, and bodyweight measurements were taken before
and after the sauna session along with blood samples for analysis of plasma volume, protein concentrations, plasma osmolality, and plasma Hsp70. Circulating venous bubbles were detected with a
precordial Doppler after surfacing. This study shows that a single predive sauna session significantly
decreases circulating bubbles after a chamber dive. Plasma Hsp70 significantly increased 2 h after
sauna completion. The sauna session led to an extracellular dehydration, resulting in hypovolemia
and bodyweight loss. A significant rise in FMD and a reduction in systolic blood pressure and pulse
pressure were observed. Inducing HSP from heat stress could offer a new way of reducing decompression sickness risk. Sweat dehydration and NO pathway could be also involved in this protective
effect. Further investigation is required to elucidate the preponderant mechanism underlying this
heat exposure induced reduction in bubble formation.


Jean-Eric Blatteau, Emmanuel Gempp, and JeanMichel Pontier, Dpartement de Mdecine Hyperbare,
Hpital dInstruction des Armes Sainte-Anne,
83800, Toulon Armes, France. Costantino Balestra,
Environmental and Occupational Physiology
Laboratory, I.S.E.K. Haute Ecole Henri Spaak,
1160, Brussels, Belgium. Tony Mets, Akademisch
Ziekenhuis, Vrije Universiteit, 1120, Brussels,
Belgium. Peter Germonpr, Centre dOxygnothrapie
Hyperbare, Hpital Militaire Reine Astrid, 1120,
Brussels, Belgium.

reventive measures to reduce the risk of decompression sickness (DCS) can

involve several pre-dive procedures reported in some experimental studies such
as oxygen breathing (Butler et al., 2006), exercise before diving (Dujic et al.,
2004; Blatteau et al., 2005), intake of exogenous nitric oxide (Dujic et al., 2006) or
prehydration (Gempp et al., 2008).
Activation of the stress protein response (heat-shock protein, HSP) by mild hyperthermia allows cells to resist subsequent metabolic insults that would otherwise be
lethal, a phenomenon referred to aspreconditioning. HSP induction can lead to protection against various types of stress such as ischemia, hypoxia, hyperoxia, inflammation
(Kregel, 2002), and even bubble-induced injury from decompression (Huang et al.,
2003; Medby et al., 2008).
HSP are involved in many regulatory pathways and have an important function
in controlling the folding and structure of proteins acting as chaperones. The most
abundantly and best studied HSP are the 70 kDa families. Hsp70 are the most temperature sensitive and are highly inducible. Moderate increases in temperature (>38C)
produce elevated Hsp70 levels which are dependent on the duration of heat stress. The


protective effect of heat exposure against DCS in rats could be

related to increased expression of Hsp70 (Huang et al., 2003;
Medby et al., 2008). Hsp70 induction could also be involved
in the mechanisms responsible for diving acclimatization after
repeated compression-decompression cycles (Su et al., 2004).
Moreover, it has been demonstrated that heat-inducible
proteins are also able to interact with endothelial nitric oxide
(NO) pathway (Harris et al., 2003) which may influence the
degree of bubble formation in hyperbaric conditions (Wisloff et
al., 2003, 2004).
It is well recognized that high environmental temperatures
lead to sweat response resulting in dehydration. In a previous
work, we have also shown that moderate dehydration resulting
in stroke volume (SV) reduction induced by a pre-dive exercise
could decrease venous circulating bubbles in divers (Blatteau et
al., 2007).
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of sauna-induced heat exposure prior to a simulated dive
on bubble formation and to examine the adjustments in Hsp70
concentrations and haemodynamic parameters.

16 military divers (38.4 years avg. and BMI of 25 kg.m-2)
underwent a simulated dive in a dry hyperbaric chamber to 400
kPa (30 m) for 25 min and a stop at 3 m for 4 min. Each diver
performed two dives five days apart, one dive without sauna and
one preceded by a sauna session. The order of the two dives was
randomly allocated. Divers were instructed to avoid physical
exertion during the 2 days that preceded each trial.
Subjects were seated for 30 min at 65C with the head out
of the cabin in a Far Infrared-Ray dry sauna system. In similar
conditions, deep body temperature rises about 1C during sauna exposure (Tei et al., 1995). The sauna session ended 1 hour
before the simulated dive. The divers were not allowed to drink
water during the entire protocol.
Circulating bubbles were detected using a pulsed Doppler
on the precordial area at 20, 40 and 60 min after surfacing (at
rest and after 2 flexions). The bubble signals were graded according to the Spencer scale before conversion to the Kissman
Integrated Severity Score (KISS). This score takes into account
the kinetics of the bubbles at the different recording times and is
assumed to be a meaningful linearised measure of post-decompression intravascular bubble activity status that may be treated
statistically (Nishi et al., 2003).

Blood samples were collected by venipuncture for hematocrit (Hct), hemoglobin (Hb), plasma proteins and osmolality after resting in a supine position for 20 min; measurements
were determined before and 30 min after the sauna session. Percent changes in plasma volume (PV) were calculated using an
Hb-Hct transformation equation (Harrison et al., 1982). Heart
rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) were obtained immediately
before each venipunction by using a portable monitoring system. Pulse pressure and mean arterial BP were calculated from
the systolic and diastolic arterial BP. Weight measurements
have been achieved immediately before and 35 min after the
end of sauna. Additional measurements were taken to evaluate
the sauna exposure (without diving) in 10 divers for 1) arterial response to reactive hyperaemia (flow-mediated dilatationFMD); 2) plasma HSP70 levels.
FMD was determined before and 60 minutes after the sauna
session, at the level of the right brachial artery, according to a
protocol previously described (Corretti et al., 2002). This indirect
method evaluates nitric oxide-dependent endothelial function.
HSP70 measurements were done at 30 min, 2 h, 8 h and
24 h after sauna completion. Venous blood samples were separated from blood cells and stored at -70C. HSP70 in serum was
detected using an in-house sandwich ELISA method previously
described (Njemini et al., 2005).
Data are presented as mean S.D. Data were analysed using
non-parametric statistics because of the small sample size. Wilcoxon signed rank test was used for paired data, whereas comparisons in different times for HSP70 kinetics were evaluated
by Friedman test (repeated measures ANOVA on ranks). Differences between groups were considered significant at p < 0.05.

None of the divers suffered from DCS after the dives. The
maximum bubble count was observed 40 minutes after surfacing following the respective protocol (with or without sauna).
A single session of sauna ending 1 hour before the dive significantly reduced - 27.2% KISS bubble grades at rest (mean KISS
1.95 versus 7.17, p = 0.031) and - 35.4% after flexions (mean
KISS 3.6 versus 10.18, p = 0.039). Only one diver showed a
slight increase in venous bubble grade after performing sauna
(Figure 1).
Subjects performing a single sauna session had significantly
elevated plasma HSP70 concentrations from baseline values 2
hours after the sauna completion (mean HSP values 1939 versus 729 ng.l-1, p = 0.005) with no significant differences at 30
min, 8h and 24 h (Fig. 2).
We observed a significant reduction of body weight by
0.6% after sauna (-450 18 g, mean S.D. p < 0.001). Plasma





bubble score KISS




Body weight Plasma volume

------------------------------------------------------------------------Plasma proteins











FIGURE 1. Individual KISS bubble scores (after flexions), following hyperbaric exposure to 400 kPa for 25 min. Black bars represent controls and grey bars conditions with sauna ending 1h prior
to the dives.

FMD % of control values




FIGURE 3. The sauna session led to an extracellular dehydration

resulting in hypovolemia (- 2.7% of plasma volume) and body
weight loss (- 0.6%).





Pre sauna

Post 30min

Post 2h

Post 8h

Post 24h

Pre sauna

Post 1h

FIGURE 2. Expression of plasma HSP70 (mean sem) before and

after FIR sauna exposure (65/30min) in 10 subjects. * denotes p
< 0.05.

FIGURE 4. Brachial artery Flow Mediated Dilation (mean sem)

before and 1h after FIR sauna exposure (65/30min) in 10 subjects.
* denotes p < 0.05.

volume decreased by 2.7 % after sauna (p < 0.001). Plasma

proteins significantly increased by 3% after sauna (73.1 2.9
versus 70.9 2.8 mg.l-1, mean S.D. p < 0.001) whereas there
were no significant differences in plasma osmolality before and
after sauna (Fig. 3)
Systolic blood pressure and pulse pressure decreased significantly (112 10 versus 119 13 mmHg, p = 0.013 and 40
17 versus 46 19 mmHg, mean S.D. p = 0.005 respectively)
whereas diastolic and mean blood pressure remained unchanged
after sauna. HR was not modified by sauna.
We found a significant increase of FMD (Fig. 4) observed 1
hour after the sauna completion from baseline values measured
15 min before the sauna exposure (13 2.8% versus 7.7 3 %,
mean S.D. p = 0.002).

and/or alter the population of gaseous nuclei from which bubbles form (Blatteau et al., 2006, 2007).

The main result of our study is that a single predive sauna
session significantly decreased circulating bubbles. Our working
hypothesis is that heat preconditioning could contribute to reduce bubble burden by reducing nitrogen load during the dive

Although dehydration is commonly proposed as a risk
factor for DCS in divers, there are no data that support this
assertion in man. Animal studies are few and give contradictory results (Broome et al., 1995; Leni et al., 2001; Fahlman
and Dromsky, 2006; Skogland et al., 2008). We have recently
shown that moderate dehydration and hypovolemia induced
by a pre-dive exercise might be involved in reducing post-dive
circulating bubbles (Blatteau et al., 2007). From the above findings, we hypothesize that moderate dehydration could be beneficial on bubble formation, while severe dehydration appears
to increase the risk of DCS. The uptake or release of gas by a
particular tissue depends on both the rate of blood flow to the
tissue and the rate of gas diffusion into the tissue from blood.
It may be seen that if the blood flow is lower, the rate of inert
gas uptake would be slower and consequently bubble formation
would be reduced (Francis et al, 1990). Dehydration-induced


hypovolemia reduces stroke volume (Jimenez et al., 1999; Blatteau et al., 2007). Because heart rate was unchanged after the
sauna session in our study, we hypothesized that blood flow was
reduced at the start and during the dive, thus limiting inert gas
load and bubble formation afterwards.

(Pespeni et al., 2005). From the above findings, the role of HSP
appears more related to the attenuation of tissue reaction to
vascular bubbles, than in a direct bubble reduction process.


This study shows that a single predive sauna session significantly decreases circulating bubbles after a chamber dive, which
may reduce the risk of decompression sickness. Heat exposure
induced-dehydration and NO pathway could be involved in
this protective effect. It is unclear whether HSP act directly on
the bubble formation process or influence the attenuation of
tissue reaction to vascular bubbles (Fig. 5). In this way, a predive aerobic exercise performed within 2 hours, including sweat
dehydration, a potential increase in body temperature and HSP
and a rise in endothelial NO may therefore provide some of the
observed benefits as identified in this paper.

It has been demonstrated that endothelial NO, an important vasodilator with anti-atherogenic properties, can attenuate bubble formation and DCS incidence probably by reducing
gaseous nuclei from which bubbles form (Wisloff et al., 2003;
2004). We observed a 50% increase in FMD, suggesting an
NO-mediated effect on endothelial function after a single sauna
session. This was partially reflected in the observed reduction of
systolic blood pressure and pulse pressure observed 30 minutes
after the sauna. It remains however unclear whether this NOmediated endothelial function improvement is directly related
to the HSP increase, or whether a different process is involved.
Numerous regulatory pathways may be considered in the
real bioprotective mechanisms of HSP (Fig. 5). It is assumed
that endothelial nitric oxide synthase is regulated by inducible
HSP. Moderate heat shock (core temperature: 42C, 15 min)
in rats increases HSP90 and HSP70 protein levels and vascular eNOS expression (Harris et al., 2003). However, this study
also demonstrates that a longer heat exposure (42C, 1 hour)
of endothelial cells results in an increase in eNOS protein content with no change in HSP70 and HSP90 expression, suggesting that the heat-induced change in eNOS expression could be
induced by other mechanisms. Recent studies demonstrate in
animals models of acute lung injury that the activation of HSP
may attenuate the damage caused by oxidative stress in the lung
by a direct inhibition of proinflammatory mediators (including
adhesion molecules such as ICAM-1), and also by an inhibition in the sequestration of neutrophils in pulmonary capillaries



gas nuclei






inert gas

blood flow








We would like to thank the participating divers for their
patience and sweat (special thanks to Daniel Caturan and Julien
Hugon); the students helping out by the experiments (Amandine Caveau and Jennifer Jrome) and the team of the hyperbaric center Sainte-Anne for their excellent technical assistance
during the course of the study. This study was previously published in Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine (Blatteau
J-, Gempp E, Balestra C, Mets T, Germonpre P. Predive sauna
and venous gas bubbles upon decompression from 400 kPa.
Aviat Space Environ Med 2008; 79:11001105).

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Lack of Signs of Brain Injury in Rats

on MRI after Decompression
Marianne B. Havnes, Marius Widere, Marte Thuen,
Andreas Mllerlkken, and Alf O. Brubakk

ABSTRACT. In serious decompression sickness (DCS Type II), neurological symptoms dominate.
However, not much is known about brain injury after decompression. This pilot experiment was
done to establish a method for evaluation of central nervous system (CNS) effects of decompression
using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. Rats were compressed on air in a hyperbaric
chamber and decompressed following a decompression profile known to give considerable bubble
production. The pulmonary arteries were monitored for bubbles by ultrasound and the brains were
scanned by MRI. No signs of injury in the brain were seen on MRI after decompression.


Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging,

Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Olav Kyrres gt. 9, N-7489, Trondheim, Norway.

ecompression sickness is a clinical diagnosis associated with a number of

different symptoms. However, in serious decompression sickness (DCS Type
II), neurological symptoms dominate (Moon and Gorman, 2003). Francis
and Mitchell (2003) state that if emboli are responsible for the pathologic findings in
DCS, the brain rather than the spinal cord should be embolized since it constitutes
more than 98 % of the mass of human CNS and receives 75-85 times the blood flow
of the spinal cord. However, the most common site for Type II DCS is in the spinal
cord which is affected in as many as 20-50% of cases that develop Type II DCS (Jallul
et al., 2007). The spinal cord white matter is especially vulnerable to bubble formation because nitrogen is highly soluble in myelin in addition to the poor collateral
blood supply of the spinal cord (Barratt et al., 2002). Even though damage is more
commonly observed in the spinal cord, bubbles seen in the carotid artery in divers 4
hours after decompression raises concern (Brubakk et al., 1986).
Reversibility of blood brain barrier (BBB), cerebral microcirculation, and histological changes after decompression were shown in a study using rats (Nohara and Yusa,
1997). Immediately after decompression there were changes in the brain. These findings were not seen after 1 and 3-6 hours, but reappeared between 48-72 hours after
Histological examinations have also been performed on goats, where Glial fibrillary
acidic protein (GFAP) immunohistochemistry staining revealed that lesions following
decompression sickness in CNS material are more likely to be found in animals exhibiting clinical signs of decompression sickness than those that do not (Woodger et al.,
2001). These results are, however, based on 3 out of 17 animals that had signs of DCS
and the general conclusion from this study is that there are no significant correlations
between DCS and neuropathological lesions in the brain or spinal cord (Blogg et al.,
2004). The same conclusion was reached by Mrk et al. (1994), who were unable to
detect any neuropathological changes in the spinal cord of 10 amateur divers and 10
experienced divers.


Jallul et al. (2007) reported no signs of MRI abnormalities

in the spinal cord or brain of a male human diver from MRI
scans taken within 24 hours after injury (paraplegic after recompression). In MRI scans taken three weeks after injury, areas
of abnormal high intensity appeared both in the spinal cord and
the brain. Another diver with serious neurological DCS had abnormally high signals in the white matter in the brain from
MRI scans taken 3 days after the accident. This was not visible
on the MRI scan performed 8 weeks after the injury.
Based on the observation that MRIs of divers with DCS
show multiple cerebral infarctions in the terminal and border
zones of the brain arteries, Kohshi and Wong (2001) proposed
that following decompression, arterialized bubbles pass the
lungs and heart to the brain.
Ultrasound has previously been applied in order to evaluate
vascular gas bubble formation in the vascular system. However,
the sensitivity of the method is limited by the resolution of the
instrument and the amount and size of bubbles formed. The
technology has been well suited for moving bubbles, but lately
new ultrasound technology is capable of detecting stationary
bubbles as well (Masoy et al., 2008). Thus, MRI would appear
to be a superior method. The presence of gas bubbles in the
CNS may cause localized inhomogeneity of the magnetic field,
that can be detected on T2*-weighted MR images. T2-weighted
images are commonly used to detect oedema, brain infarctions,
and structural changes in the brain.
Manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI) has previously been
used to detect ongoing ischemic neuronal death from stroke
in adult rats (Aoki et al., 2003; 2004) and recent studies suggest that MEMRI can be used to detect inflammatory processes
with activated microglia/macrophages and reactive astrocytes
in the rat brain (Haapanen et al., 2007; Wideroe et al., 2009;
Yang and Wu, 2007). Another MRI technique is Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) where the diffusion of water is measured in
several directions in 3 dimensions. This method can be used
to differentiate between brain tissues and is particularly useful
for visualization and evaluation of white brain matter. Diffusion along the white matter tracts has little restrictions, whereas
diffusion perpendicular to the tracts is highly restricted by the
myelin sheets and cell walls. This results in fast diffusion mainly
along the tracts and can be calculated and expressed as a high
Fractional Anisotropy (FA). A change or difference in FA value
in a white matter area indicates axonal damage or rearrangement (Mori and Zhang, 2006).
In the present preliminary study, injury to the brain after decompression was investigated with MRI and ultrasound.
Our hypothesis was that neurological decompression sickness
(Type II DCS) is caused by the organisms response to vascular gas bubbles. It follows that if vascular gas bubble formation
can be reduced or eliminated, neurological DCS will be less
likely to occur and also reduce the risk of long term sequelae.
Previous studies have demonstrated that vascular bubble formation can be significantly reduced or eliminated by physical exercise and nitric oxide in rat, pig, and man (Dujic et al.,

2004; Mollerlokken et al., 2006; Wisloff and Brubakk, 2001;

and Wisloff et al., 2004).

A total of 9 rats were compressed on air in a hyperbaric
chamber and decompressed following a decompression profile
known to give considerable bubble production. Ultrasound was
used to monitor and grade bubbles in the pulmonary artery for
30 minutes after decompression, using the grading method of
Eftedal and Brubakk (1997). Five animals served as controls on
the MRI scan.
After observation the rats were transferred to the MR Facility, NTNU. Before the MRI acquisition, the rats were anesthetized (4% isoflurane induction) and a 25 Ch neoflon was
inserted in the tail vein of the rats. MRI was performed on a 7
Tesla magnet (Biospec 70/20 AS, Bruker Biospin MRI, Ettlingen, Germany) with water-cooled (BGA-12, 400 mT/m) gradients. A 72-mm volume resonator was used for RF transmission
and an actively decoupled rat head surface coil was used for RF
reception (Bruker Biospin MRI). During scanning the anaesthetized (2% isoflurane in 30% O2, 70% N2) rats lay prone in
the dedicated water-heated rat bed and the head of every animal
was fixed in the same position with inbuilt earplugs, tooth bar
and nose-mask. This assured the same placement of the head of
the animals within the magnet from scan to scan.
After a gradient echo FLASH pilot scan (acquisition time
1 min) a series of T2*-weighted images were obtained using a
Multi-gradient echo (MGE) sequence with the following parameters: TE = 4/11/18/25/32/39/46/53/60/67/74/81 ms; TR
= 1650 ms; 2 averages; Acquisition time 7 min 55 sec. T2-maps
were then obtained using a RARE sequence with RARE-factor
= 4; TE = 25/50/75 ms; TR = 4000 ms; 3 averages; Acquisition
time 7 min 12 sec. Apparent Diffusion Coefficient maps were
obtained using a Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) sequence with 3
directions and 6 b-values (100/200/400/600/800/1000 ms);
TE = 53.47 ms; TR = 3000 ms; 6 averages; Acquisition time 8
min 24 sec. For all these scans 17 coronal slices were acquired
with slice thickness of 1 mm. The field of view (FOV) was 40
30 mm and the acquisition matrix (MTX) was 256 144 giving
an isotropic in-plane resolution of 156 156 m2.
The animals were then returned to the animal facility and
closely observed for any signs of decompression sickness. The
next day, animals were injected with a single dose of 40 mg
MnCl2 (# 7773-01-5, Sigma-Aldrich Inc., St. Louis, USA) per
kg bodyweight (~318 mol Mn2+/kg) at a concentration of 100
mM intraperitoneally to serve as MRI contrast for later scans.
Surviving animals were returned to the MR Facility after 7
and 14 days for new MRIs. At both time-points T2-maps and
T2*-weighted images were acquired with the same parameters as
described above. To evaluate manganese-uptake and inflammation a 3D data set was obtained on day 7 using a T1-weighted
gradient echo FLASH sequence with flip-angle = 30, TR = 12
ms, TE = 3.25 ms. FOV = 30 35 20 mm and acquisition


matrix was 192 168 96 with zero-filling to 192 224 128,

the interpolated resolution was 156 m isotropic. Acquisition
time was 52 min with 16 averages. The B1-field of the volumecoil was considered homogeneous within the field of view, while
the spatially inhomogeneous sensitivity of the surface-coil used
in the 3D T1-weighted FLASH acquisition was corrected for
using two additional scans in coupled and single coil operation:
3D T1-weighted FLASH sequences: Flip-angle = 30, TR = 12
ms, TE = 3.25 ms, matrix size 32 32 32, acquisition-time
was 2 min for each scan. FOVs were the same as those used to
obtain the 3D data set.
On both 7 and 14 days after the decompression, Diffusiontensor imaging (DTI) was performed to evaluate specific white
matter injury and to look for changes in white matter. The DTI
was acquired with an EPI sequence using 30 directions and b =
1000 ms; 5 b0 images and FOV = 40 40 mm; MTX = 172
172 giving a resolution of 233 233 m2. On day 7 TE = 37.5;
TR = 3000 ms; 17 slices at 1 mm were acquired with 2 averages
giving an acquisition time of 14 min. On day 14 TE = 37.5; TR
= 5000 ms; 33 slices at 0.5 mm were acquired with 6 averages
giving an acquisition time of 1 hr 10 min.

FIGURE 1. T2*-map of a decompressed rat. Localized reduction of

signal intensity was seen as stripes through the cortex as well in the
areas corresponding to the main cerebral arteries on the images.




A total of 9 rats were decompressed, of which 3 died and 6

had bubble grades from 2 to 4. Three rats died because of considerable amounts of bubbles, two rats died immediately after
the dive, and a third rat had neurological symptoms of DCS
in the form of paralysis of the hind legs and died after the first
MRI scan. The remaining six animals had no clinical symptoms.
Localized reduction of signal intensity was seen as stripes
through the cortex as well as in the areas corresponding to the
main cerebral arteries on the T2* images (Fig. 1). These findings
were more pronounced in the rats exposed to decompression.
Such signal reduction on T2*-weighted images are normally related to increased amounts of deoxygenated haemoglobin in the
blood. However, air bubbles in the blood may also cause the
same effect due to a local disturbance of the magnetic field.
Neither ADC-maps nor T2-maps showed any signs of oedema immediately after decompression. There were also no signs
of oedema, infarctions or structural changes at later time points
assessed by the T2 images (Fig. 2). Diffusion-tensor images in
some of the rats (in both groups) showed reduced fractional anisotropy in the external capsule, indicative of injury to the white
matter tracts (Fig. 3). However, the relative sensitivity of this
particular area to imaging artefacts makes this a most uncertain
finding. The high-resolution 3D T1-weighted images acquired
on day 7 after decompression showed no sign of structural

FIGURE 2. T2-map of brain of a decompressed rat. No signs of

damage or oedema can be seen.

changes, infarctions, or manganese uptake that could suggest

ongoing inflammatory processes.
The histological investigation of the brain has not yet been

This pilot experiment was done to establish a method for
evaluating CNS effects of decompression using MRI techniques.
The fact that we could not see any oedema or damage on the
MRI may suggest that the decompression experienced was insufficient to cause any damage to the brain. On the other hand,
injury to the brain caused by decompression may have been
too subtle to be detected using the current MRI methods. Further evaluation of the experiment using immunohistochemical


this can lead to blood-brain barrier dysfunction, inflammation,

demyelination, and eventually, axonal damage (James, 2007). It
is tempting to speculate whether repeated diving with low levels
of oxygen in brain tissue would give the latter damages.
The number of experimental animals is low. Still, these results raise questions whether the rats have a protective mechanism in the brain against bubbles or whether bubbles constitute
any threat at all. It is possible that the major damage is in the
spinal cord, as has been shown in some human studies. Human divers have reported pains and problems caused by decompression, like loss of concentration, blurred vision, and other
problems that are possibly caused by injuries to the brain. It
is possible that these changes in the brain are too subtle to be
observed in MRI scans or that develop over time with repeated
Evidence of brain damage caused by decompression is
conflicting. Bubbles observed in the carotid artery may lead
to injury (Brubakk et al., 1986), but a number of MRI studies show no visible damage to the brain after decompression
in divers and animals (Hutzelmann et al., 2000; Rinck et al.,
1991; Yoshiyama et al., 2007). Erdem et al. (2009) proposed
that higher incidence of lesions in the cerebral white matter of
divers is evidence of cumulative, subclinical injury to the neurological system that may affect the long-term health of military
and recreational divers.


FIGURE 3. Fractional Anisotropy (FA) maps of two rat brains.

A. Top: Control animal shows intact white matter with high FA
values (bright areas). B. Bottom: 1 week post-decompression
shows a reduced fractional anisotropy in the external capsule
and corpus callosum, indicative of injury to the white matter
tracts, but may also represent imaging artefacts and needs further investigation.

investigations might be able to provide us with more information on the effect of decompression on rat brain function and
validate the MRI results.
In spite of a considerable amount of vascular gas bubbles
detected in the pulmonary artery and clinical signs of neurological DCS in one rat, the preliminary results show no brain
damage after decompression. However, there was a signal reduction on T2*-weighted images. This is normally related to increased amounts of deoxygenated haemoglobin in the blood,
but air bubbles in the blood may also cause the same effect,
due to a local disturbance of the magnetic field. It has previously been shown that if tissue oxygenation falls critically low,

The number of animals in this study is too low to draw any

conclusion whether the MRI is a useful method to study brain
injury after decompression in rats. No histology of the brains of
these animals has yet been performed. To properly investigate
the role of vascular gas bubbles in neurological decompression
sickness it is necessary to perform further experiments with better control of the size and location of the possible damage.
The mechanisms behind decompression sickness are complex and the individual susceptibility for the disease is diverse.
In order to study the effect of decompression on CNS we have
to know that CNS is affected. By injecting air bubbles in appropriate amounts directly into the carotid artery, we can ensure
that there are bubbles directed into the circulation of the brain.
In order to visualize the acute effect of bubbles, one can perform
the injection during the MRI scan. Histology should also be
prepared to investigate more subtle changes.

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Exercise, Endothelium, and

Diving Physiology
eljko Duji

ABSTRACT. Generally, the idea that exercising before, during and after diving is not advised is
based on the assumption that it would increase the incidence of decompression sickness. Our data
show that exercise performed before or during diving results in a reduction of venous gas bubble
formation after diving. Pre-dive administration of an acute nitric oxide donor had the same effect.
Exercise performed after diving did not increase the number of gas bubbles and there was no evidence for an increased risk for right-to-left intrapulmonary shunting. In addition, we have shown
that open sea single air dives may be associated with arterial endothelial dysfunction and right heart
overload due to increased pulmonary artery pressure. Some of these asymptomatic cardiovascular
changes may last for several days after the dive and may be attenuated by acute or chronic antioxidant administration (vitamin C and E). Long-term consequences of acute subclinical cardiovascular
alterations induced by diving are presently unknown and will be a goal for future research efforts.
Understanding the mechanisms of acute adverse effects of diving on human physiology may also
contribute to the therapeutic options aimed at the improvement of cardiovascular health in patients
and in the general population.


Department of Physiology, University of Split School

of Medicine, Split, Croatia.

deas and views about the effects of diving on humans in relation to exercise,
endothelial, and heart function were presented at the Haldane Symposium in
Trondheim, Norway. Recent information was reviewed on the effect of exercise
before, during, and after diving on gas bubble formation that occurs after surfacing,
as well as the acute changes in cardiovascular function after single, open-water, compressed air dives. Our recent studies (Dujic et al., 2004) have shown that pre-dive
exercise and exercise performed during a decompression stop (Dujic et al., 2005b)
may significantly reduce bubble formation. These findings are important because venous gas bubbles (VGB) can be found in the vasculature and the right heart after
the majority of recreational and professional dives and are statistically related with
central nervous system decompression sickness (DCS), especially if a large amount of
bubbles is found in the pulmonary artery (Nishi et al., 2003). VGB, when occurring
without any acute clinical signs, have been termed silent bubbles (Behnke, 1951)
and have in general been assumed not to have any negative effects. However, vascular
bubbles will lead to a reduction of endothelial function in the pulmonary artery of
the pig (Nossum et al., 1999) and the brachial artery in man (Brubakk et al., 2005),
even without the passage of bubbles through the pulmonary circulation. Endothelial
dysfunction represents one of the earliest events in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular
disease and is observed in several clinical conditions. Keeping in mind that scuba diving is performed regularly by millions of recreational and professional divers worldwide and that the diving population is often older and may include unfit individuals
or even individuals with some diseases such as hypertension, the potential acute or


long-term negative cardiovascular effects of diving on human

health is disturbing and must be focused on by the medical
and general communities.

VGB in the pulmonary artery and the right heart can be
monitored with the use of ultrasound, both by Doppler (Nishi et al., 2003) and/or echocardiographic imaging (Eftedal and
Brubakk, 1997). Both methods have been proven valid for indicating the risk of DCS after dives (Sawatzky, 1991; Eftedal
et al., 2007). Ultrasound images are graded according to a previously reported method (Eftedal and Brubakk, 1997) as follows: 0 no bubbles, 1 occasional bubbles, 2 at least one
bubble/4th heart cycle, 3 at least one bubble/cycle, 4 continuous bubbling, at least one bubble/cm2 in all frames and 5
white-out, individual bubbles cannot be seen (this grade had
been previously observed only in animals). The grading system
is non-linear when compared to the actual number of bubbles
in the pulmonary artery and bubble grades can be converted
into bubbles/cm2 as described by Nishi et al. (2003).
Bakovic et al. (2008) were the first to report recently a case
of a recreational diver who developed grade 5 (white-out) in
the right heart with evidence of intrapulmonary (I-P) shunt resulting in grade 4 VGB in the left heart during resting condition,
but still without any symptoms of DCS (Fig. 1). The diver had
no evidence of patent foramen ovale as documented by contrast
transesophageal echocardiography (Fig. 2). This case indicates
that even extremely high bubble grade may not be related to an
increased incidence of DCS. However, as stated above, the statistical relationship between detectable bubbles and the risk of
DCS is well documented. Based on the well known and agreed

FIGURE 1. Echocardiographic apical four-chamber view of the

heart representing right ventricle (RV) (grade 5) and left ventricle
(LV) (grade 4) gas bubbles at 40 min after surfacing. RA right atrium; LA left atrium.

upon mechanism for decompression problems (gas bubble formation), we believe that the absence of VGB is a good indicator
of decompression safety and that it is important to work on the
procedures that reduce bubble formation after diving.


The effect of exercise before, during and after diving on
bubble formation is still controversial. Exercise, which is an inherent part of professional diving, has long been considered to
be an additional risk factor for DCS (Cook, 1951). Diving is associated with exercise of variable intensity, depending on ocean
currents, temperature, and stress. Therefore, divers are exposed
from a mild to moderate level of exercise intensity, with possible
short periods of submaximal or even maximal effort. Intensive
exercise immediately before diving may produce microscopic
muscular injuries, which may promote bubble formation (Vann
et al., 1989).
We recently found that a single bout of high-intensity exercise interval training performed 24 hours before a dive significantly reduced the number of bubbles in the right heart (Dujic
et al., 2004) (Fig. 3). Blatteau et al. (2005) reported a similar
finding recently for exercise performed 2h before a dive. These
results are in concordance with previous studies performed in
rats which suggested that there appears to be good and bad
exercise (Wisloff and Brubakk, 2001). According to this model,
the timing of the pre-dive exercise is critical: if it is too close
(0.5h, 5h and 10h) or too far (48h) from the dive, the beneficial effects will disappear (Wisloff et al., 2004). Furthermore,
the beneficial effect of properly timed pre-dive exercise partially
depends on nitric oxide (NO) as shown by studies using some
forms of NO inhibitors. Namely, despite NO-blockade, exercise

FIGURE 2. Transesophageal echocardiographic view of the heart

using a contrast agent. Figure reveals intraatrial septum (arrow)
without visible defects and presence of contrast agent solely in the
right atrium (RA) during the Valsalva maneuver. LA left atrium;
SVC superior vena cava.


FIGURE 3. The figure depicts change in venous gas bubbles within

the right heart and pulmonary artery following a dive without (A)
and with (B) a previous bout of strenuous exercise in one diver. In
(A), there are numerous, clearly visible venous gas bubbles. After
performing the exercise, bubbles are completely absent (B).

still provided some protection, although to a reduced degree,

indicating NO-dependent and NO-independent components
of that mechanism. Furthermore, both acute and chronic NOdonors protected against bubble formation and reduced the
death rate in rats (Wisloff et al., 2003; Wisloff et al., 2004),
without performing exercise. This was subsequently confirmed
in man (Dujic et al., 2005b).
The uptake and elimination of inert gas depends on local
blood flow. Exercise performed during the bottom phase of a
dive will increase blood flow and consequently nitrogen uptake
because of active hyperemia in skeletal muscles (Flook, 1997).
With more nitrogen dissolved in the tissues the time for its
elimination should be extended. Dick et al. (1984) have shown
that more nitrogen is indeed eliminated after a dive with exercise during the bottom phase. However, when mild exercise was
performed during a decompression stop, the number of VGB
detected after diving was reduced, likely due to increased gas
elimination via augmented alveolar ventilation caused by the
physical activity (Jankowski et al., 1997; Dujic et al., 2005b).
The positive effects of a rather short, 3-minute exercise period
during a decompression stop suggests that the nitrogen pool for
bubble formation is coming from the faster tissues.
Furthermore, in a subsequent study we have shown that
post-dive, high intensity exercise did not increase the risk for
DCS, but rather caused an 8-fold reduction in bubble formation. This was somewhat surprising since we hypothesized that
it would promote venous bubble formation, based on the previous reports of increased nitrogen elimination with post-dive
exercise after simulated dives to 20 msw (Muth et al., 1994).
These inconsistencies may potentially be explained with the differences in type of diving (open water versus simulated) and the
exercise intensity (high versus moderate). The most likely cause
of reduced bubble formation observed during post-dive exercise
is the increased blood flow induced by exercise which may cause
a depletion of bubble nuclei at the surface of endothelial cells,
without which bubbles cannot grow.
Eldridge et al. (2004) have shown that exercise-induced intrapulmonary a-v shunting occurs in healthy humans. Because

pulmonary circulation acts as a filter to prevent spill-over of

venous bubbles to the arterial side, the next question was: is
there a right-to-left shunting of gas bubbles through pulmonary circulation during exercise after the dive? We have repeated
the study of Eldridge et al. (2004) with the same high-intensity
cycle exercise after diving and found no evidence of right-toleft shunting of endogenous bubbles versus contrast bubbles.
We speculated that a bolus application of agitated contrast may
acutely overwhelm the filtering capacity of pulmonary microcirculation and open the I-P shunts. Thus, we suggest that the
paradoxical results observed in our study are related to lower
bubble load. Dujic et al. (2008) recently reviewed more detailed
information on the relationship between exercise and diving.
In summary, the true cause of the beneficial effect of pre-,
during and post-dive exercise remains elusive and very poorly
understood. Other effects of exercise must be considered as
well in future studies (e.g., endothelial function, NO, and heat
shock proteins).

This overview of the current knowledge of the effects of
diving on the cardiac function and endothelium of the conduit
arteries focuses on the findings from recent studies performed in
the field and simulated (hyperbaric chamber) diving conditions.
We believe that diving research should be performed, whenever
possible, under open water conditions in order to include the
additional stressors such as immersion, exercise, cold, weight
of the breathing apparatus, hemoconcentration and psychological factors, which are usually present during routine diving
The data on cardiovascular effects of simulated versus open
water diving in humans is controversial. Diesel et al. (2002)
showed a lack of increase in systolic pulmonary artery pressure
(SPAP) after simulated altitude decompressions induced high
grade venous gas bubbles. Valic et al. (2005) have confirmed
this finding after a simulated chamber dive. The results of human studies seem to contradict the animal data that reported
increased PAP (Vik et al., 1993). In addition, we have recently
found that a single open water air dive is associated with acute,
post-dive depressions in lung respiratory function and cardiac
output (Dujic et al., 2005a). Marabotti et al. (1999) have also
found that a recreational scuba dive impairs the cardiac performance within two hours after surfacing, suggesting a right
ventricular overload and an impairment of both right and left
ventricular diastolic function. In contrast to our findings obtained during a dry dive, we observed an increase in the PAP
and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) after a single open
water air dive to 30 m (Dujic et al., 2006) (Fig. 4).
The increased PAP and PVR were not expected to cause
any clinical symptoms, bearing in mind the large functional
reserve in the pulmonary circulation. The exact mechanism(s)
of increased PVR after diving is still unknown. VGB lodged


FIGURE 5. (A) Difference in brachial artery diameter and flowmediated dilatation (FMD) before and after the dive. (B) Difference in brachial artery diameter and FMD before and after breathing 60% O2. The data are the mean and 95% confidence intervals.

FIGURE 4. Changes in systolic pulmonary arterial pressure

(SPAP). (A) Acct/RVET ratio; (B) Pulmonary vascular resistance
(PVR); and, (C) at 20 and 40 min after dive. Values are mean SD;
*, P < 0.05 compared to baseline.

in the pulmonary circulation may cause mechanical, humoral,

and biochemical effects. Humoral factors, like tromboxane A2,
histamine, endothelin-1, and serotonin have been implicated in
pulmonary microembolization by bubbles (Malik, 1983). Nossum et al. (2002) have shown that venous bubbles may damage
the pulmonary endothelium, which may also result in pulmonary vasoconstriction.
Nossum et al. (1999) also reported that vascular bubbles
led to a reduction in endothelial function in pig pulmonary
artery and that even a low bubble load was associated with a
delayed endothelial dysfunction in rabbit 1-6 hours after exposure (Nossum et al., 2002). Since venous bubbles are trapped
in the pulmonary circulation, they were assumed to have no
further effects on the arterial side. It was also assumed that a

right-to-left shunt (R-to-L), which occurs due to a persistent

foramen ovale (PFO), was necessary for the bubbles to affect
the systemic arteries. In that regard, we found a post-dive (both
dry and field) increase in the brachial artery diameter and a
reduction in the arterial endothelial function (assessed by flowmediated dilation). Although no large PFO was detected, the
possibility of a significant number of gas bubbles in the arterial
circulation was not very likely (Brubakk et al., 2005; Obad et
al., 2007) (Fig. 5).
One explanation for this effect is a diving-induced activation of the endothelium which may, as shown by other investigators, lead to a production of endothelial microparticles and
further endothelial damage and dysfunction, even at remote
sites (Brodsky et al., 2004). Endothelial microparticles have a
size of a few microns and could possibly pass the lung filter and
enter the arterial system. Thus, it is possible that changes in
the endothelial function can occur without the arteries being
in direct contact with the gas bubbles. Next, we analyzed the
effects of pre-dive administration of antioxidant agents since it
was shown that hyperoxia per se (without diving) caused FMD
reduction (Obad et al., 2007). Pre-dive ingestion of high doses
of vitamins C and E (2 grams and 400 IU, respectively) in a
randomized placebo-controlled study design partially reversed
the endothelial dysfunction after a dive (Fig. 6), while changes
in pulmonary artery and heart function were unaffected. It was
also found that FMD, previously shown to be reduced up to 48
hours after a single open water air dive, was better preserved in
this case and recovered faster.


The ideas presented above suggest the following:


Another means for reducing the number of venous gas

bubbles after air diving may include exercising before, during decompression and after diving, and administering
acute NO donors before the dive. Additional mechanistic
studies on large numbers of divers should be performed in
the future in order to complement current findings;
Asymptomatic cardiovascular and arterial endothelial


dysfunction detected after diving lasts for several days after

a single open water dive. Long-term effects are presently
unknown; and,
Acute and long-term use of antioxidants may contribute to
prevention of some of these effects (endothelial function).


Based on the abovementioned findings, it seems that highintensity, pre-dive exercise and moderate exercise performed
during decompression stops would appear to be a wise prescription for reducing the number of venous gas bubbles after
air dives. However, before these procedures can be widely adopted as a predictable safeguard against DCS we need further
standardization related to the exercises duration and intensity.
Pharmacological intervention with an acute NO donor such as
nitroglycerine seems to complement this procedure.
Despite a wealth of information about the physiological
consequences of scuba diving gathered during the last several
years, many more questions need to be answered in the future
such as:




Is pre-dive exercise beneficial under field conditions for

endothelial function, cardiovascular function, or prevention of bubble formation? What mechanisms are involved
in this phenomenon (NO, heat shock proteins, vasoactive
substances such as endothelin-1, angiotensin II, etc.)?


What are the cumulative effects of multi-day air or trimix

What are the long-term effects of diving on the cardiovascular system?
Does age and gender (especially female) make any
What about genetics of DCS susceptibility and resistance
(significance of genetic studies and analyses, detection of
candidate genes polymorphism - like eNOS)?

Understanding the involved mechanisms is a next critical

step that may ultimately allow us to prevent DCS by various
pharmacological means. Last, but not least, after completion
of these planned studies we have to ask ourselves what do the
ideas and data presented above fail to explain?
The authors work on this topic was supported by numerous
grants awarded by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education
and Sports (currently with 216-2169133-0130)and the Unity
through Knowledge Fund project 33/08. The author would like
to thank many collaborators over the years, and especially Dr.
Alf O. Brubakk, who in 2001 visited Split and first suggested to
test the physiological effects of pre-dive, high-intensity exercise
on humans after diving.


FIGURE 6. Flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) at pre-dive and postdive (30 min, 24 h, 48 h and 72 h) periods for control dive (A) and
dive after application of antioxidants (B) in protocol 2 Values are
represented as individual responses (thin lines) and mean response
(thick line) for both dives; *, significant difference (P < 0.05) between pre-dive and post-dive values; , significant difference (P <
0.05) between dives with and without antioxidant treatment.

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Animal Experiments for Evaluating

Decompression: Development of the
Modern Submarine Escape Method
Mikael Gennser

ABSTRACT. Although animal experiments helped to lay the foundations of our understanding
of decompression physiology and to develop the first methods to avoid decompression sickness,
new diving methods have relied only sparingly on animal experiments. A short review is provided
of the development of the modern submarine escape method: a rescue method from sunken submarines. The development of this method has depended to a very large extent on the use of animal


Department of Defence Physiology, Swedish Defence

Research Agency, SE-164 90 Stockholm, Sweden.

t is common knowledge that animal experimentation played an essential part in

laying the foundations of our understanding of decompression physiology. In 1670
Robert Boyle made the initial observation of a bubble in the eye of a viper exposed
to low ambient pressure (Boyle, 1670) and he put forward the hypothesis that decompression would cause bubbles to form in all parts of the body of the animal, thus causing
the severe symptoms he described. Two hundred years later Paul Bert (Bert, 1878) in
a series of experiments on several species of animals was able to link the cause of decompression sickness to the formation of nitrogen bubbles. Thirty years later, Boycott,
Damant and Haldane (Boycott et al., 1908) used goats in their seminal experiments
working out the method of staged decompression to prevent compressed-air illness,
or as we now call it, decompression sickness. During WW II Newton Harvey and his
group (Harvey, 1945) used physical, cellular, and animal models to investigate the conditions necessary for bubble formation in the body.
Nevertheless, it is hard to fault Alf Brubakk (1996) when he writes that animal
studies have had relatively little impact on both the development of [diving] procedures
and methods for treatment of accidents. Clearly, animal experimentation has played
a much smaller role than human experimentation in the development of new diving
techniques during the latter half of the 20th century. One of the reasons for this may be
that the main drivers of the development of modern diving have been the military and
commercial diving companies and the academic community has only played a secondary part.
The need for better tables or less narcotic or dense breathing gases has often occurred as a result of technological improvements, allowing the divers to dive deeper
and/or stay at depth for longer periods. Problems have usually occurred while trying to
extrapolate existing decompression tables or methods. By changing the methods incrementally it has been possible to use human divers to test new techniques because the
complications have been considered to be of limited severity and any resulting decompression sickness treatable.


