Global Scaling Muller2018
Global Scaling Muller2018
Global Scaling Muller2018
Hartmut Müller
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ISBN 978-0-9981894-0-6
Editorial Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
About the Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Editorial Foreword
Giordano Bruno
I welcome you to the book for thinking, curious, courageous and honest
people! So it might not be interesting to everyone.
But anyone looking at the world with an inquisitive mind will not
regret following me to experience the spirit of exploration of the universe
in a way that few have done before! If, for most of your life, you have
searched for certain answers, you may actually find them here. . .
I can promise that reading this book will not be a waste of your
time. It is the experience of a discovery that I want to share with you.
Sit back and enjoy the ride. . .
Did you ever ask yourself why the universe is so big? Forty thousand
billion kilometers1 to the neighboring Alpha Centauri system, two mil-
lion light years to the Andromeda galaxy! And, did you ever ask why
the universe is so small? A thousandth of a millimeter for a living cell,
a ten-millionth of a millimeter for a whole atom!
If you do not know the answers, you don’t need to be ashamed. Even
modern science has no plausible explanation. And, this is not an excep-
tion, but rather a typical situation. Always when science can’t answer
simple questions, some new paradigm rises at the scientific horizon.
There are so many questions without answer, you do not believe
that? Here are some of them:
• Why is the normal resting heart rate for adults close to one beat
per second and the breathing rate close to 15 breaths per minute?
• Why does the electrical Theta activity of the brain range between
3 and 7 Hz, the Alpha activity between 8 and 13 Hz and the Beta
activity between 14 and 34 Hz?
• Why is the adult human brain mass close to 1.4 kg?
• Why does the hypophysis gland weight 500 mg?
• Why is the wavelength 280 nm dividing ultraviolet B and C light?
• Why is the average temperature of the cosmic microwave back-
ground radiation 2.725 K?
• Why have the Sun and the Moon, the gas giant Jupiter and the
planetoid Ceres, but also Earth and Mars similar rotation periods?
• Why have different planets as Venus and Uranus, as well as Mars
and Mercury similar surface gravity accelerations?
• Why have several planets in the Trappist 1 system the same orbital
periods as the moons of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus?
There are many more questions like these — there are thousands.
That’s no joke. And all these questions are not even topics of theoretical
research, because in the current paradigm of science, they are considered
to be accidental.
Perhaps you will ask now — how can it be that so many questions
remain unanswered while science is dealing with black holes and dark
1 Forty thousand billion kilometers are 4.3 light years.
Many Questions — No Answer 7
Nikola Tesla
[1] = 1
[1; 1] = 2
[1; 1, 1] = 3/2 = 1.5
[1; 1, 1, 1] = 5/3 = 1.66
[1; 1, 1, 1, 1] = 8/5 = 1.6
[1; 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] = 13/8 = 1.625
[1; 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] = 21/13 = 1.615384
[1; 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] = 34/21 = 1.619047
[1; 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] = 55/34 = 1.6176470588235294117
[1; 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] = 89/55 = 1.618
1 Khintchine A. Continued fractions. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1964.
12 The Power of Euler’s Number
As you can see, only the 10th approximation gives the correct third
decimal of φ. The approximation process is very slow because of the
small denominators. In fact, the denominators in the continued fraction
of φ are the smallest possible and consequently, the approximation speed
is the lowest possible. The golden number φ is therefore treated as the
“most irrational” number in the sense that a good approximation of φ
by rational numbers cannot be given with small quotients.
On the contrary, transcendental numbers can be approximated ex-
ceptionally well by rational numbers, because their continued fractions
contain large denominators and can be truncated with minimum loss
of precision. For instance, the simple continued fraction of the circle
number π = 3.1415927. . . = [3; 7, 15, 1, 292, . . . ] delivers the following
sequence of rational approximations:
[3] = 3
[3; 7] = 3.142857
[3; 7, 15] = 3.14150943396226
[3; 7, 15, 1] = 3.1415929. . .
We can see that the 2nd approximation delivers the first 2 decimals
correctly, and the 4th approximation shows already 6 correct decimals.
Much like the continued fraction of the golden number φ contains
only the number 1, a prominent continued fraction1 of Euler’s number
contains all natural numbers as denominators and numerators, forming
an infinite fractal sequence of harmonic intervals:
4 + ···
As Euler’s number e = 2.71828. . . is transcendental, it can also be
represented as continued fraction with quickly increasing denominators:
10 +
14 + · · ·
1 Yiu P. The Elementary Mathematical Works of Leonhard Euler. Florida At-
In this way, already the 4th approximation delivers the first 3 decimals
correctly and returns in fact the rounded Euler’s number e = 2.71828. . .
of 5 decimals’ resolution:
2.7183. . .
This special arithmetic property of the continued fractions1 of transcen-
dental numbers has the consequence that transcendental numbers are
distributed near by rational numbers of small quotients.
This can create the impression that complex systems like the solar
system provide ratios of physical quantities which correspond with ra-
tional numbers. Actually, they correspond with transcendental numbers
which are located close to rational numbers.
Only transcendental numbers define the preferred ratios of quantities
which avoid destabilizing internal resonance interaction. In this way,
they sustain the lasting stability of complex systems. At the same time,
a good rational approximation can be induced quickly, if local resonance
interaction is required temporarily.
As we have seen, among all transcendental numbers, Euler’s number
is very special, because its real power function coincides with its own
derivatives. Euler’s number allows for inhibiting resonance interaction
regarding all internal processes and their derivatives.
In the next chapter you will learn that this arithmetic property of
Euler’s number has the consequence that complex systems tend to es-
tablish relations of quantities that coincide with values of the natural
exponential function ex for integer and rational exponents x.
Giordano Bruno
x = [n0 ; n1 , n2 , . . . , nk ]
x = [n0 ; n1 ] = n0 +
x = [n0 ; n1 , n2 ] = n0 +
n1 +
Figure 2 shows the first and the second layer in comparison. As you
can see, reciprocal whole numbers ±1/2, ±1/3, ±1/4, . . . are the attrac-
tor points of the distribution. In these points, the distribution density
always reaches a local maximum. As well, you can recognize that whole
numbers 0, ±1, . . . are the main attractors of the distribution.
Now let’s remember that we are observing the fractal distribution of
rational values x = [n0 ; n1 , n2 , . . . , nk ] of the real argument x of the nat-
ural exponential function ex . What we see is the fractal distribution of
transcendental numbers of the type ex on the natural logarithmic scale!
And, we can see that near whole number exponents the distribution
density of these transcendental numbers is maximum!
Consequently, for integer exponents, the natural exponential func-
tion ex defines attractor points of transcendental numbers and create
islands of stability! Let’s write them down:
e0 = 1; e1 = 2.718. . . ; e2 = 7.389. . . ; e3 = 20.085. . . ; e4 = 54.598. . . ;
e = 148.413. . . ; e6 = 403.428. . .
