Aromatherapy in Psychiatric Disorders

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The article discusses the potential use of aromatherapy using essential oils in the treatment of psychiatric disorders based on limited clinical trials and mechanistic studies.

Essential oils are concentrated steam distillates obtained from aromatic plants and citrus peels. They are complex mixtures of volatile compounds like terpenes and phenols with various functional groups.

Essential oils can be absorbed through inhalation, transdermally via skin contact and lotions, and orally via ingestion in capsules or food.

CNS Drugs 2006; 20 (4): 257-280



2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

Aromatherapy in the Management of

Psychiatric Disorders
Clinical and Neuropharmacological Perspectives
Nicolette Perry and Elaine Perry
Medicinal Plant Research Centre, Universities of Newcastle and Northumbria, Newcastle upon
Tyne, UK


Aromatherapy is currently used worldwide in the management of chronic pain,

depression, anxiety, some cognitive disorders, insomnia and stress-related disorders. Although essential oils have been used, reputedly effectively, for centuries
as a traditional medicine, there is very little verified science behind this use. The
pharmacology of the essential oils and/or their single chemical constituents,
therefore, remains largely undiscovered. However, accumulating evidence that
inhaled or dermally applied essential oils enter the blood stream and, in relevant
molecular, cellular or animal models, exert measurable psychological effects,
indicates that the effects are primarily pharmacological.
This review includes evidence from the limited number of clinical trials that
have been published of psychoaromatherapy in relation to psychiatric disorders,
together with evidence from mechanistic, neuropharmacological studies of the
effects of essential oils in relevant in vitro and in vivo models. It is concluded that
aromatherapy provides a potentially effective treatment for a range of psychiatric
disorders. In addition, taking into account the available information on safety,
aromatherapy appears to be without the adverse effects of many conventional
psychotropic drugs. Investment in further clinical and scientific research is clearly

1. Background
Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of plant essential oils, whether absorbed via the skin or olfactory system. The term aromatherapy, intended to
describe the compounds present in the essential oil
that are aromatic (i.e. have an aroma), is not entirely
precise, as effects are not necessarily related to the
aromatic properties of the agent; further terms such

as essential oil therapy and phyto-essentialpharmacology might be more applicable.

Essential oils are concentrated steam distillates
obtained from a range of aromatic plants, and also
include expressions from the peel of citrus fruits.
Chemically, plant essential oils are heterogeneous
mixtures (often hundreds in total) of, amongst
others, the lipophilic volatile hydrocarbon monoter-


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penoids (grouped by their different functional

groups into, for example, alcohols, oxides, phenols,
aldehydes and ketones) and the less volatile sesquiterpenoids (and their alcohols, oxides and aldehydes) [see table I and examples in figure 1]. The
myriad of chemical constituents that exist as essential oils, combined with the chemical diversity between essential oils, results in a potentially wideO

(monoterpene hydrocarbon)
Rosmarinus officinalis (22%)

(monoterpene ketone)
Salvia officinalis (12%)


(monoterpene alcohol)
Lavandula angustifolia (38%)

Linalyl acetate
(acetate of linalool)
Lavandula angustifolia (45%)


(monoterpene aldehyde)
Melissa officinalis (32%)

(monoterpene oxide)
Salvia lavandulaefolia (21%)

Caryophyllene oxide
Lavandula latifolia (2.4%)
Fig. 1. Examples of frequently occurring essential oil terpenoids
from the different chemical classes. % indicates the amount of
terpenoids present in each oil, e.g. Lavandula angustifolia is 38%