But in certain cases, where the danger posed to the divers

either was much greater or was unknown, animal experiments
have been extremely useful. Ralph Brauer when reviewing the
work leading to the deep hydrox and hydroheliox dives felt that
it was difficult to escape the conclusion that here [was] an instance where animal experimentation furnished the basic data
upon which others found it possible to initiate work directly
aimed at testing the feasibility of exposing humans to this gas
(Brauer, 1987). The reason animal experiments were used initially to test hydrogen as a diving gas was, however, only partly
due to the unknown decompression properties of the gas. The
main reason the first exposures were made with animals was to
make sure the gas was inert and excluded any risks of toxicity
(rnhagen, 1987).


There is another diving method that is less well known
that has relied almost exclusively on animal experiments for its
development, and where the main risk apart from barotrauma
is severe central nervous system decompression sickness (CNS
DCS), i.e., the modern submarine escape method.
After WW II, as a response to the grievous losses experienced by the submarine fleet, the British Admiralty instigated
research and development to improve the possibilities for submariners to escape from sunken submarines. There had been
several successful escapes from submarines reported during the
war. However, to be able to escape the pressure inside the submarine had to be equalized with the external pressure, and in
single compartment submarines this took a long time. In the
mean time, the survivors would be exposed to the increased
pressure, and to increased partial pressures of nitrogen, carbon
dioxide, and oxygen. It was considered that the chances of a
successful escape from depths deeper than 100 ft (30 msw) were
dismal. To improve the chances of a good outcome and increase
the safe escape depth, special escape chambers were devised that
would equalize much quicker to the surrounding pressure. The
submariner would be breathing clean air via a dedicated air supply that inflated the buoyancy stole and the hood that he wore.
Since the stole was connected to the hood, once the escape
hatch had opened and the submariner would start to ascend
through the water column, the expanding air in the stole would
fill the hood and thus maintain a cushion of air in front of his
face during the whole ascent.

depth could the ascent be without causing decompression

Before any wet dives were tested experiments were carried
out in dry pressure chambers. It was obvious that animals would
have to be used in all but the most conservative exposures until
a safe method had been devised. The animal that was chosen
was the goat. Boycott et al. (1908) had chosen the goat mainly
for its ease of handling. However, there were a number of other
factors that had to be considered in the submarine escape trials.
Preferably the animals should be awake and non-sedated during
the exposures so that even mild symptoms could be noted: the
animals should be able to equilibrate pressure during the rapid
compressions and, most importantly, the animals should not
tend to hold their breath during the ascent, but exhale as the
pulmonary air expanded. It turned out that the goats could be
trained to accept both the high noise volumes during compression and decompression and because of their strong HeringBreuer reflex the animals would exhale in most cases during the
During a 25-year period between 1945 and 1970 the Royal
Navy carried out animal experiments (and some human exposures) to develop a method that would allow submariners to escape from a disabled submarine from depths close to 200 msw.
This work has been reviewed in two articles by one of the main
investigators (Donald, 1979; 1991). The final escape dive profile turned out to be a pseudo-exponential compression rate
with a doubling of pressure every 4th to 5th second to 180 msw
depth (19 atm), a four second pause at depth, and then a linear
ascent with 2.75 3 msw/s (Fig. 1). Thus, a dive to 180 msw
and back to the surface would be completed in less than 90
seconds. In 1970, the method was tested successfully by submariners escaping from 180 msw depth off Malta (Upshot V).
There followed a pause in the research and development of
submarine escapes until the mid-1980s. By that time one had
come to the conclusion that in almost all conceivable submarine
accidents there would be a pressure increase inside the submarine and it was therefore necessary to find out from what depth
one could ascend safely given the internal pressure inside the
submarine and the time spent at that increased pressure. The


Very early on it was decided that air would be used in the
gas supply to reduce possible complications with oxygen toxicity and to also have the possibility of using other sources of
compressed air in case the dedicated air supply was unavailable.
The questions that now had to be answered were how fast a
compression one could withstand and how fast and from what

FIGURE 1. Redrawn time-depth profi le from submarine escape

procedure carried out from submarine from a depth of 150 msw.
(Copy of original data given to the author by Cdr. Bo Persson,
Royal Swedish Navy.)


safe-to-escape curve had to be determined. Also, for this work

goats were used, although one series of man trials eventually was
carried out. The safe-to-escape curve was in the end calculated
from data from a total of 568 goat dives that resulted in 45 cases
of DCS and 72 man dives with 2 cases of DCS (White et al.,
The resulting safe-to-escape curve is shown in Figure 2 with
human and goat data marked respectively. The remaining data
has been extrapolated using an exponential/linear decompression model with Hills risk model added for saturation dives
(Loveman, 2004). To sum up, goats were used to develop a relatively safe escape method prior to human testing.

Blogg, 2008). However, the use of oxygen-enriched gas instead

of air during the ascent did not reduce the amount of initial
bubbling (Blogg et al., 2003). In all likelihood the very high
partial pressures of oxygen made oxygen behave as an inert gas,
even in a tissue with high metabolic rate like the central nervous
system, and nitrogen/oxygen bubbles were formed. This had in
fact been predicted by earlier investigators (Donald, 1991).
Apart from the first paper on oxygen bends (Donald, 1955),
these experiments are probably the first instances with clear evidence of oxygen bubbles.


The advantages of using an animal model include controlled conditions, avoiding the exposure of humans to unnecessary risk, achieving objective end points, and allowing
for more extensive measurements. Another advantage of using
animals in this particular setting, where the end-points were
relatively severe decompression sickness, can be seen in Figure
3. The figure shows the timing of first DCS symptoms in goats
after submarine escape (with or without preceding saturation
at increased air pressure). Also shown in the graph is a line indicating the time when symptoms (CNS symptoms and joint
pains) started to appear in escapers from the bottomed Peruvian
submarine Pacocha. The internal pressure in the submarine had
increased to 2.7 atm and the crew had waited far too long before deciding to escape towards the surface. The timing of the
symptoms in the submariners fits rather well with the goat data.

The reason these profiles are dangerous is the ever present

risk of pulmonary barotrauma with arterial gas embolism and
the fact that these profiles will preferentially load the fast tissues
(e.g., the central nervous system) with inert gas. Donald used
classical Haldanean theories to calculate that after an escape
from 300 msw a very fast tissue (half-time of 1.3 min) would
yield a Haldane ratio of more than 11 upon surfacing and a
fast tissue (half-time of 5 min) would yield a Haldane ratio of
almost 6 (Donald, 1991). Consideration of results of experiments with broken ascent profiles (i.e., stops at shallow depths)
indicated that the critical tissues were in the 5-minute range
(Donald, 1991). Flook (1997), in a theoretical consideration of
the free ascent profile, showed that fast tissues such as the central nervous system, would be the preferential target for bubble
Later research used this information showing that even
short periods of oxygen breathing prior to deep escapes reduced
the amount of circulating bubbles post ascent (Gennser and

FIGURE 2. UK safe-to-escape curve. Redrawn from Loveman et

al., 2004. Solid dots show limiting manned exposures; squares
show the limits of animal exposures.


FIGURE 3. Time of occurrence of DCS symptoms in goats after

surfacing from submarine escape profi les. Triangles: limb bends;
circles: CNS symptoms; + dead on arrival at surface (probably arterial gas embolism), squares: CNS symptoms. Solid line indicates
timing of DCS symptoms in survivors from the Peruvian submarine Pacocha. Stars show time of symptoms in two divers taking
part in submarine escape experiments (CNS symptoms and marbling). Data from Blogg et al. 2003; Gennser and Blogg, 2008;
Seddon, 1997; Benton, 2002; and Harvey and Carson, 1989.


Conversely, the symptoms that appeared in two subjects taking

part in a trial with deep submarine escapes after shallow air saturation occurred much later. It is hard to avoid the suggestion
that the DCS found after the experimental trial is of a less severe
nature and the symptoms may well have subsided without any
treatment. It must of course be noted that all symptoms occurring in a volunteer in an experimental study must be taken very
seriously. However, in a mass casualty situation it is more than
likely that these divers would not have merited any treatment in
the first instance.
A definite advantage with the animal model used in these
trials, was that the animals were awake and not exposed to anesthesia. In one trial where goats were lightly anesthetised to allow
drawing arterial blood from carotid loops, rapid compressions
to 50 msw caused the animals to become apneic. Interestingly,
the resulting lung squeeze delayed the uptake of nitrogen in
the arterial circulation by 30 secs to a minute, something that
would have markedly reduced the risk of decompression sickness during an escape (Flook et al., 1998).


The fact that goats were used in repeated dives, but otherwise kept in a stable, controlled environment for their whole
life, made it of interest to investigate whether the diving activity
appeared to have had any long-term effect on their central nervous system. Blogg et al. (2004) conducted experiments with
30 goats (13 of which had never shown symptoms of DCS and
17 had been treated successfully for DCS). Magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) of the brains showed white spots in 3 animals.
There was no correlation of white-spots with either diving activity or DCS. Following up with a histopathological analysis
of the brains, the spots were determined to be functional, not
anatomical, lesions and there were no histopathological lesions
in any of the brains, indicating no long-term effect of the diving
activity in these animals. However, goats (like all Artiodactyla)
have a carotid rete, which might provide protection against cerebral embolization. No correlation was found between spinal
degeneration and DCS or diving, but spinal scarring in two animals treated for DCS was discovered. Although this study was
too small to yield any clear-cut evidence one way or another,
clearly it did show the possibility of using animal experimentation to attack one of the more important health questions concerning diving: whether diving as such gives rise to long-term
effects on the central nervous system.

This short review of the development of the submarine escape method has tried to show the importance of animal experiments in a situation where it would clearly have been unethical
to use human subjects. In the future there may be other such
instances where animal experiments will have to precede human

trials in order to not expose human volunteers to unnecessary

risks. However, the most likely future use of animal experiments, and where animals have previously been used most frequently, is in the investigation of underlying pathophysiological
Modern molecular biological techniques, such as knockout mice, will yield many new tools and avenues for investigating the interaction between bubbles and tissues. However,
one should not forget the experiments that Nature itself has
provided for us with natural divers such as diving mammals.
Although both animal rights issues and the size of the animals
make it almost impossible to carry out laboratory research on
all but the smallest species, some remarkable field studies have
been performed (Kooyman, 1981). With the use of microcomputers it has been possible to follow the natural diving behavior
of these animals in the wild, and to even carry out invasive measurements such as mapping blood gases during actual deep dives
(Zapol et al., 1989). In the future, improved miniaturization of
ultrasound imaging devices may yield very interesting results,
both in regard to blood-flow studies and possible post-dive
bubble generation. Diving mammals may also yield biochemical clues on the pathophysiology of decompression sickness. It
has for instance been shown that many diving mammals appear
to lack certain factors in the coagulation cascade (Robinson et
al., 1969). Experiments with knock-out mice or inbred mice
that are poor in the same factors may yield information on the
importance of an intact coagulation system in the pathological
sequence of decompression sickness.
In short, although animal experiments will probably only
be used sparingly in testing and developing actual diving methods, as an instrument to dissect and clear up the mechanisms
behind decompression sickness animal experiments will in all
likelihood still have a big part to play.

Benton, P. 2002. Submarine escape trials 19992001provisions of medical
support. Journal of Royal Navy Medical Services 88(3):108115.
Bert, P. 1878. La Presion Barometrique. Translated by Hitchcock, M. A. and F.
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Blogg, S.L., M. Gennser, G.A.M. Loveman, F.M. Seddon, J.C. Thacker, and
M.G. White. 2003. The effect of breathing hyperoxic gas during simulated
submarine escape on venous gas emboli and decompression sickness. Journal of Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine 3(3):163174.
Blogg, S.L., G.A.M. Loveman, F.M. Seddon, N. Woodger, A. Koch, M. Reuter,
M. Gennser, and M.G. White. 2004. Magnetic resonance imaging and
neuropathology findings in the goat nervous system following hyperbaric
exposures. Journal of European Neurology 52:1828.
Boycott, A.E., G.C.C. Damant, and J.S. Haldane. 1908. Prevention of compressed-air illness. Journal of Hygiene, Cambridge 8:342443.
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Transactions of the Royal Society 5:20112031.
Brauer, R.W., and R. Naquet. 1987. Contributions of animal experimentation
to the establishment of appropriate conditions for ethical use of hydrogen
as a component of deep diving atmospheres. In Brauer, R.W. (ed.) Hydrogen as a diving gas. Thirty-third Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society
Workshop, UHMS publication no. 69. Pp 312.


Brubakk, A.O. 1996. Which animal models are to be used to study decompression accidents? In Proceedings of the Second European Consensus Conference
on Treatment of Decompression Accidents in Recreational Diving. Wattel, F.,
and D. Matthieu (eds.) Marseille, France. pp 85101.
Donald, K.W. 1955. Oxygen bends. Journal of Applied Physiology 7(6):639644.
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and human experiments by the Royal Navy. Bulletin of European Physiopathology and Respiration 15(5):739745.
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Flook, V. 1997. A theoretical study of the extent and duration of decompression
bubbles following submarine escape procedures. In Mekjavic, I.B., and
O. Eiken, eds. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Proceedings of the 23rd
European Underwater Baromedical Society Congress, Bled, Slovenia. Pp
Flook, V., and A.L. Ustad. 1998. Blood nitrogen concentrations in goats following rapid compression to 6 bar. SINTEF report no. STF78, F98112,
SINTEF Unimed, UK.
Gennser, M., and S.L. Blogg. 2008. Oxygen and carbogen breathing before
simulated submarine escape. Journal of Applied Physiology 104:5056.
Harvey, C., and J. Carson. 1989. The B.A.P. Pacocha (SS-48) collision: The escape and medical recompression treatment of survivors. Naval Submarine
Medical Research Laboratory, NSMRL Special Report SP89-1, pp. 50.

Harvey, N.E. 1945. Decompression sickness and bubble formation in blood and
tissues. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 21(10):505536.
Kooyman, G.L. 1981. Weddell Seal: Consummate Diver. Cambridge University
Press. Pp. 176.
Loveman, G.A.M. 2004. Iso-risk curves for escape from saturation in a distressed submarine. In rnhagen, H. ed. Humans in Submarines. Royal
Swedish Navy, Pp. 181185.
rnhagen H. 1987. Swedish animal experiments using hydrogen-oxygen mixtures at pressures up to 6.0 MPa. In Brauer, R.W., ed. Hydrogen as a diving
gas. Thirty-third Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Workshop,
UHMS publication no. 69. Pp 2530.
Robinson, A.J., M. Kropatkin, and P.M. Aggeler. 1969. Hageman factor (factor
XII) deficiency in marine mammals. Science 166:14201422.
Seddon, F.M. 1997. Safe to escape curve. Animal studies: August 1993 to February 1997. Defence Research Agency Report DERA/SSES/CR971023/1.0,
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ed. Humans in Submarines. Royal Swedish Navy, Pp. 175180.
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and P.W. Hochachka. 1989. Arterial gas tensions and hemoglobin concentration of the freely diving Weddell seal. Undersea Biomedical Research

Ultrasound for Evaluating Decompression

Olav S. Eftedal

ABSTRACT. Studies show that the occurrence of venous gas bubbles is a highly sensitive, although
not specific, predictor of decompression stress, at least for sub-saturation dives. Consequently, the
absence of detectable bubbles is a strong indicator of decompression safety. Traditionally, new decompression procedures have been evaluated by recording the incidence of decompression-related
symptoms. The number of test dives required for a reliable assessment of a procedure based on this
traditional evaluation is high, making validation of decompression procedures extremely resource
demanding. We propose an alternative method for validation of decompression procedures based on
detection of vascular gas bubbles. The method makes use of Bayesian statistics to estimate the risk
of decompression sickness for the tested procedure based on previous knowledge about the correspondence between vascular gas bubbles and decompression sickness. The new method will greatly
reduce the number of dives required to approve or reject a procedure and can facilitate introduction
of new and safer decompression tables.


StatoilHydro ASA, BE-SA D1 31, Box 7200, 5020,

Bergen, Norway.

or 350 years we have known that decompression, the process of coming up

from a dive, can induce formation of gas bubbles in the body (Boyle, 1670).
We also have considerable empirical evidence that these gas bubbles can cause
decompression sickness. Still, our knowledge of how bubbles are formed and how
they cause decompression sickness is very limited. To study these processes we need
some means of detecting the gas bubbles. Gas bubbles in liquid are strong reflectors
of sound, and ultrasound techniques are well suited for detection of gas bubbles in the
vascular system. The two ultrasound techniques most widely used for bubble detection are Doppler and imaging.
The Doppler technique gives audible sound signals (echoes) from the blood flow.
Any bubbles present in the flowing blood will give sharp clicking sounds that can be
discriminated from the smooth flow signal (Eftedal and Brubakk, 1997). Rather than
counting single bubbles, the amount of bubbles is usually estimated according to some
classification scheme. The most widely used grading schemes are the Spencer code
(Spencer and Johansen, 1974) and the Kisman-Masurel (K-M) code (Kisman and Masurel, 1983). Both schemes go from grade 0 (no bubbles) to grade 4 (many bubbles),
and the difference between the schemes lies in how the measurements are performed
rather than the number of bubbles assigned to each grade. The K-M code includes measurements at rest and after movement, both in central and peripheral vessels, whereas
the Spencer code is designed for measurements in the pulmonary artery at rest. Doppler
systems are compact, inexpensive and well suited for field studies.
Ultrasound imaging can also be used to detect bubbles in the body, and the heart
is the preferred location for detection. Bubbles can be seen as bright spots in the image,


and the number of bubbles is again usually estimated by scoring. We have previously suggested a grading scheme for ultrasound imaging with 6 levels from 0 to 5 (Eftedal and Brubakk,
1997). This scheme is in most cases directly comparable to the
Doppler schemes (Brubakk and Eftedal, 2001). Imaging systems are generally more complex and expensive than Doppler
systems, but portable instruments suitable for field studies are
now available.

In the literature there are several published studies that address the issue of correspondence between detectable venous gas
bubbles and the occurrence of decompression sickness, most of
them on Doppler-detected bubbles. The studies use different
procedures for bubble detection and the output parameters vary.
Some use maximum observed bubble grade, some use time integrals. Some studies also combine data from various types of exposures. The different studies are therefore not easy to compare.
The most extensive study on bubble/DCS correspondence
in sub-saturation diving was presented by Sawatzky (1991) in
his master thesis where he systematically analyzed maximum
Doppler scores and DCS incidence in 1,726 nitrox (nitrogen
and oxygen) dives and 1,508 Heliox (helium and oxygen) dives.
The data were obtained from chamber decompression trials at
the Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine
(DCIEM) in Toronto, Canada. The uniqueness of these data lie
both in their quality and quantity: It is the most comprehensive
collection of data published, the data are collected according to
the recommended standards for Doppler monitoring (Eatock

and Nishi, 1986) and Doppler grading is performed and verified

by competent personnel. DCS diagnoses were made according
to specific criteria (Temple et al., 1999). The most important of
Sawatzkys data are reproduced in Table 1.
Sawatzky (1991) concluded that the risk of developing
DCS increases with increasing Doppler grades and the best indicator of that risk is the single highest Doppler grade regardless
of location. He explained this with the greater ease with which
bubbles can be detected in the subclavian veins where the signal
to noise ratio is higher compared to precordial measurements.
This is supported by the findings of Eckenhoff et al. (1990) who
found an increased sensitivity with subclavian- as compared to
precordial monitoring. n Sawatzkys data there is only one case
of DCS not accompanied by detectable bubbles. The negative
predictive value is 0.999 and the sensitivity of detectable bubbles as a test for DCS is 0.99. On the other hand there are 1,720
exposures where bubbles were detected without any symptoms
of DCS, and the positive predictive value is only 0.04, so detectable bubbles only yields a 4% chance of having DCS. Even
when using bubble grades III and IV as test criteria, the positive
predictive value is as low as 0.07. Therefore, the data strongly
suggest that for sub-saturation diving the absence of detectable
bubbles is a good indicator of decompression safety, but the
occurrence of bubbles, even high grades, is a poor predictor of
decompression sickness.
There are few studies on bubbles and DCS for saturation
diving, and most existing studies are performed on small populations. In a study of 125 exposures in 29 heliox saturation
dives, Gardette (1979) found 23 cases of muscle or joint pain.
Five of these cases were not accompanied by detectable gas bubbles, yielding an incidence of 10% for bubble grade 0. Dopplerbubble detection was performed precordially at rest and after

TABLE 1. DCIEM data on Doppler detected bubbles and DCS incidence in bounce dives. Overall maximum grade is the highest obtained
score regardless of position (precordial or subclavian veins) or rest/movement.

KM Grade


Air dives



Heliox dives









Overall maximum grade













Chest, rest

Chest, movement


movement and bubbles were graded according to the Spencer

scale. The study showed an increasing risk of muscle and joint
pain with increasing bubble grade, with a 34% incidence for
grade III bubbles after movement. There were no cases of grade
IV bubbles and no cases of serious decompression sickness.
Hypobaric exposures are in principle similar to decompression from saturation in that the subjects start the decompression from saturation. In contrast to saturation diving there are
several large studies addressing the issue of bubbles and DCS
for hypobaric exposures. One study by Conkin et al. (1998) reported on 1,322 exposures, mainly simulations of extravehicular activities (EVAs) in space. There were 480 exposures with detectable bubbles and 168 cases of DCS. The authors found that
the absence of detectable bubbles was highly correlated with the
absence of symptoms, with a negative predictive value of 0.98.
For grades III and IV they found DCS incidences of 19% and
48%, respectively, and a corresponding positive predictive value
of 0.39. The authors concluded that vascular gas bubbles is a
necessary, but not sufficient, condition for DCS and that information about gas bubbles is useful to assess the risk of DCS in
hypobaric decompressions.
In another review study of 2,044 hypobaric exposures with
819 cases of DCS from the Air Force Research Laboratory DCS
Research Database, Pilmanis et al. (1999) found a considerably higher DCS risk with lower bubble grades (grade 0-19%,
I-26%, II-50%, III-52%, IV-62%). The studies contained in
the database are all designed to provoke DCS in a substantial
portion of subjects and with an overall incidence of over 40%
they have certainly succeeded. These figures question the usefulness of Doppler detected bubbles in excluding DCS. In a study
of various clinical manifestations of DCS in the same database,
Balldin et al. (2004) found that only 27 out of 49 cases (55%)
of central nervous system (CNS) manifestations were accompanied by detectable bubbles. They concluded that echo imaging
has limited application for use as a predictor of altitude-CNS
The bubble/DCS correlation seems to depend on the type
of exposure. In general, the body can tolerate a substantial
amount of gas bubbles without any signs or symptoms of decompression sickness, and the presence of gas bubbles therefore
has little diagnostic value. However, at least for sub-saturation
diving, the absence of gas bubbles is an excellent indicator of
decompression safety.


In a clinical setting, the absence of detectable vascular gas
bubbles could theoretically be used as a tool for excluding the
DCS diagnosis. In practice, however, this would call for surveillance by highly trained personnel at 20 - 30 minute intervals
for at least two hours directly after surfacing, which is clearly
not an option. A more feasible application for bubble detection
is in the assessment of the safety of decompression procedures.

Hamilton and Schreiner (1989) concluded in a UHMS workshop that new procedures should be validated primarily by extensive, dedicated laboratory testing before being put into the
field for operational evaluation. Traditionally the criterion of
success for such testing has been the observed incidence of DCS
compared to a certain pre-defined maximum level. The main
problem with evaluating decompression procedures this way is
the large number of dives required to determine DCS risk with
any degree of certainty: From the binomial distribution we find
that more than 300 exposures with no incidents are needed to
confirm a DCS incidence below 1% with a 95% confidence
interval. For recreational diving the incidence should be considerably lower than this, so the expenses and time required
for validation can actually prevent new procedures from being
implemented. Also, this method for validation of procedures
will inevitably lead to decompression injury among the test subjects. Furthermore, the DCS diagnosis is based on symptoms
and is therefore subjective. Divers may choose not to report
symptoms, or may report symptoms due to apprehension or
from other causes not related to the decompression (Nishi et
al., 2003). Occurrence of vascular bubbles is a more objective
observation that cannot be hidden by the diver.
At Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC,
formerly DCIEM), bubble detection has been used for table
validation for many years (Nishi and Eatock, 1989). An empirically selected limit of KM grade II or greater in 50% of
the subjects has been used to discriminate between stressful and
acceptable procedures. Simple criteria such as this will reduce
the number of dives required for validation compared with observation of DCS alone, but they do not make full use of the
information obtained by bubble detection.
With an established bubble/DCS correlation, bubble detection can be used to estimate the actual risk of having decompression sickness when testing a decompression procedure.
We have designed a method based on Bayesian statistics where
each bubble grade is assigned a DCS risk based on established
data. In our method we used Sawatzkys nitrox data from Table
1. This set of risks is combined with observed bubble grades in
a series of test dives for the new procedure. In this way we can
estimate the DCS risk and, more importantly, calculate a 95%
credible interval for the estimate. A credible interval is a posterior probability interval, used in Bayesian statistics for purposes
similar to those of confidence intervals in frequentist statistics.
For illustration we have applied the method to bubble data
from field tests of no-decompression limits for altitude diving.
The experiments were carried out in the mountainous region
of eastern Turkey in a small lake at 3,500 meters above sea level. Six different combinations of depth and bottom time were
tested, with 10 dives for each dive profile. Bubble detection was
performed with Doppler and bubbles were scored according to
the K-M scheme. Maximum bubble grades for all dive profiles
tested are shown in Table 2. There were no cases of DCS or adverse effects of decompression. Based on a traditional evaluation we find that the DCS risk is 0-31% (binomial distribution,


95% confidence interval) for each dive profile. This is obviously

of little value for assessment of the procedures. If we apply the
Bayesian method for estimating DCS risk based on detected
bubbles we find estimates for DCS risk and 95% credible intervals as shown in Table 3.

We conclude that the suggested method will greatly reduce
the number of dives needed to validate or reject new decompression procedures.
The use of bubble detection has other benefits and there
is evidence indicating that gas bubbles may cause subclinical
damage in the absence of DCS e.g., to the endothelium of the
lung (Brubakk et al., 2005). Whether such subclinical damage
may accumulate to cause irreversible damage is not known, but
should be a point of concern (Eckenhoff, 1985). Limiting the
number of so-called silent bubbles (i.e., bubbles not causing
clinical DCS) is therefore beneficial. Another important point
in favor of monitoring VGE is that the risk of inflicting DCS
to test divers is reduced, as a procedure can be rejected before a
single case of DCS is encountered.
There is no standard criterion for acceptance or rejection
of new decompression procedures with respect to DCS incidence. On-site recompression possibilities may justify use of
procedures with higher DCS risk having longer bottom time
or shorter decompression. For recreational diving the DCS risk
should be as close to zero as possible. Our proposed validation method evaluates the DCS risk and allows comparison of
the risk for simultaneously tested procedures. The method can
greatly reduce the cost of testing of new decompression procedures both for commercial and recreational diving.
TABLE 2. Results from field tests of no-decompression bottom times
for altitude diving. Maximum bubble score regardless of location,
graded according to the Kisman-Masurel code. There were no cases
of grade IV bubbles.
Depth [msw]
Bottom time [min]
Grade 0
Grade I
Grade II
Grade III







TABLE 3. Estimated DCS risks and 95% CI for the no-decompression limits as calculated by the Bayesian method for validation of
decompression procedures.
Depth [msw]
Bottom time [min] 38
P(DCS) [%]
95% CI
0.7-3.1 0.8-3.5



1.2-4.0 1.2-3.8

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Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 75(11):969972.
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Brubakk, A.O., and O.S. Eftedal. 2001. Comparison of three different ultrasonic methods for quantification of intravascular gas bubbles. Journal of
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine 28(3):131136.
Brubakk, A.O., D. Duplancic, Z. Valic, I. Palada, A. Obad, D. Bakovic, U.
Wisloff, and Z. Dujic. 2005. A single air dive reduces arterial endothelial
function in man. Journal of Physiology 566(3):901906.
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sickness. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 69(1):816.
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Pilmanis, A.A., N. Kannan, K.M. Krause, and J.T. Webb. 1999. Relating venous
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Bethesda: Naval Medical Research Center.

Current Trends in Ultrasound Imaging

Technology, SURF Imaging, and
Decompression Induced Microbubbles
Lasse Lvstakken, Andreas Mllerlkken, and Svein-Erik Msy

ABSTRACT. Central to Haldanes theory, the risk of developing decompression sickness (DCS)
increases with the number of gas bubbles. The introduction of ultrasound to detect vascular gas
bubbles generated during and after decompressions has made it possible to compare different decompression situations and models without going to the binominal endpoint of DCS or no-DCS.
Miniaturization of ultrasound imaging technology is progressing to small pocket-sized devices with
close to high-end image quality. Technological achievements are due to vast developments that have
taken place in engineering fields such as acoustics, electronics, material physics, and signal processing, but some challenges such as power consumption and heat generation remain unresolved.
Recently, a new method, Second Order UltRasound Field (SURF) for detecting contrast agents has
been developed at NTNU, which utilizes the nonlinear nature of the contrast agents and filters out
specific parts of the reflected signal in order to detect the agent of interest. Potential future uses in
baromedicine include field monitoring, continuous monitoring, and development of implantable


iniaturization of ultrasound imaging technology is at a point where small

pocket-sized devices can be made with close to high-end image quality. For
measurements of decompression stress as vascular gas embolisms, the technology opens up for field monitoring and research. In addition to miniaturization,
the ultrasound systems are getting more sophisticated, and of particular interest is the
increased use of ultrasound contrast agents. The technological development opens up
for new possibilities for monitoring and research in the diving and hyperbaric environments. Recently, a new method for detecting contrast agents has been developed at
NTNU, which utilizes the nonlinear nature of the contrast agents (gas bubbles are easier to expand than to compress). The method called SURF, makes it possible to filter out
specific parts of the reflected signal in order to detect the agent of interest. The SURF
technology is as such well suited for decompression induced microbubbles, since it can
be designed to detect specific size gas bubbles, and filter out all other disturbing signals.

Lasse Lvstakken and Svein Erik Msy, Ultrasound
Research Group, Department of Circulation
and Medical Imaging, Norwegian University of
Science and Technology, Olav Kyrres gt 9, N-7489,
Trondheim, Norway. Andreas Mllerlkken,
Baromedical and Environmental Physiology Group,
Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Olav Kyrres gt 9, N-7489, Trondheim, Norway.

The purpose of all decompression procedures is to prevent injury to the diver, and it is
generally agreed that these injuries are caused by the formation of gas bubbles in the body.
Gas bubbles form in nearly all decompressions, and the risk of developing decompression
sickness (DCS) increases with the number of gas bubbles (Nishi et al., 2003). Paul Bert
demonstrated the relationship over 100 years ago (Vann, 2004) and his hypothesis was
later central to Haldanes theory (Boycott et al., 1908). Today we know that bubble formation during decompression is not simply a consequence of inert gas supersaturation,


because numerous experiments indicate that bubbles originate as

pre-existing gas nuclei (Blatteau et al., 2006).
A systematic study of the phenomena accompanying decompression is complex and difficult, as practical measurement
methods to monitor the processes taking place in body tissues are
lacking. However, the introduction of ultrasound to detect vascular gas bubbles generated during and after decompressions has
made it possible to compare different decompression situations
and models without going to the binominal endpoint DCS or
no-DCS. Recently, a Bayesian approach to validate decompression procedures has also been developed, an approach which is
based on detection of vascular gas bubbles (Eftedal et al., 2007).
Gas-filled microbubbles are not just interesting for researchers and clinicians working with hyperbaric problems.
The introduction of contrast agents for ultrasonic imaging, especially for cardiology and abdominal applications are also a
highly specialized application working with gas filled bubbles.
Ultrasound contrast agents are generally of a size of 1-4 m,
they are transpulmonary and provide strong reflections which
can be detected. Modern contrast agents are usually filled with
perfluorocarbon gas, stabilized in a lipid monolayer shell.


Since the advent of medical ultrasound imaging in the late
fifties, a continuous improvement in terms of image quality and
real-time operation has taken place, and an increasing number of
clinical applications and image modalities have appeared. Also
important, is that ultrasound systems have decreased in size and
are now available from portable high-end systems to hand-held
low-end systems. The technological achievements are due to vast
developments that have taken place in engineering fields such
acoustics, electronics, material physics, and signal processing.
The motivation to develop ultrasound system hardware components of smaller size is driven by different factors, for example:


To develop small instruments with good image quality that

can be operated anywhere in the field, driven by batteries.
In the development of real-time 3-D ultrasound imaging
systems using 2-D phased-arrays, the amount of system
channels is substantially increased, requiring too much
space and dissipating too much heat unless electronic components can be made very small.
Intra-cardiac and intra-vascular imaging using tiny transducer arrays inside 1 mm catheters.


Fundamental technical challenges are present for transducer
design and electronics, and trade-offs are needed on the expense

of image quality. One of the main technological challenges in the

miniaturization of ultrasound system components is making the
high-voltage transmit electronics small. Further the miniaturization of receive electronics and signal processing boards is progressing steadily, but power consumption and heat generation is
of major concern and needs to be reduced. One potential solution which is given attention especially in high-frequency imaging today, is to integrate future transducer technology and electronics directly on silicon wafers for miniaturized production.


Envision a PDA-sized instrument with extreme portability
(pocket-sized, lightweight, thin cable), with an image quality
close to high-end systems, a lower cost compared to high-end
systems, an extended battery life for more than one hour, easy to
use with a simple user interface, semi-automatic image optimization, and limited to specific clinical application functionality.
Indeed, instruments close to these specifications have already
been launched on the marked and in continuous smaller versions from 2000 till today. A true hand-held instrument was
recently released on the marked from Siemens (Siemens P10),
and more are sure to follow from the major manufacturers and
smaller niche companies.


Some visions of the potential use of miniaturized ultrasound instruments in baromedicine can be entailed:

Field monitoring: Hand-held systems with Doppler measurements and B-mode imaging can more easily be brought
to the field for monitoring and research.
Continuous monitoring: Extremely small battery operated devices in the size as a diver watch could be strapped
around the arm or around the neck for continuous monitoring during diving and decompression. Indeed small systems already exist for instance in fetal heart beat monitoring and for detecting pulse / perfusion during resuscitation.
Implantable devices: Simple transducer devices for Doppler
imaging can be made small enough to fit on implantable devices, powered by an outside source. For instance, embedded
in stents or as a clamp around peripheral vessel of interest.

For sure, many more applications can be envisioned. As

some additional pointers, in addition to miniaturization, higher
frequency imaging will make it possible to detect smaller bubbles, and more advanced signal and image processing may improve methods for bubble detection. We leave this subject open
for discussion!


The ultrasound research group at the Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging at NTNU in Trondheim has developed a new method for detecting contrast agents, which gives
better resolution and improves the sensitivity compared with
traditional techniques. The method is called SURF (Second Order UltRasound Field) Imaging, and instead of one pulse being
transmitted as in traditional ultrasound transducers, the SURF
method transmits two pulses simultaneously (Fig. 1). One pulse
is used to manipulate the size of the microbubbles, and the other
is used for detection of the change in size. By utilizing the nonlinear nature of the contrast agents (gas bubbles are easier to expand
than to compress), one can filter out specific parts of the reflected
signal in order to detect the agent of interest (Msy et al., 2008).
In relation to decompression induced microbubbles, it is
accepted that the process of bubble formation starts by microscopic bubble nuclei. De novo formation of gas bubbles requires
an unrealistic pressure gradient in relation to normal decompression activity. But, by definition, no one has actually seen
these bubbles in non-diving subjects. They are believed to be
in the order of 1 m, and there are no detection systems available today which can highlight such small bubbles. However,
the SURF technology is well suited for decompression induced
microbubbles, since it can be designed to detect specific size gas
bubbles, and filter out all other disturbing signals. The result is
that in a standard ultrasonic picture where you can not see any
bubbles at all, the SURF can visualize the presence of bubbles if
they are in the same size as ultrasound contrast agents. And in
theory, one can build transducers based on the SURF technology which can detect microbubbles down to 2 m.

Boycott, A.E., G.C.C. Damant, and J.S. Haldane. 1908. The prevention of compressed air illness. Journal of Hygiene Cambridge 8:342443.

FIGURE 1. SURF-pulse complexes for contrast agent detection

and imaging. For additional information, please visit: http://www.
Blatteau, J.E., J.B. Souraud, E. Gempp, and A. Boussuges. 2006. Gas nuclei,
their origin, and their role in bubble formation. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 77:10681076.
Eftedal, O.S., H. Tjelmeland, and A.O. Brubakk. 2007. Validation of decompression procedures based on detection of venous gas bubbles: A Bayesian
approach. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 78:9499.
Msy, S.E., . Standal, P. Nsholm, F. Johansen, B. Angelsen, and R. Hansen.
2008. SURF Imaging: In vivo demonstration of an ultrasound contrast
agent detection technique. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. In press.
Nishi, R.Y., A.O. Brubakk, and O.S. Eftedal. 2003. Bubble Detection. In Brubakk, A.O., and T.S. Neuman. eds. Bennett and Elliotts Physiology and
Medicine of Diving, 5th ed: London: Saunders. Pp.501530.
Vann, R.D. 2004. Inert Gas Exchange and Bubbles. In Bove, A.A., ed. Bove and
Davies Diving Medicine, 4th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders. Pp. 5377.

The Future of Dive Computers

Michael A. Lang and Sergio Angelini

ABSTRACT. The age of electronic diving has arrived with the development of the modern electronic dive computer as the most significant advancement in self-contained diving since the invention of
the Aqualung by Jacques Cousteau. Twenty-five years after modern day dive computer introduction several key questions remain surrounding the decompression models used, validation and
human testing, acceptable risk, limitations, failures, and operational reliability. A brief history
of analog dive computers and electronic digital computers and their function is discussed. Existing decompression models incorporated into dive computers are discussed with comments
on the variety of approaches since Haldane. Educated predictions are offered on the functionality, features and configurations of future dive computer evolution based on benefits from advances
in consumer electronics technology, and monitoring technology integrated into the dive computer
algorithm that allows for a closer approximation of physiological parameters. Final remarks conclude with how advances in diving physiology research based mainly on Haldanes original work in
1908 will shape the dive computer landscape of the future.


Michael A. Lang, Smithsonian Institution, Office

of the Under Secretary for Science, PO Box 37012,
MRC 009, Washington, DC 20013-7012 USA.
Sergio Angelini, Angelini Consulting, Egg 28, 5444
Knten, Switzerland.

istorically, the diving community has depended predominantly on the United

States Navy Air Decompression tables, a direct descendant of Haldanes work,
which has served divers well for over five decades. Dive computers, utilizing
mathematical models of human tissue compartments and gas exchange, allow the constant computation of the divers decompression status during the dive. They vary in the
assumptions incorporated in their models and in their capabilities. As predicted by Lang
and Hamilton (1989) these real-time tools now enjoy widespread use in the recreational,
scientific and military diving sectors. Logically, dive computer evolution was a natural
progression from decompression tables and as they experienced several generations of development. Computers replaced the divers watch and depth gauge, provided greater accuracy and computerized, real-time, at-depth, continuous dive profile data, eliminating
the need for the diver to remember tables and make decompression decisions while under
water and while multi-level diving, allowed for longer bottom times than permitted by
tables. Many divers are highly motivated in their activities and interested in maximizing
underwater time and efficiency. They view decompression requirements as a hindrance
and distraction from their dive objectives, yet are generally concerned about safety.
Evaluations of the available databases on pressure-related injuries to examine the
effectiveness of dive computers showed that these devices had demonstrable advantages
over dive tables. It remains clear that neither tables nor dive computers can eliminate
all decompression problems, which have a probabilistic component to their occurrence.
However, the current generation of dive computer technology represents an important
tool for further improving diver safety. Divers Alert Network has managed to collect
172,000 dive profiles from 1999 to 2009 through its Project Dive Exploration (PDE), a


worldwide study of recreational diving to record more than one

million dives to produce statistically accurate analyses of depth
profiles, diver characteristics, and diver behavior. This collection
of real-time depth/time profiles for statistical analysis and modeling will assist in characterizing the relationship between diving
and health effects, developing flexible, low-risk decompression
procedures for multilevel, multiday repetitive diving; and studying the effects of flying after diving.
Since the appearance of the first commercially mass-produced electronic dive computer, the 1983 ORCA Industries
EDGE model, the operational experience with dive computers
is enormous, yet some key considerations remain:






Decompression models: What models are dive computers

programmed with? Does it matter? Should the manufacturers specify the model in their brochures? What are the
primary criteria for model effectiveness and acceptability?
Validation and human testing: What comprises an acceptable validation protocol? Should all computers be
tested on human subjects with Doppler monitoring? If so,
what type of dive profiles should be used, and what does
this really prove? And the rejection criteria would be what
exactly? Comparisons with existing decompression tables
demonstrate the range of no-decompression limits (NDLs)
for tables and computers. For square-wave dive profiles,
NDLs of dive computers are generally more conservative.
Multi-level profile comparisons are more tenuous because
of mechanical constraints of the organization of dive table
limits versus real-time interval updates of dive computers.
Should the manufacturer publish validation data or divulge
their modifications or adjustments of published algorithms?
Should they be evaluated by an independent agency?
Acceptable risk: It is generally recognized that zero bends
is unachievable and that for operational reasons sectors of
the diving community accept different DCS rates. What
levels of bends risk are acceptable?
Limitations: Should depth and time limitations be imposed on dive computers? If so, how is this determined?
Specifically, what is the applicability of dive computers with
regard to long shallow dives, short deep bounce dives,
stage-decompression dives, repetitive multi-day, multi-level
dives, reverse dive profiles, variable ascent rates, diving at
altitude and desaturation levels for flying after diving.
Dive computer failure: What is a diver to do regarding
decompression during or after a dive should the computer
fail? Are there standardized contingency plans to continue
diving after a computer failure, or a requirement for a backup dive computer?
Operational reliability: The operational experience has
been generally good. Are there specific dive computer component or battery failures? Should the manufacturer provide reliability data?
The incidence of decompression sickness would appear to be

an appropriate metric to evaluate the efficiency of dive computers. Assuming that the diver wore the computer, actually looked
at it during the dive, and the computer can be interrogated by the
hyperbaric chamber operator, useful dive profile information can
be retrieved and used in treatment decision making protocols.

The introduction of scuba in the mid-1940s changed diving operations that were carried out by hardhat divers using
surface-supplied air for dives at single depths for as long as they
needed to complete the mission while decompression status was
monitored by surface tenders. Scuba divers without surface contact now had to be responsible for their own decompression
status under water. Without an unlimited air supply from the
surface the repetitive dive concept became an actuality with the
exchange of full scuba cylinders. Three-dimensional freedom of
movement during a dive led to multi-level dive profiles.
Various mechanical and electrical analog and microprocessor-based digital dive computers to determine a divers decompression status in real time have been produced since the advent
of scuba in the 1950s. Current computers only use depth and
time as variables to compute decompression status. Future computers should incorporate individual and environmental variations and additional variables that play a role in decompression
sickness susceptibility, and perhaps ultimately monitor actual
inert gas levels in the diver.
The U.S. Navy Committee for Undersea Warfare and
Underwater Swimmers met in 1951 at Scripps Institution of
Oceanography to identify improvements required in scuba
diving equipment and how to control the decompression of a
non-tethered, free swimming scuba diver. Groves and Monks
(1953) report established the foundation for most of the early
designs for decompression devices and presented a preliminary
design for a diver-carried pneumatic analog computer which
simulated nitrogen uptake and elimination in two theoretical
tissue groups and summarized its benefits:
The gauge automatically takes into account the depth-time history of the entire dive. The resulting continuous optimum ascent should be somewhat more efficient than the usual step-wise
ascent, the latter being used only because of its greater simplicity
of presentation in tabular form. There are two other situations for
which the gauge is conceivably an improvement over the table.
For repeated dives the gauge automatically takes into account the
residual elevation of nitrogen pressure in the body from the preceding dives. (Divers are known to be more subject to bends on
subsequent dives.) In the case of an emergency ascent, such as
may be required by an exhaustion of breathing air, the gauge gives
some indication of the desirable recompression procedure.

This report also included a basic design for the Ultimate

Gauge, an electrical analog computer that would show both
decompression and air consumption status so that the diver
would know if the remaining air supply would be sufficient to


perform the required decompression schedule.

