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Implementation of High Density Ammonium Nitrate Prill in Emulsion Blends

in an Open Pit Coal Mining Application

Winston Wilches B., Drummond Ltd Colombia.

D. Scott Scovira, Orica Mining Services.
This paper discusses recent changes to the emulsion blend blasting agent used at the Drummond
Pribbenow Mine in Colombia, one of the worlds largest open pit coal mines, and the resulting
improvements in rock breakage and excavator productivity. Based on field evaluations, the use of High
Density Ammonium Nitrate (HDAN) can be effectively implemented in an emulsion blend blasting
agent, yielding excellent results in terms of energy release, shelf life and velocity of detonation (VOD).
Field evaluations showed that formulations using HDAN exceed the performance of the actual
50%/50% emulsion/ANFO blend using Porous Prill Ammonium Nitrate (PPAN). PPAN is
conventionally used for emulsion blend manufacturing, with physical characteristics to facilitate
sensitivity during the detonation process.
This paper details laboratory and field tests of the HDAN emulsion blend under critical conditions. It
provides the reader with strong evidence of the reliability and effectiveness of HDAN prill used in
emulsion and AN prill blends for different mixtures. Detailed in this document are the specific
conditions that the explosives blend must meet to ensure a proper detonation and energy liberation.
This document also covers a careful review and comparison of these two types of Ammonium Nitrate
and the use of a deterministic measure to calculate the explosives properties of the new blend.
The mixture of emulsion and ANFO has been identified throughout the blasting operations as a robust
and safe blasting agent, capable of delivering a suitable energy release, with a high reliability,
withstanding harsh environments found in the field, and a low likelihood of an accidental initiation.
In an effort to reduce material consumption, improve blasting agent usage, and lower final product costs
at the Drummond Coal Pribbenow Mine, an open pit coal operation located in Colombia (South
America), the company has been looking for new mining explosives formulations to accomplish these
When emulsions were commercially introduced four decades ago, the complexity of the process and the
construction of sophisticated plants caused the final product cost to be higher than ANFO. However, in
the past few years, plant technologies and the requirement of large volumes of explosives have
positioned operational and maintenance costs as a secondary expenditure, being replaced by the
Ammonium Nitrate as the ultimate driver in the final cost.
At the same time, Ammonium Nitrate Porous Prill (PPAN), the traditional ingredient to produce ANFO,
has considerably increased in cost in the last few years due to the special manufacturing technology,

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inclusion of special additives and a shortage of plants offering this raw material in the short to medium
Given the circumstances, it was the intention in this study to test the following changes to the current
blasting formulation:
1. The utilization of a different explosives blend, minimizing ANFO proportion, and improving the
energy output.
2. Include HDAN prill in the ANFO component, as an alternative for PPAN.
By these proposed changes, if the experimental and field test regimes were to be successfully concluded,
a more energetic product would be obtained, resulting in the use of a lower quantity of explosives and
fewer blastholes to obtain the rock fragmentation required by the blast designer. Additionally, use of
HDAN reduces the final emulsion/ANFO blend cost.
The main objective of the investigation was to validate the use of HDAN prills in blends, replacing
PPAN as the traditional source of Ammonium Nitrate for ANFO blends in bulk and large diameters.
Additionally, in this study, the pros and cons of such a modification were analyzed, with a view of
providing sufficient technical information to explosives engineers to make a decision.
Previous Research Studies
It has been documented that the use of High Density Ammonium Nitrate was studied in 1995, by Lex L.
Udy. In this document, the author proposes HDAN as the new ingredient in the explosives blend.
Various combinations of emulsion, PPAN and HDAN for different mining applications were applied,
showing successful results in soft, medium and hard rock.
The author also stated that HDAN, due to the porosity and particle size, can slow down the detonation
velocity of the emulsion explosives to match the rock sonic velocity, and therefore, create more heave
and muckpile swell or cast. This reduction in VOD does not mean a loss in energy from the explosive,
since the work is still available in the form of shock and bubble energy.
In another research paper published by John C. Adams in 1997, a new type of mini-prill (High Density
Ammonium Nitrate) was introduced in an effort to control the drilling cost per foot and to optimize the
blasting pattern. The study proposed the use of a HDAN mini-prill and fuel oil, with a bulk density of
1.05 g/cc. An increase of 23% in density resulted in a larger amount of explosive per borehole. A higher
density in an explosive blend was highly advantageous for this case study, to increase pattern and
optimize initiation costs.
A similar case study using mini-prills was presented in 2004 by Paul L. Martin. Several changes in a
limestone quarry were implemented in order to optimize drilling and blasting costs. One of these
changes was the utilization of an emulsion and mini-prills blend, resulting in a significant increase in
energy per borehole.
HDAN prill has traditionally been utilized to be dissolved in water to manufacture emulsion explosives.
However, when this prill is mixed with sensitized emulsion at specific ratios, it becomes a competitive
blasting agent ingredient, with advantageous characteristics, such as:

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1. Additives found in some HDAN prill are less harmful than those encountered in PPAN, giving
more blend stability.
2. HDAN density is higher, which means reduction of drillholes if maintaining the same powder
3. HDAN price per ton is lower than PPAN, resulting in product cost savings.
Oxygen Balance and Selection of Formulations
Oxygen balance always needs to be taken into consideration in selecting the appropriate blasting agent
formulation. An excess of oxygen in the explosive (over-oxidized) forms Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), which
are negative contributors to the environment, creating greenhouse gases and toxic emissions. On the
other hand, deficit of oxygen (under-oxidized) causes carbon monoxide (CO).
The mining company, in an effort to control greenhouse emissions associated with the blasting
operations, must minimize the production of NOx and CO. Additionally, imbalance in the formulation
will reduce explosive efficiency; an excess of fuel or oxidizer results in fractions of the composition not
participating fully in the detonation process.
In order to evaluate the effect of oxygen balance in the final blasting agent, four different formulations
were selected. These are indicators of the new explosive performance, and demonstrate the effect of the
quantity of each ingredient in the detonation process.
Option #1 - straight emulsion - is a highly efficient explosive, being the base of the explosive blend.
This option is the current formulation utilized to manufacture sensitized emulsion at the Pribbenow
Mine. Option #2 is the current explosive blend that has been used for more than 10 years, using 50%
sensitized emulsion and 50% ANFO with PPAN. This formulation is the baseline, and was used to
establish the minimum requirements to be achieved by the new formulation. Option #3 is the proposed
new formulation, using HDAN. It comprises 70% straight emulsion and 30% ANFO using 98%
Ammonium Nitrate High Density and 2% Fuel. Option #4 is similar to Option # 3, with the same blend
proportion, utilizing, however, a higher fuel content in the emulsion.
The oxygen balance values for each ingredient were obtained directly from the manufacturers in order to
achieve an accurate outcome. Table 1 below shows the results for the different options:
Table 1 Oxygen Balance Calculation for Emulsion / ANFO Blends
Option #1
Option #2
Option #3

Emulsion (100%)
Emulsion (50%) + ANFO PPAN
Emulsion (70%) + ANFO HDAN

Option #4

Emulsion (+1% Diesel in Fuel Phase)(70%) + ANFO HDAN

Oxygen Balance (g/g)


For non-ideal detonations, significant variations in component physical parameters may generate a
different fuel/oxidizer interaction in the reaction zone. The initial proportions of the products may be
changed due to, for instance, fuel evaporation. For Option #3, the oxygen balance is close to zero, and
the possibility exists that this phenomenon might generate a localized oxygen positive zone, which

