Track Monitoring Plan

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Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/F001

Issue: 1
Date: 03 June 2017

Track Monitoring Plan

Project Title: WB21168 – 20 Ropemaker Street

Principal Contractor: Keltbray - During Demolition & Skanska (TBC) – During Construction

Location: 19-24 Ropemaker Street,101-117 Finsbury Pavement and 10-12 Finsbury

Street, London, EC2Y 9AR (Located near to Moorgate Station and adjacent to
the Moorgate Line Platforms and Running tunnels)

Route: Up and Down Moorgate Line Moorgate Station to Old Street Station (ELR:
MEB1, LOR: LN105)

Prepared by: Tamara Rowe Approved by: Ali Karbassi

Position: Senior Engineer Position: Regional Director (CEM for 20

Ropemaker Street development)

Signed Signed:

Date: 20/03/2019 Date: 20/03/2019

Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/F001
Issue: 1
Date: 03 June 2017

This document has been produced in accordance with NR/L2/CIV/177: Monitoring of the track over
or adjacent to civil engineering works.

1. Project Details
Project Name and location 20 Ropemaker Street

19-24 Ropemaker Street,101-117 Finsbury Pavement and 10-12

Finsbury Street, London, EC2Y 9AR

Located near to Moorgate Station and adjacent to the Moorgate

Line Platforms and Running tunnels.

NR Project Contact Adrian Brown

Scheme Interface Manager
LNE/EM Asset Protection
Mobile: 07795 646 660
Email: [email protected]
Start date of works March 2019 – Installation of monitoring system within the NR
(affecting NR Assets) assets.
June 2019 – Start of hard demolition.
End date of works December 2022 – Completion of superstructure core and frame.
(affecting NR Assets) February 2023 – Removal of monitoring system from the NR assets.
Description of the work The proposed 20 Ropemaker Street development involves
being undertaken demolishing the existing buildings and constructing a new 9 to 26
storey building with one to three basement levels. The existing
basement level will be generally maintained but slightly deepened
on the eastern side of the development site, nearest to the
Network Rail (NR) assets.
The preliminary construction sequence is as follows:
1. Demolish the existing building down to the ground floor.

2. Install temporary props and demolish the ground floor slab.

Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/F001
Issue: 1
Date: 03 June 2017

3. Install the secant piled wall and internal load bearing piles from
the existing basement level.
4. Excavate the basement with temporary propping installed at
basement level 1 with a secant piled wall and capping beam.
To the north west of the site an additional level of propping at
secant wall mid-height to control lateral deflections.
5. Formation of the pile caps and construction of the basement
substructure, removing the temporary propping as
6. Construction of the superstructure core and frame.

The nearby NR assets consist of the Moorgate Line Platforms and

Running Tunnels. There are also LUL, Crossrail and Thames Water
assets within the vicinity of the development, these assets will be
considered separately. The LUL tunnels are directly below the NR
The impact of the development on the NR assets has been
considered and Monitoring of the assets located near to the
development site will be carried out for the above works. A
monitoring proposal has been submitted detailing the proposed
monitoring scheme (ref. WIE14266-100-R-7-1-1-MPNR).
Condition surveys of the nearby NR assets will be carried out
before the start of demolition, after demolition has been
completed, after piling/excavation and after completion of the
building structure.
Where works are to be Project milestone dates:
completed in stages, • December 2017 - Planning permission granted by London
provide details here Borough of Islington
• April 2019 - Planned soft strip out and demolition mobilization
start date
• June 2019 - Planned hard demolition start date
• January 2020 - Piling & Excavation start date
• January 2020 - Substructure & superstructure construction
start date
• December 2022 - Completion of superstructure core and frame
Will work be completed The installation, maintenance and removal of the monitoring
during a possession, line equipment will need to be carried out under possessions.
blockage or with the line
open to traffic?

Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/F001
Issue: 1
Date: 03 June 2017

2. Site Details
Track ID 1100 Up, 2100 Down
Start (miles & yards) 0m 0yds approx.
End (miles & yards) 0m 330yds approx.
Line speed (mph) Up Moorgate
20mph: 0m 330yds to 0m 286yds
10mph: 0m 286 yds to 0m 0yds

Down Moorgate
10mph: 0m 0yds to 0m 286yds
30mph: 0m 286yds to 0m 330yds
Track Category Up Moorgate, Down Moorgate
Details can be found in the sectional appendix or for track category from the local Track
Maintenance Engineer (TME).