Searle (1956) indicated in a Navy Experimental Diving
Unit report the need for some type of decompression device
because of the ever-widening fields of both civilian and military
free-swimming diving using self contained breathing apparatus.
Particularly when scuba diving was untended from the surface,
there arose a very pressing need for a small portable apparatus
to be used by the diver to indicate proper decompression and
ascent. Huggins (1989) thoroughly reviewed the history of dive
computer evolution through 1988.
1955: Foxboro Decomputer Mark I

Designed by Hugh Bradner and Mead Bradner, manufactured by the Foxboro Company with 40- and 75-minute
halftime compartments (both with 1.75:1 surfacing ratios), a
pneumatic design, and 5 bellows (Fredrickson, 1956). Nitrogen
absorption and elimination from the compartments was simulated by the flow of gas through porous resistors between bellows,
which were exposed to the ambient pressure, and bellows sealed
in a vacuum, kept under a constant pressure by a spring. Searles
(1956) evaluation reported the actual compartment half-times
simulated by the Foxboro Decomputer Mark I as 27.7 and 52
minutes, causing deviations from U.S. Navy Table decompression ranges for some dives. No further development occurred
because the U.S. Navy published new air no-decompression/decompression tables and repetitive dive tables in 1957. The Navy
apparently rejected the idea of a decompression computer and
accepted option a of the Groves and Munk report, i.e., depth
gauge, watch, tables, and diver wits (Huggins, 1989).

ladder network of series resistors and parallel capacitors to simulate nitrogen diffusion within the body. Ambient pressure measurement was supplied by a depth sensor that varied the voltage
supplied to the network. Two 1/2D alkaline cells powered an
oven that housed the electronics and kept them at a constant
90 oF. Four small mercury batteries were used as the computer
network power source. The display was a micro-ammeter calibrated in fsw displaying how many feet the diver could safely
ascend. Workman (1963) found that minimal decompression
requirements were adequately predicted for schedules throughout the depth range tested (40190 fsw) for ascent rates of 20
and 60 fpm. Longer and deeper exposures were not provided
adequate depth and total decompression time at stops compared to the U.S. Navy air decompression tables. Continuous
ascent decompression predicted by the TRACOR computer was
inadequate both in depth and duration of total decompression
time. Temperature dependency of the instrument was excessive,
particularly for cold exposures, and resulted in widely varying
decompression requirements for the same dive schedule. Workman (1963) further suggested that a mechanical analog computer could be used to avoid the instability and breakdowns
that occurred in the electrical circuitry.
1962: DCIEM Analog Computer Series (Nishi, 1989)

Designed by Carlo Alinari, manufactured by SOS Diving

Equipment Limited as a one-compartment pneumatic computer with half-time variations with the pressure differential across
the ceramic resistor. The ambient pressure increased on the flexible bag, forcing gas through the ceramic resistor (simulating
nitrogen uptake and elimination in the body) into the constant
volume chamber. The pressure increase was measured by the
bourdon tube gauge, indicating the safe ascent depth to the diver. On ascent, the gas pressure in the constant volume chamber
became greater than the external pressure and the gas flow reversed (Huggins, 1989). Howard and Schmitt (1975) evaluated
ten SOS meters and determined their no-decompression limits
to be more conservative than the U.S. Navy limits at depths
shallower than 20 msw, but less conservative at deeper depths.

Developed by D.J. Kidd and R.A. Stubbs at the Defence

and Civil Institute for Environmental Medicine (DCIEM) with
four compartments to simulate the nitrogen absorption and
elimination in the diver. Initial versions compartments were arranged in parallel, the final designs arranged in series, resulting
in the Kidd-Stubbs decompression model (Kidd and Stubbs,
1966). The MARK V S was the first thoroughly tested, successful decompression computer. The four serial compartments
gave effective half-times of 5 to over 300 mins (Nishi, 1978).
The display consisted of a depth gauge face with two needles:
one to indicate the divers present depth, and the other to indicate the depth to which the diver could safely ascend (Huggins,
1989). The unit was small enough to fit into a housing 9 cm
in diameter and 18 cm long, which could be easily carried by
a scuba diver. Another version of the device, called the MARK
VI S, was designed utilizing the same algorithm for hyperbaric
chamber use. The MARK V S was produced by Spar Aerospace
in the late 1960s for sale to industrial and military agencies with
operational depth limits to 60 msw. In 1970, Spar developed a
smaller and lighter version operational to 90 msw. Due to the
complexity of construction, high manufacturing costs, and extensive maintenance and calibration requirements, the MARK
VS computer was not a commercially viable product for recreational divers.

1963: TRACOR Electrical Analog Computer

1973: GE Decompression Meter

Developed by Texas Research Associates Inc. as the first electrical analog decompression computer, employing a 10-section

Designed by Borom and Johnson (1973) utilizing semipermeable silicon membranes to simulate nitrogen diffusion. These

1959: SOS Decompression Meter


membranes operated better than porous resistors because the

simulated half-time of a compartment did not vary with depth
(as in the SOS meter). A four-chamber device was built to simulate the U.S. Navy Air Decompression Tables using compartment half-times of 24, 39, 90 and 144 mins. Initial evaluations
by GE showed that the membrane-based decompression meter
concept was sound. The size of the unit could be reduced and
temperature dependence was well within satisfactory limits.
However, no information on any subsequent development and
testing was available (Huggins, 1989).
1975: Farallon Decomputer

Manufactured by Farallon Industries, the device was a

pneumatic analog computer utilizing four semipermeable
membranes (two for gas uptake, 2 for elimination) that simulated two theoretical tissue groups. Air from the collapsible
gas chamber flowed through the fast tissue (large) and slow
tissue (small) membranes when exposed to elevated pressures.
The increased pressure within the mechanism caused the pistons
to move along the display color-coded green, yellow, and red,
indicating the divers decompression status. When the ambient
pressure was reduced to a lower pressure than inside the tissue simulator, the air flowed out through the repetitive dive
membrane. Both compartments had offgasing membranes that
simulated a slow offgasing rate. Testing at Scripps Institution of
Oceanography determined that the Farallon Decomputer failed
to approximate the U.S. Navy Air Decompression limits and
repetitive dives proved even less acceptable, was too permissive,
and developed too much mechanical deterioration with use
(Flynn, 1978).
The dive computer consists of a watertight housing with
a through-hull pressure transducer that transforms pressure
sensed through an analog-digital converter to the microprocessor, powered by a battery. Read-only memory, random-access
memory and a clock feed into the microprocessor, which outputs information to the diver via the computers display (Fig. 1).
Huggins (1989) outlined the evolution of a series of digital dive
computers once the microprocessor revolution was underway in
the mid 1970s. DCIEM unveiled the XDC Digital Decompression Computer Series using the Kidd-Stubbs model. The XDC3
Cyberdiver was actually the first diver-carried microprocessorbased underwater decompression computer. Like the Cyberdiver, the DACOR Dive Computer suffered from very high power
consumption and was a US Navy dive table reader. Thalmann
(et al., 1980; 1983; 1984) and Presswood et al. (1986) worked
on developing an E-L (exponential linear) decompression
model and algorithm to program into an Underwater Decompression Computer to be used with the USN constant partial
pressure of oxygen closed-circuit mixed gas system. This model
assumed that nitrogen absorbed by tissues at an exponential rate

FIGURE 1. Dive computer schematic.

(as in Haldanean models), discharged at a slower linear rate.

In 1996, Thalmanns VVAL 18 model was tested in the USNs
Cochran Navy dive computer.
ORCA Industries, Inc. released the EDGE (Electronic Dive
Guide) in 1983, the worlds first commercially successful, mass
produced electronic dive computer that paved the way into this
new approach to decompression status monitoring. The ORCA
12-compartment model (half times from 5 to 480 mins) was
based on no-decompression limits (to 130fsw) determined, in
part, by Doppler ultrasonic bubble detection (Spencer, 1976).
The EDGE display was perhaps one of the most innovative to
date, divided into graphical and digital information split into
two sections by a curve (limit-line) representing the maximum
pressure (M-values) allowed in the twelve compartments. One
glance by the diver established whether all compartment bars
were above the limit-line, indicating a no-decompression dive.
The SkinnyDipper (also distributed as a private labeling, Sigmatech, by Sherwood Scuba) from ORCA Industries utilized
the same decompression model as the EDGE, but its simpler
display scheme consisted of three numerical segments and no
graphics. The SME-ML, a nine-compartment Haldanean model with half-times ranging from 2.5 to 480 mins, is also based
on Doppler research and was manufactured by SUUNTO of
Finland. It stored ten hours of dive information that could
be recalled at any time after the dive. The Datamaster II (also
distributed as the DataScan II by U.S. Divers Co.) was manufactured by Oceanic using a pseudo-Haldanean decompression
model of six compartments with half-times of 5 to 120 mins.
This model allowed no off-gassing from the compartments until
reaching the surface. The Datamaster II lead the way in calculating air consumption, tank pressure and air time remaining.
In 1979, the Hans Hass Decobrain I was a Swiss tablebased computer for high-altitude diving that could perform
multi-level computations using the tables repetitive group designators but only by using the 80-minute half-time compartment, which easily put it out of range as a decompression


device. In 1985, the Decobrain II by Divetronic was based on

Bhlmanns 16-compartment Swiss model (ZHL-16) developed
with compartment half-times ranging from 4 to 635 mins and
designed for altitude diving up to 4500 meters above sea level.
Time to fly information was first introduced. The DACOR
Microbrain (also manufactured by Divetronics) used six compartments (4.5 to 395 minute half-times) that corresponded
to the 16-compartment Swiss model. The Aladin (Uwatec),
G.U.I.D.E. (Beuchat) and the Black Fox (Parkway) is the same
unit manufactured by Uwatec with a 6-compartment version of
the Swiss decompression model utilizing four sets of M-values
based on the altitude ranges of the dive. The Uwatec computer
could be interrogated and the log entries for the last five dives
recalled by activating two wet switches. The Aladin Pro Plus
in 1987 was likely the second commercially successful massproduced dive computer.
Huggins (1989) aptly concludes
It is interesting to speculate about the present state of scuba diving
if the Foxboro Decomputer Mark I had performed properly and
had been adopted for U.S. Navy use in 1956. If so, the present
U.S. Navy air decompression tables might not have been computed and the standard tool used to determine decompression status
might have been a dive computer. Dive computer technology
would be far more advanced, and more information and studies
about the effects of multi-level diving would be available today.

In 1908 John Scott Haldane published a paper (Boycott et
al., 1908) that to date represents the most significant milestone
in decompression physiology. A multitude of researchers (Hills,
1966; Workman, 1963, 1965; Bhlmann, 1990) and many others over the years have published numerous versions of decompression models which, by and large, are all intrinsically linked
to this century-old publication.
As a diver descends in the water column and is exposed to
increased ambient pressure, the partial pressure of the inhaled
inert gas is higher than that of the dissolved inert gas in the
various bodily tissues. This imbalance leads to inert gas travelling from the lungs via the blood stream throughout the body,
where it is absorbed in the various tissues at a rate which is a
function of the tissue itself (e.g., muscle tissue will load up
with inert gas faster than fat tissue). The characteristic by which
a tissue loads with inert gas is defined by the term half time,
an artificial parameter that defines the time required for a tissue
to equilibrate to within 50% of the imposed external pressure.
Similarly, as the diver ascends at the end of the dive and is
exposed to a diminishing ambient pressure, the partial pressure
of inert gas in a tissue will become higher than the partial pressure of the inhaled inert gas (supersaturation), and hence the
inert gas transfer process is inverted. Excess inert gas is returned
from the tissues via the blood stream to the lungs, from where
it is eliminated by exhalation. The key concept in every form

of Haldanean implementation is that decompression sickness is

preceded by inert gas bubbles forming due to excessive supersaturation. Therefore, a successful decompression strategy involves
controlling the supersaturation in each tissue within defined
values. The various versions of Haldanean models differ primarily in the number of tissues considered, their half times and
their tolerance to supersaturation (up to the tipping point of
bubble formation) and mathematical tricks are applied to cover
a variety of influencing factors (e.g., cold, workload, repetitive
diving). The primary reason for the success of Haldanean models is that, in spite of their simplistic approach, a vast amount of
data exists to which the models have been fitted. Similar to the
flower-like trajectory of Mars around the Earth in a Ptolemaic
view, enough empirical observation and data fitting can make
any model yield excellent results within its tested range.
During the 1980s the prevailing opinion was that bubbles
formed during almost all dives, even those not producing any
sign or symptom of decompression sickness. This prompted a
new wave in decompression modeling that implicitly included
bubble formation and growth, and its consequences to the diver. As a main departure from the Haldanean model, inert gas
was not only present in dissolved form, but also in free form
as a bubble. David Yount proposed a free-phase decompression
model, the Variable Permeability Model (Yount and Hoffman,
1986), Michael Gernhardt the Tissue Bubble Dynamics Model
(Gernhardt, 1991), and Wayne Gerth and Richard Vann (Gerth
and Vann, 1997) the Probabilistic Gas and Bubble Dynamics
Model. The most widely implemented model in a simplified
version in a variety of dive computers is the Reduced Gradient
Bubble Model (Wienke, 1990). Gutvik and Brubakk (2009) are
the proponents of Copernicus, and Lewis and Crow (2008) presented an introduction to their Gas Formation Model (GFM).
Whereas Yount and Hoffman, and Wienke consider supersaturation as a mechanism to begin bubble formation, Gernhardt,
Gerth and Vann, and Gutvik and Brubakk track bubbles from
their initial form as microscopic nuclei and follow their evolution and growth as the dive progresses. These latter models are
of considerable higher mathematical complexity and cannot be
solved within the realm of a modern microprocessor.
The overarching goal of future dive computer models
should be to more closely reflect the individual physiology of
the diver, evolving as a true electronic instrument designed to
solve a physiological problem. Moon et al. (1995) reinforced
that the probabilistic models on which tables and computers
are based should reflect the individual reality of the divers, to
enable them to conduct their dives in accordance with their
individual characteristics.


Divers must adhere to the manufacturers recommended
ascent rate, whether variable or uniform, which is an integral


component of the algorithms tissue tension calculations. Training in, and understanding of, proper ascent techniques is fundamental to safe diving practice, including mastering proper
buoyancy control, weighting and a controlled ascent with a
hovering safety stop in the 1030 fsw zone for 35 min (Lang
and Egstrom, 1990). It is in the ascent phase of the dive that
computers reveal one of their strengths. Existing computers
have maximum ascent rates that do not exceed 60 fsw/min from
depth and many are limited to 30 fsw/min in shallower water. Future dive computer models may favor slower rates but
we make the observation that operationally, the 30 fsw/min is
achievable and effective, while slower rates most likely are not.
Multi-level, multiday repetitive computer diving within
the tested envelope is the mainstream practice today, and it appears to be less stressful than square wave profile diving. Deep
repetitive dives with short surface intervals should nevertheless
be given special consideration. Because of limited analysis of
the existing profile databases, no firm conclusions have been
reached regarding repetitive diving limits to date (Lang and
Vann, 1992). The maximum depth sequence of repetitive dive
profiles is not restricted by dive computers. Lang and Lehner
(2000) found that there was no physiological reason for prohibiting reverse dive profiles for no-decompression dives less than
40 msw (130 fsw) and depth differentials less than 12 msw (40
fsw) because this was never a rule in either U.S. Navy or commercial diving, but more of an operational constraint of the organization of depth/time profiles in a square-wave table format.
There exists no dependable distinction between safe to
fly and not safe to fly in dive computers. There is a gradual
reduction of risk for which the diver needs to choose an acceptable degree (e.g., wait at least 24 hours, the longer the wait, the
further the reduction in probability of decompression sickness).
Lang and Hamilton (1989) provide examples of dive computer
computations for time to fly that include offgasing to 12
fsw (24 psi) over ambient pressure, waiting until 12 hrs have
elapsed after the last dive, or not exceeding 0.58 bar as maximum ceiling setting (against a minimum aircraft cabin pressure
of 0.75 bar).
Adjusting oxygen fractions in dive computer software from
0.21 to standard oxygen-enriched air (nitrox) of 0.32 or 0.36 is
simple and an available function of most computers. Huggins
(2006) evaluated several dive computers capable of calculating heliox and trimix dive profiles (the EMC-20H by Cochran
Undersea Technology, the HS Explorer by HydroSpace Engineering, the NiTek He by Dive Rite, and the VR3 by Delta
P Technology). The decompression software that purportedly
emulated these four dive computers was used to calculate the
response to specific 300 fsw/20 min total bottom time (TBT)
dive scenarios, including decompression gas switches. Huggins
opined that in surface-supplied mixed-gas operations diver-carried dive computers are best used as a backup and that the major control of decompression should be assigned to the surfacesupport personnel using a preplanned set of heliox or trimix
tables that the dive computer emulates.


The dive computer of the future will benefit from advances
in science and technology. These can be grouped into three distinct categories: benefits from advances in consumer electronics
technology, monitoring technology integrated in the algorithm,
and advances in decompression physiology research.
The combined worldwide sales of dive computers from all
manufacturers does not exceed 500,000 units per year, while
Apple alone sold over 30 million iPhones in the first 12 months.
It becomes obvious then that dive computers do not drive new
technologies, but rather benefit from a trickledown effect. In a
world dominated by PDAs, Smartphones and iPods, not only is
the technological development unbridled, but the cost of these
new technologies keeps declining and becoming more affordable.
Hence, in spite of the relatively small volumes of dive computer
produced, we can expect to start seeing more and more advanced
embedded technologies. Other outdoor activities, such as hiking, climbing and camping, are also promoters of new technologies that can find an application within a dive computer.
High Resolution Color Display

Barring a few exceptions dive computers today utilize a

segment display. In these types of displays, information is presented by turning on certain segments within a large array.
Due to the constraints of fitting a wide variety of information on a small display, segment displays typically present only
numbers and symbols. Advantages of this technology are low
energy consumption and very sharp representation. The main
disadvantage, however, is the inability to show anything other
than what is preprogrammed into the display. This means that
any interaction between the diver and the computer takes place
through a display of numbers and symbols. In an emergency
situation, the diver sees blinking symbols and/or numbers and
from this has to infer the nature of the emergency and take appropriate action. The possibility exists that, if the diver does not
recognize or otherwise understand the meaning of the blinking
symbol, this can lead to an increase in stress in the diver and
could potentially precipitate a risky situation.
The switch to a high resolution color display is the most
obvious consequence of the proliferation of PDAs and Smartphones. Color dot-matrix displays can play an important role in
enhancing the safety of the dive in many ways:


Before the dive: menu navigation via text in a language of

choice means simplicity and clarity in setting up the computer for the dive;
During the dive: one obvious advantage is the clear



representation of all relevant information, possibly with

a choice of font size and in a pattern customized by the
user. In addition, the combination of text and color can be
tremendously helpful in alerting the diver of a potentially
risky situation by describing the exact nature of the problem and recommending a course of action. For instance, a
diver on nitrox exceeding the maximum operating depth
of the breathing gas would see a clear text message such as
the problem) followed by a clear text message such as ASCEND TO 40 MSW (the recommended course of action).
A dive computer with a standard segment display cannot
do more than beep madly and show blinking symbols; and,
After the dive: logbook viewing function with several pages of
information, including a graphic representation of the dive.
Rechargeable Battery

Todays computers function well with replaceable batteries,

allowing between 100 and 800 dives before the battery runs
out. In most cases replacing the battery is a very simple process
which, combined with a battery price of a few dollars/euros,
makes this an attractive solution. Reliability, an important factor in a life support system, is also very high in this configuration. Color displays, however, require higher energy consumption and thus the switch to a rechargeable battery becomes
necessary. With a typical lifetime of 500 charge/discharge cycles
and assuming 5 to 10 dives on each full charge, this would allow 2500 to 5000 dives before the battery needs to be replaced.
Charging of the battery can take place via a USB cable connected to a PC or directly to a power outlet, or, as in the case of
the UEMIS Scuba Diver Assistant, via solar cells.
GPS Receiver

GPS receiver use has become wide spread in outdoor instruments and the automotive industry, where its role is of much
higher importance and obvious benefit than in a dive computer.
GPS works only through air, hence on the surface, and therefore
an application in a dive computer might seem inappropriate.
However, it would allow divers to locate dive sites simply by
recording their GPS coordinates. Additionally, at the end of the
dive, the emerging diver would be able to estimate the distance
and direction from the point of entry (boat or shore), which
could be useful in a situation of low visibility.
Underwater Communication and Navigation

Communicating underwater with the dive buddy or even

all the way to the dive vessel would represent an enormous step
forward in diver safety (but perhaps not necessarily in dive enjoyment, because many divers love diving for the peace and
quiet provided by the silent world). Furthermore, with the
proliferation of navigation systems in automotive technology,

it seems only logical to have similar gadgets guiding us through

a dive. Data transmission underwater over a certain distance
requires the use of ultrasound technology. Radio frequency, as
utilized for instance for the transmission of tank information
from a sensor on the first stage regulator to the dive computer, is
strongly attenuated by water and thus would require too much
power to be useful over a longer distance. Ultrasound, on the
other hand, can travel very far underwater with relatively little
power. Unfortunately, ultrasound is not necessarily a universal
technology in consumer electronics, hence its integration in a
dive computer may not be in the near future. Attempts have
been made though, and for professional use there are voice
communication systems which, though bulky, function rather
well. GPS-like underwater navigation would require the reproduction of a satellite system for triangulation (set of buoys that
translate the GPS signal from the surface to an ultrasound signal underwater) and, as such, would be costly and cumbersome.
Simpler devices, which only show the direction and distance to
the boat, have been introduced several years ago (Uwatec NEVERLOST, Desert Star Systems DIVETRACKER) but have not
enjoyed extensive market penetration.

Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) is

a distress signal technology utilized in the maritime industry.
EPIRBs are tracking transmitters that aid in the detection and
location of boats, aircraft, and people in distress. Strictly speaking, they are radio beacons that interface with Cospas-Sarsat,
the international satellite system for search and rescue (SAR).
When activated, such beacons send out a distress signal that,
when detected by non-geostationary satellites, can be located
through triangulation. Often using the initial position provided
via the satellite system, the distress signals from the beacons can
be homed in on by SAR aircraft and ground search parties who
can in turn come to the aid of the concerned boat, aircraft, or
people. For instance, should a diver get carried away by a current during a drift dive, an EPIRB built into the dive computer
would allow for a relatively quick location and rescue. The related technology is unfortunately rather costly and most divers
may never need to be rescued at sea.
The principal objective of a dive computer is to recommend an ascent schedule as a result of the divers exposure to
a specific depth/time profile. The depth defines the inert gas
partial pressure in the inhaled breathing gas which, combined
with the length of the exposure (time at depth), drives the inert gas uptake into the divers tissues. Clearly, perfusion (blood
circulation through the body) plays a significant role in that it
transports the inert gas through the body from and to the lungs.
Consequently, a change in perfusion during the dive, as may be


induced by exercise (increased perfusion) or exposure to cold

(vasoconstriction in the arms or legs, hence a reduced perfusion), is expected to play a role in the ongasing and offgasing
of inert gas. In particular, if the perfusion was increased during
the deeper parts of the dive when much inert gas uptake is occurring, and/or the perfusion were reduced during the shallower
parts towards the end of the dive, when inert gas elimination
is occurring, the simplistic approach of considering only inert
gas partial pressures may not be sufficient. In todays dive computers evidently enough conservatism is built in to cover these
effects, as evidenced by the relatively low incidence rates of decompression sickness.
There are attempts to account for changes in perfusion.
One approach is to lump any deviation from a normal exposure into additional conservatism in the model (personal factors). The clear disadvantage of this method is that the diver
needs to define and predict before the dive whether strenuous
exercise or chilling is expected to occur. The other approach,
followed at the moment only by UWATEC and UEMIS, is to
evaluate changes in perfusion based on actual measurements
during the dive. An increase in workload is measured either by
heart rate monitoring (UWATEC) or by a change in breathing pattern (UWATEC and UEMIS). Cold water effects, which
theoretically could lead to a reduction in perfusion during the
decompression phase of the dive, are based on the concept that
the colder the water, the more vasoconstriction plays a role
(Angelini, 2007). A thermally insulated diver, however, may
be warmer in 4 oC water than a poorly protected diver in the
Caribbean, and here a pre-dive set cold factor could be more
Regardless, in spite of the theoretical validity of the effect
of changes in perfusion during the dive, the actual implementation within a decompression model has not been experimentally validated or clinically proven. A thorough review of cold as
decompression sickness stress factor was performed by Mueller
(2007). One can argue that diving is a reasonably safe activity
and that therefore these model complications are uncalled for.
Another point of view is that this is an indication of excessive
conservatism in todays models so that, with proper implementation of these phenomena, a diver could enjoy more freedom.
However, as advances in science and decompression physiology are made, we propose the continued development of the
following technologies:

Heart rate monitoring. There is a proliferation of heartrate monitoring devices in most outdoor and fitness activities. As people become more aware of the importance of
exercise to their well being, they also discover heart rate
monitoring as an excellent tool for fitness evaluation. Recording the heart rate during a dive can be useful, besides
from an implementation of workload-related nitrogen calculations, to become aware of how the body responds to
the environment, leading to either increased comfort and
enjoyment (recorded heart rate is low and consistent) or




the avoidance of certain types of stressful dives (high and/

or erratic heart rate).
Skin temperature measurements. Vasoconstriction is the
result of the brains recognition that the core body temperature is diminishing. In order to maintain the function
of critical body parts the brain reduces blood circulation to
the limbs (arms and legs) with their large surface to volume
ratio to reduce heat loss and protect the heart, lungs, and
brain. Skin temperature measurements transmitted to the
dive computer would allow for a quantification of the cooling. In addition to an implementation of vasoconstriction
in the decompression model, this could be very important
as an alarm trigger for approaching hypothermia. Hypothermia is an acute danger when pain and feeling of cold
disappears once the body gives up on shivering as a mechanism of generate warmth.
Oxygen saturation measurement. This is of primary interest to free divers because the risk of oxygen depletion
and consequent shallow-water blackout is high. Nevertheless, this and other blood monitoring technologies could
find applications in scuba or rebreather diving.
Inert gas bubble detection. Inert gas uptake and consequent offgasing is in and of itself not the cause of decompression sickness. Problems can occur when the combination of excessive amounts of inert gas dissolved in the body
and a diminishing ambient pressure lead to the gas coming
out of solution and forming free gas bubbles in the body.
Some decompression models attempt to describe this free
gas formation, with all the complexity that follows from the
physics associated with such an event. It would be very useful if it were possible to detect bubble formation during the
dive, integrated into a feedback loop into the decompression algorithm (regardless of the nature of the algorithm
itself ). There exist, however, two rather large obstacles to
this. First, the bubble detection technology existing today
is based on ultrasound or Doppler monitoring, both requiring rather cumbersome equipment that could hardly
be placed on a diver during the dive. The second problem
is that bubbles really do not grow to a discernible level until 20 to 40 minutes after the dive, so that in-water detection might only be useful in extreme dives in which something went seriously wrong. On the other hand, this line of
thinking could lead to the development of a similar or new
kind of technology aimed at detecting a physiologically viable parameter that gives an indication of decompression
stress in the body. Any parameter that gives online feedback
into a decompression model as to the state of the diver with
respect to potential DCS would be a tremendous benefit.



As described above, decompression models in existence today are, aside from a few mathematical manipulations, almost


entirely based on the ideas of John Scott Haldane presented

in the historic 1908 paper (Doolette, 2009). Actual bubble
models that carry out the pertinent bubble-dynamics calculations (and the related non-linear differential equations) are too
complex to be managed by the limited processing power of a
dive computer microprocessor. Even if this were to be solved,
what remains is the need to validate such a radically different
approach to decompression. There is an attempt by the Norwegian University for Science and Technology to build a complete
bubble model under the project name Copernicus. As much as
the earth-centered planetary model was intrinsically flawed yet
allowed reasonable ocean navigation via immense empirical observations of the movements of the stars (made to fit this wrong
model), a sun-centered planetary system yielded much better
and accurate results allowing for significant broadening of the
range of validity of the model itself. Haldanean theory, which
does not consider inert gas in free form, and consequently its
effects on the human body, has been refined over a century with
the input of Workman (1963), Bhlmann (1990), Thalmann
et al. (1980) and Thalmann (1983; 1984) to name a few, and
provides us today with an extremely valuable and powerful tool
in spite of its underlying wrong assumption. Copernicus, the
decompression model, is the attempt to find the sun-centered
model for decompression physiology, yet at the moment the
wealth of data with which the existing models have been refined
gives the Haldanean-based models a clear advantage. Science
and its related research should nevertheless persist in the pursuit
of the truth. A full bubble model availability within a few
years would be very welcome. Such a model should incorporate
those aspects of relevance in approximating the human body
such as body fat, age, gender, and fitness level.

Electronic dive computers have for all practical purposes
replaced dive tables in recreational and scientific diving and are
increasingly implemented in particular segments of the military
diving community. For the commercial diving industry and its
standard operating methods of surface-supplied/controlled diving or saturation diving, a dive computers advantages in monitoring decompression status appear to be minimal. It would not
be unreasonable to state that regardless of the number of algorithm variations incorporated in modern dive computers, they
all appear to fall within an acceptable window of effectiveness
based on available databases of pressure-related injuries. It is
also clear that neither tables nor dive computers can eliminate
all decompression problems, but if utilized conservatively, computers have emerged as an important tool for the improvement
of diver safety.
All things considered, the dive computers functions of ascent rate monitoring, real-time computation of nitrogen balances, air consumption monitoring and profile downloading
capability form a solid, reliable basis for advancements that
will emerge in the future. Benefits from advances in consumer

electronics technology will undoubtedly incorporate features

such as high resolution color display, rechargeable battery,
GPS receiver, underwater communication and navigation, and
EPIRB. Further, benefits from monitoring technology integrated in the dive computer algorithm will surely include heart rate
monitoring, skin temperature measurements, oxygen saturation monitoring, and perhaps even inert gas bubble detection.
We can only imagine the progress that John Scott Haldanes
brilliant decompression insight would have made had the dive
computer tools available to us now and in the future been available to him 100 years ago.

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Discussion: Decompression
Physiology and Methodology
Chairman: Otto I. Molvaer

M. Gennser: The idea of self-experimentation was passed on

by J.S. Haldane to his son J.B.S. Haldane who during the war
spent many hours in chambers experiencing oxygen convulsions
with Kenneth Donald and others. That became the ethics of
environmental physiology back then, performing experiments
on oneself. Another interesting aspect of his decompression
sickness work, notwithstanding todays competition between
gas-loading models and bubble models, is in his second conclusion of his 1908 paper where he states that the gas wash-out
will follow the same kinetics as the gas wash-in, unless there is
bubble formation.
A. Brubakk: Right, during World War I, because of the gas
attacks, he also played an enormous role by studying the physiological effects of different gases. He performed a number of
self-experiments breathing cyanide in order to develop the best
gas masks. Haldane was in just about every field of environmental science at the time.
O. Ellingsen: Can you elaborate on your statement that Haldane was never a professor and there were probably political reasons? Also, Boycotts name was first author on the 1908 paper.
A. Brubakk: Boycott was not a scientist, he was a Navy man.
Haldanes uncle John Burdon-Sanderson, held the Waynflete
Chair in Physiology at Oxford where he stayed all his life. It is a
complicated story but it is clear that Haldane stepped back and
did not apply for a professorship when he could have done so
because they thought it would be politically better to have other
people in that position. As far as we know, he never got a professorship. That was maybe good because he had other things
to do.
B. Gardiner: I came close to Haldane in that I actually had tea
with his daughter Naomi Mary Margaret Mitchison while sitting at his house in Scotland. Naomi, 97 at the time, talked to
me about daddy, which was quite profound.
A. Hope: Does bubble formation have anything to do with
high-altitude sickness?

R. Moon: At the rate at which mountaineers can climb, probably not. The rate of decompression is so slow that at least in situ
bubble formation due to supersaturation is very unlikely. If you
read some of the accounts of balloon flights, the participants
often describe inability to move during their high-altitude exposure. One wonders whether they were perhaps suffering not
only from hypoxia, but also from decompression sickness. One
other hypothesis was raised a few years ago: in the presence of
hypoxia there could conceivably be acidosis, particularly within
the brain, that could cause bubbling due to CO2. The rate at
which the acidosis occurs, if it even exists, given the high buffering capacity of the blood, makes that scenario unlikely. Bubble
formation is therefore probably not important, except in situations where you can increase altitude very rapidly as in balloon
flights or military fighter aircraft.
A. Brubakk: One revealing fact that may point in the direction
that bubbles may have an important role is nitric oxide. If you
can give NO, you can more or less totally eliminate the amount
of gas bubbles. We also know that in hypoxia, NO production
is reduced.
M. Gennser: Has there been any follow-up to Groves experiments where he exercised Tibetans and high-altitude living
South American Indians and measured pulmonary artery pressure? The Indians do not seem to have adapted in the same way
after living 1,000 years at altitude.
R. Moon: As I recall the numbers, the Tibetans have been living at altitude for 20,000 years, perhaps 5,000 generations that
seems to have resulted in this adaptation. The slide I showed
you from Beall is the most recent study I know of suggesting
that the mechanism of the Tibetan adaptation may be related to
NO, which they have more of in their blood. The results show
they had higher blood flow and oxygen delivery to the forearm
and other areas as well.
R. Richardson: Myoglobin spectroscopy is a good mechanism
to measure intercellular PO2.
R. Moon: I believe we are getting closer to where we want to
go with that.


. Duji: On the high-altitude pulmonary oedema, there are

some publications related to polymorphism where subjects are
more susceptible to increasing pulmonary artery pressure because of less nitrates in the blood, so it might be that there is
some genetic predisposition to being more sensitive or resistant
to the same level of hypoxia.
R. Moon: That disease seems to be an individual susceptibility
issue due to genetic predisposition.
D. Doolette: In C. Balestras model diagram of decompression
sickness the focus in the beginning was almost entirely on vascular bubbles, but there is the possibility that bubbles forming
in the tissue are also involved.
A. Hope: On the supersaturation issue, can you say anything
about this area under the tissue curves? You can have fast tissues
that are saturated when you stop. What about the slow tissues
in air diving decompression?
D. Doolette: That is probably the reason why when you look
at the no-stop data they came up with much greater allowed
supersaturation for fast tissues than for slow tissues. Fast tissues
will have a greater supersaturation and a greater driving force for
bubble formation, but that only lasts a short amount of time.
In our probabilistic models, where we are fitting back to data,
the fastest compartments do not contribute equal amounts, because we have scaling factors that allow a fast compartment to
be more or less important than a slow compartment as far as
how much it contributes to the risk. I do not remember what
those values, are so I cannot tell you what the relative contribution is. We find that the medium and slow compartments
contribute most to risk, while the fast compartments you only
need to describe in submarine escape data.
A. Brubakk: You have decompression models that have supersaturation and they are theoretical concepts. Then you evaluate how these theoretical models fit with your model by doing experiments where the end result is clinical decompression
sickness. This is a very vague end point. A very well known
decompression researcher said the symptoms of decompression
sickness are very different, with more symptoms than syphilis
and diabetes combined. The problem is in the use of an end
point that is poorly defined.
D. Doolette: There is indeed difficulty with symptom definition, particularly when looking back at historical data. One of
the great utilities of this technique for us is that we have data
back to the 1940s. It is a way for us to use this huge body of
information that we have, about 8,000 dives with that as end
point, and driven modeling in that direction. It is difficult when
doing a study on how to classify the very vague symptoms that
people get. We do it purely by whether the diver was diagnosed
with DCS by a Diving Medical Officer. Divers tend to know
when they get bent.
A. Brubakk: It is not a problem when you have serious symptoms and the diver keels over and cannot walk. The issue is the
subtle symptoms because we do not know their pathophysiology

or importance. What does it mean to grade symptoms, because

this will have an effect on the endpoint?
D. Doolette: Laurent at Duke University has been looking into
marginal symptoms which are not quite decompression sickness, but the diver is not quite well. He has cast some doubt on
whether we should be counting those at all in our models.
G. Perdrizet: You are really fine-tuning the supersaturation to
the tolerance of the individual. Other examples of tolerance to
extreme environments of the individual may vary.
D. Doolette: That is an interesting point. It is actually an unavoidable part of the way that we study that we have to ignore
that issue to an extent. Our modeling assumes that every dive
is independent and yet it is not because we use the same divers
over and over again. In that man-trial where we had just under
400 dives there were 81 or 84 divers, I cannot remember exactly
because there were two trials going on at the same time. Some
divers dived between 1 and 12 times on that study. Only one
person only dived once, but everyone else in that study dived
both profiles at least once. There is a problem with the population we can draw from. From the historical data that we have,
it would be very hard to reconstruct how many times divers
dived. There are techniques for looking at that, you can use
mixed effect modeling and look at the individual as a random
variable as well.
P. Lindholm: Do you have that data now for those dives?
D. Doolette: Yes, we could reconstruct it. If we go back to our
data starting in the 1940s, we could probably find that data by
going back to the original logs, but we do not have some of the
old material on hand at the moment.
. Duji: These military divers exercise regularly, which of
course makes a difference with respect to bubble formation and
their effects on the body. Do you have information of what they
do regularly besides diving?
D. Doolette: That information is not very well characterized.
We had done VO2 measurements on a few divers so we know
what sort of VO2 max values a typical diver has. It is a huge
range of divers we have from very young guys to senior people.
They all have to pass a physical exam annually and they all do
physical training at least three times per week, but I do not have
actual values.
. Duji: Do you take the pre-dive exercise regimen into
D. Doolette: All we have them do is fill out a questionnaire
about what they have done, so we have that information. Because we are interested in operational procedures we do not restrict the divers much to not make it too artificial. When we are
doing a purely scientific experiment, we may put more restrictions on the divers than normal. Otherwise, they do what they
normally do, but let us know what that is. The pre-dive exercise
can be quite variable.
J. Ross: Mild decompression illness is much more common than
serious life-threatening decompression illness. Are you perhaps
skewing your table to one event, mild decompression illness and
not necessarily to the other severe decompression illness?


D. Doolette: That is quite possible because we do not distinguish between mild and serious decompression sickness and try
to come up with a model for that. We try to design our dives
to avoid serious decompression sickness for ethical reasons. It
could possibly be the case that we are skewing our procedures, I
do not know for sure but do not think so. We have come across
that problem when we recently tested new no-stop limits. Our
estimates of decompression sickness were about 2% incidence.
We got less than that, only 1%, but they were all serious cases.
That is a limitation of that technique. Central nervous system
decompression sickness is not part of our model.
O. Eftedal: Ed Thalmann once commented that all symptoms,
no matter how minor or trivial, must be considered because
they impinge on decompression stress, which means that the
definition of decompression sickness in your technique is very
different from an operational sense.
D. Doolette: Ed said that in respect to testing. In our modeling
we do count minor symptoms as well and assign a value of 1/10
of a decompression sickness incident. All minor symptoms are
noted and incorporated into the model, although there is some
debate of late as to whether we should be doing that.
S. Angelini: In the diagram of activity versus release, there was
zero activity that was showing an order of magnitude higher
release than in some cases with activity.
S. Kayar: That is because pigs, like humans, have Methanobrevibacter smithii in their natural intestinal flora. They also
have microorganisms, as do we, that produce hydrogen (H2).
M. smithii turns H2 into methane (CH4).
S. Angelini: How can you quantify the effectiveness of the bacteria with all the background noise?
S. Kayar: You first start up the dive profile with control animals
with a 60% hit rate. How do you decide on that initial profile
that produces enough hits? You do not want 100% hits because
you would be so far over the limit that you could remove tons
of gas and it would still not help. You do not want a 10% hit
rate in your control group because then you have nowhere to go
down to. The dive profile choice is not a sensible approach, it
is a guess with a convenient depth, a convenient dive time, and
decompression rate to see how many animals bend. The dive
profile can then be adjusted up or down. If you are at the 50%
bends rate, you are on the steep part of the curve, so a bit deeper
profile should produce more bends but the pigs were not bending. We were continuously measuring the animals methane
production rate. The animals native methanogens were battling
us by doing biochemical decompression before we put more in.
A. Hope: Is there any chance that it is possible to consume the
hydrogen in other tissues than the intestine? Can you also comment on the ultimate solution to the decompression problem,
liquid breathing?
S. Kayar: Hydrogen consumption is limited to the intestines
because there are no other areas in the mammalian body where
you can put live bacteria that will not trigger an inflammatory
response. Even though they are not pathogenic, these bacteria

are not in our tissues. If it works in the gut, why would you
want to put it anywhere else? Biochemists suggested extracting
the isolated enzyme and putting it anywhere in the body. But
it is a foreign, bacterial protein that will produce an inflammatory response. You can do liquid breathing now if you do not
mind never being able to come out of having your lungs filled
with perfluorocarbons, but you will not have to worry about
C. Gutvik: How do you diagnose DCS in your animal models?
S. Kayar: When you are dealing with a 60-70% hit rate, it is
usually clear. It is a severe hit, the animals obviously have difficulty walking. There are also dubious pig-headed cases where
the pig is fine, but just does not want to walk on the treadmill.
It is on the bottom of the chamber and is turned on and off at a
comfortable walking pace at 5-minute intervals.
R. Richardson: Is there a comment on the differences between
wet and dry dives in the chamber?
S. Gaustad: Immersion prior to the dive adapted rats for swimming because immersion effects last for a couple of days. From
the dry dives we got lots of bubbles. There is also a diuretic effect from immersion resulting in increased urine secretion.
R. Richardson: True, there is a lot of evidence that water immersion causes diuresis.
D. Doolette: The dry versus wet dives you showed were two
very different dives in profile (depth and time) and dry versus
wet, so the effect might not be as large as you imagine. In one
very large meta-analysis of dry versus wet diving, they really
wanted to be able to detect a large difference in decompression
sickness in humans between the two, but physiologically, the
effect was not as large as imagined.
R. Richardson: It may turn out that the NO specific role may
be involved in the wet-dry business.
E. Thorsen: You demonstrated the interaction between oxygen
radicals and nitric oxide production. Diving is associated with
hyperoxia. How do different depths, with increased partial pressures of oxygen, affect the protective effect of nitric oxide?
R. Richardson: I am not sure about the actual effects, but in
terms of the physiology of oxidative stress there are some paradoxes of free radical generation. Certainly, hyperoxia elevates
oxidative stress and you are likely to have greater free radical
stress. On the paradoxical side of that, if you are in hypoxia, you
tend to have greater oxidative stress. The answer is hyperoxia
will give you a greater chance for oxidative stress and therefore
a greater chance for NO bioavailability. The protective role of
antioxidants would be offensive in that situation.
M. Gennser: This spring we carried out a trial looking at exercise 24 hours before diving, compared to 2 hours before diving.
When you have three conditions and you expect to see the lowest bubble scores in one of two conditions, it occurs in the third
one. We found less bubbles in the control situation where they
had not conducted any exercise prior to the trial. Our methods


were different from the teams of Duji and Blatteau. We noticed that our subjects, although they had some hyperbaric experience, were not divers, whereas the other groups tested divers. This is something we will test further. Is there anything in
divers that would affect the NO metabolism?
R. Richardson: There are a number of things that can occur,
but I would immediately ask what the exact exercise paradigm
M. Gennser: It was the exact same intensity and duration as
Dujis trial.
R. Richardson: A lipid load or high fat meal can increase the
NO bioavailability. You can reduce FMD (flow-mediated dilation) by 50% by having a McDonalds meal. In your case it does
not sound like you were measuring FMD per se. Clearly, we are
measuring FMD to look at NO and if the bubbles are involved
you have to be very cautious while investigating endothelial
function and relating it to diving. People must be fasted for 12
hours, no caffeine, no smoking, to make sure we are measuring
endothelial function without being skewed by something they
did previously. We typically require 24 hours with no exercise
for these FMD studies.
C. Balestra: I agree totally with your approach. We had more
or less the same results looking at antioxidants and FMD and
with the same precautions such as no smoking, but we gave
them 30 g of Belgian chocolates and could not find a reduction of FMD after the dive. It is also an antioxidant system, a
cathecin. Microvascularization can be increased with exercise.
Venous gas bubbles increase is dependent on delta PO2 and not
on the steady state. We are giving oxygen like exercise, which
just increases blood flow into the tissues and in turn increases
oxygen, so delta PO2 will be positive.
R. Richardson: That is interesting, you are using hyperoxia to
drive oxygen into the cell by increasing gradient, as opposed to
dropping the gradient, inside the cell.
D. Doolette: How universal is your calibration data to test
all sorts of different divees? Are we going to have to do 1,000
more calibration dives wiht DCS if the dives we are interested
in looking at are sufficiently different from the calibration data?
O. Eftedal: These data are for air bounce dives. If you want to
use these for other types of dives you have to gather new data,
which will obviously create a lot of decompression sickness.
J.E. Jacobsen: This is very interesting. Are these dives you make
reference to going down, staying on the bottom and then checking the decompression schedule coming up? Do you take into
consideration whether there is any decompression stress during
the bottom phase?
O. Eftedal: These were just square profiles. We used bottom
times just to confirm that theyn stayed exactly on the profile
that was prescribed. If they did not, we did not use the data.
J.E. Jacobsen: Did you measure bubble score at the start of
decompression and follow it up?
O. Eftedal: No, they were actually not decompression dives.
The dives were performed in a lake and we started monitoring

once the divers were out of the water. The bubble numbers you
see are the maximum numbers. We know from experience that
the maximum numbers are usually reached witihin 40 minutes.
J.E. Jacobsen: Can we transfer this information into saturation
O. Eftedal: That is the problem with the lack of basic information for saturation diving. The bubble-decompression sickness
relationship for saturation diving has not been well described.
J. Pontier: Have you done experiments with animal models
that are applicable?
O. Eftedal: It is difficult to use data from animal experiments
in this setting for new operational procedures. What we can
do with animals is compare different procedures. With our pig
model we have a more sophisticated method for detecting bubbles and can actually count single bubbles. This is a better way
of doing it than crude grading of bubbles.
A. Fahlman: Are you using inbred rats or regular rats?
A. Mllerlkken: We are using regular Sprague Dawley rats.
A. Fahlman: With inbred rats you can use genetic variation and
may be able to see environmental variation, because you can get
a lot of variation in the investigative environment.
A. Mllerlkken: We have used two different strains that are
very different when it comes to bubble production or reactions
to decompression.
A. Brubakk: The next step is to try to use rats that are genetically modified, most specifically by exercise where you can see
they get different responses to exercise models to look at genetic
mechanisms that might play a role. We believe that particular
adaptation will protect them from decompression sickness and
bubble formation as far as our present data indicate.
D. Doolette: To what extent is individual variability, which you
are talking about here with genetics, and day-to-day variability
important? We have divers who do identical profiles day after
day and then get bent maybe 1 out of 8 times.
A. Brubakk: It seems clear that there is variation and it could
be that you need a decompression table with a lower limit. It
is obvious tat individual variation plays a significant role. We
think that epigenetics is a very interesting term, which is a genetic response of your genes to the environment that has genetic
effects. But, we do not know the answer.
C. Balestra: We did a study of 5 divers who accepted to do two
dives per day for 5 days and being scanned for bubbles every
day. There was high variability in divers where we found bubbles
present. The divers who had no bubbles continued to have no
bubbles. We do not have sufficient data for a clear answer either.
Adaptation may be one indicator.
A. Fahlman: We looked at the dive response in rats and there
is a huge variability difference between strains, but not between
days. You have to be able to reduce the variability to get a handle on decompression sickness mechanisms.
D. Doolette: You found very little day-to-day variability of susceptibility to decompression sickness with inbred strains of rats?


