Sri Varadaraja Panchakam
Sri Varadaraja Panchakam
Sri Varadaraja Panchakam
Introduction 1
Slokam 1 7
Slokam 2 13
Slokam 3 24
Slokam 4 28
Slokam 5 30
nigamanam 35
During the course of writing about Sri VaradarAja Sthavam of Swamy KurEsar,
adiyEn came across the text of the five slOkams (Varadaraaja
Panchakam) composed by MahAchAryaa / DhoddayAchAryA (1509-1591 C.E) in
Sri VaradarAja GuNAmrutha Vaibhavam monograph. adiyEn will write a brief
commentary on this Panchakam. It is a combination of the celebration of the
Lord's GarudOthsavam and a salutation to the exalted doctrines of Bhagavath
RaamAnuja SiddhAntham.
Sri DhoddAchAryA was a great bhakthar of Lord VaradarAja PerumAL of
Kaanchipuram. He used to attend regularly the annual VaikAsi Garuda Sevai of
Lord VaradarAjan/DevarAja PerumAL. On one particular year, he was not well
to attend the GarudOthsavam at Kaanchi and felt very bad about his
misfortune. He stood near the temple tank of TakkAn KuLam of ChOLa Simha
puram and visualized the great Garuda Sevai of the Lord at Kaanchi
(maanaseekam) and composed five beautiful slOkams, which are known today as
Sri DevarAja Panchakam. He longed for the Lord's sevai and these outpourings
were a direct result.
The Lord of Kaanchi did not let His Bhakthan down. He appeared before
DhoddAchAryA on the back of Garudan at ChOLa Simha Puram and made His
sishyan's heart filled with bliss. The evidence of this recent day leelai of Lord
VaradarAjan is preserved in the form of an archai at Takkan KuLam of
ShOlingar in the form of GajEndhra Varadan. GarudArooDa Lord came with the
speed of GajEndra Varadhan to the side of His bhakthan, who was sorrowing
over His inability to have the bhAgyam of the Lord's darsanam on Garuda
Sevai day due to old age. Such is the mercy of the PeraruLALan!
In the first of the five slOkams, DoddAchArya recalls the scene in front of
the western gate of the temple of Lord VaradarAjan at Kaanchipuram:
ूषू े वरदः ूसवदनः ूाािभमान ्
जनान ्
आबािलमकानिवमलान आबालमानयन।्
मोाियत चामरो मिणमयतातपऽँशन ैः
अगपरमािवरास भगवानाढपक्षीरः॥
prathyUshE Varadha: prasanna vadhana: prApthAbhimukhyAn JanAn
During the early morning hours, Lord Varadhan, the shADguNya roopi with His
beaming Thirumukha MaNDalam will arrive slowly at the western gate on the
back of Garudan. Is it not so? Would not the white umbrellas symbolizing His
Lordship over the entire universe move gently on this occasion? Wouldn't the
bluish-black hue (ShyAmala mEni) of the Lord be most captivating
(ChitthApahAri) during this time? Wouldn't those white umbrellas
providing shade for the Lord look most beautiful then? The great
bhaagyasAlis assembled on the sannidhi street would jostle restlessly with
each other to get close to the Lord for a more intimate sevai and would have
their hands over their heads in anjali mudhrai. The Lord on the back of His
favorite Vaahanam would gladden the hearts of every one from innocent
children to great AchAryAs and would bless every one of them with His
adhbhutha Sevai.
The Lord of enchanting beauty, who churned the milky ocean to bring out the
nectar for the DevAs appeared now.
The Lord, who blessed us with the auspicious thought to meditate on Him has
arrived now.
ேசமெமண்ணி எம்ைம அன்பர்க்களித்தார் வந்தார்
For our KshEmam( well being ) , the Lord who blessed us to become the
adiyArs of His BhAgavathAs has appeared before us.
The Lord with the celebrated dhivya MangaLa Vigraham has appeared before
The Lord who through His Krupai removes the two chains (karmAs) of Paapam
and PuNyam have arrived before us now.
That Lord, the parama parisuddhar, who stands at the upAya sthAnam for
those, who do not have the sakthi to perform those upAyams has arrived.
The Lord who instructed those --who are afraid of their inability to perform
the upAya anushtAnam-- to perform instead prapatthi to Him has arrived.
The Lord who rushes to guide PrapannAs through the archirAdhi maargam has
karutha varam tarum Dhiva PerumAL vanthAr --Verse 10
The Divine Lord, who blesses one with the boons desired by mere meditation of
Him has appeared before us.
