First Light - A Roleplaying Game of Divine Proportion
First Light - A Roleplaying Game of Divine Proportion
First Light - A Roleplaying Game of Divine Proportion
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1
Theogony (Character Creation)..................................................................................................... 2
Alignment ............................................................................................................................ 4
Origin ................................................................................................................................... 6
Appearance ......................................................................................................................... 8
Personality ........................................................................................................................ 10
Goals ................................................................................................................................. 11
Interests ............................................................................................................................ 12
Greatest Flaw .................................................................................................................... 13
Domains ............................................................................................................................ 14
Customization and Mod Points ......................................................................................... 17
Prioritizing Personality and Goals..................................................................................... 18
Playing Gods (How to Play) ........................................................................................................ 20
Acts of God ....................................................................................................................... 21
Potence ........................................................................................................................ 26-27
Godhead ........................................................................................................................... 27
Bid for Supremacy ............................................................................................................ 28
Playing to Type ................................................................................................................. 29
Immortal Combat .............................................................................................................. 30
Parthenogenesis (Character Creation)....................................................................................... 2
Parthenogenesis (Character Creation)....................................................................................... 2
Parthenogenesis (Character Creation)....................................................................................... 2
Parthenogenesis (Character Creation)....................................................................................... 2
Playing God.
Everyone takes a stab at it, time and again. From the scientist splicing genes to the humble
dungeon master conjuring falling rocks on a featureless plain to kill his players, we all
occasionally get the urge to act as more than we are. To smash and destroy, or to create and
build, to shape the world into a better representation of our likeness. The same thing that drives
us to be better than we are pushes us to play at being greater, more powerful than we are, to
reach out and touch the face of the divine.
This is a game about all that, sure. Its also a game about building a world out of dust, or
contesting your divine rivals in apocalyptic duels, or simply instantly transporting hapless
peasants to the moon. First Light is a game about all these things and more, and is designed to
be able to take on any number of moods, themes, or situations under the umbrella of players
playing gods. This can be both a serious game for serious people, or a beer-and-pretzels
bonanza with players literally throwing full-sized dragons at each other. Both can be fun, and
both can be games worth playing.
Though it is a game designed to be able to fit multiple genres, First Light has at its core the spirit
of classic swords n sorcery games such as Dungeons & Dragons, and draws initial inspiration
from Ken Harts article in Dragon magazine 398, Ignorance is Blessed, detailing gods and their
creation. From this, we have crafted a full-fledged system for playing as gods in any pantheon,
past, present, or future, in any scenario that you or your Godmaster (the GM) can dream up.
Owing to its D&D roots, the primary die roll in First Light is the d20, or twenty-sided die, a single
die which - as a verifiable fact - owes more to divine favor than perhaps any other die type.
We genuinely hope you enjoy First Light and all of its myriad potential worlds, scenarios, and
uses. The latest, most up-to-date version of First Light can always be found on the web at , and any comments, questions, concerns, or feedback
about the game can be sent by e-mail to [email protected].
Signed, your gracious and humble game-maker,
BluLight Games
A flash of light. A roiling cosmic fire singes the fabric of reality - a mere spark that flourishes into a wildfire,
tearing a smoldering hole through what is real itself. The radiance coalesces, retracting to fill the void in
All That Is, before it expands into a celestial blossoming that bursts forth with a cataclysmic thunder which
rings and resounds throughout all the cosmos. The radiance gradually, ever-so-slowly takes some
manner of definite shape and form. Ethereal tendrils of holy fire burn away until they are the limbs, hands,
and feet of a nascent being, and from the heart of this extraterrestrial pyroclasm emerges a recognizable
You open your eyes and there is light. You are born.
Similar to what is found in the swords n sorcery
hacky-slashy dungeon-crawly games First Light
derives inspiration from, Alignment determines
the moral leanings of your god. Is your god kind,
righteous and beneficent, or are you a wicked
trickster that exists only to lead mortals to
corruption? Or do you follow a third path outside
that moral dichotomy as perhaps a neutral god
of balance or simply a god that puts no stock in
things like morality?
Whatever the case, think of Alignment as a good
starting place for determining how your god
interacts with the outside world, what sorts of
followers your god attracts, and what your god
sees as important in the world. A Good god is
Regardless of whether your god has been the
master of their universe for eons or if they are
merely a freshly-minted deity, all gods have an
origin, some celestial home turf from which they
hail and which further characterizes their
appearance and opinions.
Some gods are beautiful, some gods are ugly.
Some gods are 300-foot tall slimy toad beasts,
and others are lithe constructs of liquid metal,
one-eyed wizened all-fathers, or deadly transdimensional swarms of insects that think with a
horrifyingly alien hive consciousness. Whatever
the case, your Appearance helps you decide
exactly how your god looks by giving you
general terms to extrapolate upon and fill in the
specifics yourself.