A. Fahlman: No, not for decompression sickness, we were looking at the dive response, distinguishing between good and bad
divers and how long they could hold their breath. You reduce
the genetic variability of phenotypes and see little difference
within strains or between days
D. Doolette: Right, it is interesting that everyone thinks they
are immune to decompression sickness until they get bent.
L. Skjerven: One observation is of air divers working every day,
one to two dives, same decompression and same conditions, yet
on Friday they get the bends.
A. Brubakk: Many have data like that and yet other data show
that repetitive diving reduces the risk, but we still do not know.
O. Molvaer: Can ultrasound somehow trigger decompression
S. Msy: A known fact is that ultrasound can cause cavitation.
For imaging you have to be able to no cause cavitation. As far
as causing decompression sickness, I would say no, not during
O. Molvaer: Can it be deleterious or damaging in pregnancies
using ultrasonic diagnostics?
S. Msy: This is a highly controversial issue, but I would say
no. I have seen studies done on mice, and although not comparable to humans, much higher frequencies of ultrasound were
used which causes energy absorption in the tissues.
A. Hope: Could it be possible with this new technique to detect
or measure stationary bubbles or is it only Doppler?
S. Msy: Yes, they can move very slowly. We saw on the Bmode images of pigs stationary bubbles. For large bubbles I
suggest going to contrast agents which add a few microns.
D. Knaus: Can you elaborate on what the actual signal is that
you are analyzing and how it is processed?
S. Msy: The signal is not the frequency difference or the frequency mixing that you use, because you would have to use a
very long pulse. We use very short pulses and are actually using
the fundamental signal from high frequency itself. This signal
would be different, it is compressed and expanded, resonancebased. The low resonance of the bubble you can compress and
J. Buckey: You mentioned that the nitric oxide produced vasodilatation and reduced pre-existing micronuclei. What do you
propose as mechanism for that?
J. Blatteau: I do not know exactly. It is possible that vasodilatation accelerates the attenuation of nitric oxide.
C. Balestra: Another possible mechanism is related to caveolae
changing due to production of NO.
E. Thorsen: Is it possible that you are studying the effect of heat
exposure and vibration and you have no control over either of
J. Blatteau: Of course.
A. Anfindsen: I assume you said the stroke volume might be reduced because of dehydration so the gas uptake was decreased.

Could it not be a similar problem that the offgasing during decompression would be reduced if the stroke volume was back to
normal during decompression?
J. Blatteau: In fact in our study we did not measure stroke volume, it is just a hypothesis.
G. Perdrizet: Did you measure the core body temperature in
your model?
J. Blatteau: We did not measure the core temperature.
G. Perdrizet: What cell type did you measure the HSP70 stress
protein in, white blood cells?
J. Blatteau: I do not remember exactly.
C. Balestra: The plasma came from white blood cells through a
sandwich method.
A. Brubakk: Can I make a suggestion? I do not think it has
anything to do with gas uptake and gas elimination at all. I
am more and more convinced that supersaturation is a red herring when it comes to bubble formation. Data to support that
is from the studies we have done, where we can eliminate gas
bubbles totally at the same level of supersaturation. This does
not fit with the prevailing model that supersaturation creates a
significant problem. With our animal experiments the bubble
formation was the same but the effect of the bubbles was reduced, so this is still not solved at all.
O. Molvaer: Did you examine the spinal cord in the paralyzed rats?
M. Havnes: No, we did not.
E. Thorsen: Would it be possible to monitor for gas bubbles on
the arterial side?
M. Havnes: I do not know. We can actually see the bubbles but
in the brain it is very difficult.
A. Brubakk: From the studies we have done with exercise and
nitric oxide we seem to be able to totally eliminate gas bubble
formation in these animals. The question now of course is that
a safe procedure is when you cannot see any bubbles anymore.
We were a little surprised that we did not see anything, but
the investigation still goes on and we are learning a lot about
technique. It may be that there are a lot more in our data than
we know of. Our studies also show we can have endothelial dysfunction even if we cannot measure any gas bubbles using ultrasound. Endothelial effects on the venous side also have an effect
on the arterial side even if bubbles are not transported over.
J. Ross: You are using manganese contrast but because you have
not seen it does that mean that there is no endothelial damage?
M. Havnes: The uptake of the manganese in the brain is there.
Manganese behaves like Calcium, it flows into the cells.
J. Ross: It is not encapsulated, it will not interact with another
process and make it worse, because it is a transition metal?
J. Pontier: Do you recall the chronology of signs of decompression sickness?
M. Havnes: One of the rats was paralyzed in the hind leg for a
day and then it cleared up. I have not done it systematically, but
I watch them and try to get them to run around and see if they
behave strangely.


G. Perdrizet: You have a very sophisticated model and I do not

know much about decompression sickness in the brains of rats.
Can you use light microscopy or post-mortem studies that give
you a positive control here?
M. Havnes: I am not sure we would get feedback, because the
rats were so damaged, but earlier studies were mostly on the
spinal cord and I have not seen many studies on the brain.
A. Brubakk: We had hoped we had a model that could give us
a positive result, that was the intention at least, but it turned
out much less than expected. We did a study many years ago
looking at spinal cords in diseased divers who had died from different reasons. A number of those divers (10 professional and 10
amateur divers) had experienced decompression sickness. With
the most sophisticated techniques we had available ten years
ago, we could not find anything in the spinal cord. We do not
have enough data, in part because we do not know exactly what
we are looking for.
J.E. Jacobsen: Somehow we need to find a better link to the
operational world besides just basic research. In the operational
world we are focusing very much on saturation diving where the
concern is long-term effects and a study of operational exposure
data. We should also take more into consideration the bottom
phase of the dives. There could well be some decompression
stress accumulating before the final decompression takes place.
Many years ago there was a project looking for critical exposure
factors and we actually did find some too. We need the link
between the profile, or elements of the profile, and probability
of DCS as an outcome of the total saturation period. Today we
are easily capable of producing time/depth profiles and study
them. Within a short time we will have even more information available when the automatic monitoring systems come on
line aboard the vessels. But we have not yet developed a tool to
describe the character of the exposure. This is important for the
doctor who sits in front of the diver and has the health record
on the left side and the exposure information on the right side.
However, the exposure information is not summarized in any
way and cannot currently present a clear picture to the medical doctor, who therefore cannot link the two in practice. The
project also had an important strategy: first, it was to connect
a lot of exposure data and search for critical exposure factors,
then test this exposure data out on animals. That clear link has
not been made yet. An example of an accumulative factor on
the bottom phase from the analysis we have done was when
the relative pressure change between the shallowest and deepest
stores in saturation increased by 1%, the probability of producing DCS as an outcome of total exposure increased by 5%. That
was a qualitative measure of DCS. There were other examples,
but we need to look for more factors. All of the presentations at
this symposium have been interesting and we should not forget
that there is an industry out there that needs practical tools to
monitor the long-term effects and that should be taken into
A. Brubakk: I agree that it is important to try to find practical

applications of the research here. It is also important to have an

understanding of what we are actually looking for and what we
are doing. One of the reasons we are doing the kind of research
presented at this meeting is trying to understand some of the
mechanisms that can help us explain and give you the tools
that you need. We have had a number of presentations in many
different fields that show there are various methods that are normally not considered part of decompression research but are
quite useful. Emerging techniques such as the new ultrasound
equipment clearly could, if we have the right methods and understanding of the theory, provide us with a lot of information
to develop better procedures.
J. Ross: Understanding fundamental physiology of responsive
people put under pressure and then decompressed is very important as you are considering the long-term health effects of
an industry. In saturation diving you use pressure chambers
to commute to work. What you actually do at work may be
more important than any change in pressure. This industrial
work force is working at pressure and is exposed to accidents,
illness, industrial contamination and petrochemicals in particular, hand-arm vibration syndrome, cold-induced events, excess
noise, etc. The responses to those exposures may also be fundamental physiological changes induced by the environment. To
measure long-term health effects, you need to take all factors
into account, not just pressure changes, but exposure in the holistic sense.
J.E. Jacobsen: Thank you Alf, we agree of course, it is just that
when we do the basic research we still need to remember the
link as to why we do it and follow up on the operational side as
well as pointed out by Dr. John Ross.
B. Gardiner: I would like to share an anecdote on John Scott
Haldane. Last week on the news in the U.K., a ten-year old boy
wanted to cycle to school but the school management was so
concerned about his health and safety and protection that they
demanded his mother drive behind him in the car. The thought
of John Scott Haldane turning his child into experimentation
must have shocked people like that. I do know however that
John Scott Haldane was a very kind man. I visited the Mines
Rescue Center in the north of England and came across the
canary cage that he used to investigate mine disasters. Many
people thought it was the explosions that killed the miners, but
Haldane found it was the toxic gases that asphyxiated most of
those people. He took his canary cage with him down into the
mines when he did experiments, and when the bird fell off its
perch, he would put his mask on. The reason that the canary
cage is important to see John Scott Haldane, is that it was made
of a complete box with glass sides and a front door that hung
down. When the canary fell off his perch, Haldane would close
the o-ring sealed cage door. On top of the cages carrying handle
was a small bottle of oxygen, which he would open, the bird
lived and everybody was happy.
D. Doolette: There have been several talks on using VGE as


a measure of decompression stress and how that could work.

There are at least two ways why VGE might be a measure of
decompression stress. Some people believe the gas emboli in
cells may cause symptoms, others believe it may just be a reflection of what is going on extravascularly. There was also a talk
that seemed to suggest that the use of nitric oxide and exercise
affects micronuclei inside the vasculature, then using VGE as a
measure of stress after that. Are we measuring the right thing
anymore with extravascular VGE effects by not looking at DCS
as an endpoint? We are looking at bubbles or changing how
they behave. Can we still say without some validation that they
are still a measure of decompression stress?
A. Brubakk: We might be measuring a totally wrong thing.
The reason we at least are measuring the wrong thing is that
it is the only thing we can measure. I would love to have a
method for instance to know changes that happen in some tissues and get some data on that. The only things I really believe
in, and fully agree with Haldane, is that we need data from
something we can measure. Decompression sickness is a very
slippery beast that we cannot really define. My group is going in
a totally different direction. We use something we can measure
and then use Occams Razor principle and try to explain it with
the simplest mechanism we can think of and see where that gets
us. Maybe over time or with better methods we will have to
acknowledge that we were totally wrong, but can at least have
some fun trying to get it right.
A. Mllerlkken: It is important for the future to pinpoint the
exact research questions. As far as I know most questions being
asked at different laboratories do not give us straight yes or no
answers, but they open up all different kinds of opportunities
that lead to disagreements on the importance of bubbles, stress,
or other markers. The ability to state more concise questions on
the decompression syndrome is a major challenge for all of us.
C. Balestra: My answer to this is collaboration, which is the
only thing we can do together to find the right answers.
G. Perdrizet: You cannot manage what you cannot measure.
Lyme disease may be an analogy. In the literature there is

continuous argument and controversy over that disease because

we have no way to measure it. The decompression theory will
remain a theory until you find an objective way to measure it.
R. Moon: Alf Brubakk made the point that there was no relationship between bubbles and supersaturation, but surely did
not mean that bubbles are caused by something other than
A. Brubakk: You need supersaturation, but that is not enough.
My point was that you can have tremendous supersaturation
without bubble formation.
R. Moon: Probably a caution, but you suggested quite correctly,
I think, that venous gas embolism is a more objective measure
of decompression stress than symptoms. However, I think you
intended to calibrate your decompression stress by using symptoms. One of the presentations had some nice graphs looking at
the correlation between venous gas embolism and decompression sickness. After all, is it not the sickness we are trying to
prevent? We know that bubbles are almost ubiquitous among
divers, particularly saturation divers, and yet very few divers actually get bent.
A. Brubakk: The point here, as was said earlier, is that what we
are looking for is a bubble-free decompression. We want to use
gas bubbles in a way that can produce a procedure that has as
few bubbles as possible. That is our current thinking. It is clear
that there is a statistical relationship between many vascular gas
bubbles and the increased risk of decompression sickness. The
argument I made was that using decompression sickness as endpoint is extremely difficult in developing models or ideas about
what is really going on because there is no clear definition of the
clinical symptoms. I agree with what Thalmann suggested that
any symptom after decompression could be related to decompression sickness and use that as endpoint.
R. Moon: I would agree with that, but it is not unique in medicine. There are many other clinical syndromes for which there
are no objective measures, in fact, perhaps even most.
A. Brubakk: True, and that is why we are in trouble.

Breeding Diving Scientists:

Cloning, Spawning, or Cultivation?
yvind Ellingsen

Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging,

Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
NO-7491, Trondheim, Norway.

ood morning ladies and gentlemen. I am probably one of the few audience
members who does not dive and therefore does not know much about diving,
which is probably the reason I am only going to talk for about five minutes.
As you know, we are building a new hospital. In that respect I am asked to share
how we see the future for diving physiology and diving medicine in our faculty. We
have plans for our labs and we believe that there is no future for science without scientists, so how are we going to plan for that? I do not think we have to spend much time
describing our enthusiasm for translational research, a necessity for the future of any
physiological science and probably also true for diving.
How are we going to breed young scientists? There are several methods for producing offspring and cloning is one of them. We have had reasonably successful stories
for the last fifteen years and some of these success factors give room for reflection. Alf
Brubakk and others here have had a very solid basis in medicine and physiology with
grounding in clinical and occupational consulting. I was struck by eljko Dujis presentation that showed that almost all researchers involved in science at the University
of Split were MDs with PhDs. We need to have many MDs on board in order to be
successful. They need to be involved in clinical and occupational consulting in order to
experience the problem base for the experimental work that is going to be the translational part.
Several speakers have mentioned that the translational approach combining experimental and clinical work is important to figure out the cellular and molecular mechanisms but also for the evaluation of the outcome of physiological experiments. In my
opinion it is also important to have close industry and national collaborations where
the actual professional diving takes place. That is the cloning part that we believe has
contributed to our success and we want to copy that model for the future.
No one knows how and what the new discoveries are going to be, but for certain
you need fresh minds and much enthusiasm to accomplish that. We are fortunate to
have many young students who we engage quite early in medical school to work on
their student theses. It is important to involve people in research from the very start. It
is much easier to engage 20-year olds in diving research and environmental physiology
than in geriatric research. In that regard diving science is very fortunate.
Spawning involves spreading out the enthusiasm by seeding all over the place, but
you also need to do some cultivation, the money-consuming and difficult part. Again,
solid roots are required in clinical and occupational consulting. In the cultivation process of new researchers, competition and selection are important and career grants must
be available for young, accomplished postdocs. The spawning of trying to reach everybody stops at some point. The funding then needs to be based on the people who


are contributing with large scientific output. Stable fertilization

is required in order for this to happen, which means a good
basis of industry and government funding. How are we going
to do that, through direct funding by the industry to the various research groups? If you really want to do a good selection

of young researchers, a large chunk of the funding should be

channeled through established funding agencies for the peerreview part and to ensure that the resources are spent on the
best candidates.

National Centre for Hyperbaric

and Diving Medicine
Marit Grnning


he National Centre for Hyperbaric and Diving Medicine was established in

January 2008 at the request of the central authorities of Norway in Stortingsmelding 12, 2005-2006 on health, environment and safety in the petroleum
industry, Chapter 7 - Diving (Stortingsmelding, 2005-2006). This document acknowledges the consensus from the Godysund II meeting (Hope and Risberg, 2005) that
there is evidence that changes in lung function, CNS (central nervous system), bone,
and cochleo-vestibular system can be demonstrated in some occupational divers. The
magnitude of these changes is highly variable and has the potential to influence divers
quality of life. The knowledge about the precise mechanism is still limited and calls for
further research on preventive measures, including health surveillance.

The Norwegian Labour Union highlighted the need for a National Centre for diving medicine, independent of industry, with a high level of clinical expertise emphasizing the principles of evidence-based medicine.
The Centre is located at the Department of Occupational Medicine, Haukeland
University Hospital. This department is responsible for elective and acute hyperbaric
therapy on a regional and national level and medical assessment of occupational disease
in all Norwegian divers. Since 2000, about 200 out of a total of 375 former North Sea
divers and about 40 inshore divers have been examined with collaboration from several
hospital departments (e.g., divers with decompression sickness are inpatients at the
Department of Neurology).


Helse Bergen Haukeland University Hospital, Jonas

Liesvei 65, N-5021, Bergen, Norway.

In accordance with the official definition of Norwegian National Centres, our Centre will promote research, education, and public information in the field of hyperbaric
and diving medicine (HOD, 2003). The Centre is expected to advise central authorities on developing a national plan for hyperbaric medicine and in all matters related to
divers health, environment and safety. The Centre will also advise health professionals,
develop national standards and a registry for decompression sickness and occupational
diseases in divers. Health promotion is the main goal in this endeavor.


The Centre will focus on epidemiological and multidisciplinary clinical research and also conduct basic and translational
research. We are involved in a multi-center study of hyperbaric
treatment of radiation-induced cystitis. In another ongoing
project we are studying possible CNS effects of hyperoxia in
patients undergoing hyperbaric therapy. A prospective longitudinal study of occupational divers and long-term health effects
in retired divers is being conducted. A follow-up study on divers
referred for decompression sickness is being conducted. Studies
of the effects of diving and hyperoxia on pulmonary mechanical
and gas exchange functions are being continued with emphasis
on nitric oxide as mediator.

To further multi-center studies and to accomplish other

goals, we are establishing closer contact and cooperation with
other national and international centers.

HOD I-19/2003 - Om hyspesialiserte tjenester landsfunksjoner og nasjonale
medisinske kompetansesentra
Hope, A., and J. Risberg, eds. 2005. Long term Health effects of diving. The
Godysund 1993 consensus revisited. Bergen: BODONI. 302 pp.
Stortingsmelding 12, 20052006. Health, environment and safety in the petroleum industry, pp 6569.

Baromedical and Environmental

Physiology Group (BAREN)
Alf O. Brubakk


he start of the program known today as the NTNU Baromedical and Environmental Physiology Group (BAREN) was in 1970, when as a young medical doctor just finishing my internship I was offered a grant to do research in
Trondheim. At that time there was no Medical Faculty in Trondheim, only in Bergen
and Oslo, but the county wanted to support research as part of an effort to get recognition as the next medical faculty in Norway.
Trondheim had the only technical university in the country and my job was to see
if there was a possibility to establish research in the area of medical technology. Together
with a young engineer, Rune Aaslid, we developed a computer model (JENNY - named
after the first patient) of the human cardiovascular system that we wanted to use for
clinical work. This model consisted of over 50 non-linear equations, but no digital computer existed at the time able to handle that. So Rune built an analogue computer to do
this. We had hoped that this model could be used clinically, but we were probably way
ahead of our time!
Based on this work, we saw the need early on for better methods to evaluate vascular function. We therefore decided to develop an ultrasonic system for measuring bloodflow velocity in the aorta and large vessels in the thorax (PEDOF). This was the start of
a considerable and long-standing development of ultrasonic equipment for cardiovascular measurements that is now part of the instruments being sold as GE Vingmed.


Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging,

Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
N-7491, Trondheim, Norway.

When we first got interested in diving research we saw the potential of ultrasonic
equipment for detecting gas-phase formation after decompression. Bubble detection using ultrasound had been around for a considerable time but, apart from a few enthusiasts, the establishment saw little value in this. Bubbles are not decompression sickness
we were told by the experts. However, as we could demonstrate that gas bubbles could
be detected in the carotid artery of nearly all divers following a deep experimental dive
(Brubakk et al., 1986), we realized that these methods had considerable value.
Financed by Mobil Oil, a program was started in Trondheim in 1985 to look at
various aspects of the underwater work environment, of which decompression was just
one aspect. The program looked at decompression, bacteriology, ergonomics, and toxicology, trying to understand how this environment could influence mans health.
Later, BAREN was established as a group within the Department of Physiology and
Biomedical Engineering, and then in the Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging at the Medical Faculty. As can be seen in the Appendix, the group has over the years


published a significant number of papers. BARENs work has led

to over 25 Masters theses and 5 PhD dissertations in the field
of diving and decompression physiology. The main aim of the
group is to train scientists in the field of underwater medicine
and physiology. In more general terms, the program wants to
provide students with an understanding of how the environment
influences human physiology. The approach is multi-disciplinary
and focused on understanding the basic mechanisms involved.

needs for new energy sources independent of fossil fuels are

required, and fish farming will have increasing importance. A
man-in-the-sea capability is needed as will a better understanding of how to live and work under the ocean.
I personally am about to retire in a couple of years. Considerable effort is under way to ensure that our work can continue.
We hope that Trondheim will also be a Centre of Excellence in
diving research in the future.


When planning for a month, sow rice, when planning for

a year, plant trees, when planning for a decade, train and educate
men --Old Chinese proverb

During later years the group focused on decompression

and in particular on how the endothelium is involved. This has
led us into studies of endothelial dysfunction in general and
how it can be influenced by environmental factors like (e.g.,
exercise). Through collaboration with scientists interested in exercise physiology we could show that gas-bubble formation can
be significantly influenced by exercise. Originally, we predicted
that exercise would increase gas elimination, thus reducing the
risk of DCS. The results obtained experimentally were quite
surprising, gas elimination was not increased, but a single bout
of high-intensity exercise 24 hours before a dive that killed all
our control animals, prevented all vascular gas bubble formation (Wisloff and Brubakk, 2001). This result, originally first
shown in rats, has since then been demonstrated in man (Dujic
et al., 2004). The mechanism is related to the production of
NO, shown both in rats and pigs as well as in man (Wisloff et
al., 2003; Brubakk and Wisloff, 2005).
This led us to focus on vascular gas-bubble formation as
the most important factor for evaluating the risk of neurological
DCS. By focusing on the endothelium, we realized that endothelial dysfunction was an important factor involved in decompression and that hyperoxia and vascular gas bubbles significantly influenced the outcome of a dive. We also concluded that stress was
an important factor in diving and that hyperoxia and gas-bubble
formation are examples of a stress response. Stress in the right
dose and at the right time has a significant health-promoting effect, thus showing that diving elicits a general response to stress.
A number of decompression models exist. Our effort,
called Copernicus, is a model based on physiological principles
that try to take individual factors of the diver and his environment into account. In a way the circle is closed because BAREN
is a result of research started over 30 years ago as JENNY at the
start of my scientific career.


Diving research is a very small field reflected by the fact
that there are probably less than 50 full-time scientists engaged
in its study around the world. University departments with a
diving research focus are even rarer. It is our belief that this field
can only survive and grow if collaboration with other fields of
physiology and medicine can be established.
We are experiencing a world where sea levels are rising,

Brubakk, A.O., O. Eftedal, and U. Wisloff. 2005. Endothelium and diving. In
Aird, W.C., ed. The endothelium: A comprehensive reference. Cambridge
University Press.
Brubakk, A.O., R. Peterson, A. Grip, and B. Holand. 1986. Gas bubbles in the
circulation of divers after ascending excursions from 300 to 250 msw. Journal of Applied Physiology 60:4551.
Duji, ., D. Duplani, I. Marinovi-Terzi, D. Bakovi, V. Ivanev, Z. Valic,
D. Eterovi, N.M. Petri, U. Wisloff, and A.O. Brubakk. 2004. Aerobic
exercise before diving reduces venous gas bubble formation in humans.
Journal of Physiology 555(3):637642.
Wisloff, U., and A.O. Brubakk. 2001. Aerobic endurance training reduces bubble formation and increases survival in rats exposed to hyperbaric pressure.
Journal of Physiology 537(2):607611.
Wisloff, U., R.S. Richardson, and A.O. Brubakk. 2003. NOS inhibition increases bubble formation and reduces survival in sedentary but not exercised
rats. Journal of Physiology 546:577582.

Glavas, D., D. Bakovic, A. Obad, I. Palada, T. Breskovic, Z. Valic, A.O. Brubakk, and . Duji. 2009. Effects of tetrahydrobiopterin on venous bubble
grade and acute diving-induced changes in cardiovascular function. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging 29(2):100107.
Gutvik, C.R., and A.O. Brubakk. 2009. A dynamic two-phase model for vascular bubble formation during decompression in divers. IEEE Transactions in
Biomedical Engineering 56:884889.
Bakovic, D., D. Glavas, I. Palada, T. Breskovic, D. Fabijanic, A. Obad, Z. Valic,
A.O. Brubakk, and . Duji. 2008. High-grade bubbles in left and right
heart in an asymptomatic diver at rest after surfacing. Aviation, Space, and
Environmental Medicine 79:626628.
Duji, ., Z. Valic, and A.O. Brubakk. 2008. Beneficial role of exercise on scuba
diving. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 36:3842.
Glavas, D., A Markotic, Z. Valic, N. Kovacic, I Palada, R. Martinic, T. Breskovic, D. Bakovic, A.O. Brubakk, and . Duji. 2008. Expression of endothelial selectin ligands on human leukocytes following dives. Experimental
Biology and Medicine 233(9):11811188. Epub 2008 Jun 5.
Medby, C. A. Bye, U. Wisloff, and A.O. Brubakk. 2008. Heat shock increases
survival in rats exposed to hyperbaric pressure. Diving and Hyperbaric
Medicine 38(4):189193.


Brubakk, A.O., O.S. Eftedal, and U. Wislff. 2007. Endothelium and diving.
In: Aird, W., ed. Endothelial Biomedicine. Cambridge University Press. pp.
Eftedal, O.S., H. Tjelmeland, and A.O. Brubakk. 2007. Validation of decompression procedures based on detection of venous gas bubbles: A Bayesian
approach. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 78(2):9499.
Eftedal, O.S., S. Lydersen, and A.O. Brubakk. 2007. The relationship between
venous gas bubbles and adverse effects of decompression after air dives.
Journal of Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine 34:99105.
Mllerlkken, A., C. Gutvik, V.J. Berge, A. Jrgensen, A. L set, and. A.O.
Brubakk. 2007. Recompression during decompression and effects on
bubble formation in the pigs. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine
Obad, A., I Palada, V. Ivancev, Z. Valic, D. Fabijanic, and A.O.Brubakk, and Z.
Dujic. 2007. Sonographic detection of intrapulmonary shunting of venous
gas bubbles during exercise after diving in a professional diver. Journal of
Clinical Ultrasound 35(8):473476.
Obad, A., I. Palada, Z. Valic, V. Ivancev, D. Bakovic, U. Wisloff, A.O. Brubakk,
and . Duji. 2007. The effects of acute oral antioxidants on diving-induced alterations in human cardiovascular function. Journal of Physiology
Obad, A., Z. Valic, I. Palada, A.O. Brubakk, D. Modun, and . Duji. 2007.
Antioxidant pretreatment and reduced arterial endothelial dysfunction after diving. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 78(12):11141120.
Brubakk, A.O., and C. Gutvik. 2006. Optimal decompression from 90 msw.
In: Lang, M.A. and N.E. Smith (eds). Proceedings of the Advanced Scientific
Diving Workshop. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 3946.
Brubakk, A.O., O.S. Eftedal, and U. Wisloff. 2006. Endothelium and diving.
In: Aird, W. (ed). Handbook of the Endothelium. Cambridge University
Duji, ., A. Obad, I. Palada, Z. Valic, and A.O. Brubakk. 2006. A single open
sea air dive increases pulmonary artery pressure and reduces right ventricular function in professional divers. European Journal of Applied Physiology
Duji, ., Z. Valic, and A.O. Brubakk. 2006. Exogenous nitric oxide and
bubble formation in divers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
Lset, A., A. Mllerlkken, V. Berge, U. Wislff, and A.O. Brubakk. 2006.
Postdive bubble formation in rats: Effects of exercise 24 h ahead repeated 30 min before the dive. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine
Mollerlokken, A., V.J. Berge, A. Jorgensen, U. Wisloff, and A.O. Brubakk. 2006.
Effect of a shortacting NO donor on bubble formation from a saturation
dive in pigs. Journal of Applied Physiology 101(6):15411545.
Wisloff, U., P.M. Haram, and A.O. Brubakk. 2006. Exercise and the endothelium.
In Aird, W. (ed). Handbook of the Endothelium. Cambridge University Press.
Berge, V.J., A. Jorgensen, A. Lset, U. Wisloff, and A.O. Brubakk. 2005. Exercise ending 30 min predive has no effect on bubble formation in the rat.
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 76(4):326328.
Brubakk, A.O. 2005. Decompression illness. What we do know, what we dont
know. In: Marroni, A., D. Mathieu, and F. Wattel (eds). The ECHM Collection. Volume 1. pp 1134.
Brubakk, A.O. 2005. Which animal models are to be used to study decompression accidents? In: Marroni, A., D. Mathieu, and F. Wattel (eds). The
ECHM Collection. Volume 1. pp 201211.
Brubakk, A.O., D. Duplani, Z. Valic, I. Palada, A. Obad, D. Bakovi, U.
Wisloff, and . Duji. 2005. A single air dive reduces arterial endothelial
function in man. Journal of Physiology 566:901906.
Duji, ., I. Palada, A. Obad, D. Duplancic, D. Bakovic, and Z. Valic. 2005.
Exercise during a 3-min decompression stop reduces postdive venous gas

bubbles. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 37:13191323.

Hjelde, A., O.A. Gederaas, H.E. Krokan, and A.O. Brubakk. 2005. Lack of
effect of hyperoxia on photodynamic therapy in three different cell lines.
Medical Science Monitor 11:351356.
Mllerlkken, A., A.O. Brubakk, and U. Wisloff. 2005. The effect of hyperbaric
oxygen on aerobic capacity in rat. European Journal of Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine 6:59.
Valic, Z., D. Duplancic, D. Bakovic, V. Ivancev, D. Eterovic, U. Wisloff, A.O.
Brubakk, and . Duji. 2005. Diving-induced venous gas emboli do not
increase pulmonary artery pressure. International Journal of Sports Medicine 26:626631.
Westin, A.A., J. Asvall, G. Idrovo, P. Denoble, and A.O. Brubakk. 2005. Diving
behaviour and decompression sickness among Galapagos underwater harvesters. Journal of Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine 32:175184.
Brubakk, A.O. 2004. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy: Oxygen and bubbles. Journal
of Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine 31(1):7379.
Duji, ., D. Duplani, I. Marinovi-Terzi, D. Bakovi, V. Ivanev, Z. Valic,
D. Eterovi, N.M. Petri, U. Wisloff, and A.O. Brubakk. 2004. Aerobic
exercise before diving reduces venous gas bubble formation in humans.
Journal of Physiology 555(3):637642.
Eftedal, O.S., S. Lydersen, G. Helde, L. White, A.O. Brubakk, and L.J. Stovner.
2004. A randomized, double blind study of the prophylactic effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on migraine. Cephalalgia 24(8):639644.
Wisloff, U., R.S. Richardson, and A.O. Brubakk. 2004. Exercise and nitric oxide prevent bubble formation: a novel approach to the prevention of decompression sickness? Journal of Physiology 555:825829.
Brubakk, A.O., and T.S. Neuman, eds. 2003. Bennett and Elliotts The Physiology
and Medicine of Diving. London: Saunders, 5th edition.
Brubakk, A.O., B. Krossnes, A. Hjelde, S. Koteng, S.J. Mrk, and H. rnhagen.
2003. The effect of 100 kPa Oxygen and recompression to 200 kPa on air
on organ injury following decompression in the pig. European Journal of
Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine 4:512.
Brubakk, A.O., B. Wienke, and S. Koteng. 2003. Decompression profile and
bubble formation after dives with surface decompression. Experimental
support for a dual phase model of decompression. Journal of Undersea and
Hyperbaric Medicine 30:181193.
Mrland, T., L. Lang, and A.O. Brubakk. 2003. Inert gas exchange from nitrogen bubbles in diff usion limited tissue: Relevance for the use of helium in
the treatment of decompression sickness. European Journal of Underwater
and Hyperbaric Medicine 4:1319.
Nishi, R.Y., A.O. Brubakk, and O.S. Eftedal. 2003. Bubble detection. In Bennett
and Elliotts The Physiology and Medicine of Diving. Brubakk, A.O. and T.S.
Neuman, eds. Saunders: London. Pp. 501529.
Nossum, V., A. Hjelde, K. Bergh, A.L. Ustad, and A.O. Brubakk. 2003. AntiC5a monoclonal antibodies and pulmonary polymorphonuclear leukocyte
infiltration endothelial dysfunction by gas bubbles. European Journal of
Applied Physiology 89:243248.
Wisloff, U., R.S. Richardson, and A.O. Brubakk. 2003. NOS inhibition increases bubble formation and reduces survival in sedentary but not exercised
rats. Journal of Physiology 546:577582.
Hjelde, A., G. Bolstad, and A.O. Brubakk. 2002. The effect of air bubbles on
rabbit blood-brain barrier. Journal of Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine
Hjelde, A., M. Hjelstuen, O. Haraldseth, J.D. Martin, S.R. Thom, and A.O.
Brubakk. 2002. Hyperbaric oxygen and neutrophil accumulation/tissue
damage during permanent focal cerebral ischaemia in rats. European Journal of Applied Physiology 86:401405.
Hjelde, A., V. Nossum, M. Steinsvik, J.I. Bagstevold, and A.O. Brubakk.
2002. Evaluation of cerebral gas retention and oedema formation in


decompressed rats by using a simple gravimetric method. Scandinavian

Journal of Clinical Laboratory Investigations 62:263270.
Medby, C., H. Re, and A.O. Brubakk. 2002. Microdialysis in cisterna magna
during cerebral air embolism in swine. Journal of Undersea and Hyperbaric
Medicine 29:226234.
Nossum, V., A. Hjelde, and A.O. Brubakk. 2002. Small amounts of venous gas
embolism cause delayed impairment of endothelial function and increase
polymorphonuclear neutrophil infiltration. European Journal of Applied
Physiology 86:209214.
Brubakk, A.O., and O. Eftedal. 2001. Comparison of three different ultrasonic
methods for quantification of intravascular gas bubbles. Journal of Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine 28:131136.
Juvik, E., E. Soligrd, A.O. Brubakk, and A.M. Brubakk. 2001. Arterial air
embolism after venous air infusion in newborn pigs. Acta Pediatrica
Medby, C., A.O. Brubakk, and H.E. Myrvold. 2001. Iatrogen gassemboli.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 121:26042606.
Wisloff, U., and A.O. Brubakk. 2001. Aerobic endurance training reduces bubble formation and increases survival in rats exposed to hyperbaric pressure.
Journal of Physiology 537:607611.
Brubakk, A.O. 2000. Man in extreme environments. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 71(suppl):A126130.

Brubakk, A.O. 2000. Surface oxygen is an acceptable definite treatment for

DCI. Journal of the South Pacific Undersea Medicine Society 30:19551961.
Brubakk, A.O. 2000. What is the optimal treatment dose for decompression
illness. Journal of the South Pacific Undersea Medicine Society 30:9295.
Brubakk, A.O. 2000.On-site recompression treatment is acceptable for DCI.
Journal of the South Pacific Undersea Medicine Society 30:166173.
Brubakk, A.O., and O.S. Eftedal. 2000. Evaluation of reverse dive profiles. In:
Lang, M.A., and C.E. Lehner, eds. Proceedings of the Reverse Dive Profiles
Workshop. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution. pp. 111121.
Hjelde, A., and A.O. Brubakk.2000. Variability in serum surface tension in
man. Applied Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology 9:912.
Hjelde, A., S. Koteng, O.S. Eftedal, and A.O. Brubakk. 2000. Surface tension
and bubble formation after decompression in the pig. Applied Cardiopulmonray Pathophysiology 9:4752.
Nossum, V., A. Hjelde, K. Bergh, and A.O. Brubakk. 2000. Lack of effect of
anti-C5a monoclonal antibody on endothelial injury by gas bubbles in the
rabbit after decompression. Journal of Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine
Hjelde, A., A.O. Brubakk, K. Bergh, V. Videm, and A.L. Ustad. 1999. Effect of
anti-C5a antibody on blood-lung and blood-brain barrier in rabbits after
decompression. Journal of Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine 26:249256.
Nossum, V., S. Koteng, and A.O. Brubakk. 1999. Endothelial damage by bubbles in the pulmonary artery of the pig. Journal of Undersea and Hyperbaric
Medicine 26:18.

Physiopathology of Decompression
(PHYPODE) Network
Francois Guerrero, Jacek Kot, Peter Germonpr, Jean-Michel
Pontier, Alessandro Marroni, Adel Taher, Frans Cronje,
Bernard Gardette, D. Nicola, and Costantino Balestra

he recent changes in diving habits and population characteristics increase the

risk of decompression sickness among recreational divers. Moreover, it is also
expected that diving companies will increase their activity because oil companies
are eager to increase offshore excavations. Those dives should be done with increased
level of decompression safety, since in the last years a lot of former commercial divers
have been financed by large amends for long-term deleterious effects of inappropriate
desaturation of inert gas during decompressions conducted according to currently used
decompression tables. Because of the important and yet unexplained inter- and intraindividual variability of bubble formation and bubble sensitivity, there is a need for
new approaches of decompression management and better diver education. Finally, no
actual university course is given in the specific field of research applied to decompression after diving or working under pressure. Not even formal medical information is
provided through European universities during the standard medical education curriculum. Therefore, a proposal for a FP7-people Marie Curie Initial Training Network has
been submitted to the European Commission in September, 2008. This ITN proposal,
entitled Physiopathology of decompression: Risk factors for the formation of intravascular
bubbles during decompression (PHYPODE), aims to:
Francois Guerrero, UFR Sport et Education Physique,
Universit de bretagne Occidentale, Brest Cedex,
F-29285, France. Jacek Kot, National Center
for Hyperbaric Medicine, Medical University of
Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland. Peter Germonpr, Centre
dOxygnothrapie Hyperbare, Hpital Militaire
Reine Astrid, 1120, Brussels, Belgium. Jean-Michel
Pontier, Dpartement de Mdecine Hyperbare,
Hpital dInstruction des Armes Sainte-Anne,
83800, Toulon Armes, France. Allesandro Marroni,
P.O. Box DAN Europe, 64026, Roseto, Italy. Adel
Taher, Hyperbaric Medical Center, Sharm el Sheikh,
Egypt. Frans Cronje, Hyperbaric Medicine and
Research, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch,
South Africa. Bernard Gardette, COMEX S. A., 36
Boulevard des Ocans - BP 143, F-13275, Marseille
Cedex 9, France. D. Nicola, Human Breathing
Technology s.r.l., Via Valmartinaga 3, 34135, Trieste,
Italy. Costantino Balestra, P.O. Box DAN Europe,
64026, Roseto, Italy; and Environmental and
Occupational Physiology Laboratory, I.S.E.K. Haute
Ecole Henri Spaak, 1160, Brussels, Belgium.



develop a coherent and integrated research training program on decompression

phenomena with specific attention to the formation of intravascular bubbles with
their pathophysiological and clinical consequences, including endothelial function
and decompression sickness.
develop an exchange of knowledge that will be structured by the initial training
network activities, giving young researchers opportunities to share research techniques and resources, and jointly participate in courses, seminars, workshops and
congresses in order to benefit from the best international scientists knowledge in
this field, and get in touch with the scientific community from private and public
institutions; and,
widen career prospects of young researchers by embracing the whole chain of research applied to decompression:

fundamental research for pathophysiological understanding of decompression;

applied research in the industry;
clinical research on decompression sickness; and,
ground experimentation with professional divers.

The PHYPODE network unites 9 teams, situated in France, Poland, Belgium,

Italy, Egypt and South Africa. Among these, one partner is a non-profit association


with worldwide activities (DAN Europe), four are hyperbaric

medical centres and national reference centres for treatment
and evaluation of injuries related to exposure to hyperbaric environments (NCHM, HBOC, HMC, HMR). One industrial
partner is a world leader for professional deep diving (COMEX
S.A.), the other is specialized in the field of high-technology
diving breathing apparatus (HBT). Finally, four network partners are higher education institutions with research activities
in complementary fields of human physiology (UBO, NCHM,
The PHYPODE network will conduct the five sub-programs below, which combine epidemiological study, fundamental experimental and integrated approaches of the decompression phenomena in both human and animal models, and the
following prospective studies:

investigation of the environmental and behavioural determinants of decompression bubble formation;

determination of individual physiological and anthropometric determinants of decompression bubble formation;
research on secondary prevention of decompression
training of young researchers; and,
dissemination of knowledge.

Although scientific and training collaborations already exist between partners involved in the PHYPODE network, they
will be reinforced through this project. Such constitution of a
formal network will primarily benefit from the mutual recognition of reciprocal quality of training that will increase the collaboration and exchangeability of know-how and knowledge

at all levels. Host organizations will benefit from an integrated

approach gaining knowledge and time towards developing new
decompression schedules. Furthermore, mutual recognition of
the training program by the network institutions will lead to the
possibility of a European degree in this field.
Young researchers, the scientific community, and industries will interact through planned conferences and workshops,
with relationships and job opportunities emerging from the
PHYPODE project. The PHYPODE network will meet industrial needs for knowledge and provide experts in decompression. Beyond academic collaborations, the interdisciplinary
programmes will simplify the connections with industry and
facilitate the validation of research output, by the practical application of scientific results. Indeed, industries will look for scientific output in order to develop safer diving tools and update
actual decompression software. This network will reinforce the
partners collaborations with both industrial entities from within and outside the network via communications in the planned
The network will share knowledge with the international scientific community and industries of the diving sector
through international conferences. Other training events such
as network workshops will be open to external participation in
specific cases. Visiting scientists will be invited to participate in
PHYPODE workshops in order to ensure the highest scientific
quality of the projects. They will be chosen at the international
level to complete the network range of competencies or to extend the network knowledge to different sectors such as space
flights. Visiting scientists will also be provided the opportunity
to interact with external experts from Europe and beyond.

International Cooperation
in Diving Research
Matthew Swiergosz


he Office of Naval Research (ONR) has funded science and technology research in Undersea Medicine (UM) since the early 1950s. The UM Program is
a part of ONRs Discovery and Invention (D&I) portfolio, which makes broad
investments in basic (6.1) and applied (6.2) research that will increase fundamental
knowledge, foster opportunities for breakthroughs, and provide options for advanced
technology research (6.3) through the Future Naval Capabilities (FNC) Program. D&I
programs such as UM nurture creativity and seek a balance between risk, opportunity,
and potential naval impact. Figure 1 illustrates the UM programs interactions and contributions to the U.S. Navy and world-wide undersea community.


In order to leverage contemporary biomedical and electrophysiological technologies, more recent UM Program efforts have shifted from defining safety/performance
windows for undersea operations (e.g., dive table development) to investigating the
mechanisms underlying health and performance challenges associated with manned undersea operations. Current investments are focused on, but not limited to, the following
focus areas and sub-topics:
Decompression Illnesses (DCI)
Basic and applied research in mechanisms of DCI
Advanced applications in DCI mitigation
Non-recompression prevention and treatment strategies
Oxygen (O2) Toxicity
Basic and applied research in mechanisms of O2 toxicity
Advanced applications in O2 toxicity mitigation
Short- and Long-term Health and Performance Threats
Basic and applied research in diver/submariner health and performance risks
Advanced applications in health and performance risk management for the

Office of Naval Research, One Liberty Center,

Suite 1425, 875 North Randolph Street, Arlington,
Virgina, 22203-1995, USA.