2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

ranging list of therapeutic activities. The pharmacology behind the actions of many essential oils remains undefined and it is certain to be a long and
complex path to full medicinal and pharmacological
understanding, paralleling that of medical herbalism
and unlike any conventional medicinal substance.
Essential oils can be absorbed into the body in
three ways: (i) through the olfactory and respiratory
systems (vapour inhalation); (ii) transdermally via
lotions or compresses, often involving massage and
during bathing; or (iii) orally, via ingestion of essential oils in capsules or as additives to food or medical
preparations, for example. The latter option belongs
more to the realm of herbal medicine than aromatherapy.
The aromatic oils have been used for over 5000
years; ancient Egyptians used them as perfumes,[3]
and there are nearly 200 references in the Bible to
their use for mental, spiritual and physical healing.[7]
Modern aromatherapy originated in Germany in the
16th century.[8] Gattefosse, a French chemist, investigated the antibacterial and healing properties of
essential oils during World War I to treat wounded
soldiers[9] and Valnet, a French army surgeon, further revived the application of aromatherapy during
World War II.[7]
The effects of an aroma can be instantaneous and
include both direct and indirect psychological effects even thinking about a smell may have a
similar effect to the smell itself. However, accumulating evidence that inhaled or dermally applied
essential oils enter the blood stream and, in relevant
molecular, cellular or animal models, exert measurable psychological effects, indicates that the effects
are primarily pharmacological. This conclusion is
supported by increasingly reported benefits of
aromatherapy using specific essential oils in the
management of chronic pain, depression, anxiety
and some cognitive disorders, as well as insomnia
and stress-related disorders.[10] The subjective effects of aromatic plant oils relevant to CNS/cerebral
CNS Drugs 2006; 20 (4)

Latin name
Citrus bergamia

Reported subjective effects

Antidepressant, calming, relaxing, sedative


CNS Drugs 2006; 20 (4)

Main chemical constituentsb

Limonene 38%, linalyl acetate 28%, linalool 8%,
gamma-terpinene 8%, beta-pinene 7%
Chamomelium nobilis
Analgesic, hypnotic, relaxing, sedative
Isobutyl angelate 36%, 2-methylbutyl angelate 15%,
methyl angelate 9%
Linalyl acetate 49%, linalool 24%, germacrene D 3%,
alpha-terpineol 3%, geranyl acetate 3%
Pelargonium graveolens
Analgesic, antidepressant, uplifting
Citronellol 21%, geraniol 17%, linalool 13%, citronellyl
formate 8%, geranyl formate 8%
Jasminum grandiflorum
Antidepressant, aphrodisiac, euphoric, relaxing,
Benzyl acetate 22%, benzyl benzoate 15%, phytyl
acetate 10%, linalool 6%, methyl cis-jasmonate 3%
Juniperus communis
Analgesic, aphrodisiac, mentally clearing
Alpha-pinene 33%, myrcene 11%, beta-farnesene 11%,
gamma-elemene 3%, beta-caryophyllene 3%
Lavandula angustifolia
Analgesic, antidepressant, anticonvulsant,
Linalyl acetate 40%, linalool 32%, (Z)-beta-ocimene 7%,
anxiolytic, calming, hypnotic, relaxing, sedative
beta-caryophyllene 5%, lavandulyl acetate 4%
Citrus limonum
Mentally stimulating, reviving
Limonene 70%, beta-pinene 11%, gamma-terpinene
8%, citral 2%, trans-alpha-bergamotene 0.4%
Citrus deliciosa
Sedative, uplifting
Limonene 71%, gamma-terpinene 19%, alpha-pinene
2%, alpha-sinensal 0.2%, octanal 0.2%
Origanum majorana
Analgesic, anxiolytic, aphrodisiac, comforting,
Terpinen-l-ol 15%, Sabinene 8%, mycene 5%, gammasedating
terpine 17%, linalool 5%
Melissa officinalis
Anxiolytic, calming, hypnotic, sedative,
Geraniol 40%, neral 35%, 6-methyl-5-heptan-2-ol 3%,
stimulating, uplifting
beta-caryophyllene 2%, citronellal 2%
Neroli bigarade
Sedative, uplifting
Linalool 37%, limonene 26%, beta-pinene 12%, geraniol
4%, linalyl-acetate 3%
Pogostemon cabin
Calming, sedative, uplifting
Patchouli alcohol 33%, alpha-patchoulene 22%, betacaryophyllene 20%, beta-patchoulene 13%, betaelemene 6%
Rose (Egypt)
Rosa damascena
Antidepressant, aphrodisiac, relaxing, sedative,
2-Phenyl ethyl alcohol 38%, geraniol 16%, citronellol
soothing, uplifting
13%, farnesol 6%, nerol 4%
Rosmarinus officinalis
Analgesic, anxiolytic, mentally stimulating,
1,8-Cineole 51%, camphor 11%, alpha-pinene 10%,
(Tunisia, cineole)
borneol 8%, alpha-terpineol 4%
Salvia officinalis
Nerve tonic
Alpha-thujone 37%, beta-thujone 14%, camphor 12%,
1,8-cineole 12%, alpha-pinene 4%
Mentha spica
Analgesic, stimulating
()-Carvone 43%, dihydrocarvone 16%, 1,8-cineole 6%,
perillyl alcohol 5%, alpha-terpinenyl acetate 5%
Cananga odourata
Analgesic, aphrodisiac, relaxing
Linalool 19%, beta-caryophyllene 11%, germacrene D
10%, p-cresyl methyl ether 9%, benzyl benzoate 7%
Vetivera zizanoides
Calming, nerve tonic, sedative, uplifting
Vetiverol 50%, vetivenes 20%, alpha-vetivol 10%,
vetivones 10%, khusimol 1%
a Among hundreds of essential oils used in aromatherapy, only those referred to in the present review are included in this table. For reviews on subjective effects see Price
and Price,[1] Tisserand and Balacs,[2] Lawless,[3] Buckle,[4] and Thomas;[5] for chemical compositions see Bowles.[6]
b The principal chemical constituents are listed in order of concentration, with the highest first (note that proportions may vary according to the source and that many oils
contain hundreds of terpenoids).
c Not widely used in aromatherapy because of its high thujone content; Salvia lavandulaefolia is thujone-free.
Essential oil

