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Courses for the First Year B. Sc.

Microbiol. 101

General Microbiology-I

(0.5 Unit)

1. Development of microbiology: discovery of microorganisms; biogenesis versus abiogenesis;

fermentation process; germ theory of disease; Kochs postulates; development of laboratory
techniques; vaccination: an asepsis: chemotherapy
2. Scope of microbiology: in human welfare, agriculture, industry, health and sanitation; environment
and pollution control.
3. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells: morphological characterization and ultra structure of procaryotic
and eucaryotic cells: functions different of subcellular elements; distinctive characteristics of the
major groups of microorganisms; significance of smallness; endosymbiotic hypothesis.
4. Bacteria: size, shape and arrangements; characteristics of major groups of Gram-negative and Gram
positive bacteria.
5. Archaea : general characteristics; morphological and physiological diversity.
6. Viruses : discovery : general characteristics; morphology; chemical composition; classification and
nomenclature of bacteriophages; bacteriophage life cycle : lytic and lysogenic life cycles; replication
and one-step multiplication curve; viroids; prions.
7. Fungi : general morphological characteristics; growth and reproduction; classification; importance in
industry and natural process.
8. Algae : general characteristics; classification; microscopic algae their importance.
9. Protozoa : general characteristics; classification major groups; importance in natural process.
Books Recommended :
1. General Microbiology-II, - G. Schlegel et al.
2. Biology of Microorganisms T.D. Brock et al.
3. Microbiology M. J. Pelczar, J; E.C.S. Chan & N.R. Krieg
4. Microbiology : An Introduction G.J. Tortora et al.
5. Fundamental principles of Bacteriology A.J. Salle et al.
Microbiol. 102

Microbial Ecology

(0.5 Unit)

1. Basic concept of microbial ecology : the scope of microbial ecology; historical overview; relation
of microbial ecology to general ecology.
2. Microbial communities and ecosystems : development of microbial communities; structure of
microbial communities; ecosystems; microbial communities in nature.
3. Brief introduction to microorganisms in natural habitats : atmoecosphere : characteristics and
stratification of the atmosphere, the atmosphere as habitat and medium for microbial dispersal,
microorganisms in the atmoecosphere; hydrosphere ecology of fresh water, composition and activity
of fresh water, composition and activity of fresh water microbial communities. Physical and
chemical factors, estuaries, and marine water environment; characteristics and stratification of the
ocean, composition and activity of marine microbial communities, role of microbes in the aquatic
environment and lithosphere: introduction to soil formation: rocks and mineral, soil horizon, soil
texture, soil organic matter, chemical properties of soil, soil microbial communities.
4. Effect of abiotic factors on microorganisms : abiotic limitations to microbial growth, Leibigs law
of minimum; Shelfords law of tolerance, temperature, radiation, pressure, salinity, water activity,
movement, hydrogen ion concentration, redox potential, organic compounds and inorganic
5. Adaptation & interactions of microorganisms in the extreme environments : hot spring, acid
springs and lakes, salt lakes, Antarctica, extraterrestrial system
Books Recommended :
1. Microbial Ecology : Fundamentals and Applications R.M. Atlas and Bartha
2. Microbial Ecology : A Conceptual Approach J.M. Lynch and Poole
3. Microbiology M.J. Pelczar, Jr. ; E.C.S. Char & N.R. Krieg
4. Microbiology : An Introduction G.J. Tortora et al.

Microbiol. 103

Microbial Chemistry

(0.5 Unit)

1. Biomolecules and biopolymers : Properties and functions of the major and minor essential
elements, water, carbohydrate, lipids, nucleic acids and proteins.
2. Molecular architecture of microbial cells : chemical composition and function of cellular
structures and organelles : capsule, flagella, pili, cell-wall, cytoplasmic membrane, pigments,
ribosome, mitochondria, cytoplasmic inclusions and endospore.
3. Antimicrobial agents : type, chemistry, mode of action, efficiency, and the antimicrobial resistance;
study of penicillin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, nyastatin, gentamicin and griseofulvin;
effectiveness of antimicrobial agents : assay of antibiotics by chemical methods.
Books Recommended :
1. Bacterial Metabolism Gottschalk
2. Chemical Microbiology A. H. Rose
3. Antibiotics : a scientific approach N.S Agorov
4. Biochemistry A.L. Lehninger
Microbiol. 104

Basic Techniques in Microbiology

(0.5 Unit)

1. Microscopes and Microscopy: light spectrum, resolving power and magnification power;
microscopes : light and electron microscopes; Microscopy; bright-field, dark-field, fluorescence,
phase-contrast, differential interference contrast, transmission electron, scanning electron, scanning
tunneling and atomic force microscopy.
2. Observation of microorganisms under microscope: wet-mount and hanging-drop technique :
preparation of microorganisms for staining; chemical properties of stains; mechanisms of staining;
chemical positive and negative staining, simple, differential and special staining technique.
3. Cultivation of microorganisms: nutritional requirements; physical and gaseous requirements;
media used for cultivation microorganisms: chemically defined media, complex media, anaerobic
growth media, selective and differential media; enriched culture; anaerobic culture method; pure
culture techniques.
4. Characterization of microorganisms: morphological characteristics; nutritional and cultural
characteristics metabolic characteristics; antigenic characteristics pathogenic characteristics; genetic
5. Culture preservation: long-term and short-term techniques for preservation of microbial culture.
6. Measurement of growth: direct measurement of microbial growth; estimating bacterial number by
indirect methods.
7. Control of microbial growth: principles of microbial control; the rate of microbial death; the action
of microbial control agents; conditions influencing microbial control; physical and chemical methods
of microbial control.
Books Recommended :
1. General Microbiology II G. Schlegel
2. Biology of Microorganisms T.D. Brock et al.
3. Microbiology M.J. Pelezar, Jr.; E.C.S. Chan & N.K. Krieg.
4. Microbiology : An Introduction G.J. Tortora et al.
5. Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology A.J. Salle
Microbiol. 105
(1.0 Unit)
Introduction to safety regulations and hygiene practice on working in microbiology Laboratory.
Part A (Microscopy)
1. Use & function of microscopes
2. Observation of stained cell preparations
3. Observation of living bacterial cells
4. Observation of living yeasts & molds
5. Micrometry : measurement of microbial cell.

Part B (Bacterial staining)


Simple staining & negative staining.

Gram staining
Acid-fast staining
Capsule staining
Spore staining
Flagella staining

Part C (Cultivation techniques)


Media preparation & sterilization techniques

Culture transfer techniques
Techniques for isolation of pure cultures
Techniques for preservation and maintenance of pure cultures
Observation of cultural characteristics of bacteria on various media
Observation of cultural characteristics of yeast on various media

Part D (Determination of biomolecules)

1. Preparation of different lab solutions (molar, molal, normal and buffers)
2. Determination of citric acid by titrimetric method
3. Determination of antibiotic agents
4. Determinations protein
5. Determinations reducing sugar
6. Detection of cytoplasmic inclusions (PHB and volutin)
Microbiol. 106
Microbiol. 107

Viva voce
(Auxiliary) Computer Applications

(0.5 Unit)
(1.0 Unit)

1. Introduction : Basic organization, types and brief history of computer.

2. Hardware and Software : General review of input and output media and devices, memory
organization storage devices.
3. Operating Systems and Applications : operating system (Windows) ; application of programs.
4. Word Processing : MS word application.
5. Statistical analysis : MS excel; means and variance basic calculation and estimation, standard errors
and confidence limit; simple significance test; y2 tests of goodness-of-fit and homogeneity; simple
experimental design and analysis of variance.
6. Introduction to Statistical Package for Biological Sciences : research methodology : hypothesis;
sampling; collection and analysis ; frequency table; contingency tables analysis; Pearson correlation;
regression analysis, T-test and its use; presentation of software : MS power point; graphic design
(Photoshop, Corel Draw, illustrator); EPI-Info.
Books Recommended :
1. The Perspective, 1998 S.E. Hutchinson & S.C.; Sawyer.
2. SPSS for Windows: Base System Users Guide Release 6.0, 1995 M.J. Norusis
3. Excel 7.0 for Windows in a day, BPB Publications, 1996 Russell A. Stultz
4. Introduction to Computer Science Paul W. Mursil & Crecil L. Smith.
5. Computer Net Work Andrew S. Tanenbaun.
6. An introduction to Computer Hardware Martin Cripps.
7. Computer Anatomy Notrams Rub.