During the 2007 fiscal year, the UM Program was designated as a National Naval
Responsibility (NNR). This designation was a major achievement because it established
UM as a research program that is critically important to naval operations. While the instruction that defines the nature of NNRs may be modified at the request and approval
of the Chief of Naval Research (CNR), the historical purpose of a NNR is to sustain (a)


Requirements/Capability Gaps
Test & Evaluation







Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

6.4 Medical Applications Program
Diving Community


FIGURE 1. Office of Naval Research (ONR) interactions and contributions to the undersea community. The Discovery and Invention portfolio outlined in bold within the ONR block represents
the Undersea Medicine Program.

a robust research capability to work on long-term science and

technology (S&T) challenges of interest to the Department of
the Navy, (b) a pipeline of new scientists and engineers in disciplines of unique Naval importance, and (c) S&T products necessary to ensure future superiority in integrated naval warfare.


We assume that all diving and submarine communities
share S&T challenges similar to those that were outlined in
the previous section. Therefore, we should leverage the entire
international community of scientists and engineers who have
established expertise in diving and submarine research to satisfy UM Program goals and objectives. This does not equate to
ONR being the sole source for funding world-wide research in
this area, but rather establishes itself as a leader to promote international cooperation and optimization of current and future
investments. In some cases this will involve direct funding of
work efforts and in other cases it may take the form of aligning
international research efforts in order to more efficiently and
effectively address common research goals and objectives.
The UM Program seeks preproposals (white papers) and proposals for basic and applied research that address either DCI, O2
toxicity, or other short- and long-term health/performance threats
associated with manned undersea deployments. Work efforts normally run for two to three years on fiscal year cycles (1 October
30 September). Program opportunities are outlined below.
Submission: email attachment to the UM Program Officer no later than 1 March for potential funding beginning 1 October

Universities, Organizations, Non-profits: per ONR Broad Agency Announcements
(BAA; no later than 1
June for potential funding beginning 1 October
Commercial: (must establish as a
commercial/profit entity) per ONR Broad Agency
Announcements (BAA;
no later than 1 June for potential funding beginning 1 October. Email attachment per ONR Broad
Agency Announcements (BAA; no later than 1 June for potential funding beginning 1 October
Animal and Recombinant DNA Use:
Human Subjects Research Sponsored by the Department of the Navy:
ONR Global (ONRG) is the international presence for
ONR, which actively seeks opportunities to promote science
and technology collaboration of mutual benefit between the
United States and researchers around the globe.
Visiting Scientist Program (VSP;
Conference Support Program (CSP;
Naval International Cooperative Opportunities in Science
and Technology Program (NICOP;

An international meeting focused on the science of undersea medicine does not currently exist. The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) hosts an annual meeting that is
normally held in the United States. More recent UHMS annual
meetings have been dominated by plenary and continuing education sessions that more directly support clinical practice and
recreational diving. The European Underwater and Baromedical Society (EUBS) also hosts an annual meeting. Its content
has also been dominated by issues related to clinical practice
and recreational diving. Other professional organizations that
hold annual meetings have a sparse representation of research
focused on undersea medicine. While all of these meetings have
merit, and we hope that our sponsored scientists and engineers
contribute to the dissemination of professional information at
these meetings, there is no indication that their agendas will
consistently focus on the advancement of basic and applied


research in undersea medicine and its previously discussed S&T

challenges. More importantly, none of these meetings encourage young scientists to pursue a career in undersea medicine
The Undersea Medicine Program Review is an annual review of S&T research efforts funded by the UM Program at
ONR, Biomedical Deep Submergence Program at Naval Sea
Systems Command (NAVSEA 00CM), and related advanced
efforts within the 6.4 Medical Applications Program at the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED). The agenda for this

meeting could be modified to include other sponsored work in

undersea medicine. Together, we could build an international
roadmap for undersea medicine research, and encourage our
brightest and most promising young scientists to dedicate their
professional endeavors to our community. Future S&T capability in undersea medicine is contingent on our current ability to
foster and develop new scientists and engineers. This objective
may be achieved by establishing global collaborations that support graduate student and post-doctoral awards.

Discussion: Diving
Researcher Recruitment
Chairman: Richard E. Moon

R. Moon: Does your funding by the government include only

support for facilities, or does it include disbursement to other
researchers in the form of grants?
M. Grnning: We do not issue grants; you have to apply for them
elsewhere. Our government funding only covers the daily activities. But that is one of the big things we have to work towards.
M. Lang: You did not provide any numbers, what is your budget for international cooperation in diving research?
M. Swiergosz: I am not at liberty to divulge that information.
The budget that I manage is modest. At the last program review
we received high marks because my performers do good work
in what is considered one of the better, relevant programs at the
Office of Naval Research. We have been able to grow the budget
and acquire some supplemental funding. This is the first year we
have really engaged ONRG heavily and we have a commitment
from them for support of the program. It is enough to support
research and we will keep on going.
M. Lang: How many postdoctoral fellows, for example, did
your program fund last fiscal year?
M. Swiergosz: Six, and in terms of graduate students, about
thirty. There are also some predoctoral students who have received grant funding for good proposals.
A. Brubakk: Perhaps one of the main points you are making
is that international cooperation is very important. We have to
establish a mechanism to make a decision on which important
questions we want to answer. Diving research is a small community with only a few laboratories around the world and a
handful of people interested in this particular problem. I believe
the time has come, one hundred years after Haldane, to decide
on at least five very important questions. Then we would try to
establish collaborations for the next two years to focus our efforts on those questions. The way to handle that is to establish
an organization and state that if you want money, come in and
join this effort. This effort has to be funded and organized with
scientifically credentialed people with publication records in
high-impact journals. After two years we then review what we
have done and decide which problem to address next. We need

the type of cooperation we have never had but which is crucial

to move this effort forward.
M. Swiergosz: I wholeheartedly concur. To revisit the question
about funding, the donor does not have enough money to fund
all diving medical research. Furthering Alf s thoughts, we need
to build a roadmap, find out what resources we have and leverage them to the best of our ability. In order to argue for an
increase in budget, notwithstanding the great science already
being produced, there is a need for a cohesive strategy. This will
allow us to identify and fill in the gaps in our knowledge.
A. Brubakk: I am convinced that we need to get rid of the
people with gray hair and the way to do that is to attract new
people with high scientific expectations with less gray hair to
become interested. We need to get these people to enter the top
programs in genomics or whatever field it is and decide that
these environmental physiology questions are so exciting that
this is what they want to pursue for a long period of time. How
do we accomplish that? Funding availability is only part of the
story. Money is a part of the story and will also follow perhaps
the ability to generate excitement about this. This is also a public relations question: how do we sell ourselves in order to get it
done? Olav Eftedal suggested that we try to establish something
similar to the human genome project. We have to make a common effort and decide that this is important to do and convince
the rest of the world of the same.
R. Moon: We need to hear from our consumers about their
ideas but perhaps we could start by articulating the issues and
challenges and then how to attract the funding.
S. Lothe: Our challenge in the saturation diving community is
that the gray hairs have become long. We need to take a look
at the long-term health effects of diving. Entrance and exit selection criteria for the new generation of saturation divers also
need to be established to ensure they can continue in this industry for a long period of time. Should there be age-based exclusion criteria? The fastest growing segment of the diving industry
is the recreational diver. This diver is no longer happy to dive to


20 or 30 m, they wish to dive to 100 m with rebreathers. This

will be a regulatory challenge for all countries.
. Duji: The key issue remains the money and how we might
influence our national and international funding instruments
to support this rather small niche of science, which is really diving/environmental physiology. In Europe we have to really lobby in Brussels to change the priorities. There are pre-proposal
steps we could take based on these discussions to initiate larger,
multi-center collaborative studies. In our country people with
good research tracks are working as MDs because there is not
much funding in diving physiology. We need to sell this idea
through PR efforts and nice web pages on diving projects to
influence the decision-makers who are distributing the money.
Without this effort we cannot sustain long-term multi-center
efforts as they are occurring in hypertension and diabetes for
example. The exercise symposium had some excellent papers on
cooperative projects that serve as examples on how to collaborate. Those multi-center trials of high intensity exercise have a
project coordinator, partners, and agreements on methodologies. These types of large-scale projects must have involvement
from the National Institutes of Health, the National Science
Foundation and the European Science Foundation, in addition
to other national science foundations.
R. Moon: The U.S. national funding agencies take on this type
of research support is that there are only a small number of divers with a small number of morbidities, unlike HIV or diabetes.
The funding priorities are fairly low for diving, except when
there is a national priority, for example protecting divers in the
military or the commercial field where there is a national interest. Before we arrive at the funding strategy, we need to identify
the diving problems worthy of being solved.
. Duji: Long-term health effects and safety of the millions
of recreational divers diving deeper and deeper is a research

(recognizing that zero incidents is desirable but unachievable),

it would appear that even 18 years ago, decompression sickness was not a significant problem. Going forward, focusing
solely on decompression sickness may not be the path to follow. For the advancement of science, not solely the solution
of operational diving problems, the probability of attracting
bright young researchers would more likely follow a redirected
research emphasis that focuses on big scientific questions.
A. Brubakk: I quite agree. We need to look at scientific problems in a way that has practical applications, hopefully for millions of people. As an example, some work we have done here
was actually by chance, looking into diving, bubble formation
and endothelial function, has changed the whole field of exercise physiology. Everyone believed until then that the effect of
exercise came from doing it for months at a time until something changed. First, exercise is becoming more important as
a drug and second, it is the single bout of exercise that is important. This result came from a diving experiment and is the
type of research that will excite people outside of the diving
community and attract funding.
C. Balestra: We have to go outside our research niche. Another
idea is to understand how a healthy human coping with an extreme environment compares to an older human coping with a
normal environment.
I. Eftedal: I found it very interesting from a medical genetic
point of view to determine how the genome or proteome is
challenged by a changing physiology. Health is to a very large
extent defined by how much you can express your proteomes
in response to a challenge you have. People will be attracted to
study the effects of the environment on the genetics, genomics
and proteomics.

A. Fahlman: Environmental physiology should be used as a tool

to investigate clinical problems. Bubbles are a huge problem in
cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. Inert gas exchange every time
we go under anaesthesia also needs to be better understood.

. Duji: Sleep apnea may be a healthy research model to examine as there are millions of suffering people. Hypertension, pulmonary arterial disease, lipid disorders are others. Non-specific
effects of stress response during diving are another topic worthy
of investigation and how we can have a wider impact outside of
our community.

M. Lang: The common thread in the presentations by S. Slordahl and O. Ellingsen centered on the issue of attracting new
young researchers to the field for pure science. Solving specific
operational diving issues may be viewed as an applied science
and is perhaps best addressed through a contract with a specific outcome or solution. David Doolette said it best, Haldane
still rules. In 1991, we held a large, interdisciplinary repetitive diving workshop at Duke University Medical Center. The
international DCS incident rates, as presented by the diving
communities at that time, were 1:1,000 dives for commercial
diving, 3.2:10,000 dives for recreational diving, and 1:100,000
dives for scientific diving. At those levels of DCS incident
rates, deemed acceptable by those three diving communities

R. Moon: Another way of looking at it is that there are people

working on some of these phenomena in other fields that could
be attracted to work on some of our diving problems. For example, there are many investigators working on spinal cord injuries
and biochemistry of heat-shock proteins who could apply their
techniques to diving.
S. Lothe: We have extreme exposure divers in their 50s and 60s
who have for the last 30 years spent 180 plus days in saturation
at 100-200 m depth every year. These healthy individuals may
be of interest as to what makes them tick. These divers are fit
and interested and do not want to stop saturating. They have
experienced the most extreme pressure changes of any population. What makes them fit? Why are they healthy?


J. Jakobsen: The key word is natural selection. Why are some

selected to continue and why do others drop out?
J. Ross: This kind of question inevitably leads to psychological
issues and peoples perception of the risk of the job they are in
and how they should be responded to. Why do people go to
see their doctor? Is it because they perceive minor symptoms
of everyday illness or are these people who do something very
different with high profile health effects? Some people will be
vulnerable to that concept and some people will not. These are
not just diver issues. It goes back to the impact of technology on
human populations. Repetitive strain injury is a phenomenon
where people react adversely to a change in their work circumstances. This is a psychological issue with potential particularly
in the oilfield diving industry.
R. Moon: Articulation of the problems and availability of money will lead to young and senior researchers willingness to work
on these questions. Twenty-five years ago HIV research did not
exist and it is now a multi-billion dollar enterprise. Where did
those researchers come from? They came because there was a
problem, money to solve the problem, a complicated issue that
was interesting to work on. There is no shortage of interesting
issues to work on in diving.
J. Jakobsen: The question is strategy for recruiting. The diving contractor needs to feel supported by the research community, not through investigations of all kinds of reasons why he
should stop diving. Support would come by finding methods of
adapting to problems and solving his potential trouble so that
he can continue diving. The latter approach is very important.
Management of many diving companies is reluctant to allow
diving researchers into their ranks because it is a potential show
R. Moon: That is an important point because the diving communitys traditional approach has often been to find reasons
why people should not dive, which is easy to accomplish without very much data.
M. Swiergosz: The quality of life issue for many U.S. Navy
divers is their continued ability to dive. We should be trying to enable human beings to go into this potential adverse
S. Daniels: The last time there was any significant investment in
this field was when the U.S. Navy developed a strategy to dive
beyond 500 m. That coincided with the explosion of exploration for oil and gas at depths beyond which diving technology
could provide for. There is a common perception these days that
those problems have been solved. There is no clear statement
by any of our community about what the problem is. Until we
can articulate that, we will not attract people into this field.
There exists exactly the same issue in anaesthesia, which is a
field with scientific terms that has been running for approximately the same amount of time as diving. Nowadays, certainly
in the U.K., under appropriate national government funding
organizations there has to be clinical representation. Assume an
application for support of a program to look at mechanisms of

anaesthesia; the review response is what problem? We anaesthetize you, you wake up, and you survive, no problem. In order
to secure funding we need to articulate what the new challenge
is beyond what we can do today.
J. Jakobsen: That is exactly the point when we approach diving
management, what problems, we do not have any problems.
One way to tackle this might be to implement a more comprehensive monitoring of the exposure that takes place during
diving. There exists no clear definition of what exposure is or
the analytical tools to describe the exposure, which could be
petrochemical contamination, thermal, oxygen or other parameters. The automatic monitoring system is mapping just about
everything so we know an awful lot about operational dives, but
what are going to do with all that operational data? We need to
find a proper way of storing it, reduce it and analyze it by developing tools to determine if there is a long-term health effect.
R. Moon: That is very good point but how does one get around
the issue that you just raised that the diving doctor community is
trying to get people to stop doing what is currently seemingly OK?
M. Gennser: Integrative physiology has gone down a lot in the
past decades, displaced by genomics, biochemistry, proteomics.
Progress made in those fields now needs to be tested on themes
exposed to human environments. One of our selling points is
actually that our exposures to extreme environments being decompression or hypoxia or large accelerations can expose physiological, biochemical mechanisms, but this is not immediately
evident. One colleague has been working on arm pain experienced by pilots of high performance aircraft. The research there
has provided insight into causal mechanisms.
J. Jakobsen: In the 80s and 90s there was a situation where
most of the divers were permanently employed and there was
good feedback from the divers on their problems. Today the
divers may not tell the medical doctor of their problems for fear
of losing their job, so there needs to be a security system to share
that information.
A. Brubakk: We cannot solve all diving problems at once and
need to come back and decide which problems we think are the
most important.
D. Doolette: Cross-fertilization of diving problems that Andreas Fahlman mentioned to solve other problems is a very good
idea. I did that for ten years until the funding agency realized
there was an easier way of doing that. And as Michael Lang said
there are operational procedures to be developed as well such as
diving to 100 m for science purposes. Decompression is a very
obscure field and it is really operational issues that are going
to drive it, if they are not there, we are not going to exist. We
can solve the cross-fertilization problems in another way. Our
responsibility is to recruit scientists into this field to keep it going. It will not support very many people but it needs to be a
continuous program. The Navy keeps funding some university
programs even though there are no current problems because
they know there will be problems in the future. Collaboration


is the key and in the civilian world there needs to be a group of

people who get together and make a home for those scientists.
A permanent ongoing presence will attract people, a short-term
funded program will not. Creation of a virtual international institute of diving with some key members and a common set of
problems to be addressed will feed that longevity.
R. Moon: An important aspect of collaboration is meetings like
this. Matt Swiergosz runs a meeting every year in the U.S. along
similar lines which creates a major portion of the atmosphere of
excitement that draws young people into the field.
. Duji: We can sell environmental physiology as human integrative physiology, a field that is coming back. Looking only at
molecules will not solve complex situations. At the University
of Wisconsin in Milwaukee there was a departmental fusion of
Anesthesiology with Physiology thirty years ago because a faculty member in Anesthesiology, John Kampine, was really a big
name in Physiology as well. I completed my work in anesthesiology but actually got my PhD in physiology. By being connected with another field is how Anaesthesia survived and it is
now considered one of the best basic experimental Anaesthesia
departments in the U.S.
P. Lindholm: Many of the commercial operational dives are not
a big problem. Today the recreational divers go beyond the limits and do not have a safety net. The technical divers push the
limits and present with strange decompression issues. Breath
hold divers are drowning in swimming pools, mostly due to
lack of training. Recreational divers on beta-blockers for hypertension come to the diving doctor and ask if they can still go
diving. Who is going to do that research? There have been some
advances in asthma and diabetes in diving. In the recreational
diving community there are problems from a medical point of
view. It remains however a small group and small problem with
respect to other societal medical problems.
J. Gangenes: North Sea diving operations are saturation diving
almost constantly from 60 m down to 300 m. The discussions
have been regarding surface-oriented decompression for normal
air or nitrox dives. The saturation divers do not complain because of their employment. Part of their living is diving. The
challenge we have is those divers who have been under pressure
for thirty years now do not tell us their problems and we do
not know what the maximum amount of years under pressure
should be.
J. Buckey: The perception of this field in general does not come
so much from diving as it does from our larger clinical cousin,
hyperbaric oxygen therapy. There is much gray research in that
area that is not being done and there are problems with how
hyperbaric oxygen therapy is being applied. That may be where
much of the doubt is coming from in getting more people into
this area. More funding in the HBOT area would likely bring
in additional new researchers who would then also be interested
in diving.

M. Lang: Directors of scientific program use metrics to evaluate

the effectiveness and success of the research funding provided.
One such metric is quantity and quality of publications in highimpact journals such as Science, Nature, or Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences. Positive results were shown here
in this regard and perhaps those studies that were successfully
published in such journals are areas that should be further pursued as they were successful in breaching the wall and acquiring
continued funding.
J. Ross: We are talking about decompression sickness here and
the problem as I see it is getting all the people to examine who
actually have the problem. That way you can apply advanced
techniques and investigations of the people who actually have
the disease. Top that end there is major room for international
collaboration for studies of DCS. In Scotland we have four
chambers that treat between 100-150 cases per year and there
are other chambers around the world with similar numbers.
This is where you can also pick up cases of severe decompression
sickness that will illustrate what the major issues are. Why do
divers die from decompression illness? Once you get a hold of
that kind of question and the real cases you can do the research.
Decompression illness is less common as time goes by with the
development of decompression technologies. We are developing
an international database that will inform us of what is actually
going on with people with decompression illness.
S. Gaustad: To help provide some funding perhaps a small annual fee to an organization that does diving research may be the
way to go, similar to DAN member fees.
C. Balestra: For reference, DAN Europe tries to get 1 Euro
from each member for diving research.
A. Brubakk: We tried to establish some years ago the notion
of having every recreational diver pay 5 dollars, pounds, Euros,
whatever denomination, in exchange for which they get 5 extra
minutes of bottom time. This is not an impossible idea. Every
diver would pay to be member of this group with a community
feeling that they are supporting diving research and getting five
extra minutes of bottom time. Thats PR, the idea is to not get
too specific.
A. Antonsen: It seems the oilfield diving companies have been
challenged several times about providing the money for diving
research. What about CMAS and PADI who are providing the
recreational divers, where are they?
A. Brubakk: We challenge everybody.
H. Janssen: There is a negative focus of much of the research
that has been going on historically. It is focused on the accidents
and outcomes of what we are doing. This is over documented
compared to the success stories. We annually conduct thousands
of saturation hours worldwide without incidents. Divers get in
alive and get out alive. We should also focus on how we as companies and the scientific community documents operational research. This is scientifically very low on the scale of what people
publish. If you review the literature, operational research results
are almost non-existent. That will lead to a documentation of


best practice, which is what we live off. It is also something we

can easily sell internally in our industry and to those who fund
us, the oil companies. That is how we review what we are doing without jeopardizing Statoil or the Norwegian government.
My second comment is about terminology and the concept of
bounce diving, which is very different in the commercial diving
community, a historical concept which was used offshore and is
not used anymore. The conceptualization of saturation diving
and what is best practice is different around the world and even
within large companies. Saturation diving has also changed
from being bottom-focused work in very deep water to shallow-water saturation because the oil industry has changed. We
now do shallow sats in the air range of 15-20 m with a narrow
excursion window and problems or possibilities that we know
very little about. The tables were developed many years ago and
are now carved in stone and almost impossible to change because of regulations. My final point is that of the transition of
the knowledge gained within these various fields in a feedback
loop to where we can utilize it. We are now doing extensive development of personal diving equipment: rebreathers, drysuits,
electrically heated undergarments, etc., which definitely have
applications in military diving, where these developments are
also taking place. We are reinventing the same wheel in many
instances for different reasons. There is no obvious feedback and
lack of knowledge among diving communities of what each is
doing in this small community around the world.
O. Eftedal: The problem of petrochemical exposure under pressure is of interest and concern to occupational medicine.
M. Lang: Does anyone have the decompression sickness incident rate for saturation diving or are there no problems when
divers come out of sat?
O. Eftedal: Very little, there have been only two cases in Norway in fifteen years.
J. Ross: I recently did an assessment of DCS rates among divers in the North Sea and the incident rate has not change in
many years. There is not much literature on diving from a public health or preventive medicine perspective. I do populationbased medical research and there are not many studies of large
populations of divers. I reiterate the need for generating data to
establish what the real problems are in populations of divers.
G. Perdrizet: I have installed a large multiplace chamber in the
New England region of the United States. I have seen two requests for recompression treatment for decompression illness.
However, in a normal week I will see multiple head injuries,
crush injuries, and spinal cord injuries. In terms of the hyperbaric medicine issue, we should focus on that. Right now we are
linked in a seven center trial where we are trying to get money.
We have been turned down once by the Department of Defense
but are resubmitting. It is very difficult with a high profile type
diagnosis, but there needs to be a perception by the funding
agencies that you have a problem. HIV shows up on time with
affected people, but you do not have that here. I recently submitted a grant proposal to the NIH to use hyperbaric medicine
in a major emerging infectious disease in the world right now

that is causing deaths in our hospital. It is interesting that a pall

sits over hyperbaric medicine right now, which is in its infancy.
This is a big opportunity but a big uphill struggle which we all
suffer from.
R. Moon: We have a problem otherwise many of us would not
be sitting here. The main discussion points are summarized
Inert gas exchange
Pulmonary gas exchange
Breath hold diving
Exercise stress
Publication of non-accident experience
Change approach to extend, not exclude, diving careers
Shallow saturation tables are antiquated
Saturation diving
Emergency care
Long-standing sat divers
Trace gases
What is best practice?
Exclusion criteria (age, co-morbid conditions)
Sat divers
TOXIC EFFECTS (petrochemical) enhanced by increased
Thermal issues
Long-term effects
Psychological issues
Population studies in divers needed (vulnerability of people
to work-related environments)
Mechanisms of HBO
Cardiopulmonary bypass
Military-commercial diving cross-fertilization
Multi-center collaboration: DCS cases

How Do Marine Mammals Avoid DCS?

Andreas Fahlman

ABSTRACT. Ever since the pioneering work by Scholander in 1940, it has been generally accepted
that alveoli collapse at shallow depths in breath-hold diving marine mammals, reducing the amount
of N2 taken up. This has been described as the major adaptation to prevent decompression sickness
(DCS) in mammals. However, more recent experimental and theoretical work suggests that gas exchange may continue to depths much deeper than previously believed. Foraging marine mammals
perform bouts of repeated long and deep dives interspersed by short surface intervals. With continued gas exchange, this results in accumulation of blood and tissue N2 to levels that would cause
a high incidence of DCS in terrestrial mammals. It has been suggested that a coupling between
physiology and dive behaviour may be important in decreasing end-dive N2 levels. For example,
mammals may adjust their diving lung volume during dives to different depths, allowing for behavioural control of the depth of alveolar collapse. A slower ascent rate close to the surface coupled with
a pre-surface tachycardia may reduce the end-dive venous N2 tension (PN2) by as much as 45%. The
short and shallow dives that commonly occur between dive bouts may moderate N2 supersaturation
and thereby DCS risk. Adipose tissue, with its higher N2 solubility, may lessen DCS risk during the
first few dives in a bout by functioning as a sink to buffer extreme levels of N2, but may eventually
become a liability and force animals to end a dive bout. It is also possible that marine mammals
evolved adaptations making them less susceptible to bubbles. Understanding these successful adaptations may provide novel ways of preventing or treating DCS human divers.


Biology Department, Mailstop 50, Woods Hole

Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts,
02543, USA.

n 1940, Per Scholander published his seminal work on diving mammals. In one
section of this opus, he discussed the implications of the anatomy of the respiratory
system of marine mammals. He noted that marine mammals appeared to have a
very compliant rib cage and stiffened upper airways. He suggested that the increasing
pressure with depth would compress the chest and push all the air into the upper airways. This would prevent gas exchange at depth and thereby reduce N2 uptake during
breath-hold dives. Using measured volumes of the upper and lower respiratory system
in whales and seals (Hyperoodon ampullatus, Cystophora cristata, Halichoerus grypus, Balaenoptera physalus, Phocaena communis), alveolar collapse and termination of gas exchange was estimated to occur at depths ranging from 30 m to 210 m depending on the
diving lung volume (Scholander, 1940).
Following the work of Scholander, a number of studies have attempted to answer
the question of when and where the lungs may collapse in different species. Biological
tissues have limited scope to resist pressure differences and negative trans-thoracic pressures exceeding 100 kPa will damage tissues (Brown, 2000). It was therefore concluded
that the chest must compress and eventually collapse to prevent damage. Both direct and
indirect evidence of chest collapse has been reported in the diving dolphin (Kooyman,
1973; Leith, 1989; Ridgway et al., 1969). However, compression of the rib cage does


not prove that the alveoli have collapsed and that gas exchange
has stopped. Collapse depth has been estimated by assuming a
rigid trachea and highly compliant lung (Denison and Kooyman, 1973; Stephenson, 2005). This assumption is questionable
as the trachea in a Weddell and elephant seals showed significant
compressions at depth of only 54 m. Direct measurement of
inert gas exchange during diving has suggested that alveolar collapse, and a concomitant cessation of gas exchange, occurs at
30 m depth in the Weddell seal (Falke et al., 1985) and 70 m
in the dolphin (Ridgway and Howard, 1979). These depths are
relatively shallow and could possibly prevent significant levels
of N2 uptake and minimize DCS risk during deep diving (Falke
et al., 1985; Ridgway and Howard, 1979; Scholander, 1940).
An experimental study, on the other hand, suggested that gas
exchange may persist until a depth of 170 m in seals and sea
lions diving with lung volumes ranging between 18 to 67 % of
total lung capacity (TLC) (Kooyman and Sinnett, 1982). In addition, recent modelling attempts provide alternate explanations
for the uptake and removal of N2 in the dolphin and Weddell
seal (Bostrom et al., 2008; Fahlman et al., 2009; Fahlman et al.,
2006), consistent with the idea postulated by Scholander (1940)
and experimentally shown by Kooyman and Sinnett (1982), that
alveolar compression results in an increasing pulmonary shunt.


Lung collapse in the dolphin was estimated at 70 m in a
study by Ridgway and Howard (1979). They studied freely diving dolphins trained to dive repeatedly to 100 m with average
dive duration of 1.5 min and surface interval of 1 min. The two
dolphins dove repeatedly 23 times for an hour. At the end of the
bout, each dolphin jumped onto a work platform and a catheter
was inserted into the dorsal epaxial muscle tissue. The muscle N2
washout rate was converted to a tissue half-time (tiss1/2) which
determines the time to equilibrium after a change in pressure. The
time constant is physiologically relevant and related to the solubility of the gas, the blood flow and the volume of blood that passes
by the tissue in a given time (Fahlman et al., 2009; Fahlman et
al., 2006; Fahlman et al., 2007). The data from the dolphins suggested that muscle tiss were 6.6 min and 5.2 min for each of the
two animals. The observed values of PN2 could be explained using a standard exponential gas exchange model that assumes symmetrical gas uptake and removal and assumes that gas exchange
was terminated at 70 m. The authors suggested that this provided
evidence for lung collapse (Ridgway and Howard, 1979). However, most, if not all, breath-hold diving mammals show a higher
heart rate while breathing at the surface as compared to diving,
i.e., the dive response (Butler and Jones, 1997). Since blood flow
affects inert gas uptake and removal in breath-hold diving mammals (Fahlman et al., 2009; Fahlman et al., 2006; Fahlman et al.,
2007), the assumption of symmetrical gas uptake and removal

have to be reconsidered. In fact, a recent study showed that a 50%

reduction in blood flow during diving as compared with the surface value (Fahlman et al., 2006) provides estimated values that
agreed with the observed data in the dolphin.
In a study on freely diving Weddell seals (Falke et al.,
1985), arterial blood was sampled during the descent phase
every 30 sec. The results showed that, independent of the maximum dive depth (80 m to 200 m), arterial PN2 continued to
increase during descent to a depth of 30 m. This was followed
by a continual decline in arterial PN2 as the animal continued
the descent (Falke et al., 1985). It was concluded that this was
evidence of alveolar collapse and termination of gas exchange at
a depth of 30 m, and the gradual decline in arterial PN2 caused
by tissue absorption of the available blood PN2. However, this
conclusion is incompatible with cardiopulmonary physiology
and not evidence of complete alveolar collapse, but rather agrees
with the suggestion of a pulmonary shunt that increases with
depth (Bostrom et al., 2008; Scholander, 1940). If the data were
evidence of alveolar collapse, arterial PN2 should immediately
have declined close to ambient levels. The reason for this is the
circulatory transit time, which has been shown to be between
2-3 min in Weddell seals during forced chamber dives (Kooyman et al., 1972). While the dive response differs in forced
and freely diving animals, being more severe in the former, the
forced dives resulted in a 87 % decrease in the heart rate during diving in the elephant seal (Kooyman, pers. comm.) and
by 75% in the freely diving Weddell seal (Falke et al., 1985).
If heart rate is directly related to cardiac output, the reduction
in blood flow is similar in these deep diving species. In other
words, as the animal descends, it takes 2-3 min for the first
volume of blood to go from lung to tissues and back to the
lung. Thus, a dive-related increase in mixed venous PN2 lags
behind arterial PN2 by 2-3 min (Kooyman et al., 1972). The
seals reached 30 m during the 80 m or 200 m dive after ~ 2 min
of submergence (see Fig. 2 in Falke et al., 1985). Therefore, if
the alveoli collapse within 2-3 minutes of submergence, arterial
PN2 should drop instantaneously close to the value at the surface because any N2 taken up before alveolar collapse would not
have made it around the circulatory system.
The antagonistic effect of compression on diffusion rate is
an alternative explanation that explains the data in the Weddell seal (Bostrom et al., 2008; Fahlman et al., 2009; Scholander, 1940). Compression of the respiratory system will, on the
one hand, result in an increasing partial pressure gradient and
thereby an increase in the diffusion rate. On the other hand,
compression will also result in a reduction in the diffusion rate
caused by the reduced gas exchange surface area and increasing diffusion distance. Thus, compression will initially increase
the diffusion rate and inert gas uptake but as depth increases
a pulmonary shunt will develop that decreases the uptake rate
(Bostrom et al., 2008; Fahlman et al., 2009; Scholander, 1940).







While the studies on dolphins and Weddell seals implicitly

assumed that termination of gas exchange occurred instantaneously, others have shown experimental and theoretical evidence
that compression results in a shunt that increases with pressure
(Bostrom et al., 2008; Fahlman et al., 2009; Kooyman and Sinnett, 1982; Scholander, 1940). In one study, measuring pulmonary shunt in California sea lions and harbour seals at pressures
equivalent to a depth of 70 m to 90 m, respectively, showed a
reduction in gas exchange that correlated with depth and diving
lung volume (Kooyman and Sinnett, 1982). At a depth of 90
m (10 ATA) the shunt exceeded 70% in the harbour seal and
complete alveolar collapse and termination of gas exchange was
estimated to occur between 160 m and 170 m (17 ATA to 18
ATA, Kooyman and Sinnett, 1982). The species used for this
study were chosen as they show the most divergent airway structure of those measured in pinnipeds (Denison and Kooyman,
1973). Despite this, the compression shunt at pressures below 8
ATA (70 m) were not remarkably different from each other (see
Fig. 2 and 3 in Kooyman and Sinnett, 1982).
A recent mathematical model, describing compression of
the upper and lower respiratory tract (Bostrom et al., 2008),
showed that graded alveolar collapse and its effect on gas exchange produced results that agreed with observed data in the
dolphin (Ridgway and Howard, 1979), California sea lion
(Kooyman and Sinnett, 1982), Weddell (Falke et al., 1985) and
harbour seal (Kooyman and Sinnett, 1982). In addition, the
model also predicted compression of the upper respiratory tract
that agreed well with the measured data in the Weddell seal.
Furthermore, it was predicted that complete collapse would not
occur until a depth > 150 m, similar to the predictions made by
Scholander (1940) and Kooyman and Sinnett (1982).
If gas exchange does not cease at shallow depths, is it possible that some species of mammals live with elevated N2 levels
that could cause bubble formation with alterations in the dive
behaviour? In fact, mathematical modelling estimates suggest
that deep diving beaked whales may experience end-dive mixed
venous PN2 values that result in 50% DCS in similar sized terrestrial animals (Fig. 1, Hooker et al., 2009). If so, how do they
avoid DCS when foraging for food and could climate change
impose behavioural changes that increase risk?

affects gas exchange, termination of gas exchange is routinely

quoted in animal physiology textbooks as the primary adaptation that protects marine mammals from elevated N2 levels and
DCS. Scholander did indeed suggest that cessation of gas exchange could protect against DCS but indicated that the actual
diving lung volume would determine the depth at which this
occurred and there is theoretical (Bostrom et al., 2008; Fahlman
et al., 2009) and experimental evidence (Kooyman and Sinnett,
1982) that supports this idea. It is less well known that Scholander also reported two possible cases of DCS in a fin whale and
hooded seal during a single dive. If mammals adapted for prolonged deep diving can experience DCS during a single dive,
DCS may also be observed in breath-hold diving humans.
While marine mammals perform single deep and long
dives without apparent DCS symptoms, more remarkable are
the extensive foraging bouts carried out by many diving mammals and birds. Such dive behaviour should result in accumulation of N2 in tissues causing a higher risk of DCS. Scholander
concluded that by repeated dives, conditions as regards diving


Only one study has measured the effect of compression on
gas exchange (Kooyman and Sinnett, 1982) and no study has
directly measured cessation of gas exchange. Theoretical models and experimental data propose that the depth for complete
alveolar collapse ranges between 30 m to 300 m depending on
the structural properties of the respiratory system and the diving
lung volume (Bostrom et al., 2008; Fahlman et al., 2009). While
little information exists how the respiratory system in marine
mammals compresses during breath-hold diving and how this

FIGURE 1. Estimated N2 saturation pressure (ATA) that would result in 50% decompression sickness (DCS) in a range of terrestrial
animals after a rapid decompression (Flynn et al., 1971; Berghage
et al., 1979). Black circles are tissue saturation PN2 for terrestrial
animals. The solid line indicates the best fit regression logED50 =
0.730 0.205 logMb. Open and grey symbols are average mixed
venous inert gas tension (PvN2) for Blainville's beaked whale (Mesoplodon78), Cuvier's beaked whale (Ziphius34) and northern bottlenose whale (Hyperodon 28) using Model A. The figure was previously published by Hooker et al., (2009).


disease would certainly tend to be worse on account of an accumulation of invaded nitrogen. There is every reason to believe
that this risk exists unless there is sufficient ventilation between
dives`` (Scholander, 1940). This agrees with a recent study by
Zimmer and Tyack (2007) and Fahlman et al. (2009) in which
it was concluded that repetitive diving to shallow depths may
cause elevated tissue PN2 and bubble formation. Necropsy results in stranded beaked whales and dolphins (Cox et al., 2006;
Jepson et al., 2003) were suggestive of DCS-like symptoms.
These mass stranding events correlated with naval exercises using mid-frequency sonar. It was suggested that the sonar activity may have led to disturbances of the natural dive behaviour
resulting in dive profiles causing bubble formation.
Only a few alternative explanations have been proposed
to explain how marine mammals avoid elevated inert gas uptake during breath-hold diving. Kooyman (1973) summarized
most of these in a review on the respiratory adaptations in marine mammals: 1) increased tissue and blood N2 solubility, 2)
a special N2 absorbing tissue, 3) changes in cardiac output and
varying blood-flow distribution are some possible physiological
adaptations that may help prevent excessive inert gas uptake in
addition to pulmonary shunt and alveolar collapse. It is also
possible that a coupling between physiology and behaviour is
important to moderate tissue and blood PN2 levels and this may
have a significant impact on diving animals with increasing anthropogenic disturbances and global environmental change.
There are no published studies that have measured the
solubility of N2 in tissues of diving mammals or birds, but the
solubility of blood is similar in the seal and human (Kooyman,
1973). The foam normally found in the upper respiratory tract
of marine mammals has been suggested to be a potential N2
absorbing agent but there is no experimental support for this
supposition (Kooyman, 1973). Animal research has shown that
inert gas removal can be accelerated by intestinal microbes that
metabolize a small portion of the inert gas burden (Fahlman
and Kayar, 2003; Kayar et al., 1997). For example, a 5% reduction in the inert gas burden reduced DCS incidence by as
much as 50% (Fahlman et al., 2001). Nitrogen-fixing microbes
are found in the gut of animals and if present in diving mammals would provide one additional avenue for inert gas removal.
Interestingly, a similar suggestion was described by Scholander
where N2 from blood in vitro disappeared in the presence of O2
(Scholander, 1940). It was suggested that this observation was
caused by N2 fixation of a microbe called organism-X but this
was dismissed by others (Scholander, 1940).
Diving mammals perform extended dive bouts consisting
of repeated dives interspersed by surface intervals that commonly are shorter than each dive. The PN2 level of each tissue

throughout a dive and a bout depends on the specific tiss. Because this variable is governed by local blood flow, tiss changes
for most tissues. Most diving mammals have large amounts of
subcutaneous fat that reduces heat loss and acts as an energy reservoir during extended periods without food. The 5-fold higher
N2 solubility in fat as compared with lean tissue, combined with
the reduction in cardiac output and re-distribution of blood
flow that represents the dive response, results in a high tiss
for adipose tissue (Fahlman et al., 2009; Fahlman et al., 2006).
These properties have led researchers to suggest that adipose
tissues could act as a N2 absorbent and reduce bubble formation during deep and short duration dives (Behnke et al., 1935;
Fahlman et al., 2007; Kooyman, 1973). During the first few
dives of a dive bout, tissues with a low tiss (CNS and muscle)
experience high PN2 during the dive, but much of the accumulated N2 is removed during the ascent and only low levels
remain as the animal surfaces (Fahlman et al., 2007). The high
tiss of subcutaneous fat, on the other hand, leads to a slow
but continuous increase in PN2 (Fahlman et al., 2007). During
the ascent, the pre-surface tachycardia reported in both diving
mammals and birds (Andrews et al., 1997; Elsner, 1965; Froget
et al., 2001; Kooyman and Campbell, 1972) and increased perfusion to adipose tissue allows a portion of the N2 in the fast
tissues to be taken up by the fat without any dramatic increase
in PN2. This could help reduce overall mixed-venous PN2 and
thereby decrease the likelihood of bubble formation (Fahlman
et al., 2009; Fahlman et al., 2007; Kooyman, 1973). Thus, fat
PN2 is negligible at the beginning of the bout, but slowly increases during each dive even during most of the ascent. This
continuous increase in PN2 could eventually result in elevated
adipose PN2 that could force the animal to undertake a long
surface interval (Fahlman et al., 2007). Consequently, adipose
tissue could help buffer PN2 at the beginning of a dive bout
but become a liability after a long bout (Fig. 2). This could
have significant consequences if the food source available for the
animal moved deeper due to global warming or became scarcer
as a result of over fishing possibly leading to reduced foraging
The dive response has been suggested as a useful physiological mechanism to reduce inert gas uptake (Fahlman et al., 2007;
Ponganis et al., 1999; Scholander, 1940). While this suggestion
makes intuitive sense, a previous study only analyzed a 1-hour
dive bout consisting of 23 dives (Fahlman et al., 2006). A more
recent theoretical study, estimating tissue and blood PN2 levels
in deep-diving king penguins during a foraging trip, showed
that an increase in blood flow during diving led to an increased
PN2 at the end of an extended dive bout in some tissues, but
a decrease in PN2 in other tissues (Fahlman et al., 2007). For
example, diving bradycardia caused a substantial reduction in
brain and central circulation PN2, but an increase in muscle and


fat PN2. These surprising results suggest that the diving-related

reduction in blood flow does not always reduce N2 levels during
repeated diving. Interestingly, each tissue had a specific bloodflow rate that resulted in maximum end bout PN2 (Fig. 3). A
tiss was computed for each tissue and it was shown that the
tiss resulting in maximum end bout PN2 was the same for the
different tissues and similar to the average dive duration of 1 to
1.5 min (Fahlman et al., 2007).
It will be interesting to investigate if the tiss that results in
maximum end bout PN2 corresponds to average dive duration
in different species and if so, this could be an inherent property
of inert gas flux in deep diving animals. If that is the case, one
would predict that diving animals would avoid tissue perfusion
rates that result in tissue tiss close to the average dive duration.
However, as the circulatory system is also responsible for removing CO2 and supplying O2, blood flow changes to each tissue is
a trade-off between the need to exchange metabolic gases and
the need to reduce DCS risk.
Thus, the blood PN2 at the end of a dive or an extended
bout is a complex function of the need to supply O2 to, and remove CO2 from, central organs while simultaneously reducing

FIGURE 2. (A) Ambient pressure (Pamb), and (BD) estimated N2

tensions (PN2) for a tissue (B, heart) an intermediate (C, muscle)
and a slow tissue (D) fat in a 12 kg king penguin. Data shows how
the fast and intermediate tissues rapidly reach equilibrium while
the slow tissue continuously increases during the entire diving
bout. Figure is modified from (Fahlman et al., 2007).

uptake of N2. The question is to what extent blood-flow changes

are used as a means to reduce extreme PN2 without ischemic
injury; this will be an interesting area of research.
Diving mammals and birds may also use behavioural means
coupled with physiology to reduce the inert gas burden. It has
been shown that the pre-surface tachycardia (Andrews et al.,
1997; Froget et al., 2001) and reduction in ascent rate close to
the surface seen in some species (Banish and Gilmartin, 1992;
Hooker and Baird, 1999; Sato et al., 2004; Tyack et al., 2006)}

FIGURE 3. Model sensitivity analysis comparing (A) central circulation, (B) muscle, (C) brain and (D) fat PN2 levels against diving
tissue time constant (). Results shown are predicted compartment
values at the time the bird reaches the surface after the last dive in a
dive bout (black circles), or after deep (>50 m, light gray triangles)
or shallow (50 m, dark gray squares) dives. Figure is modified
from (Fahlman et al., 2007).


may reduce the inert gas burden by up to 45% before reaching

the surface (Fahlman et al., 2006). However, another study was
unable to show any changes in predicted end-dive PN2 when
the ascent rate was varied from 1 m sec-1 to 20 m sec-1 in beaked
whales (Zimmer and Tyack, 2007). A reduction in the ascent
rate is only useful when the tissue PN2 > ambient PN2 and at
any other time a diving animal should attempt to return to the
surface as fast as possible as this will reduce additional N2 uptake. In other words, the effect of ascent rate is case specific and
depends on the actual blood and tissue PN2 level.
The short and shallow surface dives that are observed between deep dives or at the end of extended dive bouts could be
a behavioural phenomenon that helps reduce supersaturation
and bubble formation while gas exchange and inert gas removal
continues (Fahlman et al., 2007). It must be pointed out that to
be protective, these decompression dives have to be to a depth
that allows removal of N2 and therefore not deeper than the
current tissue and mixed venous PN2. It is therefore interesting
to note than in some diving animals these decompression dives
are deepest at the end of a dive bout and subsequently become
more shallow (Fig. 4, Fahlman et al., 2007).