Figure 2 shows that these islands are not points, but ranges of sta-
bility. Integer number exponents like 0, ±1, ±2, ±3, . . . are attractors
which form the widest ranges of stability. Half exponents ±1/2 form
smaller islands, one third exponents ±1/3 form the next smaller islands
and one fourth exponents ±1/4 form even smaller islands of stability.
In this way, the natural exponential function ex of the rational ar-
gument x = [n0 ; n1 , n2 , . . . , nk ] generates the set of preferred ratios of
quantities which provide the lasting stability of real processes and struc-
tures regardless of their complexity. This is a very powerful conclusion,
as we will see in the following.
For rational exponents, the natural exponential function is always
transcendental.1 Increasing the length of the continued fraction, the
density of the distribution of transcendental numbers of the type ex on
the natural logarithmic scale is increasing as well. In fact, nearly every
irrational number is transcendental, and all irrational numbers together
form a continuum.
1 Hilbert D. Über die Transcendenz der Zahlen e und π. Mathematische Annalen,
Figure 2: The logarithmic representation of the Fundamental Fractal for k = 1 (above) and k = 2 (below) in the range
[−1] . . . [1].
18 The Fundamental Fractal
ln(X/Y) = [n0 ; n1 , n2 , . . . , nk ]
Giordano Bruno
In this context, the question arises whether there is some kind of “ab-
solutely” stable process in the universe?
In fact, such processes do exist. Historically one of them was discov-
ered as cathode rays and named “electron”, another as nucleus of the
hydrogen atom and named “proton”.
The lifespans of the proton and electron1 surpass everything that is
measurable, exceeding 1030 years. No scientist ever witnessed the decay
of a proton or an electron. Proton and electron form stable atoms, the
structural elements of matter.
The exceptional stability and uniqueness of the electron and proton
predispose their physical characteristics to be treated as natural and
fundamental units of measurement. Table 1 on the next page shows
the basic set of electron and proton units (c is the speed of light in a
vacuum, ~ is the Planck constant, kB is the Boltzmann constant) that
we call the Fundamental Metrology.
The Fundamental Metrology is completely compatible with Planck
units. Originally proposed in 1899 by Max Planck, they are also known
as natural units, because the origin of their definition comes only from
properties of nature and not from any human construct. Natural units
are based only on the properties of space-time.
Max Planck wrote that these units, “regardless of any particular
bodies or substances, retain their importance for all times and for all
cultures, including alien and non-human, and can therefore be called
natural units of measurement”.2
Richard Feynman was a student in Princeton in the spring of 1940,
when during a telephone conversation, his professor of physics John
Wheeler shared with him an idea of cosmological significance. In his
speech at the receipt of the Nobel Prize, Feynman recounted this story
1 Steinberg R. I. et al. Experimental test of charge conservation and the stability
as follows: “Feynman,” Wheeler said, “I know why all electrons have the
same charge and the same mass.” “Why?” Feynman asked. “Because,”
Wheeler replied, “they are all the same electron!”
In this book we treat the proton and electron as the “metronomes of
the universe”, as fundamental clocks which are synchronizing the whole
universe. Here arises a question: What is the source of their exceptional
In fact, the proton-to-electron ratio 1836.15267389(17) is a funda-
mental constant1 and it has the same value for frequencies, oscillation
periods, wavelengths, accelerations, energies and masses.
In standard particle physics, the electron is stable because it is the
least massive particle with non-zero electric charge. Its decay would
violate charge conservation. The proton is stable, because it is the
lightest baryon and the baryon number is conserved. Indeed, this answer
only readdresses the question. Why then is the proton the lightest
baryon? To answer this question, scientists believe in the existence of
non-observable entities — the quarks. . .
Now hold on tight: It may be that the source of the exceptional
stability of the proton and electron is the number continuum, more
specifically, the proton-to-electron ratio itself is caused by the FF! In
fact, the natural logarithm is close to seven and a half:
m proton 1
ln = ln (1836.15267389) ' 7 +
m electron 2
1 Physical constants. Particle Data Group.
The Fundamental Metrology 21
We know already that the islands of stability in the FF are not points
but ranges. Integer exponents like 0, ±1, ±2, ±3, . . . are attractor
points which form the largest islands of stability. Half exponents ±1/2
form smaller islands, one third exponents ±1/3 form the next smaller
islands and one fourth exponents ±1/4 form even smaller islands.
Therefore, we can expect that complex systems first occupy the main
islands of stability which correspond with integer or half exponents, then
the next smaller islands are occupied which correspond with one third
exponents and finally those of the one fourth exponents.
Applying this rule to the analysis of measurements we can study the
The Fundamental Metrology
Figure 3: The attractors of both proton (top) and electron (bottom) stability. Natural logarithmic representation.
The Fundamental Metrology 23
The rotation periods1 of Saturn (10.55 h), Uranus (17.24 h) and Pluto
(152.875 h) coincide with the sub-attractors E[59;−3], P[67;−3], E[61;3]
Figure 4 shows how the orbital periods of planets and planetoids of
the solar system are distributed in the FF. We can see that the majority
of planets has occupied main attractors of electron stability.
The Earth is the only planet that occupies a main attractor of proton
stability. Mercury, Mars, Eris and Neptune occupy sub-attractors of the
same type [n0 ; ±3].
1 NASA Space Science Coordinated Archive.
The Fundamental Metrology
Figure 4: The correspondence of the sidereal orbital periods of planets and planetoids with attractors of proton (lower
FF) and electron (upper FF) stability. Orbital periods (top) in days.
26 The Fundamental Metrology
Not only the solar system, but also exoplanetary systems like Trap-
pist1 or Kepler2 follow the FF. Also exoplanetary orbits are positioned
close to attractor points of proton or electron stability.
It is remarkable that the orbits of Trappist 1b, c, d and e corre-
spond with main attractors. This is also valid for Kepler 20b, d and
e and for many other exoplanetary systems we do not discuss in this
book. Therefore, their orbital periods can coincide with those in the
solar system. For example, planets in the Trappist 1 system have the
same orbital periods as have the moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and
Neptune, as shows figure 5.
The origin of the FF is the number continuum. Consequently, not
only planetary systems follow the FF, but everything in the universe
does so. Naturally, biological processes are not an exception. For in-
stance, the average adult human relaxed heart rate3 of 60–70 beats per
minute is close to the main attractor E[−48] of electron stability:
ω heart 66/60 Hz
ln = ln = −48
ω electron 7.763441 · 1020 Hz
The average adult human relaxed breathing4 rate of 13–17 breaths per
minute is close to the main attractor P[−57] of proton stability:
ω breathing 15/60 Hz
ln = ln = −57
ω proton 1.425486 · 1024 Hz
The EEG frequency ranges5 of Theta (3–7 Hz), Alpha (8–13 Hz) and
Beta (14–33 Hz) brain activity follow precisely the FF:
The lower Theta limit of 3 Hz coincides with the main attractor
E[−47], the Theta-Alpha boundary of 7–8 Hz coincides with E[−46],
the Alpha-Beta boundary of 13–14 Hz coincides with P[−53] and the
upper Beta limit of 33 Hz fits perfectly with the main attractor P[−52]
of proton stability.
