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Research Journal of Educational Sciences ______________________________________________ISSN 2321-0508

Vol. 1(2), 8-12, May (2013)

Res. J. Educational Sci.

Role of Emotional Intelligence for Academic Achievement for Students

Bhadouria Preeti
Boston College for Professional Studies, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, INDIA

Available online at: www.isca.in

Received 18th November 2012, revised 5th February 2013, accepted 8th April 2013

In the current competitive environment where students are expected to perform multi roles with efficiency and effectiveness,
it is highly needed to develop their right attitude and emotional intelligence towards the unseen complexities of life and
quality education. As emotional intelligence is a subset of social intelligence with the ability to understand and monitor ones
own feelings and others too which allows a student to mine the required data for his academic achievement which is an
outcome of education and the extent at which the educational goal has been achieved. The emphasis of this paper was to
determine the factors which are affecting the development of emotional intelligence and its role in academic achievement for
students. In this research secondary data has been collected out of which we find out the correlation between emotional
intelligence and academic achievement and teaching emotional and social skills at school not only positively influence
academic achievement during the year when these were taught but also leaves the impact in long term achievement.
Findings of this paper present that academic achievement without emotional intelligence does not indicate future success and
absence of emotional intelligence also indicate the week personality and ability to build relations at working place as well in
schools and it is highly important for quality education.
Keywords: Academic achievement, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, quality education.

In current system of education in India as well in globe is
putting the future of children in a race where everyone would be
searching for a short cut for success in his life. But then we
would be in the struggle of dissemination of sweetness and light
to develop his personality with an apt balance of emotional
intelligence and competence. The student plays no active role in
the attainment of knowledge. His entire education is passive and
mechanical. Things are loaded on his mind which he cannot
digest; he only crams and therefore they never become his own,
which at the end puts him in the struggle for his academic
To bring the pupils in certainty of successful academic
achievement it is highly important to develop their personality
with emotional intelligence including stress handling instinct. It
would not only make them competent but also able to analyze
the reasons of failure. Being intelligent is usually associated
with being high on academic and intellectual abilities and being
emotionally intelligent is not only an issue of upbringing Years
ago, when the first attempts were made to measure intelligence,
it indeed took shape and began to be seen as synonymous with
academic abilities. Later, when psychologists further explored
the concept, it evolved into many other domains.
Present education world is making all efforts to provide quality
education for the students in todays school. For that we can
teach and improve some crucial emotional competencies among
children such as emotional intelligence, intelligence quotient

International Science Congress Association

which describes the ability of one to use emotions effectively

and productively.
Before going in the depth of role of emotional intelligence in
academic achievement it is important to understand the meaning
and concept of emotional intelligence and academic achievement.
Emotional Intelligence: The subset of social intelligence that
involves the ability to monitor ones own and others feelings
and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this
information to guide ones thinking and actions1.
From the above definitions it is clear that Emotional intelligence
is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of
oneself, of others, and of groups. There are five elements
identified as the components of emotional intelligence: self
awareness, self regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills
that comprise the field of emotional intelligence2.
Emotional intelligence has four branches: Perceiving
emotions, reasoning with emotions, understanding, motions,
managing emotions
Emotional intelligence has four attributes: Self awareness, self
management, social awareness, relationship management.

Importance and effects of Emotional Intelligence

Many researcher shows that the people who are academically
brilliant and yet are socially inept and unsuccessful at work or in

Research Journal of Educational Sciences __________________________________________________________ISSN 2321-0508

