Cosmic Time Scale
Cosmic Time Scale
Cosmic Time Scale
Time Scale
Chapter I
Cosmic Time Scale and God-Worship
Chapter II
Explanation of the Cosmic Time Scale of Manu. Yugas
Chapter III
The Prominence of Kaliyuga
Chapter IV
The Beginning of a Dark Age
Chapter V
An Unknown Truth. Great Souls being persecuted
Chapter VI
Universal Correction Through Karunakara Guru
Chapter I
Cosmic Time Scale and God-Worship
Dharma basically means duty or Divine Law. It means the Will of God by which we
become aware of our duty, moral conduct and mission in life. It is the Divine Law to be
observed in a certain era, this is the religious, social and moral rule and conduct. Since
Dharma is universal and everlasting, it is called as Sanatana Dharma or the Eternal
Spiritual Law. An important element in the concept of Dharma, is the worship of God,
because only through worship of God man becomes steady in the path of Dharma and
God realization. Again changes take place in the concept of worship of God, as the
Wheel of Time or Kalachakra marches ahead. This is, that there are certain rules for
the worship of God and they vary from Yuga -era- to Yuga. Therefore worship of God
becomes fruitful and right, only when it goes accordingly to the Yugadharma -Spiritual
Law of that era. It becomes necessary to know the true essence of Yugadharma, going
beyond all boundaries of class and caste, race and religion. What is the Yugadharma in
this Kali Yuga -our actual era in which there is plenty of suffering, nevertheless you can
evolve faster than in previous eras? Even though Kali Yuga has started around 5100
years ago, though Yugadharma of Kali has not been completely stated to us. The
Yugadharma of earlier Yugas, i.e. Treta and Dwapara is still being followed, as is
evident from the prevalence of worship of all kind of deities, such as saints, angels,
devas -deities misconceived as fully realized souls-, etc. through yaga and yagna complicated sacrificial fire rituals-, tantra -form of worship where ritualistic forms are
involved- and mantra -sacred syllables or words which connect you to a certain source
of spiritual energy- which is contrary to the Yugadharma in Kali.
Chapter II
Explanation of the Cosmic Time Scale of Manu. Yugas
The purpose of Creation, is the elevation of all creatures through various stages, to
the realization of the Absolute which is the Supreme Light. According to Nava Jyothi Sri
Karunakara Guru, Yugadharma -Divine Law to be observed in a certain era- is worked
out through the Manus -progenitors of mankind who preside successively over the
fourteen Manvantaras. Each, of the 14 Manus, is in charge of the evolution in the
Universe, for a time span of 306 720 000 years -a Manvantara. The Dharma -Divine
Law- of Manu, works out perfection in the Universe as per the Will of the Supreme God.
There are time segments in this scheme of perfection. A Kalpa -aeon- is one such time
segment -4 320 000 000 human years. This time period called Kalpa, is divided into 14
units called Manvantaras, each headed by a Manu.
Each Manvantara is divided into 71 Chaturyugas -age quartets. One Chaturyuga -4
320 000 years- is made of four Yugas (eras) -Satya, Treta, Dwapara and Kali. We are
living in the Kali Yuga of the 28th Chaturyuga of the 7th Manvantara. Kali Yuga has 432
000 years out of which approximately 5100 years have passed now. Dwapara Yuga is
two times the span of Kali Yuga -864 000 years-, Treta is three times -1 296 000
years- and Satya is four times that of Kali -1 728 000 years. This is in short, the
measurement of Yugas -eras- on which Sanatana Dharma or the Eternal Religion of
man is based.
We are living in the 7th Manvantara, in the 28th Chaturyuga, in the Kali Yuga in the
year 5,200 aproximately.