1 Gillon M. et al. Seven temperate terrestrial planets around the nearby ultracool
3 Spodick D. H. Survey of selected cardiologists for an operational definition of
normal sinus heart rate. The American J. of Cardiology, 1993, vol. 72 (5), 487–488.
4 Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology (23rd ed.), p. 600.
5 Tesche C. D., Karhu J. Theta oscillations index human hippocampal activation
Figure 5: The correspondence of sidereal orbital periods with attractors of proton (lower FF) and electron (upper FF)
stability for large moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and exoplanets of Trappist 1 and Kepler 20. Orbital periods
(top) in days.
The Fundamental Field
Giordano Bruno
Until now we did apply the FF to the analysis of frequencies and oscil-
lation periods. Now let’s calibrate the FF on the proton and electron
wavelengths and apply the spatial projection of the FF to the analysis
of sizes and distances.
The number of layers of the FF is not limited. Therefore, in each
point of the space-time a scalar (real number) is defined — the eigen-
value of the FF. In this way, the FF creates a fractal scalar field, the
Fundamental Field.1
Figure 6 shows the linear spatial 2D-projection of the first layer
of the Fundamental Field ex for x = n0 + 1/n1 in the interval −1 <
x < 1. Figure 2 on page 17 shows the same interval in the logarithmic
representation. Figure 7 shows the linear 2D-projection of the FF with
both proton and electron attractors of stability.
The Fundamental Field is the spatio-temporal projection of the Fun-
damental Fractal. For both we use the abbreviation FF. The connection
between the spatial and temporal projections of the FF is given by the
speed of light in a vacuum c = 299792458 m/s. The constancy of c
makes both projections isomorphic, so that there is no arithmetic or
geometric difference. Only the units of measurement are different.
Figures 6 and 7 show the spatial 2D-projection, but in reality the
FF is 3-dimensional, a sphere with fractal layers inside like an onion.
At each layer, the potential energy of the Fundamental Field is con-
stant, therefore the layers are called equipotential surfaces. The poten-
tial difference defines a gradient, a vector directed to the center of the
field that causes a central force of attraction. Indeed, the Fundamental
Field is fractal so that the gradient isn’t always directed to the center,
but exposes the internal fractality of the FF.
1 Müller H. Quantum Gravity Aspects of Global Scaling and the Seismic Profile
system, we can see that the orbits of planets and moons coincide with
equipotential surfaces of the FF, because movement along an equipo-
tential surface requires no work.
For example, the orbital distance1 of Venus coincides with the main
equipotential surface E[54] of electron stability:
1.08939 · 1011 m
R Venus
ln = ln = 54
λ electron 3.861593 · 10−13 m
1.49598023 · 1011 m
R Earth 1
ln = ln −13
= 54 +
λ electron 3.861593 · 10 m 3
The mean orbital distance of Jupiter coincides with the main equipo-
1 Venus Fact Sheet. NASA Space Science Archive.
The Fundamental Field 31
7.7857 · 1011 m
R Jupiter
ln = ln = 56
λ electron 3.861593 · 10−13 m
Now you can understand that the knowledge of the FF opens the pos-
sibility to develop a completely new vision of the solar system. The
origin of this vision is the number continuum and therefore, it is not
only precise, but universal and applicable to all systems in the Galaxy.
The spatial projection of the FF determines not only the orbital
systems, but also the sizes of stars, planets and moons. For example, the
radius of Sirius A photosphere1 coincides with the main equipotential
surface P[57] of proton stability:
1.19155 · 109 m
r Sirius
ln = ln = 57
λ proton 2.103089 · 10−16 m
The radius of the Sun’s photosphere coincides with the main equipoten-
tial surface E[49] of electron stability:
6.96407 · 108 m
r Sun
ln = ln = 49
λ electron 3.861593 · 10−13 m
All units of measurement we are using are taken from the Fundamental
Metrology, see table 1 on page 20. Jupiter’s surface gravity coincides
with the main attractor P[−72] of proton stability:
g Jupiter 24.8 m/s
ln = ln 2 = −72
a proton 4.273500 · 1032 m/s
1 Liebert J. et al. The Age and Progenitor Mass of Sirius B. The Astrophysical
Venus and Uranus have the same surface gravity that coincides with the
main attractor P[−73] of proton stability:
g Venus 8.8 m/s
ln = ln 2 = −73
a proton 4.273500 · 1032 m/s
Mars and Mercury have the same surface gravity that coincides with
the sub-attractor E[−66;−3] of electron stability:
g Mars 3.7 m/s 1
ln = ln 2 = −66 −
a electron 29
2.327421 · 10 m/s 3
It is always the same logic: If it is vital for the system that some ratio
of quantities remains stable, for example the orbital period of Jupiter
in relation to the oscillation periods of proton and electron, then this
ratio should be as close as possible to an FF-attractor point of stability.
Having this position in the FF, the ratio of quantities doesn’t have
to fit precisely with an attractor point, because near an attractor point
this ratio is “swimming” in a pool of transcendental numbers.
Here I want to underline that the Fundamental Field does not prop-
agate, it is omnipresent. The Fundamental Field is the spatio-temporal
projection of the Fundamental Fractal that is an inherent feature of the
number continuum. The FF causes the fractality of space-time.
In physics, only field distortions (waves or currents), not the fields
themselves have propagation speeds. In astronomic calculations, gravi-
tation is traditionally considered as being instantaneous. First Laplace1
demonstrated that gravitation as field does not propagate with the speed
of light c. Modern estimations2 confirm a lower limit of 2 · 1010 c.
Also, the quantization of orbital systems is not a random solution.
The solution is given a priori and it is omnipresent. Therefore, we find
that orbital quantization follows the FF also in exoplanetary systems
(see figure 5 on page 27).
1 Laplace
P. Mechanique Celeste. 1825, pp. 642–645.
2 Van
Flandern T. The Speed of Gravity — What the Experiments Say. Physics
Letters A, vol. 250, 1–11, 1998.
Global Scaling
Giordano Bruno
got not only a single aspect, but also all the following pages of the topic.
The term comes from Latin “ex forma, ex functione”. In Italy, “ff” has
various historical meanings: “fiat fiat” (imperative order), “fortissimo”
(powerful) and “finissimo” (very thin). I think that even these sayings
describe some features of our FF.
Now I would like to guide your attention to a very important feature
of the FF. As you already know, in the logarithmic representation, the
main attractors show an equidistant distribution (see figure 4 on page
25). Neighboring main attractors of the same calibration (E or P) are
always separated by one unit of the natural logarithm. Consequently,
if one main attractor is known, all the others can be calculated simply
by multiplication with Euler’s number. This feature of the FF is called
“scale invariance” or “scaling”.
