English SPM 2012 Trial

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Kertas I September
l3/o Jam

Satu jam empat puluh lima minit


dua bahagian: Bahzgian A danBahagian B. I. Kertas modul ini m.engandungi bahagian. 2. Jawabkedua-dua 3. Jawapan anda hendaklah ditulis dalam bukujawapan yang disediakan. Sekiranya ruang jattapan tidak mencukupi,sila dapatkan helaian tambahqndaripada pengawas peperiksaan.

L of This module contsists two sections: Section A and Section B.

2. Answer both sectians. 3. Your answersmust be written in the answer booklgtprovided. If the spacesin the booklet are insfficient, please requestfor additional answer sheets from the invigilator.

Kertas modul ini mengandungi3 halamanbercetakdan t halamantidak bercetak. [Lihat halaman sebelah]
,. lll9ll @ zotz aok cipta MPSM Pulau Pinang

SULIT Section A: DirectedWriting 135marksl 45 I Time suggested: minutesl


You havebeen in yourschool' My of You arethe secretary the 'MySchool, Home'campaign placeto study' a askedto writean article on howto makeyourclassroom conducive Usethe notesgivenbelowto writeyourarticle:

selectclasscommittee rules draw up classroom planduty roster carryout duties arrangement planseating board updatebulletin

classroom decorate put up motivational Phrases cleanliness ensure tablesand chairs sufficient andfansfunctioning lights corner reading

yourarticle,you shouldremember: Whenwriting . . title to givea suitable nameas the writer to giveYbur given o to useallthe information o to provide ending an of are o that your readers the students yourschool

and cantent points,and up to For your article, you will receive up to 75 marksfor the format 20 iarks for the qualityof your writlng'




Writing SectionB: Gontinuous t50 marksl lTime suggested:One houfl topics. of Writea composition about 350 words on one of the folloWing (a) Describe dreamyou willneverforget. a youropinion' Support Do buildcharacter." you agree? (b) "Co-curricular activities (c) The qualities a goodfriend. of with : (d) Writea storythatbegins ..." morning Monday "lt was likeany othernormal (e) Secrets.





Kertas 2 September 2V+Iarn

Dua jam lima belasminit

JANGAN BUKA MODUT INI SEHINGG,A. DIBERITAHU Arahan empot bahagian ; Bahagian A, Bahaginn B, Bahaginn C dan l. Modut ini mengand.ungi Bahagian D. 2. Jawab sernua bahagian dalam modul ini. 3. Soalan-soaland.alamBahagian A mempunyalempatpilihaniawapan. Jawab setiap soalan dengan menghitamkanruang yang betul di halaman 19. Instructions: of l. This module consists four sections: Section.A,,Sectlon B, Section C and Seetion D. 2. Answer all sectionsin this module. 3,.Questionsin SeetionA have four options. Answer each questianby blackening the correct spaceonpage 19.

ll,ihat halamansebelah
lllgt2 Pinans Pulau Hak @ zo.tz ciptaMPSM SULIT

SULIT Section A [15marks] 25 lTime suggested: minutesl


* * *

because crossing use The children the zebra A B thereare lights theyenjoyusingit it is a safeway to crossthe road theywantto crossthe roadquicklY


got whathaveyou doneto yourroom?| almost lostin it. Mother:Timmy, signat thedoor' Timmy:Thatis whythereis a1NoEntry"

mother that we Fromthe dialogue, canconclude Timmy's A B likedhis room got lostin his room triedto enterhis room his thought roomwas untidY




DearEditor The MedicalCentre. at an I havejust undergone operation Merdeka doctorsand nurseswere excellent. provided the surgeons, by careand attention However,I noticedvisitorsand patientssmokingin the stainivay to the between floors.The smokeseepedintothe ward causinga lot of discomfort patients aftersurgery recovering Patient Discharged

3 A B

aboutthe is Patient complaining Discharged smokers surgery visitors wards


A Gift From Mother Nature tree that grows in The pau d'arcotree is an evergreen the warm parts of Centraland South America.The pau properties. is used to lt d'arco herb has anti-inflammatory used in and eczema.lt is also sometimes treat dermatitis home remediestor Psoriasis.

