Mult Regression

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We extend the simple linear regression case to the multiple linear regression case to handle
situations where the dependent variable y is assumed to be related to more than one independent variable, say, x1 , x2 , . . . , xk .
The model we use is called a general linear model its form is
y = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + + k xk +
Our assumptions about the s are the same, namely the s are independent with mean E()
zero and variance 2 , and they are normally distributed. Data consist of n cases of k + 1
values denoted by
(yi , xi1 , xi2 , . . . , xik ),

i = 1, 2, . . . , n

Using this full notation we can write the model as

yi = 0 + 1 xi1 + 2 xi2 + + k xik + i
The form of the general linear model, as given, is understood to permit polynomial terms
like x32 , cross-product terms like x2 x3 etc. Thus the polynomial model in one variable
y = 0 + 1 x + 2 x2 + 3 x3 +
fits the form of the general linear model
y = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x3 +
with x1 x, x2 x2 , x3 x3 .
The multiple regression model
y = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x21 + 4 x22
+5 x31 + 6 x32 + 7 x1 x2 +
can also be written as
y = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x3 + 4 x4 + 5 x5
+6 x6 + 7 , x7 +

with x3 = x21 , x4 = x22 , x5 = x31 , x6 = x32 , x7 = x1 x2 .


Even terms like log(x3 ), ex2 , cos(x4 ), etc., are permitted.

The model is called a linear model because its expression is linear in the s. The fact that
it may involve nonlinear functions of the xs is irrelevant.
The concept of interaction will be discussed later. Here let us just state that the presence
(or absence) of interaction between two independent variables (say) x1 and x2 can be tested
by including product terms such as x1 x2 in the model. Thus the model:
y = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x1 x2
allows us to test whether interaction between x1 and x2 exists. The interpretation of this
model is postponed till later.
When a general linear model relates y to a set of quantitative independent variables (xs)
that may include squared terms, product terms, etc., we have a multiple regression
model. When the independent variables are dummy variables coded to 0 or 1 representing values of qualitative independent variables or levels of treatment factors, the
resulting models are called analysis of variance models.
Just as we did in Chapter 11 for the simple linear regression model y = 0 + 1 x + , we
will consider least squares estimation of the parameters 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . , k in the general linear
model. These will be denoted as 0 , 1 , . . . , k .
Then confidence intervals and tests of hypotheses concerning the parameters will be discussed as well as inferences about E(y) and a future y observation.
Computing quantities of interest like the i , SSE, SSREG, MSE, MSREG, -etc- must be
done using a computer because the amount of arithmetic required is very large. In order
to show you exactly what computations must be done (so you will understand what the
computer is doing) it is easiest to use matrix notation.
Multiple Regression Computations Using Matrix Notation
Using matrix notation, we can define vectors y, , and and the matrix X, as follows with
the objective being to give a compact form of definition of quantities like least squares point
and interval estimates, test statistics, etc.


These are defined as follows:



X =






1 x11
1 x21
1 x31
.. ..
. .
1 xn1

x12 . . . x1k
x22 . . . x2k
x32 . . . x3k
xn2 . . . xnk


Now the model can be written in terms of matrices as

y = X +
The following quantities, defined in terms of the above, are useful in multiple regression
computations that follow:
X 0 X is the matrix of sums of cross products of the various columns of X. The element in
the ith row and the j th column of X 0 X is shown as



xti xtj


Denote the elements of the inverse of this matrix by vij where i = 1, 2, . . . , k, j = 1, 2, . . . , k.