If diving animals use either behavioural and/or physiological means to reduce the inert gas burden, how do they know that
they are at risk? Can they sense low levels of bubbles and does
this affect physiology and behaviour? To better understand how
diving mammals avoid elevated N2 levels, research efforts must
improve our understanding of gas exchange during breath-hold
diving. This is not only an interesting physiological problem
but an important question in clinical pulmonary medicine, because recruiting a collapsed human lung may represent a severe

FIGURE 4. Ambient pressure (Pamb, ATA) and estimated mixed

venous supersaturation ({PN2venous - PN2ambient}PN2ambient-1 for a king
penguin performing short and shallow dives (black dots) or resting
at the surface (grey dots) during an interbout interval. Figure is
modified from (Fahlman et al., 2007).

clinical problem. Thus, clinical medicine may greatly benefit if

we can understand how marine mammals are able to repeatedly
collapse and recruit their alveoli during each deep dive. In addition, if marine mammals live with elevated blood and tissue
N2 levels, do they have any specialized adaptations that reduce
DCS risk? Such information may result in novel methods to
reduce DCS risk in humans.
Support for this work was made by a grant to AF from the Office of Naval Research (ONR Award No. N00014-07-1-1098).

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Does Diving Destroy the Brain?

Stephen Daniels

ABSTRACT. Inadequate decompression can cause acute neurological symptoms including speech,
hearing and visual deficits, motor dysfunction, and paralysis. Similarly, exposure to high pressure,
greater than 250 msw equivalent (2.5 MPa), also leads to a variety of central nervous system dysfunctions including sensory and cognitive impairment, epileptiform electrical discharges, and motor dysfunctions (tremor and convulsions). The severity and onset pressure of symptoms is related
to both the magnitude of the pressure and the speed of compression. The appearance of these acute
manifestations of neurological damage has sustained the impetus for a search for long-term neurological damage related to diving activity. The neurological symptoms related to decompression can
easily be understood as arising through hypoxic mechanisms following intravascular bubble formation occluding cerebral blood vessels. The severity and precise neurological manifestations would
then be related to the extent and location of the bubble formation. Long-term changes have been
postulated to occur either as a result of irreversible acute damage or an accumulation of damage
related to multiple, asymptomatic hypoxic events, in a manner similar to that associated, clinically,
with Transient Ischaemic Attacks. Mechanism(s) that might lead to long-term neurological deficit
arising as a result of exposure to pressure are more difficult to establish, largely because pressureinduced changes would be difficult to distinguish from decompression-induced changes. There is
a theoretical possibility that pressure-induced potentiation of NMDA-sensitive glutamate receptor
activity, which has been observed experimentally, might lead to cell death through calcium-induced
excitotoxic mechanisms. However, it has not been established that long-term neurological deficits
are caused by diving, through any mechanism. More light may be shed on this question by modern molecular imaging technologies, high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) coupled with
functional-MRI or positron emission tomography. Nevertheless, there is no clear evidence, to date,
that diving, in the absence of serious acute damage, leads to long-term neurological dysfunction.


Cardiff University, Wales Research and Diagnostic
Positron Emission Tomography Imaging Centre,
School of Medicine, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4XN,
Wales, UK.

nadequate decompression can cause acute neurological decompression sickness

that may involve speech, hearing and visual deficits, motor dysfunction, and
paralysis (Francis and Mitchell, 2003a; 2003b). Similarly, exposure to pressures
greater than 2 MPa (200 msw equivalent) leads to acute High Pressure Neurological
Syndrome (HPNS) dysfunctions, which include sensory and cognitive impairment,
epileptiform electrical discharges, and motor dysfunctions (tremor and convulsions)
(Bennett and Rostain, 2003). Since decompression and exposure to pressure can both
cause significant acute neurological dysfunction the question has long been posed as
to whether long-term effects may arise (Dutka, 2003). It is clear from a number of
studies that serious, acute neurological decompression sickness, especially that involving paraplegias of spinal origin, often respond poorly to treatment and leave significant long-term sequelae. Cerebral dysfunction, in contrast, more often responds to
treatment and as an isolated incident does not appear to have the same propensity


for long-term effects. However, with both spinal and cerebral

effects multiple instances of damage are frequently associated
with residual and long-term damage (Dutka, 2003). An important question is whether long-term neurological deficits
accrue in the absence of acute decompression sickness, neurological or other.
The question as to whether exposure to pressure is able to
cause long-term neurological deficits is much more difficult to
resolve. All exposures to raised ambient pressure will at some
point involve decompression back to atmospheric pressure.
Furthermore, since practical decompression will always involve
some degree of bubble formation it will be extremely difficult
to resolve whether any residual central nervous system dysfunction arose from the exposure to pressure or the subsequent
To attempt an answer to the questions as to whether decompression, in the absence of acute decompression sickness, or
exposure to pressure per se may lead to long-term neurological
dysfunction, first the mechanisms via which such damage may
occur and second the epidemiological evidence for damage will
be considered.


Decompression schedules that are acceptable in practice
are invariably associated with some degree of bubble formation
(Daniels, 1984; Daniels et al., 1989). In general, bubbles give
rise to pathophysiological effects either indirectly, through activation of biochemical pathways, directly as a result of hypoxic
mechanisms (because blood vessel blockage gives rise to areas
of ischaemic tissue) or through direct mechanical stimulation,
particularly of nerve pathways (Francis and Mitchell, 2003a).
The biochemical pathways stimulated are largely pro-inflammatory (Francis and Mitchell, 2003a) and as such may exacerbate,
prolong, and intensify pain sensations from direct mechanical
stimulation of nerve fibres via release of mediators of nociceptive neurotransmission such as bradykinin, 5-hydroxytryptamine, prostaglandins and nerve growth factors. However, it is
the activation of hypoxic mechanisms (Fig. 1) that have the potential to cause permanent loss of neurons, with an associated
accumulation of neurological deficit.
It is an interesting feature of neurological decompression
sickness that it is most commonly the spinal cord that is affected rather than the brain. This is in contrast to other embolic
causes of central nervous system injury (e.g., cardiac surgical
patients) where it is overwhelmingly the brain that is injured,
not the spinal cord (Francis and Mitchell, 2003a). Furthermore,
pathologically the damage seen in spinal decompression sickness comprises punctate white matter (myelinated nerve fibres)
haemorrhages and necrosis whereas ischaemia is associated with
grey matter (nerve cell bodies) damage. A number of hypotheses

FIGURE 1. Pathophysiology of bubbles. The biochemical processes that may be activated by in vivo bubbles acting either directly or
indirectly and that may lead to cell death. Any one stress induced
through bubble-induced processes may lead to cell death from any
of the three fundamental mechanisms: apoptosis, autophagic, or
necrotic cell death. (Adapted from Galluzzi et al., 2007)

have been proposed to account for these finding. First there is

the embolic-ischaemic hypothesis which appears to be an acceptable explanation for arterial gas embolism but bubble formation in arterial blood is extremely unlikely and, therefore,
emboli would have to appear in the arterial circulation following passage through a patent foramen ovale or through pulmonary shunting. Although both mechanisms are known to occur,
they are relatively rare and are normally thought most significant with severe decompression stress, usually associated with
accidental or emergency decompressions (Francis and Mitchell,
2003a). Non-gaseous emboli, arising from vascular agglutination or coagulation initiated via biochemical cascades induced
by bubbles, do occur but since recompression therapy is normally effective at relieving symptoms they would seem to be an
unlikely direct cause of much damage. However, such emboli
may well contribute to areas of ischaemia and to the initiation
of hypoxic mechanisms outlined in Figure 1. Such mechanisms
may underlie those cases of neurological decompression sickness that are unresponsive to recompression therapy. Finally, the
autochthonous bubble hypothesis has been proposed that links
central nervous system damage to extravascular bubble formation within the white matter, which is rich in lipid and with a
low vascularisation and, therefore, would be an ideal tissue for
bubble formation. Such bubbles might cause permanent neuronal loss through axonal destruction, which leads to cell death,
or alternatively, stimulate biochemical processes that lead to
Although the above mechanisms have usually been invoked
to explain the acute symptoms of neurological decompression
sickness, it is clear that by linking bubble formation to hypoxia,
either directly or indirectly, these mechanisms may lead to permanent neuronal cell death that may be acutely asymptomatic.


However, since neurons are not readily regenerated, accumulation of such damage over time may lead to a long-term neurological deficit.
A variety of studies, in the main cross-sectional epidemiological studies, have been conducted in an attempt to identify
a link between diving and long-term health consequences, particularly neurological deficits. Six such studies are summarised
in Table 1 where the number of divers, their experience, the
essential methodology, and main findings are summarised. The
methodologies range from use of magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) in relatively small numbers of subjects, looking specifically for evidence of diving related white matter lesions, to
health-related quality of life questionnaires issued to much larger groups with comparisons made either to populations norms
or to matched controls.
The earliest study of Knauth et al. (1997) revealed white
matter lesions in 11 out of a group of 87 recreational divers,
each with a minimum of 160 dives experience. Seven of the affected divers showed no evidence of left-to-right cardiac shunt
and only showed a few lesions. In contrast, 4 of the 11 divers
had evidence of left-to-right cardiac shunt and exhibited multiple lesions. However, a further 21 divers, who also showed evidence of left-to-right cardiac shunt, had no detectable lesions.
Although suggesting a case for neuronal damage in the absence
of symptoms and evidence that left-to-right cardiac shunting
may pre-dispose towards neurological damage, these results
should be interpreted with caution. A cross-sectional study cannot identify cause and these changes may have arisen from nondiving related events. There are also no matched controls with a
similar proportion of cardiac shunt for comparison.
Hutzelmann et al. (2000) examined 59 experienced, elderly
but healthy divers and compared their MRI scans to those of

48 matched controls. They used both T1 and T2 weighted images and fluid-attenuated, inversion-recovery weighting, which
is particularly suitable for revealing cerebral lesions. They found
no difference in the distribution of lesions between the divers
and the controls.
Slosman et al. (2004) examined 215 healthy recreational
divers measuring global cerebral blood flow (CBF), using 133Xe
single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), a battery of psychometric and neuropsychological tests, and evaluating diving activity by questionnaire. Their conclusions were that
diving may have long-term effects on cognitive function when
carried out in cold water, with more than 100 dives per year,
and to depths below 40 m.
Taylor et al. (2006) studied the neuropsychological test
performance of 102 divers with a complaint of forgetfulness or
loss of concentration, 100 non-forgetful divers, and 100 nonforgetful non-divers. Verbal memory, current intelligence, and
sustained attention were worse for the divers with a complaint
than for the non-forgetful divers or the non-forgetful non-divers. Tests of memory but not of executive function were different for the divers with complaints compared to the two control
groups. In particular, mixed-gas bounce diving and surfaceoxygen decompression diving, but not other techniques, were
associated with memory deficit. However, their overall conclusion was that the relationships between diving experience and
neuropsychological test performance were small and associated
only with diving techniques used in the offshore oil and gas
Irgens et al. (2007) investigated by questionnaire the impact of decompression sickness and diving exposure on healthrelated quality of life (HRQoL) in 375 Norwegian North Sea
divers registered before 1990. They recorded demographic data,
relevant health data and data on diving education, history of
decompression sickness, and Medical Outcomes Study ShortForm General Health Survey (SF-36; Ware et al., 1994) in 230

TABLE 1. Outcome from six cross-sectional epidemiological studies investigating possible long-term neurological sequelae from decompression. SCUBA: self-contained underwater breathing apparatus; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; PFO: patent foramen ovale; DCS:
decompression sickness; T1, T2 & FLAIR: alternative means of weighting an MRI image to reveal structural details; Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery is particularly useful for revealing brain and spinal cord lesions; CBF: cerebral blood flow; LTNE: long term neurological
effects; NPT: neuropsychological test score; HRQoL: health-related quality of life score; LTHE: long-term health effect; PRO: professional
diver; OSW: off shore worker.

87 (SCUBA)

MRI & Doppler for PFO

59 (experienced)/48
215 (SCUBA)

375 (PRO)/Norwegian norms

MRI: T1 & T2 & FLAIR

Global-CBF and
cognitive performance
neuropsychological tests
HRQoL Questionnaire

2958 (PRO)/2708 (OSW)

Postal questionnaire


White matter lesions in absence
of DCS, more with PFO
No increase in white matter changes
>40 m diving and cold water
may predispose LTNE
Weak correlation between NPT
and diving; only in PRO divers
Significant correlation between
neurological DCS & reduced HRQoL
No evidence for LTHE

Knauth et al., 1997
Hutzelmann et al., 2000
Slosman et al., 2004
Taylor et al., 2006
Irgens et al., 2007
Ross et al., 2007


divers. They concluded that HRQoL was reduced in these divers (compared to Norwegian norms), having had decompression sickness contributed significantly to a reduction in all SF36 scales, with neurological decompression sickness having the
greatest impact, and cumulative diving exposure contributed to
a reduced HRQoL.
In contrast to the study of Irgens et al. (2007), Ross et al.
(2007) found no evidence to suggest any major impact of diving on long-term health of UK divers who started their career
before 1991. They sent a questionnaire that addressed lifestyle,
occupation and health status to 2,958 male professional divers, registered with the UK Health and Safety Executive before
1991, and to 2,708 non-diving men who had worked in the
offshore oil industry in 19901992. It is possible that the study
of Irgens et al. (2007) was influenced by the highly publicised
campaign for the Norwegian government to award compensation for work-related illness to all Norwegian North Sea professional divers. There may be associations between HRQoL
and diving activity but these studies cannot prove a causal
In summary, the evidence that diving causes long-term
neurological damage is very weak. In order to pursue this, a
longitudinal study would afford the best hope of establishing
cause and effect. However, given the very low incidence of decompression sickness amongst professional divers in the North
Sea these days (one or two cases per year), it is unlikely that such
a study would be successful.

In addition to the effects of pressure on the glycine and

GluNMDA receptors, pressure also selectively affects an ion channel species, N-type Ca2+ channels that regulate calcium entry
into cells, 5HT2C receptors that mediate anxiety, and the adenylyl cyclase activated intracellular signalling pathway. The regulation of calcium entry into excitable cells is of crucial importance
to excocytosis, the process of neurotransmitter release, but also
if too much calcium enters the cell and cannot be sequestered
into intracellular organelles then excitotoxic mechanisms (see
below) may be initiated that will lead to cell death. The 5HT2C
receptors are inhibited by pressure which would be expected to
induce a state of anxiety that may explain some of the neurological responses divers report at pressure (Heisler et al., 2007). The
intracellular signalling pathway mediated by adenylyl cyclase is
responsible for regulating the activity of protein kinase A, which
in turn regulates the activity of many neuroactive proteins by
phosphorylation (Ahn and Choe, 2009). Pressure increases the
activity of this intracellular signalling pathway (Daniels and
Grossman, 2003).
At the cellular level pressure depresses synaptic transmission via pre-synaptic mechanisms, which exacerbates the effect
of a reduction in post-synaptic sensitivity. To some extent the
depression in synaptic transmission is partially compensated by
frequency-dependent facilitation of transmission. In general,
under normal circumstances a balance between excitation and
inhibition exists. Pressure appears to manifest its excitable action via complex effects at both molecular and cellular levels
that disturb that balance.


The central nervous system excitability associated with exposure to elevated pressures (above 2.5 MPa) is not related to
epilepsy, despite the many similarities in the outward expression
of symptoms, nor is it an expression of a failure in the motor
control originating in the basal ganglia, cf Parkinsons Disease.
At a molecular level pressure selectively affects two ionotropic
neurotransmitter receptors, one that mediates fast inhibitory
neurotransmission and the other that mediates fast excitatory
neurotransmission. The sensitivity of postsynaptic glycine receptors is progressively decreased by increasing pressure. This would
lead to a reduction in inhibitory control, most pronounced in
the spinal cord, but expressed throughout the central nervous
system. As an illustration that effects on a single post-synaptic
receptor can have profound consequences, there is a hereditary
disease, hyperexplexia, in which there is a point mutation in the
glycine receptor giving rise to a reduction in its sensitivity to
the neurotransmitter glycine, which is expressed clinically as an
increase in excitability (Eulenburg et al., 2006). In addition, the
sensitivity of specific GluNMDA receptors, which mediate excitatory neurotransmission, is increased, leading to an increase in
excitability. Interestingly, the specific GluNMDA receptor affected
is that composed of R1 and R2C subunits, which are localised
to the cerebellum, a region of the brain known to be important
for motor control (Daniels and Grossman, 2003).

The mechanisms described above go some way towards explaining the ability of pressure to cause acute hyperexcitability
in the central nervous system. However, they do not provide a
mechanism by which long-term neurological deficit could accumulate. The key to potential long-term effects lie in the increase
in activity of the GluNMDA receptor and the voltage sensitive
N-type calcium channel that is brought about by exposure to
pressure. The GluNMDA receptor is permeable to Ca2+, as well as
Na+ and K+, and thus activation of these two species will cause
an increase in intracellular Ca2+. Normally, intracellular calcium
concentrations are kept extremely low (< nM) because Ca2+ is
actively taken up into intracellular organelles, particularly the
endoplasmic reticulum, and stored. Calcium is released from
these stores by the activation of inositoyl triphosphate receptors
following post-synaptic metabotropic glutamate receptor activation and helps initiate neurotransmitter release by exocytosis.
However, if the intracellular concentration of Ca2+ exceeds the
capacity of the storage system because of the action of pressure,
then a positive reinforcement is initiated because Ca2+ activates
Transient Receptor Potential channels that are themselves permeable to Ca2+ (Fig. 2). The high calcium concentration then
leads to activation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase, the production of nitric oxide and peroxynitite radicals that cause cell


6 divers who had been exposed to 2 dives within 3 months.

However, the difficulty in separating the effects of pressure from
those of decompression remains.


FIGURE 2. Excitotoxicity. Postulated mechanisms that may be induced by exposure to high pressure (> 2.5 MPa): Pressure induced
stimulation of NMDA-sensitive ionotropic glutamate receptors
(Glu NMDA) leads to excessive influx of Ca 2+ into the post-synaptic
cell. Th is is augmented by the pressure-induced stimulation of
voltage-sensitive Ca 2+ channels (VSCC), which, in turn, leads to
the activation of Ca 2+-sensitive Transient Receptor Potential channels (TRP/SOCC Store Operated Calcium Channels), which produces a further increase in Ca 2+ influx. In addition, Ca 2+ is released
from internal stores via activation of post-synaptic metabotropic
glutamate receptors (mGlu1/5) that activate phospholipase C (PLC)
leading to the production of inositoyl triphosphate (IP3), which
acts on receptors on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to release
Ca 2+ from store. The excessive intracellular Ca 2+ induces neuronal
nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), leading to the production of nitric
oxide (NO) and subsequently peroxynitrite radicals that cause
necrotic cell death. Excessive intracellular Ca 2+ also induces apoptotic peptidase activating factor 1 (Apaf-1) and capsases, which
initiate apoptotic cell death. EAAT1: excitatory amino acid transporter 1; AA: arachadonic acid; PKC protein kinase C; Gq guanine
nucleotide binding protein, class q.

death via necrotic mechanisms. In addition, calcium stimulates

the release of capsases and apoptotic peptidase activating factor
1 which are responsible for initiating apoptotic cell death (Besancon et al., 2008).
Exposure to pressure is, therefore, capable of stimulating
processes that may lead to cell death through both necrotic and
apoptotic mechanisms. An accumulation of such damage over
time and with repeated exposure to pressure might be sufficient
to give rise to symptoms of neurological deficit. The question is
whether there is any evidence for such effects.
Aarli et al. (1985) investigated 23 professional divers before
and after dives to 300 and 350 msw. Twelve divers were studied
during pressure exposure with neurophysiological and neuropsychological tests. All twelve showed neurological impairment
at pressure. Transient neurological changes appeared in 4 divers post exposure. More persistent changes were reported in

As suggested above, the likelihood of longitudinal questionnaire and/or neuropsychological testing being able to resolve the question of long-term neurological deficit related to
diving is low because the incidence of decompression sickness is
so low. However, it is possible to envisage longitudinal studies
that employ modern molecular imaging techniques (MRI, functional MRI (fMRI), Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and
Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)) being used to probe changes in cerebral and spinal function during the course of a diving career. Indeed, it might be possible to
separate the effects of decompression from those of pressure by
comparing three groups: a group of divers who predominantly
dive to depths greater than 250 m, a group of divers who do
not dive to depths greater than 75 m, and a matched group of
non-diving controls. It might be expected that pressure effects
would appear mainly in the brain whereas those associated with
decompression would appear in the spinal cord.
Magnetic resonance imaging has, until relatively recently,
been used to examine anatomical features at very high resolution
(< 1 mm) using a variety of image weighting techniques such as
T1, T2 and fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR). More
recently, fMRI techniques have been developed to probe function in addition to structure. In the context of potential hypoxic
damage two techniques have shown great promise; blood-oxygen level dependent (BOLD) fMRI (Murata et al., 2006) and
fluctuation-imaging using gradient-recalled echo-echo-planar
imaging (GRE-EPI) (Liu et al., 2007). The areas of lesion and
the functional significance of the lesions can be revealed with
great precision using either technique.
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) uses radiotracers
that incorporate an atom that spontaneously decays by emitting
a positron. When this positron annihilates on contact with an
electron in the surrounding medium, two anti-parallel 511KeV
gamma rays are emitted. It is the simultaneous detection of these
anti-parallel gamma rays that forms the basis of PET imaging.
Positron emitting isotopes include 11C, 15O and 18F, which have
half-lives of 20 min, 2 min and 110 min, respectively. These
atoms are ones found commonly in biological molecules and
therefore PET radiotracers can be made that closely resemble
endogenous compounds or small molecular weight ligands
that bind to endogenous compounds, such as neurotransmitter receptors or cellular transporter proteins. The function of
the physiological processes probed by PET will, therefore, be
minimally perturbed by these tracer molecules. As an example
of the type of PET studies that can be applied to ischaemia,
Nariai et al. (2003) looked at regional cerebral blood flow, using
H2O15, before, during and after a period of ischaemia. They also
looked post-ischaemia at the function of adenosine A1 receptors,


using the 11C-labelled A1 receptor antagonist [1-methyl-11C]

8-dicyclopropyl-methyl-1-methyl-3-propylxanthine, GABAA
receptors, using the 11C-labelled benzodiazepine binding agent
C-flumazenil, and cellular metabolic activity, using 18F-labelled
fluorodeoxyglucose. The advantage of PET over MRI is the
sensitivity of detection of the tracers, with nM concentrations
being sufficient for detection. The spatial resolution of PET imaging is much lower than that of MRI and so conventionally
PET is combined with X-ray CT, and more recently MRI, which
provides anatomical location for the detected PET activity.
Single photon emission computer tomography (SPECT)
uses gamma-emitting isotopes such as 99mTc, 111In and 123I with
half-lives of 6 hr, 2.805 day and 13.3 hr, respectively. Although
the half-lives are considerable longer than those of PET isotopes 99mTc, and 111In cannot be incorporated into conventional
biological molecules, macromolecular complexes have been
constructed using peptide nucleic acid sequences or antibodies
to target the tracers at the physiological processes of interest
(Heckl, 2007). SPECT with 123I incorporated into an amphetamine analogue has been used to study cardiovascular reactivity
following ischaemic injury (Aso et al., 2009). Like PET, the
spatial resolution of SPECT is relatively poor and increasingly
it is being combined with X-ray CT or MRI to provide anatomical location. One potential advantage of SPECT over PET
is that unlike PET where the gamma-ray energy is always 511
KeV, with SPECT the gamma-emitting isotopes can be distinguished on the basis of their energy. Thus, two (or more) isotopes could be imaged, simultaneously, to reveal multiple functional responses.

At present there is no clear evidence that diving, in the
absence of serious acute neurological decompression sickness,
causes long-term neurological deficit. Cross-sectional population studies, whether questionnaire, neuropsychological or
functional, cannot prove a causal relationship. Furthermore,
since the operational incidence of decompression sickness in
well-regulated diving activity is extremely low, it is unlikely that
longitudinal studies based on questionnaire or neuropsychological tests can be successful either. To date it has not proved
possible to separate the effects of pressure per se from those of
decompression. However, it is possible that in the future, using
appropriate molecular imaging techniques and well matched
groups of deep (> 250 m) divers, shallow (< 75 m) divers and
non-divers, functional longitudinal studies may be able to reveal whether repeated exposure to pressure and/or decompression causes neurological deficits beyond what would be expected from normal aging processes.

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Effects of Diving on the Lung

Einar Thorsen

ABSTRACT. Hyperoxia and decompression stress with formation of free gas have well-known effects on the lung. Other factors associated with diving are pollutants of the breathing gas mixture,
the diving habitat, or the water of chemical, bacteriological or even radioactive nature. Hyperoxia,
decompression stress as evaluated by the formation of free gas, submersion, and breathing resistance
have all been shown to have acute and sub-acute effects on the lung. In analyses of long-term term
effects of diving over an entire career, the inclusion of different factors or estimates of cumulative
hyperoxic and hyperbaric exposure and decompression stress in the models can result in significant
effects being missed or, if there is any effect, it may be ascribed to a factor that is associated with
the causal factor and not to the causal factor itself. Five independent cross-sectional studies have
confirmed the finding of a reduction in small airways conductance and its relation to diving and
exposure to hyperoxia. Several studies of the effects of single dives have shown changes in lung function immediately after a dive. At least for the effect of hyperoxia, a longitudinal follow-up for three
years has demonstrated a persisting residual effect on lung function.


Institute of Medicine, University of Bergen,

Haukeland University Hospital, N-5021 Bergen,

he diving exposure is multifactorial with several exposure factors known to have

effects on the lung, the central nervous system (CNS), and the musculo-skeletal
system (MSS). Some effects are a physiological adaptation to the environment,
but some effects are harmful and mediated by inflammatory responses causing divingrelated disease and having a potential for long-term residual effects.
The basic physical components of the diving exposure are pressure, time, and gas
mixture. The cumulative hyperoxic exposure is a function of the partial pressure of oxygen of the gas mixture and time. The decompression stress is a function of the partial
pressure of the inert gases of the gas mixture, time, and the first derivative of pressure
with respect to time. Hyperoxia and decompression stress with formation of free gas
have well-known effects on the lung and on the CNS and MSS causing decompression
sickness and dysbaric osteonecrosis. In some way any diving-related exposure factor will
be related to these three basic physical components.
There are also other factors associated with diving such as pollutants of the breathing gas mixture, the diving habitat, or the water of chemical, bacteriological or even
radioactive nature.
The components of the diving exposure can be easily monitored and controlled in
experimental diving and the effects of each component can be studied when controlling
for the others. In that way hyperoxia, decompression stress as evaluated by the formation of free gas, submersion, and breathing resistance have all been shown to have acute
and sub-acute effects on the lung.
When it comes to long-term effects of diving, assessment of cumulative diving exposure over a diving career of many years is much more difficult. All necessary information


is expected to be in the divers professional logbooks. However,

the log-books are not easily retrievable and recreational diving is
usually not registered. Even in the prospective longitudinal follow-up studies of apprentice divers log-book data were retrievable in only about 25% of the divers (Skogstad et al., 2002).
In the study of UK divers (HSE, 2004) the quality of questionnaire data was compared with logbook data in the fraction
of subjects having a complete log. There was good agreement
concerning the number of years of professional diving and the
number of days in saturation, but less agreement concerning
the number of air and mixed-gas bounce dives. The recall bias
can be considerable and the estimate of number of dives and
diving-related events may be influenced by the purpose of the
study, the selection criteria for inclusion in the study, cultural,
and geographical factors. However, by having an estimate of the
number of dives, this number includes a measure of the cumulative exposure to diving because the exposure factors in some
way are related to time.
In analyses of long-term term effects of diving, the inclusion of different factors or estimates of cumulative hyperoxic
and hyperbaric exposure and decompression stress in the models introduces a problem of co linearity between the exposure
factors derived from the basic physical factors. The result can be
that significant effects are missed or, if there is any effect, it may
be ascribed to a factor that is associated with the causal factor
and not to the causal factor itself. For epidemiological studies
however, it may be sufficient to relate any effects to cumulative
diving exposure and leave the causal relationships to studies of
experimental dives.

apprentice divers was followed up for six years from the start of
their professional diving career at the basic training course at
the Norwegian Professional Diving School in Oslo (Skogstad et
al., 2002). More than 80% of the subjects completed the 6-year
follow-up examination and the results confirmed the findings
of the cross-sectional studies. A group of apprentice policemen
followed up for six years served as control.
Several studies of the effects of single dives, including deep
and shallow saturation dives and shallow, air bounce dives, have
shown that exposure to hyperoxia and decompression stress as
evaluated by the incidence of venous gas microembolisms, contribute to changes in lung function immediately after a dive.
At least for the effect of hyperoxia, a longitudinal follow-up for
three years has demonstrated a persisting residual effect on lung
function (Thorsen and Kambestad, 1995).


Adir, Y., A. Shupak, A. Laor, and D. Weiler-Ravell. 2005. Large lungs in divers:
natural selection or a training effect? Chest 128:224228.
Health and Safety Executive. 2004. Coordinated investigation into the possible
long-term health effects of diving. Research Report 230. Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen for the Health and Safety Executive.
Hope, A., T. Lund, D.H. Elliott, M. Halsey, H. Wiig. 1994. Long-term health
effects of diving. An international consensus conference. Godysund 6-10
June, 1993. John Grieg forlag A/S, Bergen, pp. 387391.
Skogstad, M., E. Thorsen, T. Haldorsen, and H. Kjuus. 2002. Lung function
over six years among professional divers. Occupational and Environmental
Medicine 59:629633.
Tetzlaff, K., L. Friege, M. Reuter, J. Haber, T. Mutzbauer, and B. Neubauer.
1998. Expiratory flow limitation in compressed air divers and oxygen divers. European Respiratory Journal 12:895899.
Thorsen, E., and B.K. Kambestad. 1995. Persistent small-airways dysfunction
after exposure to hyperoxia. Journal of Applied Physiology 78(4):14211424.

At the international consensus conference on long-term

effects of diving at Godysund in 1993 three studies were presented showing a reduction in small airways conductance in
divers that was related to cumulative diving exposure (Hope,
1994). The three studies had been conducted independently of
each other in the United Kingdom, in the former Soviet Republic, and in Norway. A later German study (Tetzlaff et al., 1998)
and more recently an Israeli study (Adir et al., 2005) have confirmed the finding of a reduction in small airways conductance
and its relation to diving and exposure to hyperoxia. All these
studies were cross-sectional in their design.
Prospective longitudinal follow-up studies were initiated in Norway after the Godysund conference. A cohort of

The above-mentioned effects have been demonstrated in
active divers. Whether the effects persist into retirement is still
not resolved. In the Haukeland University Hospital Study the
prevalence of spirometric airway obstruction in retired divers
was significantly higher than in the general population, but in
the study of UK divers there was no difference between the divers and a control group of offshore workers (HSE, 2004). A
higher prevalence means that a larger fraction of the population
has, or is at risk of, clinical chronic obstructive lung disease.


The Limits of Breath-Hold Diving

Peter Lindholm

ABSTRACT. The limits of breath-hold diving are discussed regarding both duration and depth. For
duration, the calculations presented explain a possible, theoretical breath-hold duration (according
to known physiology) of 10 minutes 24 seconds for comparison with the current world record of
10 minutes 12 seconds. One technique that makes the current record possible is glossopharyngeal
insufflation, by which the diver may fill the lungs with an extra 3-4 liters of air, increasing oxygen
stores. In terms of depth, the record has stretched from 30 m in 1949, to the current record of 214
m diving with no limits. The depth limit is not yet known (the diver surfaced from 214 m in full
health) but various factors limiting deep diving are discussed. The compression of gas, according to
Boyles Law, may cause a range of barotraumas associated with the descent, including problems with
equalization of middle ear, pulmonary oedema and haemoptysis. The increase in partial pressure
of nitrogen may cause nitrogen narcosis with a risk of the diver becoming incapacitated at depth,
as well as gas supersaturation in tissues leading to decompression sickness on, or after, the ascent.
While divers have reached depths of 113 m by physically swimming down and up, the no limits
divers use assisted descent and ascent. To reduce problems with compression, pulmonary gas stores
can be increased by glossopharyngeal insufflation, and sinuses may be filled with (sea) water as a
means of equalization. For the elite divers, the amount of oxygen they can store seems to be the limit
for duration, while the problems of compression and nitrogen partial pressure are the most likely
limiting factors for depth.


Karolinska Institutet, Department of Physiology and

Pharmacology, Berzelius vag 13, 17177 Stockholm,

reath-hold diving has been utilized as a means of harvesting food from the sea
floor for many years, with descriptions dating back for thousands of years (Nukada, 1965). One form of food harvesting is by spear fishing and the first official
world record in deep diving on one breath was set (with spear in hand) by diving to 30
m in 1949 (although descriptions exist of deeper dives predating this event).
For many decades a few divers competed with each other setting deeper and deeper
depths, registering them as world records in deep breath-hold diving. This style of diving was later characterized as no limits i.e., the diver can use a weight to descend faster
and a lift bag to ascend faster. Some examples of the most recognized deep divers are Enzo
Maiorca (first to 50 m), Jacques Mayol (first to 100 m) and Umberto Pelizzari (first to
150 m). The current no-limits record is 214m (Fig. 1) that was recently set by Herbert
Nitsch (who was also the first diver to reach 200 m). During the last decade, the sport has
evolved to the point where athletes can compete in different forms of deep diving apart
from the no-limits dives; current disciplines for competition include swimming down
and up with or without fins, swimming as far as possible in a pool while holding ones
breath, and floating motionless in a pool, again for as long as possible on one breath.
Two of the disciplines, no limits and variable weight are usually held as special events
organized for individual record attempts rather than competitions. The Association Internationale pour le Dveloppement de lApne (AIDA) is the current governing body that



FIGURE 1. Herbert Nitschs 214 m record no limits dive (with

permission from AIDA international).

verifies records and organizes international competitions (www.
What are the limits of breath holding? The world records
give an indication of the limits that may be achieved by select (perhaps genetically predisposed) individuals who devote
themselves to extensive training in order to push their physiological boundaries. From the physiologists point of view, two
important limits can be distinguished: the first is the limit set
by the onset of unconsciousness from the gradually developing hypoxia during breath holding (Lindholm, 2007; Lindholm
and Lundgren, 2006). The other is the voluntary breakpoint
of a breath hold in a subject. The breakpoint is highly variable
due to motivation, tolerance and conditions (for example hyperventilation, exercise, rest) (Lindholm and Lundgren, 2009).
There is a large discrepancy between the limit of consciousness
and the voluntary breakpoint, which may vary from the edge
of unconsciousness to a breath-hold duration of a few seconds
where changes in gas stores can hardly be detected in arterial
blood. This factor should be considered when evaluating the
literature on breath-hold diving, as many studies have focused
on voluntary breath holding without concurrent measurements
of end-tidal or arterial gas partial pressures.
It is possible to hold ones breath until unconsciousness,
even though most individuals would not do so voluntarily and
most would only reach this limit under duress, for example, in
a drowning scenario. The point of unconsciousness is considerably easier to accomplish with prior hyperventilation and exercise during the breath hold, as evidenced by deaths in swimming
pools (Craig, 1961). When diving at great depth, the changes
in pressure further aggravate the risk of unconsciousness during
ascent where the partial pressure of oxygen falls rapidly (ascent
blackout) (Lindholm, 2007; Lindholm and Lundgren, 2009).
The current limits of breath-hold diving in the form of world
records are listed in table 1.

How is a dive duration of ten minutes and twelve seconds

possible? Can it be explained by current physiological knowledge? For elite competitors, the limit of their breath hold is loss
of consciousness (LOC) or loss of motor control (LMC), i.e., severe hypoxia. We can calculate the oxygen stores at the start of the
breath hold and divide them by the metabolism to come up with
a reasonable suggestion for the maximum duration approachable
by man (Lindholm, 2002; Lindholm and Lundgren, 2006).
If we assume that the limit for LMC is PaO2 < 3-3.5 kPa
(20-21 mmHg) (Lindholm and Lundgren, 2006), that SaO2 <
50% (~40% depending on duration and PCO2), and that SvO2
would be 10-30% in different compartments, then what would
the starting oxygen stores be?
Consider a male diver of 70 kg body weight, with a low
basal metabolic rate equivalent to that during sleep of 240 ml/
O2/min (Greger and Bleich, 1996). His residual volume is two
liters, vital capacity eight liters, and he has the ability to insufflate another three liters by glossopharyngeal insufflation.
Hyperventilating prior to the dive will reduce PaCO2 to < 3
kPa (20 mmHg), and increase PaO2 to 18-19 kPa (135 mmHg)
(PaO2 98% to 99%), with a PvO2 increase ~ from 75% to circa
85-88%. This would give a total oxygen store that can be used
for breath holding of:

Desaturation of arterial blood 100 - 40 = 60

Desaturation of venous blood 88 - (10*1/3 + 30*2/3)
= 88 - 70/3 = 88 23 = 65
(0.75*65))/100*70*0.08*182*1.36 = 884 ml O2
Usable Lung stores: 13*0.8259*(135 - 21)/760 = 1610
ml O2

Total usable oxygen stores: 2494 ml O2. 2494 ml / 240 ml/min

= 10 minutes and 24 seconds.
It is possible that the duration of breath holding can be
improved further, partly by the selection of genetically gifted individuals with, for example, large lungs; the ability to insufflate
large amounts of extra air and still hold their breath without increasing metabolism; large blood volume; and, a high hemoglobin concentration. Other means to extend breath-hold duration
would be to consume less oxygen, i.e., reduce the metabolism
during breath holding or extend the limit of consciousness by
increasing tolerance to hypoxia.

When aiming to swim as far as possible on one breath, the
limiting factors are oxygen stores, the efficiency of the swimming technique and also the individuals anaerobic capacity
(i.e., the muscles ability to produce energy without consuming
oxygen during the breath hold). The distance will also depend
on technology such as swim suits that reduce drag, and the


TABLE 1. World records (December 2008).

Static Apnea (STA)
10 min 12 sec: Tom Sietas
8 min 0 sec: Natalia Molchanova
Dynamic without Fins (DNF)
213m: Tom Sietas/
151 m: Kathryn McPhee
Dave Mullins
Dynamic with Fins (DYN)
250m: Alexey Molchanov
214 m: Natalia Molchanova
Constant Weight without Fins (CNF)
86m: William Trubridge
60m: Natalia Molchanova
Constant Weight (CWT)
113m: Guillaume Nry
95m: Natalia Molchanova
Free Immersion (FIM)
108m: William Trubridge
85m: Natalia Molchanova
DEPTH with assistance
not competitive disciplines
Variable Weight (VWT)
140m: Carlos Coste
122m: Tanya Streeter
No Limit (NLT)
214m: Herbert Nitsch
160m: Tanya Streeter
material and shape of the fin(s) when used.






During a deep dive, there is of course the limit of duration, i.e., the diver has to maintain consciousness until he/she
can resume breathing at the surface. The duration of the breath
hold will be affected by various degrees of exercise dependent
on the technique of descending to depth. The technique can
vary between swimming with legs (constant weight), legs and
arms (constant weight no fins) and pulling oneself with the
arms along a rope (free immersion). Even the assisted disciplines
require exercise in comparison to a static breath-hold. In addition, the changing gas pressures may affect metabolism and the
distribution of gas stores during a dive.
Divers reach greater depths each year. As noted above, the
limit of deep diving by means of swimming will most likely be
limited by duration and exercise capacity, but it may also be
affected by the individuals ability to tolerate pressure at depth.
Apart from the effects of changing pressure on gas stores, the
effect of pressure on buoyancy (gas compression makes the diver heaviest at depth) makes the exercise effort expended when
depth diving different from a distance swim in a pool. Currently

the limit for depth in the assisted category no limit is unknown, as the deepest dive made was successful and people may
yet go deeper. While there are no reports of serious illnesses or
mortality in any competitive events, the assisted categories have
claimed both lives and caused decompression illness. The no
limits fatalities reported have been due to technical malfunction and entanglement at depth leaving the diver at depth for
too long. The extreme environment will put the diver at risk of
barotrauma of descent, decompression illness, decompression
sickness, nitrogen narcosis, and barotrauma of ascent.



When a breath-hold diver descends deeper and deeper, the

gas in the body will be compressed according to Boyles law. This
means that the rigid spaces such as the sinuses and the middle
ear will require additional gas for equalization. Normally this is
achieved using air from the lungs. At some depths, the diver will
have descended to a point where the residual gas volume in the
lungs equals this divers residual volume (Schaefer et al., 1968).
What happens then if the descent is continued?
Primarily, one needs to account for the shift of blood into
the thorax, which is due to immersion but further enhanced by
compression. This effect will lower the residual volume of the
lungs at depth in comparison to a measurement made on dry
land (Craig, 1968; Schaefer et al., 1968). The rigid air spaces
will require gas, and the technical air space created by a facemask
can be countered by not using a mask, but lenses or fluid-filled
goggles with special lenses enabling enough vision for guidance.
Other divers counter this problem by filling the sinuses prior
to diving (Germonpr et al., 2008) or during the actual dive by
letting seawater passively flood sinuses and the middle ear (pers.
comm. with Martin Stepanek and Kirk Krack).
Secondly, if the diver descends beyond the point of compression of the residual volume, what will then happen? When
gas is compressed, atelectasis, i.e., collapse of parts of the lungs,
may occur. Another possibility is that the high pressure difference
over the pulmonary capillaries could cause fluid filtration into
the interstitial space and then into the alveoli (Lindholm et al.,
2008). This would result in pulmonary oedema, which may be
aggravated by pulmonary hemorrhage, where erythrocytes leak
into either the alveoli or the airways (Boussuges et al., 1999).



There are reports of divers surfacing from single deep dives

with neurological symptoms, thereafter being treated with recompression in a hyperbaric chamber (McCrory et al. 2004;
Thorsen et al., 2007). This is most likely due to decompression
sickness (see below) but there is another speculation: compression of the lungs, in combination with a blood shift to the thorax could possibly cause air to be trapped; upon ascent the same
air could rapidly expand resulting in pulmonary barotrauma
and arterial gas embolism. Another factor that could aggravate


this condition is the ability of some divers to use glossopharyngeal insufflation to overfill their lungs with 3-4 liters of air prior
to diving (Lindholm and Nyrn, 2005; Loring et al., 2007). The
high pressure, together with a shift of perhaps a liter of blood
into the thorax, could cause a relative overfilling of the lungs
with air during the ascent unless the diver exhales during the
last 5-10 meters to the surface.
Calculations based on Haldanean decompression theory
show that repetitive breath-hold diving may cause supersaturation of tissues and put the breath-hold diver at risk of decompression sickness (Thorsen et al., 2007). In the case of a single
deep dive, this would also be the case if gas exchange remains
unaffected by compression of the lung gas stores. It is possible
that compression will limit nitrogen uptake from the lung at
depth, but to what extent gas exchange is affected during such a
dive is not known and outside the scope of this paper.
The diving depths reached by breath-hold divers would incapacitate a scuba diver breathing air. The absence of reports of
nitrogen narcosis may be due to the short duration at depth, as
well as the repetitive nature of the dive training, i.e., the diver
descends and returns according to a procedure repeated numerous times during training to gradually deeper and deeper depths
imbuing an element of acclimatization to functioning during
narcosis. There is one published account of nitrogen narcosis
during a dive to 160 m (Streeter, 2006). The dynamics of gas
exchange would give the diver the highest PN2 in the nervous
system during the early parts of ascent. Nitrogen narcosis is also
known to cause amnesia which may complicate the description
of such events. As noted above, the extent that nitrogen uptake
is affected by lung compression during deep breath-hold diving
is not known, but it seems plausible that nitrogen narcosis as
well as decompression sickness may be limited by collapse of gas
exchange areas in the lungs at great depths.
The current world record dive to 214 m included a 30 second long decompression stop or slow ascent during the last 10
m, included in the 4 min 24 seconds of total dive duration. It is
possible that the slow ascent reduces the risk of DCS (the ascent
speed equals 3 - 4 m/s during the deeper parts of the ascent to
be compared with the recommended 10 m/min during regular
scuba diving). The slow ascent could also give time for blood
and gas redistribution in the lungs, reducing the theoretical risk
of barotrauma on ascent.

