Name: Jay Michael T. Pineda Section: CAS-06 501E
Name: Jay Michael T. Pineda Section: CAS-06 501E
Name: Jay Michael T. Pineda Section: CAS-06 501E
Section: CAS-06 501E
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in both school groups. These factors include large class sizes, lack
of supervision, school fees not promptly paid, low frequency of inservice training for teachers, irregular staff meetings, and school
infrastructure and materials. Though the presence of these
factors affect teaching and learning, the effect in both groups
were the same and could therefore not be peculiar problems
leading to low academic performance in the Shama sub-metro.
However, the study has been able to identify factors that pertain
solely to the Shama sub-metro schools. These factors attributed
to teachers, pupils, parents and the school environment were
primarily responsible for the low academic performance of the
sub-metro. It must be emphasised that these factors generally do
not operate in isolation. Teacher absenteeism and lateness for
example would result in incompletion of the syllabus and would
also affect pupils motivation, enthusiasm, zeal and commitment
to learn. Improving the academic performance of the pupils in the
Shama sub-metro schools should not involve paying attention to
individual issues discussed. It should involve a total package.
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