In this notation

(X 0 X)1 =

v00 v01 v02 . . . v0k

v10 v11 v12 . . . v1k
v20 v21 v22 . . . v2k

vk0 vk1 vk2 . . . vkk

(Note: vij = vji for all (i, j) i.e., the (X 0 X)1 matrix is symmetric.)
The least squares estimates i of the parameters i in the model are elements of the vector
= (0 , 1 , . . . , k ) where
is the solution to the normal equations

= X 0y
X 0X
and is given by
= (X 0 X)1 X 0 y


The standard deviations of the i are

0 = v00

1 = v11

k = vkk
The sum of squares of residuals (or SSE) is
0X 0y
SSE = y 0 y
and the mean square for error, i.e., the s2 which we use to estimate 2 is
s2 = MSE =

n (k + 1)

Thus the standard errors of j are:

s0 = s
s1 = s


sk = s


Confidence intervals for the j therefore have the form

j t/2 s vjj ,

j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , k

where t/2 is the upper (1 /2) percentile of the t-distribution with df = n (k + 1).
To test H0 : j = 0 vs. Ha : j 6= 0 use the t-statistic
tj =

s vjj

with df = n (k + 1), for each j = 1, . . . , k.

A 100(1-)% confidence interval for E(yn+1 ), the population mean of Yn+1 at
(xn+1,1 , xn+1,2 , . . . , xn+1,k )

yn+1 t/2 s

`0n+1 (X 0 X)1 `n+1


where `0n+1 = (1, xn+1,1 , xn+1,2 , . . . , xn+1,k )

A 100(1-)% prediction interval for a new yn+1 simply adds one under the square root above.

i t/2 s

1 + `0n+1 (X 0 X)1 `n+1

The coefficient of determination Ryx
is computed as
1 ,x2 ,...,xk
1 ,x2 ,...,xk


Generally, Ryx
is the proportion of the variability in y that is accounted for by the
1 ,...,xk

independent variables x1 , x2 , . . . , xk in the model. Without using matrix notation the normal
equations are the following

n 0
x1 0
xk y =
xk 0
x1 y =

+ x1 1
+ x21 1

xk x1 1

xk k
x1 xk k

P 2
x k

More Inference On Multiple Regression Model

1. In the general linear model the s are sometimes called partial slopes. j is the
expected change in y for unit change in xj when all other xs are held constant
i.e., when the the other variables are fixed at a set of values.
2. Analysis of variance table for multiple regression







Sum of






3. Quantities like sj , and confidence interval (band) for E(y), or prediction interval
(band) for a future y cannot reasonably be computed by hand. To obtain intervals at
x values for which y was not observed, include an (n + 1)th row of x values in the data
set with a missing value (i.e. a period) for the value of y. That is the line of data is in
the form
( , x1 , x2 , . . . , xk )

(Note that when we say band for E(y) and future y we are talking about a multivariate band, i.e., a band in more than two dimensions.)
Using the period in the y-value position tells SAS the y observation is missing. SAS
will ignore the row of (k + 1) x values when computing sums of squares, least squares
estimates, etc., but will the compute predicted value y, confidence interval for E(y),
and prediction interval for future y observation at the given set of (k + 1) x values.
4. Other than a full model (i.e.,one involving all the x variables being considered at the
time) one often looks at reduced models (ones involving some but not all of the full
set of independent variables.) Estimates computed for full and reduced models
will usually all be different.
If the x1 variable is in both models, for example, the estimate of the 1 coefficient (1 )
will not be the same for the two least squares fits. The Example 12.18 (page 658)
illustrates this.
5. The term multicollinearity is used to describe the situation wherein some of the
independent variables have strong correlations amongst themselves.
If we are using both the high school GPA (x1 ), and the SAT score (x2 ) in a multiple
regression model to predict college GPA (y) , it is very likely that the two variables x1
and x2 are correlated.
If correlation is very high for a pair of x variables the effect is that the estimated
of one or both of these variables will have very high standard errors,
coefficients (s)
resulting in the t-tests for these variables H0 : j = 0 vs. Ha : j 6= 0 failing to reject
the respective null hypotheses.
The investigator may make a decision on which of these variables will be retained in
the model. Such a decision is usually based on subject matter knowledge about the
predictive value of these variables to the model. Variables may be retained in the model
even in the presence of some multicollinearity if they contribute types of information
needed to explain the variability in y other variables in the model may not be able to