Consequently, it is sufficient to know one metric characteristic of
the electron or proton to calculate the complete FF in all scales of the
universe with all attractors and sub-attractors of electron or proton
stability. This feature we call “Global Scaling”.1
Already in 1795, Karl Friedrich Gauss discovered scaling in the dis-
tribution of prime numbers. As natural phenomenon, scaling was dis-
covered probably first in biophysics by Gustav Fechner2 and Ernst We-
ber. Then in seismology, Beno Gutenberg and Charles Richter3 have
shown that there exists a logarithmic invariant (scaling) relationship
between the energy (magnitude) and the total number of earthquakes
in a given region and time period.
In the sixties, Richard Feynman and James Bjorken4 discovered scal-
ing in particle physics. In the eighties, the scaling exponent 3/2 was
found in the distribution of particle masses by Valery A. Kolombet.5 In
the last 40 years many studies were published which show that scaling
is a widely distributed phenomenon.6
Reading this book, you will learn that Global Scaling is a universal
characteristic of organized matter and criterion of stability. As we have
already seen, Global Scaling is a forming factor of the solar system.
1 Müller H. Scale-Invariant Models of Natural Oscillations in Chain Systems and
In this book you will learn that Global Scaling forms also the fractal
structure of the Earth’s interior and of planetary atmospheres.
The FF defines the fractal hierarchy of attractors which are islands
of stability in very different scales — from the subatomic to the galactic.
Now let’s come back to the first question I asked at the beginning of
this book. Why is the universe so large and at the same time so small?
Naturally, you already know the answer: It is because of the logarithmic
scale invariance of the FF. Let us take an example. Hydrogen (protium)
is the smallest atom and its atomic radius 22 pm coincides with the main
attractor E[4] of electron stability:
2.2 · 10−11 m
r hydrogen
ln = ln =4
λ electron 3.861593 · 10−13 m
3.4 · 10−6 m
r mycoplasma
ln = ln = 16
λ electron 3.861593 · 10−13 m
ence Direct, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, vol. 46, Part A,
May 2014, pp. 86–96.
2 Fixsen D. J. The Temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background. The
T CMBR 2.725 K
ln = ln = −21.50
T electron 5.9298446 · 109 K
By the way, the average temperature 5000 K of the Sun1 (corona) co-
incides with the same attractor P[−21;−2], but of proton stability:
T Sun 5000 K
ln = ln = −21.50
T proton 1.08881 · 1013 K
In this way, Global Scaling analysis shows that both processes are in-
terconnected. This connection could indicate that the CMBR and the
solar radiation are of the same origin. Actually, the Planck satellite,
even though orbiting the Earth outside the atmosphere, is still deeply
inside the heliosphere. In fact, global asymmetry in the CMBR has
been reported2 that is aligned with the plane of the solar system.
Knowing the FF, it is clear that there is no isotropic process in the
universe, and it isn’t surprising that this is valid also for the CMBR.
Increasingly precise data provided by the WMAP and Planck missions
made this anisotropy visible.
In contrast to conventional cosmology, interscalar cosmology is not
based on the study of the universe only in largest scales. On the con-
trary, Global Scaling concerns the stability of any process in any scale
of the universe.
The FF defines the ratios of quantities which preserve processes and
structures from destructive internal resonance. As you already know,
within Global Scaling, resonance conditions can be expressed in terms
of frequency ratios or ratios of any other metric process characteristics,
because Global Scaling deals with stable quantum oscillators — the
proton and electron.
In quantum physics, the Boltzmann constant converts energy ra-
tios into ratios of temperatures (see table 1 on page 20). In this case,
frequency ratios can be also expressed as ratios of temperatures, natu-
rally only if there is no significant dependency on other thermodynamic
Fortunately, the melting points of several substances do not show
strong dependency on pressure and other environmental conditions. For
pure chemical elements, the melting point is identical to the freezing
point and remains constant throughout the melting process. Therefore,
1 Sun
Fact Sheet. NASA Space Science Archive.
2 Santos
L. Influence of Planck foreground masks in the large angular scale quad-
rant CMB asymmetry. arXiv:1510.01009v1, 2015.
38 Global Scaling
we can expect that the melting points of pure chemical elements cor-
respond with attractors of proton or electron stability. You remember
that attractor points are points of change, where compression switches
to decompression and vice versa. This change can cause the transition
from solid to liquid state, for example.
In fact, the melting1 point 0.955 K of helium 4 (under high pressure)
coincides with the main attractor P[−30]:
T He 0.955 K
ln = ln = −30
T proton 1.08881 · 1013 K
Applying the FF, we discovered that the mass of the Sun as well as
the average human brain mass correspond with main attractors of sta-
bility which have an interscalar connection given by the ratio of their
In mathematics, the ratio of logarithms is called fractal dimension
of similarity. First introduced in 1919 by Hausdorff1 , it is a standard
measure of fractality of both structures and processes.
Before going ahead with mathematics, I would like to mention one
more interscalar connection: Whereas the human brain mass corre-
sponds with the attractor P[62] of proton stability, the Sun’s surface
gravity (p. 31) corresponds with the same main attractor E[62], but of
electron stability! Therefore, we can write the equation:
m brain a electron
m proton g Sun
5 · 10−4 kg
m hypophysis
ln = ln = 54
m proton 1.672622 · 10−27 kg
As you can see, the weight of the hypophysis coincides with the main
attractor P[54] of proton stability. Doesn’t this correlation remind you
of something? Right, the main frequency of Theta brain activity co-
incides with the same attractor P[−54] of proton stability! The minus
sign isn’t significant — it changes to plus if you switch numerator and
In human EEG studies, the term “Theta” refers to frequency com-
ponents in the 4–7 Hz range, regardless of their source. Indeed, due to
the density of its neural layers, the hippocampus generates some of the
strongest EEG signals of any brain structure, known as the hippocampal
Theta rhythm.3
1 Müller H. Astrobiological Aspects of Global Scaling. Progress in Physics, issue
1, 3–6, 2018.
2 The GS-analysis of endocrine glands was made by doctor Leili Khosravi.
3 Buzsaki G. Theta Oscillations in the Hippocampus. Neuron, vol. 33, 2002.
Interscalar Cosmology
Figure 8: The weights of glands and their correspondence with attractors of electron (bottom) and proton (top) stability.
Interscalar Cosmology 43
between the focal length of the human eye and the radius of the photo-
sphere of the Sun; between the size of the human zygote and the radius
of Saturn (pp. 39–41). Through the FF, biological processes are em-
bedded in the giant network of interscalar connections in the universe.
Let’s discover some more of them.
The Solar mass coincides with the main attractor E[139] of elec-
tron stability that coincides with attractor P[131;2] of proton stability,
because 139 − 7 ½ = 131 ½. Dividing the logarithm 131.5/2 = 65.75
we receive a logarithm that corresponds to the significant sub-attractor
P[66;−4] in the range of the global average adult human body mass:
mp · exp(65.75) = 60 Kg.