3. Responsibility for Day to Day Management of the

During Demolition:
Primary Contact
Principal Contractor Keltbray
Name of Representative Cameron Willcock
Position Assistant Project Manager (Monitoring
Contact Number 07834 746 812
Contact email [email protected]

Secondary Contact
Principal Contractor Keltbray
Name of Deputy Representative Ioan Tranole
Position Group Envionmental Monitoring Advisor
Contact Number 07841 343 866
Contact email [email protected]

During Construction:
Primary Contact
Principal Contractor Skanska (TBC)
Name of Representative TBC
Position Monitoring coordinator
Contact Number
Contact email

Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/F001
Issue: 1
Date: 03 June 2017

Secondary Contact
Principal Contractor Skanska (TBC)
Name of Deputy Representative TBC
Contact Number
Contact email

4. Responsibility for carrying out monitoring activities

The individual/company referenced below is responsible for monitoring activities for the
duration of the works.
Company Datum Monitoring
Name Aidan Taylor
Position Design Manager
Contact Number 07738 740 364
Contact email [email protected]

5. Responsibility for the Rectification of Track Faults

Company TBC – Any changes to the tracks is to be
through NR.
Contact Number
Contact email
Both of the above responsibilities apply for the duration of the monitoring works

6. Baseline Readings
This will be addressed by undertaking a condition survey inspection of the NR assets as well as
baseline monitoring of the tracks.

Changes in the gauge, geometry and position of the track need to be determined in accordance with

The difference in these values will be compared to the baseline values recorded prior to works
commencing. These are recorded in the table below.

Baseline Readings

Type/Location Easting Northing Elevation


Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/F001
Issue: 1
Date: 03 June 2017

Note: Where baseline readings cannot be related in terms of Eastings, Northings and Elevation the
above table should be modified accordingly.

Note: Where there are too many baseline readings to record in the table above they should be
recorded in a separate file and that file referenced here.

7. Affected Network Rail Assets

The following Network Rail assets will be affected by the works being undertaken.

Note: Where specific monitoring is required for the identified assets additional sections should be
added to this TMP and they should be referenced in the table below accordingly.

Affected Asset Location (Miles & Yards) Monitoring Relevant

Required Section of
this TMP
All tracks Start: 0m 0yds Automated Refer to
(see Section 2.0 for details) End: 0m 330yds monitoring via a drawing no
total station and WIE14266-
prismatic/retro SA-04-0106
targets. A03 in
Appendix A
Northbound Moorgate Line Start: 0m 0yds Automated Refer to
platform and running tunnel End: 0m 330yds monitoring via a drawing no
(see Section 12 for details) total station and WIE14266-
prismatic/retro SA-04-0106
targets. A03 in
Appendix A
Northbound Moorgate Line Start: 0m 0yds Automated Refer to
platform and running tunnel End: 0m 330yds monitoring via a drawing no
(see Section 12 for details) total station and WIE14266-
prismatic/retro SA-04-0106
targets. A03 in
Appendix A

Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/F001
Issue: 1
Date: 03 June 2017

8. Monitoring Frequency
Following a review of site conditions and the type of works, it is expected that the measurements of
the track and the analysis of the readings will be completed at the following frequency.

Note: NR/L2/CIV/177 identifies the minimum required frequency while works are being carried out.

Stage of Project Frequency NR Week(s) Planned date (dd/mm/yyyy)

From To
Baseline Automated 52 - 10 25/03/2019 06/06/2019
system (hourly)

Hard demolition Automated 10 - 41 06/06/2019 06/01/2020

of existing system (hourly)
Piling/excavation Automated 41 - 36 06/01/2020 06/12/2022
& construction to system (hourly)
completion of
core and frame

Post- Automated 36 - 45 06/12/2022 06/02/2023

superstructure system (hourly)

The monitoring system is planned to be installed during possessions in week 51 of 2019. Power and
communication routes run to a location in the nearby London Underground (LU) Moorgate Station
and readings can only start recording once approvals from LU are in place to install the power and
communications routes. At a minimum, readings will start from the date at which works with the
potential to affect NR assets commence and continue following completion of works for a minimum
of four weeks. It is proposed to monitor the assets for a period of 8 weeks post superstructure

If movement is still being noticed 6 weeks after completion of the superstructure works then
monitoring will be continued for an additional period in line with NR/L2/CIV/177.

Where the project is not running to planned dates, monitoring will be carried out at the frequency
appropriate for the stage of the project.

Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/F001
Issue: 1
Date: 03 June 2017

9. Fault Level and Mandatory Actions

Minimum fault levels and actions are referenced in NR/L2/CIV/177.

