Final Project Thesis-9.5

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A Project submitted to the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela In partial fulfillment of the requirements of

Bachelor of Technology (Chemical Engineering) By

MOHIT MOHAN SAHU Roll No. 107CH014 Under the guidance of PROF. ABANTI SAHOO

Department Of Chemical Engineering National Institute Of Technology, Rourkela 2011

National Institute of Technology Rourkela


This is to certify that the seminar report on SIMULATION OF PROCESS PARAMETERS AND BED-HYDRODYNAMIC STUDIES FOR FLUIDIZED BED BIOMASS GASIFICATION USING ASPEN PLUS submitted by Mohit Mohan Sahu to National Institute of Technology, Rourkela under my supervision and is worthy for the partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Technology (Chemical Engineering) of the Institute. The candidate has fulfilled all prescribed requirements and the thesis, which is based on candidates own work, has not been submitted elsewhere.


Prof. Abanti Sahoo Department of Chemical Engg. NIT, Rourkela

I feel immense pleasure and privilege to express my deep sense of gratitude and feel indebted towards all those people who have helped, inspired and encouraged me during the preparation of this report.

I would like to thank Prof. Abanti Sahoo, who provided me this opportunity to highlight the key aspects of an upcoming technology and guided me during the project work preparation. I would like to thank Mr. Rajesh Tripathy for his support and guidance during the course of my project. I would also like to thank Prof. R. K. Singh and Prof. H. M. Jena for their support and coordination.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank whole heartedly my parents and family members whose love and unconditional support, both on academic and personal front, enabled me to see the light of this day.

Thanking you,


Fluidized bed gasification is one of the potential sources for production of clean and eco-friendly fuel. With the gradual depletion of coal and petroleum resources biomass is being perceived as a self-sustainable source of energy production. It is cheap and readily available as well. ASPEN PLUS simulator is a strong tool for investigating the behavior of a process and it can be readily used to access various aspects like feasibility of an operation, effect of operating parameters on the performance of a gasifier. In this project work the effects of temperature, steam to biomass ratio, pressure, and equivalence ratio have been studied on the product gas composition and carbon conversion efficiency of a fluidized bed biomass gasifier. The hydrodynamics of bed materials has been analyzed considering dolomite as a testing sample with different particle diameter. Temperature was observed to be the most sensitive aspect of gasification as it is operated under atmospheric pressure. The requirement of a particular product justifies the use of steam as a gasifying agent. Keywords: Fluidized bed gasification, biomass, ASPEN PLUS, equivalence ratio, steam to biomass ratio.

CONTENTS List of tables List of figures Nomenclature 1. 1.1 1.2 2. 2.1 Introduction Advantages of fluidized bed gasification Disadvantages of fluidized bed gasification Literature review Basis of classification of fluidized bed gasifiers 2.1.1 Gasifying medium 2.1.2 Operating pressure used 2.1.3 Mode of heating of solids 2.2 2.3 2.4 Thermo-chemical reactions Composition of gas yield Effect of feed properties on gasification 2.4.1 Fuel reactivity 2.4.2 Volatile matter 2.4.3 Ash 2.4.4 Moisture 2.5 Design considerations 2.5.1 Gasifier efficiency 2.5.2 Equivalence ratio 2.5.3 Bed materials 2.6 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 Previous work Simulation and modeling Aspen plus simulation Kinetic parameters Aspen plus modeling Title Page no. 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 21 24 25 26 26 3.3.1 Biomass decomposition 3.3.2 Volatile reactions 3.3.3 Char gasification 3.4 3.5 Simulation flow-sheet Simulation model analysis


Page no. 27 27 27 28 29 29

3.5.1 Effect of Variation of Steam Flow (at lower flow rates and higher steam to biomass ratios) on Product Gas Composition 3.5.2 Effect of Variation of Steam Flow (at comparatively higher flow rates and lower steam to biomass ratios) on Product Gas Composition 3.5.3 Effect of Air Flow Rate at Constant Steam to Biomass Ratio on the Product Gas Composition 3.5.4 Effect of Temperature at Constant Steam to Biomass Ratio and Air Flow Rate on Product Gas Composition 3.5.5 Effect of Equivalence Ratio on Product Gas Composition and Carbon Conversion Efficiency 3.5.6 Effect of Pressure on Product Gas Composition 3.5.7 Effect of Steam to Biomass Ratio on Carbon Conversion Efficiency 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5. 6. Experimentation Operating procedure Terms and definitions Properties of dolomite Operating conditions of air Experimental analysis Discussions Conclusions References





34 35

36 38 39 39 39 40 44 47 49

Sl NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. DESCRIPTION Some relative operational characteristics regarding gasification HHV of gas produced when a particular fuel is used Gasification reactions and their kinetic parameters Characteristics of pine saw dust Experimental set up parameters used in the simulation Product gas composition variation with steam flow rates Dependency of product gas composition on steam flow rate product gas composition variation with air flow rate Variation of product gas composition with temperature Dependency of product gas composition and carbon conversion efficiency on equivalence ratio Pressure variation resulting in change of product gas composition Variation of carbon conversion efficiency with respect to steam to biomass ratio Properties of dolomite sample in the experiment Bed hydrodynamics study of sample 1 dolomite Bed hydrodynamics study of sample 2 dolomite Bed hydrodynamics study of sample 3 dolomite Minimum and terminal fluidization velocities of sample dolomite particles

Sl NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DESCRIPTION OF FIGURE Simulation flow-sheet of fluidized bed gasification used in ASPEN PLUS. Plot of product gas composition versus steam to biomass ratio
Plot of product gas composition versus higher steam to biomass ratios

Plot of product gas composition versus air flow rate Plot of product gas composition versus temperature Plot of carbon conversion efficiency versus equivalence ratio Plot of product gas composition versus equivalence ratio Plot of product gas composition versus pressure variation Plot of variation of carbon conversion efficiency with steam to biomass ratio The schematic diagram of the Cold Model Gasifier cold model in laboratory Gasifier hot model in laboratory Plot showing pressure drop across the bed versus bed height at minimum fluidization and turbulent fluidization conditions for sample 1 dolomite.