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would be manifested in the production of visible NOx fume. Tests were carried out to validate this
possible issue.
Explosives with negative oxygen balance will tend to result in an increased concentration of carbon
monoxide in the post blast fume. For Option #1, it having the most negative oxygen balance value,
carbon monoxide evolution will be higher, but this value (-7.07) does not represent a major
inconvenience with respect to the efficiency of energy release.
Density of Blends
Density measurement of a given explosive is critical due to several factors: first, this value assists the
explosives engineer know the exact amount of blasting agent loaded into the blast; second, the density
measurement may be correlated to the emulsion : ANFO blend ratio, which is effective in the control of
the appropriate blend designed by the blaster.
The graph below illustrates the density of different blends, starting at 100% ANFO and ending at 100%
emulsion. For the first sample, ANFO was prepared using 94% PPAN and 6% fuel oil. The highest
density value obtained was 1.29 g/cc at 60% emulsion / 40% ANFO, which is the mixture where the
emulsion occupies the interstitial air spaces between the packed PPAN prills, as well as occupation of
prill porosity.

Bulk Density (g/cc)









Emulsion /ANFO (ANHD)








Emulsion / ANFO (ppAN)








Figure 1. Emulsion/ANFO Blends Bulk Density using PPAN and HDAN

For the second experiment, ANFO was prepared using 98% HDAN and 2% fuel oil. Peak density is
obtained using only 40% emulsion and 60% ANFO. The HDAN prill, due to the lack of porosity in its
internal structure, is rapidly covered and filled with emulsion in the limited air voids located close to the
surface. As the ANFO content decreases, the emulsion added is no longer filling the limited spaces in
the prill, lowering the density of the blend.
For the proposed blend, a density of 1.31-1.32 g/cc is observed, which is 3% greater than the actual
50/50 blend using PPAN. This increment is advantageous from the operational point of view; a denser
material needs less volume to get the desired weight designed by the blaster; that means, less drill
footage is required to employ the same quantity of explosive blend.

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Absorption Tests
The absorption test is undertaken under critical conditions to confirm the capability of the prill to retain
the fuel added in any circumstance. It is essential to assure that the explosive blend contains the right
oxygen/fuel balance and that this proportion will not change significantly over time. In the worst case
scenario, a prill not retaining the fuel required might have undesirable consequences such as a poor
detonation or post-blast NOx fumes.
For the samples measured in the laboratory, an average absorption value of 2.85% was obtained, which
is acceptable for the proposed formulation, considering that only 2% fuel oil will be added to the AN
prill. Additionally, the samples were kept for 24 hours to monitor the retention and ensure that no
separation between fuel and Ammonium Nitrate was detected. This retention experiment over time is
important to simulate a possible separation during the transportation of ANFO.
Shelf Life
This key indicator for explosive blends is affected negatively by the severe conditions encountered in
mining applications, such as recurrent temperature cycling and shear effects caused by pumping.
Another factor causing instability is the quality of raw materials, for instance, harmful additives in
Ammonium Nitrate or using an ineffective emulsifier.
The purpose of this test was to verify the interaction of HDAN with emulsion over time and monitor the
performance through the measurement of the velocity of detonation (VOD), the change in value of
which over time is a characteristic indirectly measuring the stability of the blend. The VOD test is
performed periodically in order to estimate a limiting velocity value close to 2000 m/s [6561 ft/s], which
is, according to our standard, a poor detonation in an explosives blend due to crystallization. Each test is
carried out in a 6 [15 cm] PVC pipe, an unconfined charge, to model a critical scenario with significant
side losses. Besides PVC material, steel might be used, however, when steel is utilized, the solid walls
provide a very good confinement for the explosive, and, pertinent to this situation, steel exceeds the
common hardness of the rock in the coal mine (soft-medium).
4,700 m/s
4,600 m/s
4,500 m/s


4,400 m/s
4,300 m/s
4,200 m/s

VOD (m/s)

4,100 m/s

Linear (VOD (m/s))

4,000 m/s
3,900 m/s
3,800 m/s
0 das

10 das

20 das

30 das

40 das

50 das

60 das

Age (Days)

Figure 2. VOD vs. Age in 6 Unconfined Charge (70/30 Emulsion / ANFO HDAN)