1 Chaturyuga= 4 320 000 years divided into four Yugas:
Satya Yuga (1 728 000 years)
Treta Yuga (1 296 000 years)
Dwapara Yuga (864 000 years)
Kali Yuga (432 000 years)
71 Chaturyugas= 1 Manvantara (306 720 000 years)
14 Manvantaras= 1 Kalpa (4 294 080 000 years)
Manu is considered to be the progenitor of mankind. Like the Gomukh in the
Himalayas from which the river Ganges emerges and spreads the length and width of
the country, in the form of river, rivulets, lakes and ponds, Dharma in the World
manifests from Manu -progenitor of mankind and first Guru or preceptor of the human
race. That is the reason why we find a unity in the essence of all religions. The
principles of love, sacrifice, kindness and belief in the existence of God are common to
all religions, because the essence of this knowledge comes from Manu himself. So
Dharma -Divine Law- is first manifested through the Manus, which are 14 in number
and each heading a Manvantara -aeon comprising of 306 720 000 years). They in turn,
impart the Spiritual Law to mankind through the Yugacharyas, the ordained spiritual
heads for a period of time, who become the fountainhead of God realization and
Dharma in the World. After the time of the Yugacharya, several Great Souls, sent by
Manu, take this Dharma forward in human society. The whole spectrum of human
thought and culture, art, literature and spiritual knowledge is oriented by these
Yugacharyas, who come in the lineage of Manu from time to time. There are 5 such
Yugacharyas in each Yuga. Out of this 5 Gurus in a Yuga, one is born in the twilight or
threshold of a Yuga (Yuga Sandhi) -period describing the end of a Yuga and the
beginning of the next one- to prepare the ground for the next Yuga. Krishna was such a
Yugacharya in a Yuga Sandhi, who was born in the end of Dwapara Yuga, and died in
the beginning of Kali Yuga. Similarly a Yugacharya is born in a Chaturyuga Sandhi period describing the end of a Chaturyuga and the beginning of the next one- also. So
there are 21 Yugacharya Gurus in a Chaturyuga -age quartet- through whom the
Sanatana Dharma, divine codes of conduct to be observed by humanity itself in order
to attain liberation, is worked out. In the earlier times, the Kings ruled the country by
the guidance of such Yugacharyas who were the knowers of three fold times, i.e, the
past, present and future. All decisions in respect of governance, were taken under the
guidance of the Yugacharya Guru. All people lived happily under the guidance and
protection of the Yugacharya Guru observing Dharma in life.
One of the characteristics of our present era -Kali Yuga-, is that God should be
worshipped directly, or through a fully realized Guru. Therefore saints, angels, devas deities misconceived as fully realized souls-, the Trimurti -Brahma, Vishnu and Shivaor any other divinities, should not be accepted as the object of worship, only God
Almighty. The reason is that these deities have reached certain stages in spiritual
evolution, though they have not attained full spiritual realization. They are attached to
the senses and they are not free from their emotions -anger, hate, jealousy, egoism,
etc., so when we pray to these deities, some of them might become jealous of our
spiritual progress, blocking our spiritual path. Another problem is that material gains
and fortunes are prayed for and accrued by the devotees, then the deva-devi powers
take away in turn punya -merit earned, in this and previous births, through right
thought, word and action- of the devotees, which cause further lowering or descend of
their soul.
As we know, there are millions of life forms in this World. Every thing and every
creature in the Universe tends to evolve as time goes by. Evolution gradually takes
place from the mineral reign, to the vegetal and animal reign and then to the human
stage, into which the soul will have the opportunity to attain spiritual liberation. Yugas
or Chaturyugas in a Manvantara, represent evolutionary steps towards the final goal
of perfection in a Kalpa -aeon. This is the 7th Manvantara and we are in the Kali Yuga of
the 28th Chaturyuga -age quartet. After this Kali Yuga, the next Chaturyuga i.e, the
29th Chaturyuga starts. The souls who deserve liberation, depending on their spiritual
evolution, merge in the Supreme Light of God in this Kali Yuga, attaining spiritual
liberation. All other souls are guided to take birth in the next Yuga, i.e. Satya Yuga, to
keep on working out their remaining goal towards perfection. Similarly in the creation,
phase by phase, all life forms are involved in an evolutionary process.