Plot showing pressure drop across the bed versus bed height at minimum fluidization and turbulent fluidization conditions for sample 2 dolomite.


Plot showing pressure drop across the bed versus bed height at minimum fluidization and turbulent fluidization conditions for sample 3 dolomite.

16 17

Fluidization velocity versus Bed height Pressure drop across the bed versus Bed height.

geff Vg qg Mb Cb ER SBR Hsensible dp Ut Umf g Cold Gas Efficiency Hot Gas Efficiency Gas Generation Efficiency Heating Value of The Gas Fuel Consumption Rate Heating Value of Fuel Equivalence Ratio Steam to Biomass Ratio Sensible Heat added during Thermal Applications Particle diameter Terminal velocity Minimum fluidization velocity Acceleration due to gravity Particle density Fluid density Porosity Sphericity



Gasification refers to a group of processes which highlight the conversion of solid or liquid fuels into a combustible gas in presence or absence of a gasification agent. It is normally carried out by reacting fuel such as coal, biomass, oil or coke with a minimal amount of oxygen often in combination with steam. The heat liberated from the exothermic reactions of fuel and oxygen maintains the gasifier at the operating temperature and drives the endothermic gasification reactions taking place inside the gasifier. We can use steam as the gasifying agent only if we can provide an external source of heat that drags the endothermic reactions forward. The concern for climatic variations has triggered the interest in biomass gasification making fluidized bed gasifiers as one the popular options, occupying nearly 20% of their market. Biomass being readily available, economic and carbon dioxide neutral is one the upcoming prospects for eco-friendly techniques. Gasification definitely has certain important advantages over direct combustion. When the fuel is processed, the volume of gas obtained from gasification is significantly less as compared to that of combustion. The reduced volume of gas needs smaller equipment which results in reduced costs. Gasification definitely is an attractive option for remote locations. However one of the important shortcomings of gasification involves the reduced carbon conversion efficiency due to which a certain part of the fuel energy remains in the char. The ASPEN PLUS process simulator has been used to simulate coal conversion, integrated coal gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plants, atmospheric fluidized bed combustor processes, coal gasification simulation. However, the work that has been done on biomass gasification is limited. The objective of this study is to develop simulation capable of estimating the steady-state performance of a fluidized bed gasifier by considering the reaction rate kinetics. The products of homogeneous reactions are defined by Gibbs equilibrium, and reaction rate kinetics is used to determine the products of char gasification.


Table1: Some relative operational characteristics regarding gasification [1] Parameters Feed size Tolerance of fines Tolerance for coarse Exit gas temperatures Feed stock tolerance Oxidant requirements Reaction zone temperature Steam requirement Nature of ash produced Cold gas efficiency Application Problem area Fixed/moving bed <51mm Limited Very good 450-650 0C Low rank coal Fluidized bed <6mm Good Good 800-1000 0C Low rank coal and excellent for biomass Moderate 800-1000 0C Moderate Dry 89.2% Medium size capacities Carbon conversion Entrained bed <0.15mm Excellent Poor >1990 0C Any coal including caking but unsuitable for biomass High >1990 0C Low Slagging 80% Large capacities Raw gas cooling

Low 1090 0C High Dry 80% Small capacities Tar production and utilization of fines

1.1 ADVANTAGES OF FLUIDIZED BED GASIFICATION Air to fuel ratio can changed which also helps to control the bed temperature. Fluidized bed gasifiers are more tolerant to variation in feedstock as compared to other types of gasifiers. They maintain uniform radial temperature profiles and avoid slagging problems. Higher throughput of fuel as compared to other gasifiers. Improved mass and heat transfer from fuel. High heating value. Reduced char.


1.2 DISADVANTAGES OF FLUIDIZED BED GASIFICATION Oxidizing conditions are created when oxygen diffuses from bubble to the emulsion phase thereby reducing the gasification efficiency. Reduced solid conversion due to intimate mixing of fully and partially gasified fuels. Losses occurring due to particle entrainment.

The objective of this project work is to investigate the effects of operating parameters like equivalence ratio, steam to biomass ratio, temperature and pressure on product gas composition and carbon conversion efficiency of a fluidized bed biomass gasifier using ASPEN PLUS simulator. The study of bed hydro-dynamics is also carried out using dolomite as a testing sample with three different particle sizes.




