Linear Static Analysis of CFRP Aircraft Wing

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Amrutha P Kurian et al Int.

Journal of Engineering Research and Applications

ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 4( Version 1), April 2014, pp.199-202



Linear Static Analysis of CFRP Aircraft Wing

Dr. Alice Mathai*, Amrutha P Kurian**, Bia Jacob**, Nisha Mary K**, Treesa
Rani Baby**
* (Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Mar Athanasius College of Engineering,
** (Civil Engineering VIII Semester Students, Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam)

In the present day scenario, use of carbon fibre composites has been extended to a large number of aircraft
components which includes structural and non-structural components. These composite materials can provide a
much higher strength to weight ratio and stiffness-to-weight ratio than metals. Wing of the aircraft is one of the
crucial components which determine the performance of the aircraft. The systematic and proper analysis of the
aircraft wing is of prime importance due to its contribution towards the efficiency of the whole aircraft. In the
present study, linear static analysis of the preliminary model of selected CFRP aircraft wing is done to find out
the stresses and displacements. Based on the results, a refined model is prepared and analysed. The stresses and
displacements of the refined model are found to be within the permissible limits. Also it is found that various
components of an aircraft wing can be safely made using CFRP.
Keywords - Ansys 12, CFRP, finite element modelling, linear static analysis, von Mises stress

I. Introduction
The design and manufacture of aircraft
wings require attention to several unique structural
demands. High strength and light weight are the two
primary functional requirements to be considered in
selecting materials for the construction of aircraft
wing. Traditionally aero planes have been made out
of metal like alloys of aluminium [1]. Now a days the
carbon fibre composites have replaced the traditional
metals. Use of CFRP makes the aircraft lighter with
added benefits of less maintenance, super fatigue
resistance and high fuel efficiency. These composite
materials can provide a much higher strength to
weight ratio and stiffness-to-weight ratio than metals.
In order to study the structural behaviour of a CFRP
aircraft wing the linear static analysis is carried out
on a subsonic aircraft wing and the stresses and
displacements are analysed. In linear static analysis
[2], the dynamic loads acting on the structure is
idealized to equivalent uniformly applied static loads
by multiplying with a suitable factor of safety and the
stress strain relationship of CFRP is also considered
linear. The objective of this study includes structural
idealization, Finite element modelling using ANSYS
12, linear static analysis and study and interpretation
of analysis results

II. Literature Review

Daniel P Raymer [3] has described the
various aerodynamic considerations in the design of
aircrafts. According to him the key geometric

parameters of wing are span, reference wing area,

aspect ratio and taper ratio.
Dr. M. Neubauer, G. Gnther [4] gave
description regarding various loads to be considered
in the analysis and design of air frame structures .He
also discussed the Conversion of "external loads" into
structural airframe loads. He conducted aircraft
analysis using static loads and fatigue loads.
Sanya Maria Gomez [5] has analysed wing
components like ribs, spars and panels of hypersonic
aircraft using FEM considering both isotropic and
composite materials. The optimum ply orientation
was obtained by conducting parametric study using
ANSYS FEM package by varying the orientation
sequence in the composites.
Dr.R.Rajappan, V.Pugazhenti [6] in their
thesis deals with bending Finite Element Analysis of
monocoque laminated composite aircraft (subsonic
and supersonic) wing using commercial software

III. Structural Components of the Wing

The various structural components of a
conventional aircraft wing structure considered for
the design are [7]:
3.1 Wing panel
The primary function of the wing skin is to
form an impermeable surface for supporting the
aerodynamic pressure distribution from which the
lifting capability of the wing is derived. These

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Amrutha P Kurian et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications

ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 4( Version 1), April 2014, pp.199-202
aerodynamic forces are transmitted in turn to the ribs
by the skin through plate and membrane action.
3.2 Ribs
The wing ribs are the forming and shaping
structural member of an aircraft wing. The ribs
provide the necessary aerodynamic shape which is
required for generation of lift by the aircraft. They
are attached to the wing spars and thus provide
structural stiffness. Ribs also act as a member for
transfer or distribution of loads from wing panel to
3.3 Spars
The wing spars are the main load carrying
structural member of the aircraft wing. The wing
spars are used to carry the loads that occur during the
flight (flight loads) as well as carry the weight of the
aircraft wing while on the ground (ground loads). The
spars are the longitudinal load carrying members
which are connected to the ribs.