Modern science traces back the origin of man to about fifty million years. On the
basis of research in History, human civilization dates back either to five or ten
thousand years of history. Viewed in the light of the knowledge, advanced by ancient
Indian spiritual science, the account of modern history is an absurdity. One of the
uniqueness of Indian spiritual philosophy, is this knowledge on time-periodicity in
accordance with the calendar of Manu, which sheds light on human life in the past
millions of years or past seven Manvantaras -period of time comprising of 306 720 000
years each.
According to Hindu tradition evolution takes place within the Universe and there
are time segments in this evolutionary process. As we know, every single thing,
animal and people are involved in this process. For each time segment -Yuga-, the
Yugadharma -Divine Law for an era- is given by the Almighty through Great Souls,
such as Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Shankara, etc.
A year is divided into four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Each
season has specific characteristics. For example, during Spring the weather becomes
warmer and plants revive. Summer is the warmest season of the year. In Autumn, the
temperature is lower and the leaves tend to fall from the trees. Winter is the coldest
season of the year. Likewise, a Chaturyuga -age quartet- is divided into Satya, Treta,
Dwapara and Kali; each with a specific nature in itself.
Satya Yuga or Krita Yuga
A Chaturyuga or age quartet begins with Satya Yuga. In the Satya Yuga, the Light
of God is self manifested, i.e. everyone could see the Light of God effortlessly, people
generally live in peace in this epoch and there is little suffering, though the levels of
spiritual attainment are very low. In this era, the Supreme is worshipped directly.
There is no intermediary between God and man. Dyanam or meditation is the means
of worship. On sankalpa -mind prayer- one gets the Light of the Supreme and
everything gets revealed from that Light.
Treta and Dwapara Yuga
Treta and Dwapara Yuga are considered here together because both Yugas are
characterized by the eminence of deities, such as saints, angels and deva-devi ('gods'
and 'goddesses' wrongly considered to be liberated souls) dominance. The Supreme is
worshipped through those deities in these ages. God Almighty has given them the
authority to receive worship and the worship of deities was correct according to the
Dharma -Divine Law- of both the ages.
In Treta and Dwapara Yuga, the Light still withdraws into nature, necessitating yet
some more changes in the mode of worship, and the means of worship is yaga, yagna
and homa -rituals and fire sacrifices-, mantras - syllables or words which connect you
to a certain source of spiritual energy- and tantra -rituals. Men could get by darshans spiritual visions-, the appearance of any saint, deity or deva-devi on the chanting of
mantras, applicable to each power and receive blessings. The glitter of material well
being, symbolizes the deva stage in the spiritual evolution.
Kali Yuga
In contradiction to what many believe, Kaliyuga is the noblest age. Many people,
specially in India, think that this is a bad era of tremendous suffering and destruction,
but we must remember that this is an era of purification through all that suffering.
Only in this era -Kaliyuga- liberation can be attained, but not in the previous ones.
Fortunately we are now living in this golden era.
When you go to University, graduation time comes only once a year. You cannot
graduate at any time that you chose, because there is a specific date in a year in which
you can graduate. Graduation (spiritual liberation) comes only in Kaliyuga, but not in
the previous eras -Satya, Treta and Dwapara-, so if liberation cannot be attained in
Kali -432 000 year period-, then you will have to wait for a long time,
3 888 000 years, -period comprised of Satya, Treta and Dwapara Yugas- so that
you may have the opportunity once again to reach the liberation age -Kaliyuga.
Kaliyuga is the age of Guru Margam -the path of Guru. Though there had been Guru
Margam in all the ages, in Kaliyuga the Supreme should be worshipped directly, or
through a fully realized Guru, because by doing this, our soul can evolve at a faster
pace towards liberation.