Donald L. Klass has shown that Biomass gasification processes could be divided into three categories [2]: Pyrolysis: if temperature is sufficiently high the primary products from pyrolysis of biomass are gases. Partial oxidation: they utilize less than stoichiometric amount of oxygen required. Reforming: conversion of hydrocarbon gases and vaporized organic to hydrogen containing compounds. Gasification processes can be designed in such a way that the exothermic and endothermic reactions are thermally balanced. It is not possible to control the process as there is such a competition among so many reactions, hence we need proper combination of temperature, pressure, reactant and recycle product feed rates, reaction time and oxygen to steam ratio.

2.1 BASIS OF CLASSIFICATION OF FLUIDIZED BED GASIFIERS [1] 2.1.1 Gasifying Medium On the basis of gasifying medium used, fluidized bed gasifiers are grouped into the following types:Oxygen blown Air blown Steam blown Air gasification produces a low heating value gas (5000-6000 kJ/kg, LHV) which contains diluents like 50% nitrogen. Oxygen blowing is free from diluents and has a relatively higher heating value (15000kJ/kg). Oxygen gasification demands an air separation unit for producing oxygen, while steam gasification requires an indirect source of heat for driving the endothermic reactions.


Table2: HHV of gas produced when a particular fuel is used [1] Fuels Air blown gasifier Oxygen blown gasifier Natural gas Water gas Coke oven gas Producer gas Blast furnace gas Higher heating value of gas produced (kJ/kg) 5000 15000 55000 23000 35000 5500 2400

2.1.2 Operating Pressure Used On the basis of operating pressure, fluidized bed gasifiers can be categorized as the following: Atmospheric pressure gasification Pressurized gasification 2.1.3 Mode Of Heating Based on this criterion fluidized bed gasifiers can be classified as: Directly heated Indirectly heated In a directly heated gasifier, fuel is partly oxidized to provide heat for the endothermic reactions. In an indirectly heated gasifier, heat required for gasification is supplied by a hot inert medium, which is heated by the combustion of char produced from biomass gasification in a separate reactor.




The following chemical reactions take place inside a gasifier: Drying (>150 0C) Pyrolysis or de-volatilization (150-700 0C) Combustion (700-1500 0C) Reduction (800-1000 0C) Drying, pyrolysis and reduction absorb heat provided by the exothermic combustion process. In drying the moisture in the solid fuel evaporates. The pyrolysis or de-volatilization process separates the water vapor, organic liquids and non-condensable gases from the char or solid carbon of the fuel. The combustion reactions oxidize the fuel constituents while the gasification process reduces them to combustible gases in an endothermic reaction. The pyrolysis process starts around 350 0C and then shoots above 700 0C. The composition of the evolved products depends upon temperature, pressure and gas composition during devolatilization. In pyrolysis the volatile components break down and evaporate. It can be shown by a general reaction: Biomass + heat char + gases + vapors or liquid

The vaporized product contains tar and other poly-aromatic hydrocarbons. The tar produced poses a major hindrance in the smooth running of the gasifier. Pyrolysis generally produces the following three products: Gases like H2, CO, CH4, H2O, and CO2. Tar, a black, viscous and corrosive liquid. Char, a solid residue containing carbon. In combustion we deal with oxidation of char which practically deals with all the thermal energy needed for endothermic reactions. The following reactions take place in combustion: C + O2 H2 +0.5 O2 CO2 H2O

(1) (2)

Gasification mainly involves the following series of reactions: Water gas reaction C + H2O Boudouard reaction CO2 + C Shift conversion CO + H2O Methanation CO2 + H2 (5) 2CO (4) H2 + CO (3)

C + 2H2





The composition of gas obtained from the gasifier depends upon the following parameters: Fuel composition. Temperature Operating pressure Gasifying medium. Moisture content of the fuels. Mode of contact of reactants inside the gasifier. EFFECT OF FEED PROPERTIES ON GASIFICATION [1]


2.4.1 Fuel Reactivity The reactivity in gasification increases with pore volume and surface area of the feed. The particle size and porosity of feed have significant effect on the kinetics of gasification.


2.4.2 Volatile Matter The reactivity of fuel and its conversion to char depends upon its volatile matter constitution. Fuels with high volatile matter are more reactive, produce less char and conversion to gas is easy. Biomass feedstock generally contain high amount of volatile matter although that results in high tar content which makes the clean-up very difficult. 2.4.3 Ash

The ash content doesnt decide the product gas composition but it does have a profound impact on the practical operation of the gasifier. It is an unavoidable parameter which needs to be removed in either solid or liquid form depending upon the design of the gasifiers, the temperature profile and the melting point of ash produced.

2.4.4 Moisture The moisture content is a decisive factor for the gasification process since high moisture content of the fuels can lower the temperature inside the gasifier which can hinder the kinetics of gasification reactions which need high temperature because they are endothermic. Therefore the feedstock should have an optimal moisture content of (5-10) %.