4 A B

The word remediescan best be replacedwith improvement treatment solution relief


FraG@j|-,WILL\tcu groP -


rir rZb-xir*E rnE cLocrl

WELL, iilN ffi,fltr$"frf;fr$trf;#,#* #16;ff'algEl"'nffid ir,r'tE no FrNlSHTlttg


excrTrN6 LEcIuRe.

Fr o m th e comicstripabov e, Reggie is lo o k in g a t t h e c |o c k b e c a u s e h e A B wantsto knowthe time lecture lovesthe teacher's is eagerfor the classto be over has to stayafterclassfor the lecture




BLOOD DONATION DRIVE Little do people know that donating blood takes less than half an hour and every donation can save three lives. Donors must be healthy, weigh more than 45 kg and agedbetween 18 and 6o.

6 A B C D

must blooddonors above, Basedon the notice be young be healthY weigh45 kg savethreelives

FORSTAFFONLY RESERVED 7 A B the BESTexplains signabove? statements which of the following can Everyone Parkhere' hereis dangerous. Parking to You are advised Parkhere. for is Parking onlyallowed staff.


111912 SULIT


r40 t20

e r_00 o
58 0 I

f60 U


BFr o m th e g r a phabove,W ec ans ay t ha t t h e n u mb e ro f c a s e s d e c |in e d f ro m A B C D Marchto MaY to January March to February APril to APril June

SULIT passage. Questions9 - 15 are basedon thefollowing


in I am a good swimmerbut I was powerless such a roughsea. One wave carried me fonvard g left me on the shorehalfdeadwith the amountof waterI had swallowed. towardsthe land, beforeanother 10 I had just enoughbreathleft to get up and by to me. I soonfoundthat it was impossible avoidbeingovertaken the sea. waveovertook 11 as a hill comingtowardsme. I wantedto try to swimwith it waveas I saw another even furtherup the beach. When it reachedme I was buriedto a depthof twentyfeet. I severaltimes' at and was carriedfonrvard high speed. This happened 12 held my to the untilat last I reached foot of a cliff: I managed climbto the top and there I sat, free 13 danger.

Therewas no trace I lookedaroundto see if I couldsee any signof my companions. that and I concluded they musthavebeendrowned. My heart of themto be seen I for was filledwith gratitude myself,a1d at the sametime sorrowfor my companions' was to have been savedfrom the ship' All so sorrythat not one of my companions 15 that I eversaw of themwas a cap,threehatsand two odd shoes' 2000.) Crusoe, (Adapted from Robinson

9Aand B Cso D 104 B

13 but o'i staggering staggered staggers stagger strong. dense high big breathing breathes breathe breath 14

A Bbv Cin Do f A B


D 11 A B


everywhere somewhere anywhere nowhere appearing appeared appears appear



D 12 A B

SULIT Section B l1O marksl lTime suggested'25 minutesl Questions16 - 25 opposite' thegraphic organiser and Readthefoilowing advertisement comptete
',,,:i l


PacnaE0 DonEff f,0la 2 3ileys figm$ [tnabalu


RM 320
/ Day1 Arrival KotaKinabalu & Free of choiee hotel' to Airport taken your lnternational and you,ll greeted frreKota Kinabalu at be easy. tlot Park 2 Day Kinabalu & Poring Spring and countryside , the you will your guide drive through scenic atthe breakfast hotel, tour After jungle walk you Park, way fn*n, makdyour to Kinabatu where willh.ave,a ,ang". mountain bsautiful you'll After at wiil Lunch beserved a lscalrestaurant. runch, walk and naturalist gulde. withthepark a you Then' cantake Watknay' high on iJryfJrest a 40-metre Canopy trop'taf the thrirugh tsorneo you'll in w*k. Late theafternoon, be aftertietong Hot dipinthehotsurphu^JJr,,iFJ,ing spring hotel. back taken toYour

Home / Flight Kinabalu 3 Day Kota to you depart Kota through Kinabalu.gelole a Enloyfinatwander ftigf'tt Airport lnternational foryour home' finanatu XoU
includes: Package . . . . 2nights'accommodation 1lunch' 2breaktast, Tour' Hot Parl< Kinabalu & Poring Spring transfer' air'Port Retum

SDNBHD TRAVEL TWOWAYS No.ZJalanTun Fuad,Taman KemPas or Cont".t AMul HatizOg-S5291033 e-mailto tour@twowavs'com'ffv



16 Questions - 25 given,complete grapkic organiserbelow. the Usingthe information from the advertisement

N ameof package: 17.

