The Few and The Cursed

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Based on the Few and Cursed comic created by
Felipe Cagno and Fabiano Neves.

Game Design: Mike Gnade

Creative Director: Felipe Cagno
Artists: Adriano Di Benedetto, André Toma, Arthur
Medeiros, Braulio Gregorio, Caio Cacau, Clonerh,
Denilson Santtos, Dijjo Lima, Fabio Laguna, Geraldo
Borges, Gilberto Martimiamo Jr., Gio Guimarães,
Guilherme Balbi, Harvey Tolibao, Jean Diaz, Jonas
Trindade, José Luís, Lucas Ribeiro, Luke Ross, Marcio
Abreu, Marcio Menyz, Marco Lesko, Mario Cau,
Netho Diaz, Priscilla Petraites, Rafael Vasconcelos,
Rainer Peter, Rodrigo M. dos Santos, Rui Silveira,
Sam Hart, Teo Gonzales, Tiago Barsa, Vinicius
Townsend, Will Conrad, Zé Carlos & Zork Marinero

Graphic Design: Deyvison Manes and Juliana Caro

Miniature Design: Firescale Studio
(Patrick Fahy and Amy Harbin)
Layout: Mike Gnade
Playtesters: Samuel Bailey, George Bracy, Krista Bracy, Matt
Cangialosi, Tom Callahan, Chandler Copenhaver,
Gregory Gnade, Chris O’Neill, Heather O’Neill,
Jacob Vander Ende, Jay Vowles, Todd Walsh, and
Ryan Ward

Page 2 Visit us online at!

The Few and Cursed is a deckbuilding In the game, players take on the role
adventure game that takes place in a of a Curse Chaser looking to make a
post-apocalyptic earth where most name for themselves by searching for
of the water on the planet has been supernatural artifacts, completing jobs
gone for seventy years. Without water, or bounty hunting. Players traverse
civilization halted leaving the world’s the desert of the Pacific Ocean as they
inhabitants with technology reminiscent improvise and acquire new cards for
of the old west. their deck on their quest for infamy.

The goal of the game is to achieve completing jobs. The game ends when 3
the greatest amount of Grit as a monsters are defeated, all the artifacts
Curse Chaser before the game ends. on the board have been recovered or
You gain Grit by capturing bounties, if a monster enters and destroys San
attempting encounters, robbing other Andreas. The player with the most Grit
players, collecting powerful artifacts and at the end is the winner.

Page 3


Uppe rcut Spri nt
4 : Kill them 3 : Run away Suffer a
+3 and loot the (move to an massive bullet
n +3 bodies (+8 ) adjacent space)
Hi re
d gu wound (-2 )

90 Upgrade Cards 16 Cursed Encounters


You come across A woman covered A group of bandits

a stagecoach that in a shroud waves poke their heads
has a broken wheel. to you with her out of the rocky
You can assist gnarled hand. cliffs above you.
them with the repair She is a healer They demand all
(-3 ) and move and says she will of your . You
to any space or reduce your curse can give them
Eye take advantage of for a bit of water all of you or
Dirt of
Jar of A Touch of Hor them and rob them You can pay her fend them off by
evil us
Trash a card
from your hand
(-5 ) to gain (-2 & -2 ) fighting (-2 ).
improvise again to
. 5 . or turn her down.

12 Artifact Cards & Tokens 28 Encounter Cards

as +1
Mae +1


effect of se. Curs
Copy the played this pha ed
uit Copy the effec
urs t of another
ss p played this phas
upgrade card
rle e.

42 Character Cards 4 Character Boards



+2 -2 +5

24 Colored Cubes
25 Store Cards 4 of each color

Page 4
CAnyons Cursed
9 12 1
1 1 2 13 1
View 1 5

10 2 3 -3 5 FARMHAND 2 5

14 Most Wanted Bounties 40 Job Cards

2 3 4
Desert canyons Ruins Cursed 5

1 1 1 1 1 1
-3 2

4 Wanted Bounties 4 Monster Figures

1 Game Board 4 Character Figures

x30 x20 x10

60 Water Tokens 1st Player Marker

Page 5
1. Set OUt Board & Components
Place the game board, tokens, cards
and components so that they are within
reach of all players. Separate all the
cards by type into Upgrade, Store, Job,
Encounter, Artifact, Cursed Encounter,
Bounty and Character decks.