Courses for the Second Year B. Sc. (Honours)

Microbiol. 201
General Microbiology II
(0.5 Unit)
1. Physical requirements for microbial growth : temperature : pH; Gaseous requirements; osmotic
pressure and other conditions.

2. Nutritional requirements for microbial growth : chemical elements as nutrients ; organic growth
factors; nutritional classification of microorganisms; nutrient uptake processes.
3. Culture media : criteria for an ideal culture medium; complex media; chemically-defined media;
selective and differential media; enrichment media; anaerobic growth media special purpose media
for eukaryotic microorganisms tissue culture media.
4. Growth of bacteria : bacterial multiplication; generation: time; mathematic expression of growth
phases of growth; synchronous growth; batch, fed-batch and continuous culture.
5. Microbial systematics : microbial evolution and physiology; microbial taxonomy and classification
taxonomic hierarchies: classical systems of microbial classification, phenetic and phylogenetic
approaches to microbial classification; numerical taxonomy; molecular based classification;
dendograms and similarity matrices.
6. Atypical bacteria : general characteristics and importance of actinomyces, cyanobacteria,
mvcoplasmas, rickettsias and chlamydias, spirochetes and gliding, sheathed, budding and
appendaged bacteria.
Books Recommended :
1. Principles of Microbiology R.M. Atlas
2. Biology of Microorganisms T.D. Brock et al.
3. Microbiology M. J. Pelezar, Jr.; E.C.S. Chan & N.R. Krieg
4. Microbiology: An Introduction G.J. Tortora et al.
Microbiol. 202

Environmental Microbiology

(0.5 Unit)

1. Biological interactions : microbial interaction within a single microbial populations, positive and
negative interaction, interaction between diverse microbial population. neutralism. commensalisms,
synergism, mutualism, competition. ammensalism, parasitism, predation; microbe-plant interaction
and microbe animal interaction.
2. techniques for the study of environmental microbes : sample collection, sample processing,
detection of microbial populations. Determination of microbial numbers. Determination of microbial
biomass, and measurement of microbial metabolism.
3. Microbiology of potable water : introduction to indicator organisms, water borne pathogens,
isolation and identification of indictor bacteria and water borne pathogens.
4. Sanitation and public health microbiology with special reference to Bangladesh : water supply,
the use o safe water, public tube well coverage, sanitation, disposal of human excreta and refuse.
5. Microorganisms and some novel pollutation problem : persistence and biomagnification of
xenobiotic molecules; recalcitrant halocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBS), alkyl benzyl
sulfonates, synthetic polymer.
6. Sewage treatment : primary secondary treatment aerobic and anaerobic and tertiary treatment.
Books Recommended :
1. Microbial Ecology: Fundamentals and Applications R.M. Atlas and Bartha
2. Microbial Ecology: A Conceptual Approach J.M. Lynch and Poole
3. Microbiology M.J. Pelezar, Jr. ; E.C.S. Char & N.R. Krieg
4. Microbiology: An Introduction G.J. Tortora et al.
5. Microbial Ecology: Organisms, Habitats and Activities Heinz & Stolph.
Microbiol. 203

Microbial metabolism - I

(0.5 Unit)

1. Introduction to metabolism : Important differences and relationships between anabolic and

catabolic mechanisms in life.
2. Cell bioenergetics energy production, ATP generation by different process, free energy, energy
3. Membrane transport system: active. Passive, facilitative and group translocation.

4. Carbohydrate catabolism/Aerobic metabolism processes: the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway;

tricar-boxvlic acid cycle; electron transport chain; oxidative and substrate level phosphorylation.
5. Alternate pathways of glucose catabolism: hexose monophosphate pathway: Entner-Doudoroff
pathway, glyoxylate cycle, methyl-glyoxal bypass. Inter linkages of pathways. Anapleuretic
6. Pathways for utilization of sugars other than glucose: starch, cellulose, maltose, sucrose, lactose,
sorbitol & mannitol.
7. Catabolic activities of aerobic heterotrophs: growth with organic acids (beta-oxidation), amino
acids, aromatic compounds, aliphatic hydrocarbons and CI compounds.
8. Anaerobic metabolic processes: fermentation of ethanol, acetate-butyrate, acetone-butanol, lactate
and methane. Methane fermentation.
Books Recommended:
1. Microbial Physiology A.G. Moat & J.F. Foster
2. Bacteril Metabolism - Gottschalk
3. Microbiology M.J. Pelezar, Jr. ; E.C.S. Char & N.R. Krieg
4. Principles of Biochemistry Lehninger.
Microbiol. 204

Basic Microbial Genetics

(0.5 Unit)

1. Mendelism : Mendels experiments and his interpretation; the basic principles of dominance,
segregation and independent assortment; misinterpretations of Mendelian principles.
2. Chromosomal basis of inheritance : the chromosome theory of heredity : sex chromosomes and
sex determination; sex-linked genes in human beings; variation in chromosome number and
3. Chemical nature of hereditary material : experiments with bacteria and bacteriophage indicating
DNA to the material of heredity; Chromosome structure in prokaryotes; the Watson and Crick model
of DNA structure; alternate forms of the double value and hybridization kinetics.
4. Replication of DNA : Semi-conservative replication: experiments of Meselson and Stahl; DNA
polymerases; proofreading activities of DNA polymerases; the mechanism of DNA replication;
circular DNA replication.
5. Transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes : different types of RNA molecules; prokaryotic and
eukaryotic RNA polymerases; mechanisms of transcription in prokaryotes and eukarvotes: posttranscription modification of RNA; interrupted genes in eukarytoes; mechanism of removal of intron
6. Translation and the genetic code : polypeptides and proteins; synthesis o polypeptide chain;
nonsense mutation and suppressor mutation; the genetic code; Wobble hypothesis; post-translation
modification of protein.
Books Recommended :
1. Genetics M.W. Striekberger
2. Molecular Biology of the Gene Watson, Hopkins, Roberts, Sgteitz and Weiner
3. Molecular Biology David Freifelder
4. Essential Genetics Peter J. Russel
5. Principles of Genetics D.P. Snustad, M. J. Simmons & J.B. Jenkins.
Microbiol. 205

Medical Microbiology - I

(0.5 Unit)

1. Infection and infectious diseases : Concept of infection and infectious diseases; pathogenesis of
infectious diseases; virulence (ID 50, LD50).
2. Brief introduction to virulence factors: Adherence factors; invasion of host cells and tissues;
toxins; enzymes; intracellular pathogenesis; antigenic heterogeneity; iron acquisition.
3. Identification of microbes that cause disease : Kochs postulates and their limitations.