Holiday Package

Mealsprovided: 19.

Duration stay: of 21..

Activity:Jungle walk Destination: 22. To bookthe package, should one 24. Activity: waterdip Hot Destination: 23.

SULIT . Section C 125marksl passage' Questions26 - 31 are basedon the following 1


when I was aboutsevenyearsold. My fatherhad a gardening | begangardening for manymemories time with my dad provided that | ;;F;J o"rt*itn. Spending business a cultivate garden me to nold onto afi"i n" pur."d away.tearning the skillsneededto lt neveroccurred in helpedme much-lai"1, iit" when it was time to raisemy own family' to helpme connect 5 tool wouldbe an important to me as I was gto;ing up thatgardening son,Tim,who hasautism' withmy eldest I beyondmy control, had my firstchildlatein life.I was 45 Dueto circumstances found out he had Angie,gave Uirtnto orr son. Withintwo years,We. when my wife, twojust likeany normal child.He was with as autism, my *1t""*ur"pregnant our second auiigm 10 I onlyknew.of autism' abouthim having year-old child,whichmademe sceptical of nothing the He.was and a"uting a childto be nonverbal unresponsive' beingsever", himto be more causing Tim beganlosinghis speech a sort.However few ironths later, were with me I wasn'tsure how to relateto him and feelingsof hopelessness frustrated. hour. everywaking whereI knew I had control'I had 15 a | beganspending lot of time in my garden, on and carro-ts othergreenvegetables that guartelacle of land'Angie rowsof tomatoes, be the type of child thatrruasalways I loved havingfresh produceon han-d. used to For television' a few years'Tim couldn't creatinitnings,not insidewatching outdoors with all the sightsand soundsthat he o"ingirtJo;rs. He didn'tfeel secure *iir.1 20 I "op" itreretore,all he wantedto do was watchcadoonson television' felt identify:. couldn,t to he continued stay in his worldand me in we were growingfurtheraparteveryday as mine.

4Whe n h e wa sapproximately s ev eny ea rs o ld , h e h a d ma d e s ig n if ic a n t p ro gr ebe ss frommy wife' He was ableto he isiuei due to the-therapy received with his sensory he started 25 out and afterseveraltimesbeingta-ken to observethe surrounding, outdoors but he came in occasionally, the door was when to love it. He still had meltdowns I him curiosityencouraged to come out whenever openedfor our worldsto connect. he as in interest plants one day,to my surprise, some wentintotne garoln. He showed help by wateringthe squatteddown to watch me plant seeds. He startedwantingto he 30 normalthingsfor most kidsto do' However, seedsin the pots.This may seemlike his when it cameto sticking handsin example, for issues, did stillhavesomesensory dirt. 5 out to these sensoryissues'reaching See | COUId that he tried to overcome everytime I had triedto reachout to him in the past, with me. I stillremember connect this However, time,it was his own ideato workwith me' He began 35 he wouldwithdraw. to started see light to I a spending lot of timeout in the garden. felt muchcloser himand a as I was carrying bag of soil,he camecloseto one afternoon, of the tunnel. ui tn" tife 19helpme with "io to me ano struggied uttera few words.I got the hinfthat he would withoutrealising, the bag. fnose were the first few words-fever heardfrom him and 40 tearsbeganto form in mYeYes'




terms' andgardening morenewwordssuchas namesof the plants As he learned ableto learnnewwords He improved. was at a pointwherehe was not only his speech any them.He hardlyremembered of his learned able but alsomoreimportantly to retain seedswhenI intentionally amongthe various He wordsbefore. alsoknewthe difference 45 showed him a packet of mixed seeds. He took care of his plants by wateringand and to to relate theseplants him as.helearned I themwhenrequired. watched weeding that I was changing, I or as carefor-them if theywerepeople animals. beganto realise we is a choice make'Tim or to as well.He taughtmeihat relating something someone years.Later,he even knewwhichplants witninthe two had showna lot of improvement 50 growin our region. pictures him. for gardening bookswithcolourful simple Fromtimeto time,I bought that I was verypositive he wouldbe a lot andencouiagement, support Witnouiconstant alongwith in betterin yearsto come.We stillspendmany.hours the.gardentogether, -his my I At that moment, was unableto describe younger brother my wife, and sister. hadgonethrough' backof whatTim t tnougnt feelings'when our strongfamilybond. in of I startedseeingthe benefits gardening fostering lt as do thatwe regularly together a family. was other expanded-into activities Gardening stonefor Tim the but also provided stepping bridgeto a strongrelationship not only o.-ur to the it importantly, provided background ours.N4ore to comeout of his worldandJoin 60 children' amazing to father three a helpme become better ri h (Adapted from www. elium.com/sto es) 1, Fromparagraph whendidthe writerstartgardening? (1 mark)