It is possible for (some) humans to hold their breath for
more than 10 minutes or to dive to more than 200 m. These durations and depths can be explained: the compression of gas in

the body requires that the diver has an elastic chest (muscles and
ribcage) and a trachea and lungs that can collapse to a residual
volume of less than 0.5 liters. Special lenses in fluid-filled goggles can be used instead of a mask to reduce the non-collapsible
air spaces and glossopharyngeal insufflation may be used to increase pulmonary gas stores to over 12 liters. Water equalization
of the sinuses and middle ear, while painful, is a useful adjunct.
Pulmonary oedema and partial lung collapse (atelectases) will
likely occur. Whether a decompression stop is needed or effective to reduce the risk of decompression sickness is not known.
Currently, the limits of deep breath-hold diving seem to be
pulmonary barotrauma of descent causing pulmonary oedema
and the effects of nitrogen: nitrogen narcosis incapacitating the
diver at depth or causing decompression sickness on ascent.

Boussuges, A., C. Pinet, P. Thomas, E. Bergmann, J.M. Sainty, and D. Vervloet.
1999. Haemoptysis after breath-hold diving. European Respiratory Journal
Craig, A.B., Jr. 1961.Causes of loss of consciousness during underwater swimming. Journal of Applied Physiology 16:583586.
. 1968. Depth limits of breath hold diving (an example of Fennology).
Respiratory Physiology 5:1422.
Germonpr, P., C. Balestra, and P. Musimu. 2008. Passive flooding of paranasal
sinuses and middle ears as a method of equalization in extreme breath-hold
diving. British Journal of Sports Medicine doi:10.1136/bjsm.2007.043679.
Greger, R., and M. Bleich. 1996. Normal Values for Physiological Parameters.
In Greger, R., and U. Windhorst (eds.) Comprehensive Human Physiology.
Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer. p. 24272449.
Lindholm, P. 2002. Severe hypoxemia during apnea in humans: influence of
cardiovascular responses. Karolinska Institutet.
. 2007. Loss of motor control and/or loss of consciousness during breathhold competitions. International Journal of Sports Medicine 28:295299.
Lindholm, P., A. Ekborn, D. berg, and M. Gennser. 2008. Pulmonary edema
and hemoptysis after breath-hold diving at residual volume. Journal of Applied Physiology 104:912917.
Lindholm, P., and C.E. Lundgren. 2006. Alveolar gas composition before and
after maximal breath-holds in competitive divers. Journal of Undersea and
Hyperbaric Medicine 33(6):463467.
. 2009. The physiology and pathophysiology of human breath-hold diving. Journal of Applied Physiology 106:284292.
Lindholm, P., and S. Nyrn. 2005. Studies on inspiratory and expiratory glossopharyngeal breathing in breath-hold divers employing magnetic resonance imaging and spirometry. European Journal of Applied Physiology
Loring, S.H., C.R. ODonnell, J.P. Butler, P. Lindholm, F. Jacobson, and M.
Ferrigno. 2007. Transpulmonary pressures and lung mechanics with glossopharyngeal insufflation and exsufflation beyond normal lung volumes in
competitive breath-hold divers. Journal of Applied Physiology 102:841846.
McCrory, P., E. Matser, R. Cantu, and M. Ferrigno. 2004. Sports neurology.
Lancet Neurology 3:435440.
Nukada, M. 1965. Historical development of the amas diving activities. In
Rahn, H. (ed.) Physiology of Breath-Hold Diving and the Ama of Japan.
Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, National Research
Council. p. 2540.
Schaefer, K.E., R.D. Allison, J.H. Dougherty, Jr., C.R. Carey, R. Walker, F.
Yost, and D. Parker. 1968. Pulmonary and circulatory adjustments determining the limits of depths in breathhold diving. Science 162:10201023.
Streeter, T. 2006. Nitrogen narcosis during no limits freediving world record
to 160 m (525 ft). In Lindholm, P., N. Pollock, and C.E.G. Lundgren


(eds.) Breath-hold diving: Proceedings of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society/Divers Alert Network Workshop, Divers Alert Network, Durham,
North Carolina p. 1725.

Thorsen, H.C., G. Zubieta-Calleja, and P.E. Paulev. 2007. Decompression sickness following seawater hunting using underwater scooters. Research in
Sports Medicine 15:225239.

Parameters of Extreme
Environment Diving
Michael A. Lang

ABSTRACT. The 2007-2009 International Polar Year (IPY) is a global research effort to better
understand the polar regions and their climatic effect on the Earth. IPYs in 1882-1883, 1932-1933,
and the International Geophysical Year of 1957-1958 were the precursors to this 4th IPY, the first
to use extensive scientific diving techniques for polar underwater research. The science completed
above and below the ice during IPY will provide a baseline for understanding future environmental
change. Our research methodologies must also advance in the next 50 years, requiring some new approaches to diving physiology, equipment and procedures. Polar diving is one of the more extremeenvironment diving modes where parameters such as thermal protection, cold stress as DCS risk,
and regulator function require special consideration. Contaminated water diving is another extreme
environment of microbiological and chemical nature that requires contaminant and risk assessment.
Three illustrative cases review extreme environment diving parameters: the past (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Oil Spill Project), present (U.S. Antarctic Program benthic pollution studies),
and future (Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Invasive Species Project). A final extreme
environment is diving at depth. An advanced scientific diving workshop recently examined diving
modes and operational parameters of open-circuit mixed gas scuba, closed-circuit rebreathers, underwater habitats, saturation systems, surface-supplied, and bell diving.


Smithsonian Institution, Office of the Under

Secretary for Science, P.O. Box 37012, MRC 009,
Washington, DC, 20013-7012, USA.

he commonality between poles and tropics is their shared remoteness, removed from the thoughts of society that sponsors our diving research. Additionally, the global economic downturn engenders an extreme research
fund-raising environment.
This 4th International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2009 is a global research effort to
better understand the polar regions and their climatic effect on the Earth. The research
completed during IPY will provide a baseline for understanding future environmental
change. Previous IPYs were held in 1882-1883 and 1932-1933, and the International
Geophysical Year in 1957-1958. A Vision for International Polar Year 2007-2009 was
published by the National Academy of Sciences Polar Research Board.
As the first major IPY scientific symposium, Smithsonian at the Poles was convened May 3-4, 2007 at the Smithsonian Institution. Highlights included the National
Museum of Natural Historys U.S. Antarctic Meteorite Program, U.S. Antarctic Program Invertebrate Collection, and Arctic Cultural Studies; the Office of the Under Secretary for Sciences U.S. Antarctic Program Scientific Diving Program; the Smithsonian
Environmental Research Centers Antarctic Photobiology and Polar Invasions Biology
Programs; the National Zoological Parks Weddell Seal Energetics Project; and, the
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatorys South Pole Antarctic Submillimeter Telescope/
Remote Observatory Program. A second Smithsonian IPY symposium was convened
at the National Air and Space Museum, November 30-December 1, 2007: Making


Science Global: Reconsidering the Social and Intellectual Implications of the International Polar and Geophysical Years. The AT50
symposium, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the signing of
the Antarctic Treaty will convene November 30-December 3,
2009 at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.
Polar environmental factors that make these ecosystems
unique are biological, geological, physical and sociological in
nature. Studies of Arctic-Antarctic marine faunal comparisons
and adaptations are receiving much interest. Research on carbon dioxide levels, temperatures, greenhouse gases, and climate
change centers on the polar regions because of their global
importance. Human impacts and their ethical and economic
considerations are integral to the conservation efforts of these
pristine ecosystems. Ocean circulation and heat release, sea level
rise and the extent of sea ice cover are topics that currently receive much attention due to their direct impacts on the climatic
effects on where human populations reside.
Scuba diving conducted by scientists places the trained scientific eye under water and provides research value and flexibility that unmanned systems often do not. Scientific diving is a
valuable research tool that has become an integral methodology
in the pursuit of scientific questions in extreme environments in
polar regions, in contaminated waters, and at depth.

The purpose of the project using scientific diving is the advancement of science. The tasks of a scientific diver are those
of an observer and data gatherer. Scientific divers, based on the
nature of their activities, must use scientific expertise in studying the underwater environment, and, therefore are scientists,
or scientists-in-training.
The establishment of the first scientific diving safety program occurred at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in 1951
with a two-fold purpose: a) a research support function that assists the diving scientist with specialized underwater equipment,
advice, and diver support, and b) a risk management function
that protects the safety and health of the individual scientist,
and the employing organization from excessive liability exposure. The following risk parameters are generally accepted for
scientific diving in extreme environments (adapted from Lowrance, 1976). The ultimate responsibility for safety rests with
the individual diver. Safety is the judgment of acceptability of
risk. Risk is a compound measure of probability and severity
of harm to human health. There are degrees of risk, therefore,
degrees of safety. Estimating risk is a scientific event (an objective and probabilistic pursuit) and accepting risk is a political
activity (a personal or social judgment). Nothing is absolutely
free of risk.
The International Polar Diving Workshop (Lang and Sayer,
2007) was convened March 15-21, 2007 at the Arctic Marine
Laboratory in Ny-lesund, Svalbard, resulting in recommendations on ice-diving equipment, cold water decompression, and

scientific ice diving operational procedures. The U.S. ice diving

experience is derived mainly from the National Science Foundations U.S. Antarctic Program Scientific Diving Program (Lang
and Robbins, 2007) whose activities since 1989 have averaged
annually 700 ice dives, 30 scientific divers, 41-minute dive
times and depths shallower than 40 m.

The shell drysuit is conceptually like a rain coat, it keeps
the diver dry and the undergarments provide warmth. The level
of insulation (unaffected by depth) can be adjusted for different
diving requirements and individual needs. The primary means
of passive thermal protection is by trapping and stabilizing a low
conductivity gas. The active heating options that exist are not a
replacement for a highly effective passive system for remote polar scientific diving operations because an infinite energy source
is not available on site that can deliver between 250-1000 W to
the diver. Free-flooding hot water suits require an infinite power source and, in general, water is not an optimal medium to
work with in - 40oC polar environments. Electrically heated and
liquid-heat transport garments also require energy sources that
are difficult to provide in extreme diving environments. A good
compromise may be the hybrid system, a high-efficiency passive system with supplemental heating of hands and feet. The
drysuit is configured to accept power penetrations and attached
gloves without wrist seals. Highly efficient passive insulation,
e.g., Thinsulate, incorporates the wiring harness. Electrically
heated glove and sock liners (50 W system with ground-fault
interrupter, screening and temperature control) are powered by
a compact Lithium battery.
Inadequate thermal protection in extreme environments
leads to progressive safety concerns including the distraction effect of cold, loss of dexterity, loss of cognitive functions, nonfreezing cold injuries, and ultimately life-threatening hypothermia. Moreover, respiratory heat loss is approximately 10% of
the divers metabolic rate, influenced by atmospheric composition, temperature, water vapor content, and ambient pressure.
Further heat loss comes from warming the gas and the addition
of water vapor. The inability to complete underwater and postdive tasks impacts upon scientific productivity. Stinton (2006)
considered matrix (undergarment) composition and selection
for polar diving, including low conductivity under hydrostatic
loads of 35 to 210 cmH2O (0.5 to 3.0 psi), effectiveness when
wet (hydrophobic characteristics) or immersed (flooded), conformity to the divers body, low conductivity to bulk ratio, materials, and construction costs. The divers hands and feet are
the factors limiting exposure time and efficiency in passive systems. Circulation to the hands can be improved by attaching
ZipGloves by DUI, Inc. without a wrist seal to the drysuit.
Medical examination gloves worn under insulation create a vapor barrier that keeps moisture out of the insulative matrix. Vapor barrier socks worn on the feet perform the same function.
The use of a gas interlayer to warm the hands by occasionally


positioning them high inflates the gloves and reduces the hydrostatic pressure on the hands. Twice the amount of insulation
covering the legs should be used for insulating the feet, without
impairing their circulation, and avoiding the use of tight fins.
Air has been the traditional drysuit inflation gas. The use
of Argon, with lower conductivity than air, as a suit inflation
gas has become very common in the technical diving community. However, its value has been debated following tests done
by Risberg and Hope (2001) whose results from skin and core
temperature monitoring during dives did not show a significant
difference between air and Argon. Weinberger (1989) reported
a 19% improvement in suit insulation using CO2. Argon and
CO2 have conductivities that are comparatively close relative to
air (Stinton, 2007). The difference in test results can possibly
be explained by Risberg and Hopes utilization of a 6-mm foam
neoprene drysuit with wooly bears with a large fraction of the
total insulation coming from the foam neoprene. The addition
of Argon into the drysuit would not change the intrinsic insulation of the foam and at 9 m of depth the foam still contributes
a major portion of the total suit/system insulation. Weinberg
used shell drysuits that had relatively little intrinsic insulation
with the majority provided by the undergarments. Argon or
possibly CO2 are not a fix for a poor insulation package. They
are a means to gain additional performance when there is no
more room in the drysuit for additional thermal layers. The effect of CO2 use in suits at deeper depths is not known.
Aerogel is perhaps the most promising matrix for future
thermal insulation. It is silica-based and the worlds lowest density solid (99.8% air, density 3 g/L, average particle size 2-5
nm). Current aerogel undergarment production challenges
are its encapsulated construction to control silica dust and the
5-fold increased cost over traditional insulation materials.



The effect of cold on DCS risk is not fully understood.

However, the diver should be kept warm throughout the dive
and during the immediate post-dive period external heat application and heavy lifting should be avoided (Mueller, 2007).
Being only slightly cold may have the same effect on bubble
grades as being severely hypothermic. Long-term health effects
for divers with a high proportion of cold water dives should be
considered in the future. The effect and timing of exercise has
recently been studied with implications for cold water diving as
a stress factor (Dujic et al., 2005, 2006; Gerriets et al., 2000;
Jankowski et al., 2004; Mekjavic et al., 2003; Ruterbusch et al.,
2004, 2005; Tetzlaff et al., 2001).
When scuba regulators are dived in very cold water, as under sea ice in polar regions, there is a chance that first or second
stage regulators will malfunction due to the accumulation of ice
in or around the regulator, yielding complete occlusion of air

flow, or massive free flow rapidly expending a divers air supply (Clarke, 2007). Both conditions are referred to as regulator
freeze-up. Most operational freeze-up problems in scientific
diving operations result in the second stage of regulators where
divers warm, moist exhalant breath induces ice crystal formation on the second stage air delivery valve. First stage regulator
problems are minimal until there is enough ice build-up that
mechanically interferes with the compression of an exposed
spring. Most first stages used for ice diving are environmentally
sealed (dry bleed or silicon sealed) or of a diaphragm versus
piston type, negating the freeze-up problem. Once the freeze-up
occurs, the air flow is shut off by closing one of the two redundant cylinder valves or sliding the isolation valve on the second
stage shut, and the dive is aborted.
Factors influencing regulator freeze-up are design (determined by the manufacturer), quality control (individual regulator), depth (due to increased gas density), mass flow (depth and
respiratory minute volume), time, and temperature. Configuration control is influenced by pressures of the market place,
resulting in scuba regulator models typically experiencing a
short half-life. Designing a regulator tolerant to freeze-up is
a black art for most manufacturers without field testing sites.
Even minor cosmetic model changes can affect freeze-up risk.
The USAP scientific diving program initially used double-hose
regulator until 1990. In 1991, single-hose Sherwood Maximus
SRB3600 regulators were introduced to the program with the
second stage modified with a heat retention plate and intermediate pressure lowered from 145 to 125 psi.
Full-face masks have been used successfully by the Norwegian Polar Institute (Hop and Pavlova, 2006) and the British
Antarctic Survey. Sayer et al. (2006) describes operation and
maintenance of full-face AGA masks with manual bail-out side
valve connected to a rear-mount pony cylinder. Robbins (2006)
cautions about the higher failure rate of full-face masks (AGA,
Heliox 18, and Superlite 17 helmets) in the -1.86oC waters of
McMurdo Sound, approximately 2oC colder than those of the
Arctic, Antarctic Peninsula, and perennially ice-covered lakes of
the Antarctic Dry Valleys.

Minimization of risk to all team members is a priority consideration. Contaminated water is defined as water that contains
any chemical, biological, or radioactive substance that poses a
chronic or acute health risk to exposed personnel. The contaminants can be of the following nature: chemical (hydrocarbons,
solvents, PCBs, heavy metals, tributyl-tin fluorides, pesticides,
oxidants); biological (sewage, bacterial pathogens, viruses, protozoans, microorganism toxins); or, radiological.
Contamination assessment is generally performed by local


health offices, Environmental Protection Agency, or state agencies that can usually provide information on potential contaminants in local bodies of water or beaches. Bacterial contamination and other common contaminants are routinely tested for
in any body of water in which people swim or drink from. Is the
contaminant in the water column, in the sediment, or on the
surface? Is the contaminant water soluble? Is the contaminant
toxic on contact, on ingestion, on inhalation or by proximity?
Are the potential effects acute, chronic or long term?
The identification of hazards should be based upon existing
scientific evidence, which can show a cause and effect relationship between making dives in contaminated water and serious
injury to the diver. The dose/response relationship would require that an objective decision be made as to the degree to
which different contaminants cause an observed effect. This
would normally involve a study of a population of scientific
divers and its known response to various exposures. We need to
know the likelihood of increased injury in the diving population that is produced by the hazard. The type of contaminants,
length of exposure and equipment used are all part of the dose
that must be evaluated. Risk is relative to a specific set of conditions. The analysis of potential public exposure will depend,
in part, on the potential damage or benefits of the practice of
contaminated water diving. It may also depend upon the effect
of a variety of intervening variables such as physiological fitness,
age, equipment, proper post-dive decontamination procedures
and many others which may have an effect on susceptibility to
contaminants. What is the specific nature of the calculated risk
that divers must accept if they choose to dive in contaminated
water? The description of the risk is then based upon the objective evaluation of the likelihood of the occurrence of undesirable side effects following a given dose of contaminated water
diving exposure. Usually, risks of 1 in 1,000,000 are considered acceptable for virtually any risk. Risks at the level of 1
in 100,000 are minimal but the severity of the injury becomes
an issue. Contaminated water diving risk assessment needs a
review of the actual number of exposures or the accurate size of
the population as well as the number and severity of the injuries
to make a reasonable assignment of risk. Without the denominator the attempts at assigning risk are speculative.
Category One

Highest Contamination (Level A protection): Grossly

contaminated with concentrated chemical or microbiological
contamination. Examples include heavy fuel slicks and sewage
operations. Divers should use full diving helmets with surfacesupplied air and communications, vulcanized rubber suits with
integrated helmet-mating collar and dry gloves with rings. The
helmet should be equipped with the double exhaust-valve assembly design for use in contaminated water. The helmet must
be used in the free-flow mode.

Category Two

Moderate Contamination (Level B protection): Increased

levels of both chemical and microbiological contamination are
expected. Divers may use a positive pressure full-face mask and
use it in the positive pressure mode. A block should be used for
emergency gas switching to bail out gas in the advent of primary
supply failure. A drysuit is required.
Category Three

Baseline Contamination (Level C protection): No expectation of contamination above baseline that is normal for human
habitation. This category represents what most dive teams and
other research divers will face during the normal course of events.
Divers should wear a positive pressure full-face mask to avoid
water contact with mucous membranes and mouth (unless water
analysis shows contact with the mouth is an acceptable risk) and
thermal protection appropriate for the diving conditions.
Category Four

No contamination (Level D protection): This includes situations where no contaminated sources are known or expected
such as offshore oceanic locations or drinking water reservoirs,
recreational swimming areas or areas where water quality is routinely checked and no contaminants are reported.
Potable water supplies or perennially ice-covered Antarctic
lakes can have other challenges in a reverse mode. Special training and equipment is often needed to safeguard these bodies of
water from diver- or equipment-introduced contaminants.
Dive plan considerations for risk management purposes include consideration of the following: contaminant information;
diver equipment suitability, monitoring, minimization of contact, method of decontamination, and emergency plan; tenders
handling and containment of contaminated items, method of
decontamination, personal protection equipment, and emergency plan; decontamination and quarantine; and, drysuit permeability, tensile strength and penetration resistance, ease of
donning and doffing, fit, thermal balance and heat stress (dehydration, body temperature, heart rate). Decontamination procedures are widely available from various sources, for example, the
U.S. Navy, Diving Unlimited International, National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Protection
Agency, or Federal Emergency Management Administration.
Special circumstances include rainfall runoff (increased
pollutants from farming; known point and nonpoint source
polluters should be checked); sediments (many lakes and commercial harbors have sediments with significantly higher levels
of contamination than the water column, e.g., polychlorinated
biphenyls and heavy metals); and, hazardous materials (areas


with gross fuel contamination, e.g., leaking ships, storage tanks

or aircraft recovery, or in areas with a high concentration of
creosote-soaked wood or anti-fouling paint).
Case 1 - Past: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Oil Spill Project

Marine environments are subject to man-made disasters.

The escape of 100 000 barrels of oil into the mangroves and
reefs of Bahia Las Minas (Caribbean) has had unexpectedly
prolonged effects (Jackson et al, 1989). Oil seeps into the sediments around mangroves and returns to coat the coral reefs year
after year as heavy rainfalls (exacerbated by the effects of deforestation) slowly wash it out. Injury, post-impact regeneration
and growth of corals have been assessed by scientific divers at
this oil spill site (Guzman et al, 1994). The skeletons of corals
record the history of acute disasters as well as chronic stresses.
X-ray analyses of corals done in response to the oil spill document a worrying decline in coral growth over the past century.
Oil pollution, nutrient pollution and sedimentation due to excessive run-off from deforested areas are extreme coral stressors.
Multiple stressors have a combinatorial effect on an otherwise
resilient system, e.g., Galeta Point, Panama (Jackson, et al.,
1989; Keller and Jackson, 1993; Guzman et al., 1994).
Case 2 - Present: U.S. Antarctic Program (USAP)
Benthic Pollution Studies

Several benthic pollution studies were initiated in 1992 in

the contaminated water of Winter Quarters Bay and around the
McMurdo outfall (Conlan et al., 2004). Initial sampling was
done by USAP commercial divers who were working at McMurdo Station. Scientific divers, anxious to see the study site
and use the diving mode began diving with the commercial divers to complete the sampling requirements. All diving was done
with program-supplied commercial diving equipment (Robbins,
2006). The two-day training program includes a minimum of
two familiarization dives under direct supervision of the USAP
Dive Supervisor. Hands-on briefings with the Scientific Diving
Coordinator cover system set-up, introduction/familiarization
with bandmask/helmet, out-of-air emergencies, tether management, line pull signals, free-flow procedures, equalization, defogging, decompression requirements, and tending the surfacesupplied diver.
A three-person crew is the minimum personnel requirement for USAP surface-supplied diving. The positions include
a supervisor/tender, a diver, and a suited standby diver. The
standby diver can use either scuba or surface supply.
In addition to contaminated water operations, surface-supplied diving has found other niches in the USAP diving repertoire. Surface-supplied diving is now the exclusive mode used by
USAP divers operating in the Dry Valley Lakes. Environmental

protocols mandate the use of solo divers to minimize disruption of lake haloclines. Safety concerns demand that solo divers
using relatively unreliable band- or full-face masks be provided
with a large supply of breathing gas. USAP experience with
EXO-26 masks has been 11 free-flows in 106 dives (10.4% failure rate). AGA masks have had 2 free-flows in 26 dives (7.7%
failure rate). These data come from dives in the Dry Valley Lakes
where water temperatures range between 0C and 2C. It is assumed that failure rate would be even higher in -1.8C water of
McMurdo Sound. Specific failure rates for either the Heliox-18
or Superlite-17 helmets cannot be extracted from the USAP database, although it is felt to be similar to the full-face masks.
Surface-supplied diving is used when workloads demand
higher respiration rates than can be supplied by scuba. Another
current benthic pollution study requires coring in an area of
frozen sediment. At other sites for this study, a large number of
cores are required at 40 m. The ability to work fast, with inherently high respiration rates, results in a reduction of the number
of dives required to complete this sampling.
Since 2001, 459 surface-supplied dives have been logged
by 32 surface-supplied divers. The DUI TLS350 or RS1050
drysuits or Trelleborg Viking Pro or HD vulcanized rubber drysuits work better in extremely cold environments because they
do not freeze in the air.
Case 3 - Future: Smithsonian Environmental Research
Center Invasive Species Project

Established in 1997 pursuant to the National Invasive Species Act of 1996, the National Ballast Information Clearinghouse (NBIC) is a joint program of SERC and the U.S. Coast
Guard that collects, analyzes, and interprets data on the ballast
water management practices of commercial ships that operate
in U.S. waters. The principal goals are to quantify the amounts
and origins of ballast water discharged in U.S. coastal systems
and to determine the degree to which such water has undergone open-ocean exchange or alternative treatments designed
to reduce the likelihood of ballast-mediated invasions by exotic
The World Conservation Union (IUCN) established generally accepted distinct bioregions of the world. Organisms have
been transferred among bioregion boundaries with economic
damage and environmental impacts as a result. Hull fouling and
ballast water act as invasive species vectors requiring sampling
in select harbors and ports at locations such as Oakland-San
Francisco Bay, Prince William Sound, Chesapeake Bay, and
Tampa Bay by scientific divers, commercial divers and remotely
operated vehicles (ROVs).


A majority of the marine ecosystem habitats of interest are
located in waters of up to 130 m depth, which roughly corresponds to the continental shelf and the photic zone. The


Advanced Scientific Diving Workshop (Lang and Smith, 2006)

examined the existing technologies (open-circuit mixed gas,
closed- and semi-closed circuit rebreathers, habitats and fly-away
saturation systems, bell diving, and surface-supplied mixed gas)
with the goal of establishing a robust capability for governmentagency sponsored (non-military) scientific divers to once again
work at depths of up to 90 m through a phased approach. Safety
concerns have gradually eroded this depth limit to what has become a 60 m operational compressed air window for scientific
diving, as published by the Department of Labor Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in 1982 and 1985
(29 CFR 1910). OSHA does not regulate the scientific diving
community with regard to technology, which provides us with
the operational flexibility to employ mixed gases in our research
methodology to meet the Nations marine science needs.
Reliable commercial diving technology exists to reach these
depths, but is not routinely employed by the scientific community. Training a competent scientific diver in surface-supplied
mixed gas diving, where the dive, gas mix, depths, bottom times,
voice communication, and decompression are controlled from
the surface would appear to be the simplest method of choice.
The limitations of diving on a hose under these constraints do
not seem to outweigh the advantages of immediate access to 90
m depth. The sparsely explored depths between 60 and 100 m
are reflected in our incomplete knowledge of contributions of
deep coral reefs to shallow-reef systems and the infrequent discovery of cryptic and deep-water species that are new to science.
Attempts at introducing rebreathers into mainstream scientific diving programs have met with inertia and significant safety
concerns due to issues of reliability, availability, time investment
in training, and proficiency requirements. The workshop focus
was therefore not on rebreathers per se, as they have received
much attention through numerous venues over the last 15 years
and should continue to evolve on a parallel track. Rather, deliberations emphasized a scientific diving capability to conduct
research between 60 and 90 m by evaluating a re-expansion of
the scientific diving envelope through mixed gas and surfacesupplied techniques.
I wish to thank John Scott Haldane, Alf Brubakk of the
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the Smithsonian Office of the Under Secretary for Science, Bob Stinton
and Dick Long of Diving Unlimited International, Inc., John
Clarke of the U.S. Navy Experimental Diving Unit, Rob Robbins of Raytheon Polar Services, NEDU, the National Science
Foundation Office of Polar Programs, and Martin Sayer of the
NERC National Facility for Scientific Diving.

Clarke, J.R. 2007. Scuba regulators for use in cold water: the U.S. Navy
perspective. In Lang, M.A. and M.D.J. Sayer (eds.) 2007. Proceedings

of the International Polar Diving Workshop. Svalbard, March 1521,

2007. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution, pp. 3544.
Conlan, K.E., S.L. Kim, H.S. Lenihan, and J.S. Oliver. 2004. Benthic
changes during 10 years of organic enrichment by McMurdo Station,
Antarctica. Marine Pollution Bulletin 49:4360.
Dujic, Z., I. Palada, A. Obad, D. Duplancic, D. Bakovic, and Z. Valic.
2005. Exercise during a 3-min decompression stop reduces postdive venous gas bubbles. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
Dujic, Z., A. Obad, I. Palada, V. Ivancev and Z. Valic. 2006. Venous bubble count declines during strenuous exercise after an open sea dive to
30 m. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 77(6):592596.
Gerriets, T., K. Tetzlaff, T. Liceni, C. Schafer, B. Rosengarten, G. Kopiske,
C. Algermissen, N. Struck, and M. Kaps. 2000. Arteriovenous bubbles following cold water sport dives: relation to right-to-left shunting. Neurology 55(11):17411743.
Guzman, H.M., K.A. Burns, and J.B.C. Jackson. 1994. Injury, regeneration and growth of Caribbean reef corals after a major oil spill in
Panama. Marine Ecology Progress Series 105:231241.
Jackson, J.B.C., J.D. Cubit, B.C. Keller, V. Batista, K. Burns, H.M. Caffey,
R.L. Caldwell, S.D. Garrity, C.D. Getter, C. Gonzalez, H.M. Guzman, K.W. Kaufmann, A.H. Knap, S.C. Levings, M.F. Marshal, R.
Steger, R.C. Thompson, and E. Weil. 1989. Ecological effects of a
major oil spill on Panamanian coastal marine communities. Science
Jankowski, L.W., P. Tikuisis, and R.Y. Nishi. 2004. Exercise effects during
diving and decompression on postdive venous gas emboli. Aviation
Space and Environmental Medicine 75(6):489495.
Hop, H. and O. Pavlova. 2006. Ice amphipods in drifting sea ice around
Svalbard: quantitative collections by scuba divers. In Lang, M.A. and
M.D.J. Sayer (eds.) 2007. Proceedings of the International Polar Diving
Workshop. Svalbard, March 1521, 2007. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution, pp. 181186.
Keller, B.D. and J.B.C. Jackson (eds.) 1993. Long-term assessment of the
Oil Spill at Baha Las Minas, Panama Synthesis Report. New Orleans:
OCS Study MMS 93-0047. U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional Office.
Lang, M.A. and N.E. Smith (eds.) 2006. Proceedings of the Advanced Scientific Diving Workshop. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution.
Lang, M.A. and M.D.J. Sayer (eds.) 2007. Proceedings of the International
Polar Diving Workshop. Svalbard, March 1521, 2007. Washington,
DC: Smithsonian Institution.
Lowrance, W.W. 1976. Of Acceptable Risk: Science and the Determination of
Safety. Los Altos, California: W. Kaufmann.
Lang, M.A. and R. Robbins. 2007. USAP Scientific Diving Program. In
Lang, M.A. and M.D.J. Sayer (eds.) 2007. Proceedings of the International Polar Diving Workshop. Svalbard, March 1521, 2007. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution. pp. 133155.
Mekjavic, I.B., M.J. Tipton, and O. Eiken. 2003. Thermal Considerations
in Diving. In Brubakk, A.O. and T.S. Neuman, eds., Bennett and Elliotts Physiology and Medicine of Diving, 5th Edition. London: Elsevier
Science Ltd.
Mueller, P.H.J. 2007. Cold stress as DCS factor. In Lang, M.A. and M.D.J.
Sayer (eds). Proceedings of the International Polar Diving Workshop.
Svalbard, March 1521, 2007. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution. pp. 6372.
OSHA, U.S. Department of Labor. 1982. Commercial Diving Standards.
29 Code of Federal Regulations Ch. XVII Subpart T 1910.401 and
Appendix B to Subpart T - Guidelines for Scientific Diving (1985),
Washington, DC.
Risberg, J. and A. Hope. 2001. Thermal insulation properties of argon
used as a dry suit inf lation gas. Journal of Undersea and Hyperbaric
Medicine 28(3):137143.
Robbins, R. 2006. USAP surface-supplied diving. In Lang, M.A. and N.E.
Smith (eds.) Proceedings of the Advanced Scientific Diving Workshop.


Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution. pp. 187191.

Ruterbusch, V.L., W.A. Gerth, and E.T. Long. 2004. Diver thermal status
as a risk factor for decompression sickness (DCS). Journal of Undersea
and Hyperbaric Medicine 31(3):95.
Ruterbusch, V.L., W.A. Gerth, and E.T. Long. 2005. Benefits of warm decompression can be realized with hot water suits. Journal of Undersea
and Hyperbaric Medicine 32(4):33.
Sayer, M.D.J., K.P. Fraser, T.M. Shimmield and J.P. Wilkinson. 2006.
Under sea ice diving operations carried out by UK organizations in
support of scientific research. In Lang, M.A. and M.D.J. Sayer (eds.)
2007. Proceedings of the International Polar Diving Workshop. Svalbard, March 1521, 2007. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution. pp. 95110.

Stinton, R.T. 2007. A review of diver thermal protection strategies for polar
diving: present and future. In Lang, M.A. and M.D.J. Sayer (eds).
Proceedings of the International Polar Diving Workshop. Svalbard,
March 1521, 2007. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution. pp.
Tetzlaff, K., L. Friege, A. Koch, L. Heine, B. Neubauer, N. Struck, and
T.S. Mutzbauer. 2001. Effects of ambient cold and depth on lung
function in humans after a single scuba dive. European Journal of Applied Physiology 85(12):125129.
Weinberg, R.P. 1992. Alternate drysuit inf lation gas for improved thermal
insulation. In R. Nishi (ed.) Proceedings of the DCIEM Diver Thermal
Protection Workshop. Toronto: DCIEM. pp. 4143.

Creativity and Improvisation As

Phenomena and Acting Potential
in Different Contexts
Bjrn Alterhaug

ABSTRACT. This paper focuses on creativity and improvisation; how these phenomena and acting
strategies in real time seem to create optimal conditions for innovative activity. As such, they represent supplementary and alternative ways of acting, learning and organising in different contexts.
Thats my way of preparation to not be prepared. And that
takes a lot of preparation!
Lee Konitz


Department of Music, Norwegian University of

Science and Technology, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway.

t the Haldane Symposium, my colleague and jazz musician John Pl Inderberg

and I were asked to play and give a talk on jazz improvisation. In 1908, J.S. Haldane and co-workers published their paper The prevention of compressed-airillness that has formed the basis of modern decompression procedures. One century
later it was time for a symposium in Trondheim, Norway, December 18-19, 2008. The
title of our presentation was: Improvisation: Between Panic and Boredom. For us to talk
to international researchers on diving seemed a little strange, what has jazz improvisation to do with diving?
However, reactions to our performance and presentation, which mainly consisted
of jazz music sounding from a baritone sax and a double bass supplemented with comments, were very positive. At certain points it seemed that there might be links between
these two seemingly rather separate areas, diving and improvisation. For example, blowing and breathing through a baritone sax has certain similarities with breathing through
a diving apparatus. Kinra and Okasha (1999) published on the risk for health damage
and illness due to exertion of blowing a jazz saxophone titled Unsafe sax: cohort study of
the impact of too much sax on the mortality of famous jazz musicians. A depressing title for
my fellow sax playing musician! Our hypothesis that improvisation has a constructive
and fruitful acting potential on all kinds of human behavior was still encouraged by this
thin thread between these areas.
Per request of the Symposium Convener, Alf O. Brubakk, to write about creativity
and improvisation as part of the Haldane Symposium proceedings, I accepted to give a
try to his request. Parts of this writing are based on my article: Improvisation on a Triple
Theme (Alterhaug, 2004).
At the Symposium we started our presentation by playing a standard jazz tune,
titled Whisper Not by Benny Golson. We then commented on how we, in the course
of performance, created new melodies, rhythms and variants of harmonies on this tunes
structure: the balance between structure and flexibility. Related to this explanation we


told the following story, which was told to us June 19, 2003 at
a seminar in Trondheim arranged by Sintef Industrial Management, Safety and Reliability, where saxophonist John Pl Inderberg and I presented a paper.
A manager of the deep-sea diving section on a North Sea oil
platform spoke about his experiences with training deep-sea divers in emergency situations. The managers tried to give the divers
highly detailed and exact written instructions for how to react in
dangerous situations. However, when the divers strictly followed
the instructions in dangerous situations, they concentrated on
the prescribed rules so much that they forgot to use their own
imagination and creativity to solve this complex situation. The
result was critically dangerous and they needed outside help to
save their lives. The instructions were then reformulated to just
a few fundamental points, which were easy to remember, and
which gave a better balance between structure and flexibility. In
other words, the divers were given the opportunity to improvise
on internalised knowledge, trusting their inborn capacities. This
meant that they could keep calm and did not panic; accordingly,
they handled the most complex situation in an adequate way
through improvising.

This short story brings to the fore the importance of creativity and improvisation as an important acting potential in
real time situations. In the following text examples are presented
and an argument made for a better understanding and significance of these Latin-derived words that are often interpreted in
many ways, often far from their etymological meaning. Before
approaching these words more in detail, I will briefly mention
some personal experiences, which refer to a more or less confusing understanding of improvisation.
The word improvisation is generally used with a negative
connotation: a kind of accidental acting without planning,
which often leads to incomplete and bad solutions. In the musical contexts that jazz improvisation has, improvisation has often
been characterised by the uninitiated as chaotic, without structure, meaningless. As a young jazz musician I was asked by an
elder relative of mine during a concert: Bjrn, couldnt your
band please play a tune that you all know. The improvised
melodies sounded that unfamiliar and strange to my relative,
that he thought we just played occasional, strange melodies at
the same time, which we were actually doing. But, these melody
lines were interconnected through an underlying structure. A
structure organised by a common-rhythm feel that gave the individual musician freedom, space and time to express himself in
the collective, where the interactional conditions on the spot
enhanced the creative and improvisational forces.
During many years as a jazz musician and academic I have
met a lot of strange and confusing questions, especially on the
meaning of the word improvisation. Undoubtedly, there is
need for some clarification. This paper aims to bring to light
some aspects connected to the word and phenomenon improvisation in music and other contexts. I will also argue that insight
and knowledge on creativity and improvisation might open up
alternative ways of acting learning and organising.


Creativity is derived from the Latin word creare, to create, and as such it is closely related to improvisation. Even if
these two words seem to represent the same meaning, and often
are used by chance, there is a distinction that may be useful to
figure out (Jrgensen, 2009). Creativity is a solution-oriented
and innovative development process where there is an exchange
between exploration, reflection and new exploration. The exploration part does not necessarily have to be of a practical kind,
and might be a combination of practice and reconsiderations;
a circular circuit of idea-acting consequence. Creativity is understood as a slow-floating improvisation, a process based on
knowledge, proficiency and reflection over time. This creates
the platform for the in-the moment-innovation, what apparently happens in a magical way by creative persons.
Improvisation may be described as immediate action,
where there is no time for reflections in the moment, yet action
based on deep internalized knowledge, proficiency, and creativity. Improvisation is the creativity manifested in the moments
invention. In interactive acting situations, improvisation has
to, in order to benefit a common goal, unfold in a proficient
collective that shares the creative capacity; the members of the
spirit of the community have to be on the same wavelength in
order to interact-improvise together on the spot. Trust, security,
tolerance, and humor are important keywords in this kind of
An example of positive effects due to creativity and improvisation is the U.S. Airways Captain and his crew who in January
2009 were forced to land an airplane on the Hudson River because of a bird strike that damaged the engines. This emergency
situation was solved elegantly due to a high state of readiness,
internalised skills, and practice. The pilot and the crew had been
trained and prepared for different emergency situations, but
likely not for this very special situation. However, all kinds of
emergency actions and procedures had been rehearsed repeatedly
in simulators and in other contexts. When this dangerous situation occurred, the crew was mentally and physically prepared;
the procedures and necessary actions for this situation were performed automatically. Creativity and improvisation were coordinated on the spur of the moment, a superb combination for
solving unexpected situations. There was obviously no time to
look in the manual and find written procedures to solve this unexpected and dramatic situation, which was totally unforeseen.
Is it possible to be prepared for the unexpected, the unforeseen,
and if so, how? These will be the main questions to be considered. Improvisation - and jazz improvisation especially - will be
used as a metaphor for a further exploration of this topic.


The different usages of improvisation in daily speech often cause confusion when improvisation as a concept and


phenomenon is discussed. Among very different meanings,

there seem to be two main meanings of the word: 1) Improvisation as emergency actions (e.g., the plans failed so I had to
improvise). This statement presupposes that human action is
normally based on following rules and instructions; and, 2)
Improvisation based on a high state of readiness, internalised
skills and practice, a first-rate way of acting. This meaning is
based on another important concept, tacitly knowing. During
our adolescence, we develop a kind of readiness for whatever
may happen. This readiness is acquired mainly through direct
involvement in various problem-solving situations, and this
type of knowledge is mediated via bodily experiences and alert
awareness. Readiness is crucial when acting in real-time turbulent and chaotic surroundings. In this paper improvisation is
understood in accordance with the second meaning.
All human beings, whatever their background, have creative
potential. It is therefore necessary to emphasize that creativity
and improvisation are human features of a general character,
which we may recognise as easily in a masterpiece as in everyday activities. Creativity has through history been of decisive
importance for mans ability to survive, e.g., when inventing
new tools and adopting new approaches and perspectives. Even
though the word improvisation was not used in a musical context until approximately 1850, improvisation has a long history.
In antiquity, we find it as an important part of rhetoric training
and in the field of music. In Western music history; we know
that medieval music was mostly improvisational and that leading composers such as Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, and Chopin
were great improvisers.
The Latin improvisus means unforeseen or on the spur
of the moment. The root of the word improvisation is the
Latin word for see. Visus is something which has been seen,
while pro means before, in advance, etc. Provisus does not exist
as a separate word in Latin, but it would have had the meaning something which has been seen in advance. The prefix
im- is negative, yielding the meaning something which has not
been seen in advance. From improvisus, which gradually got the
meaning unforeseen or unexpected, surprising, Italian has
formed a verb improvisare, to do something without preparation, solve an unexpected situation, and the noun improvisation
is derived from this verb (Gunhild Vidn, pers. comm.).

Another Latin term was extempore actio, which originally
meant acting outside time outside the normal flow of time,
which could be related to the term experienced time (Bergson,
1990). Other definitions of improvisation are discussed below.
Ancient Greek and Roman performance culture was mainly oral,
and we see parallels to many music cultures of today, e.g., folk
music, jazz, and popular music. This ancient literacy was both a
tool and basis for oral communication. In Athens, approximately 500 BC, there were annual organised recitals that lasted for

many days. The Greeks grew up with the epic poems such as the
Iliad and the Odyssey. However, they did not read them, they
listened to them. This is an illustration of the importance of the
aural aspect and recitation/learning by heart as crucial elements
of improvisation, irrespective of historical period.
Plato calls the art of poetry the art which the ear can
perceive, and uses the expression hearing something from a
book. The Roman Quintillian (35-100 AD) says the following
about making a good speech: to be free to improvise, you have
to know the speech so well that you do not feel restricted by it
(Andersen, 1995).
Proficiency as an improviser in rhetoric contexts, according
to the old sources, is due to two factors: natural predisposition
and practice, i.e., talent and training. The former is regarded as
the most important, but the ability to improvise is also a matter of practising and one can find a lot of explicit advice and
instructions for the improviser concerning memory techniques
and elements that influence the performance, including voice,
face, body, ear and rhythm (Andersen, 1995). Even pressure to
deliver and nervousness are treated in this connection. For instance, Crassus said: if not even the most proficient and relaxed speakers go to work with a certain anxiety and are moved
by nervousness when they start to speak, well, then they are lost
to all sense of shame. This focuses the very important role of
emotion, state of mind, and mood in performance situations.
From ancient times until today, we find improvisation in every
known musical culture, even if there is a great variation in how
it is handled in the different traditions.


In the beginning of the 20th century, New Orleans became
the center for the development of a new musical expression: jazz.
Improvisation reappeared in this music in a way that proved to be
of vital importance and influence for all kinds of music throughout the century. Of all the musical forms to emerge during the
twentieth century, jazz was by far the most significant (Shipton,
2001). Jazz has a relatively short history. The first references to it
come from the West Coast of America, where the San Francisco
Bulletin of March 1913 used the term to describe a dance music
full of vigor and pep (Shipton, 2001). A definition of this expression has since caused many discussions and even today there
is no final conclusion, which should be looked upon as a healthy
state and evidence for a vital cultural expression.
The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz definition is as follows:
A music created mainly by black Americans in the early 20th
century through the amalgamation of elements drawn from
European-American and tribal African music. This rather open
definition recognises thaton the whole, ethnicity provides a
core, a centre of gravity for the narrative of jazz, and is one element that unites the several different kinds of narratives in use
today (DeVeaux, 1991).
With the emergence of jazz in the first part of the 20th
century, improvisation gradually found its place on the musical


scene and in recent years seems to generate interest within different fields of research. Jazz has spread all over the world, and
today we can describe jazz as global music. One of the main
causes for this relatively fast dispersion is to be found in the
African elements of jazz: African ways of behavior with respect
to life and music are closely interwoven. The expression African
ways should not be conceived as if the African is something unambiguous or homogenous. The African refers to heterogeneous
practices, but fundamental to these ways of communicating is
the inclusive, interactive, dialogic aspect; where the actor or
musician is the message (Sidran, 1981). In the combination of
singing, dancing and drumming there is a celebration of life
which has many layers of tacit knowledge, experience, religion
and joy. In every such performance and meeting it seems very
important to bring forth personal, individual voices; inviting
others to make their contribution and to be open to all directions and possibilities such dialogues and interactions may take.
Behind these actions and activities, communities of practice full
of joy and sorrow, there is a deep feeling of belonging to a collective of local identity where nature plays a decisive part.
This rather generalised description and essentialism need
some remarks. In the postcolonial period, parts of Africa have
been saddled with poverty and deep conflicts between tribes and
regions, a gloomy fact that strongly contradicts my idealisation of
African ways of acting. These human, political, social and global
urgent and complex questions are part of this paper; however,
these questions are not discussed here. The main focus of this paper is particular aspects of African ways of acting which I have experienced in different musical settings, e.g., in West African traditions and in the interplay with African-American jazz musicians,
these aspects provide a valuable contribution to the discussion and
discourses on interaction and communication in a global world.