4. Host-Microbe interaction : normal resident micro flora of human body and their role; initial
colonization of a new born; introduction to resident flora of skin, mouth, upper-respiratory tract,
intestinal tract, uro-genital tract, eye.
5. Non-specific host defenses against microbial pathogen : primary defenses conferred by tissues
and blood.
6. Major reservoirs of microbial pathogens : acquisition of and mode of transmission of diseases.
7. Epidemiology : study of infectious diseases in population.
8. The progress of an infection : true and opportunistic pathogens; portal of entry; size of inoculums;
stages in the courses of infections and diseases; mechanism of invasion and establishment of the
pathogens; signs and symptoms of a disease; portal of exit.
9. Nosocomial infection : hospital as a source.
10. Brief introduction to the microbiology of major infectious diseases : skins : respiratory system ;
nervous system : genito-urinary tract; gastro-intestinal tract; circulatory system.
Books Recommended :
1. Review of Medical Microbiology E. Jawetz, J.L. Melnick & E.A. Adelberg
2. Essential Clinical Microbiology : An introductory Test E.M. Cooke & G. L. Gibson.
3. Manual of Clinical Microbiology H. Lennette
4. Modern Medical Microbiology M.R. Chowdhury
5. Medical Microbiology- J.P. Duguld, B.P. Marimian & R.H.A. Swain.
6. Microbial Pathogenesis : A Molecular Approach A. A. Salvers & D.D. Whitt.
7. Medical Microbiology Mims, Playfair, Roitt, Wakelin & Williams.
8. Medical Microbiology Robert F. Boyed & J. Joseph Marr.
Microbiol. 206
Human Physiology
(0.5 Unit)
1. Digestion and digestive system : mechanisms and control of the secretion: composition of digestive
juices; digestion and absorption of foodstuffs.
2. Blood and circulatory system : composition, formation, destruction and function; blood
coagulation; blood groups; tissue fluid; cardiovascular system.
3. Respiratory system and respiratory stimulants : structures and functions of lungs, liver, kidney,
pancreas, spleen and nervous system.
4. Water and electrolytic balance.
5. Lymphoid and lymphatic system.
6. Endocrinology : functions, mechanisms and function of testis, ovary, uterus and placenta.
Books Recommended :
1. Introduction of Human Physiology M. Grifiths
2. Human Physiology R.F. Schumddt and G. Thews.
3. Human Anatomy, Physiology and Pathohysiology G. Thews, F. Mustscheler & P. Vaupe.
Microbiol. 207


(1.0 Unit)

Part A (Growth measurement) :

1. Techniques of pipetting and dilution
2. Determination of quantitative viable cells by serial dilution technique (Spread plate & pour plate)
and making a growth curve.
3. Techniques of enumeration of microorganisms : improved Neubaur counting chamber and Miles and
Misra technique.
4. Turbidimetric estimation of bacterial growth.

B (Environmental influences) :
Effect of temperature on growth
Effect of heat on vegetative cells and spores of bacteria and on spores of yeast and mold.
Effect of osmotic pressure on growth.
Effects of pH, energy and buffer on growth.

Part C (Metabolic activities of microorganisms) :

1. Starch, lipid, casein & gelatin hydrolysis test
2. Carbohydrate (LDS) fermentation
3. MIU, KIA & IMVIC tests
4. Nitrate reduction, oxidase, catalase & litmus milk reaction tests
5. Antimicrobial sensitivity test of microorganisms (qualitative)
6. Identification of unknown bacterial culture with the held of Bergeys Manual of Systematic
Part D (Basic Microbial Genetics) :
1. Protoplast fusion test
2. Detection of genetic material by staining
3. Test or enzyme induction
4. Isolation of drug resistant mutant.
Part E Medical (Microbiology - I) :
1. Microscopic study of Parasites
2. Microscopic study of the pathogenic microorganisms present in air, water & soil (Gram reaction,
morphology, motility etc.)
3. Microbial flora of throat and skin
4. Identification of human staphylococcal pathogens
5. Identification of human streptococcal pathogens
Part F (Human Physiology)
1. Test in circulatory system: Total blood cell count, Differential count for WBC. Determination of total
bilirubin, cholesterol and non esterified fatty acids, uric acid, glucose, etc. in blood
2. Gastro-enteric system :
3. Genitio-urinery tract system :
4. Respiratory tract system :
Microbiol. 208
Microbiol. 209

Viva voce
Biostatistics (Auxiliary)

(0.5 Unit)
(1.0 Unit)

1. Organizing and summarizing data : some basic concepts; statistics; biostatistics, variables,
population and sample, random samples, distribution. tabulation, processing and summarizing of
numerical data; the frequency distribution, graphical representation of frequency table; measures of
central tendency; measures of dispersion skewness of kurtosis; measures of exploratory data analysis
by plotting.
2. Probability : Introduction; some elementary probability; the binomial distribution; the normal
distribution; the Chi-square distribution; the distribution of Students.
3. Hypothesis testing/statistical inference : statistical hypothesis : simple and composite hypothesis;
significance test; type-1 and type-II errors; power of a test; P-value; testing hypothesis of a single
population mean, proportion, variance; comparison between two population means and between two
population variance.
4. Analysis of frequency using x2 distributions : the x2 criterion; tests of goodness of fit; homogeneity
of two-cell samples; test of independence.
5. Correlation simple regression and Multiple regression : correlation : linear regression model;
evaluating the regression equation; the multiple regression model; evaluating multiple regression
model; choosing independent variables for multiple regression model.
6. Analysis of variance : experiment; experimental unit; treatment; replication; analysis of variance for
the completely randomized design; the randomized complete block design and the Latin square.

7. Statistical methods in Epidemiology : basic incidence measures; risk and rate; prevalence
measures; measures of association; risk ratio or relative risk; exposure odds ratio; risk odds ratio;
measures of potential impact; attributable risk.
8. Survival analysis : introduction; basic designs; follow-up studies; ross-sectional studies and case
control studies; survival function; hazard function the product limit estimate of survival function; the
life table analysis; the log rank test for comparing survival distributions.
Microbiol 301


(0.5 Unit)

1. Introduction to virology: Brief history and development of virology.

2. Nomenclature and classification of animal and plant viruses
3. Virus cultivation: cultivation quantification of plant, animal, and bacterial viruses, purification and
identification of virus, one step growth curve, inclusion bodies.
4. Virus replication: steps in virus replication, multiplication and gene expression of DNA and RNA
5. Pathogenesis of viral diseases.
6. Bacteriophages: Overview of bacteriophages, genome organization and multiplication of RNA and
DNA bacteriophages, temperate bacteriophages, lytic and lysogenic; transposable phages.
7. Prevention and treatment of viral infection: viral vaccines, interferons, induction and action of
interferons, antiviral chemotherapy.
9. Viriods and Prions: General properties and diseases caused by viriods and prions..
10. Cell culture : primary, secondary and continuous animal cell cultures.
Books Recommended:
1. Microbiology : Concepts and Application M.J. Pelezar, Jr.; E.C.S. Chan & N.R. Krieg
2. Biology of Microorganisms T.D. Brock et al.
3. Virology, 3rd ed. Volume I and II Fields
4. Fundamentals of Virology Fields.
Microbiol 302