2.5.1 Gasifier Efficiency The performance of a gasifier is often expressed in terms of its efficiency, which can be defined in two ways: cold gas efficiency and hot gas efficiency. The cold gas efficiency is used if the gas is used for running an internal combustion engine in which case the gas is cooled down to the ambient temperature and tar vapors are removed. It is defined as


* qg )


* Cb



For thermal applications the gas is not cooled before combustion and the sensible heat of the gas is also useful. The hot gas efficiency is defined as

geff =


* q g + H sensible )


* Cb


Vg = gas generation rate (m3/sec); Mb = fuel consumption rate (kg/sec) qg = heating value of the gas (kJ/m3); Cb = heating value of fuel (kJ/m3)
2.5.2 Equivalence Ratio

It is defined as the ratio of actual air fuel ratio to the stoichiometric air fuel ratio. An excessive low value of ER (ER<0.2) results in several problems including incomplete gasification, excessive char formation and low heating value of product gas. On the other hand if ER>0.4 then we encounter problems of excessive formation of products of complete combustion rather than the desired ones of CO and H2. Hence we maintain an optimum equivalent ratio of (0.2-0.3). The carbon conversion efficiency increases with increase in ER value up to 0.26 after which it decreases. 2.5.3 Bed Materials

The bed material in case of fluidized bed gasifier consists mainly of inert solid particles and some fuel particles at different stages of gasification. In case of biomass gasification silica sand or magnesium oxide is used as inert bed material. The bed materials besides serving as a heat carrier can catalyze the gasification reaction by increasing the gas yield and reducing the tar formation.




A .Kumar et al

in 2008 investigated that methane content did not vary much with change in

equivalence ratio but responded significantly to change in steam to biomass ratio. The optimum value of SBR increased with temperature. High temperature favors steam reforming which reduces methane and increases hydrogen. Regression analysis has shown that temperature has a profound impact on hydrogen concentration because it provides the necessary energy for endothermic reactions favoring hydrogen production. The equivalence ratio and SBR have limited effects on hydrogen composition. The carbon monoxide content was less than 7% for most experimental conditions. Increasing SBR and equivalence ratio increased the amount of char for all levels of temperature. With increase in temperature and equivalence ratio, carbon conversion efficiency increases because it is accompanied by oxidation and breakdown of the molecular bonds in the biomass leading to higher conversion of the solid carbon to gaseous molecules. Increase in steam temperature would reduce the gasification temperature which would reduce carbon conversion efficiency. The optimum value of steam temperature is in the range of (120-150) 0C. The cold gas efficiency first increases with increase in equivalence ratio until the composition of CO and H2 reaches a maximum but after that with further increase in equivalence ratio complete combustion takes place and CO2 and H2 formation takes place. A model was devised by Mehrdokht and Mahinpey[4] in 2008 in ASPEN PLUS simulator where they discussed the hydrodynamic parameters and reaction kinetics. In the simulation they used two CSTR reactors for gasification indicating the bed-zone and the freeboard zone. They used FORTRAN codes to simulate the CSTR reactors and then under various operating conditions checked the performance of the gasifier. Temperature enhanced the hydrogen production and carbon conversion efficiency. Increasing the equivalence ratio first increases the carbon conversion efficiency and then decreases after an optimum value. They also observed that increasing steam to biomass ratio increased the hydrogen production and carbon conversion efficiency. Biomass particles in the size range of (0.25-0.75) mm do not affect the product gas composition.


Philippe Mathieu and Raphael Dubuisson [5] in 2002 analyzed the performance of a fluidized bed gasifier by devising a model which was based on minimization of Gibbs free energy in ASPEN PLUS simulator. A sensitivity analysis was also carried out with respect to oxygen factor, air temperature, oxygen content in air, operating pressure and injection of steam. It was found that the reaction temperature almost doubled when oxygen factor increased from 20% to 50%. N2 and H2O show an increasing trend and CO and H2 show a decreasing trend when oxygen factor was increased. CO2 remained almost constant and CH4 remained zero for oxygen factor in the range of 20-50%. Gasification efficiency rises when oxygen factor increases from 20-30% but it registers a fall when oxygen factor increases beyond 30%. The gasification efficiency increases significantly when air is preheated from 25 0C to 300 0C but then the increase in minimal. Pressure has an optimum value when we consider its effect on gasification efficiency. There has to be a balance in between CO, H2 and CH4 to achieve the maximum gasification efficiency. The injection of steam invokes a rise in the formation of CO and H2 but it also decreases the gasification efficiency. WenyiTAN and QinZHONG [6] in 2010 studied the effects of gasification temperature, pressure and steam to biomass ratio on hydrogen production in a biomass gasifier. Lv et al. [7] in 2003 also studied the effects of steam to biomass ratio, reactor temperature, equivalence ratio and biomass particle size on production of hydrogen rich gas during Biomass air-steam gasification. The extra hydrogen content was attributed to water gas reaction and steam reforming reactions. Further steam reforming weakens after 700 0C when Boudouard reaction and water gas reaction paly dominant higher pressures hydrogen and CO decreases and CO2 and CH4 content increases. A model was prepared by Paviet et al.

in 2009 addressing a thermochemical process

occurring a wood biomass downdraft gasifier where they highlighted the effects of char conversion, air fuel ratio on temperature and product gas composition using the Redlich Kwong Soave equation of state with Boston Mathias Modification (RKS-BM). It was selected basing upon its reliable heat duty. A.Gomez-Barea et al.

in 2010 emphasized char conversion and tar elimination as decisive

factors for fluidized bed gasification plant because the main loss from the plant is carbon in the ash. They also concentrated on some of the existing models of char conversion like shrinking core model (SCM), Extracted shrinking core model (ECM), Grainy Pellet Model (GM) etc.