Following a review of the works being undertaken and predicted ground movements the following
trigger levels and mandatory actions have been determined for the duration of the works.

The actions in the table below need to be followed upon reaching the predetermined trigger level.

Note: Consideration can be given to producing additional trigger levels on top of those detailed in the
table below if they are required for the specific project.

Fault Measure Trigger Limiting Value Action

1 Cross level Level 1 Difference in consecutive Note.
(cant/super cants is greater than
No immediate action.
elevation), 10mm
measured (equivalent to >1 in 300
across the two twist)
rails of the
same track, Level 2 Difference in consecutive Report to Infrastructure Control
measured at cants is greater than Centre (ICC).
3m apart, in 15mm
Rectify fault within 7 days
accordance (equivalent to a greater
with than a 1 in 200 twist)
Level 3 Difference in consecutive Report to ICC.
cants is greater than
Stop work.
(equivalent to a greater Rectify fault within 24 hours.
than a 1 in 125 twist)

Level 4 Difference in consecutive BLOCK THE LINE

cants is greater than
(contact signaller direct)
(equivalent to a greater Report to ICC.
than a 1 in 91 twist) Stop work.
Rectify fault before opening the
Increase monitoring frequency
until settlement has stabilised.
2 Cant (super Change in cant from Report to ICC.
elevation) original datum position of
Stop work until track has been
± 20mm or greater
inspected by SM[T]
3 Displacement 25mm or more in any (Section Manager [Track]).
(vertical, direction
horizontal or Correct fault as directed by
voiding) SM[T].
Review method of working.

Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/F001
Issue: 1
Date: 03 June 2017

10. Critical Rail Temperature

The works being undertaken will not affect the track support zone; therefore, Critical Rail
Temperature does not need to be monitored as part of this project.

Details of CRT Monitoring Requirements:

Not applicable.

Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/F001
Issue: 1
Date: 03 June 2017

11. Useful Contact Details

Role Name/Location Phone Email address
Route Control TBC
Electrical Control York 01904 525 952
Signaller Kings Cross Panel 2 0208 929 0503
Asset Management - 01908 723 500
Control Centre
Route Asset Manager TBC
Track Maintenance TBC
Section Manager TBC
NR Project Manager Adrian Brown 07795 646 660 [email protected]
NR Construction Jakeer Mohammad 07709 483 135 [email protected]
NR Project Engineer Peter Galloway 01904 384 011 [email protected]
Contractor CRE TBC TBC TBC
Monitoring Cameron Willcock / 07834 746 812 [email protected]
Coordinator Keltbray
Monitoring TBC TBC TBC
Monitoring Aidan Taylor / 07738 740 364 [email protected]
Contractor Datum Monitoring
Waterman 3rd Party Ali Karbassi / 03300 602 445 [email protected]
Liaison Waterman
Waterman 3rd Party Tamara Rowe / 03300 602 356 [email protected]
Liaison Waterman

Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/F001
Issue: 1
Date: 03 June 2017

12. Other Monitoring Requirements

Structural Trigger Levels for The NR Northbound & Southbound Moorgate

Line Platform and Running Tunnels
It should be noted that the trigger levels are for absolute movements.

Trigger Values and Actions

Trigger Structural Site Actions by Monitoring Actions by Contractor1,

Movement Coordinator Designer (Waterman) and
Network Rail (NR)
GREEN Less than or Continue monitoring in Continue Monitoring.
equal to 8mm accordance with the frequencies
set out in the TMP. No Action Required.
+ seasonal/
thermal No Action Required.
AMBER Greater than Monitoring Contractor (Datum Review activities and
8mm, but less Monitoring) will inform the demolition/construction methods.
than or equal to Monitoring Coordinator through
12mm the automated online system. Check the accuracy of the survey
readings by reviewing consistency
+ seasonal/ The Monitoring Coordinator will of all monitoring readings. If the
thermal inform the Contractor on site, trigger breach is confirmed, a
movement Waterman and Network Rail condition survey of the assets is to
Asset Protection Engineer of the be carried out as soon as possible
trigger breach. to assess any changes to the
The Monitoring Coordinator will
instruct the Monitoring Consider remedial measures to
Contractor (Datum Monitoring) prevent further movement (e.g.
to carry out a check of the ground treatment, adjusting
survey readings to confirm surcharge load above the assets,
validity (i.e., triggered readings etc.), if necessary.
relate to an array or a series of
targets rather than an individual Consider changing the method of
target spike). the development works.