2. Select Characters
Players select their character and take Place one of your colored cubes on the
the corresponding Character card, deck, Grit Track around the board, on the “0”
board, and figure. Choose a color and spot. Place your figure in San Andreas
take the corresponding colored cubes. on the game board.

Page 6
3. Setup Your Characters
Set your Character card (A) face up in Take a purple cube and place it on the
its Normal State and take Water Tokens spot denoting your Curse Threshold
equal to your starting money value (B). (G) This spot is shown in black and the
Place each of your colored cubes on number is highlighted with a red arrow.
your starting Health (C), Bullet (D) and Take all of your Character’s starting
Curse values (E). All characters start cards (H) and shuffle them to create
with their curse at the “0” spot. your starting deck.

Take a black cube and place it on the Draw four cards from your deck as your
spot denoting your Maximum Bullet starting hand.
Capacity (F). This spot is shown in
black and the number is highlighted with
a red arrow.




Page 7
3. Setup Your Characters (continued)
A. Character Name

B. Weapon Proficiency

Every character can spend to Bullet

generate more during any phase of Attack
their turn. To do this, simply reduce the

on your character board and then Health
generate and use the . Stocking up on Money
is the best way to defeat the bigger
Bounties in the game. Grit

C. Unique Action
Each character in the Few and Cursed Getting Critically Wounded
has their own unique ability listed on
If your ever reaches zero,
their card. During the action phase you
immediately end your turn and, lose
can activate Action abilities as your
three Grit (-3 ). Move your figure to
action for that turn. Keep in mind that
San Andreas and pay equal to the
Characters lose access to this ability
number of spaces you moved to get
in their cursed state. In addition, their
back to San Andreas. If you do not
cursed state typical comes with it’s own
have enough , you should reduce
detriment listed in this area.
your by one for each that you’re
Pushing Your Luck With Curse short. After you pay a good Samaritan
for dragging you back to San Andreas,
Being a Curse Chaser is all about
set your to Three and shuffle your
managing your Curse. When you reach
discard pile, hand and deck together to
your Curse Threshold (when you
form a new deck.
colored cube overlaps the purple cube),
flip over your character card to the
Cursed side. If your Curse ever drops
back below this Threshold, flip it back
over to the Normal side.

Whenever you increase your Curse

while Cursed, you suffer one damage!

Page 8

Page 9
4. Encounter
Shuffle all of the basic Encounter cards
together and place the deck on the
game board. Shuffle all of the Cursed
Encounter cards together and place the
deck on the game board.

You come across A woman covered A group of bandits

a stagecoach that in a shroud waves poke their heads
has a broken wheel. to you with her out of the rocky
You can assist gnarled hand. cliffs above you.
them with the repair She is a healer They demand all
(-3 ) and move and says she will of your . You
to any space or reduce your curse can give them
take advantage of for a bit of water all of you or
them and rob them You can pay her fend them off by
(-5 ) to gain (-2 & -2 ) fighting (-2 ).
5 . or turn her down.

5. Most Wanted
Look through the Bounty cards and
separate out all of the monsters (Tsilkali,
Crow Prime, Wendigo and the White
Demon) and the Wanted Bounties
(Talbot’s Gang, Zombies, Demons
and the Crows). Set aside the Wanted
Bounties for now.

Shuffle the monsters and randomly

place each card face down in one of the
Most Wanted locations.

Shuffle the remaining Bounty cards and

randomly deal cards face down on each
Most Wanted location until you have
dealt out the entire deck. Flip over the
top card of each Most Wanted deck

Page 10
There are three types of Bounty in the and becomes cursed. Most Wanted
game: Monster, Most Wanted and bounties represent unique characters
Wanted. Monsters are unique figures and the Wanted bounties represent an
that are worth a ton of Grit and affect endless supply of generic enemies. You
when the game ends. These monsters can identify these types of bounties by
embody what happens to a person their border color scheme and icons.
who succumbs to the supernatural


6. Job Deck
Shuffle all of the job cards together and
deal every player four random job cards.
Players select two jobs to keep and
discard the other two and shuffle them
back into the job deck. Once every player
has selected their starting jobs, place the
job deck on the game board.