Other Formulas Useful for Interpretation

Your textbook gives the estimated standard errors of the j s as functions of R2 values
obtained by regressing xj on the rest of the x variables.
sj = s t
Sxj xj (1 Rxj x1 ,...,xj1 ,xj+1 ,...,xk )

Sxj xj =


xj )2

Rx2 j x1 ,x2 ,...,xj1 , xj+1 ,...,xk
is the coefficient of determination computed using the variable xj as dependent variable along
with independent variable x1 , x2 , . . . , xj1 , xj+1 , . . . , xk (i.e, all the other xs in the original
This definition is useful for illustrating the effect of multicollinearity on the estimation
of each coefficient j . If the xj variable is highly collinear with one or more of the other
x variables, Rx2 j x1 ,...,xj1 ,xj+1 ,...,xk ) will be large. Thus the denominator of the formula above
for sj will be small, resulting in possibly a very large standard error for j showing that
the estimate j will be inaccurate. Thus this formula shows directly the effect of severe
multicollinearity on the estimation of the coefficients.
The quantity variance inflation factor for a coefficient j is defined as
vifj =


Rx2 j x1 ,x2 ,...,xj1 , xj+1 ,...,xk

and measures the factor by which the variance (square of the standard error) of j increases
because of multicollinearity. If the vif is 1, there is no multicollinearity problem at all. As
a rule of thumb a vif of greater than 10 indicates severe collinearity of the xj with other xs
and the standard error of the corresponding estimated coefficient will be inflated.
One noticeable effect of high standard error of j is that it may result in an incorrect sign for
j . For example, They are one would expect the sign of 1 to be positive if subject matter
knowledge suggests that the mean E(Y ) must increase when the value of x1 increases (when
the other x variable values are unchanged); however, if the parameter is estimated with high
variabilty, it may be estimated as a negative value.

Inferences Concerning a Set of s


We know that we can test hypothesis about any one of the s in the model using a t-test.
i.e., a hypothesis like H0 : 2 = 0 employs the test statistic t = 2 /s2 .
Sometimes we wish to test a hypothesis whether two or more of the s in the model are zero
against the alternative hypothesis that at least one of these s is not zero. Here we shall
assume that k is the total number of predictors (xs) and that g is the number of coefficients
considered to be nonzero where, obviously, g < k. Thus k g represents the number of
variables with coefficients hypothesized to be zero. To test this hypothesis we use an F test.
To formulate it we first fit the two models:
Full Model:
The model involving all xs.
Reduced Model:
The model involving only those xs from the full model whose coefficients are not hypothesized to be zero.
It is easier to state the hypotheses needed to be tested if the k g variables corresponding
to the coefficients to be tested equal to zero are arranged to appear last in the full model.
In this case, the hypotheses can be stated as
H0 : g+1 = g+2 = = k = 0
Ha : at least one of these is not zero.
Now the F -test statistic for testing H0 is

F =

[SSReg(Full) SSReg(Reduced)]/(k g)

The numerator and denominator degrees of freedom here for the F statistic are k g and
n (k + 1), respectively. When this computed F exceeds the F -value obtained from the
F-tables for a chosen , H0 is rejected.
Example 12.18 illustrates this kind of a test. The two models considered are:
y = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x3 + 4 x4 +


y = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 +

The null hypothesis H0 : 3 = 4 = 0 tests whether x3 and x4 taken together contribute

significant predictive value to be included in the Full Model . Fitting the two models, using
the same 20 observations in each case, yields the following:
Full Model:
Prediction Equation:
y = 2.784 + 0.02679x1 + 0.50351x2 + 0.74293x3 + 0.05113x4
ANOVA Table:
Regression 4

SS of










Reduced Model:
Prediction Equation:
y = 0.8709 + 0.0394x1 + 0.828x2
ANOVA Table:
Regression 2

SS of










Thus the test for H0 : 3 = 4 = 0 is:


[SSReg(Full) SSReg(Reduced)]/(k g)
(24.0624 2.9125)/(4 2)
= 69.7

F =

For = 0.01, the percentile from the F table is F.01,2,15 = 6.36. Thus we reject H0 at
= 0.01. In this case we have evidence that Access and Structure variables do actually
contribute predictive value to the model.