One of the distinctiveness of Kaliyuga is that it is the age, in which all the people
who have attained low levels in their evolutional processes and also the Sudra, lowest
of the castes in India- i.e. the ignorant (who haven't inherited in the soul the punya -
merit earned through right thought, word and action- and 'tradition' for acquiring the
Supreme Knowledge) and the whole lower castes created consequent upon caste
system, are entitled for the knowledge of the Supreme. It is, as I have mentioned
before, that of the four ages, only in Kaliyuga, mukti -salvation- is possible. The Hindu
scriptures note that even devas -'gods'- are praying in the astral plane for obtaining
birth in this age, because only by taking birth and through right thought, word and
action, liberation is possible.
Adi Shankara, Indian philosopher and religious thinker who developed Advaita
Vedanta -monism- stated that there are three things that are rare indeed, namely a
human birth, an intense desire for spiritual liberation and finding a fully realized Guru
who undoubtedly, will lead the seeker of Truth towards liberation.
I (Carlos Guzman) have seen in darshans -spiritual visions- that saints, sanyasins renouncers-, devas -deities misconceived as fully realized souls-, saints, rishis sages-, boddhisatvas -according to Buddhism, beings who, out of compassion, forgo
Nirvana in order to save others- and millions of souls from so different planes of
evolution, are praying to the Almighty, demanding a chance to take birth once more in
this precious but difficult era. Only in Kaliyuga, through the path shown by a fully
realized Guru, who come in accordance with the Will of the Almighty, the higher
spiritual evolution of soul, leading to oneness with the Supreme Light, is possible.
In Kali Yuga, the mode of mukti -deliverance- is through 'Namasamkirtanam,'
recital of the name of the Yugacharya Guru, (spiritual teacher who dispels and
removes darkness from its followers in a certain era, guiding them towards mukti spiritual liberation), as enunciated through the asariri -words from God Almightythrough the spiritual experience. The recital or chanting of the name of the
Yugacharya Guru, should be ordained by the Almighty. Chanting the name of this
Great Soul, who is endowed with the authority of the age, has been prescribed for the
worship of the Supreme, in this Kali Age, by the Almighty himself, in order to lead man
towards liberation. This spiritual practice, automatically connect us to the Guru's
Spiritual Radiance and this precious energy will start purifying our souls, at a
tremendous pace, from previous bad karmas -wrongful actions-, and evil vasanas tendencies- so that spiritual liberation can be attained. In this age, Kali, the right path
to Satya Yuga is laid down. This is accomplished by a fully realized Guru, who comes
for setting the karma -mode of action- and Dharma (Divine Law -law of being, way of
righteousness, religion, mode of worship compatible with the age, virtue, justice, duty
and responsibility of man. The worship and glorification of deities, saints, angels,
rishis and spiritual leaders, who have not attained spiritual liberation, is against the
Yugadharma -Divine Law for that era- of this Kali Age and hence the Will of God.
Nowadays, billions of people around the World, are praying to so many deities, saints,
angels, etc. assuming that these entities are fully realized souls, due to their
enormous miraculous power and obviously people erroneously suppose, that they can
be leaded by these 'spiritual entities' towards liberation, nevertheless this is a
tremendous mistake.
If the Yugadharma -Spiritual Law- is not followed, what follows is the destruction of
eternal values in the World and failure of Dharma -Spiritual Law- and karma -mode of
action- of man, bringing about chaos, confusion and misery in the society. Therefore
the evolutional process of man becomes severely affected. Who is that glorious
Yugacharya Guru, of unmatched wisdom and radiance in our time, who has come to
reestablish, both the Yugadharma -Spiritual Law- of our actual era -Kali- and also the
Eternal Dharma of mankind? According to my experience -spiritual visions-, this
supreme Guru of all Gurus, is Nava Jyothi Sri Karunakara Guru of Santhigiri Ashram.
Not only me, but al least 300 people around the World can testify, based on their
spiritual visions, about this truth, and at least 50 of them are living in Santhigiri
Chapter III
The Prominence of Kaliyuga
The Kaliyuga, though is shortest, is the culmination point of the other three Yugas.