In this way, the human brain mass is connected with the Sun’s mass
through the attractor E[139] of electron stability whereas the human
body mass is connected with the Sun’s mass through the attractor
P[131;2] of proton stability. Consequently, the logarithm of the hu-
man body-to-brain mass ratio is exactly one half of the logarithm of the
proton-to-electron mass ratio:
m human body m proton
2 ln = ln
m human brain m electron
This equation you can rewrite in the form:
m human body m proton
m human brain m electron
Jupiter’s body mass corresponds with the main attractor E[132] of elec-
tron stability:
1.8986 · 1027 kg
M Jupiter
ln = ln = 132
m electron 9.109383 · 10−31 kg
This attractor coincides with the attractor P[124;2] of proton stability,
because 132 − 7 ½ = 124 ½. The half value of this logarithm 124.5/2
= 62.25 corresponds to mp · exp(62.25) = 1.8 kg that is the average
weight of the adult human liver. It is remarkable that the most massive
planet of the solar system corresponds with the most massive organ of
the human organism — the liver:
m human liver M Jupiter
m proton m proton
Considering the difference of the logarithms 139 − 132 = 7 of the Sun’s
mass and Jupiter’s mass, you can express the average mass of the human
Interscalar Cosmology 45
liver also in units of the Sun’s mass. Saturn’s body mass is near the
sub-attractor P[123;4] of proton stability:
5.6836 · 1026 kg
M Saturn 1
ln = ln −27
= 123 +
m proton 1.672622 · 10 kg 4
and head circumference at term in neonates of European, Chinese and South Asian
ancestry. Open Medicine, vol. 1 (2), e74–e88, 2007.
46 Interscalar Cosmology
electron stability:
4.8675 · 1024 kg
M Venus
ln = ln = 126
m electron 9.109383 · 10−31 kg
Consequently, our aliens which know the FF and have studied the solar
system would know also the average human newborn body weight.
The average brain mass of full-term newborns is in the range of 350 g
corresponding with the main attractor E[68] of electron stability:
0.35 kg
ln = 68
m electron
The average total body length 33–55 cm of full-term newborns is be-
tween the main attractor P[35] of proton stability and the main attractor
E[28] of electron stability:
0.55 m
ln = 28
λ electron
0.33 m
ln = 35
λ proton
By the way, the normal head circumference for a full-term infant is
33–35 cm at birth.
Now let’s analyze the average adult human body height1 . Currently
it is in the range of 147 cm (Guatemala, Bangladesh) to 186 cm (Bosnia
and Herzegovina). The shortest adult human was recorded in Nepal at
55 cm. Its noticeable that his body height coincides with the maximum
body length of a newborn. The tallest woman in medical history was
recorded in China, who stood 248 cm when she died at the age of 17.
The tallest living man is recorded in Turkey, at 251 cm:
2.5 m
ln = 37
λ proton
1.5 m
ln = 29
λ electron
Obviously, the adult human body height is between the main attrac-
tor E[29] of electron stability and the main attractor P[37] of proton
1 Krul A. J. et al. Self-reported and measured weight, height and body mass
index (BMI) in Italy, the Netherlands and North America. European Journal of
Public Health, vol. 21, 414–419, 2010.
Interscalar Cosmology 47
If now we put together all ranges of the human body height — from
the newborn minimum to the adult maximum, then it covers the range
between the main attractors P[35] and P[37] of proton stability. The
main attractor P[36] represents the logarithmic mean of this range that
corresponds with the body height of 2.103089 · 10−16 · exp(36) = 90 cm
that is typical for children in the age of 2 years. In this age, the baby
becomes a toddler. This development stage is accompanied by a peak
in the brain growth1 , enormous language improvements, accelerated
learning and self-awareness.
And so, the human body height covers the range P[36±1] of proton
stability. The double logarithm 36 + 36 = 72 corresponds with Jupiter’s
surface gravity that coincides with the main attractor [−72] of proton
stability, as we have seen on page 31. That’s another example of how
biometrics is embedded in the solar system.
It is remarkable that many species develop body sizes and weights
which coincide with main attractors of the FF. In 1981, the biologist
Čislenko2 discovered that the adults of various species prefer always the
same quite narrow ranges of body sizes. These ranges show an equidis-
tant logarithmic distribution. Čislenko estimated the scaling factor that
connects one range with the next being close to 3. He analyzed the adult
body sizes of ca. 4700 species of mammals, 5000 species of reptiles, 740
species of fish, 690 species of birds, 21000 species of insects and 900
species of bacteria.
Scale invariance as a property of the metric characteristics of biolog-
ical organisms is well studied3 and it is not an exclusive characteristic
of adult physiology. In 1982, Zhirmunski and Kuzmin4 discovered scal-
ing in the sequence of the development stages in embryo-, morpho- and
ontogenesis and supposed Euler’s number being the scaling factor.
Within the current paradigm in biology, the phenomenon of gener-
ally preferred body sizes is difficult to explain. Why should it be equally
advantageous for adult fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
of thousands of species to have body sizes always in the same ranges?
Čislenko assumed that in the realm of animals and plants there is
not only a competition for food, water or other resources, but also a
1 Knickmeyer R. C. et al. A structural MRI study of human brain development
from birth to 2 years. The Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 28(47), 12176–12182, 2008.
2 Čislenko L. L. The Structure of the Fauna and Flora in connection with the
Kugel, die von einer Luftschicht und einer Ionosphärenhülle umgeben ist. Zeitschrift
für Naturforschung A, Bd. 7 (2), 149–154, 1952.
3 Roldugin V. C. et al. Schumann resonance frequency increase during solar
It is remarkable that solar activity affects this mode much less or does
not affect it at all. Indeed, the 3rd mode frequency 20.3 Hz must increase
up to 22.2 Hz for reaching the main attractor point E[−45] of electron
ω Schumann 3 20.3 Hz
ln = ln = −45.09
ω electron 7.763441 · 1020 Hz
2.8 · 10−7 m
λ UV B−C
ln = ln = 21
λ proton 2.103089 · 10−16 m
The essential for animals aromatic amino acids like tryptophan1 have a
peak of absorption at the wavelength 280 nm. You remember, this is
also the size of the smallest living cells, the mycoplasma (p. 35).
The boundary between infrared B and C light is close to the wave-
length 3.4 µm that coincides with the main electron attractor E[16]:
3.4 · 10−6 m
λ IR B−C
ln = ln = 16
λ electron 3.861593 · 10−13 m
tion. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, vol. 535, 2011, issue 1, 93–110.
50 Interscalar Cosmology
6.384 · 103 m
r Earth max
ln = ln = 44.252
λ electron 3.861593 · 10−13 m
6.353 · 103 m
r Earth min
ln = ln = 44.247
λ electron 3.861593 · 10−13 m
Figure 9 on the next page shows this attractor as dotted line in the top
of the graphic.
Detailed seismic studies have shown that the speed of seismic P-
waves (longitudinal pressure waves) in the mantle increases rather rapid-
ly from about 9 to 11 km/s at depths between about 400 and 700 km,
marking a layer called the transition zone. This zone separates the
upper mantle from the lower mantle.
