Ulcerative Colitis

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Author: Dr Sandro Ardizzone1

Creation date: September 2003

Scientific Editor: Prof Gabriele Bianchi Porro

Chair of Gastroenterology , L. Sacco University – Hospital, Via GB Grassi, 74 20157 Milan, Italy.
[email protected]

Symptoms, signs, and laboratory findings
Diagnostic methods
Differential diagnosis

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory chronic disease primarily affecting the colonic mucosa; the
extent and severity of colon involvement are variable. In its most limited form it may be restricted to the
distal rectum, while in its most extended form the entire colon is involved. UC belongs to the inflammatory
bowel diseases (IBD), which is a general term for a group of chronic inflammatory disorders of unknown
etiology involving the gastrointestinal tract. UC is usually associated with recurrent attacks with complete
remission of symptoms in the interim. In Western Europe and in the USA, UC has an incidence of
approximately 6 to 8 cases per 100.000 populations and an estimated prevalence of approximately 70 to
150 per 100.000 populations. The leading initial symptom of UC is diarrhea with blood and mucus,
sometimes with pain. Fever and weight loss are less frequent. Extra intestinal symptoms can be an initial
manifestation or can occur later in the course of the disease. Eighty percent of the patients have only
proctitis or proctosigmoiditis, and only 20% have extensive colitis. However, in about 50% of patients with
initial proctosigmoiditis, proximal extension occurs later, and in some patients the opposite takes place.
Depending of the stage of the disease, endoscopy reveals reddening of the mucosa, increased
vulnerability, mucosal bleeding, irregular ulcers, pseudopolyps, granularity, and loss of vascular
architecture. Several drugs interacting with various points along the immune and inflammatory cascades
are currently available for the treatment of UC. Corticosteroids, aminosalicylates, immunomodulators are
the mainstay of medical treatment.

Ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel diseases, colonic mucosa, gastrointestinal tract, proctitis,
proctosigmoiditis, corticosteroids, aminosalicylates, immunomodulators

Introduction manifestations often resulting in an

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a general unpredictable course.
term for a group of chronic inflammatory Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory chronic
disorders of unknown etiology involving the disease primarily affecting the colonic mucosa;
gastrointestinal tract.Chronic IBD may be divided the extent and severity of colon involvement are
into two major groups, ulcerative colitis (UC) variable. In its most limited form it may be
and Crohn's disease (CD), clinically restricted to the distal rectum, while in its most
characterized by recurrent inflammatory extended form the entire colon is involved.
involvement of intestinal segments with several However, 80% of the patients present with