7. Wanted Bounties
Take the double-sided Wanted Bounties
(Talbot’s Gang, Zombies, Demons and
the Crows) and randomly select a face up
side and place them on the game board.

Cursed 5
Ruins 4 CRO WS OF

canyons 3 DEMONS


-3 2
1 1

1 1

1 1

Page 11
8. Store Deck
Shuffle the Store cards together and
place them on the game board. Draw
three Store Cards and place them face
up on the game board.

9. Artifacts
Place all of the artifact cards near
the board. Place the Artifact Tokens
+2 2

facedown on each corner location

(Santana De Aguasucia, Expedition,

Mountain View and Mana O’lana) of the +3 2

game board. They should be grouped

together by color. If you are playing a 2 Jar of Dirt

or 3 player game, you should randomly

A Touch of evil

remove a token from each location and Trash a card from your hand to
improvise again.

place it back into the box. Eye of Horus

10. Begin Play

Give the player with the least starting
money the First Player Token. They will
go first.

Page 12
At any time, if your personal deck is played cards are discarded.
empty and you need to draw a card or
If a deck ever runs out of cards,
reveal a card from the top of your deck,
reshuffle the discard pile to replenish it.
reshuffle your discard pile to replenish
your deck. When this occurs, you must If your entire deck is in your play area,
return your character to San Andreas. lose one . for each card that you
cannot draw.
Players may play cards from their
hand into their play area to generate If card text ever contradicts the rules,
resources, movement and attack at any follow the card text instead.
time during each phase of their turn
as necessary. You may spend bullets to
generate more attack at any time during
your turn as needed but you cannot
save movement or attack resources
generated in one phase over to the
next. Any extra and resources
are lost at the end of a phase and all

Page 13
For each phase, the player with the First Player Token will go first, and play proceeds in
clockwise order from there.

Players look at the top two cards from the Upgrade Deck and A

UPgrade Cards
pick one to add to their hand. The other card is discarded into
the communal Upgrade discard pile.
A. Resources Gained
B. Card Name
C. Additional Effects
Cards added this way are permanently added to your deck.

Encounter Phase
During this phase, players resolve their encounter based on their location on the map.
Encounters help tell an emergent story and often give players a choice.

Page 14
Outside of San Andreas:
Draw an Encounter card if you are on a applicable costs associated with it. After
Desert, Canyons or Ruins space. If you are you have made your selection, discard the
on a Cursed space, you will draw a Cursed encounter to the corresponding discard
Encounter card. Read through the text pile. Players that share a space also share
that corresponds to your location (Desert, the same Encounter but may make their
Canyons, Ruins or Cursed) and weigh the own independent choices.
various costs and benefits. Announce your
choice to the other players and pay any

Encounter Encounter cards are split up into three different

You come across
a stagecoach that
A woman covered
in a shroud waves
A group of bandits
poke their heads
Card events based on your location. If your figure
currently occupies a Desert spot on the map, you
has a broken wheel. to you with her out of the rocky
You can assist gnarled hand. cliffs above you.
them with the repair She is a healer They demand all
(-3 ) and move and says she will of your . You
to any space or
take advantage of
reduce your curse
for a bit of water
can give them
all of you or will read from the Desert column. In this example
them and rob them You can pay her fend them off by
5 .
) to gain (-2 & -2 )
or turn her down.
fighting (-2 ).
your choice is to spend 3 Movement and move to
an adjacent space (ignoring any other costs) or to
spend 5 to gain 5 . You must make one

of these choices if able. If for some reason you

cannot, show your hand to the other players and
do nothing.

Cursed Cursed Encounters are drawn if you are on a

Encounters cursed location. They typically present you with
two beneficial outcomes with associated costs
4 : Kill them 3 : Run away Suffer a
and one bad outcome if you choose to not spend
the resources. There is always a choice that can
and loot the (move to an massive bullet
bodies (+8 ) adjacent space) wound (-2 )

be made, even if it is a detrimental one.

