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Five Myths of Cloud Computing

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Business white paper

Five myths of
cloud computing
Cloud computing: what does it mean, really?

Business white paper | Cloud computing

Cloud computing:
what does it mean, really?
Table of contents
3 Myth #1: The public cloud is the most
inexpensive way to procure IT services
4 Myth #2: Incremental steps in virtualization
are the only way to reach the cloud
5 Myth #3: Critical applications do not belong
in the cloud
6 Myth #4: All cloud security requirements
are created equal
7 Myth #5: There is only one way to do
cloud computing
8 The cloud: Are you ready?

Like many industries, the IT industry has a habit of latching

onto buzzwords and then applying them everywhere. The term
cloud is certainly no exceptionand, like other similar terms,
its use is varied and oftentimes inaccurate. As a starting point
for our discussion, then, let us cite the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) definition of cloud
computing, as published by the institute in September 2011:
Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network
access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers,
storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal
management effort or service provider interaction.1
At the time this definition was published, cloud was already part of industry parlance, and
was beginning to take root in the general lexicon. Additionally, global business spending for
infrastructure and services related to the cloud had topped $78 billion. This year, enterprise
spending on the cloud will reach an estimated $174 billion, and is expected to climb to $235
billion by 2017.2 Inevitably, as both business IT and consumer mindsets evolve toward the cloud
in coming years, we will continue to witness dramatic growth in IT products in some areas, and
significant reductions in other areasresulting in a reshaping of the industry as a whole.3
As seen with other major evolutionary transformations of IT over the last four decades,
new technologies can be disruptive initially, with hype moving faster than reality. But when
new technology is finally understood, the benefits quickly begin to outweigh the perceived
drawbacks. Because cloud concepts can mean different things to different people, lets take a
brief look at five cloud computing myths, with the goal of separating fact from fiction.

IHS, found at http://www.cloudcomputing-news.
Amy Schurr, Keep an eye on Cloud Computing,
Network World, July 8, 2008, citing a Gartner
Group report Cloud Computing Confusion Leads
to Opportunity.

Business white paper | Cloud computing

Myth #1: The public cloud is the most inexpensive way to

procure IT services
A characteristic of the public cloud is a relatively inexpensive pay-as-you-use model. For
example, as of June 2014, the starting price for standard on-demand instances with the
Amazon EC2 Web service is less than a dime per hour based on system size, operating system,
and locale. Its easy to see why people think all delivery from the public cloud is cheaper than
that delivered by internal IT. However, if you peek behind the curtain, the picture changes.
For resources that are needed constantly, enterprises can actually reduce costs by leveraging
other cloud models, such as shared resources delivered via a private cloud. In cases like this, the
private cloud is actually more cost-efficient than even the pay-as-you-use public cloud model.4
An analogy is the decision to rent or buy a car. For short-term use, a car rental is cost-effective
because you pay based on what you consume. However, if you drive frequently and for a longer
period of time, then owning the vehicle makes much better financial sense (there are, of course,
other important issues to consider beyond price, such as performance, security, compliance,
service-level agreements, and availabilitynot to mention whether or not your chosen
solution actually fulfills your business requirements and produces the desired outcomes).
Cloud strategy is essential
At the core of cloud computingwhether youre using a public cloud service, building your
own private cloud, or taking a hybrid delivery approachis the need to have your specific
requirements incorporated into a well-developed cloud strategy. Creating this strategy is far
from a simple exercise, as it must address all aspects of your performance, security, control,
and availability requirements.
In her article entitled Public Cloud vs. Private Cloud: Why Not Both?, Beth Schultz observes
that many organizations today are gravitating toward a private cloud first in order to
understand it within the confines of their own firewalls. She asserts that experts now believe
its a viable option to base your cloud delivery decisions on an analysis of your applications.
She advises organizations to evaluate specific applications, factor in security and compliance
considerations, and then decide what apps are appropriate for a private cloud, as well as what
apps can immediately be shifted to the public cloud.5
To help customers understand how cloud can enable their agenda and start to develop
their strategy, the interactive, one-day HP Cloud Workshop lets customers work with
HP consultants to:
Develop clarity, consensus, and vision for cloud
Understand why cloud represents a new style of business technology and how it can enable
their business vision
Gain insight into the critical dimensions of cloud and key success factors
Create an action plan toward making cloud a reality that drives their agenda forward

J oe Weinman, 10 Laws of Cloudonomics,

Cloudonomics.com blog, www.cloudonomics.com.
Beth Schultz, Public Cloud vs. Private Cloud:
Why Not Both? PC World, April 4, 2011