Microbial physiology and metabolism II

(0.5 Unit)

1. Carbohydrate Metabolism: Gluconeogenesis

2. Amino acid biosynthesis: the glutamate and ketoglutamate family, the asparate and pyruvate
families, the serine-glycine family, aromatic amino acids; regulation of amino acid biosynthesis.
3. Lipid biosynthesis: Biosynthesis of fatty acids, role of cofactors in fatty acid biosynthesis, pathways
to biosynthesis of mevalonate, squalene and sterol.
4. Nucleotide biosynthesis: biosynthesis of purines and pyrimidines, regulation of purine and
pyrimidine biosynthesis.
5. Biological nitrogen fixation: Inorganic nitrogen metabolism, assimilation of inorganic nitrogen,
fermentation of nitrogenous compounds; regulation of nitrogenous compounds, regulation of
biological nitrogen fixation.
6. Autotrophic carbon dioxide fixation: mechanism of photosynthesis in green, sulfur, and
cyanobacteria; physiological groups of aerobic chemolithotrophs, hydrogen and CO oxidizer,
ammonia sulfur and ferrous ion oxidizers, facultative obligate chemolithotrophs.
Books Recommended:
1. Microbial Physiology A.G. Moat & J.F. Foster
2. Bacterial Metabolism G. Gottschalk
3 Microbiology: Concepts and Applications M.J. Pelezar, Jr.; E.C.S. Chan & N.R. Krieg
3. Principles of Biochemistry Lehninger.
Microbiol 303
Microbial Molecular Genetics
(0.5 Unit)
1. Mutation: mutation rate, types of mutations, detection of mutations; mutagenic agents; molecular
basis of mutagenesis; mutation induced by physical and agents. Effects of mutation on genomes,
multicellular organisms and microorganisms.

2. DNA repair mechanism: Nature of DNA damage; Light dependent repair; excision repair; mismatch
repair; post-replication repair; SOS repair.
3. Gene transmission in bacteria: mutant phenotypes in bacteria; basic test for transmission;
conjugation and transduction; transformation and gene mapping conjugation and gene mapping; the
evolutionary significance of sexuality in bacteria.
4. Plasmids: basic features; size and colony number; conjugation and compatibility; plasmid
classification; plasmids in organisms other than bacteria.
5. Regulation of bacterial gene expression: Constitutive; inducible; and repressive gene expression;
lactose operand in E. coli , induction and catabolic repression; tryptophane operand in E. coli ,
repressor and attenuation; arabionse operand in E. coli ; positive and negative control;
transcriptional; translational and post-translational regulatory mechanisms.
6. Genetic-recombination: types of recombination; models of general recombinations; molecular basis
of homologous and non-homologous recombinations.
7. Transposable genetic elements: Transposable elements in prokaryotes; IS elements; composite
transposons; Tn3 elements; the medical significance of bacterial transposons; transposable elements
in eukaryotes; Ac, Ds, elements in Maize; P. elements and hybrid dysgenesi in Drosophila.
Books Recommended:
1. Principles of Genetics E.J. Gardner, M.J. Simmon & D.P. Snustad
2. Molecular Biology of the Gene Watson, Hopkins Roberts, Steitz & Weiner
3. Gene VI B. Lewin
4. Principles of Genetics D.P. Snustad, M.J. Simmon & J.B. Jenkins.
Microbial 304
Medical Microbiology II
(0.5 Unit)
1. Morphological and cultural properties, clinical manifestation, pathogenesis, virulence factors,
prevention and treatment of the following microbes causing diseases: Streptococcus
penumoniae; Streptococcus pyogenes; Staphylococcus aureus; Corynebacteriaum diphtheriae;
Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Clostridium tetani; Vibrio cholerae; Escherichia coli; Salmonella
typhi; Neisseria spp. Terponema palidium; Bordetella pertusis; Giardia; Entamoeba.
2. Brief introduction to mitotic infection: cutaneous; sub-cutaneous; systemic and opportunistic
Books Recommended:
1. Microbial Pathogenesis : A Molecular Approach A.A. Salyers & D.D. Whitt.
2. Medical Microbiology R. Crukkshank, ELBS,E. & S. Livingstone.
3. Review of Medical Microbiology E. Jawets, J.l. Mclnick, E.A. Adelbug.
4. Medical Microbiology R.F. Boyd, J.J. Marr
5. Manual of Clinical Microbiology H. Lennette
6. Medical Microbiology Mims, Playfair & Roitt
7. Medical Microbiology Robert F. Boyed & J. Joseph Marr.
Microbial 305
(0.5 Unit)
1. History and introduction of immunology: History and development of immunology; introduction
to immune system; basic concept of innate and adaptative immunity; cellular and humoral immunity.
2. Cells involved in immune response: General features and functions of lymphoid cells; mononuclear
phagocytes; antigen presenting cells; polymorphs; mast cells and platelets.
3. Lymphoid system: Primary and secondary lymphoid tissue; primary lymphoid organs; secondary
lymphoid organs and tissue.
4. Innate immunity: Phagocytosis; process of phagocytosis; complement system; activation and
biological function of complements.
5. Immunoglobulins: basic structure and function of imunoglobulins; immunoglobulins classes and
sub-classes; physiochemical properties; distribution and function of different classes and subclasses
of immunoglobulins; memory B cell; genetic basis of antibody heterogenecity; antibody class

6. Antigens: general properties of antigens; antigenic determinants; haptens.

7. Membrane receptor for antigens: B cell surface receptors for antigens; T cell receptors (TCR)
major histocompatibiliy complex (MHC); antigens structure function of MHC class 1 and class 2
molecules; gene map of MHC antigens; processing and presentation of peptides by MHC molecules;
antigen recognition; antigen-antibody interaction; forces of antigen-antibody binding; haplotype
restriction of T cell reactivity.
8. Inflammation: patterns of cell migration; and inflammation and their control.
9. Lymphocyte activation: Interaction of T lymphocyte and APC ; signals for T cell activation; B cell
response to thymus; dependent and independent antigens; B cell activation by surface Ig and T cells.
11. Immune regulation: regulation of immune response by antigen antibody presenting cells and
lymphocytes; idiotypic regulation of immune response.
12. Effector molecules: cytokines; origin source and effector function; cytokine action and network
13. Immunity to infection: immunity to extracellular and intracellular bacteria; bacterial survival
stratigies; immunity to viral infection; innate and specific immune response to viruses; strategies for
evading immune defenses for viruses; immunity to parasitic infection.
14. Immunological techniques: precipitation reaction; immunodiffusion; immuno-electrophoresis;
agglutination; co-agglutination and hemagglutination; complement fixation; direct and indirect
immuloflurescence; immunoassay; immunoblotting; immunopreciption; florescence-activated cell
sorter (FACS)
15. Monoclonal antibiotics: production of hybridoma screening; cloning and large scale production of
monoclonal antibodies.
Books Recommended:
1. Immunology M. Roitt et al.
2. Essential Immunology I.M. Roill et al.
3. Advanced Immunology D.K. Male et al.
4. Text book of immunology T.J. Barrett.
5. Immunology An introduction I.R. Tizard
Microbiol. 306
Agriculture microbiology
(0.5 Unit)
1. Major groups of microorganisms in soil: Bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, algae and virus.
2. Role of microbes in soil fertility and plant nutrition: use of microbial metabolites a major
nutrients the effect of growth regulators produced by microorganisms; the liberation of unavailable
nutrients from soil organic matter and mineral; suppression of plant pathogens; the production of
phototoxic substances by saprophytes and parasites; the production of enzymes and competition of
microorganisms with plants for essential nutrients.
2. Biogeochemical cycling of nutrient elements: The carbon cycle; the hydrogen cycle; the oxygen
cycle; the nitrogen cycle; the sulfur cycle; the phosphorus cycle.
4. Microbial degradation of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin.
5. Microbial biofertilizer and inoculation of techniques.
6. Microbiological aspects of pesticides behavior in the environment: Purpose and types of uses of
pesticides, pesticides in the microbial environment; pesticides in the soil and aquatic environment;
effect of pesticides; persistence of pesticides; metabolism of pesticides by microorganism.
7. Microbes as plant pathogens: the concept of diseases in plants, diagnosis and control of plant
Books Recommended:
1. An Introduction to Soil Microbiology M.Alexander
2. Soil Microorganisms T.R.G. Gray & S.T. Williams
3. Soil Microorganisms and Plant Growth N.S. Subba Rao.
4. Plant Microbiology R. Campbell
5. Plant Diseases R.S. Shing
6. Plant Pathology Arios
7. Microbial Ecology: A Conceptual Approach J. M. Lyncy & Poole
8. Biological Indicators of Soil Health C.E. Pankhurs, B.M. Doube & ViV.S.R. Gupta
9. Pesticide Microbiology I.R. Hill & S.J.L. Wright