In San Andreas:
If a player is in San Andreas during the card. The job should remain secret from the
Encounter phase, they may decide whether other players until it is scored.
they would like to visit the Job Board or the
After drawing new Job cards, you may
sell any one of your unscored Jobs. Take
Visiting the Job Board Water equal to the Job’s sale value and then
discard the card.
When a player visits the job board, you
draw two jobs from the top of the job Remember that unscored jobs are negative
deck. If you ever draw a job that you Grit at the end of the game.
already scored, discard it and draw another

Page 15
1. MONEY REWARD 4. Job Requirement

This is the amount of money collected This is the Job requirement. If or

when you sell or complete the job. are displayed here, you must spend that
much of that resource to score the Job.
2. Grit Reward
Example: To score Farmhand, I must
Gain this much Grit when you complete
spend 3 . This movement cannot be
the job. You ONLY get the Grit listed
used to move around the board.
from completing the Job.

3. Job Name 1 2

You cannot score the exact same Job

more than once.



3 4


Page 16
Job Cards (continued)
If , , or are listed here, the value Jobs can be scored at any time. As soon
on your player board track must be as you meet the Job’s requirement,
equal to that number. reveal the Job and show it to the other
players. Collect both the Money and the
Example: To score Con Man, the Curse
Grit reward.
on my player board must be equal to 6.
This must be my actual Curse and not Remember that any Jobs that you have
my Curse Threshold. not scored before the end of the game
will be subtracted from your score.

Page 17
When a player visits the store, they Players have one Refresh action per
may spend their to buy Store cards, store visit. You may use this action to
bullets or to upgrade their Character discard all of the available Store cards to
stats. You can make as many purchases the top of the Store discard pile in any
as you can afford. Remember that you order you desire. Immediately replace
can purchase any face up Store card, the discarded cards by drawing from the
including the top of the discard pile. Store deck.

A. Card Cost

B. Card Name B
C. Effect: Store cards that give you
resources can be exhausted once per
round to gain the effect. Some cards
improve your weapon proficiency and
can be used as long as you have Bullets.
STore Cards

D. Storage Location: Accessory, One-

Handed, or Two-Handed. Each player
has two accessory slots and two hands.


Page 18
This phase is where the bulk of your A road with icon on it, increases
turn takes place. Take a moment to your Curse by one when you move
plan out your action and movement for through it.
your turn then play cards to generate
the resources you need to accomplish You may move through a road with an
that action. symbol without spending but
must take 1 of damage for every
Movement that you do not spend during your
Movement is your primary method of
navigating the game board. Each space When you are at your desired location,
on the game board is connected by take your action. You may continue to
a road that has symbols on it. These move again after taking your action.
symbols are the cost from moving from
one space to another. All of these
roads require and sometimes have
other costs associated with them:





Page 19

Remember that you can only perform one action per round!

Recover an Artifact
If you are at a location with an Artifact Token, you may look at the corresponding
Artifact cards and choose one to acquire to your hand immediately. Keep in
mind that you can only recover one Artifact from each location, so remember to
take the Artifact Token that matches the card you selected. You cannot take this
action on any locations with Artifact Tokens that match any color already in your
If you are outside of San Andreas, you
can draw another Encounter card based
Artifact Cards

on your location and resolve it as your

action (see Encounter Phase on pg 9).
If you have moved into San Andreas,
you can Visit the Job Board or go
Shopping at the Store (see Encounter
Phase pg 10). Jar of Dirt

Artifact Cards are played

exactly like Upgrade
cards but have more
powerful effects.

Page 20
ACTION PHASE (continued)
Defeat a Bounty

If you are outside of San Andreas, you can spend to defeat bounties and earn
. First you must be at a location that matches the Bounty you are going after.
You must have enough Attack (generated by cards you’ve played or by converting
into ) to defeat the Bounty. The amount of Attack a card generates is found
in the upper left corner of cards that you play from your hand.
1 1. Location On The Map 3. Bounty Name
3 Your figure must be at the Last
Seen location on the board. 4. Reward
When the Bounty is defeated,
2. Defeat Cost immediately collect all of the
This is the amount of Attack rewards listed on the card.
that you must spend in order to
4 defeat the Bounty.