Fromparagraph2, autism? abouthis son having (a) whywasthe writersceptical (1 mark) autism? describe (b) howdidthe writer (1 mark)


3, (a) Fromparagraph whichword meansrecognise? (1 mark) is (b) Fromparagraph4, what evidence thereto showthat Tim had madesignificant progress? (1 mark)




to to (a) Fromparagraph givetwo piecesof evidence showthat Tim.tried connect 5, with his father. 1 Evidence : ('l mark) 2 Evidence : (1 mark)

fromhisson? (b) Fromparagraph whathadthe writerlearned 6, .(1 mark)


give of Inyour ownwords, two benefits gardening. ( r ). . .. . (1 mark)

(ii) .. .. . . . . . . '. . . . ' i . . . '. . . '. '. .

(1 mark) on given, writea summary the progressTim had made on 31 Based the passage after receivingtheraPY the will Credit be givenfor useof ownwordsbutcaremustbe takennotto change meaning. original

must: Yoursummary . . . form(notin noteform) writing be in continuous fromlines 23 - 50 usematerials than130words, includingthe 10 words givenbelow mustnotbe longer

yoursummary follows: as Begin After Tim hadreceivedthe therapy,he was able to'.' (15 marks)


SULIT Section D 120marksl lTime suggested 35 minutesl 32 that Readthe poembelowand answerthe questions follow. Are You Still PlaYingYour Flute? Are you stillPlaYing Yourflute? timefor our love Whenthereis hardly guiltY I am feeling of in concealed the slimhollow the bamboo The melody by Uncovered the breathof an artist bY ComPosed hisfingers BlownbYthe wind To the dePthof mYheart. Areyou stillPlaYing flute? Your In the villageso quietand deserted the Amidst sickricefield a Whilehereit hasbecome luxury the time watching rain To sPend Gazingat the eveningrays dew droPs Collecting of the Or enjoying fragrance flowers Are stillPlaYing Yourflute? mY The moreit disturbs conscience of You to be thinking of in the hazarO You and unemployed desperate younger brothers my bY disunited Politics my PeoPle mercilessly my friendslaughtered worldis too old and bleeding. this (a) guilty? feeling Why is the persona



(1 mark)


to Whathas happened the ricefield? (1 mark) does not havetimeto do in the city. that the persona Nameone activity (1 mark) l4



we As Malaysians, mustlivein peaceand harmony.Whatwouldyou do to promote peaceand harmony our country? in Givea reasonfor youranswer. A ctio n ...... : (1mark)

Re a so n : (1 mark)


1119/2 in studiedin the literaturecomponent EnglishLanguage. The foilowingare the novels

The Curse StepBy WickedSteP CatchUs lf You Can

LeeSu Ann AnneFine MacPhail Catherine

chooseany one of the novelsaboveand answerthe questionbelow.

person as the The writerdescribes maincharacter a courageous that writeaboutsomeinstances show you havestudied, fromthe novelthat Usingthe details courage the character's [15 marks]


- ECT|OI{ DirectedYYritinq [35 msrls I A: S
1 ,::, ' ' .": l "

1. AwAnDllI&mnrc FoaeofifGNT
,6o.ntehti. Language ,t' TOIAT :


, 13msrks : : Z0rn*rks 35marks :

CONTETTT marls - 15 of - So not eward', ksfor me* Erention ,keYnrt,de

Format; ::', Fl-asuitCbletitle F2- namqof writer ending F3- suitable 1r:nark


ContentFoints: Cl. selectclass'co*m'' ' rules C2- draw up classroorn C3- planduty roster C! - carryout dutbs C5- ptanseating arrangement boa'rd C6- update,bslletin classroom C7- decorate C8- put up motivational Phrases cleanliness C9- ensure C10-sufficint'tabils:aRd.thairs Cl1- lightsandfansfunctioning corner I C12-reading :

l rnark l rnark,
',1 : .