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http://www.orpha.net/data/patho/GB/uk-UC.pdf 1
disease extending from the rectum to the splenic role of environmental factors in the appearance
flexure, and only 20% have pancolitis. and progression of CD and UC.
Although the causes of IBD remain unclear, The effect of cigarette smoking or the opposite
considerable progress has been made recently effect of this factor on the outcome of each form
in the identification of important pathophysiologic of IBD represents the most intriguing connection
mechanisms, and further and newer knowledge between environmental factors and IBD. Most
has been obtained from recent studies reports have shown that non-smoking is a
concerning their epidemiology, natural history, feature of patients with UC, whereas smoking is
diagnosis and treatment. a feature of patients with CD. Smoking is an
independent risk factor for clinical, surgical, and
endoscopic recurrence in CD but influences
Epidemiology disease activity after surgery. On the contrary,
Ulcerative colitis is usually associated with the relative risk of developing UC in heavy ex-
recurrent attacks with complete remission of smokers, all ex-smokers, non-smokers, and
symptoms in the interim. The disease is more smokers has been evaluated to be respectively
common in Caucasians than in Blacks or 4.4, 2.5, 1.0 and 0.6. Nicotine is probably the
Orientals with an increased incidence (three to main active ingredient in this association, but the
six fold) in Jewish. Both sexes are equally mechanisms remain unknown. Cigarette
affected. In Western Europe and in the USA, UC smoking has been shown to affect cellular and
has an incidence of approximately 6 to 8 cases humoral immunity, and increase colonic mucus
per 100.000 populations and an estimated production; both smoking and nicotine have
prevalence of approximately 70 to 150 per been shown to reduce colonic motility. Finally,
100.000 populations. While peak occurrence of results from in vivo studies have shown that
both diseases (UC and CD) is between ages 15 nicotine also has an inhibitory effect on T-helper-
and 35, it has been reported in every decade of 2 cell (Th2) function, which predominates in UC,
life. A familial incidence of IBD is currently but has no effect on Th-1 cells, predominant in
recorded. CD.
Epidemiological data indicate that non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs can trigger
Etiology exacerbations of UC and even, occasionally,
The cause of UC is unknown. Although less induce de novo disease. Possible mechanisms
evident than in CD, it is clear from twin studies include decreased production of protective
that a genetic background is also present in UC. mucosal prostanoid and increased leukocyte
Indeed, a stronger association exists between adherence and migration. Although these effects
genes of the human leucocyte antigen region - were initially thought to be due to inhibition of
involved in regulating the immune response - cyclo-oxygenase-1 (COX-1), selective COX-2
and UC. Despite unclear effects due to ethnic inhibitors seem as potent as indomethacin in this
origin and disease heterogeneity, this context.
association is strongest in patients with Psychological stress by some 40% of patients
extensive UC; a positive association with DR2 with UC, has been reported to be a potential
(in particular, DRB1*1502 subtype) and the rare trigger. Substantial evidence links psychological
alleles DRB1*0103 and DRB1*12, and a stress with increased illness and, possibly,
negative association with DR4 and Drw6 have increased susceptibility to infection through
been reported. However, genes associated with stress-related impairment of functional immune
susceptibility to UC are probably not within the responses. Duration of stress might also be
human leucocyte antigen region, and genome- important since long-term but not short-term
wide scanning studies have shown a linkage stress seems to increase the risk of
between UC and regions of chromosomes 3, 7, exacerbations of disease.
and 12. Moreover, there are genes that appear Another very interesting environmental factor
to affect the severity and extent of the disease, conditioning UC is appendicectomy. Indeed,
steroid response, steroid requirements, and appendicectomy, at a young age, has the
extra - intestinal manifestations. Finally, strongest preventive effect on the development
polymorphisms of the IL-1 receptor antagonist of UC. This finding has been corroborated by
that might affect severity and extent of disease case-control studies, and a very large
have been reported, particularly in patients population-based study recently confirmed the
positive for pANCA, as well as for MUC3, a gene inverse relationship between appendicectomy
encoding intestinal mucins that might also be and UC in patients submitted to surgery before
associated with the pathogenesis of UC. age 20 years. In the latter study, the risk of UC
Among the many puzzles concerning IBD was reduced only in patients who underwent
etiology, one of the least understood and, appendicectomy for appendicitis or mesenteric
perhaps, most difficult to tackle, presently, is the

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lymphadenitis, but not in those who underwent extension occurs later, and in some patients the
incidental appendicectomy or appendicectomy opposite takes place. A change in the extent of
for non-specific abdominal pain. This finding disease should be suspected when new
suggests that an inflammatory condition at a symptoms arise. The course of the disease can
young age that results in appendicectomy, rather vary widely. Spontaneous remission from a flare-
than appendicectomy itself protects against later up occurs in 20 to 50% of the patients, but 50 to
development of UC. Another possible 70% have a relapse during the first year after
explanation for this inverse association is that diagnosis.
genetic predisposition to UC might protect
against development of appendicitis. Table1: Initial symptoms of UC