This test is applicable to many other kinds of situations. Assessing the viability of higherorder terms and their interactions is another possible application of a test like this.
Note that SSReg(Full) can never be less than SSReg(Reduced) because if it was, then the
reduced model would explain more variability in y than the full model. This is not possible
since the full model includes the reduced model plus additional x variables.
Including Interaction Terms in the Model
The concept of interaction between two independent variables (say) x1 and x2 is discussed
in Section 12.1. By definition x1 , and x2 do not interact if the expected change in y for
unit change in x1 , does not depend on x2 .
To illustrate, consider the first-order model in only x1 and x2 ,
y = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 +
i.e., consider E(y) = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2


x2 = k3











x2 = k1





x2 = k2










When the value of x2 is kept fixed, E(y) is a straight line function of x1 . Different values of
x2 give parallel lines. Thus the expected change in y for unit change in x1 will remain 1
regardless of what the value of x2 is.
Now suppose we have the model
E(y) = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x1 x2
= 0 + (1 + 3 x2 ) x1 + 2 x2



x2 = k1

x = k






`x2 = k3

When the value of x2 is kept fixed, E(y) is still a straight line function of x1 . However, the
slope is 1 + 3 x2 , which obviously is a function of x2 . Therefore the slope now depends
on the value of x2 . So, as you see in the picture, the lines are not parallel as the slopes are
different for different values of x2 . So x1 and x2 are said to interact.
To detect interaction in regression data, we can construct a scatterplot of the data with the
numbers identifying values of the variable x2 :








Here the scatterplot suggests parallel traces, hence no interaction is indicated. But if the
plot looks like the one below interaction is indicated.








A term in the model like x2 x3 is used to account for interaction (a 2-factor interaction
term, we say) between x2 and x3 . Higher order interactions (3-factor, 4-factor, etc.) are
conceivable, like x1 x3 x4 or x1 x2 x3 x4 , but we seldom consider other than possibly 2-factor
interactions, mainly because such models become difficult to interpret and therefore not useful.

Comparing Slopes of Regression Lines

When we want to use the general linear model to test whether the slopes of regression lines
under different conditions (or levels of treatments) we may include a quantitative independent
variable (i.e., an x variable) of a special type called a dummy variable (or an indicator
variable) in the model. This variable takes values 0, 1, ..etc. to indicate the different
conditions or different levels of a treatment.
Example 12.21, 12.22
An anxiety score y is taken from rats given two drug products (A and B) with 10 rats
assigned to each of three doses (5, 10, and 20mg)of each drug. The data are:


Let y denote the response, anxiety score and x1 denote the drug dose, which is a quantitative
variable. However, we require a qualitative variable (say, x2 ) to represent the drug product
since it has values A and B.
We set x2 = 0 if a response is from a rat administered drug A, and x2 = 1 if it is from drug
B. Thus the actual data looks as follows:

The model includes an interaction term that, as we see below, will allow us to test whether
the two regression lines corresponding to the two drug products have the same slope:
y = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x1 x2 +
Thus the expected value (or mean) response E(Y ) for each drug is obtained by substituting
x2 = 0 and x2 = 1, respectively, in the above equation:


drug A:

E(Y ) = 0 + 1 x1

drug B:

E(Y ) = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 + 3 x1
= (0 + 2 ) + (1 + 3 )x1

These two equations are linear regression lines, each corresponding to the set of data for the
two drugs. If 3 in the second was zero then the two lines would have the same slope, but
different y-intercepts. The situation is illustrated in the figure below:

We can test the hypothesis H0 : 3 = 0 by comparing the full model

y = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x1 x2 +
with the reduced model:
y = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 +
as in the previous section. Taking values from the SAS output, the test for H0 : 3 = 0 is:

[SSReg(Full) SSReg(Reduced)]/(k g)
(442.10 389.60)/(3 2)
= 22.00

F =

We reject H0 : 3 = 0 at = 0.05 as the computed F exceeds F.05,1,56 4.0 and conclude

that the slopes of the two regression lines are different.
The interpretation of significant interaction
Since (1 + 3 ) is the slope for the regression line for drug B compared to the slope of 1 of

the line for drug A as shown earlier. The fact that 3 is positive implies that the slope for
the line for drug B is larger than that of the line for drug A. Also see the graphic on the left
side of Figure 12.4 to visualize this. This implies that the mean anxiety level increases at a
faster rate as the drug dose is increased, for drug product B compared to drug product A.
It is important to note that we do not need to use the procedure used above to test for
interaction, i.e., H0 : 3 = 0. We could perform this test directly simply using the SAS
output for the fit of the model
y = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x1 x2 + .
The t-statistic (and the p-value) for x1x2 term corresponds to the test of the hypothesis
H0 : 3 = 0 vs. Ha : 3 6= 0. From the SAS output, the value of this t-statistic is 4.691 and
the p-value=.0001. Thus we again reject H0 : 3 = 0 at = .05







Multiple Regression in Practical Applications

In Chapters 1112 we defined and described the computations and statistical inference procedures associated with t linear regression analysis. In this chapter suggestions are given
about how to proceed to formulate regression models and progress through an analysis.
Certainly the multiple linear regression tool is used to help accomplish one or more objectives:.
Often a major objective is to explain as much of the variation in Y as
Part of the variance in y values is due to the fact that the means of the Y populations are not
all the same. By modelling the relationship among the Y population means, we explain
that part of the overall variance in observed ys which is caused by differences in population
means. The remainder of the variance will be unexplained or due to random error.
Certainly, the better the model the more of the variance that will be explained, and
that translates into better precision in prediction. So, a second objective motivating
the effort to explain as much variation, is predicting ys at unobserved levels of xs
and estimating the Y population mean there.
Naturally, we must select the set of independent variables, the levels of each, and the specific
functions of these at which to take observations. Then the observed data are used to refine
the model, possibly adding or deleting functions of the xs, to arrive at the most satisfactory


Often a third objective in multiple regression analysis is simply determining which
independent variables are most strongly related to Y , i.e., which ones in combination
do the best job of predicting.

Your textbook gives a good description of the steps once usually takes when conducting an
analysis. We will follow the outline of the text.
Selecting the Variables(Step 1)
Normally, designating one or more Y variables is natural. These are key variables of interest
and learning more about their behavior is the main purpose of the study.
Identifying potentially useful independent variables is not always so easy. Usually, people
who are experts in the substantive area of the study will be called on to provide a list of
possible x variables. Then data (y) will be collected at selected levels of these x variables.
Usually many more x variables are identified than are actually needed to form a good model.
Some subsets of the xs are often so closely related to one another that each provides about
the same information about y, hence only one variable from the subset is needed in the
model. Identifying such redundancies is the major challenge in variable selection.
One selection procedure which may be used is to do all possible regressions. This
means fit every possible submodel of the full model involving all independent variables.
Then a good submodel is selected based on some criterion related to the model fits. Some
criteria often used are:
1. Small s2
2. Large R2
Unfortunately, the full model always gives the smallest s2 and the largest R2 . What is a
good submodel will be one that is a compromise between the desires to optimize s2 and
R2 , and use as few x variables as possible. Usually more than one good submodel will
emerge, and a decision to select one must somehow be made.
One technique that is sometimes used to help in this regard is data splitting. This means
dividing the data into two parts. The first part is used to compute all possible regressions (or

some other method). The second part of the data are used to see how well various submodels
predict future observations, i.e., the ys in this second subset. This technique can help
sort out the better of the good submodels. Most often the data are split by dividing them
in half.
If there are too few observations to split, a statistic named PRESS may be used. For each of
the good submodels do the following. For each of the n data elements in turn, delete the
element, fit the model using the n 1 remaining data elements, and use the fit to predict
the y of the deleted observation. Call the prediction yi and yi the observation deleted. Then


(yi yi )2 .