In this era, man is bestowed with the privilege of working out all karmas -actions- and
earn mukti -spiritual liberation. Hence, even the deities and Great Souls, aspire to get
birth in this period, despite the fact that sorrow and suffering are a common thing in
this age. We must keep in mind that grieve, pain and distress man has to deal with, are
necessary to make man realize about the main reason for taking birth on Earth and
that is to evolve and find spiritual liberation.
We who live now are very fortunate. Dubbing this Yuga as the most forlorn and
detestable period of time, was the unforgivable calumny caused by the vested
interests to further their own ends. This Kali Age is the period of samkara, or the
cohesive consolidation of all castes, creeds, religions, etc.
If one looks at the religious practices among the people living in different social
settings, one may wonder to see the myriad of paths in worship of God. The
confusion which thus arises in a seeker, in seeing the complexity in religious
practices, can be resolved only by a fully realized Guru -spiritual master- who
should show by experience, the truth and untruth ingrained in methods of worship.
Chapter IV
The Beginning of a Dark Age
Mankind in the beginning followed the Sanatana Dharma -eternal religion of God;
Divine Law. But soon man committed a sin against the Will of God. That sin is centered
around a great spiritual master (Satyatrana) in the lineage of Manu -first preceptor of
mankind- who thought that 'Aham Brahmasmi' -I am the Supreme. It is significant to
note that the prophetic religions, also mention that man committed a sin in the
beginning against the Will of God, which perhaps might be referring to the sin of that
great spiritual master. That error occurred in the 3rd Chaturyuga of the present 7th
Manvantara. That is around 108 000 000 years ago. This egocentric statement caused
the withdrawal of God's Light, and resulted in the ego of humans with a big 'I' and
'mine.' So much so that the followers of Manu were entirely engrossed with this ego
and even the name of Manu was forgotten!!! What followed was a long dark age of
spiritual blindness. When men prayed for Light, certain deities started appearing in
front of them, representing God. The Almighty sent Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva in order
to correct this error. This process started from the 7th Chaturyuga and was completed
in the 11th Chaturyuga, but these 'gods' were not able to fulfill their mission. They
could not even attain spiritual liberation for themselves. Subsequently, the Dharma
Shastras -divine codes of conduct-, the Puranas -Hindu epics, sacred literature- and
Itihasas -Hindu epics such as Ramayana and Mahabharata- were written, wrongly
glorifying these powers as the Supreme himself, forgetting the power that created
them. What followed was the worship of multiple powers like 'gods,' devas -deities
misconceived as fully realized souls-, angels, saints, etc. That was the
commencement of a great fall of mankind. Even devils gained momentum all over the
World. Thus spiritual realization remained below the stage of 'gods,' saints, angels,
devas and Trimurti -Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva- cutting off the connection from God
Almighty's Light. Twenty-five Chaturyugas -age quartets- (108 000 000 years) have
thus passed.
This error was akin to the arrogance of knowledge. Nor was this error realized later,
and because of this, the Guiding Light till then had withdrawn itself. The effect was for
the very memory of Manu be banished from the heart of man. All that remained of that
memory was Manu's time scale, the Manvantara, the rest was lost. Ancient texts which
might have spoken of the Manu are no longer extant. After this egocentric mistake, sin
in thoughts, words and deeds flourished in the World, which in turn has affected the
purity and balance of this planetary systems and of the whole Universe. Today the
atmosphere of the Earth has become polluted, the seasons fail more often, eruption of
epidemics, unknown diseases, natural calamities and wars, mental and physical
deformity of man and the consequent unrest and violence, are glaring at the destiny of
man. Nations against nations have teamed up with little nuclear weapons, which may
at any moment, befall mankind in a holocaust of death and destruction. Is it not clear
that an error is working here against the Will of God?