Vol. 1(2), 8-12, May (2013)
Res. J. Educational Sci.
their personal relationships. It has significant effect on other
factors too in general life.
Performance at work: The student should be able to navigate
the social complexities, lead and motivates others to excel in
their career.
Physical health: They should be able to manage stress level,
which can lead to serious health problems (blood pressure,
suppress the immune system, increase the risk of heart attack
and stroke).
Mental health: Uncontrolled stress can also impact mental
health, making vulnerable to anxiety and depression, mood
swings lonely and isolated due to incapability for controlling
Relationship: By understanding emotions and how to control
them, they will better able to express, own feelings and other s
feeling. This will help to communicate more effectively and
forge stronger relationship, both at work and in personal life.
Academic Achievement: Academic achievement is the
outcome of education the extent to which a student, teacher
and institution has achieved their educational goals. Academic
achievement refers to the extent to which learners acquire the
knowledge, skills and proficiencies that the instructor seeks to
teach or assign3. Academic achievement can be referred here as
academic intelligence, by academic intelligence means a
typically defined by conventional definition and tests
comprising so-called general ability and related abilities4.
Students ability to express his or her personality and to enjoy
rich and complex social relations depends largely on his mastery
of academic matters5. Academic achievement is commonly
measured by examination or continuous assessment but there is
no general agreement on how it is best tested or which aspects is
more important procedural knowledge such skills or declarative
knowledge such as facts.
Achievement encompasses student ability and performances; it
is multidimensional; it is intricately related to human growth
and cognitive, emotional, social and physical development it
reflects the whole child

Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement

Emotional intelligence is the capacity for recognizing our own
feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for
managing emotions well in us and in our relationship through
his research he showed that emotional intelligence is highly
beneficial in the areas of education, work, and mental health6.
He suggested as well as provided research evidences that when
it comes to long-term success and success in varied life
situations, being high in emotional intelligence is more
important than being high in academic abilities.

International Science Congress Association

It is claimed about IQ; we can teach and improve in children

some crucial emotional competencies. Emotionally intelligent
people are more likely to succeed in everything they undertake.
Teaching emotional and social skills is very important at school;
it can affect academic achievement positively not only during
the year they are taught, but during the years that follow as well.
Teaching these skills has a long-term effect on achievement7. In
short emotionally intelligent student would have better
academic achievement or through EI there is a possibility of
improvement of academic achievement.
Objectives of the study: i. To. understand the relationship
between EI and academic achievement, ii. To understand the
role of teachers, parents and education curriculum for
developing emotional competencies in students, iii. To explore
the factors from secondary data which can affect the academic
achievement and development of emotional Intelligence, iv. To
open the new vistas for the further research in the related field
Review of Literature: The purpose of this study was to see
whether there is a relationship between emotional intelligence
and academic success. Do high achievers in 11th grade have a
high emotional intelligence level or isnt there any relationship
between their achievement and their emotional intelligence? So,
the population of this study was the 11th graders in
Montgomery, Alabama. The sample was 500 11th graders-- boys
and girls-- from public and private schools in Montgomery,
Alabama. The sampling was stratified, making sure that schools,
genders, races, socioeconomic statuses, and abilities will be
appropriately represented. The sample was given the Bar On
Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) They calculated the mean
of all the grades each of the 500 students has had for the last
semester (this study being done in the second semester of
school), separating the high from the middle and the low
achievers. Afterwards they had compared these grades with the
Emotional Intelligence level of each student, to see whether
there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and
academic achievement or not8.
This paper examines the role of trait emotional intelligence
(trait EI) in academic performance and in deviant behavior at
school on a sample of 650 pupils in British secondary education
(means age _16.5 years). Trait EI moderated the relationship
between cognitive ability and academic performance. In
addition, pupils with high trait EI scores were less likely to have
had unauthorized absences and less likely to have been excluded
from school. Most trait EI effects persisted even after
controlling for personality variance. It is concluded that the
constellation of emotion-related self-perceived abilities and
dispositions that the construct of trait EI encompasses is
implicated in academic performance and deviant behavior, with
effects that are particularly relevant to vulnerable or
disadvantaged adolescents9.
He had looked at the relationship between trait emotional
intelligence, academic performance and cognitive ability found

Research Journal of Educational Sciences __________________________________________________________ISSN 2321-0508