When you defeat a Bounty, you each side of a Wanted Bounty in one
immediately collect your rewards. Most turn— example: you can spend 5
rewards include Grit, but many Bounties while to defeat Talbot’s Gang twice.
may have other effects and rewards.
Setting up a Monster Figure
After defeating a Most Wanted Bounty,
take the Bounty card and place it in When you flip over a Monster Card,
your score area. Immediately flip over grab and place its figure on the Last
and reveal the next bounty in that deck. Seen Location. The figure will move
You may only defeat one Most Wanted around the map at the end of each
Bounty per Action Phase. round. In order to defeat a monster,
you must be on the same space as the
However, you may defeat the same
Monster’s figure. If a monster ever ends
generic Wanted Bounties up to two
the round by entering San Andreas, the
times as long as you have enough
game immediately ends.
Attack. Whenever one of these
Bounties are defeated, immediately
collect your rewards and flip the card
over. Wanted Bounties are always
available to defeat and are never
discarded. You are allowed to defeat

Page 21
ACTION PHASE (continued)
Rob another Player

If you share a space with another player, you

can rob them if you have equal to double Attack

their current . If you spend the on a Grit

robbery, increase your by two on your
Character board and then gain and
equal to the opponent’s current value. Money
The player who was robbed loses one .

Take your Character

Each character has their own unique action
or passive ability on their Character card. As
your action, you can activate any ACTION:
text on your character card.

Shuffling your deck automatically returns you
to San Andreas during Cleanup Phase. When
you take the camp action, immediately
shuffle all (play area, discard, deck and
hand) of your cards back into your deck and
gain one . You DO NOT return to San
Andreas when your deck is reshuffled this
way. This ends your action phase.

Page 22
Discard Monster Movement
Discard all of the cards you played this
If there are monster figures on the map,
round into your personal discard pile. You
move them one space towards San
may also choose to discard any cards that
Andreas. If a monster ever moves into a
are still in your hand or keep them for next
space with a player figure already in it, that
round. player suffers one of damage. Monsters
always move towards San Andreas by taking
Redraw the shortest route with the fewest symbols.
If there is a tie, the Monster always prefers
Draw back up to four cards.
to move into a space with a player. If it’s
still a tie, the player with the First Player
Remember that reshuffling your deck
Token should decide and move the monster.
triggers your return to San Andreas!
Pass the first player
If you shuffled your deck at any point
during this past round other than by taking
the camp action, return your figure to San Pass the First Player Token counter
Andreas. This includes a reshuffle as a result clockwise and proceed to the next round
of the Redraw step. starting with Improvise.

Page 23
If a player reaches twenty-one Grit (21 cards from each player’s score on the
) without a monster figure appearing Grit Tracker.
on the board, then that player selects
Gain for every Artifact card that
a Most Wanted pile and replaces the
you’ve collected. This value is found in
card on top of that pile with the bottom
the upper right hand corner of each
monster card.
Artifact card.
The game ends when any of
The player who has accumulated
the following occurs:
the most Grit is then declared the
If three monsters have been defeated, winner and will go down as the most
the current round is completed and the accomplished Curse Chaser in the
game ends. Desert of the Pacific Ocean!

If all of the Artifact Tokens have been In the case of a tie, tiebreakers are (in
recovered off of the board, the current order):
round is completed and the game ends.
1. Number of Most Wanted Bounties
If a Monster figure ever ends a round in Defeated
San Andreas, the game ends. 2. Number of Jobs Completed
3. Remaining Money
End Game Scoring:
Score any Jobs that trigger at the end of
the game (Task Master, Maecenas, etc).

Players lose Grit for every Job they did

not complete during the game. Subtract
the value in the upper right of these

Page 24
Map Legend

3 2 3

1 2
1 2

2 4

1 1

3 2 3 2 3

For the purposes of bounty hunting 1. Ruins

and encounters, it is very important to 2. Canyons
understand the map and the type of 3. Cursed
space you’re occupying. 4. San Andreas

All of the remaining unmarked locations

are desert.

Page 25
Single player games are generally setup like a normal game unless otherwise specified
below. The one exception is that you should place all of the artifacts on the board. When
you recover an artifact, you may choose which one you would like and then should discard
the others. Remember that you can only acquire 1 artifact from each location.

The game is played normally, but at the end of every player turn, if you did not capture a
Most Wanted bounty, you must discard one from a pile of their choosing. This will mean
the game is always progressing towards the monsters being revealed.

