What Is Biological Architecture

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Author of the article: Arturo lvarez Ponce de Len
Collaboration: Ninn Fregoso
Translation from spanish: Jenniffer Hassey
Original document at: www.psicogeometria.com/arquitectura.htm
Inspired on the work of Dan Winter and Michel Rice.

What is Biological Architecture?

Biological Architecture is the Science of Sustainable Design
Biological Architecture is a set of rules that determine which symmetry or
quality of electric field allows all biologic structures to thrive. The premise
behind biologic architecture is that all life responds well to design that is in
accordance with nature and avoids harmful materials and sharp corners
which bleed capacitive charge.
The ultimate goal of biological architecture is to create fractal charge fields
that are implosive in nature and encourage life, positive DNA resonance and
charge Implosion. An ideal example of this concept is found in a roses
petals, which unfold along the golden mean ratio and are fractal, meaning
that they are capable of infinite non-destructive interference and attract
charge inward towards the center causing implosion (the electrical principle
of life itself).
The concept of Biological Architecture was pioneered by Dan Winter. He has
been teaching internationally the scientific principles behind Feng Shui for
many years. With a background in Electrical Engineering, Systems Analysis,
Psychophysiology, he is credited in the literature for inventing and
pioneering the Heart Coherence.
Recognizing that all biological organisms fundamentally require a fractal
electric environment in order to thrive, he has articulated the first biologic
principles to actually define the ability of architecture to serve the electric
field that biology requires.


These two concepts are crucial to understand so that we can make

authentic transformations in the environment and buildings we construct.
Its as simple as this: a place built as a Biological Capacitor makes life
germinate 33% more, (as experiment in seeds*) than in an artificial one.
Imagine this translated into our life spaces; our Life Force diminishes 33%.
This could mean we could either live 33% more years or 33% healthier!!!


Describing a Fractal:
A fractal is a form where each one of its part is contained in the Whole, its
a geometrical object whose basic structure repeats itself in different scales.
Its a Universal concept that helps us discover how the micro relates itself to
the macro. The concept of fractality can be applied in different scales. We
can see here an example of Prague, whose urban design plan originally, is
literally a ROSE!

The premise behind biologic architecture is that all life responds well to
design that is in accordance with nature and avoids harmful materials. The
ultimate goal of biological architecture is to create fractal charge fields that
are implosive in nature and encourage life, positive DNA resonance and
charge implosion.


An ideal example of this concept is found in the roses petals, which unfold
along the golden mean ratio and are fractal, meaning that they are capable
of attracting charge inward towards the centre causing implosion (the
electrical principle of life itself).

The molecule of DNA has the form of a Dodecahedon, a geometrical figure

formed by twelve pentagons, and this allows Life to thrive. Now, imagine
that we take the geometrical base, with its mathematical proportions,
distances, sizes and measurements and we translate this to an architectural
plan. What we would call this is the Science of Implosion, that is, the
science of how a space is designed with the Sustainable Geometrical
principles that can generate major Life Force, harmony and peace in the
whole of the construction. We can see this graphically:


These principles can be applied from the beginning of the designing phase
on the first plan or, if already built, there can be an Interior Design
remodelling to elevate the Level of fractality of the place. The level of
fractality is measured evaluating the materials, disposition and orientation
in its surrounding environment.
We can see a list of materials from less fractal to more fractal:

Le Corbusier
An example of Le Corbusier with his two metrical systems blue and redobtained from a human average scale and golden ratio cuts, he was able to
represent an innumerable quantity of designs with golden ratio rectangles
that emerged from these cuts, forming a matrix. Imagine what you can
design, build and project knowing, not only one matrix of golden rectangles,
but a whole set of laws, proportions, constants and forms that give you the
possibility of a richer context, with an abundance of possibilities to design in


Example of the Life Force in a Hotel Project

As weve mentioned before, depending on the level of fractality a place has,
the more or less Life Force found in the building. The more fractality there is
in a building, the better the bodys functions perform, such as, better
health, healing, attention, bliss, more productivity, efficiency and well
Well see an example, as follows, of the comparison of a Master Plan
designed with the concept of Artificial Capacitor and the huge difference in
Sustainable Geometry with a Master Plan developed with the principles of a
Biological Capacitor proposed for a Hotel Spa in Playa del Carmen, Mexico,
developed by Arq.ka Consultants:




The Science of Implosion, the science to be able to build according to the

readings of the terrestrial grids, from the macro to the micro, known to
those who have designed the powerful and transcendental places, temples,
palaces, pyramids and buildings of the planet. We can see an example of
this in the Pentagon in Washington; its alignment to the dodecahedral
planetary grid. The angles, the size and disposition of the structure, all
determined by the set of different elements:


The principles on Biological Architecture are applicable beyond a style or

a technique or a trend that you may use to design a healthy building. No
matter what style or tendency you would like for your space to look like,
Sustainable Geometry is able to adapt to any form of building, because
what its needed is certain numerical values, mathematical proportions,
forms and grids that can mold into your design.
Sustainable Geometry in Architecture
The sustainable geometry, also known as Sacred Geometry, is a path that
can help us understand who we are in harmonious relation to our
environment. Its a guide towards the centre of our essence. Everything in
the Universe is interconnected beyond our imagination; from the times of
our Greek mathematicians up to our scientists now they have observed
patterns, codes, symbols and structures that organize the Universe.
The science of patterns is a way of looking at the world, both the physical,
biological and sociological we inhabit and the inner world of our minds and
thoughts. G.H.Hardly. The sustainable Geometry is the code that Nature
uses to create life.
In order to see radio waves, you have to use mathematics, Maxells
equations, discovered in the nineteenth century, make visible, to the
otherwise invisible radio waves. In the same way, Dan Winter measures
electromagnetically charge waves and demonstrate what was invisible,
visible for us to understand and to be able to apply in our designs.
Everything in Biology thrives when offered a Charge Field
distribute efficiently, this is the blissful feeling in a sacred place
stone circle). The opposite is the horrible feeling on what they
sick building. Explaining how life force is in fact the charge
efficiently of the fractal field is Biological Architecture.

which can
(i.e. sacred
now call, a

We have found in different cultures that these laws and codes have served
to reproduce the harmony in the Universe in different manifestations as in


architecture and different interior designs. This universal language is

complementary for any architect, designer or people interested in the
healing of places.
Some examples of this:







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