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Six readings were obtained to build a graph and estimate shelf life. As a result, the explosives mixture is
projected to crystallize after 220 days, which is much more than expected for the mine requirement of up
to 6 weeks. In comparison with the 50/50 Emulsion/ANFO blend, shelf life is longer due to a higher
content of emulsion, fewer harmful additives incorporated in the HDAN prill, and higher porosity and
surface area in the PPAN tending to reduce the stability of the emulsion.
Sensitivity Tests
With the purpose of ensuring full detonation in the column charge, it is important to identify the critical
scenario where a poor detonation might occur. For this HDAN blend, a detriment in the detonation rate
might happen mainly due to a lack of sensitivity caused by insufficient air voids to create hot spots in
the reaction zone. To confirm a change in sensitivity, in this test the actual 50/50 blend was compared
with the proposed 70/30 blend, utilizing different microspheres percentages, and the VOD registered for
each value. The fewer voids in the reaction zone provide for a lower velocity of detonation.
The VOD tests were conducted in 6 [15 cm] PVC pipes, using a lb [340 g] PETN booster as initiator.
Microballoon concentration was varied to yield variable density compositions. The point at which a
sharp drop in detonation velocity occurs was taken to represent the critical microballoon concentration
(and density) for fully efficient reaction to take place in the explosive.
Velocity of Detonation (m/s)


Emulsion (70%) + ANFO HDAN


Emulsion (50%) + ANFO PPAN







% Microspheres in Emulsion

Figure 3. Velocity of Detonation vs. % Microspheres in Emulsion

By analyzing the tests of the two blends, it is evident that there is a loss of velocity of detonation as the
microsphere percentage decreases. From 0.5% to 0.95%, Option 3 develops a higher detonation rate,
however, below this percentage, sensitivity drops drastically. In Option 2, sensitivity responds in a linear
fashion from 0.2% up to 0.95%. A good performance with low microsphere percentage is caused by the
internal pores encountered in PPAN, causing extra hot spots in the event that microspheres are not
available. For Option 3, using HDAN, no pores are present in the internal prill, producing a dependence
on hot spots exclusively from the microspheres.
So, for the HDAN/emulsion blend type, microsphere content is critical, but this factor is easily
controlled to ensure that void fraction does not reduce below the predetermined critical value.

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Field Tests
After obtaining successful results in the laboratory and with the VOD tests in pipe charges, field
evaluation was the next step in confirming the explosives properties of the blend.
A further experiment was carried out in a blast, loading 14 holes with the new product along the free
face, to record with a high speed video camera the swelling effects of the explosive on the rock strata
and observe possible post blast fumes. Additionally, a VOD machine was used to record one explosive
The VOD measured in this shot recorded 12.5 m of stable detonation velocity, at an average VOD of
5517 m/s [18100 ft/s], exceeding the usual 50/50 VOD (5300-5500 m/s [17390-18045 ft/sec] in a 229
mm [9-inch] diameter blasthole). Additionally, the high speed video revealed a good throw of the rock
generated by the detonation of the explosive in each blasthole and no evidence of post blast fumes.
Full Scale Trial: To demonstrate the feasibility of the new blend, a full test blast was performed and
compared with the actual blasting agent. For this purpose, an area in the pit was chosen to carry out two
full scale tests, one with the conventional blasting pattern and explosives (50% emulsion/50% ANFO
PPAN) used as a baseline, and the second expanded blast pattern implementing the new blend (70%
emulsion/30% ANFO HDAN). Both areas had the same rock mechanics properties and bench height,
making possible a production and fragmentation comparison study. Below is the information of the two
Blast # 1 was loaded with 50% emulsion/50% ANFO PPAN whereas Blast #2 used 70% emulsion/30%
ANFO HDAN for all blastholes. Both shots had the same rock interburden, with an average depth of
16.1 m [52.8 ft]. Although Blast #2 had an expanded drilling pattern, the ratio between explosives
quantity and rock volume remained similar due to differences in the explosives density.
After the blasts were conducted, a rock fragmentation study was undertaken using PowerSieve
software, to estimate the particle size distribution. Simultaneously, a shovel productivity study was also
carried out as the machine was digging out the blasted rock. An analytical tool was used to identify the
time required by the shovel to fill its bucket with rock, which is the time directly related to the
fragmentation size; that is, the larger the fragments, the more time is required to fill the shovel bucket.
The following table summarizes the information and results obtained:
Table 1. Productivity and Fragmentation Study Summary
Blasting Agent
Drill Pattern
Digging Rate
Avg. Fill Bucket Time
Fragment Size (>80%)

