Peacebuilding, in Particular Siprst/2009/23, S/Prst/2010/20, S/Prst/2011/2, S/Prst/2011/4 and

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The Security Council recalls its resolutions and the statements of its President on post-conflict

peacebuilding, in particular SiPRST/2009/23, S/PRST/2010/20, S/PRST/2011/2, S/PRST/2011/4 and

S/PRST/2012/29, and reaffirms the critical importance of peacebuilding as the foundation for sustainable
peace and development in the aftermath of conflict.
The Security Council takes note with appreciation of the Secretary-General's report on

Peacebuilding in the aftermath of conflict (S/2014/694) and the country-specific evidence of impacts and
lessons learned it contains.

The Security Council recognizes that peacebuilding is an important element of the United Nations
efforts in countries emerging from conflict; and reaffirms that sustainable peace and security requires an
integrated sustained approach based on coherence among political, security and developmental
approaches which are essential for effectively improving the respect for human rights, advancing gender
equality, strengthening the rule of law, and advancing economic development in countries emerging from
conflict, recognizing the specific needs and situation of the country concerned.

The Security Council underlines that the primary responsibility for successful peacebuilding lies
with national governments and relevant local actors, including civil society, in countries emerging from

The Security Council emphasizes the importance of inclusivity in advancing national peacebuilding
processes and objectives in order to ensure that the needs of all segments of society are taken into

The Security Council reaffirms that national ownership and leadership is key to establishing
sustainable peace and reaffirms also the primary responsibility of national authorities in identifying their
priorities and strategies for post-conflict peacebuilding.

The Security Council underscores that peacebuilding, in particular, institution building, the
extension of State authority and the re-establishment of core public administration functions, requires
sustained international and national attention, and financial and technical support in order to effectively
build and sustain peace in countries emerging from conflict. The Security Council recognizes that the
gaps in the provision of rapid and sustained tYmancial support continue to hamper peacebuilding efforts.

The Security Council welcomes the role played by the United Nations' Peacebuilding Fund in filling
these gaps and urges Member States to contribute to the Fund and other relevant multi-donor trust funds
that support countries emerging from conflict in order to replenish them.

The Security Council recognizes recent successes in collective peacebuilding efforts of the United
Nations and the wider international community and also acknowledges the setbacks and the challenges
that the United Nations system, including the Council and the wider international community, have faced

in preventing or reducing the risks of relapse into conflict. The Security Council expresses its
determination to continue to take into consideration the underlying causes of relapse into conflict.

The Security Council looks forward to the outcome of the 2015 review of the Peacebuilding
Architecture and to the consideration of its recommendations in order to improve the peacebuilding
capacity of the United Nations system, inter alia, by strengthening the performance and impact of

Peacebuilding Architecture with the view to realize its full potential in line with the agreed terms of

The Security Council underlines the need for the review of the Peacebuilding Architecture to be
undertaken in conjunction and synergy with the upcoming Secretary General's review of peace

The Security Council recognizes the continuing need to increase women's participation and the
consideration of gender-related issues in all discussions pertinent to the prevention and resolution of
armed conflict, the maintenance of peace and security, and post-conflict peacebuilding.

The Security Council recalls its resolution 1645 and acknowledges the important role of the
Peacebuilding Commission in the Peacebuilding Architecture and stresses its willingness to strengthen its
links with the Peacebuilding Commission by, inter alia, making greater use of its advisory role. The
Council calls upon the Commission to make further efforts in promoting improved coherence and
alignment of partner's policies around national peacebuilding strategies and priorities, and ensure regional
and international support and effective response through engagement and establishing partnerships with
international financial institutions, neighboring countries and regional and subregional organizations. The
Security Council underscores the importance of the regional aspect of peacebuilding and the need for
engaging and collaborating with regional actors in policy related and country-specific issues in the advice

made by the Peacebuilding Commission.

The Security Council notes that the Peacebuilding Commission's advisory role to the Council is
particularly appreciated in view of its contribution to the implementation of the Council's mandates on
the ground in countries on its agenda.

The Security Council requests the Secretary-General to brief the Council by December 2015 and
to submit a report to the Council no later than December 2016 on further United Nations peacebuilding
efforts in the aftermath of conflict, including progress towards increasing the participation of women in
peacebuilding, taking into consideration the views of the Peacebuilding Commission.

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