Monitoring Coordinator to
provide the Contractor on site,
Waterman and Network Rail
Asset Protection Engineer with
details of the recorded
movement, work progressing on
site and immediate actions

Monitoring Coordinator to
regularly review monitoring
results read hourly from the

Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/F001
Issue: 1
Date: 03 June 2017

RED Greater than Monitoring Contractor (Datum Check the accuracy of the survey
12mm, but less Monitoring) will inform the readings by reviewing consistency
than or equal to Monitoring Coordinator through of all monitoring readings.
16mm the automated online system.
If the trigger breach is confirmed,
+ seasonal/ The Monitoring Coordinator will demolition/construction activity in
thermal inform the Contractor on site, the vicinity of the trigger breach
movement Waterman and Network Rail needs to be stopped.
Asset Protection Engineer of the
trigger breach. Liaise with the NR to make sure that
the all relevant people in NR have
The Monitoring Coordinator will been informed. A NR Construction
instruct the Monitoring Manager to be appointed to site to
Contractor (Datum Monitoring) oversee works and react as
to carry out a check of the necessary.
survey readings to confirm
validity (i.e., triggered readings A condition survey of the assets is to
relate to an array or a series of be carried out as soon as possible
targets rather than an individual to assess any changes to the
target spike). assets. The Contractor on site will
undertake a visual check on site
Monitoring Coordinator to within the vicinity of the trigger
provide the Contractor on site, breach immediately to check for any
Waterman and Network Rail signs of movement/damage visible
Asset Protection Engineer with from the development site.
details of the recorded
movement, work progressing on Prepare plans for remedial work to
site and immediate actions instigate the above measures as
taken. agreed with NR to stop or reverse
the movements.
Monitoring Coordinator to
regularly review monitoring Carry out remedial measures if
results read hourly from the required as agreed with the NR and
assets. The Monitoring continue monitoring until
Coordinator will instruct the movements or deformations have
Monitoring Contractor (Datum stabilised and are acceptable to NR.
Monitoring) to increase the
monitoring reading frequency if Agree with the NR a safe method of
required. working or modifications to the
proposed development to complete
the work.

The relevant Network Rail Engineer

will confirm whether or not the
demolition/construction activities in
the vicinity of the breach may

Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/F001
Issue: 1
Date: 03 June 2017

BLACK Greater than Monitoring Contractor (Datum Check the accuracy of the survey
16mm Monitoring) will inform the readings by reviewing consistency
Monitoring Coordinator through of all monitoring readings.
+ seasonal/ the automated online system.
thermal If the trigger breach is confirmed,
movement The Monitoring Coordinator will demolition/construction activities on
inform the Contractor on site, the site need to be stopped.
Waterman and Network Rail
Asset Protection Engineer of the Liaise with the NR to make sure that
trigger breach. the all relevant people in NR have
been informed. A NR Construction
The Monitoring Coordinator will Manager to be appointed to site to
instruct the Monitoring oversee works and react as
Contractor (Datum Monitoring) necessary. He/she would co-
to carry out a check of the ordinate with route control and
survey readings to confirm Mobile Operations Manager (MOM).
validity (i.e., triggered readings
relate to an array or a series of NR to consider stopping trains.
targets rather than an individual
target spike). A condition survey of the assets is to
be carried out as soon as possible
Monitoring Coordinator to to assess any changes to the
provide the Contractor on site, assets. The Contractor on site will
Waterman and Network Rail undertake a visual check on site
Asset Protection Engineer with within the vicinity of the trigger
details of the recorded breach immediately to check for any
movement, work progressing on signs of movement/damage visible
site and immediate actions from the development site.
Prepare plans for remedial work to
Monitoring Coordinator to instigate the above measures as
regularly review monitoring agreed with NR to stop or reverse
results read hourly from the the movements.
assets. The Monitoring
Coordinator will instruct the Carry out remedial measures if
Monitoring Contractor (Datum required as agreed with the NR and
Monitoring) to increase the continue monitoring until
monitoring reading frequency if movements or deformations have
required. stabilised and are acceptable to NR.

Agree with the NR a safe method of

working or modifications to the
proposed development to complete
the work.

The relevant Network Rail Engineer

will confirm whether the
demolition/construction activities
may commence.

Continue monitoring until assets

movements or deformations have
stabilised and are acceptable to NR.

Carry out a condition survey of the

NR assets to assess the condition
following remedial measures or
repair work as necessary.

Ref: NR/L2/CIV/177/F001
Issue: 1
Date: 03 June 2017

Appendix A

Monitoring Drawing


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