Microbial. 307
Food Microbiology- I
(0.5 Unit)
1. Food and food borne microbes: Introduction to various types of food; food preparation and
spoilage; food borne diseases.
2. Factor effecting microbial growth in foods: Intrinsic and extrinsic parameters.
3. Food preservations: General principles; preservation by high temperature; low temperature; drying;
using food additives; and radiation.
4. Food spoilage and preservation: Cereal and cereal products; sugar and sugar products; vegetables
and fruits; meat and meat products; fish and other sea-foods poultry milk and milk products; heated
canned foods.
5. Preparation of fermented foods: Bakery products; dairy products; cheese; yogurt and curd;
vegetables products; cabbage; cucumbers; oriental fermented foods; miso; idli; tempe; and tofu.
Books Recommended:
1. Food Microbiology W.C. Frazier & D.C. Westhoff
2. Modern Food Microbiology, 3rd edn. James M. Jay
Microbial. 308
Industrial Microbiology
(0.5 Unit)
1. Microorganisms and industry: historical developments scope and major classes of microbial
products and processes.
2. Industrially important microorganisms: Yeasts; molds; bacteria and actinomycetes; screening and
selection of microorganisms for usual products.
3. Microbiological production of foods: SCP and MBP; bakers yeast; food additives; fermented
4. Microbiological production of beverage: beers; wines and distilled spirits.
5. Production of industrial chemicals pharmaceuticals: Organic acids ;acetate; citrate; lactate and
amino acids; solvents; alcohol; butanol and acetone; enzymes; pharmaceuticals; antibiotics; steroids;
vaccines and antibiotics.
6. Production of biogas: Domestic and industrial scale production from waste materials.
7. Visit some food and beverage industrials.
Books Recommended:
1. Industrial Microbiology Miller & Lidsky
2. Prescott and Dunns Industrial Microbiology G. Reed.
3. Biotechnology(Vol-1):Microbial FundamentalsH.J.Rehm, G.Reed & H.Pape.
4. Industrial Applications of Microbiology J. Riviere
5. Applied Biochemistry and Bioengineering L.B. Wingard, Jr.; E. Katchalski-Katzir & LeonGoldster
6. Comprehensive Biotechnology (vol. 1-4) Murray Moo Young.
Microbial. 309
(0.5 Unit)
1. The properties and functions of enzymes: remarkable properties catalytic power; specificity and
regulation; different forms; cofactors; coenzymes and vitamins.
2. Nomenclature and classification of enzymes: General classification; isoenzymes and multienzymes; allosteric enzymes.
3. Structure of enzymes: primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure; folding and domains;
molecular chaperones.
4. Catalysis and mechanism of action of enzymes: Active site, substrate binding; general acid base
catalysis; covalent catalysis; non-protein catalytic groups and metal ions.
5. Kinetics of enzyme catalyzed reactions: factors influencing catalytic activity; simple enzyme
kinetics with single and multi-substrate; Michaelis-Menten kinetics; turnover number; Km and
Vmax; other influences on enzyme activity; pH; temperature; fluid forces; chemical agents and

6. Enzyme inhibition and deactivation: Competitive; non-competitive and un-competitive inhibition;

deactivation model and strategies for enzyme stabilization.
Books Recommended:
1. Principle of Biochemistry J. Lehninger
2. Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals J.E. Bailey and D.F. Ollis
Microbiol. 310
Pharmaceutical Microbiology
(0.5 Unit)
1. Ecology of microorganisms as it affect the pharmaceutical industry: Atmosphere, water, raw
material personnel, building, etc
2. Sterilization methods: Heat, radiation, gases and filtration system; sterilization kinetics.
3. Microbial spoilage, deterioration and preservation of pharmaceutical products: mixtures,
suspension, syrups sterile products, cosmetics and toiletry products.
4. Determination of potency/ concentration of antibiotics and antimicrobial preservatives in
pharmaceuticals of antibiotics or products.
6. Microbiological tests: test for sterility, MIC and MBC; pyrogen and pyrogen tests.
7. Aseptic techniques: design and maintenance of an aseptic unit laboratory/ processing area.
7. Production of immunological products: vaccines, immunosera and human globulins, and their
quality control.
Books Recommended:
1. Pharmaceutical Microbiology W.B. Huge & A.D. Rusell
2. Dispensing for Pharmaceutics, Students Cooper & Gums
3. Preservatives in the Food, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Industries R.G. Board, M.C.
Allwood & J.G. Banks.
4. Essays in Applied Microbiology J.R. Noris & M.H. Richmoond
Microbiol 311
Microbiology of frozen food and fish
(0.5 Unit)
1. Normal flora of fish: factors affecting types and load of micro flora on freshly caught fish;
incidence of normal fish flora e.g; Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Moraxella, E. coli, Vibrio,
Flavobacterium, Alcaligens, Micrococcus, Sarcina, Acromonas, Bacillus etc on skin, gills and
2. Contamination and spoilage of fish and frozen fish: factors affecting kind and rate of spoilage;
microbial spoilage; chemical spoilage; autolytical spoilage. Control of spoilage.
3. Isolation and identification of fish bacterial pathogens: Procedure for examination of fish,
isolation of bacteria, non-selective isolation, enriched media, selective isolation of diseases causing
and fish spoilage organism (SSO)
4. Effects of freezing/thawing on foods: basic concepts of freezing and thawing; influence of frozen
temperature and time on foods, thawing methods; freezing preservation: Influence on food quality,
physical and chemical reactions during freezer storage.
5. Response of microorganism to freeze thaw stress: factors affecting microbial survival; nutritional
status, age and growth rate; freeze injury; mechanisms of freeze damage.
6. Microbiology of frozen meat and meat products: effect of freezing on microorganisms; structure
and composition of meat; freezing temperature and changes induced by freezing of meat; spoilage
micro flora.
7. Microbiology of frozen fish and related products: freezing of fish; effects of freezing on fish
microorganisms; chill storage and freezing on microbial growth and survival.
8. Microbiology of frozen dairy products: Microbiology of raw and frozen milk; microbial types and
load on butter, ice cream ad frozen cheese.
Books Recommended:
1. Microbiology of Frozen Foods R.K. Robinson
2. Food Microbiology, 4th edn. W.C. Frazier
3. Food Microbiology M.R. Adams & M.O. Moss
4. Manual for the isolation and identification of fish bacterial pathogens G.N. Frerichs and S.D.
5. Miller Modern food microbiology, 3rd edn. James Hay