Diarrhea 96.4%
Pathophysiology Blood in stool 89.3%
While the cause of UC remains unknown, a Pain 81;3%
number of findings in recent years point to an Generally unwell 40.2%
over stimulation or inadequate regulation of the Weight loss 38.4%
mucosal immune system as a major Arthralgia 27.7%
pathophysiologic pathway, and particular Fever 20.5%
emphasis has been given to either the study of Skin changes 20.5%
mucosal inflammation or immunologic reactions. Loss of appetite 15.2%
When the disease is active, the lamina propria of Ophtalmopathies 7.1%
the mucosa becomes heavily infiltrated with a Nausea 6.3%
mixture of acute and chronic inflammatory cells. Vomiting 4.5%
There is a predominant increase in mucosal IgG Abscesses 3.6%
production, evidence of complement activation, Fistulae 3.6%
and activation of macrophages and T cells. This Lymphe node swelli 1.8%
immunological activity is associated with the
release of a vast array of cytokines, kinins,
leukotriens, platelet activating factor (PAF) and The relapse rate is higher in the younger
reactive oxygen metabolites. These mediators patients and seems to decrease with increasing
not only serve to amplify the immune and age. In a large cohort analysed over 25 years,
inflammatory response, but they also have direct 50% of the patients were able to work after 10
effects on epithelial function, on endothelial years.
function (which may increase permeability and
lead to ischaemia), and on repair mechanisms, Table 2: Frequency of extraintestinal
thus increasing collagen synthesis. In addition, manifestations of the course of UC
many of the cytokines (interleukins 1 and 6,
tumor necrosis factor) will activate an acute All 64-66%
phase response, resulting in fever and a rise in
serum acute phase proteins. Some of the clinical Skin 15.9%
features of acute ulcerative colitis may explain Erythema nodosum 8.0%
by these mechanisms. It follows, therefore, that Pyoderma gangrenosum 7.1%
any treatment which is able to inhibit the Aphtae 6.2%
activation of these immunological and
inflammatory effector mechanisms is likely to Eyes 9.7%
lead to an improvement in the patient’s Conjunctivitis 5.3%
symptoms and to a decrease in the inflammatory Iritis 4.4%
activity. Uveitis 0.9%

Symptoms, signs, and laboratory findings Joints 39%

The leading initial symptom of UC is diarrhea Arthralgia 38.4%
with blood and mucus, sometimes with pain Arthritis 11.3%
(Table 1). Fever and weight loss are less Ankylosing spondylitis 0.8%
frequent. Extra intestinal symptoms can be an
initial manifestation or can occur later in the Liver/pancreas 16.8%
course of the disease (Table 2). In proctitis, Fatty liver 10.6%
rarely, obstipation can be the initial symptom. Hepatitis 1.8%
Eighty percent of the patients have only proctitis Pericholangitis primary 3.5%
or proctosigmoiditis, and only 20% have Sclerosing cholangitis
extensive colitis. However, in about 50% of Pancreatitis 2.7%
patients with initial proctosigmoiditis, proximal

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In all patients with severe UC an acute phase Differential diagnosis
response is present, including an elevated Diagnosis of UC should not be established
erythrocyte sedimentation rate, elevated C- before excluding a large number of intestinal
reactive protein level, microcytic anaemia, and, inflammatory disorders (Table 3).
less frequently, thrombocytosis. Until a few years
ago no specific laboratory abnormalities were Table 3: Differential diagnosis of IBD
known. More recently it has been found that
about 65% of patients with UC have positive Infections Invasive: Salmonella,
perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmatic (classic) Shigella, Campylobacter
antibodies (pANCA). These antibodies also species, Yersina
occur in almost all patients with primary enterocolitica, mycobacteria
sclerosing cholangitis. It is not clear whether Toxic: C. difficile, E. Coli
they have a pathophysiologic role, are Parasitic : Entamoeba H,
subclinical genetic markers, or are simply an Balantidium coli, Giardia l.
epiphenomenon. Sexual transmitted: Neisseria
gonorrheae, T. pallidum,
Diagnostic methods Herpes simplex, CMV, C.
Depending of the stage of the disease, thachomatis
endoscopy reveals reddening of the mucosa, Infections (new) Immunocompromised ( HIV)
increased vulnerability, mucosal bleeding, Histoplasma,CMV, M avium
irregular ulcers, pseudopolyps, granularity, and Vascuolar Ischemia, vasculitides,
loss of vascular architecture. The changes are Behcet disease
continuous, and the rectum is always involved if Malignant Lymphoma, sarcoma,
no effective local treatment has been applied. leukemias
Biopsy specimens show crypt irregularity, crypt Drug-induced Pseudomembranous, colitis,
abscess, and destruction of the epithelial border contraceptive-induced colitis,
in addition to immune cell migration. Histology is NSAID-induced colitis
however, not specific, and can be used only as a Others Radiation and chemically
supplementary diagnostic finding. induced colitis, collagenous
Abdominal transcutaneous ultrasonography may colitis, sarcoidosis
demonstrate bowel wall thickening of the
involved area, but it is non-specific. The same This can be achieved by microbiologic analysis
applies for computed tomography and magnetic of fecal samples and by biopsy analysis.
resonance imaging. Sometimes serologic analysis - for example, for
Since the advent of the endoscopy, double blind Yersinia enterocolitica - is helpful.
contrast barium enema is rarely used. It does,
however, show typical findings and can be Table 4: Differential diagnosis between CD
prescribed if endoscopy is not possible or is not and UC according to endoscopic findings
accepted by the patient.
Because inflammation in UC is limited to the
colon, no imaging studies of the upper
gastrointestinal tract and small bowel are
Involvement Discontinous Continous
necessary once the diagnosis has been
Rectal 20% Always
Treatment options for extensive colitis are
Vessels Often Abnormal/lacking
different from those in distal colitis, and therefore
the extent of the disease should be assessed.
Eryhthema/edema ++ +++
This best done by endoscopy with biopsy. Once
Vulnerability (+) +++
the extent of disease has been defined, repeat
Bleeding (+) +++
endoscopy is necessary only in the advent of
Pus/mucus + +++
new symptoms. However, after 10 years,
Local ulcers +++ (+)
endoscopy surveillance for carcinoma
Fissural ulcers +++ (+)
development should be considered.
Granularity (+) +++
Disease activity can be assessed clinically and
Clobbestone +++ ---
endoscopically. Since the rectum is invariably
involved, flexible rectosigmoidoscopy is
Pseudopolyps ++ +++
Strictures ++ (+)