Aromatherapy for Psychiatric Disorders

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Table I. Subjective effects and chemical constituents of aromatic essential oils relevant to cerebral functiona


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function are summarised in table I; the list is not

exhaustive, focusing on the essential oils included in
this review. With respect to safety, the evolution and
widespread current use of aromatherapeutic practises, together with contemporary clinical trial evidence, indicates that with due attention to the type,
dose and mode of application of essential oils (comprehensively outlined by Tisserand and Balacs[2])
aromatherapy can provide treatment for psychiatric
disorders that is free of the adverse effects associated with conventional drugs.
In a seminal report, Frey[11] described the rapid
intranasal delivery of therapeutic agents, such as
nerve growth factor to mouse brain, which allowed
the by-passing of the blood brain barrier. The olfactory neural pathway provides both intraneuronal
(via axonal transport, and taking hours) and extraneuronal (via bulk flow transport through perineural channels, taking only minutes) access to the
brain. Born et al.[12] also described intranasal delivery in humans of neuropeptides to the CSF. Traditional aromatherapeutic practices, dating back
thousands of years, are thus verified by 21st century
neuroscience. Equally fascinating is the evidence
that an odour-enriched environment increases
neurogenesis in adult mouse brain.[13] Since agents
promoting neurogenesis in adult human brain, including the hippocampus, are being investigated in a
variety of psychiatric disorders (e.g. depression, dementia and schizophrenia),[14,15] the possibility that
aromatherapy may have long-term protective potential in terms of regeneration is intriguing.
In the US, aromatherapy is the fastest growing of
all complementary therapies amongst nurses,[16] and
has recently been recognised as a legitimate part of
holistic nursing.[17] However, judging by the literature from controlled clinical trials, aromatherapy is
only rarely considered by the medical profession.
This article reviews the evidence of the clinical
efficacy and safety of psychoaromatherapy in rela1

tion to psychiatric disorders, together with data from

mechanistic, neuropharmacological studies of the
effects of essential oils in relevant in vitro and in
vivo models.
There is a vast literature on aromatherapy in nonmedical (including nursing and complementary) and
non-Western (reflecting the practices of Ayurvedic
and traditional Chinese medicines, for example)
journals. This review is based primarily on publications in English language medical journals, with the
objective of assessing evidence that is both accessible and acceptable to primary- and secondary-care
medical practitioners within westernised national
health services.
The following databases and search terms were
used to assess the literature: aromatherapy and the
names of the specific essential oils and plant species,
the relevant chemical constituents and the various
psychiatric disorders, in articles indexed in
MEDLINE (1966October 2003), EMBASE
(1980October 2003), EMB (Evidence Based
Medicine) Reviews (19912003) and CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing And Allied Health)
[1982October 2003].1
2. Clinical Evidence of Efficacy
Amongst psychiatric disorders, significant numbers of controlled clinical trials of the use of
aromatherapy have been conducted only in relation
to dementia. This may reflect the lack of prescription medication specifically for dementia until recently, and/or the outstanding need for ameliorative,
non-toxic therapeutic strategies for the advanced
stages of dementia. With respect to psychiatric disorders other than dementia, little or no evidence
from controlled trials of aromatherapy is available.
Instead, there exist reports of open-label studies,
which may serve, as in dementia, to prompt controlled trials.