Blast # 1
Em 50% / ANFO PPAN 50%
7.3m x 8.5m (24ft x 28ft)
3163 bcm/hr (4112 bcyd/hr)
41 secs
17cm (6-5/8) or less

Blast # 2
Em 70% / ANFO HDAN 30%
7.6m x 8.8m (25ft x 29ft)
3328 bcm/hr (4326 bcyd/hr)
38 secs
17cm (6-5/8) or less

The work conducted in these two blasts indicated an increase of 5% in productivity using the new blend.
In addition, the fill bucket time was 3 seconds faster in the second shot, being a sign of less coarse
fragments at the time of excavation.

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Underwater Testing
When calculating the blasting strength of a non-ideal explosive, theoretical calculations can be
performed, however, for this particular explosive, a blend of a high viscosity liquid component with a
solid prill in different sizes, it can be difficult to establish a reliable prediction of the explosive
One method to indicate relative explosives performance is through underwater testing. This test allows
for the physical measurement of the energy that is released by the explosive charge as it detonates
underwater (Eck, 2012). This test has been widely used for commercial explosives manufacturers to find
the exact energy release.
The experiment divides the released energy into two different factors. The first factor is the shock
energy, which is responsible for the shattering action associated with the explosives ability to fracture
and break the material around the borehole. The second is the bubble or gas energy, which is associated
with the explosives ability to move the media around the borehole after the shock wave fractures it
(Eck, 2012). The total explosive released energy is the sum of these two parameters.
To develop this experimental program, UTEC Laboratories, a research corporation in Kansas, USA, was
outsourced to prepare different formulations and conduct underwater testing and VOD recordings.
Twelve combinations of emulsion/ANFO mixtures with PPAN and HDAN were selected to visualize
and compare the actual blasting agent with the possible alternatives. In addition, standard explosives
such as straight ANFO and emulsion were included to provide a more comprehensive investigation.
For the HDAN tests, AN from two manufacturers was tested to prove consistency in results for this type
of hard prill. Different ANFO blends from 15% up to 50% were conducted in order to establish
application limits for the use of HDAN.
For each detonation performed underwater, a blast transducer and an oscilloscope were connected to a
computer, recording the pressure that is generated in the water over time. After the pressure is captured
by the oscilloscope, the bubble period (the elapsed time between peaks in the gas bubble oscillation as it
is expressed), is measured. This time is used to calculate the bubble or gas energy.
After detonation of all samples, the following analysis was made:
1. The test data generated showed that the HDAN prills in the 85/15 and 70/30 blends have similar
VOD and energy per unit weight as those obtained from the blends using PPAN.
2. The detonation properties recorded with different HDAN manufacturers are very similar,
showing consistency in results.
3. The test data generated on the mixture using 50% ANFO HDAN produced the lowest energy
4. The energy data did not show differences in detonation properties using a different content of
diesel in the emulsion fuel phase. No significant differences on post blast fumes was observed.
5. Data generated on the 50/50 mixture using PPAN was not as good as expected, indicating low
sensitivity in the detonation process for this product given the test diameter and lack of

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No Detonation



Shock Energy
Bubble Energy

Emulsion ANFO

85% EM 85% EM 70% EM 70% EM 70% EM 50% EM 50% EM


Total (cal/cc)

Figure 4. Underwater Energy Data (Volume Basis)