It should be kept in mind that a flare-up of UC

can be induced by a microbial superinfection.

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http://www.orpha.net/data/patho/GB/uk-UC.pdf 4
Thus, infection should be excluded before anemia, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia and
treatment is instituted. hypomagnesemia;
The differentiation between UC and CD can - structural abnormalities such as strictures and
usually be done using endoscopic, radiologic, perforations.
and histologic criteria (Table 4 and Table 5). In Priority of therapy is usually to control the
particular, continuous of the mucosal and rectal consequences of inflammation by transfusion,
involvements are critical to the diagnosis. replacement of losses, minerals, vitamins and so
Table 5: Differential diagnosis between CD For a disease such as UC, characterized by
and UC according to histologic findings recurrent attacks of symptoms with complete or
partial remission of clinical manifestations, the
CD UC primary aims of medical treatment must be the
induction of remission of inflammatory activity
Crypt Injury ++ ++ and the prevention of recurrences. Moreover,
Granuloma ++ -- considering the frequent development of
Transmural inflammation +++ -- extraintestinal complications, often severely
Mucosal inflammation -- +++ affecting the patient’s quality of life, another
Lymphoid hyperplasia ++ -- important objective of the medical therapy is to
Deep ulcers ++ (+) control the impact of these complications on the
Microscopic focality +++ -- patient’s life.
Crypt abscess (+) +++
Globet cells depletion + +++
Flat ulcers (+) ++ Extent and anatomic distribution of UC
Establishing the extent and localization of UC is
Histologic differentiation without clinical an important diagnostic and clinical step in the
information is difficult and rarely used. Testing evaluation of patients suffering from UC,
for pANCA can be helpful, since a positive because of its therapeutic implications and
reaction is found in only 10% of patients with CD relative tolerability. Colonoscopy and radiology
but in 60 to 70% of those with UC. (barium enema) are the primary diagnostic tools
Biopsy specimens sometimes show typical used to define the extent and anatomic
findings. However, this is not always the case, distribution of the disease.
and the analysis of the same specimen by In UC, the extent of colon involvement during the
different pathologists may lead to different first attack has been found to be reasonably
results. uniform in several large series of patients. As
Involvement of the small bowel as seen at mentioned before, approximately 30% of UC
endoscopy or small bowel X-ray excludes UC, patients have disease that is limited to the
since the small bowel is not involved in this rectum, in about 40% the disease extends above
disease. the rectum but not beyond the hepatic flexure
(so-called sub-total colitis), and the remaining
Therapy 30% develop total colitis. However, in some
To reduce toxicity and maximize the therapeutic population-based surveys, more than half of the
benefit of the different drugs available for the patients present with disease extending from the
treatment of UC, thus improving their risk/benefit rectum to the splenic flexure. In this context,
ratio, several important criteria should be while UC may be classified into proctitis,
considered when choosing the most appropriate proctsigmoiditis, or left-sided colitis, the term
therapeutic approach: a) aims of the treatment; “distal colitis” is a working classification, which
b) extent and the localization of disease; c) implies that the inflammation is amenable to
disease activity; d) clinical pattern, and e) proven topical treatment, by means of intrarectal drug
efficacy of the current therapies. administration. Thus, giving pharmacological
therapy, this way may reduce potential
toxicity.Establishing the extent and localization of
Aims of therapy UC is an important diagnostic and clinical step in
The clinical status of a patient with active UC the evaluation
reflects many different factors:
- the primary disease process of gut
inflammation, confined to the mucosa in Grading of disease activity
ulcerative colitis; Disease activity indices are prediction rules
- metabolic consequences, such as protein- used to measure the activity of disease
losing enteropathy and hypoalbuminemia, objectively in order not only to judge response in
clinical trials, but also and especially to choose
which drug to administer and its optimal dose