Submodels with small PRESS are preferable. PRESS may be used in conjunction with all
possible regressions to decide between two or more good submodels, or PRESS can be
used alone to help select a useful subset of the xs.
It must be emphasized that a best subset of independent variables is not
defined so doesnt exist. We are looking for good subsets, and will then select one of
these as our model.
A competitor technique to all possible regressions and PRESS is the use of the Cp statistic.
It is defined as
(n 2p)
Where SSEp is the error sum of squares due to fitting the submodel containing p parameters
Cp =

(including 0 ), and s2 is the error SS due to fitting all available x variables. Good submodels have Cp which is nearly p, i.e., Cp p. This technique is especially good at helping
to avoid selecting overspecified model having redundant x variables.
There are some numerical algorithms available which automate the subset selection process.
Some people call them best subset selection algorithms, but they cannot possibly select
the best because it isnt defined. Nevertheless these algorithms are used and they often
select reasonably good subsets. Some of these are:
1. Backward Elimination
This algorithm begins with the full model
y = 0 + 1 x1 + + k xk +

and attempts to delete a variable xj to obtain a model with one less independent variable.
The variable selected for deletion is the one that causes least increase in Error SS of the full
model. It can be shown that this is equivalent to finding the smallest F-to-delete statistic
Fj =


j = 1, 2, . . .

where MSE is the mean square error from the full model fit, and the numerator is the
difference in Error SS of the two models. If this F-statistic is less than a preselected cut-off
value the corresponding x variable is deleted from the model.
The cut-off value is usually an F-value F , 1, df, where is a preset value (usually called the
significance level for deletion) and df= d.f. for MSE. The process continued until a variable
fails to be deleted at which time the x variables ramaining in the model comprise the selected
2. Forward Selection
The algorithm begins with the model y = 0 + , and extends model by attempting to add
one term at a time. The variable selected at each stage is the one that causes largest decrease
in Error SS of the full model. This is equivalent to finding the largest F-to-enter statistic
Fj =


j = 1, 2, . . .

where MSE is the mean square error from the full model fit, and the numerator is the
difference in Error SS of the two models. If this F-statistic is greater than a preselected
cut-off value the corresponding x variable is added to the model.
The cut-off value is usually an F-value F , 1, df, where is a preset value (usually called
the significance level for entry) and df= d.f. for MSE. When a variable fails to enter, the
process stops and the submodel which exist at that time is declared the model selected by
the procedure.
3. Stepwise Regression
This algorithm combines the steps of forward selection and backward elimination. It begins
with the model y = 0 + and does a forward selection step. If a variable is added then the
current model is (if xj is added)
y = 0 + 1 xj +

Now a backward elimination (modified) step is made. If an x variable is deleted then the
current model has one fewer terms. Otherwise it is unchanged and a forward selection step
is made.
Thus alternating forward and backward steps are made until no variable is added to the
current subset in a forward step and no variabale is deleted in the following backward step.
Then the algorithm stops and the current subset at that time comprise the selected model.
Any or all of the methods mentioned can be used to help decide which set(s) of independent
variables will be used. It isnt necessary to decide absolutely on only one. We can go forward
with more than one, and make a final decision at a later stage in the overall analysis.
Model Formation (Step 2)
Step 1 yields a subset x1 , x2 , . . . , xk of the original full set of independent variables (sometimes
we will proceed to Step 2 with the full set).
The second step is to decide exactly which terms will be in the model. For example, if we
have x1 , x2 , x3 , do we want the model
y = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x3 +

y = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x21 + 3 x2 + 4 x3 +


y = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x22 + 4 x3 +


y = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x3 + 4 x1 x2 +

There are many other possibilities.