This review was submitted in May 2004 and accepted in March 2005.

2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

CNS Drugs 2006; 20 (4)

Aromatherapy for Psychiatric Disorders

2.1 Behavioural Disorders Associated

with Dementia

Controlled clinical trials of aromatherapy in dementia were originally prompted by open-label trials demonstrating beneficial effects, e.g. increased
sleep with lavender vapourisation in patients with
dementia who were in residential care,[18] reduced
agitation in patients with severe dementia following
lavender oil vapourisation,[19] and a range of these
and other improved outcomes using a mixture of
lavender and other oils.[20] The results of the controlled trials are outlined in table II.
The most commonly used essential oils for dementia therapy in controlled trials have been lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), singly or in combination (table II).
The trials have involved people with advanced dementia in residential care and have generally assessed behavioural symptoms, particularly agitation,
as outcome measures, although one trial did assess
cognitive parameters.[25] The trials divide equally
between inhalation or dermal application, with a
duration of up to 4 weeks. What is remarkable, given
the diversity of trial design and type of aromatherapy, is that all treatments have resulted in significant
benefit. The benefits include reductions in agitation,
insomnia, wandering, difficult behaviour and social
In a more recently published open-label trial, ten
patients with dementia were treated for 6 months
with a range of essential oils (vaporised mixtures of
orange, ylang ylang, patchouli, basil, rosemary, peppermint, rosewood, geranium, bergamot, chamomile
and jasmine). A marked decrease in disturbed behaviour was observed in the majority of patients, leading to reductions in psychotropic medications, with
overall cost savings.[26] However, Gray and Clair[27]
noted no reduction in combative, resistive
behaviours in 13 elderly people in residential care
treated in an open-label manner with lavender,
sweet orange or tea tree oil vapour (delivered, rather
2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.


atypically, for 12 minutes via a cotton wool bud

attached to clothing). These studies highlight some
of the issues to be resolved in the future.
Sage (Salvia) essential oils may be worth investigating as an aromatherapy for the treatment of dementia since certain species possesses a number of
relevant bioactivities (cholinesterase inhibition,
anti-inflammatory and oestrogenic properties[28])
and in an open-label 4-week trial of ingested capsules of Salvia lavandulaefolia (Spanish sage) an
improvement in attention and a reduction in
behavioural symptoms was noted in 11 patients with
Alzheimers disease.[29] The same oral preparation
enhanced memory in normal young volunteers.[30]
Although Salvia officinalis is not recommended for
aromatherapy due to its high thujone content, S.
lavandulaefolia may be more applicable, although
this contains a substantial amount of camphor.
In relation to memory function in normal individuals, Degel and Koster[31] exposed 108 neurologically normal adults to jasmine, lavender or odourless
environs and found that jasmine had a positive and
lavender a negative effect on memory test performance. Since subjects were not aware of odour, it was
concluded that the effects were implicit. Similarly,
Ludvigson and Rottman[32] previously noted adverse
effects of lavender on arithmetic reasoning. In a
controlled trial of the effects of rosemary and lavender essential oils on cognition and mood in 144
healthy volunteers, Moss et al.[33] reported significant enhancement of memory with rosemary, decrements with lavender, but significant increases in
contentment with both oils. In contrast, Motomura et
al.[34] found that lavender increased arousal rate in
15 stressed healthy adults, indicating that aromatherapeutic effects may be state-dependant.
Encouragingly, in all the published trials of
aromatherapy in dementia a fragile aged population no adverse effects were reported, despite the
fact that they were on the outcome measure list. The
only possible exception to this is the trial by BowlesCNS Drugs 2006; 20 (4)


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Table II. Controlled clinical trials of aromatherapy in patients with severe dementia
Essential oil

Study design



Lemon balm (Melissa) and lavender

Placebo controlled; six patients received treatment

Treatment oils increased functional abilities and



oils and six control oil; duration 1wk

communication, and decreased difficult behaviours

(no statistical analysis)

Lavender aroma and massage

Randomised, controlled; 21 patients; aromatherapy

Aromatherapy with massage significantly reduced

and massage compared with aroma or massage

frequency of excessive motor behaviour (p = 0.05 vs

alone; duration 2wk

massage alone)

Placebo controlled; 15 patients; treatment with oil

Aromatherapy significantly reduced agitated behaviour

and placebo (water) on alternative days; duration

(as assessed using the Pittsburgh Agitation Scale;


p = 0.016 [one tailed] vs placebo)