Microbiol. 312
(2.0 Unit)
Part A (Virology-1)
1. Cultivation and enumeration of bacteriophages.
2. Isolation of bacteriophages from raw sewage.
3. Detection of HBs Ag from patients serum by serological methods.
4. Isolation of TMV virus and infecting plants.
Part B (Microbial Nutrition and Metabolism)
1. Relationship of free oxygen to microbial growth
2. Anaerobic culture of bacteria
3. Degradation of polymer by exoenzymes
4. Actions of antiseptics, disinfectants, UV light and photo reactivation and antimetabolites.
Part C (Microbial Molecular Genetics)
1. Isolation of plasmid and chromosomal DNA
2. Detection of DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis
3. Transformation of E. coli by plasmid
4. Study of gene expression in E. coli.
Part D (Medical Microbiology II)
1. Isolation, identification and antibiotic sensitivity pattern of pathogenic microorganisms from clinical
(a) Stool, (b) Urine, (c) Pus, (d) Blood, (e) CSF and (f) Biopsy
Part E (Immunology-I)
1. Preparation of bacterial whole cell extract
2. Preparation of outer membrane protein
3. Immunization protocol for animals
4. Collection of serum and plasma
5. Separation of blood leucocytes
6. Test for cell viability
7. Phagocytosis by neutrophils.
Part F (Agricultural Microbiology)
1. Microbial population of soil, rhizosphere and rhizoplane
2. Denitrification and ammonification
3. Nitrogen fixation test
4. Identification of plant pathogens
Part G (Food Microbiology)
1. Quantitative examination of bacteria in raw and pasteurized milk
2. Methylene blue reduction test
3. Microbiological analysis of fermented foods and nonfermented foods.
4. Detecting Salmonella spp. on poultry
Part H (Industrial Microbiology)
1. Production of microbial extracellular enzymes
2. Production of SCP
3. Production of antibiotics
4. Production of alcohol from molasses
Part I (Enzymology)
1. Determination of enzyme activity (qualitative and quantitative)
2. Determination of kinetic properties of an enzyme
3. Determination of activators and inhibitors of enzymes
4. Determination of molecula weight and substrate specificity of enzyme
Part J (Pharmaceutical Microbiology)
1. Microbiological assay of pharmaceutical raw material
2. Microbiological assay of pharmaceutical solids ointments & oral liquids
3. Bioassay of potency of antibiotics
4. Sterilization and sterility test, pyrogen test.

Part K (Microbiology of Frozen Fish and Food)

1. Identification of microbial flora of frozen food and fish
2. Identification of different fish pathogens
3. Determination of microbial flora of frozen food
4. Identification of different pathogens in frozen foods
Microbiol. 313

Viva voce

(0.5 Unit)

Courses for the Fourth Year B. Sc. (Honours)

Microbiol. 401
Virology II
(1.0 Unit)
1. Animal viruses : Brief introduction of different classes of viruses.
2. Viral infections to the respiratory system : common cold; measles; mumps; rubella chicken pox;
3. Viral infections to the gastrointestional tract : viral diarrhoea.
4. Arthropod borne diseases : diseases caused by dengue; Japanese encephalitis; yellow fever virus.
5. Herpes viruses : general properties, pathogenesis and diseases caused by HSV-I, EBV and CMV.
6. Hepatitis viruses : general properties pathogenesis transmission and diseases caused by HAV, HBV,
7. Hepatitis B Virus : detail of virion structure, genome organization and replication; viral proteins
pathogenesis; genetic variants; epidemiology transmission, prevention and clinical diagnosis.
8. Nononcogenic retrovirus : HIV : structure, genome organization, transmission and epidemiology
diseases pathogenecity, drugs, treatment strategy and vaccine approaches.
9. Cellular oncogenes and oncogenic viruses : RNA tumour viruses: general features and
classification of retrovtridae; genome structure and replication of retroviridae; genome structure and
replication of HTLV; T cell transformation; DNA tumour viruses; mechanisms of oncogenic
transformation by DNA viruses; tumour suppressor gene.
10. Influenza viruses: general properties; antigenic shift and drift; pathogenesis; epidemiology.
11. Slow virus infection.
12. Use of retroviruses as a vector for gene therapy and genetic engineering.
Books Recommended :
1. Microbiology : International edition Pleczer
2. Biology of Microorganisms, 6the Ed. T.D. Brock et al.
3. Virology (volume I and II) Fields
4. Review of Medical Microbiology E.J. Jawate et al.
Microbiol. 402
Immunology II
(1.0 Unit)
1. Ontogeny and phylo9geny.
2. Immunological tolerance: mechanisms of tolerance; thymic tolerance to self antigens; B cell
tolerance artificially induced tolerance.
3. Prophylaxis: antigens used as vaccine; effectiveness and safety of vaccine; current vaccine and
modern approaches; adjuvants.
4. Immunodeficiency: primary immunodeficiencies; deficiencies of innate immunity; primary B cell
deficiency; primary T cell deficiency, combine immunodeficiency; secondary immunodeficiency.
5. Hypersensitivity: hypersensitivity type-I, type-II, type-III and type-IV reactions.
6. Transplantation: barriers of transplantation; law of transplantation; role of T lymphocytes in
rejection; prevention of rejection.
7. Tumour Immunology : surface markers of tumour cells; immune response to tumour cells:
lymphoproliferative disorders due to tumour growth; cancer immunotheraphy.
8. Autoimmunity and autoimmune diseases: association of autoimmunity with diseases; genetic
factors in pathogenesis; aetiology and treatment of autoimmune diseases.
9. Diagnostic and prognostic value of autoimmune diseases.