The Lord with the hue of dark rainy cloud and who rains down the boon of
Moksham has indeed arrived.
This is how DoddAcchAryA might have felt, when he was blessed with the
Garuda Sevai of Lord VaradarAjan at ChOLa Simha Puram, when the Lord
rushed as GajEndra varadhan to His side with lightning speed. After all, he was
a keen student of Swamy Desikan's Sri Sookthis !
ु ु
ु ु ं
े ्
िन ं नमािम वरदं रमिणयवषम॥
mukthAdha pathra yugaLOpaya saamarAnthA:
vidhyOdhamAna VinathA-tanayAdhirooDam
Lord VaradarAjan is radiant on the back of Garudan --the son of Vinathai-- and
is flanked on both sides by the twin sets of white umbrellas and Kavari deer
tail chAmarams (fans). His sacred, lotus-soft right hand is held in abhaya
mudhrA pose assuring all that He will free them from all their fears. His
beautiful lotus-like eyes rain anugraham on all the beholders. adiyEn salutes
always that Sarva MangaLa Moorthy emerging out of His aasthaanam through
the western gOpuram on the third day of His VaikAsi BrahmOthsavam. adiyEn
enjoys without let the most enchanting beauty of the Lord (RamaNIya
ramanIya vEsham
HE is seated on the back of GarudAzhwAn and resting His sacred feet on the
broad palms of His special vaahanam. GarudAzhwAn holds those Thiruvadis
with reverence and points out to us that they are the refuge for all the
Swamy Desikan prayed for the boon of enjoying Lord VaradarAjAn during His
uthsavam days as well as all his days on earth without closing his eye lids:
ु िवहगराज नोिळकािदष ु
े ं ाम ्
ू ं हिष ैलर
अनविधक िवभित
र् र् े ्
ु मिनमषे ैलचन ैिनिवशयम॥
अनिदन ोकम ् 48 ौीवरदराजपाशत ्
Swamy Desikan points out here that the Lord of Hasthigiri displays different
aspects of His matchless beauty when He uses the Horse, PakshirAjan
(Garudan), Car (ThEr), Pallakku as His vahanams during His BrahmOthsavam.
Swamy says that the soundharyam of the Lord is forever enhancing as He
mounts these individual vaahanams. With His soundharyam and His VibhUthi
(Isvaryam) accompanying Him during these occasions,
He heightens the aanandhAnubhavam of the bhakthAs, who have assembled on
the raaja veedhis of Kanchi to have His darsana soubhAgyam. Swamy prays:
(May adiyen be blessed to enjoy Your incomparable beauty and Isvaryam every
day without closing my eyes.) He states that he does not want to take his eyes
off from enjoying the beauty of the Lord even for a fraction of second.
य े िवतान ं जन ं ऽयीमयः।
ु गता
उपित ं तने परो
ं र्
दिसमदिकणाशोिभना॥ ोकम 4् 1 ोऽरम ्
"When will adiyEn stand before Garudan the Veda Savaroopi, who serves as
Your Daasan, Friend, Vaahanam (transport), seat, vidhAnam (umbrella/cover
over Your Thirumudi as at BrindhAvanam, when You played with Gopa
KumArans in the heat of summer), fan (bringing in cool breeze through the
swift movement of his wings)? That bhAgyasAli, Garudan has the imprint of
Your sacred feet in His palms as He transports You around. When will adiyEn
have the bhAgyam of Your sevai (Garuda Vaahana sEvai)?" Thus Swamy
AlavanthAr longs for the GarudArooda sEvai just as DoddhAcchAr Swamy
wished few hundred years later .
Some of the VibhUthis of the Lord in display during the Uthsavams are the
elephant, horse, Chaamarams, umbrellas, flags and other indicators of His
status as the Emperor of the Universe and its beings (royal insignias).
DoddhAcchAr Swamy refers to two of the VibhUthis in his second slOkam:
The two white Umbrellas stitched with pearls and the two white chAmarams
(Fans) made of the tail hair of a special kind of deer (kavari Maan).