Secondly they also reviewed the empirical and fundamental models describing behavior of biomass and char particles along with comminution, kinetics and fluid dynamics. Dayton [10] in 2002 stressed on the role of calcined dolomites as being the most widely used nonmetallic catalysts for tar conversion because they are inexpensive and disposable. Lacking the strength they usually undergo attrition in fluidized bed reactors. They are operated at 900 0C to obtain high tar conversion. Paasen et al. [11] in 2004 observed a lot of difference in the amount of tar produced and composition of tar which basically depends on conditions of formation like primary tars comprising of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin derived products, secondary tars including phenolics and olefins. Then we have the alkyl tertiary tars which are methyl derivatives of aromatics and finally we have condensed tertiary tars which are PAH (PolyAromatic hydrocarbons) without substituents.





ASPEN PLUS simulator provides an opportunity to check the feasibility of a process, to study and investigate the effect of various operating parameters on various reactions. It is a strong tool for simulation studies and helps in analyzing the outcome of a process.



Biomass gasification models can be divided in two ways according to Pengmei LU et al. [12]: Kinetic model: here we can simulate the reaction conditions at different times and sites which will make it suitable for reactor amplification design and operation parameters optimization. Equilibrium model: it predicts only end reaction product distribution but gives no idea about the instantaneous product distribution along with geometric dimensions. In this particular simulation we will consider both the reaction kinetics parameters and bed hydrodynamics aspects. The following assumptions were considered in modeling the gasification process: Process is isothermal and steady state. Biomass de-volatilization is instantaneous in comparison to char gasification. Particles are spherical and are not affected in course of the reaction, based on the shrinking core model [4]. Char comprises only of carbon and ash. Char gasification initiates in the bed and ends in the freeboard. Liquid modeling is considered rather than solid modeling for biomass due to unavailability of certain parameters. The simulation is carried with power-law kinetics. The residence time for reactants is sufficiently high to reach chemical equilibrium.



KINETIC PARAMETERS Table 3: Gasification reactions and their kinetic parameters [1] [4] Reactions Rate constant(sec-1atm-1) Activation energy (kJ/mole of carbon) C+H O

H + CO

6474.7 6474.7

13130 17250 4198 7481 110.50 393.77

CO + C

2CO CO + H

CO + H O

6474.7 6474.7 0.046 0.046

C + 2H


C + 0.5 O2 C + O2


Table 4: Characteristics of pine saw dust [4] Moisture content (%) Proximate analysis (dry weight %) Volatile matter Fixed carbon Ash Ultimate analysis (dry weight %) Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Sulfur 50.54 7.08 41.11 0.15 0.57 82.24 17.16 0.55 8



The different stages considered in ASPEN PLUS simulation are decomposition of the feed, volatile reactions, char gasification, and gassolid separation.



Biomass Decomposition

The ASPEN PLUS yield reactor, RYIELD, was used to simulate the decomposition of the feed. In this step, biomass is converted into its components including carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, and ash, by specifying the yield distribution according to its ultimate analysis. 3.3.2 Volatile Reactions

The ASPEN PLUS Gibbs reactor, RGIBBS, was used for volatile matter combustion under the assumption that volatile reactions follow the Gibbs equilibrium. Carbon partly constitutes the gas phase, which takes part in de-volatilization, and the remaining carbon comprises part of the solid phase (char) and subsequently undergoes char gasification. A SEPARATION COLUMN model was used before the RGIBBS reactor to separate the volatiles and solids in order to perform the reactions. 3.3.4 Char Gasification

The ASPEN PLUS CSTR reactor, RCSTR, performs char gasification by using reaction kinetics. Table 5: Experimental set up parameters used in the simulation [4] FLUIDIZED BED REACTOR Temperature (0C) Pressure (bar) Bed diameter (mm) Freeboard diameter Height (mm) AIR Temperature (0C ) Flow rate (m3/hr) STEAM Temperature (0C ) Flow rate (kg/hr) 145 0-1.8 65 0.5-0.7 700-1000 1.05 40 60 1400













Figure1: Simulation flow-sheet of fluidized bed gasification used in ASPEN PLUS.




3.5.1 Effect of Variation of Steam Flow (at lower flow rates and higher steam to biomass ratios) on Product Gas Composition. Air flow rate = 0.1 m3/hr; Biomass flow rate = 0.1 kg/hr; temperature = 1000 0C Table 6: Product gas composition variation with steam flow rates

Steam (kg/hr) S/B 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.8 1.0 2.0

H2 (%) CO (%) CO2 (%) (*104) CH4 (%) 12.34 11.45 8.3 18.4 17 12.5 4.43 4.10 3.10 6.23 5.8 4.2

Product Gas Composition (%)

20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

H2 vs S/B CO vs S/B CO2 vs S/B CH4 vs S/B

Steam To Biomass Ratio

Figure 2: Plot of product gas composition versus steam to biomass ratio


3.5.2 Effect of Variation of Steam Flow (at comparatively higher flow rates and lower steam to biomass ratios) on Product Gas Composition. Air = 0.1 m3/hr; Biomass = 1.8 kg/hr; temperature = 1000 0C Table 7: Dependency of product gas composition on steam flow rate Steam(kg/hr) 1.08 0.72 0.36 0.18 S/B 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 H2 (%) 18.4 20.8 24 26 CO (%) 27.4 31 36 38.6 CO2 (%)(*104) 7 7.5 8.6 9.3
CH4 (%) 9.27 10.49 12 13


Product Gas Composition (%)

40 35 30 25 20 CO2 VS S/B 15 10 5 0 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.65 CH4 VS S/B H2 VS S/B CO VS S/B