Melissa lotion applied to face and

Randomised, controlled; 36 patients received

Aromatherapy associated with highly significant


Melissa and 36 sunflower oil; duration 4wk

reductions in measures on the Cohen Mansfield

Lavender aroma




Agitation Inventory and social withdrawal, together with

an increase in constructive activities (dementia care
mapping) [p = 0.01 to p = 0.0001 vs sunflower]
Lavender, marjoram, patchouli and

Placebo controlled; 36 patients; treatment vs

Aromatherapy significantly increased MMSE score

vetivert applied as a cream to body

control cream; duration 4wk

(>3 points, p = 0.015), but also increased resistance

and limbs

to care (considered due to increase in alertness)

Lavender, geranium and mandarin

Open label: 39 patients; treatment over unspecified

Aromatherapy increased alertness, contentment and

essential oils in almond oil applied to

period; patient, staff and carer interviews/rating

sleeping at night, and reduced levels of agitation,

withdrawal and wandering

This open-label trial is included here because the patient numbers are substantial and the multiple outcomes were measured.

MMSE = Mini-Mental State Examination.


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CNS Drugs 2006; 20 (4)



Aromatherapy for Psychiatric Disorders

Dilys et al.,[25] in which improved cognitive function

was associated with increased resistance to care. In
this study, the inclusion of oils such as marjoram,
vetivert and patchouli in addition to lavender raises
the question of how specific aromatic oils affect
individual cerebral functions. Aromatherapy may,
thus, be a much safer option than the use of conventional drugs, such as antipsychotics or SSRIs for
According to the Cochrane Database Review,[35]
aromatherapy demonstrated benefit for people with
dementia in the only trial contributing original data
to this review (Ballard et al.[24]). Methodological
issues were identified highlighting the need for further large scale, randomised, controlled trials to
establish the effectiveness of aromatherapy in this
group. The following methodological issues, generally applicable to aromatherapy in other psychiatric
disorders, need to be addressed in future trials in
people with dementia: (i) maintaining blindness in
assessors (it is assumed that this issue is not so
relevant for patients, anosomnia being prevalent in
people with dementia);[36] (ii) selecting the most
effective essential oil(s) for symptom management
and most effective mode of administration; (iii)
standardisation of the essential oil in terms of chemical composition, relevant bioactivities and dosage;
(iv) administering aromatherapy as an adjunct to
or replacement for other medication such as antipsychotic or cholinergic drugs; and (v) inclusion of
physiological, as well as behavioural, outcome measures such as EEG or neuroimaging.
2.2 Psychiatric Disorders Associated with
Parkinsons Disease


Ferry et
conducted a survey of 80 cognitively normal, non-institutionalised patients with
Parkinsons disease. Over half of the patients (54%)
reported using complimentary therapies, and
aromatherapy was one of the most commonly used,
although no information is provided in the report on
2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.


what essential oils were used or which particular

symptoms were targeted.
Sleep disorders and apathy are common symptoms in Parkinsons disease and they are not readily
treated with orthodox pharmaceuticals without significant adverse effects. An aromatherapeutic approach may be worth considering for such symptoms (see table I for relevant subjective effects of
essential oils). The essential oils discussed in section
2.1 are likely to also be useful in the treatment of
dementia and its associated behavioural problems
that can occur in patients with Parkinsons disease.
2.3 Schizophrenia

Hicks[38] reported on the use of aromatherapy as

an adjunct to care in a mental health day hospital in
London, UK. Staff and patients perceived aromatherapy to be a beneficial aid to sleep and relaxation, and agreed to the provision of one aromatherapy session a week. The majority of those (n = 20)
attending were diagnosed with schizophrenia. Based
on user diaries and the aromatherapists assessment,
70% reported improvements in sleep and 80% in
well-being and stress management. The session had
the lowest drop-out and nonattendance rate of any
group activity in the day hospital, and was reported
to be subsequently over-subscribed.
What is missing from this report is any reference
to the specific essential oil(s) employed, although it
is likely these varied between individuals according
to the aromatherapeutic practice of tailoring applications to individual need and/or preference.
2.4 Sleep Disorders

