Earth College - Open Only To Wizards

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Earth College Open only to Wizards

1. Rock Skin: You may cast this on yourself or another Hero. That Hero may roll one extra Defense Die. The spell is
broken when the Hero suffers ONE point of Body damage.
2. Heal Body: You may cast this on yourself or another Hero. Its magical power will immediately restore a number of
Lost Body Points equal to your Mind Points, but it does not give the Hero more than his maximum number.
3. Ground Swallow: The ground below a single monster turns to liquid, swallowing its feet before it hardens again. The
monster may not move for a number of turns equal to your Mind Points.
4. Stone Fist: You may cast this spell on yourself or another Hero. Their fists turn to stone, giving them a +3 Attack Dice
bonus to unarmed attacks. This spell lasts as long as the Hero can see a monster.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Pass Through Rock: You may cast this on yourself or another Hero. That Hero may then move through walls on his
next move. He may move through as many walls as his movement dice allow. CAUTION! If a Hero ends his move in
solid rock, he is trapped forever!
6. Wall of Stone: This spell may only be cast in a room. You choose a square. A wall of magical stone forms in a straight
line in any direction you choose, stopping at a wall or door. Any figure in its path is pushed to either side of the wall, and
suffers 1 Body Point in damage. This wall is permanent; blocking spells and ranged attacks. It may be climbed over for 2
movement points.
Picture: yes (see redone cards)
7. Roof Collapse: You select a square. The roof over this squares collapses, and any figure underneath must treat the
square as if it were a falling block trap. The monster or Hero must roll 3 Combat dice, suffering a Body Point in damage
for each skull rolled (see rules for Falling Block traps).
8. Earth Shield: You may cast this on yourself or another Hero. That Hero rolls ONE extra Defense Die for each of your
Mind Points. The spell lasts until the Hero can no longer see any monsters.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. Cavern Darkness: This spell may only be cast in a room, and does not travel through doors or walls. The room you are
in is cast into total darkness. No missiles or spells may be cast in or out of the darkness. All figures in the room may only
move ONE square per turn. Attacks may only be made against adjacent figures; no character may use the 'Reach' ability.
This spell lasts until the end of the Quest.
10. Chipped Flint: You fire a number of razor sharp stones from your fingertips equal to your Mind Points, divided
among any monster as you wish. Each inflicts 1 Body Point of damage. Every monster attacked may roll a number of
Defense dice equal to their Mind Points.
See Jabbros Rock Shard spell for pic
11. Flesh to Stone: A magical bolt shoots from your hand at a monster. Its body begins to harden, turning to stone. It
takes 3 Body Points of damage, but may roll an extra three Defense dice for the remainder of the Quest.
Picture: Yes (see redone cards)
12. Slow: The legs of the monster you target begin to feel like lead. It loses TWO movement points. It cannot move if the
movement number is below one.


13. Pebbles: You cause the rubble from a Falling Block trap to shrink in size, re-opening the passage beyond.
14. Create Pit: You magically open a pit beneath one figure, which falls into the trap and suffers 1 Body Points of
damage (see rules for Pit traps).
15. Rock Steady: All Heroes in the room or corridor with you gain a sense of solidity to their bodies. They may roll TWO
extra Defense Dice, but subtract TWO from all movement rolls. The Hero cannot move if his movement roll, after this
subtraction, is below one.
16. Summon Elemental: You summon an earth elemental, which attacks the monster of your choice, rolling 6 Attack
Dice. It disappears as soon as makes its attack.

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