Steam To Biomass Ratio

Figure 3: Plot of product gas composition versus higher steam to biomass ratios


3.5.3 Effect of Air Flow Rate at Constant Steam to Biomass Ratio on the Product Gas composition.
(Steam/biomass) = 0.1; Steam = 0.18 kg/hr; Biomass =1.8 kg/hr; Temperature = 1000 C Table 8: Product gas composition variation with air flow rate

Air (m3/hr) 0.05 0.10 0.20

H2 (%) 26.33 26 25

CO (%) 39.2 38.6 37.5

CO2 (%) 9.45*10^(-4) 9.30*10^(-4) 9.02*10^(-4)

CH4 (%) 13.28 13 12.69

45 40

Product Gas Composition(%)

35 30 25 CO VS AIR FLOW 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 CH4 VS AIR FLOW CO2 VS AIR FLOW H2 VS AIR FLOW

Air Flow Rate

Figure 4: Plot of product gas composition versus air flow rate



Effect of Temperature at Constant Steam to Biomass Ratio and Air Flow Rate on Product Gas Composition. S/B = 0.1; air flow rate = 0.05 m3/hr Table 9: Variation of product gas composition with temperature

Temperature (0C) 700 800 900 1000 1100

H2 (%) 23.5 26.0 26.31 26.33 26.34

CO (%) 37.7 39.1 39.2 39.22 39.22

CO2 (%) 1.17 0.00875 0.00758 0.00945 0.00016

CH4 (%) 15.34 13.46 13.3 13.28 13.29

45 40

Product Gas Composition(%)

35 30 25 CO vs temp 20 15 10 5 0 600 -5 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 CH4 vs temp CO2 vs temp H2 vs temp



Figure 5: Plot of product gas composition versus temperature



Effect of Equivalence Ratio on Product Gas Composition and Carbon Conversion Efficiency. (Steam/biomass)= 0.2; Biomass = 3 kg/hr; Steam = 0.6 kg/hr; Temperature = 1000 0C Table 10: Dependency of product gas composition and carbon conversion efficiency on equivalence ratio CARBON CONVERSION Eq. ratio (ER) 0.18 0.21 0.24 0.27 0.30 21 20.5 20 19.52 19.08 31.24 30.48 30 29.07 28.4 H2 (%) CO (%) CO2 (%) (*104) 1.27 1.24 1.21 1.19 1.16 10.6 10.32 10.08 9.85 9.62 CH4 (%) EFFICIENCY (%) 85.2 87.32 89.75 71.45 71.24

Carbon Conversion Effiency (%)

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.15 0.18 0.21 0.24 0.27 0.3 0.33

Equivalent Ratio

Figure 6: Plot of carbon conversion efficiency versus equivalence ratio



Product Gas Composiiton (%)

30 25 20 15 10 5 CH4 VS ER 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 CO2 VS ER H2 VS ER CO VS ER

Equivalent Ratio

Figure 7: Plot of product gas composition versus equivalence ratio. 3.5.6 Effect of Pressure on Product Gas Composition Air = 1 m3/hr; steam = 0.6 kg/hr; biomass = 3 kg/hr; S/B = 0.2, temperature-1000 0C Table 11: Pressure variation resulting in change of product gas composition Pressure (atm) 1 2 3 4 5

H2 (%) 21.08 18.41 16.34 14.69 13.34

CO (%) 31.4 27.43 24.35 21.89 19.88

CO2 (%)(*104) 1.2 4.17 8.31 13.7 18.8

CH4 (%) 10.64 9.3 8.25 7.42 6.74

product gas composition (%)

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

H2 vs pressure CO vs pressure co2 vs pressure ch4 vs pressure

pressure (atm)

Figure 8: Plot of product gas composition versus pressure variation


3.5.7 Effect of Steam to Biomass Ratio on Carbon Conversion Efficiency. Equivalence ratio = 0.24; temperature = 1000 0C; Biomass flow rate = 3 kg/hr Table 12: Variation of carbon conversion efficiency with respect to steam to biomass ratio Steam to Biomass Ratio 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.4 Carbon Conversion Efficiency (%) 71.27 71.14 71.25 71.06 71.27


Carbon Conversion Efficiency (%)






71 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6

Steam to Biomass Ratio

Figure 9: Plot of variation of carbon conversion efficiency with steam to biomass ratio




The experimental set up consists of a Cold Model and Hot Model Gasifier. The work for the present report was carried out in the cold model unit only because of the time constraint. In the cold model unit, the hydrodynamic characteristics of bed materials were studied which are to be used in the real mode i.e. hot model unit of gasification. The pressure drop and minimum fluidization characteristics were determined for the different biomass samples with different bed materials in the cold model unit and then using these values as operating conditions for the hot model unit, the actual gasification reaction is to be carried out. Finally the compositions of the product gas from the Hot Model unit are to be determined. In the present case the experimentation basically is restricted to the study of bed hydrodynamic characteristics in the Cold Model unit of fluidized bed gasifier.

Figure 10: The schematic diagram of the Cold Model


Figure 11: Gasifier cold model in laboratory 4.1 OPERATING PROCEDURE

Figure 12: Gasifier hot model in laboratory

A fixed quantity of bed material is taken in the screw feeder and the time taken for feeding is noted till it attains a minimum height inside the fluidized bed reactor i.e. around the bubble cap. The feeding rate is measured and air is supplied from the blower. The pressure drop across the bed, at the inlet, at minimum fluidization conditions and turbulent conditions are noted with a particular height of the bed. Then the time is measured for each 1.0 cm increase in the bed height and the same procedure is repeated till the entire feeding material is emptied from the screw feeder into the fluidized bed reactor.



TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Minimum fluidization velocity: The minimum velocity of a fluidizing agent which

when passes through the interstices of a bed of solids creates disturbance as if the weight of the solid bed is being counterbalanced by the force of buoyancy. At this point the entire solid bed moves like a fluid and the velocity of fluid at this point is called minimum fluidization velocity.


Terminal Velocity: An object is said to be moving at terminal velocity when the force of gravity balances the force of drag. At this point the object stops accelerating and continues to fall at a constant speed called terminal velocity.
. . . /



PROPERTIES OF DOLOMITE Table 13: properties of dolomite sample in the experiment Properties Particle diameters ( Density of particle voidage ( ) Sphericity ( ) ) ) Values 1.193mm,2.18mm,2.58mm 2860 kg/m3 0.4 0.75



Temperature: 25 0C Density of air: 1.167 kg/m3 Viscosity ( ): 0.000018 kg/ms



EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS Sample1: Dolomite; Particle diameter: 1.193 mm. Table 14: Bed hydrodynamics study of sample 1 dolomite

Bed Height (cm)

Minimum Fluidization Pressure Drop at the inlet (mm H2O) Pressure Drop across the bed (mm H2O) 135 130 135 115 100 105 80

Fluidization velocity (m/sec)

mass flow rate of air (kg/hr)

Turbulent Fluidization Pressure Drop at the inlet (mm H2O) Pressure Drop across the bed (mm H2O) 215 240 255 245 245 225 185

2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 6

125 115 120 105 90 95 40

28.3981 27.2385 27.8243 26.0273 24.0966 24.7569 16.0644

58.5223711 56.1326864 57.3399791 53.6366391 49.6578786 51.0186203 33.1052524

200 220 240 225 230 210 155


Dolomite (Diameter-1.193mm)
Pressure Drop across Bed (mm H2O)
250 200 150 100 50 0 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5

minimum fluidization turbulent fluidization

Bed Height (cm)

Figure 13: Pressure Drop versus Bed height at minimum and turbulent fluidization conditions for sample 1 dolomite.


Sample 2: Dolomite; Particle diameter: 2.18 mm Table 15: Bed hydrodynamics study of sample 2 dolomite Bed Height (cm) Minimum Fluidization Pressure Drop at the inlet (mm H2O) 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 6 6.5 120 90 100 85 80 90 50 50 Pressure Drop across the bed (mm H2O) 130 120 125 115 90 100 85 85 27.82430592 24.09655577 25.4 23.41764292 22.71845065 24.09655577 17.96051224 17.96051224 57.3399791 49.65787855 52.344 48.25878351 46.81789689 49.65787855 37.01279735 37.01279735 Fluidization velocity (m/sec) mass flow rate of air (kg/hr) Turbulent Fluidization Pressure Drop at the inlet (mm H2O) 220 240 265 255 255 230 160 160 230 255 270 285 285 255 195 195 Pressure Drop across the bed (mm H2O)


Dolomite (paticle diameter-2.18 mm)

Pressure Drop across Bed (mm H2O)
300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5

minimum fluidization turbulent fluidization

Bed height (cm)

Figure 14: Pressure Drop versus Bed height at minimum and turbulent fluidization conditions for sample 2 dolomite.


Sample 3: Dolomite; Particle diameter: 2.58 mm Table 16: Bed hydrodynamics study of sample 3 dolomite Bed Height (cm) Minimum Fluidization Pressure Drop at the inlet (mm H2O) Pressure Drop across the bed (mm H2O) 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 6 135 140 145 150 155 115 60 140 150 160 155 130 125 90 29.5121 30.0537 30.5857 31.1085 31.6227 27.2385 19.6748 60.8182 61.9343 63.0305 64.108 65.1678 56.1327 40.5455 Fluidization velocity (m/sec) mass flow rate of air (kg/hr) Turbulent Fluidization Pressure Drop at the inlet (mm H2O) 230 235 240 240 240 220 165 Pressure Drop across the bed (mm H2O) 235 240 265 260 260 240 190


Dolomite (particle diameter-2.58 mm) Pressure Drop across Bed (mm H2O)
250 200 150 100

minimum fluidization turbulent fluidization

50 0 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5

Bed Height (cm)

Figure 15: Pressure Drop versus Bed height at minimum and turbulent fluidization conditions for sample 3 dolomite.



Fludisation velocity (m/sec)

30 25 20 2.18 mm 15 10 5 0 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 1.193 mm 2.58 mm

Bed Height (cm)

Figure 16: Fluidization velocity versus Bed height

165 155 145 135 125 115 105 95 85 75 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 Bed Height (cm) 5.5

Pressure Drop (mm H2O)

2.18 mm 1.193 mm 2.58 mm


Figure 17: Pressure Drop across the bed versus Bed height.

