Applying 5son Your Computer

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Applying 5son your computer

You work with documents, presentations, graphics, and other files all day—and chances are, you
have a lot of them. And that means it takes time to find the documents you need. Even if it is just
a couple of minutes here, and a couple of minutes there, it all adds up.

But there is a better way to stop the file clutter—by managing your files more effectively. Digital
files are no different than paper files, and if you don't have a good method of organization, things
get lost.

The purpose of this instruction is to help you apply5S concepts to the hard drive of your
computer resulting in an increase to your daily productivity, better organization of your
computer, and further compliance with the Office 5S initiative. We will cover the following
topics as they relate to your hard drive:

5S provides the foundation for all quality improvement programs. Thus, it is often said that the
road to productivity starts with 5S and through 5S you can create a highly productive company
with highly productive people. 5S is not only a matter of good housekeeping. It is a process to
create more productive people and more productive companies through motivation, education,
and the practice of 5S. It involves the creation of a strong corporate culture filled with the spirit
filled with the spirit of high productivity.

1.Seiri Sorting/Putting things in order (Remove/discard what is not needed so that there are
fewer hazards and less clutter to interfere with work. Only keep what is needed.)

2.Seiton Orderliness/Proper Arrangement (Place things in such a way that they can be easily
reached whenever they are needed. "There must be a place for everything, and everything must
be in its place.")

3.Seiso Clean/cleanliness. (Keep workplace and things clean and polished; no trash or dirt in the

4.Seiketsu Standardize/Purity (Maintain cleanliness after cleaning, consistently-perpetual

cleaning. Such cleaning is part of every one's work.)

5.Shitsuke Sustaining/discipline/commitment (Maintain standards and keep the facility in safe

and efficient order day after day, year after year.)

Example #1: Am I at lost? It’s not unusual for you to see a computer desktop on your classmate’s
desk that looks something like this:

You may have seen even worse. Keeping your desktop so cluttered like this creates many
problems such as:
It is difficult to find what you’re looking for.
Files, folders, and application shortcuts are grouped together without any logical separation
.You don’t know immediately where to place new files (downloaded files, attachments,
temporary working documents, etc)
When the desktop gets too full, you waste time cleaning temporary/downloaded files.
If you are only backing up My Documents, items on the Desktop may be skipped.
If you are migrating to a different computer or keeping multiple computers synchronized, the
Desktop folder is often missed.

What can you say about the desktop illustrated? How can you make sure that the above problems
will not be encountered? Consider setting up your files in the tree structure format. A tree
structure s an algorithm for placing and locating filesin an organized database. The algorithm
finds data by repeatedly making choices at decision points called nodes. A node can have as few
as two branches (also called children), or as many as several dozen .In a tree, records are stored
in locations called leaves. This name derives from the fact that records always exist at end
points; there is nothing beyond them.

The folder names do not necessarily tell the user what is inside them, making it difficult for
yourself and others to find. Also, the folders that are inside don’t necessarily belong there or fit
with the other files.

Sort –it’s the best thing that you can do Tired of icon clutter on your desktop? Sure, you can
organize your desktop shortcuts, programs, folders, and the like by dragging and dropping, but
eventually some game or other screen resolution-changing app will undo all your hard work.

Make Yourself a Desktop Cleaner Your desktop is the first thing you see when you start your
computer. This should be the most organized part of your electronic workspace. But what if your
desktop looks like this? What will be the impressions of your classmates?

The Desktop offers many features that make using your computer easier. You can easily start
programs or applications, copy and move files from one place to another and drag and drop files
and program where you want them on the computer or even on to a program's icon to open a file.
Manage Your Own Desktop Numerous studies have shown that your environment affects your
productivity, and that even something as simple as color can influence your memory or
creativity. Since most of our work now is done in the digital realm, it stands to reason that your
desktop environment can play an important role in your productivity.

Your computer's desktop is a starting point for your entire computing experience, but—like
anything else if you let it get ugly and messy your productivity will take a dive. Here's how to
design and create an attractive desktop with built-in organization to keep your workspace nice,
clean, and productive with minimal effort.

How to manage your desktop:

1.Create 5 folders in My Documents called :

Inbox-Put unprocessed items that don’t have a place yet in here. This may be items like software
installers you’ve downloaded, files sent to you from colleagues, and random text clippings.
Action Items-Put items requiring an action that takes more than 2 minutes in here. These may be
items such as forms to fill out, large applications to install and setup, and files to upload.
On Hold-Put items you aren’t yet ready to do or complete in here. These may be articles you’re
thinking of reading, sketches for potential projects, and information about classes you’re thinking
about taking.
Current Projects-Put files related to active projects in here. This folder contains files you’re
currently working on as well as reference files for a project. Each project gets its own unique
Archive-Put completed projects, general reference items, and anything else you might want to
look at again

2. Now move all relevant files from your desktop into other folders. If you have a large number
of files, you can move everything into the ―Inbox‖ folder and organize it later.
3.All that should be left on the desktop is program icons.

