(HeroQuest) Custom Heroes GM Binder PDF

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HeroQuest ‒ Custom Heroes

Version 1.5 Inspiring Leader

Created by DracoDruid [@GMBinder | @Reddit] Requires Mind 3+
Format: DIN A4 On each of your turns, choose any one ally you can
"see". That ally can add one additional die on their next
Attack, Defend, or Movement roll. The die must be used
Creating Your Hero before the beginning of your next turn.

This small homebrew allows players to design their own Magic Resistance
individual heroes to go onto the adventures of Requires Body 7+
HeroQuest If a spell is cast on you, you can choose to roll one
In order to create your own hero, you assign dice and combat die. If you roll any shield, the spell has no effect
points towards your hero's attributes and abilities. on you.
Don't worry you can always go back and reassign your
attributes if you need to. Metamagic
Requires one or more Spell Sets
1. Body & Mind As an Action, you can regain one spell you already cast
during this Quest. You can do so only once per Quest.
Distribute 10 points freely among your Body and Mind
scores. Some special abilities require your hero to have Mind over Matter
a certain amount of Body or Mind points. You can't use any armor and only wield the dagger and
the quarterstaff.
2. Attack, Defend & Movement If you choose this ability, you gain one additional die
instead of having to pay one.
Distribute 7 dice freely among the three dice attributes:
Attack, Defend, and Movement. Skirmisher
You can also retain any number of dice from this Requires Body 6+
pool, in order to buy Special Abilities (e.g. Spells) in You can take your Action in between your movement.
the following step. You can pick up an item without using your Action.

3. Special Abilities Slayer

Requires Body 6+
In the final step, you "pay dice" in order to give your Choose one of the following Monster Types:
hero special abilities. Each special ability "costs" 1 die. • Greenlings: Goblins, Orcs, Fimir
These dice are subtracted from your 7 dice total and • Undead: Skeletons, Zombies, Mummies
can't be assigned towards your Attack, Defend, or
• Chaos: Chaos Warriors, Gargoyles, Ogres
You can choose from the following list:  When you Attack a Monster of the chosen type, you
can add one additional Skull to your Attack roll.
Danger Sense When a Monster of the chosen type attacks you, you
Requires Mind 3+ can add one additional White Shield to your Defend roll.
When you Jump A Trap, you only spring the trap if you
roll a black shield. Spell Set
When you spring a trap, you only suffer damage if Requires Mind 4+
you roll a black shield on the combat dice. At the start of a Quest, you can choose one of the
available Spell decks (Earth, Fire, etc.).
When you reveal a Wandering Monster, you can roll
twice your Defend dice against its initial attack. You can choose this ability multiple times, but no
more than your Mind –3.
Requires Mind 3+ Trap Expert
You can Search For Secret Doors and Search For Requires Mind 3+
Traps as a single action. You choose which is revealed You can Disarm A Trap as if possessing a Tool Kit.
first. If you also possess a Tool Kit, you only spring a trap
If you Search for Treasure and have to draw a card while disarming it, if you roll a black shield.
from the Treasure Card deck, you can draw two cards.
Choose one and shuffle the other back into the deck.
Weapon Expert
Requires Body 8+
Gifted You can wield both a Shield and a two-handed weapon
You can distribute an additional 2 points among your and your movement is not reduced by the Plate Mail.
Body and Mind scores.

HeroQuest - Custom Heroes v1.5| by DracoDruid (@GMBinder | @Reddit)

4. Hero Advancement (Optional) Holy Touch
This spell may be cast on any one Hero, including
Whenever you successfully complete one Quest Book as yourself. Its divine energy will immediately restore up to
the same Hero, you may assign one additional die to 4 lost Body Points, but does not give a hero more than
either your Attack, Defend, or Movement score, or his starting number.
choose an additional special ability. Alternatively, you can attack one adjacent Monster
If you are no longer playing the official Quest Books, with 1 Body Point of damage. Undead cannot defend
you can advance your Hero after successfully against this spell.
completing 10 Quests.

