10 John Curtis The Curtis Muir Wood Formulae
10 John Curtis The Curtis Muir Wood Formulae
10 John Curtis The Curtis Muir Wood Formulae
(1) Morgan H D. A contribution to the analysis of stress in a circular tunnel.
March 1961, vol 11, pp37-46.
(2) Muir Wood A M. The circular tunnel in elastic ground. Gotechnique 1975 vol 26, pp115-127.
(3) Curtis D J. A discussion note upon ref (2) above. Gotechnique 1976 vol 26.
(4) Curtis, D J et al. Insitu Ground and Lining Studies for the Channel Tunnel Project. Proc
Tunnelling '76, The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London, 1976.
D J Curtis
October 2010