A reasonable way to proceed (most people do this) is to fit the model which involves only
first order terms, i.e.
y = 0 + 1 x1 + + k xk +
to get residuals
yi yi
Plotting residuals versus each x may then suggest which higher-degree terms may be appropriate. Then trying various higher order term model fits may lead to desirable extensions of
the first order model.
Plotting will not, however, suggest interaction between more than two variables. If such are
suspected, a model having many higher order terms, some of them higher order interactions,

can be subjected to the stepwise regression algorithm to see which terms are retained.
Any of the other algorithms (forward or backward) might be used instead.
Also, if repeat y observations have been made at one or more combination of independent
variable levels, the test for lack of fit can be used to identify model which may be improved
by adding higher order terms. This is not an absolute because lack of fit may be due to
the need for nonlinear functions of the parameters. We wont consider nonlinear terms and
models in Stat. 401.
Remember, there is usually no best model because there is usually no exact functional
relationship among Y population means. Thus different researchers may well find different
very good models for the same data.
Checking model assumptions (Step 3) by analyzing residuals
The assumptions we have made are all about the i in the model. They are:
1. E(i ) = 0 all i
2. V (i ) = 2 , all i
3. i is normally distributed, all i
4. The i are independent
We already discussed some graphical procedures for residuals from the simple linear regression model in Chapter 11.
Since the residuals ri = yi yi are estimates of the i , they are used in our efforts to detect
1. E(i ) = 0 (Model Adequacy)
If a linear regression model fits well to the data, this assumption wont be seriously violated,
in which case we would expect the residuals to be evenly spaced around the zero line when
ri = yi yi are plotted against each of the independent variables xi . A noticeable curvature
or nonlinearity is present in this plot may indicate that a more complicated relationship such
as a polynomial. In this case a tranformation of the y variable or the partcular xi variables


may be attempted.
2. V (i ) = 2 (Constant Error Variance)

Plotting residuals ri = yi yi versus predicted values yi will show significant heterogeneity

if it exists, as shown below. Nonconstant variance will make the width of confidence and
prediction intervals too wide or too narrow depending on the variance at the considered x
Transformations to stabilize variance are possible, and a technique called weighted least
squares can be used to overcome some of the adverse effects of heterogeneity of variance. We
wont pursue these topics now. A plot suggesting heterogeneity is:

yi yi


r r










Pattern Showing Heterogeneity of Variance

3. i Normal
A Normal probability plot of the residuals or better the studentized residuals (yi yi )/s
versus percentiles from the standard normal distribution. If this plot shows a substantial
deviation from linearity the normality assumption about s is seriously in doubt. Particularly one you should look for one of the pattern that indicate that the error disribution is
deviates from a Normal distribution in one of the ways we discussed in class.
Also Histogram plots and Box plots of residuals can show skewness in distribution which
indicates nonnormality, (lack of symmetry to be specific).
Serious violation of this assumption does not impact point estimate, but distributional assumptions for t and F tests are not valid and these test may be seriously invalidated. An
available remedy is again try a transformation of the y variable.


4. Independent i (Uncorrelated)

This one is hard to check. We will talk about a check only when the observations have a timeoriented sequence. For observations taken over time we talk about serial correlation which
measures the tendency of successive adjacent s to be similar (positive serial correlation) or
dissimilar (negative serial correlation). Independence gives zero serial correlation.
A statistic which estimates serial correlation is the Durbin-Watson statistic. Let t be the
residual for the observation at time t. Then


(t+1 t )2 /



when there is no serial correlation E(d) = 2.0. When the observed d value is outside the
interval (1.5, 2.5) suggests nonzero serial correlation.
A good idea is to try to avoid having dependent i when collecting data. Introduce randomness as much as possible in the data collection process and try to avoid taking observations
where one depends on the value obtained for another.

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