On the table below, roll 3d20 (three twenty-sided
dice), pick one of the options available for each
number you roll, and write them in the three
Appearance blanks on your character sheet.
If you roll one number twice, you may either take
the second option you didnt pick the first time
through, or reroll the die.
More than anything else, gods are creatures of
personality, akin to strong, dynamic forces of
ego that can will the very stars to move. Great
exertion can tax even the mightiest entities,
though, and beings of pure ego must feed by
being themselves.
Mechanically, this means that every time your
god acts as their Personality traits indicate
they should act, they receive a power reward
in the form of Potence through a mechanic
called Playing to Type. Performing
monumental actions, or Acts of God, can drain
this Potence, so it is important to constantly
roleplay your character if you wish to be a truly
Potent god. Further, Potence can make your
god more durable, and even bring a dying deity
back from the brink of non-existence. Potence,
Acts of God, Playing to Type, and other
associated mechanics are explained in-depth
and with more clarity in the Playing Gods
section, so dont worry if some of the vocabulary
Beings such as gods are bound to have lofty
ambitions, things that should be a constant drive
or nearly impossible to achieve completely, even
for them. Think about why your god would want
these things, what they would to seek to achieve
through these ends, and what that says about
who your god truly is and who they are to their
Goal traits are another of the traits that restore
Potence through Playing to Type, but a god
must achieve or make significant progress
towards their goal in order to receive Potence
from it. Keeping your mouth shut about what
your god had for breakfast wont earn you any
Every god needs a hobby, something to do
in their usual downtime between
conquering worlds and laying waste to all
that oppose them. Interests are things that
fascinate your god, though not enough to
encapsulate their full attention, nor does
your god necessarily have domain over the
things he, she, or it is interested in.
Any being of a gods magnitude is bound to
have an Achilles heel, a fatal flaw that they
just cant help but indulge in and which may
ultimately be their downfall. Your gods
Greatest Flaw trait represents this, and
gives you an idea of exactly what sorts of
mistakes your god is expected to make.
Gods are undoubtedly beings of supreme
power, and Domains are the sorts of change
that particular gods can affect in the world. A
god can roughly do anything and everything that
falls under the header of their domain, from
creating the very domain in question to
manipulating it or even ending it as they see fit.
Domains are the trait used to determine the
nature of your Acts of God, and more on how to
use Domains in gameplay can be found in the
Playing Gods section.
On the table below, roll 2d20 (two twenty-sided
dice), pick one of the options available for each
of your numbers, and write it in the Domain
blanks on your character sheet. If you roll one
number twice, you may either take one of the
options you didnt pick the first time through, or
reroll the die.
Magic Your god has ultimate mastery over magic
and the arcane. Gods with this Domain trait can
create and control which types of magic exist or are
permitted within the confines of reality, as well as
utilize their primacy over all matters magical to cast
any number or scale of spells or spell-type effects.
But I have 1 extra Mod Point left over! What do I do with it?
Your god has a thematically appropriate accessory that may manifest as a staff, a fancy hat, a puzzlebox, or any number of other objects. While it confers no bonus or penalty upon your god, your god feels
better for having it.
By now youve got your god built, and are
wondering exactly what it really does - which,
dont worry, is exactly by design. Or, if youre
clever and are reading ahead before actually
doing anything, good on you.
The Domains of the god you built are his or her
spheres of reality, yours to control and do with
as you wish. Functionally, this means your god
can effect almost any direct change in the world
within his Domains, although difficulty (indicated
by the number your god must beat, denoted as
the Threshold Number or TN) increases with
You manifest and shift your form to a visible personage of some description so that you may walk amongst
your subjects. (all gods may do this)
You exercise your power over the Battle domain to cause the cowardly peasant to lift his pitchfork and
charge the armored knight.
Utilizing your mastery of the Life domain, you deftly meld a lion and a spider to make a horrifying battle
Drawing upon the Magic inherent in your godly blood, you generate a small arcane wellspring so that the
villagers may have a power source for practicing your mystical crafts.
Note: Magical Creatures are powerful beings such as djinni, dragons, liches, and the like. Magical
creatures that have approximately the same power as mortals (i.e. skeletons, pixies, lesser golems, etc)
are governed by the same rules that apply to the generation or modification of mortals.
You dispatch an avatar of your immense power, a sacred beast or other symbol of your divine might (up to
large size roughly 10 meters in height), which you may directly control. (all gods may do this)
In your aspect as lord of Death and Torment, your words breathe silence into the night air as one hundred
prominent unbelievers in the town suffer horribly painful writhing fits, followed by slow, gradual death. Such
is your dread will.