1 Müller H. Quantum Gravity Aspects of Global Scaling and the Seismic Profile
As they travel more deeply into the mantle, P-waves increase their
speed from 8 km/s at the Mohorovicic discontinuity to about 13 km/s
at a depth of 2900 km. Once P-waves penetrate below 2900 km, their
velocity suddenly drops from 13 km/s back down to about 8 km/s.
This dramatic reduction in speed at the depth of 2900 km defines
the boundary between the Earth’s mantle and the core. The outer core
seems liquid, because seismic S-waves (transversal shear waves) do not
pass this boundary. In contrast, the innermost part of the core within a
radius of 1250 km seems solid. Reaching the inner core, P-waves again
jump to a velocity of 11 km/s.1
Both standard models PREM2 and IASP913 identify these bound-
1 Kennett B. L., Engdahl E. R. Travel times for global earthquake location and
aries with the radius of the liquid core (3480 km) and the radius of the
inner solid core (1250 km). These estimations correspond with the com-
pression zones before the main equipotential surfaces P[51] and P[50]
and confirm that P-waves increase their velocity in the compression
zone before the attractor. Then in the decompression zone, after the
attractor, they decrease the velocity.
The pure compression zone of an attractor of proton stability begins
always after the equipotential sub-surface [n0; ±6] that coincides with
the equipotential sub-surface [n0; ±3] of electron stability, because 1/2
– 1/3 = 1/6 (see figure 3 on page 22). The sub-surface P[51;6] of proton
stability returns the radius 3500 km and the sub-surface P[50;6] has
the radius 1290 km. This coincidence is a strong confirmation of the
FF and suggests that the physical characteristics of the Earth’s interior
stratification are not casual, but an essential condition of its stability.
In accordance with the FF, the inner core should also have a sub-
structure that originates from the equipotential surface P[49] at the
distance of 400 km from the center. The compression zone of this at-
tractor begins with the distance of P[49;6] = 475 km from the center. In
fact, the seismological exploration of the Earth’s inner core has revealed
unexpected structural complexities. There is a well-defined hemispheri-
cal dichotomy in anisotropy and also evidence of a subcore with a radius
300–600 km.1
The FF predicts two additional zones of change which correspond
with the equipotential surfaces P[51;3] of 4150 km radius and P[51;2]
of 4890 km radius. The standard models PREM and IASP91 don’t
mention these peculiarities. Maybe they will be discovered.
Now let’s pay attention to another interscalar connection: Whereas
the radius of the Earth’s subcore corresponds with the equipotential
surface P[49] of proton stability, the radius of the Sun coincides with
the same equipotential surface E[49], but of electron stability. So we
can write down the equation for the ratio of the radii:
r Sun λ electron
r Earth subcore λ proton
In this example you can see how the knowledge of the FF allows for the
discovery of interscalar connections which no one could imagine before.
The electron-to-proton ratio we can find many times in the solar system.
Let me give one more example.
1 Deguen R. Structure and dynamics of Earth’s inner core. Earth and Planetary
As you already know, Saturn’s body radius coincides with the main
equipotential surface P[54] of proton stability (p. 39). At the same
time, Venus’ mean orbital distance coincides with the same equipotential
surface E[54], but of electron stability (p. 30). Therefore, we can write
down the equation:
R Venus λ electron
r Saturn λ proton
Talking about the radius of the Sun or that of a gas giant like Saturn,
there is no solid surface connected with it. The visible diameter of the
Sun is its photosphere whereas the visible diameter of Saturn is the
boundary of its atmosphere or more precisely its stratosphere. This
fact leads to the suggestion that the FF is forming the stratification
of planetary and stellar atmospheres as well. Let’s check this idea and
analyse the stratification of the Earth’s atmosphere.
The vertical stratification of the Earth’s atmosphere is caused by
very different processes and it is a complex field of research. In general,
air pressure and density decrease exponentially with altitude, but tem-
perature, ionization and chemical composition have more complicated
The standard division into troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere,
thermosphere, ionosphere and exosphere is based on satellite, airplane
and ground measurements and considers aerodynamic, hydrodynamic,
thermodynamic, electromagnetic, chemical and gravitational factors in
their complex interaction.
Stratification as atmospheric feature is associated not only with the
Earth, but occurs on any other planet or moon that has an atmosphere
as well. Furthermore, stable atmospheric boundaries like tropopause,
stratopause, thermopause and mesopause have similar vertical distribu-
tions at different celestial bodies in atmospheres of very different chem-
ical compositions.
Being gas, the atmosphere is bounded by the lithosphere and the
hydrosphere of the planet. The lowest layer of Earth’s atmosphere is
the troposphere where nearly all weather conditions take place. The
average height of the troposphere1 is 20 km in the tropics, 12 km in the
mid latitudes, and 7 km in the polar regions in winter. Table 3 and
figure 10 show the correspondence of these tropospheric levels with the
equipotential surfaces E[37;2], E[38] and E[38;2] of electron stability.
At its lowest part, the planetary boundary layer (PBL), the tropo-
sphere displays turbulence and strong vertical mixing due to the contact
1 Danielson, Levin, Abrams. Meteorology. McGraw Hill, 2003.
54 Interscalar Cosmology
with the planetary surface. The top of the PBL1 in convective condi-
tions is often well defined by the existence of a stable capping inversion,
into which turbulent motions from beneath are generally unable to pen-
The height of this elevated stable layer is quite variable, but is gen-
erally below 3 km. Over deserts in mid-summer under strong surface
heating the PBL may rise to 4–5 km. In the temperate zones, it can
be defined by the quite sharp decrease of aerosol concentration at the
height of about 1600 m. Over the open oceans, but also at night over
land, under clear skies and light winds, with a capping stratocumulus,
the depth of the PBL may be no more than 600 m.
Table 3 shows the correspondence of the PBL features with the main
equipotential surfaces E[35], E[36] and E[37] of electron stability. Above
the PBL, where the wind is nearly geostrophic, vertical mixing is less
and the free atmosphere density stratification begins.
The jet stream flows near the boundary between the troposphere
and the stratosphere. As altitude increases, the temperature of the
troposphere generally decreases until the tropopause.
At the bottom of the stratosphere, above the tropopause, the tem-
perature doesn’t change much, but at the inverse layer at altitudes be-
tween 20 and 33 km the temperature increases from −50◦ C to 0◦ C.
Then at the stratopause at 55 km altitude the temperature stabilizes.
The stratopause is the boundary between two layers: the stratosphere
and the mesosphere2 .
The ozone layer (ozonosphere) of the stratosphere absorbs most of
the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation and is mainly found at altitudes between
12 and 30 km, with the highest intensity of formation at 20 km height3 .
Figure 10 shows the correspondence of the main stratosphere layers with
the equipotential surfaces E[39] and E[39;2] of electron stability4 .
Above the stratopause, in the mesosphere between 55 and 90 km
altitude5 , the temperature decreases again, reaching about −100◦ C at
1 Garratt J. R. Review: The atmospheric boundary layer. Earth-Science Review,
2, 66–70, 2018.
