Manufacturing - Greater Dublin Area

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Manufacturing Greater Dublin Area

1. A region is an area of the earths surface that has one or more
characteristics, be they physical or socio-economic, which
distinguish it from other areas.

The region that I have studied is the Greater Dublin Area in


Human Factors:
1. Human factors such as population, access to education,
infrastructure and communications have influenced the
development of manufacturing in the Greater Dublin Area
2. The Greater Dublin Area (GDA) contains Dublin City,
Irelands capital and a primate city, which is the most
economically important urban area in Dublin.
3. The low age profile of Dublin is a pull factor for foreign
MNCs looking to settle in Ireland, with 45% of people being
under 25 years of age.
4. The GDA is also a financial services centre, IFSC in the
Docklands, and this has encouraged manufacturers to locate
in the region because of the provision of financial
management services and business development advice
5. With Dublin being a nodal point, road and rail routes radiate
outwards from the city to the rest of Ireland, such as the M50,
allowing manufacturers to reach a countrywide market.
6. As a result of this well-developed transport network,
manufacturing is dispersed across the GDA, with computer
chip manufacturing at Leixlip, newspaper production in City
West and Wavin pipe production in Balbriggan.

7. Dublin Port is Irelands premier port and is vital to industry

for its importing of resource materials and exporting of
finished goods from Dublins manufacturing plants.
8. Dublin Airport is an international airport, having connections
to many destinations overseas, and this is very important for
the business community and for the export of small highvalue goods.

Economic Factors:
1. Economic factors such as markets, skill of labour force and
government policies have also influenced the development of
manufacturing in the GDA.
2. Industries located in the GDA have access to the local market
of the 1.65 million consumers who live in Dublin City and
3. The population of the GDA are also wealthier in comparison
to the rest of Ireland, with wages being 10% above the EU
average, providing a market for high-value goods.
4. The numerous third-level institutes of the GDA produce a
highly skilled labour force, with three out of every four PhDs
awarded in Ireland being resident in Dublin City and county.
5. Irelands membership of the EU allows companies to access a
broader internal market of about 500 million, a market with
no internal tariff and trade barriers.
6. The Irish governments maintaining of the countrys low
corporation tax of 12.5% has proved a great incentive for
foreign MNCs to locate in the GDA and across the Republic.
7. The Irish government have also built state-of-the-art
industrial states, such as Sandyford Industrial Estate, as well
as providing training and retraining programmes through

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