The secrets of Life and Magic being well-known to you, you weave them together to birth a potent magical
beast an alabaster equine with a single spiral horn protruding from its brow. You name this creature
Unicorn, and set it to watch over all the creatures of the forest.
As the icy lord of heartless Winter, you levy a powerful curse upon the entire town: for five years, snow will
fall, and it will never feel the warmth of summer.
You dispatch a greater avatar of your immense power, a sacred beast or other symbol of your divine might
(up to colossal size roughly 0.5 km in height), which you may directly control. (all gods may do this)
Intertwining your domains of Knowledge and Travel, you ensure that scholars and wise men from all over
the world will journey to your chosen city, transforming it into a burgeoning hub of wisdom and learning.
Invoking your power over the Stars, you summon an immense meteor to strike the face of the planet,
utterly annihilating the heathen city that dared oppose your will.
You extend the mantle of your divine Protection to five-thousand mortal soldiers so that they might shrug
off the blades and arrows turned against them an invincible army crusading in your holy name.
Amalgamating Order and Nature, you arrange wolves into packs, birds into flocks, and fish into schools.
Thus it is, and thus it shall always be.
Note: A Tier IV Act of God attack on another God or Titan does 1 Godhead worth of damage, should the
attack be successful.
With a great sacrifice sealing a momentous rite in your name, you blend Darkness, Civilization, and
Torment to lay a horrific curse upon the entire kingdom: Each night, every night, slowly the shadows of their
cities and towns will consume them, until none remain.
The web of Fate at your fingertips, you weave a bright and fruitful future for your chosen people.
As the arctic patron of Storm and Winter, you sweep your frozen cloak across the land, summoning a
powerful blizzard to convert the kingdom into a lifeless tundra.
You entwine Creation and Love, ensuring that all your followers in the entire kingdom will have an extrafrisky night, triggering a population explosion.
Note: A Tier V Act of God attack on another God or Titan does 3 Godhead worth of damage, should the
attack be successful. If attacking multiple Gods or Titans, this damage must be split between the targets
as the attacking God sees fit.
You manifest your full, true self, standing astride the nation/continent/planet/galaxy in all your radiant glory,
able to act fully and freely in any way you see fit. (all gods may do this)
With a single blow from your mighty palm, the First God instantly experiences the first Death.
Your simple potters wheel begins to spin as you drum out a rhythm with one of your many feet. You pick up
a lump of damp clay, set it upon the wheel, and begin to sculpt the Earth.
You flex the muscles in your mighty arms and exert your divine Strength your hands wrench an entire
galaxy free from the heavens, and hurl it at those unwise enough to oppose you.
Potence is the power or will of a supreme being,
the fuel your god has to burn, drawing from their
personas, egos, and legends. A rough
amalgamation of your gods total presence in the
world, Potence waxes and wanes with how
A god undertaking an unopposed Act of God
may burn one to two Potence to roll an
additional one or two d20s, up to a maximum
potential dice pool of 3d20 for one Act. Out of
these 3d20, only the die with the best result is
used by the player. Supremacy greatly
increases a gods chance of success on any
given Act, but such success is still (incredibly
tragically) tied to the fickle whims of luck and
Regaining Godhead
Godhead is the internal life-force of your god,
the very material of their being. When other
gods or celestial entities attack your god, they
do damage directly to Godhead, which runs on a
five-point track. If your god ever reaches zero
Godhead, they dematerialize and die, the exact
Regaining Potence
Conversely to Regaining Godhead, above, your
god may burn a single Godhead to refill 10
Potence to your Potence meter. Remember that
Potence gained above the hard maximum of 10
are lost.
By now, youve heard a great deal about
Potence and how you put it to good, responsible
use as a deity of whatever things exactly your
deity is about. You might be wondering how you
generate more delicious Potence for your god to
burn away on grandiose schemes which is
done, as weve obliquely mentioned several
times thus far, by Playing to Type.
Playing to Type is a system that motivates your
gods to act as the traits on their character sheet
say they should by rewarding your god with
Potence when they do something that bolsters
their self and their legend. Thus gods are
encouraged to actively roleplay to achieve more
Potence to allow themselves, in turn, to continue
to stay active or alive. A passive god is a dying
god, and only gods with the will to act achieve a
lasting stamp on history.
Gods in First Light are, while not entirely
invincible, still intensely durable. Nothing aside
from a Titan, another god, or a sufficiently armed
and blessed heroic mortal or demigod can even
dream of harming a god. Yet, when harmed, it
does not take much additional harm to cause
serious injury or even death to a god. Like the
Greek god Ares fleeing after being struck by
Diomedes empowered spear, it is often
remarkably easy for gods in fear for their own
lives to abandon the field of conflict after the first
blow is struck. After all, godhood is a terrible
thing to waste.
When gods collide, the carnage can be