Business white paper | Cloud computing

Myth #2: Incremental steps in virtualization are the only

way to reach the cloud
There are many good reasons for businesses to turn to virtualization technologymore
efficient utilization of existing computing resources and improved flexibility, to name just two.
And, admittedly, virtualization is a powerful step in transforming IT. But its just thata step.
The real transformation comes when organizations fully embrace cloud computing. Building a
private cloud brings tremendous benefits: a reduction of IT complexity, significantly lowered IT
costs, and a more flexible and agile service delivery. Not to imply, however, that virtualization
and cloud computing are mutually exclusive; in fact, many technologists believe that a
virtualized infrastructure is a strong catalyst for the next step of adopting cloud computing. But
private clouds are able to offer so much more: By automating the underlying provisioning of
infrastructure and applications, they add a convenient way for end users to request IT services.
Data center sprawl, rigidity, complexity, and costs are reasons why traditional IT silos are not
meeting increased business demands. A private cloud based on shared pools of resources
resources that can be automatically tapped to meet business needscan help IT keep up with
these demands. A private cloud allows IT managers to have complete control over available
assets while adhering to the security standards required both within the cloud and in the
data center. The cloud provides the agility needed to automate workflows and reduce human
involvement in time-consuming but necessary tasks such as the provisioning of applications.
Whereas most companies can take from three to six months (or longer) to provision new
applications, with the cloud, these same applications can be provisioned in a few hours.
With cloud patching and upgrading the OS, applications or databases can be automated to
dramatically reduce the time IT administrators spend maintaining applications.
The all-in-one approach can achieve the private cloud
So why do businesses delay the adoption of a private cloud? In a wordchange. Change can be
difficult for any organization, but some executives may have concerns that the work needed to
automate their environment might eclipse any gains made by automation. Or they may believe
that they need to further standardize their current environment to truly take advantage of
In reality, the effort needed to get to the cloud is much less strenuous today than in years past.
Great strides have been made to build the automation and integration tools needed for the fast
development of private clouds. If an organization has already adopted virtualization technology,
that does represent a major step toward internal cloud computing. But, to use a metaphor, its
no longer necessary to take the stairs to the cloud by first adopting virtualization, then building
on that technology, and finally moving to a cloud environment. Today you can take the elevator.
For example, consider HP CloudSystem. Customers who purchase HP CloudSystem can
typically deploy a private cloud within 30 days after installation by attaching HP Helion
Professional Services entry-level solutions. These low-cost solutions enable HP CloudSystem
customers to work with our experienced professional consultantsboth up front and
throughout the implementation processesto rapidly deploy features such as automated
provisioning, foundation configuration management, foundation protection with security
lockdown features, and consumption-based reporting for showback purposes. The HP Helion
Professional Services model and solutions provide that customers obtain a much higher level
of customer satisfactionwhether theyre beginning their cloud journey with the purchase
and implementation of HP Helion CloudSystem, or approaching their cloud journey through a
transformational type of approach involving a much more comprehensive approach and
HP Professional Services expertise.

Business white paper | Cloud computing

Myth #3: Critical applications do not belong in the cloud

Its one thing to relegate a few servers running test and development jobs to a cloud-based
infrastructure. But delivering business applications quickly and efficiently continues to be
the most important charter for IT organizations. Today, IT executives are under extreme
pressure to:
Cut infrastructure costs
Adjust service levels to meet changing needs
Deliver applications with greater speed
IT professionals, of course, are interested in cloud computing to help them address all three
of these requirements. But when CIOs and administrators look at major business-critical
applications like SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft, they start to have doubts. How can IT possibly
deploy these often complex and traditionally hardware-bound suites on something as
seemingly transitory as a cloud? And how can the cloud possibly be configured to run these
applications speedily, safely, and securelywithout much time and effort on the part of the
IT department? In short, is cloud computing appropriate for applications that are critical to the
success of the business?
To answer these questions, HP developed Cloud Maps, prepackaged application templates that
bring together decades of HP and third-party expertise. With HP Cloud Maps, you can quickly
build a comprehensive catalog of applications for simple push-button deployment through
HP CloudSystem and HP Cloud Service Automation. Not only do they help deliver optimized
performance and service levels for cloud environments, they can also help reduce new
application delivery time from weeks or months to less than an hour.