IV. Material Used

The entire wing is considered to be made up
of CFRP composites. The properties of the carbon
fibre reinforced polymer used in the present study are
given in TABLE 1 below:

pressure of magnitude 56 kN/m2 acting on the top


VI. Structural Idealization

Wing components such as ribs and spars are
idealized as general plate elements [8]. The wing is
idealized to consist of four equally spaced ribs and
two spars at leading and trailing edges [5]. The wing
is idealized as a cantilever beam with fixity at the
fuselage end. The connection between various
components is assumed as rigid. All the structural
components are designed to have a thickness of 2

VII. Wing Model Using ANSYS Software

ANSYS is a general purpose finite element
modelling package for numerically solving a wide
variety of mechanical problems. These problems
include static/dynamic structural analysis (both linear
and non linear), heat transfer and fluid problems, as
well as acoustic and electro-magnetic problems.
Wing was modelled in ANSYS SOFTWARE using
shell element, SHELL99 [9].This element can be
used for layered applications of a structural shell
model. The element has six degrees of freedom at
each node, translations in the nodal x, y and z
directions and rotations about the nodal x, y and z

Table 1: Properties of CFRP (M55j/914prepreg)

Youngs Modulus (longitudinal)

270 GPa

Youngs Modulus (transverse)

5.535 GPa

Inplane shear Modulus

3.870 GPa

Mass Density

1760 kg/m3

Major Poissons Ratio


V. Aircraft Loads
The aircraft wings are subjected to a wide
variety of aerodynamic, structural, wind, and flight
and ground loads [4]. The major forces and loads
acting on the wing are:
1. Pressure force: For an aircraft wing higher
pressure exists on the bottom surface while a
lower pressure exists on the top surface which
results in generation of an upward force known
as the lift.
2. Drag force: Drag is a consequence of flight in a
medium such as air or any other fluid having
density. It should also be resisted by wings.
3. Gravity: Self weight of the wing which acts in
the downward direction.
After a number of studies the load on the
aircraft wing is assumed as a uniformly distributed

Figure 1: SHELL99 Geometry

Fig 1 above shows the geometry of the shell 99
element where, LN=Layer Number and NL=Total
Number of Layers.


Analysis of Preliminary Wing


The analysis results of the preliminary

model are shown in the following figures. Fig 2
shows the meshed model of the aircraft wing. Fig 3
shows finite element model of CFRP aircraft wing
with load and boundary condition and Fig 4 shows
the deformed configuration.

200 | P a g e

Amrutha P Kurian et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications

ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 4( Version 1), April 2014, pp.199-202

The nodal solution for von Mises stresses

are shown in Fig 5.The figure shows that maximum
stress intensity of magnitude 2240N/mm2 occurs at
the middle portion of rear spar which is more than the
permissible stress in CFRP (1800N/mm2)[10]. Also
there is stress concentration at ribs and spars. This
stress concentration occurs as these are designed as
simple plate elements.

IX. Analysis Using Refined Model

Figure 2: finite element model of CFRP aircraft wing

The initial mathematical model is refined by

designing the ribs as I sections and spars as channel
sections. The top panel thickness is increased to 6mm
for reducing the stress intensity and deflection. The
refined model is analysed below. The Fig 6 shows
finite element model of refined aircraft wing; figure 7
shows loads with boundary condition. Fig 8 is the
deformed shape of the finite element model and Fig 9
shows the von Mises stress acting on the finite
element model of the structure.

Figure 3: finite element model of CFRP aircraft wing

with load and boundary condition

Figure 6: finite element model of refined aircraft


Figure 4: Deformed configuration of finite element

The maximum deflection occurs at top mid
panel near to the rear spar and its magnitude is
85.921mm. The increased deflection in the mid panel
than in the end panel is due to the larger distance
between the supporting spars at the middle portion.

Figure 7: Loads with boundary condition

Figure 5: nodal solution for von Mises stress

201 | P a g e

Amrutha P Kurian et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications

ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 4( Version 1), April 2014, pp.199-202

and there was stress concentration at ribs and spars.

This stress was reduced by providing flanges to ribs
and spars in refined model. The obtained value of
maximum stress in refined wing is well within the
permissible limits of stress in CFRP. Also the stress
distribution is nearly uniform throughout the wing in
refined model. So the refined model is acceptable on
the basis of the above obtained results and can be
safely used for airplane wing. Also it is found that
various components of an aircraft wing can be safely
made using CFRP.

Figure 8: Deformed configuration of finite element
The maximum deflection is reduced from
85.921mm to 4.493mm. The sagging of top mid
panel is reduced by a large amount in this model and
the deflection pattern is now similar to that of a
cantilever beam with the maximum deflection
occurring at the tip of wing.

Figure 9: Nodal solution for von Mises stress

The maximum stress intensity obtained is
110 N/mm2 at the middle portion of spar. The
obtained value of maximum stress is well within the
permissible limits of stress in CFRP. Also the stress
distribution is nearly uniform throughout the wing in
refined model.

X. Conclusions
The linear static analysis of CFRP aircraft
wing was conducted. In the analysis the wing is
idealized as a cantilever beam with fixity at the root
rib. For a cantilever beam bending problem the
maximum deflection is expected at free end. But in
the linear static analysis of the preliminary model the
maximum deflection occurred at top mid panel near
to the rear spar and the maximum deflection in
refined model is at the tip of wing.
Maximum stress intensity occurred at the
middle portion of rear spar in preliminary model
which was more than the permissible stress of CFRP


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