Table 17: Minimum and terminal fluidization velocities of sample dolomite particles Dolomite particle diameter(mm) 1.193 2.18 2.58 Minimum fluidization velocity (m/s) 0.887 2.96 4.15 Terminal velocity (m/s) 10.42 19 22.49




The empirical formula of the biomass sample was found to be CH1.68O0.62. CH1.68O0.62 + 1.11 O2 CO2 + 0.84 H2O

The effects of pressure, temperature, steam to biomass ratio and equivalence ratio on product gas composition and carbon conversion efficiency were carefully studied. Simulation trials were conducted by varying the steam flow rates thereby changing the steam to biomass ratio whereas the biomass flow rate and all other parameters were kept constant. A decreasing trend in the product gas composition of all the constituents was observed (Table-6, Figure-2) but the decreasing effect was much significant when comparatively higher values of steam were used (Table-7, Figure-3). The extremely low composition of CO2 can be attributed to the simplifications used in the simulation. The decreasing trend is expected for CO2 but the reduction in composition of CO may be due to the water gas shift reaction where the CO formed reacts with steam to form CO2. The effect of air flow rate was studied on product gas composition (Table-8, Figure-4). As expected the compositions of H2 and CO started reducing but the reduction wasnt prominent so the effect of air flow in the form of equivalence ratio was analyzed and significant reduction was observed (Table-10, Figure-7). The effect of equivalence ratio on carbon conversion efficiency (Table-10, Figure-6) showed the closest resemblance to the theoretical predictions. Initially when the equivalence ratio is increased the carbon conversion increases but after reaching a maximum a reduction is witnessed which is attributed to the formation of complete combustion products like CO2 and H2O rather than CO and H2. The optimum value of equivalence ratio was found to be 0.23 for maximum carbon conversion. Temperature has the most profound impact on product gas composition since gasification is a temperature controlled reaction. The gasification reactions being endothermic in nature need high temperature to drive them forward to completion. It was observed that saturation is obtained in the composition of product gas components after 900 0C (Table-9, Figure-5). The products of endothermic reactions H2 and CO showed an increasing trend when the temperature was raised but CO2 and CH4 showed descending tendencies as they are obtained from exothermic reactions.


On increasing the pressure, CO and H2 compositions kept on decreasing which indicates that hydrogen is achieved as the main product only when the pressure decreases and atmospheric pressure for hydrogen extraction is used (Table-11, Figure-8). The variation of carbon conversion efficiency with steam to biomass ratio showed an increase at first then a descending trend and then again an increasing trend (Table-12, Figure-9). The response can be comprehended as with increase in steam flow rate the production of CO would increase at first due to water gas reaction but then shift reaction takes place consuming CO and converting it into CO2 which would react with char to produce CO again. On studying the variation of pressure drops across the bed at minimum and turbulent fluidizations it was observed that higher pressure drops are obtained across the bed when there is a shift from minimum to turbulent fluidization (Figure-13,14and15). Dolomite with particle diameter 1.193mm has higher fluidization velocities as compared to the sample with 2.18mm particle diameter because as the diameter increases the void fraction of the bed increases which the reduces the resistance and even by applying less velocity we can fluidize the bed. But when the particle diameter increases further from 2.18mm to 2.58mm the particle weight is not counterbalanced by the buoyant force and hence requires higher fluidization velocity (Figure 16). Hence the fluidization velocities decreases from dolomite (dp =1.193mm) to dolomite (dp =2.18mm) but again increases when dolomite (dp =2.58mm) is used. In all the above cases it is observed that the pressure drop across the bed follows a steady pattern when the bed height is 4 cm which is approximately 50% of the bubble cap height (Figure 17). It was observed from table 17 that all the three samples can be fluidized but are not suitable for gasification because they need high fluidization velocities and high mass flow rates of air which might affect the product gas quality in gasification reactions.




A simulation study using ASPEN PLUS was performed using only the kinetic parameters considering a pine sawdust sample using its proximate and ultimate analysis and the effect of various operating parameters was studied on the product gas composition and carbon conversion efficiency. Various assumptions were incorporated to make the simulation feasible. Some of the results obtained strayed away from the standard pattern due to the absence of a more realistic and rigorous model. However some of the results obtained were quite close to the theoretical predictions. The actual process is a lot more complicated due to tar formation and ash agglomeration which does have an impact on the performance of the gasifier. The steam to biomass ratio was found to be in the range of (0.1-1) for obtaining tangible values of product gas composition. Steam being used in the temperature range of (120-150) 0C should be used at comparatively higher flow rates for steady operation of a gasifier. The temperature should be in a range of (700-900) 0C for making a comparative analysis of composition of various product gas components. The equivalence ratio should be in a range of (0.18-0.24) to obtain high carbon conversion efficiency of (85-89) %. If the ratio is lower than 0.18 that would lead to incomplete gasification and if it is higher than 0.24 then it would lead to formation of complete combustion products like CO2 and H2O. Pressure should be close to atmospheric pressure for production of CO and H2. There is a competition between the several gasification reactions to reach completion so it is very difficult to access the product gas composition as it also depends upon the operating parameters. The purpose of gasification dictates the presence or absence of a gasifying agent. ASPEN PLUS simulator provides a great deal of help in accessing the performance of a unit operation. It gives various insights about optimizing the various process parameters. It also assists in making cost estimations, judging the economy of an operation and making sensitivity analysis while finding out the critical components which mainly affect a process. Through the bed hydrodynamics study with dolomite as the bed material with different particle sizes it was observed that for the real model application of gasification the particle size of dolomite should be less than 1.193 mm to achieve proper fluidization conditions and maintain the better quality of gasification products.




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