Vol. 1(2), 8-12, May (2013)
Res. J. Educational Sci.
that emotional intelligence moderated the relationship between
academic performance and cognitive ability. In their studied
concluded that various elements of emotional intelligence used
as Predictors of academic success. They found that highly
successful students scored higher than the unsuccessful group
three subsets of emotional intelligence (interpersonal ability
stress management and adaptability)10. A study conducted
predicted that emotional intelligence was related to academic
performance for two reasons. First, academic performance
involves a grade deal of ambiguity. Second, majority of
academic work is self directed, requiring high levels of self
management. Therefore individuals with high emotional
intelligence would perform better academically11. Suggest the
need to incorporate emotional intelligence training into
secondary education curricula, due to significant relationship
between emotional intelligence academic achievement12.
In the present study an attempt was made to find out whether
there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and
academic achievement of school children who have not yet
reached the adolescent age. The sample consisted 200 children
(100 boys and 100 girls) of class 4th having age range 9-10years
from various schools of Patna High and low achievers (50 boys
and 50 girls in each) were differentiated based on their percentage
in the last two consecutive examinations results. Multifactor
Emotional Intelligence Scale developed by Dr.Vinod Kumar
Shanwal was used which measured four components of emotional
intelligence viz., perceiving , assimilating, understanding ,
managing emotions .The result revealed positive correlation
between emotional intelligence and academic achievement of
school children in all the four areas. Significant differences were
also found between boys and girls high and low achievers13. This
study investigated the relationship among emotional intelligence
and academic achievement of undergraduate students in a public
sector university. One hypothesis was tested for significance.
Results showed that emotional intelligence could predict
academic achievement. Similarly, there were significant positive
relationship between emotional intelligence and academic
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of the five
emotional intelligence elements identified as self-awareness,
emotional management, self motivation, empathy, interpersonal
skills towards secondary school students academic
achievement. This study also aims to identify whether the five
elements of emotional intelligence have been able to contribute
to academic achievement. Research also presented a model
designed to reflect the relationship between the elements of
emotional intelligence and academic achievement. These studies
imply that the level of emotional intelligence contributes to and
enhances the cognitive abilities in student. Thus, to produce a
competent generation and successful country in line with the
philosophy of education, persistence of the emotional
intelligence in student is essential15.

International Science Congress Association

In this review of the literature, we briefly examined the

development of intelligence theories as they lead to the
emergence of the concept of emotional intelligence(s). In our
analysis, we noted that only limited attention had been focused
on the emotional intelligence skills of school administrators.
Accordingly, we examined the role of emotional intelligence in
improving student achievement. Because principals as
educational leaders are responsible for the successful operation
of their respective schools, we contend it is important to
examine the link between effective leadership skills and
practices and student achievement16.
The present paper was an attempt to explore emotional
intelligence in relation to academic motivation. The objectives
of the study were- to study the relationship between emotional
intelligence academic motivations and to compare the emotional
intelligence of students with high and low academic motivation.
Sample for the study included 156 (78 boys and 78 girls) class
XI of Allahabad city. Test of Emotional Intelligence (StudentForm) of K. S. Misra, and Academic Motivation Inventory
developed by J. P. Srivastava were used as tools for the study.
The data were analyzed with the help of product moment
coefficients of correlation and ANOVA. The findings of the
study revealed positive relationship between emotional
intelligence and academic motivation. The study also revealed
that students with high, moderate and low academic motivation
differ from one another on emotional intelligence17.
Findings of the Study: From the thorough study of review of
literature on emotional intelligence and academic achievement
the outcomes are the factors which are significantly related to
emotional intelligence and their effect on academic achievement
and by emphasizing on those we can improve the quality
education for high academic achievement and social intelligence
as well by students.
Factors affecting emotional Intelligence and its effect on
academic achievement:
Emotional Literacy: Before understanding the concept of
emotional intelligence student should be aware about the
emotional literacy how to convert the feelings of
aggression, and anger, into hope, courage and willing
cooperation. It is observed after the thorough study of secondary
data that emotional literacy has been ignored at the initial age of
human being specifically in Indian scenario. As classes on
moral science and other subjects on social issues should not be
added for a mere formality but the lessons should be given in
practice or by stimulation technique to develop literacy level of
emotional understanding at an initial age. Studies undertaken
shown that those who have emotional literacy are better able to
handle personal relationships.
Academic Understanding: In the Indian scenario academic
understanding has been a matter of stress and social recognition
of a student in the society for example what is the grade or


Research Journal of Educational Sciences __________________________________________________________ISSN 2321-0508