5 Holton J. R. The Dynamic Meteorology of the Stratosphere and Mesosphere.
Meteorological monograph, vol. 15, no. 37, American Meteorological Society, Boston
(Massachussetts), 1975.
Interscalar Cosmology
Figure 10: Altitudes (top) of atmospheric stratification boundaries and their correspondence with equipotential surfaces
of proton (lower FF) and electron (upper FF) stability (logarithmic scale).
56 Interscalar Cosmology
Internationale, 2011.
4 Beig G., Scheer J., Mlynczak M. G., Keckhut P. Overview of the temperature
whereas the distance to the Alpha Centauri system 4.34(3) light years
coincides with the sub-attractor P[74;3]:
2 Groom D. E. et al. Astrophysical constants. European Physical Journal C,
It is believed that for any star, its apparent luminosity (how bright
it appears to us) decreases with the square of the distance to the ob-
server. If now we measure the apparent luminosity of a Cepheid and
we know its intrinsic luminosity by measuring its period, we can obtain
the approximate distance to the object.
Indeed, some assumptions1 need to be made before measuring dis-
tances using Cepheid stars: the period-luminosity relation of all Ceph-
eids must be the same; all Cepheids of one galaxy must be equidistant
from the Earth; their light must not be absorbed by dust clouds.
Considering the uncertainty of these assumptions, we should be care-
ful with far-reaching interpretations of those measurements. However,
for exercise let us consider them as trustable. Today the distance to the
Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is estimated to be 186 thousand light
years and it coincides with the attractor E[77;2] of electron stability:
May 2012.
2 Zwicky F. On the Masses of Nebulae and of Clusters of Nebulae. The Astro-
gravitational constant from the gravity profile within a mine. Phys. Rev. D, vol. 23,
1683, 1981.
3 Holding S. C., Stacey F. D., Tuck G. J. Gravity in mines. An investigation of
Giordano Bruno
The basic idea of Global Scaling is that the solution for lasting stability
in systems of any degree of complexity is an inherent feature of the
number continuum given by the natural exponential function ex for
rational exponents. The solution is given a priori and it is omnipresent.
Naturally, this solution is available for technical systems too. There-
fore, Global Scaling is significant in engineering as well. Analyzing a
few striking examples, we will see that technology is sensitive to FF-
attractors of stability.
Let’s start with computer technology. One of the significant charac-
teristics of microprocessors is the clock rate. Analyzing the development
history of microprocessors, we can see that the most popular clock rates
occupy main attractors of stability.
Figure 11 shows the distribution of the clock rates in MHz. In the
top of the graphic you can see the frequency ranges applied to various
generations of Intel processors1 .
A clock generator is an electronic oscillator circuit that uses the me-
chanical resonance of a vibrating crystal of piezoelectric material (quartz
or ceramic) to create an electrical signal with a stable frequency. Man-
ufacturers have difficulty producing crystals thin enough to generate
fundamental frequencies over 30 MHz, so that high frequency crystals
are often designed to operate at third, fifth, or seventh overtones. Please
note that they are not integer multiples of the fundamental frequency.
FF-attractor frequencies are applied not only as clock rates in PCs,
but also in USB-technology (6 MHz), GPS, DECT (10 MHz), 3G, EGA
(16 MHz), VGA, GSM, UMTS (25 MHz), remote controlled cars and
boats (40 MHz), Ethernet (50 MHz), PCI (66 MHz) and as carriers in
FM radio (100 MHz), radio control (333 MHz), cell phone (900, 1400
MHz) and Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz).2
1 Intel Microprocessor Quick Reference Guide — Product Family.
2 Crystal oscillator frequencies.
Nothing is Artificial in the Universe
Figure 11: Clock rates (MHz) applied to Intel microprocessors and their correspondence with attractors of proton (bold)
and electron (thin) stability. Data taken from: Intel Microprocessor Quick Reference Guide — Product Family.
66 Nothing is Artificial in the Universe
2.25 · 10−3 m
ln = 30.00
λ proton
The radius 3.8 mm of the prominent caliber 7.6 mm coincides with the
main attractor E[23] of electron stability:
3.8 · 10−3 m
ln = 23.01
λ electron
is the wheel. Quietness under high speed rotation and mechanical stress
requires a high level of stability avoiding internal resonance. Therefore,
we can expect that significant physical characteristics of the most dis-
tributed constructions correspond with FF-attractors of stability. In
fact, the most popular wheel size1 in the USA and Europe is the R15.
It is installed on 50% of passenger cars and light SUVs. Considering a
fitting tire like 185/80-R15 or 205/75-R15, we always get a total wheel
radius of about 34 cm that corresponds with the main attractor P[35]
of proton stability:
λproton · exp(35) = 0.33 m
As you can see, the unloaded dimension of the car tire is a little bit
larger than the attractor point wavelength, so that the attractor point
can be reached during the rotation under load. The requirements to
aircraft tires2 are even higher because of high acceleration by landing
and high load capacity. For example, the B737 main gear tires are of
the type H44.5x16.5-21, where 44.5 inches is the total diameter of the
tire. Consequently, the radius of the tire is 22.25 inches = 56.5 cm that
corresponds with the main attractor E[28] of electron stability:
λelectron · exp(28) = 0.56 m
Another highly loaded component is the internal combustion engine.
That’s why we are going to analyze some of its functionally significant
physical characteristics. Lasting stability of the movement of the pistons
with minimum friction losses under conditions of high temperature and
high pressure requires high precision of manufacturing.
Furthermore, quietness is required, resonance vibrations are unde-
sirable, so we can expect that the functional physical characteristics
should be sensitive to attractors of proton or electron stability.
Regardless of any advanced electronic control, the undisputed law of
combustion engines says: “There’s no replacement for displacement.” In
fact, the engine displacement is functionally highly significant. Analyz-
ing some widespread displacement volumes, we can see that obviously,
already the volume by itself as physical quantity is sensible to attrac-
tors of proton or electron stability. For example, the famous 1.9-liter
displacement coincides with the main attractor P[102].
1.86 · 10−3 m3
ln = 102
1 The
Most Popular Tire Sizes: R15. Capitol Tires. 2018.
2 Aircraft
Tire Dimensions:; Global Aviation Tires:; Aircraft Tire Engineering Data:
68 Nothing is Artificial in the Universe
In fact, the physical displacement volume is a little bit less than 1.9
liters. The fundamental proton unit for volumes is λ3proton = 9.3019276 ·
10−48 m3 (see table 1 on page 20).
Based on the prominent displacement volume 250 cm3 all scooters1
are divided in two classes — mini and maxi. You remember that FF-
attractors are also points of change. This boundary volume coincides
with the main attractor P[100]:
2.5 · 10−4 m3
ln = 100
Another significant characteristic is the speed of revolution that is for
modern internal combustion (Diesel) engines between 800 (in neutral)
and 6000 revolutions per minute. These limits correspond with the main
attractors P[−53] respectively P[−51]:
(6000/60) Hz
ln = −51
(800/60) Hz
ln = −53
The angular frequency of the proton is ωproton = 1.425486 · 1024 Hz.