Fumes Generation
To provide information about the generation of Oxides of Nitrogen, particularly Nitrogen Dioxide
(NO2), a comparative study was conducted at the same time that the explosives charges were detonated
for underwater testing. This analysis was made with the aid of a video camera in order to capture the
relative NOx evolution from the different compositions.
High content of colored fumes were observed from 50/50 blends using both PPAN and HDAN, followed
by 70% emulsion /30% ANFO HDAN with less generation of NOx . Similar results were found in 85%
emulsion /15% ANFO HDAN and finally ANFO and straight emulsion with no visible fumes.
Additionally, a post blast fume assessment has been made at the Pribbenow Mine during the last 10
months, obtaining successful results in NOx fume mitigation. Under normal operations, no fumes are
generated in a blast (red, brown or yellow) using a blend with a minimum content of 75% of emulsion.
Analysis and Discussion of the Results
Significant technical progress has been made at the Pribbenow Mine using the new explosives
formulation. However, process control is critical in order to achieve successful blast results. The main
risk associated with the new blend would be a lack of quality control in the mixing process. If the correct
blend is not correctly made, then a different outcome might be obtained after the blast, for instance, poor
fragmentation or a misfire.
Although sensitivity issues in the proposed blend decrease with the use of microspheres, a high
percentage of HDAN prill may lead to a insensitive product. In contrast with PPAN, high density prill
has no internal voids to facilitate hot spot generation. For that reason, on bench operational excellence
is required to ensure the right proportion of HDAN.

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While it is true that the new blend contains 35% more energy (shock and bubble), the amount of
explosive might not be reduced in the same proportion. To find out this expansion factor, a rock
fragmentation size study must be obtained through 2D image based software, followed by the shovel
productivity calculation and associate these variables with the design powder factor.
Ammonium Nitrate High Density (HDAN) has been compared with the commonly accepted porous prill
Ammonium Nitrate (PPAN) used for ANFO, with the intention to demonstrate the same reliable
detonation properties at certain mixing proportions. Several laboratory tests, field and underwater
studies have confirmed the successful implementation of HDAN prills in this specific operation.
In this paper, it has been attempted to provide laboratory and field test results to give the reader strong
evidence of the reliability and effectiveness of HDAN prill used in emulsion/ANFO blends in large
diameters holes.
This project sought to provide quantitative proof of the advantages caused by the proposed blend with
HDAN. Fueled HDAN prill mixed with emulsion in a 70/30 proportion has proven to impart more shock
and gas energy than the actual 50/50 blend with PPAN.
Described tests in this project achieve scientific proof that the proposed 70/30 blend is booster-sensitive;
develops a VOD faster than the actual blend (PPAN), has better shelf life, and releases more energy.
Underwater testing confirms the feasibility of the proposed blend using HDAN, showing similar values
in energy release (shock and gas) when compared to different emulsion/ANFO PPAN mixtures.
HDAN prill can be used under certain conditions of fuel absorption and emulsion/HDAN blend, which
cannot exceed values of 30% of HDAN prill in the mixture, and more than 2% of fuel.
Drummond Ltd Colombia wishes to thank Orica Mining Services and Nelson Brothers for its technical
and financial support throughout this project. Special thanks go to the company project sponsor Hugh
Pierce who believed in this idea from the very beginning.
Adams, J. C., & Irwin, R. (1994). The Use of High Density Ammonium Nitrate Mini-prill Blasting
Agents to Reduce Drilling and Blasting Costs. International Society of Explosives Engineers.
Eck, G. (2012). Conduct Comparative Detonation Testing of a Number of Various HANFO Blends
Prepared With Both Ammonium Nitrate Porous Prills and Ammonium Nitrate High Density
Prills (Underwater Energy VOD). Riverton, Kansas: UTEC Corp.
Martin, P. L. (2004). Drill and Blast Optimization at the Sparkhule Limestone Quarry. International
Society of Explosives Engineers.
Udy, L. L. (1995). Use of High Density Ammonium Nitrate in Blasting. Sixth High Tech Seminar
Blasting Technology, Instrumentation and Explosives Applications.

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