The color of white pearls reminds one of Suddha Satthvam. Another inner
meaning of white pearls is that they are AzhwAr Paasurams that celebrate the
Sarva Seshithvam of the Lord. The sEsha-sEshithva relationship is
reminded here with AzhwAr being sEshan and the Lord being the sEshi. The
paasurams of AzhwAr celebrate this indestructible relationship between
sEshan and Seshi. The MukthAmaNi rasmi (the radiant lustre of the rows of
Quality pearls) is auspicious because of their nirmala prakAsam reminding one
of prathipath chandrakalA (crescent moon on prathamai day). Swamy Desikan
refers to this in the MukthA Paddhathi of Sri RanganAtha PaadhukA
The pearl-studded white umbrellas serving as protection from the day's heat
also reminds one of AdhisEshan stretching His hoods over the Lord's
Thirumudi and performing his Kaimkaryam (ThvAm Moorthim
BhujangAdhipathE: pratheema:). In yet another slOkam of MukthA Paddhathi
of Sri RanganAtha PaadhukA Sahsram, Swamy Desikan compares the row of
pearls to the rows of Nakshathrams created by the Lord for future ages. They
provide coolness even during the heat of the day by spreading Satthva GuNam
all around.
"Yeka ChakrAdhipathi"
(Courtesy:Sri.SaThakopa Tatachar)
"Maa Sucha"
(Courtesy:Sri.SaThakopa Tatachar)
suffering Jeevans sends out a rejuvenating message of hope through
His abhaya mudhrai. Through His abhaya Mudhrai, Lord VaradharAjan confers
so many boons that it would be impossible for us to count them or comprehend
His udhavi (help) has no end (anthamilA udhavi). Through His abhya-pradhAna
mudhrai, Swamy describes in the Charama SlOkAdhikAram section of
ChillaRai Rahasyam, Saara-Saaram the following doctrine:
"Oh Jeevan! You do not have the power to practise Moksha UpAyAntharams
(the various means to seek Moksham). Perform SaraNAgathi at my feet and
seek my protection. I am SaraNAgatha-VathsalathvAdhi-visishtan (Natural
affection towards those, who seek My protection as SaraNAgathan). I will
therefore protect You as a Prapannan. I will remove all obstacles that stand in
the way of reaching Me and make you a kruthArTan -
His SaraNya Vratha VisEsha PrakAsam (The Lord's vow and its greatness) is
revealed by Him in the famous Srimath RaamAyaNa SlOkam:
् र् भतो
अभयम सव ्
ू े ददािम एतद ् ोतम मम॥
In his second slOkam of the DeavrAja Panchakam, DoddhAcchArya MahA
Desikan salutes the GarudArooda Sri Varadha Prabhu of "RamaNeeya Vesham"
for "His Bhaktha abhaya-pradha KarAmbhujam" and what that abhaya-
pradhAna Mudhrai signifies for us all.
े े े
यदमौिलगणवमवम ैः
तनाभपदपयगु ं मन
ु ैः
े ं भवििरित दशयतीव
स र्
Those holy feet are worshipped by Brahmaa, Rudran and Indran as those
belonging to their Master. Those lotus feet are associated with the BhagavAn,
who has a lotus growing out of His navel to house His son BrahmA.
GarudAzhwAn holds these glorious feet in his palms and shows the world that
these feet are sacred and fit to be worshipped by humans during
PeraruLALan's Garuda SEvai uthsavam.
Swamy KurEsar in the very first slOkam of Sri VaradharAja Sthavam refers
to the efforts of Upanishads to comprehend and describe the glories of the
Lord's tatthvams:
ि हििगिरमशखरः सनोत ु मिय सत ं हिरः।
िनमािधकमध य ं दवमौपिनषदी सरती॥
-- ोकम ् 1
Here, KurEsar points out that the Upanishads described this matchless Lord
(VaradharAjan) as having no equal or superior. The Upanishads acknowledged
the general priniciple that there is no one equal or greater than Him, but could
not go beyond that.
Here KurEsar begins to describe some of the glories of the sacred feet of the
Lord of Kaanchi and where they are found.
हीश िनमनपालन लाा ं
ं ु ं शभाशभा
पसा ु ु मयािन फलािन सत॥
ू े ोकम 1् 3 ौीवरदराजपाशत ्
AshAdhipeShu girisheShu caturmukheShvapi
"Oh Lord of Hasthi Giri! Your commands to the dhig-PaalakAs, Rudran, BrahmA
on what to do and what not to do are meticulously followed by them since they
implicitly accept You as their Supreme master".
किचिवशोधन ु पारमाः परे
े पशपतौ
तशयतीव ं नणा
सूित ु
ृ ं ताक्षयःर् ौतीना ं िनिधः॥
Many who are engaged in establishing the Supermacy among the Gods confuse
others because of their ignorance about Sriman NaarAyaNa tatthvams and
because of their agitated and wavering minds. Some of them hold the view
that Rudran is paratatthvam by emotionally choosing selected pramANams and
thereby confuse others.