f matk l mark l mark l mark l mark 1ma.rk


I *al*

FOnIAf*Gtt4fiE A'rfirAf;DlNcrilARKS for: are Marks awarded English { i) Accurate to { ii } StyleandToneappropriate the task


Mark Ranse

Description Criteria of draft is Thela4Fuase entirelvaccurateapartfrom very,fuw:occasionalfirst slips. is ablato usevarious structureis variedand showsthat the'taad,id,ate Sntence to a effect. typesof sentences achieve particular andis usedwith precision. Vocabularv wide is and helpfulto the reader. Punctirttion is accurate ' :: ,' 1 used. of Spelling accurate is acioss full range vocabulary the linked. haveunityand areappropriately Paragraphs well-planned, are with relevaRce. Thetopic is addressed consistent and throughout writing. the Theinterestof the readeris aroused sustained tone is appropriate informalbut polite.Thereaderis convinced Thestyleand for students. is that thisarticle meant school errorsareeitherminoror first draft slips. is occasional Thelanguage accurate: of with precision. to intended shades meaning Vocabulary wide enough convey is somecomplex of Sentences showsomevariation lengthandtype,including sentences. ' :' : is always accurate. Spefling nearly , and of having'unity are usually Paragraphs showsomeevidence planning, linked. appropriately Thepieceofwritingisre|evanttothetopicandtheinterestofther:qaderis the and throughout cornposition. aroused sustained for Thestyleandtone is informalandappropriate an article. iq Thelan*$e,qq lgr,Eely,apcqr,flIe. mayoccurwhen more Simple structures usedwithout error; mistakes are are sophisticated structures attempted. but intended meaning maylack precision. Vocabulary wideenough convey is to may and len6h but there is tendency Sentences showsomevarietyof structure givingit a monotonous effect. to useone typeof structure, is on structures accurate the wholebut errorsmayoccurin Punduationof simpte more corfiplex uses, for vocabulary. Spelling generally is accurate common or whichshowsomeunity,although linksmaybe absent Writtenin paragraphs Some and writingis relevant maylack but originality planning. inappropriate. The interestis aroused not sustained. but informality Thestyleandtone shows someattemptshavebeenmadeto achieve in an article thismaynot be sustained. but for to Thelanguagp sl+ffieienflv is accurate meaning comethrough. vocabulary and whensimple Therewill begatche3 claritvparticularly of structures used. are lengthandtype but this maynot be successful Thereis somevarietyof sentence interest. in enhancing meaning arousing or meaning. Punctuation generally is correctbut doesnot clariry

A t9 -20

B 16-18


D 10-12

precision. but wordsare speltcorrectly Simple but is Vocabulary adequate lacks wordsare used. whenunfamiliar errorsmayoccur or Paragraphs usedbut showlackof planning unity. are but with is The'topic addressed somerelevance the readermayfind composition and in at this levellacking liveliness interestvalue. as Thestylemaynot be appropriate an article. freouentand word errorsare sufficientlv Meaninsis neverin doqbt,but single of and serious hamperprecision speed reading. to is will but Some simplestructures be accurate, accuracy not sustained. precise or meaning are Vocabulary limitedandeithertoo simpleto convey is imperfectly understood. and in but wordsmaybe speltcorrectly frequentmistakes spelling Sirnple difficult. punctuation the makereading script Theremaybe errorsof sentence used. incorrectly are lack Paragraphs unity.Links and separation punctuation. required an article.lf it does,it of the Thestylemayfail to achieve informality of requirements the task.Thetone of maynot showunderstanding the detailed for maynot be appropriate an article. impedes of is Meaning fairlvclearbutthe incidence erroris highanddefinitely the reading. but the kinds throughout script they of errors various There be manyserious will withoutrewriting i.e.theycouldbe corrected wordtype, aremainly the single of the wholesentence. Theremaybe sentences. A scriptat this levelwill haveveryfew accurate errors. frequent spelling errors separation correctly sentence but be will Punctuation sometimes used mayoccur, at Paragraphs unityor theremaynot be anyparagraphs all. lack for an article. Thetone andstyleis inappropriate the requiring will but Sense be decipherable, someof the errors be multiple, will clear. beforemeaning and-re-oreanise reader re-read to becomes but At this level,there maybe only a few accurate simplesentences. number words. of mayalsobe far shortof the required This typeof script to Thereare unlikely be Wholesection the articlernaymakelittle or no sense. of but is The sentences. content comprehensible, itstone is oneor moreaccurate of hidden the density errors. by to are in Scripts thiscategory almostentirelyimpossible read. sns all or arecopiedfrom the task. at maymakeno Wholesections can Award'l-' markif somesense beobtained. at no makes sense allfromthe if onlybe awarded the article Themark'0' should to beginning end.