Vol. 1(2), 8-12, May (2013)
Res. J. Educational Sci.
percentage which a student is getting in particular standard which
is very unfortunate. There is a need of different approach to
inculcate academic understanding which should be beyond the
percentage race amongst the student. A well formulated criterion
should be introduced so that the understanding without cramming
should be developed to learn the application of concepts.
Affective Domain building: As learning is a permanent change
in ones behavior, it is important for a mentor to evaluate the
receiving and responding behaviors of a child after the
demonstration of any lecture. For that there must be a
democratic arrangement for the questions asked by children to
enhance their curiosity. The effective feedback on value
creation at personal, social and emotional level can also be
helpful in domain building to lead the academic achievement
with emotional intelligence.
Self Assessment: When a person becomes able to identify his
strengths and weaknesses it becomes easier for him to work
upon them to improve his performance. The same concept
should be adopted by school children in the supervision of their
mentors to assess their strengths and weaknesses so that the
academic achievement would be a successful accomplishment
of the desired outcomes. Children who have an understanding of
the role that emotion play in their life will have a better
foundation on which to build successful futures.
Pressure Handling: As studies indicates that academic
achievement without EI does not indicate future success.
Achievement oriented behavior at times leads to the over
estimation of success which creates an unwanted pressure on
childs mind which influences the emotional state of mind of a
person. For example it is easy to prepare for the exam but it is
difficult to sit and handle the pressure of exam which can be
reduced with help of humor, self confidence and self
management after that student can be relaxed and give better
performance for academic achievement.
Parental Guidance: Many of children in India do not have
access to wise and knowledgeable mentors and parents who
would be willing or able to pay specific attention to the area of
emotional intelligence while raising their children. Many of
them cannot control their own emotions and emotional behavior
very well. Many instructors expressed an opinion that it was too
late to teach 18 to 24-year-olds emotional intelligence in an
applied sense because the foundation to students emotional
behavior was laid at the age of 3-15. While some of it may be
true and students do have some sort of emotional coping
experiences based on communication with their parents,
teachers and peers, it is only a small part of what can be done to
help them learn to become aware of their feelings and those of
others, to be able to control their feelings, and treat others with
Performance Evaluation: A study conducted by Rode et
al.(2007) predicted that emotional intelligence was related to

International Science Congress Association

academic performance for two reasons. First, academic

performance involves a great deal of ambiguity. Second,
majority of academic work is self-directed, requiring high levels
of self-management. Therefore, individuals with high emotional
intelligence would perform better academically19.
Academic Motivation: From the review of literature it has been
observed that academic achievement is not only driven by EQ or
IQ but there is a significant role of academic motivation also in
it. The studies revealed that students with high, moderate and
low academic motivation differ from one another on emotional
intelligence which ultimately affects the academic achievement.

As emotional intelligence is not only a part of student life or on
the world of education it is also becoming a significant factor of
ones recruitment in corporate life and in social life too, which
is beyond his academic achievement. The corporate world is
recruiting leaders who display EI. The practice of reflective
thinking is a powerful tool in bringing about understanding,
competency and mastery into ones life. It is suggested to
education world that mentors should now focus on the factors
revealed in the study to develop highly emotionally intelligent
youth to with such competencies where the academic
achievement and social intelligence can be achieved and applied
as well at the most. Emotional Intelligence is not, in itself,
sufficient to create optimal outcomes for youth. However, the
way emotional intelligence is used, both by youth and those
who support them has a powerful effect on the childrens lives.

As emotion is an important aspect of ones life and its
disturbance creates fears, worries, anxieties, annoyance, anger,
resentment and irritability and makes it hard to achieve the
desired goal. Mostly the academic achievement is less what they
are expected to achieve. These negative feelings must be
replaced by feelings of hope, courage and willing cooperation so
that they can excel more. The present study reveals the factors
Emotional Literacy, Academic understanding, Affective
Domain Building, Self Assessment, Pressure Handling, Parental
Guidance, Performance Evaluation, Academic Motivation
which if emphasized may help the mentors, parents and
academicians to motivate the children for the understanding of
emotions in their lives. As we are educating not only the
academic portion of the child, but also the affective (emotional)
portion of the child is what it's all about. Thats the whole


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Vol. 1(2), 8-12, May (2013)
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