Books Recommended:
1. Immunology I.M. Roitt et al.
2. Essential Immunology I.M. Roitt et al.
3. Advanced Immunology D.K. Male et al.
4. Text Book of Immunology T.J. Barrett.
5. mmunology : An Introduction I.R. Tizard
Microbiol. 403
Environmental Pollution and Bioremediation
(1.0 Unit)
1. Biodeterioration of materials : basis concepts, factors involved in biodeterioration;
biodeterioration of leather, wool, fur, feather, stones, plastics and rubber; microbial production of
bioplastics. Control of biodeterioration physical, chemical and biological methods.
2. Biodegradation of recalcitrant industrial wastes: xenobiotic chemicals in the environment;
biodegradable, persistent and recalcitrant wastes; structure-recalcitrance relationship, ring cleavageortho and para cleavage; factors affecting microorganisms to degrade xenobiotics.
3. Biodegradation and metabolism: removal of substituent groups and ring opening in model
molecules: biodegradation of pesticides; choloroorganics; organic days; phenols and petroleum
4. Enrichment and isolation of degradative microbes: recent approaches to enrich and isolate
microbes having catabolic properties.
5. Biotechnological aspects for effluent treatment: genetic manipulation, enzyme and specialized
bacteria; biodegradability testing; monitoring of the bioremediation of xenobiotic pollutants.
6. Biosensor: use and application of biosensor for detection of pollutants.
7. Approaches to bioremediation: environmental modification for bioremediation; microbial seeding
and bioengineering approaches to the bioremediation of pollutants.
8. Biological control of insects and pests: biopesticides of microbial origin; viral bacterial, protozoan
and fungal pesticides.
9. Water treatment systems: coagulation and flocculation: sedimentation; filtration; disinfection use
of ozone, UV and activated carbon; measurement of treatment efficiency; recent advances in
biochemical, serological and molecular techniques for the detection of indicators and pathogenic
microorganisms in surface, ground and potable waters.
10. Toxicity testing in wastewater: impacts of toxicity on wastewater treatment; heavy metals; organic
toxicants; enzymatic assays and microbial bioassays.
11. Pollution control biotechnology: production of microbial seeds; use of bioaugmentation in waste
treatment, use of enzymes and immobilized microbial cells; removal of metals by microbes.
Books Recommended:
1. Microbial Ecology Atlas & Bartha
2. Current perspective in Microbial Ecology - Klug & Reddy
3. Ecological Systems and the Environment I. Foin
4. Biotreatment Systems, volume-II D.L. Wise
5. Wastewater Microbiology Gabriel Bitton
Microbiol. 404
Food Microbiology-II
(0.5 Unit)
1. Indicators of food microbial quality and safety: criteria for selecting indicators; general character
of indicator microbes and microbial products.
2. Food-borne diseases caused by: Gram positive bacteria: Bacillus spp., Staphylococcus spp.,
Yearsinia spp., Listeria spp. and Clostridium spp. Gram negative bacteria: Salmonella spp., Vibrio
spp., Aeromonus spp., Escherichia coli and Psenlomonus spp., scombrotoxic fish poisoning,
ciguatera poisoning, gastro-enteritis of viral or unknown aetiology.
3. Mycotoxins: aflatoxins and ochratoxin.
4. Recent trends and prospects for the future of food borne infection and intoxication: food
poisoning and infection; new or less common food-borne infections and intoxications:
Compylobacter enteritis.
5. Assessment of food poisoning toxins and infection: whole animal and cell culture systems;
investigation of food-borne disease outbreaks, factors contributing to outbreaks of food poisoning;
economic impact of food poisoning; methods for detecting food poisoning toxins; food sanitation,
control and inspection.

Books Recommended:
1. Advances and prospects T.A. Roberts & F.A. Sleinna
2. Food Microbiology W.C. Frazier & D.C. West fhofi.
3. Modern Food Microbiology- J.M. Jay
4. Prescott and Dunns Industrial Microbiology G. Reed.
Microbiol. 405
Genetic Engineering
(0.5 Unit)
1. Purification of DNA : preparation of total cell DNA; preparation of plasmid DNA; preparation of
bacteriophage DNA.
2. Techniques of molecular genetics: production of recombinant DNA in vitro; amplification of
recombinant DNA in cloning vector; construction of DNA, RNA and protein by blot techniques,
amplification of DNA by PCR: in vitro site specific mutagenesis.
3. DNA manipulative enzymes: restriction endonucleases and other nucleases; ligases; polymerases
DNA modifying enzymes; topoisomerases.
4. Cloning vectors: cloning vectors for prokaryotic organisms; bacteriophage M13, bacteriophage
plasmid pBR322, plasmid pBR325, pUC119, cosmids, phagemids, and charomid: cloning vectors for
eukaryotic organisms: yeast episomal plasmid (2 um circle), cloning vectors for higher plants and
mammalian cells.
5. Ligation systems: blunted ligation; sticky-end ligation; putting sticky ends on to a blunt-ended
molecule: homopolymer tailing, use of linkers and adaptors.
6. Introduction of recombinant DNA into living cells: transformation of bacterial cells and selection
of recombinants; introduction of phage DNA into bacterial cells and selection of recombinant phage;
transformation of non-bacterial cells.
7. Gene location and gene structure: locating the position of a cloned gene; chromosome walking;
DNA sequencing; the Sanger-Coulson method and the Maxam-Gilbert method; restriction fragment
length polymorphism (PFLP) analysis.
8. Expression of cloned gene: requirements for gene expression: expression vectors; transcript of a
cloned gene; regulation of gene expression; identifying and studying the translation product of
cloned gene;
Books Recommended:
1. Principle of Gene Manipulation R.W. Old & Primrose.
2. Molecular Biology of the Gene J. Watson
3. Genetic Engineering Kingsman & Kingsman
4. Principles of Genetics D.P. Snustad, M.J. Simmon & J.B. Jenkins
5. Gene Cloning: An Introduction T.A. Brown
6. Molecular Cloning : A Laboratory Manual, 2nd Ed. J. Sambrook & T. Maniatis
7. Principles of Gene manipulation: An Introduction R.W. Old.
8. Current Protocol in Molecular Biology J.A. Smith & K. Struhl.
Microbiol. 406
Fermentation Technology
(0.5 Unit)
1. Introduction to fermentation processes: range of fermentation processes; chronological
development of the fermentation industry; component parts of fermentation process.
2. Fermentor/bioreactor: types, configuration, mixing and aeration; power requirements, impeller
designs baffle and aeration.
3. Inoculam preparation and inoculam development: development of inoculam for yeast processes;
development of inocula for bacterial processes; development of inocula for fungal processes.
4. Fermentation modeling: rate equations for cell growth, substrate utilization, product formation;
transfer across phase boundaries.
5. Mode of fermentations: fed-batch and continuous culture processes and their control.
6. Sterilization of fermenters and liquid media: medium sterilization; the design of batch sterilization
processes; the design of batch sterilization processes; the design of continuous sterilization of feed
and air.

7. Instrumentation and control: control systems: manual, automatic, and combinations of methods of
control; methods o control of process variables temperature, pH, flow measurement, pressure
measurement, pressure control, safety valves, agitation-shaft power, rate stirring, foam sensing and
control weight, measurement and control of dissolved oxygen; exit-gas and analysis; redox, and
carbondioxide electrodes.
Books Recommended:
1. Fermentation: A Practical Approach B. McNeil Harvey
2. principle of Fermentation Technology P.F. Stanbury & A. Whitaker.
Microbiol. 407
Microbial Biotechnology
(1.0 Unit)
1. Historical development, scope and essential features of microbial biotechnology.
2. Energy and biotechnology: biomass fuel; conservation to fuel-ethanol and methane fermentation;
biofuel cells and other bioelectrochemical devices.
3. Food, drink and biotechnology: dairy products cheese, yogurt butter and cultured milk; cereal
product-bread and baked goods, starch hydrolysates; cider, food additives and ingredients.
4. Chemistry and biotechnology: the current development, generation of chemicals from biomass.
5. Materials and biotechnology: microbial leaching, metal transformation and immobilization;
biopolymers; biodegradation of materials.
6. Environment and biotechnology: microbial waste treatment system; biological processing of
industrial wastes.
7. Genetics and biotechnology: conventional routs to strain improvement, in vivo genetic
manipulation and in vitro genetic manipulation.
8. Chemical engineering and biotechnology: microbial factors and process engineering factors
affecting process performance and economics; future development in industrial biotechnological
9. Biotransformations:
10. Immobilized enzyme technology: principles benefits, methods of immobilization of enzymes and
11. Visit to biotechnological research institutions and industries.
Books Recommended:
1. Biotechnology Priniples J.E. Smith
2. Prescott & Dunns Industrial Microbiology G. Reed
3. Comprehensive Biotechnology Murray Moo-Youn
4. Introduction to Biotechnology C.M. Brown, I. Campbell & F.G. Priest
5. Biotechnology: Principles and Applications I.J. Higgins, D.J. Best & J. Jones.
Microbiol. 408
Clinical and Diagnostic Microbiology
(0.5 Unit)
1. Laboratory diagnoses of infections agents: different types of and approaches to clinical sample
collection, maintenance and laboratory management.
2. Diagnostic studies: principles of diagnoses of bacterial, fungal, rickettsial, parasites, spirochetal,
viral and mycoplasmal diseases.
3. Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases.
4. Immunodiagonotic studies: collection of serum; antibody titer (such as ASO, Widal); agglutination,
double diffusion; counter immuno-electrophoresis and immuno-fluorescence; complement fixation
test; fluorescent antibody test (FAT and IFA); radio immunoassay (RIA); enzyme immunoassay
(EIA) and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
5. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR): detection of genes for toxins and virulence.
6. Vaccine approaches and immunization.
Books Recommended:
1. Diagnostic Molecular Microbiology: Principle and Applications David H. Persing, Thomas, F.
Smith-Fred & Teaver T.J. Wire.
2. Hand Book of Serodiagnosis in Infections Diseases- Ruth Mathews