E 7-9

u {il

u{ii} z-3

u{iii} 0-1

Writing SectionB : Continuous OF FOR DESCRIPTIONS THEASSESSMENT CATEGORY WRITING CONTINUOUS Mark Ranse A 44- 50 * * * * * * * Description Criteria of is Language entirelyaccurate is Sentence structure varied is Vocabulary wide is Punctuation accurate is Spelling accurate are Paragraphs well-planned properly Thetopic is addressed

B 38- 43

x Language accurate is * Vocabulary wide enough conveymeaning to is * Sentences showsomevariation * Punctuation almostalways accurate is * Spelling nearlyalways accurate is * Paragraphs of show someevidence planning * Relevant the topic and interestof readersare aroused to * * * * * * * accurate is Language largely Simplestructuresusedwithout errors is Vocabulary wide enoughto conveymeaning showsomevarietyof structures Sentences is of Punctuation simplestructures accurate wordsmay be speltcorrectly Simple whichshow unity Essay written in paragraphs is


D 26-31

* Languagesufficiently accurate is * Patches clear language accurate of * Some tyPe variety sentence of t Punctuationgenerally correct is * Simple correctly spelt words x Paragraphs used lack planning unity or but are * Topic addressed some relevance with is
* * * * * * * Meaning neverin doubt is may be accurate Somesimplestructures is Vocabulary limited wordsmay be speltcorrectly Simple lack Paragraphs unity explained matterpartially Subject of errors Highincidence linguistic

E 20-25

u (i)
t4- L9

* Meaning fairlyclear is * Single word type errors * Veryfew accurate sentences * Frequent blurring errorsmay cause x Sentences simpleand often repetitive are

* Pg1fctuatloil somtims'be correctfy wilt used * Paragraphs unity lack

8,-.13.,, -:., .',

* * * *

tvlake somesense aremultiple nature but in Onlya few accurate simplesentences lncidence linguistid'error high of is Fartoo shortof the requirednumberof wsrds

* Almostentirely impq*sible fead to * Makelittle or no sense all at

1 .C 2S 3A


to, F 11. e
12. D 13.A 14.C ,

4r, 4
i 5' F 5 .S 7 .p 8 .4


"' Sdn . "fi,ilb.tu : ,,.,.,, 16... ' rwowiis Travel shd. , Package/ Delight Ksta Package/ Kinabalu Delight Xot 2 3 Days Nights i:i,
breakfast 1 2 breakfast/ ) 1 lunch/k-rnch 3 dap? nights/3da1,5 Park Kinabalu accept*blein finy.ordsr

19, 70. ?1. 22.

contact Hanz fu,, f;l:rHuttx'i1ft, , **act Abdut o3-552e103t/ o3-ssze1o33/ ::iir:i':: r;Cin
': ', _ 25. Haflz O3#IstrO3V call03-55291033 fibdulHafiz callAbdul I 03-55291033/ Hafiz AbdulHafiz telephone telephone I {phone)Abdul {phonei telephone iprton"i03-55291033 to e-maii [email protected]'l.my / e-mail

* REMINDER TEACHERS: TO tlie Acceot ONLY onswers nivenaboue. :{


:. .: .:.. ':
r .,::.i.r : i:i .:j

sEcnoN c
26 Questions - 30 No. 26 27 (al
Angwers when he was about 7 yearsold Allowed Liftine


Line'1 years ald I begangardening...seven to be changed "he".} "1" {Pronoun hasto

28 (a)

9-10 Hr!wasjust likeanynonnaltwo-year- Lines He was iust....old chilct. oldchild Lines 10-11. and unresponsit'e. unresponsive I only knev'... a childis nonverbaland to "1" {Pronoun hasto be changed "he".} ldentifu lines 24 - 26 Timwasableto be outdoors He llpasable... to love iL Tim startedto loveoutdocrs Tim showed some interest in plants Tim started wanting to help his father Line 28 He showed... in plants.

