Name: Jay Michael T. Pineda Section: CAS-06 501E

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Name: Jay Michael T.

Section: CAS-06 501E


FRANCIS MANDA A Dissertation submitted to the University of Zambia in
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree of
Master of Education in Applied Linguistics.

Findings and Conclusion

This chapter gives the summary, the conclusions and

recommendations of the study. All these bring out the
contributions of this research to the body of knowledge in Applied
Linguistics, and specifically to the teaching of summary. This part
brings out the strategies that were used in the teaching of
summary in the selected schools of Chipata District, and suggests
ways of improving these strategies that can help impart in
learners the needed summary skills, which can help the learners
perform better in their examinations at Grade 12. 6.1 Summary
The objective of the research was to investigate the problems that
affected the performance of pupils in summary in high schools of
Chipata District. Four high schools were selected for the research.
It was a qualitative study which was approached according to
themes, starting with an analysis of pupils answer scripts to
establish the pupils performance and the problems that they
faced. This was followed by an inquiry into the strategies that the
teachers used in the teaching of summary. The findings revealed
pupils lack of familiarity with the skills needed to write the
needed summary skills that would enable them perform well not
only in their examinations, but in other spheres of life that needed
summary skills. The study ended up with conclusions and
recommendations which follow below. 63 6.2 Conclusions The
arguments developed in this dissertation draw on a pedagogical

belief by Dewey (1954:158) that pupil performance depends upon

a number of factors, including tradition, tools and methods of
delivery. This agrees with the conclusions made from the study by
Nelson et al (1992) that pupils must actually be taught summary
skills and theory to guide them when they are involved in any
summary exercise. An attempt was made to answer the concern
of the poor performance in summary by the Grade 12 pupils in
Chipata District. From the investigation that was conducted, it can
be concluded that the pupils did not have the needed summary
skills for them to handle summary assignments during and after
school or during their examinations. They did not know how to
handle examples, long and windy expressions and how to answer
questions. Apart from lacking in skills, the pupils did not have the
required theory. It may also be concluded that pupils cannot
acquire the needed summary skills if they are not taught
according to the requirements of the syllabus (40 minutes of
summary every week.) It was also concluded that pupils cannot
acquire the needed summary skills if their class work is not
marked to give them feedback and guidance on their future work.
It can also be concluded that pupils cannot acquire the needed
summary skills if they lack the teaching and learning materials,
and if these materials offer conflicting pieces of advice. It can also
be concluded that the teachers cannot teach whole heartedly if
they have a negative attitude towards summary, as this negative
attitude may trickle down to the pupils. If this happens, some
learners may not acquire the needed skills in summary and,
consequently, may not perform well in examinations.

The study highly recommends that more researches are carried

out in the field of summary to contribute to the body of
knowledge of Applied Linguistics. One area is the teaching and
learning materials. It is important to find out what type of
materials is used in the teaching of summary in schools and their

effectiveness. Another area could be in the manner in which

summary is taught in different colleges of education to would-be
teachers. 66 It is hoped that if all the above are done, pupils will
perform better not only in their Grade 12 examinations, but even
in other discourses that require summary skills. Lastly, further
research ideas suggested in the study may make an important
contribution to the body of knowledge in the field of Applied

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Causes of low academic performance of primary school
pupils in the Shama Sub-Metro of Shama Ahanta East
Metropolitan Assembly (SAEMA) in Ghana by Dr. Kafui
Etsey Department of Educational Foundations University
of Cape Coast Cape Coast, Ghana


The purpose of the study was to identify the factors that cause
the poor academic performance of pupils in the Shama sub-metro
schools in SAEMA. To identify these factors, comparisons were
made with high achieving schools within the same metropolitan
area. It has been found that certain factors that are believed to be
responsible for general poor academic performances were present

in both school groups. These factors include large class sizes, lack
of supervision, school fees not promptly paid, low frequency of inservice training for teachers, irregular staff meetings, and school
infrastructure and materials. Though the presence of these
factors affect teaching and learning, the effect in both groups
were the same and could therefore not be peculiar problems
leading to low academic performance in the Shama sub-metro.
However, the study has been able to identify factors that pertain
solely to the Shama sub-metro schools. These factors attributed
to teachers, pupils, parents and the school environment were
primarily responsible for the low academic performance of the
sub-metro. It must be emphasised that these factors generally do
not operate in isolation. Teacher absenteeism and lateness for
example would result in incompletion of the syllabus and would
also affect pupils motivation, enthusiasm, zeal and commitment
to learn. Improving the academic performance of the pupils in the
Shama sub-metro schools should not involve paying attention to
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