Chapter V
An Unknown Truth. Great Souls being persecuted
As I stated before, the Supreme sent several spiritual masters to declare the
Dharma to be followed in the present era, Kaliyuga. Among them in India are Krishna,
Buddha, Sankaracharya, Guru Nanak, Mahavira, Dayananda Saraswati, Swami
Vivekananda, Narayana Guru, Thiruvalluvar etc. to mention a few. When the message
was not taken in India, the Supreme sent prophets and apostles in other parts of the
World, like Moses, Jesus, Prophet Mohammed, etc. In fact, since the birth of Sri
Krishna, approximately 5100 years back, and up to 1973, 2444 Gurus in this lineage
have already come in the World and gave the message in varying ways and means,
which indeed has helped mankind to a certain extent. All these Great Souls have
appealed to the common folk to worship only the God Almighty and not the saints,
deities, devas, angels, nor resort to the worship of dead ancestors. Yet no worthwhile
change could be brought in the midst of the multitudes.
The contemporary society inflicted great pain on these Great Souls and therefore
they could not succeed in bringing about the necessary change in the Yugadharma divine codes of conduct to be observed by humanity in a certain era. Moses was
persecuted. Jesus was crucified, despite his cry to the Lord to save him if it was right.
Prophet Mohammed had to flee from Mecca to Medina. Krishna was the victim of seven
murder attempts; finally he was killed by a hunter. Buddha thought he was doing great
penance for the sake of God, by fasting in a rigorous way, but he luckily realized that he
was not and was saved from sure death, by the food given by a shepherd woman.
Indeed he died an unnatural death in the end, by consuming the wretched meat
offered as alms to him. This has been recorded as Nirvana in the books. Later
Buddhism itself was driven out of India. Sri Ramakrishna suffered from scrofula round
the neck and died in pain. Vivekananda suffered from kidney disease and died at an
early age. The tormenting of Jesus is well known. He was mislead by lower forces up to
his crucifixion. Adi Shankara was supposed to have jumped off a cliff into an abyss, at
Kailasa in the North of India. The great Shankaracharya, who thought that nothing is
real except the God Almighty, must be wondering in his grave, which unknown power
has put an early end to his life. The list of such great men who suffered like this is long.
Dayananda Saraswati was poisoned to death. It is written in the books that the great
saint Sri Rama Tirtha, attained jalasamadhi, samadhi or death in water. He drowned
himself in the river. It was merely another case of suicide. There are similar cases of
suffering and persecution in the history of Sikh and Jain Gurus and also several
hundreds of other Great Souls, known and unknown in different parts of the World.
Likewise the hardships and struggles Sri Rama went through are countless. Unable to
reach Iswara Sannidhanam (unable to break free from the deva stage), Rama
committed suicide in the Sarayu river.
We find such experiences in the lives of great men. What do they signify? All these
examples show us the tremendous power of the devas -deities misconceived as fully
realized souls- and Trimurti -Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva- planes, from where certain
beings that are residing in these levels of consciousness, obstruct the spiritual path of
people that try to break free from the devas, reaching Iswara Sannidham -seventh
plane of evolution. The face of knowledge starts to appear with the attainment of this
stage, so the seeker is free from his emotions -anger, hate, egoism, envy, jealousy,
etc. When a soul tries to cross the stages of 'gods', saints and devas, the resistance
comes from them and might even cause the physical destruction of each spiritually
evolving man in this human World, as he approaches the deva stage. The reason is
that these deities have reached certain stages in spiritual evolution, though they have
not attained full spiritual realization, they are attached to the senses and they are not
free from their emotions, so when we pray to these deities, some of them might
become jealous of our spiritual progress blocking our spiritual path. All the earlier
spiritual masters had suffered like this in the hands of evil forces known as Jins -genie
in Muslim religion-, devils, Gandharvas -'heavenly' musicians and singers-,
Yogabhrashtas -beings that have evolved through tapas -rigorous practices such as
long fasting periods; standing on one foot for years; not speaking to anybody for long
periods of time; meditating without interruption for hours and in some cases days or
weeks, without taking any food or sleeping, etc. Some of them are powerful souls
higher than the Trimurti -Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva- stage. Either these souls will be
led away from Truth, by luring them with the power of siddhi -ability to perform
miracles- or harming them physically and mentally through subtle ways. This is also
an experienced truth. Performance of miracle is against the Will of God and the order in
nature. That is the reason why Satan once tried to inspire Jesus to perform miracles.