Consequently, the logarithmic mean rotation speed of 2200/min coin-
cides with the attractor P[−52] of stability:
(2200/60) Hz
ln = −52
It is a small step from transport technology to traffic where the driving
speed is a highly significant metric characteristic.
As fundamental characteristic of space-time, the speed of light is a
common property of both proton and electron connecting their natural
frequencies with the wavelengths. Consequently, the attractors of ve-
locities are the same for proton and electron stability, so we use square
brackets without E or P.
It is remarkable that also traffic tries to avoid resonance interaction
and consequently, traffic is sensitive to FF-attractors of stability. For
example, in many countries the traffic speed on highways is limited,
mostly to 120 km/h that is also the average speed on highways in Ger-
many where there is no speed limitation.2 Naturally, the existence of a
1 Scooter
2 KellermannG. Geschwindigkeitsverhalten im Autobahnnetz 1992. Strasse und
Autobahn, issue 5, 1995.
Nothing is Artificial in the Universe 69
The speed of light in vacuum is c = 299, 792, 458 m/s. For safety rea-
sons, the maximum speed of tuned cars registered for public transport
and also of ultralight aviation is limited to 330 km/h that is a main
attractor and consequently, a boundary speed as well:
(330/3.6) m/s
ln = −15
Statistically, the speed at high traffic levels on highways fluctuates
around the average of 75 km/h. Trying to avoid collision, drivers em-
pirically find this attractor of stability:
(75/3.6) m/s 1
ln = −16 −
c 2
Interestingly, the line of cars does not stand in the traffic jam, but
moves backwards — it gets longer. The jam snake grows in the direction
opposite the traffic flow1 at an average of 15 kilometers per hour that
coincides with the main attractor [−18]:
(15/3.6) m/s
ln = −18
The adaption to a main attractor of stability is very understandable if
we consider that physical resonance interaction in a traffic jam would
provoke a disaster.
Here we can begin to see technology in general as not something
artificially created by humans, but as a cosmic phenomenon. Proba-
bly, many other civilizations in the Galaxy create technology as well.
However, all this technology is part of the universe, it isn’t something
unnatural, it consists of the same natural atoms and it is created by the
universe itself — we are only the hands of the universe.
From the point of view of Global Scaling, there is nothing “artificial”
in the universe. Everything, whether man-made or naturally grown,
1 Verkehrsfluss und Stauaufkommen. Definitionen. Bundesamt für Strassen, AS-
must take into account the FF, because it defines the distribution of
stability attractors in all scales of the universe.
As examples, let us remember also the seismic waves (p. 51) which
change their velocities from 13 km/s = [−10] downto 8 km/s = [−10;−2]
on the boundary between the Earth’s mantle and the core. By the way,
Jupiter’s orbital velocity fits with the same main attractor [−10].
Now let’s analyze some other boundaries, for example the world
records in Athletics1 . In fact, our organism is very responsive to the FF-
attractors and some of these boundaries are insurmountable to anybody.
The world record over 10 km walk is 37 minutes 11 seconds, hold by
the Russian athlete Roman Rasskazov in 2000:
10000 m/2231 s
ln = −18.02
To reach the attractor point [−18], the future world record athlete must
walk the 10 km in 2190 seconds = 36 minutes 30 seconds:
10 km
c · exp(−18) = 4.56 m/s =
2190 s
By the way, this world record walking velocity coincides with the same
attractor [−18] we mentioned already in the case of growing traffic jam!
The average human walking speed at crosswalks is about 6 km/h =
1.6 m/s. Many people prefer to walk at this speed. Being close to an
attractor of stability, this circumstance appears to be natural:
1.6 m/s
ln = −19.05
The world record 9.58 seconds over 100 m running was held by the
Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt in 2009. Here we can see that his running
speed is quite close to the main attractor [−17]:
100 m/9.58 s
ln = −17.17
Knowing the FF we can affirm that with high probability, nobody will
be able to exceed the main attractor [−17] and run over 100 m faster
than in 8 seconds:
100 m
c · exp(−17) = 12.41 m/s =
1 List of world records in athletics.
Nothing is Artificial in the Universe 71
The world record 2.45 m in high jump was held by the Cuban athlete
Javier Sotomayor:
2.45 m
ln = 36.99
This record has been held since 1993. This might demonstrate how
unattainable it is. In fact, it is only one centimeter before the main
proton attractor point P[37]:
The dome of the St. Peter’s in Rome has a radius of 21.5 m that touches
the proton stability sub-attractor P[39;6]:
λproton · exp 39 + = 21.5 m
Both radii are in the compression zone of the main attractor P[39] of
1 CarrisonK. Monolithic Mosque in Iraq Still Stands.
2 Como M. Statics of Historic Masonry Constructions. Springer, 2013.
3 Cinti S. et al. Pantheon. Storia e Futuro / History and Future, Roma, Gangemi
Editore, 2007.
Nothing is Artificial in the Universe 73
proton stability:
λproton · exp(39) = 18.2 m
Figure 12: The positions of the radii of some antique domes in the FF calibrated on the Compton wavelengths of the
proton (lower FF) λproton = 2.103089 · 10−16 m and of the electron (upper FF) λelectron = 3, 861593 · 10−13 m.
Nothing is Artificial in the Universe 75
what we can measure and let us assume that the builders did consider
the consequences of erosion and other destructive forces.
Actually, the length of the base is not 230 m, but 225 m (like the
Pyramide of the Sun in Teotihuacan), and it fits perfectly with the main
attractor of stability E[34]:
225 m
ln = 34.00
2.5 · 106 m3
ln = 123.02
By the way, P[123] = 3P[41]. This means that the volume V of the
GPG equals to the cube of its actual height h:
V = h3
That’s an amazing fact. Here we don’t analyze the sizes and the geom-
etry of the chambers, floors and shafts. This will be done in another
book. However, from the point of view of Global Scaling, it seems not
surprising that the GPG appears as an example of proton and electron
By the way, the Hagia Sophia’s giant dome rests on four arches,
which are in turn supported by a series of columns and semi-domes.
If any of the supports fails, the dome would collapse. To understand
1 Zahi Hawass. The Treasures of the Pyramids. White Star Publ., Torino (Italy),
Nothing is Artificial in the Universe 77
parison between the ideal model and the survey model. The International Archives
of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. XL-
5/W4, 2015.
2 Chambers J. R. Modeling Flight. The Role of Dynamically Scaled Free-Flight
1 0 [0] 0
2 0.69 [1;−3] 0.03
5 1.61 [2;−3] -0.06
10 2.30 [2; 3] -0.03
20 3.08 [3] 0.08
50 3.91 [4] -0.09
100 4.61 [5;−3] -0.06
200 5.30 [5; 3] -0.03
500 6.21 [6; 4] -0.04
Giordano Bruno
Arthur Schopenhauer