UC Merced Applied Math Graduate Preliminary Examination Calculus Component Spring 2009

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UC Merced Applied Math Graduate Preliminary Examination

Calculus Component
Spring 2009
You have four hours to complete this exam. There are ten problems total, each worth ten points.
Show all work on separate sheets of paper, and circle your final answers, where appropriate. When
finished, please staple your work behind these sheets, with your name written at the top. You are
allowed one hand-written crib sheet, but no calculators or other study aides are allowed. Remember
to explain your work clearly and legibly, so that you may receive maximum credit. Good luck!!
Problem 1

Compute each of the following indefinite integrals.


2 3x

x e



1 tan


1 + cos ax dx

Problem 2

Compute each of the following definite integrals or show that it is divergent. Be sure to explain
your reasoning.


ln(ln x)



(x2 )1/3


ecx | cos bx| dx

b, c > 0.

Problem 3

Compute the Taylor series of the function f (x) = ln x about the point c = 2. What is the upper
limit of x for which this series is absolutely convergent? Justify your answer.
Problem 4

For the parametric curve r(s) =

2 2 3/2
3 s

+ 12 s2 y
+ s z, find the arclength from s = 0 to s = 1.
Problem 5

+ yz y
+ zx z
Use Stokess Theorem to evaluate the line integral C F dr, where F(x, y, z) = xy x
and C is the triangle with vertices (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), oriented counterclockwise as viewed
from above.

Problem 6

2y y
+ 3x z, and S is the
Evaluate the surface integral S F dS, where F(x, y, z) = xz x
sphere x + y + z = 4 with outward orientation. You may work in any coordinate system (e.g.
rectangular, spherical, etc.) you choose, and you may use the Divergence Theorem if you wish.
Problem 7

Consider the function

f (x) = |x|ex

2 /2

A. What kind of symmetry does this function display?

B. Compute both limx+ f (x) and limx f (x). Be sure to explain your logic.
C. (i) Find the position x for all local extrema. Identify whether each extremum is a local maximum
or minimum (justifying your answer.) (ii) Identify all intervals over which f is increasing and all
intervals over which f is decreasing.
D. Identify any positions x at which the function is not differentiable.
E. Identify the intervals over which the function is concave up and the intervals over which the
function is concave down.
F. Neatly sketch the function f (x), illustrating all of the above properties.
Problem 8

Gravel is being dumped from a conveyor belt at a rate of 10 m3 /min, such that it forms a pile in
the shape of a cone, where the diameter of the cones base is equal to its height. How fast is the
height of the pile increasing when the pile is 5 m high? (Hint: recall that the volume of a cone
equals 1/3 the volume of the corresponding cylinder.)
Problem 9

Find the maximum value of f (x, y, z) = x2 + y 2 + z 2 subject to the constraint x4 + y 4 + z 4 = 1.

Problem 10

Suppose you are an ice cream engineer. You are assigned the task of designing an ice cream cone
that holds a volume Vc of ice cream, as measured when the level of the ice cream is flush with the
top of the cone (i.e. the ice cream is not mounded above the top of the cone.) What is the height
h and radius r of the cone that minimizes the total material used to make the cone? Assume the
side of the cone is a uniform thickness, and remember, of course, that an ice cream cone has no
top. Express your final result in terms of Vc . Finally, compute the ratio h/r. Does it depend on
Vc ?
Some potentially useful facts about a cone with height h and radius r:
Volume = (Volume of corresponding cylinder)/3,

Lateral surface area (i.e. surface area of the cones side) = r r 2 + h2 ,

Area of top circle = r 2 .


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