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regimen. However, the use of these indices in tumor necrosis factor, nicotine, heparin, etc.) but
clinical practice is limited, since they are their effectiveness needs to be established in
intended to make the clinical global assessment controlled clinical trials. In order to limit toxicity
objective, a prerogative most clinicians do not and optimize the therapeutic effects of the
agree with. current pharmaceutical treatment, thorough
In UC, the activity of the disease is usually understanding of the indications of drug therapy
assessed primarily on the basis of clinical is essential.
features. The Truelove and Witts classification in
mild, moderate or severe disease, based on the Practical guide to the management of UC
some clinical parameters and laboratory findings (see table 3)
(number of bowel movements, fever, presence Based on the data available, patients with mild to
of tachycardia, anemia, sedimentation rate) is moderate distal UC colitis may be treated with
the most widely used clinical activity index in either oral 5-ASA, topical 5-ASA, or topical
gastroenterological practice. However, although steroids. Patients refractory to all of the above
clinically useful, these criteria do not allow agents may require treatment with oral
sufficient discrimination for the purpose of prednisone in doses up to 40-60 mg/day. For
clinical studies. Expansion of the clinical profile maintenance of remission, 5-ASA suppositories
by Powell-Tuck et al has improved clinical trials or enemas are effective, as well as oral 5-ASA or
but lacks correlation with sigmoidoscopic sulfasalazine (SSZ), whereas topical
appearance. Sutherland et al have proposed a corticosteroids have not proven effective for
useful disease activity index for UC including a maintaining remission in distal UC.
grading of clinical and endoscopic signs (Table Patients with mild to moderate extensive UC
6). However, other clinical, endoscopical, and should begin therapy with oral SSZ or 5-ASA.
histological indices are available for grading Oral corticosteroids are generally useful for
disease activity in UC. patients who are refractory to oral 5-ASA with or
without topical therapy. 6-Mercaptopurine (6-MP)
Table 6: Ulcerative colitis disease activity or azathioprine (AZA) are effective for patients
index. who do not respond to oral prednisone but are
not so acutely ill as to require intravenous
1. Stool frequency 0-3: normal therapy. In these patients, when the acute attack
1-3: 1-2 stools daily > is controlled, a maintenance regimen is usually
normal required. SSZ or 5-ASA are effective in reducing
2-3: 3-4 stools relapses. As a rule, patients should not be
3-3: 4 stools treated chronically with corticosteroids. AZA or
6-MP may be useful as steroid-sparing agents
2. Rectal bleeding 0-3: None
for steroid-dependent and steroid-resistant
1-3: Streaks of blood
patients, and for maintenance of remission not
2-3: Obvious blood
adequately sustained by 5-ASA.
3-3: Mostly blood
Patients with severe UC refractory to maximal
3.Mucosal appearance 0-3: Normal
oral treatment with prednisone, oral salicylates,
1-3: Mild friability
and topical medications, or patients who present
2-3: Moderate friability
with toxicity, should be treated for 7-10 days with
3-3: Exudation,
intravenous corticosteroids. Failure to
spontaneous bleeding
demonstrate significant improvement within 7-10
4. Physician's rating of 1-3: Normal
days is an indication for either colectomy or
disease activity 2-3: Mild
treatment with intravenous cyclosporine A (Cy A)
3-3: Moderate
in specialized centers.
4-3: Severe
Maximum score 3 13
Drug classes Major complications of UC include toxic
Several drugs interacting with various points megacolon, intestinal perforation, mostly in the
along the immune and inflammatory cascades, setting of the toxic megacolon, and massive
are currently available for the treatment of UC. bleeding. Toxic megacolon is characterized by a
Corticosterid, sulfasalazine and its derivatives sepsis-like syndrome and extensive distension of
the 5-amino salicylic acids (5-ASA) and the colon (>6 cm). It usually appears later in the
immunosuppressants are the mainstay of course of the disease, but it can also occur early.
medical treatment. Effective in inducing Chronic blood loss leads to microcytic anemia,
remission, some of them are largely used to which may be severe. Drug-induced bone
prevent disease recurrence. Other drugs may marrow suppression and sulphasalazine-induced
also have a potential role in this context (anti- hemolytic or folate deficiency can cause anemia