Mentalist Spells
Example Heroes
Hero Att Def Mov Body Mind Abilities You may direct this mental assault at any target within
your line of sight. You attack the target with three attack
Barbarian 3 2 2 8 2 —
dice and they must defend with as many dice as they
Dwarf 2 2 2 7 3 Trap Expert have Mind points. Undead are immune to this spell.
Elf 2 2 2 6 4 Spell Set (1)
Mind over Matter,
Wizard 1 2 2 4 6 This spell may be cast on any one Monster, temporarily
Spell Set (3)
taking control of its body. Roll a number of combat dice
Brute 3 1 2 9 1 Magic Resistance equal to your Mind. If your roll equal to or more skulls
than the Monster's Mind Points, you can immediately
Cleric 1 2 2 5 5 Spell Set (2)
move and attack with the Monster.
Jack 2 2 2 8 4 Gifted
Knight 2 2 2 8 2 Weapon Expert Panic
This spell may be cast on any one Monster, filling its
Mind over Matter,
Monk 3 2 2 7 3 mind with terror. On its next turn, the target cannot
move closer towards you and can neither attack nor
Noble 2 2 2 7 3 Inspiring Leader cast a spell. Undead are immune to this spell.
Ranger 2 2 2 7 3 Slayer (Greenlings)
Paladin 2 2 2 8 2 Slayer (Chaos)
Danger Sense,
Nature Spells
Scout 1 2 2 7 3
Slayer (Undead), This spell may be cast on any one Hero, including
Templar 1 2 2 6 4
Spell Set (1) yourself. The Hero may reroll one failed combat die
Metamagic, when defending. The spell is broken when the Hero
Witch 1 2 2 5 5 Mind over Matter, suffers one point of Body damage.
Spell Set (2)
This spell may be cast on any one Monster, locking it in
place. Until the end of your next turn, the target cannot
New Spell Sets move and must roll one less die when attacking or
The following Spell Sets are added to the game.
Healing Herbs
Light Spells This spell may be cast on any one Hero, including
yourself. Applying these herbs will immediately restore
Bless up to 4 lost Body Points, but does not give a hero more
This spell may be cast on any one Hero, including than his starting number.
yourself. That Hero may roll 1 extra combat die on
Attack and Defend rolls. The spell is broken when the
Hero can no longer see a Monster.

Detect Evil
You may ask the Evil Wizard player to lay out the
Monsters (but no doors or furniture) of one room
anywhere on the gameboard at once. If that room is
empty you may not try again. The Monsters can't move
or take actions until a door to the room is opened.

HeroQuest - Custom Heroes v1.5| by DracoDruid (@GMBinder | @Reddit)

Revised Equipment
Weapons Armor

Attack Defend
Weapon Dice Price Notes Armor Dice Price Notes

Dagger 1D 25 gp Throw Gambeson — 300 gp Reroll

Short Sword 2D 150 gp — Chain Mail +1D 500 gp —

Broadsword +1D 250 gp — Plate Mail +2D 850 gp Slow

Longsword +1D 350 gp Reach, Two-handed Shield +1D 250 gp Free Hand
Helmet — 200 gp Reroll
Hatchet 2D 200 gp Throw
Battle Axe +1D 250 gp —
Armor Special Rules
Great Axe +2D 400 gp Two-Handed Consult the following list for explanation:
Defend Dice: You can add a number of dice to your
Quarterstaff 1D 100 gp Reach, Two-handed
hero's Defend dice.
Spear 2D 250 gp Reach Free Hand: You can't wield a two-handed weapon
Lance +1D 350 gp Reach, Two-handed when wielding a Shield.
Reroll: You can always reroll one of your Defend dice,
Sling 1D 50 gp Ranged taking the second result.
Bow 2D 250 gp Ranged Slow: When rolling for Movement, you must divide
Crossbow 3D 350 gp Ranged the result by 2 (rounded down).

Weapon Special Rules

Consult the following list for explanation:
Attack Dice: You can roll the listed number of attack
dice or add a number of dice to your hero's attack dice.
Ranged: You can attack enemies you can "see", but
not directly adjacent to you.
Reach: You can attack enemies that are directly or
diagonally adjacent to you.
Throw: You can attack an enemy you can "see"
within a number of squares equal to your Body score. If
you do, place a marker on the enemy square. You must
stop your Movement on this square and use your Action
to pick up your weapon. Otherwise, it is lost.
Two-handed: You can't use a Shield when wielding
this weapon.

HeroQuest - Custom Heroes v1.5| by DracoDruid (@GMBinder | @Reddit)

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