Curse Chaser Operating in the

Objective: Defeat 3 Monsters before they
enter San Andreas Setup: Create 3 job tracks by dealing 4
cards each to 3 different piles. Look through
Losing the game: The game is lost if a
them and replace any duplicates.
Monster enters San Andreas or if your
health ever drops to zero. Objective: Complete all of the jobs in two
of the three tracks.
The Dark Arts
After a job is scored, flip over the next one
Objective: Collect 4 Artifacts and share the
in the stack.
same space as the Crow Prime.
Ending the Game: The game is successful
Losing the game: The game is lost if a
when you have completed two tracks or
Monster enters San Andreas or if your
ends with a loss if the monster enters San
health ever drops to zero.
Andreas or if all 4 monster figures are on
the board.

Page 26
To setup a Cooperative game, pick your characters and setup the game as normal. Instead
of each player placing a marker at 0 on the Grit tracker, take 1 marker and set your entire
team’s Grit to 140 minus 20 Grit per player (so a 2-player cooperative game would start
at 100 Grit). You can adjust this starting Grit up or down to match the challenge you

The game plays normally with a few exceptions. Whenever players gain Grit, they should
increase the team’s Grit. Do not flip over a new unique bounty after you defeat one. At
the end of each round during the cleanup phase, reduce your team’s Grit by the Grit
rewards showing on all of the face-up Most Wanted bounties. After you have reduced
your team’s Grit, make sure to flip over and fill the Most Wanted bounties area on the

If your team’s Grit ever drops below zero or if a monster enters San Andreas, you lose.
The players win if they can defeat three monsters.

Page 27
Where are the rest of Jebediah’s game. When you trash an upgrade card,
starting cards? you can simply put the card back in the
communcal upgrade discard pile.
Jebediah’s starting deck is only 8 cards.
Characters are asymmetric and don’t have When playing a card which
identical starting decks. gives resources and has an
“additional effect” on the
Are you allowed to count how
bottom, do you always get both
many cards are currently in
effects or must you choose one
your draw stack?
or the other?
Yes, but please do so when other players
You must always do everything on a card
aren’t waiting on you to finish your turn.
when it is played or you cannot play it. The
Can I spend multiple bullets only exception are cards with the
during the same phase to symbol. These cards are played for their
generate attack? Can I spend resources and may be trashed for the listed
bullets during different phases additional effect. i.e. Sprint may be played
in the same round? for 2 and stay in your deck or trashed
for an additional 1 for a total of 3
Yes you can spend bullets at any time as (see page 30 for more card examples).
many times as you want as long as you have
bullets to spend. What if you defeat the Demons
and don’t have a hand or
What does Trash a card mean? discard pile to trash from?
Trashing cards is the only way to get rid of Whenever you defeat the Demons, you
cards from your deck. When you trash a must trash a card. If you cannot trash a
starting card, you can remove it from the card from your hand or discard pile, you

Page 28
should trash from your played card area (i.e. Can I use a ‘Cursed’ card to
trash some of the cards you just played to copy the effect of a card that
defeat them). reduces my curse?

Can I enter a space with a Yes. Remember that using a ‘Cursed’ card
Monster figure even if I cannot always increases your by 1 i.e. copying
defeat that monster? ‘Blessing’ which normally reduces by 2
would reduce your by 1.
You can only move into a monster space if
you’re fighting something in that space. If What happens if I don’t like any
you don’t attack the monster, the monster of the Encounter options? Do
immediately moves towards San Andreas. I have to do something during
An example would be if both Barrett and this phase?
Crow Prime were in Mana O’lana. You
For normal encounters, you must make a
could move into that space to defeat
choice if able. If for some reason you do
Barrett as your action but then the Crow
not have the resources to make any of the
Prime would move one space closer to San
choices on the card, you must show your
hand to the other players and only then are
When a card says upgrade a Stat allowed to do nothing.
what is it referring to?
Cursed encounters always have a
Your character stats are considered to be detrimental outcome (listed in the rightmost
your Health, Bullet Capacity and Curse column) that can be chosen if you lack the
Threshold. If you run into a card that tells resources or simply prefer to save them for
you to upgrade one of your stats, you may later in your turn.
increase one of these on your character
If you have a questions that are not
Can I use a ‘Cursed’ card to
addressed here, please post them on the
copy the Trash effect of a card?
Few and Cursed page on BoardGameGeek..
Yes, but remember that you would trash the We actively monitor it and will answer any
‘Cursed’ card as well. The best example of outstanding questions there. We will also
this would be trashing ‘Sprint’ for 3 and upload additional FAQs there as needed.
then copying it with ‘Cursed’ for another
another 3 . This would give you a total
of 6 and 1 . You would trash both
the ‘Sprint’ and ‘Cursed’ card from your