But Jesus knowing the intent of Satan refused and asked Satan to go away. But later
Jesus is found performing miracles. It is at this particular stage, unable to cross the
Trimurti stage, most of the earlier Acharyas suffered, such as Jesus, Shankara,
Buddha, Rama, Mohammed, who were barred not only in the fulfillment of their
missions, but also in their spiritual evolution.
Another problem is that the abodes of 'gods' are full of splendor and joy. When
some spiritual adepts come across the planes of these powers, they become static and
think that they have attained the goal of self realization. That is the reason why
Patanjali Maharshi in the treatise on Yoga, exhorts the aspirants to be careful about
the 'gods' or divinities. Ordinary people, not knowing these facts continue to worship
'gods,' saints, angels and all sort of divinities, thinking that such worship is the worship
of God Supreme. Contemporary spirituality, have thus failed to take man to the
highest spiritual experience. This is an experienced truth.
When Swami Vivekananda approached Sri Ramakrishna with the question "Have
you seen God?" Sri Ramakrishna said "Yes, I have and I can show you also." Then
Vivekananda was asked to go in front of the Kali temple. There, Swami Vivekananda
got the vision of mother 'goddess.' What Vivekananda saw was the vision of 'goddess'
Kali, not the Supreme Light of God. A Guru can only give to his disciple what he has
himself achieved. That is the reason why the earlier spiritual masters, could not free
themselves and their followers, from the misconception about Yugadharma.
It is in this background of persecution and suffering of the earlier messengers of
God, a soul which got itself enriched by the experiences of countless births and
attained perfection thereby -Nava Jyothi Sri Karunakara Guru, was given birth. It had
attained the optimal spiritual capacity and was ordained to show the true Light to
humanity. This is of greatest significance in the spiritual history of man, as it is the first
time a fundamental correction is made after 25 Chaturyugas -approximately 108 000
000 years- in the Sanatana Dharma -divine codes of conduct to be observed by
humanity itself in order to attain liberation. On the day of the fulfillment of this
mission, 1973, a voice from the Supreme Light said "for what I have waited for ages,
that has been achieved today."
Guru exhorts man to follow the eternal Dharma of Manu -codes of conduct for
attaining spiritual liberation- which is based on the faith in one all pervasive Godhead.
It is only through the Yugacharya -great spiritual master of a certain era- authorized
by the Supreme Godhead, experience of the one and only God is made possible. The
Guru should be Atmajnani, highly evolved soul capable of understanding the innate
intricacies of the soul in order to properly guide and correct his followers towards
mukti -spiritual realization. That Supreme Guru should also be a Trikala Jnani (knower
of three fold times -past, present and future) and also the one who has become
merged with the Supreme Light of God, crossing the stages of saints and devas, rishi,
Ishwara, up to a stage of spiritual realization, so that he can help us to liberate our
souls, through his Light and knowledge. We are living in the glorious period of such a
Yugacharya, who is verily Nava Jyothi Sri Karunakara Guru, the Supreme Guru of all
Gurus. He is a soul of unmatched wisdom and radiance, who has come to redeem the
long forgotten Sanatana Dharma, which is the eternal religion of mankind. For
thousands of years people of the Earth had been expecting a redeemer to come and
save the World. The time has arrived and in many religions around the World, we can
find prophecies touching upon this subject. If you want more information regarding
this topic, please refer to the chapter "Prophecies regarding the coming of a
Great Soul.