Some others argue that Brahmaa is that Supreme Lord. Other than these
confused ones declaring that Rudran or BrahmA is the Para Dhaivam, those
who know the SaasthrAs and Veda pramANams clearly comprehend the Para
Tatthvam of Sriman NaarAyaNa-Varadhan and describe to other seekers with
conviction about the Lordship of Sri Varadhan over BrahmA (His son) and
Rudran (His grandson) in the spirit of Thirumazhisai AzhwAr's
Naanmukhan ThiruvandhAthi.
Divya dampathi's pin sevai
GarudaazhwAn for His part holds the sacred feet of that Supreme Lord of
Varadhan in His extended palms and invites the jeevans, which take many
births, to see for themselves the redeeming lotus feet of the Lord as Sarva
Rakshakan and Sarva Sakthan. This way, Garudhan helps immensely to testify
about the Para tatthva NirNayam arrived at by the Saadhus. The Garuda Sevai
at Kaanchi is thus very pertinent for reminding us about the Parathvam
(Supermacy) of Varahda-NaarAyanan.
ु ं ु े िदनमख
ूग्गोपरसमख ु े पक्षीसवािहत
ं ं
नतामरकोरक ु ्
ं िनपमऽयीभासरम।
The place is VishNu Kaanchi. The time is the early morning hours of the third
day of the Lord's VaikAsi BrahmOthsavam. The Lord of Hasthi Giri firmly
establishes His feet pressed by Garudhan in latter's extended palms. At that
time, the two fans on both sides of the Lord move gently like dancing buds; the
two white umbrellas of sizable proportions flutter over the Lord's Thirumudi.
Lord VaradarAjan shines with matchless beauty and blesses the assembled
BhakthAs with His sevai during that early morning hour. The asuspicious
sounds of Thirucchinnam announcing the start of the procession of
Sriman NaarAyaNa-Varadhan along the main streets of Kaanchi is heard. The
assembly of kaimakrya ParALs performing Veda and dhivya-prabhndha
paarAyaNam are looked at by Varadhan with great affection.Such a wonderful
scene of Garuda Sevai at Kaanchi is witnessed only by great bhAgyasAlis.
venugAnakrishnan tirukkolam
(Courtesy:Sri.SaThakopa Tatachar)
Thus DoddhAchArya concluded the mental visualization of the previous year's
Garuda Seavis witnessed by him and regretted about his misfortune in not
being at Kanchi that year to have the joy of enjoying the Lord's Garuda Sevai
as in previous years. The Parama KaaruNika, Bhaktha Vathsala PeraruLALa
PerumAL commanded His archakas to cover His presence with the umbreallas
and took off to ChOLa Simha Puram to bless DoddhAchArya MahA
Desikan with His sEvai as Garuda Vaahanan. Then He returned to His erstwhile
position at the entrance of the western gOpuram and continued with His
activities for that year's GarudOthsavam day. He flew back on
Garudan's shoulders in great haste through the streets of Kaanchi as if He is
on His mission to rescue GajEndran and stopped in between at YathOkthakAri
Sannidhi, Ashtabhujam and hastened to Thuppul to honor Swamy Desikan on
this day.
On this November 20, 2007 asmath AchAryan, HH the 45th Azhagiya Singar,
Sri MalOla PaadhukA Sevaka Sri NaarAyaNa Yathindhra Maha Desikan would
celebrate His 81st Thiru Nakshathram and the anniversary of His ascension
to AchArya Peetam at the ancient seat of Ahobila Matam created by Lord
Lakshmi Nrusimhan Himself some six hundred years ago.
adiyEn places this write-up at the sacred feet of asmath AchAryan at this
time and would now like to invoke His blessings again as adiyEn releases it in
the e-book form in the Ahobilavalli series .
भिा ं निसह ु ु े
ृ ं कहनामिधजग्मष।
र् ु
ैक वजमधनाऽिप करीश ननू ं
ऽैलोमतदिखलं निसह र् ्
ृ ं गभम॥ -- ोकम 2् 3 ौीवरदराजपाशत ्
यदपराधसहॐ ं अजॐज ं
ृ र् र्
िवकितमभकिनभजनादगाः॥ --ोकम 6् 8 ौीवरदराजवम ्
yadhaparAdha sahasram ajasrajam
ं ु
नरिसहतनरगौणी ु
समसमयसमव भिगरः।
े च व े िपशनयित े ं वरद॥
--ोकम 7् 1 ौीवरदराजपाशत ्
Narasimha-tanutara-agouNi samasamayasamudhbhava cha bhaktha gira:
े किरशैल क
॥कालनः र्
ृ जलधः काािधकं वषित॥