Everest Tips and Guide

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Tips and strategies in Everest

Some small tips

1. Doctor might need to have a rest at round 2 or 3 otherwise would be rescued in round 4 due
to frostbite. I believe this is related to prediction of weather
2. Environmentalist would definitely be sick in round 2 due to the potential disease.
3. Environmentalist and marathoner would be usually rescued at the summit due to the lack of
oxygen. This is because they need to utilize oxygen in a faster rate than others and this is
not related to personal health status. The allocation of oxygen need to be done on the basis
of calculations, Ill talk about it in detail later.

Medical Challenge




It can be difficult but critical to distinguish between the symptoms of HAPE and asthma. When
an individual has HAPE, he / she tends to experience coughing and shortness of breath in
addition to at least one of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, a pulse exceeding 120
beats per minute, and bluish color of fingernails, face and lips.
So for coughing and shortness of breath without other symptoms, we can say that its
asthma.( Actually I got asthma last time and its info fits these 2 conditions)
If someone got asthma, inhaler is needed. If someone got HAPE, a gamow bag should be used.
Please note that this would only appear in round 2.
Based on past experience the one who got ill is usually the environmentalist. Physician would
need to give an inhaler or gamow bag to environmentalist based on the symptoms shown in
round info of environmentalist.


About allocation of OXYGEN CANISTERS in round 4


1. Based on analysis from the past experience, the oxygen canisters should definitely not be
allocated equally.
2. Mathematical calculations are needed.




Oxygen canisters are utilized based on personal rate of utilizing, so for everyone the canisters
needed would vary.
For example environmentalist utilizes oxygen in a rate of 3.5 L/m, marathoner utilized it at 5L/m
and leader utilizes it at 1L/m.
Ill list the formula in the following space.
Based on the information shown in leaders round info, the capacity of an oxygen canister is 720 L.
And estimated trip hours are expected to be 18 hrs.
Oxygen canisters needed= (18 x 60 x your utilizing rate) /720
The reason why I got rescued was that I would need 5.25 canisters but only got 5. The leader
would only need 2.
This time we successfully got bonus for this, the allocation should be: 6 to environmentalist
and marathoner, 2 to leader and photographer and 4 to physician.

By doing this we get bonus for oxygen allocation.

For frostbite



The time needed for someone to have frostbite could also be calculated based on a table given.



The table above shows the pattern of having frostbite. As you can see, it depends on the
temperature and wind speed. Time consumed could be calculated by distance between 2 camp
divided by hiking speed.

Predication of weather in round 3





In round 3 the weather predicting equipment would be broken so we need to manually calculate
the temperature. Solely based on the information that I have it is impossible to compute the
result, so there must be some information given to others and combine them we can calculate
the temperature. Successful prediction of weather would give a bonus to the team and make us
able to decide whether to let someone with frostbite proceed or not.
We failed in this part but the weather should be lower than -20 F, so just choose that one and
youll get bonus.( This should be done by the marathoner)

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