In his book No Future without Forgiveness, the Reverend
Desmond Tutu talks about a South-African term ubuntu, which
means, to be a human being. All human relations that are imprinted of mutual respect, dignity, and community are terms or
expressions for ubuntu. Ubuntu-Botho means the art or virtue
of being a human creature. We are born to live in a subtle network of mutual dependence. I am only a human being through
another you. We say A person is a person through other persons. It is not, I think, therefore I am. It says rather: I am
human because I belong. I participate, I share (Tutu, 1999).
This view of the world or humanism represents a universal
ubuntu that includes all people irrespective of race, sex, ethnicity, political, cultural and/or religious belonging. As the Reverend Tutu said: We are all born different, like a rainbow. A
rainbow is a rainbow just because the colours are different. The
different colours come together, and then we get a rainbow.
The influence of African ways then seems to represent a potential for action that may be looked upon as an alternative
modernism: celebration of the unpredictable, improvisational,

unforeseen, rooted in tradition and internalised knowledge

and experience combined with training to act on the spot.
The risk of a romanticisation of African ways is clearly present in such pompous pronouncements, but as an alternative to
over 200 years of Western rationality, time has come to develop
conceptual frameworks grounded on alternatives: interaction,
emotions, social creativity and internalised, tacit knowledge,
and Africa offers a rich source for such a framework.


The African-American art form jazz, jazz improvisation
may be placed philosophically in a tradition that radically contradicts central parts of Western rationalist thinking: a static,
mechanistic worldview rooted in the immovable world of Ideas
of Plato. In this respect jazz may be linked to the thinking of
the French philosopher Henri Bergson and the American pragmatists of the early 1900s. Flexibility and process are focused,
life is considered as a stream of movements and changes, processes and tendencies that cross and intermingle, the complex.
Consciousness and rationality are in this thinking constituted
through creative action, often compared to an ecosystem.
The Norwegian ecophilosopher Sigmund Kvaly Setreng
has, with reference to Bergsons process philosophy, developed a
pedagogic model to elucidate the difference between European
traditional system thinking and a philosophy grounded in process thinking. Setreng (2001) uses the concepts complicated
and complex. The complicated may be compared with a machine based on reversibility, a closed system controlled from a
center. The symphony orchestras hierarchical structure is used
as a metaphor for this form of organising, the complicated. As a
contrast, he uses the complex, which is open and irreversible selforganising grounded in interaction, comparable to an ecosystem. Here the jazz combo, a small group of two to six members,
is used as an illustration of complexity. Of course one can also
find hierarchical structures in strictly organised jazz big bands
with 18-20 members and more. Setreng underlines that his
models are simplified ideal types, used to illustrate a basic difference in organisational thinking, representative of two different
cultures (Setreng, 2002). Setrengs thinking seems to have parallels to Edgar Morins concept: self-eco-re-organisation, suggesting that the nature of the organisation changes as well and that
it is an ongoing process of self-renewal that always happens in a
context, in an environment, never in isolation or abstraction. No
self without an eco. No text without context (Montuori, 2003).

Academic research on creativity during the 20th century
has mainly concentrated on the individual, and it has often
been based on a Western, modernistic understanding with emphasis on objectivity, rationality, order and theory. The traditional goals of Western universities have been on a theoretical


understanding of the world. Practical knowledge traditions,

with their background in what people do in the world, have
received little attention, as practice is regarded as less important
than theoretical issues. Nearly all knowledge and searching for
the truth is grounded in traditional systems thinking: logicalrational thinking expressed in a technical language.
The subjective, emotional, accidental and tacit knowledge
have had almost no space within this hierarchic, hegemonic paradigm, which in a context of art often is grounded on a geniusaesthetic alien to most cultures outside the Western world. (See
e.g., Encyclopaedia of Psychology, 2000, Vol. 2, p. 339The
musical idea has to be written down and orchestrated). This
way of conceiving the world is mainly rooted in the metaphysics
of antiquity: inflexibility regarded as synonymous with absoluteness and perfection, a world view that has contributed to a
static understanding of reality in which control and prediction,
in human interrelationships too, have had the highest priority,
expressed in quite simple, mechanistic models.
Within musicology one would expect that studies of ethnic
music cultures should lead to new and extensive research on creativity, but research on this topic appears to be marginal. At the
end of the last millennium, certain endeavours to do research
within this field could be seen. However, it is remarkable that
new, innovative research, based on impulses from, in this case
jazz improvisation, occurs quite often within disciplines such
as organisational theory, economy, business, social science and
psychology, and now also diving, but only haphazardly within


Berliners (1994) book, Thinking in Jazz, has been of vital
importance for understanding the jazz culture and has inspired
different writers to use jazz improvisation as a metaphor for
knowledge, innovation, and creativity in organisational connections (Barrett, 2002; Hatch, 2002; Weick, 2002). However,
when using the jazz metaphor, one has to be aware of the fact
that jazz has changed through the years and that the metaphor
has to be used carefully as the difference between for example
Swing Jazz from the 1930s and Free Jazz from the 1960s is essential. However, in spite of differences, one element has been
central through the whole jazz tradition, i.e., improvisation.


Bailey (1980) stated:
The word improvisation is actually very little used by improvising
musicians. Idiomatic improvisers, in describing what they do, use
the name of the idiom. They play flamenco or play jazz; some
refer to what they do as just playing. There is a noticeable reluctance to use the word and some improvisers express a positive dislike for it. I think this is due to its widely accepted connotations,
which imply that improvisation is something without preparation

and without consideration, a completely ad hoc activity, frivolous

and inconsequential, lacking in design and method. And they object to that implication because they know from their own experience that it is untrue. They know that there is no musical activity
that requires greater skills and devotion, preparation, training and
commitment. And so they resent the word, which in some places
has become almost a term of abuse. They recognise that, as it is
generally understood, it completely misrepresents the depth and
complexity of their work. But I have chosen to retain that term
throughout this book; firstly because I dont know of any other
which could effectively replace it, and secondly because I hope
that we, the other contributors and myself, might be able to redefine it.

One of the most common myths concerning improvisation

is the romantic one. The improvising jazz musician is the incarnation of God; improvisation is a supernatural phenomenon, a
privileged gift of the chosen few. When we talk about improvisation on a high artistic level, it may be correct to speak of a
special talent, which not all of us are in possession of. But there
is one thing that both the specially gifted people and others that
deal with jazz improvisation have in common: hard work, the
long and demanding way to achieve an instrumental standard
and personal strength that justifies the power of intuition.
There are various definitions of improvisation. Dictionaries
give us such definitions as a performance according to the inventive whim of the moment or to perform without preparation. Improvisation is here confined to the first usage of the
term mentioned at the beginning: improvisation seen almost as
an inferior, second-hand solution. But the second mentioned
usage, the one relevant for jazz, is something quite different.
That activity requires thorough preparation, both mentally and
with respect to skills that have to be internalized, which means
that the performer is prepared to handle the unexpected, to
handle an error as a new creative challenge, breaking with habitual patterns. All professional jazz musicians know that playing jazz, improvising, means to strive hard to obtain the ideal
state, the golden moments, these ecstatic heights in musical
interaction that are the main reason why we play. But as we all
know, unfortunately these great moments really happen all too
seldom. However, behind this motivation and intentionality to
reach this peak performance, there has to be an existential
Besides these elements, it is crucial that there is a good balance between challenges and skills. If this balance is not optimal,
the musicians will either feel bored or anxious, the musicians
potential for interaction weakened, and this will have a negative
impact on the ensemble play. When this balance is optimal, the
musicians will feel good and in this aesthetics of presence,
they are in a state often referred to as flow. Musicians describe
this state as being played, only observing that the fingers are
playing their instrument. As such the performers condition will
be a kind of constructive uncertainty and confusion, being in
a transcendental state. This seems close to social psychologist
Mihaly Csikscentmihalyis description of the flow concept:


Flow denotes the holistic sensation present when we act with total
involvement.... It is the state in which action follows upon action
according to an internal logic, which seems to need no conscious
intervention on our part. We experience it as a unified flowing
from one moment to the next, in which we feel in control of our
actions, and in which there is little distinction between self and
environment, between stimulus and response, or between past,
present and future (Csikscentmihalyi, 1975).

When jazz musicians are asked to define improvisation,

they often answer as Bailey mentioned, I am just playing, or
they try to find metaphoric terms, as did composer, arranger
and trumpeter Thad Jones in an interview:
Here the aesthetics of presence hold unrestrictedly. You give yourself up, surrender without ulterior motives; egoism and spirit of
competition yield for generosity, presence and interdependence.
One develops a presence that is like telepathic intuition during
such moments, improvisation is like the language that develops
between two loving partners and that usually is called eroticism
(Oversand, 1987).

It is tempting to link Jones poetic description of improvisation

to the old Sanskrit word lla, meaning divine play, the play of
creation, destruction and recreation, the folding and unfolding
of the cosmos. Lla, free and deep, is both the delight and enjoyment of this moment, and the play of God. It also means love
(Nachmanovitch, 1990).
As we see, to find adequate descriptions or definitions of
this transient phenomenon in scientific linguistic terms is difficult, which underlines the complexity of interactions in the
course of performance. However, among the many different
definitions, I find Paul Berliners definitions on jazz improvisation particularly fruitful in this context:
Improvisation involves reworking pre-composed material and designs in relation to unanticipated ideas conceived, shaped, and
transformed under the special conditions of performance, thereby
adding unique features to every creation (Berliner, 1994).

This definition recognises that successful, creative improvisation

is dependent on preparation and training as fundamental factors to spontaneous and intuitive action.


Even if we in the last decade can find quite a lot of literature on improvisation outside the field of music, the necessity
of improvisation seems rarely recognised in different organisational contexts: industry, management, education, etc., probably because these activities are mainly grounded on a reliance
of linearity and traditional systems thinking. When regular
planning breaks down, and solutions on the spot are needed,
this way of acting (improvising) is often regarded as a sign of
failure, called emergency solutions or fire fighting, followed
by a cry for new and more detailed plans which often results in

a lot of newly written, detailed, complicated instructions and

bureaucratic procedures. The human potentiality for spontaneous creativity under such circumstances is seldom fully put into
action because we, in most Western societies, are trained to follow rules and prescriptions for most of our actions, and therefore our natural creative capacity for finding the best solution in
complex situations remains unused.
The ability to find local solutions on the spot is, as mentioned, officially rarely accepted in work life. On the contrary,
there is a tendency to regard improvisational activities as unfair and as a rupture of the activities canonised, official administration system. Indeed, in socialist countries Jazz was often
suppressed because it pointed to individualism and freedom.
To solve problems and local challenges that continually emerge
during a working day, the employees that are closest to the
problems then have to improvise off the cuff by making use
of their tacit knowledge. Thus, improvisation is regarded as a
temporary expedient, something risky and dangerous in human
activity and accordingly a practice and activity that should be
avoided. The status of improvisation is evaluated to be very low
and this outlook on improvisation obviously has not inspired
research activities related to this vital topic.
Among the primary goals of this paper is to acknowledge
prepared improvisational activity as a crucial and inevitable activity in different contexts that demand training and practice,
for example in a small group of musicians. The aspects of interaction we can observe in a jazz group seem to be fruitful for
finding metaphors that can be used to illustrate ways of improvisation in other contexts.

The relatively new field of organisational improvisation
is concerned with the pressures on organisations to react continually to todays ever-changing environment. We often find
questions as What can organisations learn from jazz? Barrett
(2002) offered seven features that could have implications for
other contexts:

Provocative competence: Deliberate efforts to interrupt

habit patterns.
Embracing errors as a source of learning.
Shared orientation toward minimal structures that allow
maximum flexibility.
Distributing task: continual negotiation and dialogue toward dynamic synchronisation.
Reliance on retrospective sense making.
Hanging out: Members in a community of practice.
Taking turns in soloing and supporting/ accompanying.

All of these characteristics are essential to the understanding of this musical expression. The third feature, Shared orientation toward minimal structures that allows maximal flexibility, what Setreng (2002) calls light bridges best captures


the core of interaction and creativity in a jazz group. The relationship between structure and flexibility is an essential point
concerning the best balance between order and chaos and in the
space where creativity is given optimal conditions.


Flexibility is a term used in various contexts, but the concept is seldom defined. In the early 1970s, Gregory Bateson
defined flexibility as unused potential for change. Flexibility
consists of the possibilities one has not yet utilised, within defined frames. When the frames become narrower, the structure
is filled with detailed prescriptions, and flexibility and creativity
are reduced. When the structure in jazz and other human actions is too complicated or rigid, flexibility, improvisation and
creativity do not have the chance to unfold.
The example from the offshore industry, cited in the beginning of this paper, might be an example on how important a
balanced weight between structure and flexibility is to get the
optimal conditions for creativity and improvisation to unfold.
Even if the differences between diving and jazz are considerable,
for example the consequences for making errors in diving are
naturally far more serious than making errors in jazz improvisation, there are many parallels concerning preparation, training,
and alertness to act on the spot, using all senses, body and soul.
Jazz is in daily speech often described as unstructured, or lack
of structure. As we shall see, jazz is based on structure, but not
as distinctly as other forms of music. The structure in jazz is
minimal and serves as a basis for the development of creative
ideas, the patterns on which the musicians improvise. In this respect jazz differs from other musical expressions (e.g., pop, rock,
art music) in how the structure is used as a frame for creative

Personally, I do not like the word structure in musical surroundings very much. Structure is often described negatively,
with connotations to limits and restrictions. Instead of structure, I find the words agreement or mutual consent to be
more fruitful descriptions. Mutual consent gives an understanding about the frames the musicians have agreed upon and
that this agreement is not a diktat from outside, but a mutual
consent that serves as a point of departure for creative activity and display. In this sense, this agreement will be flexible;
it may be enlarged and changed depending on the interaction
in the collective dialogues. But if the mutual consents become
too loose, the participants will not recognise the fundamental
pattern, and they will lose contact with the agreement and with
each other. The interplay breaks down and the result may be
chaos. Chaotic performances may of course, for a short period,
be interesting and even exciting, but the collective creative forces are badly off where chaos rules.

The agreements within jazz are very often rooted in what
we call the standards. American film and musical tunes that
through the years have become renowned are for example I got
rhythm, Summertime, which are the basis, the mutual consent,
for the creative interaction in a jazz group. Standards are often
built on musical forms of 32, 16, 12 bars, which can be said to
function as minimal structures. Many other references for improvisation are of course also used as mutual consents: melodic
fragments, rhythmic ostinatos, melodic modes, bass figures, etc.
These agreements (structures) are the tools whereupon improvisation unfolds. The structure is internalised and experienced
implicitly: i.e., it is not necessary to accentuate One in every
beat. One is in this context implicit and does not have to
be articulated (Hatch, 2002) Further, structure is not sacred to
the jazz musician, it serves its own alteration. The freedom imparted by not having to play structural features means that the
musician can play around them, and this encourages creativity. I
attended a concert with the Herbie Hancock Quartet in Trondheim, Norway, in July 2003. The first tune they played was the
well-known standard melody I love you, nicely re-harmonised
using alternative chords by Hancock. I knew the tune very well,
but during the performance I had a lot of trouble recognising
the 32-bar structure of the tune. I was lost by every repetition
of the form, and I was quite frustrated by my inability to recognise the well-known structure. Talking to the musicians after
the concert I got the answer. At a concert in France, the musical
form, the agreement, was accidentally prolonged by one bar:
and you see, it was so much fun playing 33 bars, instead of
the ordinary 32, that we still are playing this new structure!

This little alteration, one bar, was for the musician a fresh
inspiration and gave new challenges for the creative interplay. As
shown in this case, the head arrangement can be changed in the
course of performance, a way of acting and communicating that
demands a lot of experience, training and practice. This interaction implies confidence in tradition, alertness, listening and
responding, taking risks, but to a great extent it also involves
confidence and sense of security. An existential act is difficult to
find adequate linguistic terms for and suggests a series of dialectic paradoxes. The musicians stress the importance of being
able to do solos, but they must also be capable of accompanying
and supporting other people. They know and respect the jazz
tradition and its legacy carriers, but at the same time they want
to challenge and push the tradition forward. These dialectical
paradoxes between immersion in the tradition and taking risks,
between standing out as an individual voice and being supporters of others voices, beg for new and creative ways of developing a deeper understanding of creativity and improvisation.
Improvising in jazz means to create a situation where
change, transformation, and process are focused and where even


the structure, the referential foundation of improvisation, may

be part of the alterations. Among the most important elements
in this activity is changing the relation towards oneself, as this
will be a fruitful point of departure for change in other relations. Compare this with the saying of the Norwegian drummer
Jon Christensen in relation to his attitude and preparation before a concert performance: At least, you have to try to surprise
yourself (Alterhaug, et al., 2002).
The communicational aspect to oneself and the dialogic
aspect to the others are central to all improvisational activity,
which should be a good basis for a well-functioning democracy. In all kinds of dialogues there are always certain elements
of uncertainty present because one does not know the result
until the participation in the dialogue has come to an end. This
fact is nicely expressed by Asplund: I dont know what I have
said until you have answered and you dont know what you have
said until I have answered. You show me what I have said and I
show you what you have said (Molander, 1993).


Groups in different fields face the paradox of planning (trying to create its future) contrasted to their inability to foresee
what the future entails. To cope with this paradox, the leader
function is often strengthened in order to get a better and more
effective organisation. This type of organising is based on a
hierarchical and pyramidal thinking that seldom gives the expected results, because it neither brings out all the potential in
each individual, nor the complementary forces in the group.
Another, contrasting way of organising that converges with research in complexity theory is that which we can find in the
jazz group. The complex responsive processes (CRP) perspective
is a transformative process view, where human phenomena in
organizations are a result of people interacting with each other
and the environment. By the responding processes they create,
they transform the reality of both themselves and their environment (Stacey, 2001). In small jazz groups, distributed tasks, rotation of soloing (leadership) and continual negotiation toward
a dynamic synchronisation are elements that create a flow of
ongoing invention and mutual support within the group. An
example of this type of self-organising, flat structure, moveable
hierarchies, in a jazz group, is from a personal experience from
my career as a jazz bass player.
Around 1970, the great tenor saxophonist Ben Webster was
invited to give concerts in Trondheim, Norway, and I was asked
to play bass in the quartet. I was not very experienced and almost scared to death playing with such a jazz giant. There was
not much time for rehearsals; we hardly met before we were on
stage to play a concert of two sets. During the first set, I tried
hard to follow Websters playing, very respectfully and intently,
listening to every musical move he made, my sole concern being to do my very best for the star. In the intermission I was
very eager to hear what he thought about our support, and of

course, my playing. Without asking, and with a humble look, I

sat down close to Ben waiting for something to be said. After a
while he said: Yeah Bjrn, youre doing fine. But, you shouldnt
listen that much, then you lose yourself. You know, I need your
initiative to play my best and then our best! What a lesson
from a master: To get the best music, you have to play in your
own manner and of course be extremely alert to everything that
happens during the performance, in that way the individual
and collective forces in a team will have the best possibilities
to unfold, and this of course gives the best music, through a
collective, non-hierarchical approach. In jazz improvisation, the
group has the ideas, not the individual musicians.
Communicating in an improvisational way gives joy, releases energy, and activates knowledge and reflection. The basis
for this form of interaction and interplay is trust and freedom,
two elements that secure the social dimension. In this perspective, knowledge is continually reproduced and transformed as
interaction processes amongst people. Being involved in improvisation has a positive effect on the learning environment, social
competence and development of a persons creative abilities, and
this activity underlines that knowledge should not be stored in
individual heads or in libraries, but activated and negotiated as
complex, responsive processes in relations between people. Being involved in creativity and improvisation in one or another
context should lead to a kind of Meta learning, a Meta doing
that transfers across styles and forms (Nachmanovitch, 1990).
The directness and dialogic nature of improvisatory practice, which is something that happens face to face in real time
situations, makes it particularly relevant and interesting in relation to communicational aspects in a globalised reality. Fisclin
and Heble (2004) argue that music, specifically creative improvised music and free jazz, can reinvigorate our understanding of
the social function of humanities research within the broader
context of how that research plays a role in shaping notions of
community and new forms of social organization.


Recent research in a new discipline called the learning sciences shows musical improvisation as a very good pedagogical
tool, and with general knowledge features related to expert performance. Sawyer (2008) argues that improvisation should be
at the core of the music curriculum, and he also refers to cognitive science research from 1970s until now. This research shows
the mental structures and processes underlying expert performance. Examples include doctors diagnosing a patient, lawyers
analysing a case, architects designing a building and scientists
interpreting the result of an experiment. Expert performance
has four features of knowledge that have much in common with
musical improvisation (Sawyer, 2008):

Deep conceptual understanding. Experts have not simply

memorized a large repertory of facts. Of course they know





a lot of facts, but in the experts mind, those facts are embedded in complex conceptual frameworks. Experts understand the mechanisms underlying phenomena and are able
to explain surface features in terms of underlying mechanisms and conceptual structures.
Integrated knowledge. Each piece of knowledge is highly
interconnected with all of the other pieces of knowledge.
Expertise does not result from possessing distinct compartmentalized knowledge; everything known is related in an
integrated framework.
Adaptive expertise. Experts have mastered a large range of
standard procedures and solutions. When first encountering a new problem, they typically will quickly recall a variety of similar problems theyve encountered in the past, and
they will begin by considering one of the solutions that has
worked in the past. But experts do not simply apply these
memorized procedures in rote fashion; they are able to flexibly modify the routines theyve mastered or to combine
elements of distinct routines as is appropriate to the new
Collaborative skills. Experts work together with other experts in teams and in complex organizational structures.
Unlike the hierarchical corporation of old, where everyones
job description was quite specific, the boundaries between
each team member are fluid, and many tasks require the
simultaneous and joint contributions of multiple experts
to be successfully accomplished.

Sawyer (2002) ends his paper this way: My hope is that

music education will lead the way in moving to a new type of
pedagogical practice, one that is grounded in the learning sciences, one that is based in improvisation.

Fifteen years ago I introduced improvisation as a discipline
for university music students, most of which had no previous
training in improvising. The musical practice and improvisational interaction have of course been the most important activity in this improvisational discipline, but reflections through
dialogues, as well as rather provoking and open questions about
the students everyday experience through the process have been
of vital significance.
Throughout the years, the students evaluation of the improvisational practice have been unambiguous when it comes
to the following question: Do you think the improvisation
practice may have some effects on your way of acting in everyday life, like feeling more secure and being more self-confident
when talking in front of an audience? Almost all answers to
this question have been positive, i.e., that the students through
the improvisation practice have felt a better mastering of their
own tensions, insecurity and fear, and that the fear of making
mistakes had decreased radically. To me this means a reinforced
belief in improvisation as a kind of Meta-learning; a pedagogical

strategy that has been strongly underestimated in all kinds of

organised learning, from Kindergarten to Academia. Even if
this cannot be regarded as valid research, the interaction with
the students and their responses have, to me at least, been of
great inspiration, an encouragement to continue this work and
it has also served to reinforce the processes which had a creative
beginning through musical interaction.
Improvisation becomes, in this context, an important factor in the development of the personality. The purpose is to give
support to a creative process of consciousness: a process where
individuals are made aware of their potentials and see these in
relation to the relations and contexts they take part in. These
studies should bring new angles to the understanding of the
dialogic aspects of human communication and also with regard
to introspection, alertness and social competence. Finally, these
studies should lead to research and production of pedagogical
material on different levels in the educational system to find
new ways of learning and perceiving.

One question often arises when dealing with improvisation: To what extent can one learn improvisation? To me, the
answer is easy: As human beings, we already are part of a great
improvisation and we are all more or less unconsciously improvising most of the day. We must simply become aware of
this fact, our unused potential for change, and then find the
open spaces and the creative atmosphere to release our hidden,
inborn improvisational capacities in different contexts, for the
best for ourselves and the world we are part of.

Alterhaug, B. 2004. Improvisation on a Triple Theme: Creativity, Jazz Improvisation and Communication. In Studia Musicologica Norwegica.
Alterhaug, B., S.H. Jrgensen, and S. Setreng. 2002. Improvisare necesse est, In:
Forskning p tvers, Tverrfaglige forskningsprosjekter ved NTNU, Tapir
akademiske forlag.
Andersen, . 1995. I retorikkens hage, (In the Garden of Rhetoric). Oslo:
Bailey, D. 1980. Improvisation. London: Moorland Publishing Co. Ltd.
Barrett, F.J. 2002 Creativity and improvisation in jazz and organizations. In Organisational Improvisation. Kamoche, K., M. Pina E Cunha, and J. Vieira
da Cunha, eds. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 135162.
Bateson, G. 1972. Steps to an ecology of mind, New York: Ballantine Books.
Bergson, H. 1990. Tiden og den frie vilje (original title: Essai sur les donnes
immdiates de la conscience) Oslo: Aschehoug.
Berliner, P. 1994. Thinking in Jazz. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Csikszentmihalyi, M. 1975. Play and intrinsic reward. Journal of Humanistic
Psychology 15: 4163.
DeVeaux, S. 1991. Constructing the Jazz Tradition: Jazz Historiography. In:
Keeping Time, Readings in Jazz History. R. Walser, ed. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Fisclin, D., and A. Heble. 2004. The Other Side of Nowhere. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press
Hatch, M. 2002. Exploring the empty spaces of organizing. In Organizational Improvisation. Kamoche, K., M. Pina E Cunha, and J. Vieira da


Cunha, eds. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 7192.

Jrgensen, S.H. 2009. unpublished manuscript. Komplekse bevegelser og
fotballfaglige utfordringer.
Kinra, S., and M. Okasha. 1999. Unsafe sax: cohort study of the impact of
too much sax on the mortality of famous jazz musicians. British Medical
Journal 319(7225):16121613.
Molander, B. 1993. Kunnskap i handling, (Knowledge in action) Daidalos.
Morin, E. 1994. La complexite humaine, (Human complexity) Paris:
Montouri, A. 1992. Chaos, creativity and self-renewal. World Futures. The
Journal of General Evolution.
. 2003. The complexity of improvisation and the improvisation
of complexity: Social science, art and creativity. Human Relations
56(2):237255. London: SAGE Publications.
Nachmanovitch, S. 1990. Free Play, Published by J.P. Tarcher, Inc. Distributed by Putnam-Berkley.
Nettl, B. 1998. In the Course of Performance, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
The New Grove Dictionary of American Music. 1986. London: Macmillan.
Oversand, K. 1987. Improvisasjon og tilstedevrelsens estetikk, (Improvisation and the aesthetics of presence) Musikklidenskapelig, O.K.
Ledang, ed.

Sawyer, K. 2008. Improvisation and Teaching. Critical Studies in Improvisation Vol. 3, No. 2.
Setreng, S. 2001. Mang fold og tid, (Complexity and Time) Skrifter fra
Musikkvitenskapelig institutt. Trondheim: NTNU
. 2002. Improvisation and Musical Quality a Qestion of Complexity. In Challenges in Norwegian Jazz Research. Trondheim: NTNU
Institutt for Musikk.
Sidran, B. 1981. Black Talk. New York: Da Capo Press.
Shipton, A. 2001. A New History of Jazz. London and New York:
Stacey, R.D. 2001. Complex Responsive Processes in Organizations: Learning
and Knowledge Creation. London: Routledge.
Treitler, L. 1991. Medieval Improvisation. In: The World of Music 33 (3).
Tutu, D. 1999. No Future without Forgiveness. An Image Book. New York:
Doubleday, Random House.
Weick, K. 1998. Creativity and the Aesthetics of Imperfection. Ford, C.
Gioia, eds. Creative Action in Organizations. Thousands Lakes: Sage
. 2002. The aesthetic of imperfection in orchestras and organizations. In Organisational Improvisation. Kamoche, K., M. Pina
E Cunha, and J. Vieira da Cunha, eds. London and New York:
Routledge. pp. 4970.

Discussion: Environmental Physiology

and Strategies for the Next 100 Years
Chairman: Richard E. Moon

A. Brubakk: The heart rate effect was very interesting. This fits
well with our own modeling work that shows that exercise activity is important in order to judge decompression procedures.
There are no decompression computers that take that into account. The second interesting point is what is down there that
these animals stop diving. The whales use sound detection in order to locate their prey. It has been suggested by Sam Ridgway,
because air is a bad conductor, that whales stop diving because
the sound reflections become less distinct and they therefore
terminate hunting dives. They have to wait until the gas bubbles
have gone away which may be because of the sonic detection
they have in their brain. Is the lung collapse related to a surfactant problem? Is the surfactant different in these animals?
Some human physiology researchers talked about the possibility of getting whales or seals and developing an animal research
facility to look at decompression.
A. Fahlman: We have no idea. The last research done on lung
collapse was by Gerry Kooyman. It is extremely difficult to do
this type of work with a seal in a hyperbaric chamber. We are
now trying to devise ways to visualize animals under pressure.
If we can do that we can get a sense of how the lungs collapse
and proceed with comparative studies of terrestrial and marine
mammals. The compliances of the respiratory system could
be first looked at from physics, then histology, genetics and
A. Brubakk: Can you acquire the surfactant?
A. Fahlman: Some studies have been done on that in dead,
diseased animals.
H. Janssen: Do these animals change behavior and ability to do
this with age? Also, do their neurological systems anatomically
change with age?
A. Fahlman: That has not been studied. That would be an excellent long-term study.
A. Brubakk: They also do not appear to get HPNS.
S. Gaustad: How do these animals tolerate these high blood
exposures with lactic acid not showing up during hypoxia?

A. Fahlman: They usually dive until the point that lactic acid
starts increasing, called anaerobic diving, where they return to
the surface before they run out of oxygen. There is no large
build up of lactic acid and they have an immense vital capacity.
If they have to dive longer and deeper, they build up CO2 and
then have to stop.
M. Gennser: You showed lung collapse in harbor seals and sea
lions but these are not deep diving animals, are they? Lung collapse is a mechanism to protect against high oxygen and nitrogen pressure during deep diving.
A. Fahlman: The compliance of their respiratory system is the
most divergent, the most different. You do not see that in experimental situations. No one has ever shown lung collapse in
Weddell seals either. The best and most convincing study is by
Kooyman and Sinnett (1982) where they actually measured the
pulmonary shunt. All the other studies are estimated values like
I have shown here. The nitrogen tensions are fitted with curves.
In Ridgways graph, there is no doubt that the respiratory system compressed and the lungs collapse eventually but I highly
disagree with their 70 m estimated collapse depth, I believe it to
be much deeper. One animal diving with 80% of lung capacity
had a shunt of only 70% at 90 m.
M. Gennser: The fact that the animals reduce their speed close to
the surface is interesting. There were some submarine escape experiments conducted where the speed was reduced from 30 m to
the surface and that increased the final depth to about 50-60 m.
A. Fahlman: That is what they do between 15 and 30 m and
that is also around the estimated nitrogen tensions they have
when they come back to the surface. There is much guess work
here but at least with these models we can define what we need
to study next, i.e., blood flow distribution and gas exchange,
which are also important for human divers.
H. Janssen: When other mammals can do this continuously
without sustaining damage, the question is the mechanisms of
exposures. There are things besides pressure we are exposed to
as human beings, especially what we are breathing through. We


know very little about how we send the gas down to the diver
through the umbilical and what this consists of and how this
might impact on the exposure. We are exposed to fumes and
other particles and occupational hazards like petrochemicals.
We have divers who have spent most of their careers, 1000s of
days in saturation, over tens of years. Is there damage we should
see or might this be an adaptation?
S. Daniels: In essence, I completely agree with you. John Ross
earlier comment was absolutely right. The difficulty associated
with trying to understand what might have caused any potential
damage is that there are too many changes, too many potentially
adverse circumstances that the diver will have been exposed to
in their work environment. The only way we are going to understand this is to dissect it out in controlled situations where we
can actually measure specific changes as a result of a particular
manipulation of the animal. Trying to do cross-sectional studies is fraught with enormous difficulties. Regarding deep diving
mammals, what I think I have identified in a particular sample
I have received is simply a mechanism that might explain how
they could be acutely sensitive, it says nothing about potential
long-term effects. It is highly likely that those animals have developed adaptation mechanisms that compensate for their exposure, but we have no idea what those might be. The complexities
of the regulations protecting marine mammals and acquiring
samples are ferocious, which is why so little study has occurred,
but it would be fascinating to do so.
A. Brubakk: Michael Gernhardt was previously a saturation
diver, went on to get his PhD in decompression physiology and
then became a NASA astronaut. Regrettably, he could not be
here in person due to his testing schedule in the Arizona desert
of the prototype moon buggy, but he did send us his presentation on video.
R. Moon: We do have in attendance an original astronaut, Dr.
Jay Buckey.
J. Buckey: That was a great talk Mike just gave. It is beautiful,
actually stunning, to see the Earth from space.
R. Moon: Referring to the tail of the distribution, the 5th percentile, you concluded that the prevalence of disease would be
twice as high in divers. Is that a theoretical calculation or have
you actually observed people in that category?
E. Thorsen: We have not. This study was of 135 retired divers.
We calculated the prevalence and it was at least 5.1% divers compared to the age that has a prevalence of 1%. There has been some
discussion about calculating prevalence, so it may be anything
from 5%-1% and is dependent on the denominator you use.
B. Gardiner: Were all those subjects ex-North Sea professional
sat divers? If so, I have always been a bit skeptical because saturation divers know how to fiddle that to keep getting their medical year after year. DO you do the straightforward spirometry
they are used to offshore?
E. Thorsen: We do spirometry properly and stick to exhalation
criteria concerning the solidity of the curves. We look at FEV1

in absolute numbers, not the FEV1 ratio which is dependent on

the effort or the point at which you would like to stop the exhalation. The problem with spirometry is that it is often not done
according to the standard and the maintenance of the equipment can be questioned at many levels.
M. Swiergosz: Can you comment on the clinical relevance and
why it matters?
E. Thorsen: Five percent of retired divers with median age 50 have
obstructive lung disease influencing their quality of life. The gold
criterion is 1 or lower. This study says nothing about the severity
of COPD, but they are clinically classified as having COPD.
M. Swiergosz: It is an interesting question to follow up. What
kinds of functions are they losing? What is the definition of
quality of life other than our scientific one?
E. Thorsen: Concerning lung function and reduction in FEV1,
it is a reduction of their physical working capacity. The most
important thing probably is that their COPD is classified as
an occupational exposure that induces some rights in the social
security system that you will not get if there is some other cause.
R. Moon: How do you manage your saturation crew?
J. Gangenes: These vessels support continuous saturation diving. We have 12 men on the seabed all the time and normally
six in decompression on a rotational basis. Twelve divers are
kept on the bottom 365 days, unless we are in refit. Two divers are working all the time, which means the second bell goes
down before the first one comes up and you have an on-bottom
handle on these guys with a lot of production.
M. Gennser: What sort of scrubber material are you using, is
it still soda lime?
M. Lothe: We have a couple of unique features and are bought
off the shelf. Fortunately, the US Navy put money into development of the micropore stirrers which is soda lime based, packed
in plastic with three channel gas lines that has a very high efficiency for CO2 scrubbing while at the same time keeping the work
of breathing very low. The rebreather is fitted with two of those
which gives it an extremely low time constant work rate and we
can use it as a passive rebreather instead of a push-pull system.
M. Gennser: Has the capacity of the micropore been tested
down to 400 m?
M. Lothe: No, it has not yet been tested to 400 m as far as I
know. We are not going to use it the rest of the way if we find
it deficient at 225.
O. Molvaer: The hyperbaric rescue vessels seem very big, how
heavy are they?
J. Gangenes: Perhaps 1900.
O. Eftedal: Are the displays outside or inside? I ask because
this might be used for bubble monitoring through Doppler
J. Gangenes: Inside, each diver has an individual unit and we
have used these screens for many years now. They can be used
for whatever you like.
R. Moon: Can you actually calculate what the PN2 would be, is


there enough nitrogen in the lung and would it be sufficient to

produce narcosis? Could it be that PCO2 is part of the narcotic
P. Lindholm: The CO2 could of course add to the narcosis. If
you calculate the dive without lung collapse, yes, in those times
you will reach high PN2 to get narcosis. It would not be possible
however to really separate the O2 toxicity from the CO2 narcosis
and the N2 narcosis in this mix.
C. Balestra: I wanted to add two things about Herbert Nitschs
way of making a record dive. What he is doing when he puts
some air into the plastic Coca-Cola bottle, is he is sipping a bit
of it to keep enough volume to be able to inflate his ears. No
one can say if he is not rebreathing a bit. During rebreathing of
even a few breaths, it is quite a long time of apnea you can do
because you are not in apnea anymore. When he does his safety
stop, I can accept that as a redistribution of blood coming from
the blood shift, but not exactly for decompression. Claus Muth
pointed out that what he does is come out of the water and says
everything is OK and then goes back down with oxygen.
P. Lindholm: We do not know if he needs that for decompression. I also do not think he needs to rebreathe to keep his breath
hold because it is just four and a half minutes. There are plenty
of divers who actively swim down (the record being 130 m)
with dive times also around four and a half minutes.
C. Balestra: There is one paper published in the British Medical
Journal on saxophone playing and the increased risk of mortality. I have never seen in the medical literature a paper criticized
as heavily as this one. The conclusion was that circular respiration is bad and that was why saxophone players died before the
others. There were 35 or so reactions to this paper with everyone
arguing against it.
J. Jakobsen: In Norway by law we are required to monitor our
diving activity. As was shown in an earlier presentation, we are
shortly to be drowned in dive data. We must also save occupational information about deep divers. Therefore, we must establish an international exposure register. This is not to demonstrate
that there are dangerous aspects to diving, but it is to be prepared
to answer possible long-term effects of diving in the future. The
exposure needs to be defined and analytical tools developed.
A. Brubakk: Our earlier discussions were not really about strategy and objectives for the future. As our list demonstrates, there
are many things we can do. We need to ask which of these problems are the most important and whether we have the tools and
methodology to solve them. Personally, I would think that the
problems of ageing, selection, oxygen toxicity and toxicity in
general are four areas where there are crucial questions and there
are methods that enable us to solve them. One important aspect
about doing science is that there be a solvable problem and an
available method. Establishing large databases without knowing
what you are going to do with them is perhaps less important
than devising a strategy we can use in order to prepare for the

next 100 years. We should really try to outline what problems

are possible to solve in the short-term. My proposal is that we
are going to try to repeat this event in three years, which should
be a useful time span that, if this will lead to anything, will allow us to see a clear structure. The special focus and challenge
will be to review what we have done during that three year period. We think that we can establish a real cooperation and solve
a problem that we think is important and produce something
that is of value, scientifically and practically. That is what we
had planned as an outcome off this particular meeting.
C. Balestra: We were already planning to share a database with
you to examine how to go forward with the recreational divers. Is
there something to be shared with the military diving community?
M. Swiergosz: Notwithstanding having a program, our leaders often thrust an emerging requirement on us in a short time
frame for which we must improvise. It might be good to work
in small groups first to devise a strategy on solving the important problems. Next month I am bringing together some of the
people we fund and some outside people to think out of the
box to refresh us to devise a programmatic strategy to attack the
scientific inquiry of oxygen toxicity. This could be done with
any of the listed problems.
R. Moon: We have highlighted four of the best questions. We
heard from our commercial diving colleagues about the importance of ageing, diver selection, and trace gas toxicity. There is
almost nothing written in the literature on those three. Oxygen
toxicity is a long-standing, extremely important problem and
will probably remain so.
M. Lothe: One of the interesting parts of this event is that we
have many distinguished members of the diving community
from different countries around the world. Too much time has
been spent in the past on pushing your own agenda and believing that what is going on in your own community is the only
thing that matters. This has created unhealthy competition in
who can be the most acceptable. From my point of view as a
responsible manager for many different people in their every
day job, to go into these areas as a common effort to establish
some worldwide acceptance of what is and what is not important in this community would be tremendously beneficial for
everybody. From a commercial diving point of view, adhering
to one set of standards versus over one hundred in the countries
we operate in would give us the possibilities to change the costs
of keeping up with all these national legislations and maybe use
that in research.
B. Gardiner: In the future I would suggest a focus on physiology and biochemistry and perhaps genomics and psychology.
What are the effects on people who spend long-duration time
in isolation and perhaps join discussions with NASA on their
ideas of people in space.
A. Brubakk: Barring further comments or suggestions, I will
close the Haldane symposium here and again thank the speakers
for their contributed lectures on which they spent a lot of time
and the audience for coming here to participate.

Appendix A: The Prevention of

Compressed-Air Illness (1908)

To Come:
Intro Text and credit line










































































































Appendix B: Syposium Speakers

Bjrn Alterhaug

Costantino Balestra

Jean-Eric Blatteau


Haute Ecole Paul Henri Spaak

Toulon Armes, France

Alf O. Brubakk

Stephen Daniels

David J. Doolette


Cardiff University

Navy Experimental Diving Unit

eljko Duji

Olav S. Eftedal

yvind Ellingsen

University of Split, Croatia

StatoilHydro ASA



Andreas Fahlman

Joar Gangenes

Mikael Gennser

Naval Medical Research Center


Swedish Defence Research Agency

Michael L. Gernhardt

Marit Grnning

Christian Gutvik


Haukeland University Hospital


Marianne B. Havnes

John Pl Inderberg

Susan R. Kayar



Booz Allen Hamilton

Michael A. Lang

Peter Lindholm

Svein-Erik Msy

Smithsonian Institution

Karolinska Institutet



Andreas Mllerlkken

Richard E. Moon

George A. Perdrizet


Duke University Medical Center

Morristown Memorial Hospital

Russell S. Richardson

Stig A. Slrdahl

Matthew Swiergosz

University of Utah


Office of Naval Research

Einar Thorsen
University of Bergen

Appendix C: Symposium Participants

Bjrn Alterhaug
Costantino Balestra
Jean-Eric Blatteau
Alf O. Brubakk
Stephen Daniels
David J. Doolette
eljko Duji
Olav S. Eftedal
yvind Ellingsen
Andreas Fahlman
Joar Gangenes
Mikael Gennser
Michael L. Gernhardt
Marit Grnning
Christian Gutvik
Marianne B. Havnes
John Pl Inderberg
Susan R. Kayar
Michael A. Lang
Peter Lindholm
Svein-Erik Msy
Andreas Mllerlkken
Richard E. Moon
George A. Perdrizet
Russel S. Richardson
Stig A. Slrdahl
Matthew Swiergosz
Einar Thorsen

Haute Ecole Paul Henri Spaak
French Navy
Cardiff University
Navy Experimental Diving Unit (NEDU)
University of Split, Croatia
StatoilHydro ASA
Naval Medical Research Center
Swedish Defence Research Agency
Haukeland University Hospital
Booz Allen Hamilton
Smithsonian Institution
Karolinska Institutet
Duke University Medical Center
Morristown Memorial Hospital
University of Utah
Office of Naval Research
University of Bergen

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


Arnfinn Arnfinsen
John Arne Ask
Jay Buckey
Rune Djurhus
Ingrid Eftedal
Harald Engan
Lise Fishmen
Bob Gardiner
Svein Erik Gaustad
Martin Andre Heer
Astrid Hjelde
Arvid Hope
Thomas Huerligmann
Jan Erik Jakobsen
Dawn Kernagis
Darin Knaus
Ingrid Kruger
Jason LeGore
Berit Linge
Jasna Ljubkovic
Marko Ljubkovic
Angelica Lodin
Sjur Lothe
Christian Medby
Otto Molvr
Arvid Psche
Scott Philip
Jean Michel Pontier
Kim Vidar Rasdal
Matt Richardson
John Ross
Bjarne Sandvik
Martin D.J. Sayer
Kre Segadal
Kaj Magnar Sjlie
Leif Tore Skjerven
Martin Skrove
Einar Svendsen
Ulrik Wislff

Subsea 7

Dartmouth College
St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim
Duke University Medical Center
Creare Inc
Subsea 7
Medical School of Split, Croatia
Medical School of Split, Croatia
Mittuniversitetet, Sweden
St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim

Creare Inc
French Navy
Mittuniversitetet, Sweden
University of Aberdeen
NERC Scientific Diving Facility
Havsport Dykkersenter AS




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