Business white paper | Cloud computing

Myth #4: All cloud security requirements are created equal

The use of a public cloud service can provide relief from hardware and software investments,
because you pay only for service delivery. Today, cloud services are often obtained by various
areas of the business, which means IT must manage at the service level. But many IT executives
are unwilling to create a system where their data resides outside of their control. Many
enterprises, due to governance, risk, and compliance regulations, have strict rules about the
handling and archiving of sensitive data. The most prevalent security concerns6 as cited by the
Cloud Security Alliance are:
Data breaches
Data loss
Account hijacking
Insecure APIs
Denial of service
Malicious insiders
Abuse and nefarious use
Insufficient due diligence
Shared technology issues
Fearful of the constant growth and increasing sophistication of attack methodologies, IT
executives believe that private cloud is the answer because it keeps the cloud infrastructure
on-premises, behind company firewalls, and under the direct control of the IT group. These
executives feel that if the security on their traditional networks is reliable enough to trust, then
their private cloud models, by association, should possess at least that same level of assurance.
But is the private cloud model bulletproof? The short answerno. Vulnerabilities will always
exist with a connection to the Internet, requiring companies of all sizes and sophistication to
analyze, understand, and address security concerns in the same way they do with traditional IT.
But even beyond that, there always remains the threat of insider attacks and internal data theft.
Securing the cloud requires real specialists
To address these security challenges, you should first begin with a comprehensive risk analysis,
as well as the creation of a governance, risk, and compliance program tailored to the cloud. A
high-level security architecture for your cloud-based services should also be drafted.
Moreover, you should define additional security controls required to protect information assets
in different types of cloud environments. Current investments in security need to be maintained
while complying with industry regulations, without impacting performance and availability.
The HP Cloud Protection Program and Consulting Services can help you build the necessary
security controls and principles into your enterprise hybrid cloud environment, and provide risk
mitigation strategies against threats defined by the Cloud Security Alliance.

 The Notorious Nine: Cloud Computing

Top Threats in 2013, as cited at: https://

Business white paper | Cloud computing

Myth #5: There is only one way to do cloud computing

As you have seen, there are a number of cloud delivery models available. Throughout
this paper, weve touched upon these different models, as well as the role of public and
private clouds.
Apart from public and private clouds, a third option also exists: hybrid delivery. As its name
suggests, a hybrid delivery is the delivery of two or more clouds (private, community, or public).
These clouds remain unique entities, but they are bound together by standardized technology
that enables data and application portability (for example, cloud bursting for load-balancing
between clouds).
In a March 2014 article for Inc. magazine entitled How to Choose the Right Cloud Services,
author Tony DiBenedetto wisely suggests that the application itself ultimately dictates where
it should reside depending on an organizations needs, which means public and private clouds
need to coexist in a hybrid model. He comes to the conclusion that Organizations need to
seek out technology vendors and partners to help them develop a hybrid model that leverages
the best of both public and private clouds, as well as legacy applications traditionally deployed
on their own dedicated hardware (on-premises) that dont translate to the cloud. The decision
of which application resides where should depend on a companys existing IT resources,
its individual business or industry compliance requirements, and its future plans.7 Clearly,
decisions based on the careful analysis of applications highlight the range of cloud delivery
options available today to an organization. Veteran technology writer Jean Bozman, in a 2010
IDC article that is still very much applicable today, elaborates further on the benefits of both
private and public clouds: Private clouds leverage cloud technology, bringing many of the
benefitssuch as more standardization of infrastructure and business processesthat reduce
overall operational costs (OPEX) and improve business agility. Public clouds offer the benefits
of leveraging someone elses infrastructure to run IT workloads on a pay-as-you-go basis,
reducing CAPEX costs.8
A comprehensive solution for building and managing cloud services
HP CloudSystem is the most complete, integrated, open platform available for enabling
enterprises and service providers to build and manage services across private, public,
and hybrid delivery environments. Based on the proven, market-leading HP Cloud Service
Automation and Converged Infrastructure, HP CloudSystem integrates servers, storage,
networking, security, and management to automate the application-to-infrastructure lifecycle
for hybrid service delivery management. The result is a complete cloud solution that lets
enterprises gain agility and speed, and allows service providers to drive top-line growth.
HP CloudSystem delivers broad application support and helps businesses package, provision,
and manage cloud services regardless of where those services are sourced, whether from onpremises CloudSystem resources, or from external clouds. As a part of the HP Helion portfolio,
organizations benefit from a simplified, integrated architecture that is easier to manage, and
provides flexibility and portability between private, public, and managed clouds.

Cloud Computing for the Enterprise Steps
Forward: Lessons Learned and Key Takeaways,
IDC, June 25, 2010.

Business white paper | Cloud computing

The cloud: Are you ready?

Once you sift through the hype and buzz surrounding cloud computing, it becomes clear that
the cloud offers real, tangible benefits. Embracing cloud where it makes sense for your business
can accelerate your time to revenue and reduce your costs. But embracing cloud means cutting
through the hype to find real solutions.
No matter where you are in the cloud adoption lifecycle, HP has the people, processes, and
proven track record to make a real difference and help you take a direct route to the cloud.
With HP as your partner, youll benefit immediately from the industrys most extensive range
of cloud computing expertise, products, and services. Contact us today and learn more about
the solutions discussed in this paper, and how HP can help make your journey to the cloud a
smooth one.
To learn more about the HP Helion portfolio of cloud products and services, go to:
HP Helion at
HP CloudSystem at
HP Helion Professional Services
HP Cloud Demos at

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4AA3-4550ENW, Created May 2011; Updated June 2014, Rev. 3

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