Chapter VI
Universal Correction Through Karunakara Guru
A large number of the disciples of Nava Jyothi Sri Karunakara Guru, including
householders and children, effortlessly get darshans -spiritual visions-, by the grace of
the Guru, which in earlier Yugas -eras- was possible only for great rishis -holy sagesthrough prolonged austerity. Visions may come from four sources: from hallucination,
from devilish forces, from the devas, from 'gods,' saints, angels and from God
Almighty. Visions should come only from the Almighty, or else we might receive
incorrect messages from those not fully realized souls, leading us to confusion and
chaos. In Santhigiri Ashram, spiritual visions and asariri -words from God Almightyare being received through the unbound mercy of the Guru. It is through this power
and grace of God, an answer to man's suffering is found in Santhigiri Ashram.
Suffering is only the outer manifestation of an inner disorder, which only an atmajnani
Guru -knower of the soul- can discover and remedy through his spiritual prowess.
Many people around the World, are getting visions from lower astral planes and some
others receive these darshans from the planes of the saints, 'gods,' angels, devas deities misconceived as fully realized souls-, Trimurti -Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva- and
beings that reside in this plane of evolution. We believe that these 'gods' and
'goddesses' have attained spiritual liberation, but this is a great mistake. These souls
are below the seventh plane of evolution and they are attached to the senses and to
their emotions, they can feel love, but they can also feel hatred, envy, jealousy,
egocentrism, etc. towards anyone of us, so this can give us a clue that they cannot lead
us to mukti -spiritual liberation- and in some cases they can severely block our
spiritual evolution.
Through Pitrusuddhi, a fully realized Guru cleanses not only our sins and
sufferings, but cleanses that of our pitrus -ancestors- also, who suffer due to their
unrighteous karma -mode of action- and wrongful Dharma -Spiritual Law. The souls of
rishis -sages-, saints, prophets, devas, and an uncountable number of deities, are
waiting to take birth in the Kaliyuga, which is our present era, being the most favorable
age for attaining salvation. They cannot take birth unless they get suitable parents.
Such a suitable generation of children are being born through parents, who have
become steady in the Guru Margam -spiritual path shown by a fully realized Guru and
purified trough Pitrusuddhi. Only through such children, a new human society can be
built up, capable of correcting the mistakes in Yugadharma -Divine Law for a certain
era- and cleanse the society from all corruptions. This is the significance of Pitrusuddhi
-cleansing of the manes- conducted by Nava Jyothi Sri Karunakara Guru in the
Santhigiri Ashram.
It is the lost Sanatana Dharma -Eternal Religion of mankind-, which Nava Jyothi Sri
Karunakara Guru has reestablished in its pristine glory. His revelations constitute the
foundation for a World religion, ordained by God, without the distinctions of class,
caste, race and religion and which works out perfection in the Universe through the
characteristic actions or duties assigned to each one of the phases of time called
Yugas. There are authorized representatives of God for each segment of such time
periods -Krishna, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, etc.- who guide mankind in the path of
Dharma -Divine Law. Mankind gets knowledge about such great spiritual masters of
unmatched wisdom and radiance, through asariri -'words' from the Almighty- and
through spiritual visions of devotees. At least 300 people have this kind of spiritual
experience, and at least 50 of them in Shanthigiri Ashram will testify about its truth.
Then there will be the prophesies of earlier messengers of God, about the coming of
such a Yugacharya -great spiritual master. This is the only way to recognize a
Yugacharya and this only is the experienced truth of Santhigiri Ashram and its Guru.
When such a Yugacharya comes to the World, he does not come alone, but will be
accompanied by a host of other Great Souls. Guru has revealed to us that 17 such
souls have already taken birth now in different parts of the World.
Let all souls seek refuge in Nava Jyothi Sri Karunakara Guru and get their sins and
sufferings cleansed in the Light of Guru. Let all souls seek refuge in Guru and walk the
path of Eternal Dharma -Divine Law- on which alone rests the welfare of mankind.
People from all faiths, thinkers, writers, politicians social reformers and all leaders
are invited to congregate in the temple -Sahakarana Mandiram- (house of cooperation
of Nava Jyothi Sri Karunakara Guru at Santhigiri Ashram, Trivandrum, South India).
Here, people should know from Guru, the path of prosperity for their own nations and
that for the mankind.