L 1

28 {b}

Lines 29-30 He started.... theDats. in


it was his own ideato work with his It was...with me. (Pronoun"me" hasto be changed "his to father
father".) began spendinga lot of time in the garden Lines 35-36 He beean... in the swden. Lines 37-38 He came close...afew words to {Pronoun"me" hasto be changed "his father/'.) Line38 He vauld like to help me. (Pronoun"me" hasto be changed "his to father".)


to struggled utter a few words

he wouldliketo helphisfather
(Acceptany two of the above)


is or relating someone something a Ling48,.. ,. .. :. ,. to

lchoice w.&ffi?k

relating to... choice we mske.

N ol i fti ng "' ' ;t:' " " !-

to savemoRey to have fresh.vegetables (Any other acceptable answers)

NO 1

CONTENT ableto be outdoors startedto loveit to 'it' refers 'outdoors'

24 -25 25 -26 28 29 3 0 -3 1 33

3 4

someinterestin Plants showed

issues ttr-e".t, h- did stitthavesomesensory


fn onter to *w*rdpoint 6,point 5 must bepresenl (a it wasttisown ideato work with hisfather/ spending lot of) time in the garden

3 5 -3 6 38

8 I 10 1l_

to struggled utter a few words morenewwords tearned improved trisspeech retained words(he learned) the

42 43


took care of his plants

45 46



* Nates to teachers: t Wlrcn tift@ is nmde,pronouns have to he changed accotdingly. contentpoint **ill be t Only peftalise the Jirstpaint with incarrect pronoun. Suhsequent awarded accordinglY, Marks for Style and Presentationare awarded basedon the averagesum total {to the nearest and Use of English. Annotate as follows; of rounded.fraction/decimal} ParephraEe = 5 Paraphrase = 4+ Use,of English

Content - 10 Language -*A+ 15 marks

9 +2 i 4 .5 =i 'm b r ks



5 Excellent

attemptto a sustained the rephrase text is expression secure from difficultphrases text maybe substituted

5 Excellent

is language accurate occasionalerors structure sentence varied abilityto use marked syntax complex original punctuation accurate correct . spelling throughout
lan8ugge'iialmost alwaysaccurate .serioqs birors Will"be isolated sone variation of sgntences spellinglargelyaccurate

4 Good

noticeableattemPt to the text rephrase free from stretchesof lifting is expression generallY secure

4 Good ':. '

3 Fair

and intelligent selective liftingbut limited to attempts rephrase may expression not be always secure

3 Fair

? Unsatisfactory

total lifting of text but not a completetranscript to attempts substitute words for single but only more sections, irrelevant frequent''

Unsatisfactory : -

0-1 Poor

of the text no originality coPied sections irgelevant

o-1 Poor:

largely language accurate structures simple dominate not errors serious but noticeable frequent alwaYs nearly spelling accurate is'notin doubt meaning erforsmore serious frequent structures simple but accurate not maintained accurate spelling someirr'Eievant Parts heavY frequenryoferrors redding hhm'pers - "'"'"fractured syntax fra'gmented /

song for To be longing tl.e,r..lover"s / for hbsang To be longing

] J

l mark




rafi |
g*singtatffi,eveniw,'? s/ ' @ctiqdew'droPs'l tfie ,niayillgi fragraneeof ffowers , anlr {Accept on sfthe above}


t mart<
,:i :'- :' ,::


, ,. ..

t:*a* sdlion Any togical i, for Eg:,., t wil;:rtgst(h.tuition,c,lalsesfree far the childrenlivinginthe village.


relevant is Response consistently tothe s Gi{ied and convincing t-tisk. is textualevide.rrce :plwided


LAN6UAGE isacctlrate, -,,, ,: Languagc is ResponsC veql,'wel{+rganised

, ];g

is tanguage largelyaceurate Respneeis wellorganised *:'':,rMC*n$ngis nevsrirt :dbubtbut : ' errorsare becofiing:frequent is Responsefairlywell-organised

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