Page 29
+1 Redhead Every character has ‘Cursed’ cards in copy everything on it. This means that
their starting deck that allow you to copying cards that already raise your
copy the effect of any other card you , will raise your curse even further.
played this phase. This allows you to Similarly, you can copy cards that
copy the more powerful cards that decrease by 1 without your
you are acquiring but will require you changing.
to increase your . When you copy
Copy the effect
of another card
you played
another card, remember that you must
this phase. If it’s
an artifact lose
a .


Cards with a symbol on from your deck and get the resources
them represent an optional action displayed in the upper left of the card
you can take when you play the and the additional effect listed after
card. If you take the trash action, the symbol. i.e. You can play
you permanently remove the card sprint for 2 or trash it for 3 .

Spr int



When you play ‘Call to Darkness’, your hand and take the improvise
you increase your by two. It only action again (look at two cards from
makes sense to play this card when the upgrade deck and add one to your
you’re also going to trash it from your hand). You do not get any resources
deck for the effect. When you trash or effects from the additional card you
Cal l to Dar kne
the card, you trash another card from have to trash. It is not played.
:Trash a card from
your hand to
improvise again.

Page 30
If you have the movement to get an setup). You can still only take the
Artifact from the ‘Discover Treasure’ “Recover Artifact” action on Artifacts
encounter, you should shuffle the that do not match any of the Artifact
artifact deck and randomly draw an Token colors in your collection. If you
RE artifact card from the deck and place it happen to draw a random Artifact of
Leave it alone
in your discard pile. Take the Artifact a color you’ve already recovered, that
7 : Add a 3 : Destroy
Token that matches your card (even does not violate the rules.
random artifac ) (-1 )
r it (-2
card to you
discard pile
if it has been placed in the box during

+2 3
The ‘Pieces of Crow’ card ‘Touch of Evil’ is similar to
is nearly identical to ‘Call of these other cards as well
Darkness’ except that you do but is optional. If you trash
not have to trash any cards. a card from your hand (this
Increase your by two and card cannot be played), you
then you improvise again this improvise again this turn.
Pieces of Cro
turn. il
w A Touch of ev
Improvise again your hand to
this turn. Trash a card from
improvise again.

The ‘Believer’ job card is a sort of job which will net you three Grit (6 - 3
4 6 1
‘Get out of Jail Free’ card. You only ) and gets you some back.
score this job if your reaches zero.
When you get critically wounded, you This card is great for characters like
still lose three Grit (-3 ) and pay to Annabelle to draft at the beginning of
according to the rules on page 8. the game, but works for anyone who is
Then you can immediately score this going to push their luck a bit.

The ‘Torch’ card allows you to Shop cards like the ‘Colt Walker’ COLT WALKER
draw three cards every time that permanently improve your
you take an Improvise action character’s weapon proficiency.
(even through other card effects). This card allows you to spend a
You still only get to add one card for +2 and can be used
During Improvi
se, Draw
to your hand though and will continually as long as you have
3 cards instead
-1 +2
of 2.
discard the other two. bullets.

Page 31
Quick Reference
Round Sequence:
Each round is divided into four phases:

1. Improvise Attack
• Look at the top two cards of the
Upgrade deck. Add one to your hand
and discard the other. Bullet

2. Encounter
• In San Andreas: Shop or visit Job Board
• Outside: Draw an Encounter Card Money

3. Action Phase Grit

Play cards to generate resources and take Trash card

one of these actions:
Draw card
• Defeat a Bounty
• Recover an Artifact
• Rob another Player
• Encounter Again
• Camp (Gain one Health)
• Character Card Action Upgrade Prices

4. Cleanup Phase
1 Buy a Bullet
• Discard
• Draw back up to 4 cards 2 Increase Bullet Maximum
• Return to San Andreas if Shuffled
3 Increase Curse Threshold
• Monster Moves towards San Andreas
• Pass First Player Token counter-clockwise 4 Increase Health

Page 32

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