Evaluate hazards and risk

Computer Workstation Ergonomics There are various health problems associated with the
regular use of computers, such as stress, eyestrain, and injuries to the wrists, neck ,and back.
Employers must take steps to protect employees whose work involves the regular use of
computers. Computer ergonomics is the discipline of matching the task to the worker using the
most appropriate equipment to optimize human well-being and overall performance. This can be
simplified to ―Modify the workplace, not the individual".

Work surface height

Adjust the height of the work surface and/or the height of the chair so that the work surface
allows your elbows to be bent at 90 degrees, forearms parallel with the floor, wrist straight,
shoulders relaxed.


Adjust the seat tilt so that you are comfortable when you are working on the keyboard. Usually,
this will be close to horizontal but some people prefer the seat tilted slightly forwards. Your
knees should be bent at a comfortable angle and greater than 90 degrees flexion. If this places an
uncomfortable strain on the leg muscles or if the feet do not reach the floor then a footrest should
be used. The footrest height must allow your knees to be bent at 90 degrees. Therefore the height
of the footrest may need to be adjustable. Adjust the backrest so that it supports the lower back
when you are sitting upright.

Keyboard placement

Place the keyboard in a position that allows the forearms to be close to the horizontal and the
wrists to be straight. That is, with the hand in line with the forearm. If this causes the elbows to
be held far out from the side of the body then re-check the work surface height. Some people
prefer to have their wrists supported on a wrist desk or the desk. Be careful not to have the wrist
extended or bent in an up position.

Screen placement

Set the eye to screen at the distance that permits you to most easily focus on the screen. Usually,
this will be within an arm's length. Set the height of the monitor so that the top of the screen is
below eye level and the bottom of the screen can be read without a marked inclination of the
head. Usually, this means that the center of the screen will need to be near shoulder height.
Eyesmust belevel with the tool bar. People who wear bifocal or multi-focal lenses will need to
get a balance between where they see out of their lenses and avoid too much neck flexion.

Desk-top layout

Place all controls and task materials within a comfortable reach of both hands so that there is no
unnecessary twisting of any part of the body. Most people prefer the document holder to be
between the keyboard and the monitor. There are many different typesof document holders

Document holder

Place this close to the monitor screen in the position that causes the least twisting or inclination
of the head.

Posture and environment

Change posture at frequent intervals to minimize fatigue. Avoid awkward postures at the
extremes of the joint range, especially the wrists. Take frequent short rest breaks rather than
infrequent longer ones. Avoid sharp increases in work rate. Changes should be gradual enough to
ensure that the workload does not result in excessive fatigue. After prolonged absences from
work the overall duration of periods of keyboard work should be increasedgradually if conditions


the monitorto the side of the light source/s, not directly underneath. Try to site desks between
rows of lights. If the lighting is fluorescent strip lighting, the sides of the desks should be parallel
with the lights. Try not to put the screen near a window. If it is unavoidable, ensure that neither
the screen nor the operator faces the window.The solution is to increase the refresh rate of the
monitor to at least 75hz.

If the monitor is well away from windows, there are no other sources of bright light and
prolonged desk-work is the norm, use a low level of service light of 300 lux. If there are strongly
contrasting light levels, then a moderate level of lighting of 400 -500 lux may be desirable.
Glare and reflection

It is important to detect the presence of glare and reflection. To determine whether there is glare
from overhead lights whilst seated worker should hold an object such as a book above the eyes at
eyebrowlevel and establish whether the screen image becomes clearer in the absence of overhead
glare. To detect whether there are reflections from the desk surface,the worker should hold the
book above the surface and assess the change in reflected glare from the screen.

Using a mouse

A well designed mouse should not cause undue pressure on the wrist and forearm muscles. A
large bulky mouse may keep the wrist continuously bent at an uncomfortable angle. Pressure can
be reduced by releasing the mouse at frequentintervals, by selecting a slim-line, low-profile
mouse. Keep the mouse as close as possible to the keyboard, elbow bent and close to the body.

Posture during Keying

Good posture is essential for all users of computers. It comprises of a natural and relaxed
position, providing opportunity for movement, and from which the operator can assume a
number of alternative positions. It is not a single, rigidly defined position.

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