Ardizzone S. Ulcerative colitis. Orphanet encyclopedia. September 2003:

http://www.orpha.net/data/patho/GB/uk-UC.pdf 6
as well. No other deficiency states have been relatively wide indication for colectomy have led
described, in contrast to CD. Severe to reduction of carcinoma risk.
extraintestinal complications or manifestations
include primary sclerosing cholangitis, and Prognosis
pyoderma gangenosum. An important problem is The prognosis for UC has improved significantly
the increased cancer risk in patients with long- over the past 60 years. This the result of an
standing and extensive colitis. The risk increases increased rate of colectomy and better timing of
statistically after 10 years in patients with surgery as well as of improved surgical
pancolitis, and to a lesser degree in those with knowledge of complications and a better
left-sided colits. Rarely, carcinoma can be the understanding of prophylaxis. The long-term
initial symptom in patients with unrecognized study of Copenaghen group showed that after 10
UC. years 25% of the patients had been colectomy;
Toxic or drug-induced megacolon can be treated 93% were able to work, and there was no
for up 3 days conservatively. High doses of increased carcinoma risk. Ten-year survival was
glucocorticoids in combination with total in the range of 96% of that of the normal
parenteral nutrition and antibiotics are used. If no population; it was better for those with proctitis
improvement occurs or the patients’s condition (98%) than for those with pancolitis (93%). The
deteriorates, immediate surgery is required. risk is particularly high for the rare patients who
Endoscopy and barium enema should not be develop UC later in life and initially present with
used because of the high risk of perforation. In a complication such as toxic megacolon. The
patients in whom toxic megacolon has been good long-term prognosis in the majority of
treated successfully, elective colectomy should patients requires that we focus on quality-of.life
be discussed, since this complication seems to aspects and on choosing treatment options with
carry an increased risk of recurrence. regard to all aspects of daily life and not only to
Severe refractory bleeding also must be treated medical outcomes.
by surgery; interventional endoscopic treatment
generally is not useful, since bleeding is diffuse
in almost all patients. For the indication of Surgery
surgical treatment of bleeding, the amount of In UC, three situations are absolute indications
daily necessary blood substitution and the time for surgery: exsanguinating hemorrhage, frank
to response on medical treatment must be perforation, and documented or strongly
known. suspected carcinoma, i.e., high grade dysplasia
There is no proven treatment of primary or low grade dysplasia in a mass lesion. Massive
slerosing cholangitis. The administration of hemorrhage in UC is due to diffuse mucosal
ursodeoxycholic acid may improve laboratory ulceration. If the hemorrhage is exsanguinating
values but does not seem to have any effect on or even persisting despite maximal medical
long-term prognosis. If extrahepatic duct therapy, it is an indication for surgical treatment.
stenosis occurs, this can be treated Perforation (occurring in only 2-3 % of
endoscopically. However, cholangiocarcinoma hospitalized UC patients at tertiary referral
must be considered. Liver transplantation is the centers), is the most lethal complication of toxic
final treatment of choice if liver function megacolon. When colon cancer is identified, the
deteriorates or recurrent complications of bile need for surgery is obvious; similarly, the
duct stenosis occur. coloscopic biopsy diagnosis of high grade
Pyoderma gangrenosum normally is treated with dysplasia is often indicative of a concomitant or
glucocorticoids, and in refractory cases other future cancer and is an indication for colectomy.
immunosuppressants such as azathioprine or Severe UC unresponsive to an intensive medical
cyclosporine are used. Most other extraintestinal regimen, or toxic megacolon, are others
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