3. A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests Frances Fischbach

4. Diagnostic immunology Laboratory Manual Ronald, J. Harbeck & Petricia C. Giclas.
Microbiol. 409
Analytical microbiology
(1.0 Unit)
1. Spectroscopic techniques: Visible, ultraviolet and infrared spectrophotometers; spectrofluorimetry
luminometry; NMR and mass spectrometry.
2. Centrifugation techniques : principle of sedimentation; centrifuges and their ; centrifuges and their
use; density gradient centrifugation and ultracetrifuge.
3. Chromatographic techniques: principle of chromatography; column, thin-layer and paper
chromatography adsorption, gas-liquid, ion-exchange, exclusion, affinity and high performance
liquid chromatography.
4. Electrophoretic techniques: principle, factors affecting electrophoresis, low and high voltage
electrophresis; gel electrophoresis; preparative electrophoresis.
5. Protein characterization: determination of molecular weight, amino acid composition and number
of subunit; protein sequencing.
6. Biosensor: principle, transducers; biocomponent of biosensor; application of enzyme-based, cellbased and organelle-based biosensors; affinity binding assay; biological reactant pairs; application of
immunosenso and receptor-based sensor.
7. Radioisotope techniques: nature, detection and measurement of radioactivity; application of
radioisotopes in the biological sciences; safety aspects of the use of radioisotopes.
Books Recommended:
1. Protein Purification Scopes
2. Comprehensive Biotechnology, vol. 2. Murray Moo-Young.
3. A Biologists Guide to Principles and techniques of practical Biochemistry, 3 rd Ed. K. Wilson &
K.H. Goulding.
4. An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry, 2nd Edn. D.T. Plummer
5. Basic biochemical methods, 2nd Edn. R.R. Alexander & J.M. Griffiths
Microbiol. 410

Quality Control of Food, Fish Beverages

(0.5 Unit)

1. Introduction: importance of quality control of food, fish, beverage and mineral water.
2. The organization of quality control: the principles, application, organization, problems and
techniques of quality control; the future of quality control.
3. Microbiological quality control: principle and pitfaills; fundamentals of microbiological quality
control; chemical and microbiological quality for quality assurance, standards monitoring to assess
compliance with good practices.
4. Sanitation and inspection: sanitation and hygiene of processing plant, water in processing and
cleaning, waste/effluent treatment packaging, equipment, handling.
5. Quality assurance: sampling, testing panel-sensory assessments in quality control; hazard analyses
and critical control point (HACCP) systems; identification of potential hazards; monitoring system
for critical control point (CCP), corrective actions, verifications.
6. Food laws and regulation: national and international standards and guidelines.
Books Recommended:
1. Quality Control in the Food Industry vol. 1. S.M. Herschdoerfer.
Microbiol. 411
Practical/Research Project
(2.0 Unit)
Part A (Virology II)
1. Detection of viral Ags/Abs from patients sera by immunological techniques.
2. PCR Amplification of HBV core and surface gene
3. Detection of viral DNA by PCR amplification and dot-blot hybridization.
4. Use of RPHA method for the detection of viral Ag/Ab
5. Titration of virus using immunofluorescent microscope.
Part B (Immunology II)

1. Detection of antigen and antibody

(a) by Gel Immunodiffusion technique
(b) by Radial Immunodiffusion technique
(c) by Crossed immunoelectrophoresis technique
2. SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting of bacterial proteins
3. Complement fixation tests.
4. HLA typing
Part C (Environmental pollution)
1. Enrichment and isolation of biodegradative microbes from environment.
2. Non-culturable state of microorganisms (detection by FA or Acridine orange DVC)
3. Detection of indicators and pathogenic microbes in potable water.
4. Water purification (viz, flocculation, chlorination, ozonation etc.)
Part D (Food Microbiology - II)
1. Detection of B. cereus and S. aureus in fast foods
2. Detection of E. coli and Aeromonas hydrophila in salad dressings.
3. Isolation of Aspergillus flavas from oil seeds
4. Detection of emolysin and phospholipase C (toxins) from B. cereus.
Part E (Genetic Engineering)
1. DNA digestion by restriction enzymes
2. Ligation of DNA to appropriate vector
3. Study genetic map

F (Fermentations Technology)
Dough fermentation by bakers yeast for bread making
Production of acetic acid by Acetobacter aceti
Demonstration of fermentor
Yogurt production by lactic starter
Production of citric acid by A. niger

Part G ( Microbial Biotechnology)

1. Whole cell immobllization by Ca-alginate
2. Determination of specific growth rate substrate utilization constant and biomass in a steady state
batch culture.
3. Pesticide degradation: Biodegradation of holozenated pesticite by bacterial dehalogenases.
Part H (Diagnostic Microbiology)
1. Determination of blood grouping
2. Coagulation/agglutination/hemagglutination
3. Determination of anti-streptolysin-O (ASO) titre
4. VDRL test
6. Diect fluorescent antibody (DFA) detection of microbial pathogens
7. Plasmid fingerprinting in clinical diagnosis
8. Gene detection and DNA-hybridization analysis in clinical diagnosis.
9. Complement activation
10. Tuberculin texst
11. Widal test
12. Determination of C reactive protein (CRP)
13. Determination of plasma fibrinogen level
14. Determination of fibrin degradation product (FDP)
15. Radio immuno detection of Immunoglobulins (RID)
Part I (Analytical Microbiology)

1. Thin-layer chromatographic separation of amino acids.

2. Separation of sugars by paper chromatography
3. Determination of organic carbon in soil and waste water
4. Ultimate kseldation trogen in soil and water
Part J (Microbiology Quality Control)
1. Test for microbiological quality of water and beverages: standard qualitative analysis of water MPN,
and quantitative analysis of water by membrane filter method
Part K (Mini Research Project on any one of the following fields)
1. Food Microbiology
2. Microbial biotechnology
3. Industrial Microbiology
4. Fermentation technology
5. Molecular biology & genetics
6. Environmental microbiology
7. Clinical microbiology
8. Immunology
9. Virology
Microbiol. 412

Viva voce

(0.5 Unit)

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