Disrupted sleep patterns, such as insomnia, sleep

apnoea and excessive daytime sleepiness, accompany many psychiatric diseases, and also affect general, non-psychiatric populations. In folklore, linen
bags were filled with lavender flowers and placed
under the pillow to prevent problems in falling
asleep. The German Commission E monographs[39]
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itemises states of unrest and difficulty in falling

asleep under indications for the use of lavender,
including the volatilised oil.
In ten general hospital patients, improved sleep
quality (including reduced restlessness[40] and increased sleep, together with a reduction in the requirement for night sedation[41]) have been reported
in open-label trials of aromatherapy. In one study,[41]
a blend of basil, juniper, lavender and sweet marjoram was applied by hand massage; satisfactory sleep
increased from 73% to 97% of patient nights, while
the use of sedatives was reduced from 90% to 36%
of patients nights (the study by Hardy et al.[40] used
lavender alone). In a multiple crossover study of 23
non-psychiatric female subjects experiencing sleep
disorders, lavender demonstrated CNS-depressant
activity via EEG recordings.[42] In a controlled,
crossover trial of chamomile (Roman) essential oil
vapour versus no intervention in 58 elderly hospitalised patients, there was significantly improved sleep
(fewer awakenings), more so in non-psychiatric than
psychiatric (dementia or depression) cases.[43]
Although no toxicity has been reported for lavender, it does potentiate the sleep-inducing activity of
some other agents, such as alcohol, chloral hydrate
and hexobarbital.[44]
2.5 Anxiety

In the only reported study (open label) of the use

of aromatherapy in patients with a primary diagnosis
of anxiety and depression, Edge[45] reported that
aromatherapy (individualised with respect to the
essential oils) reduced anxiety and improved mood
according to visual analogue rating scales in the
majority of patients when used over an 8-month
Apart from the study by Edge,[45] there have been
no clinical trials of aromatherapy in psychiatric patients with anxiety disorders published; however, a
number of studies in patients with other types of
anxiety have been published.
2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

In a trial involving 122 patients in intensive care,

massage aromatherapy using lavender essential oil
was compared with rest. The patients receiving
aromatherapy reported a statistically significant improvement in mood and reduction in anxiety compared with patients receiving rest.[46] Vaporised orange oil compared to no aroma reduced anxiety in
72 patients undergoing dental procedures.[47] Reductions in anxiety were reported in eight patients with
brain tumour who were using lavender or chamomile aromatherapy.[48] The use of lavender
aromatherapy (60-minute exposure to vapourised
essential oil) was compared with no intervention or
humidified water intervention in 17 patients with
cancer in a hospice setting.[49] Applied scales for
anxiety and depression reflected reductions in the
lavender compared to other sessions, although statistical analyses were not applied.
Graham et al.[50] reported that aromatherapy using lavender, bergamot and/or cedar wood oils applied as drops on a paper bib had no benefit in a
controlled trial of 313 patients undergoing radiotherapy, as assessed using the Hospice Anxiety and
Depression scale. They noted that other oils or methods of administration might reduce anxiety.
Wiebe[51] reported that inhalation of the essential
oils vetivert, bergamot and geranium had no significant effect compared with placebo in reducing anxiety in 66 women awaiting surgical abortions. Cook
and Ernst,[52] in a meta-analysis of six randomised,
controlled trials of aromatherapy on anxiety or wellbeing in patients with cancer who were undergoing
cardiac surgery or in intensive care, concluded that
aromatherapy massage has a small transient effect
on reducing anxiety immediately after administration.
2.6 Depression

Many essential oils are associated with an improvement in mood (table I) indicative of potential
application for the treatment of depression. AnecdoCNS Drugs 2006; 20 (4)

Aromatherapy for Psychiatric Disorders

tal effects are intriguing; for example, Buckle[17]

describes the following case:
Mrs H was an 85 year old woman with depression. Many of her friends were dead and she lived in
a nursing home a long way from her family who did
not visit her often. She did not sleep well and was
prone to hyperventilation and palpitations. She
loved the smell of roses, which reminded her of a
rose garden she had when her husband was alive.
Two drops of rose were inhaled on a facial tissue
four times a day. Within 1 week she was smiling,
sleeping better, and discussing how she could become involved with looking after the houseplants in
the facility.
In 22 healthy adults exposed to chamomile oil or
placebo, chamomile significantly improved visual
processing and subjective mood ratings.[53] In a pilot, controlled, randomised trial, the effect of citrus
fragrance was compared with no fragrance (n = 12
and 8, respectively) in men with depression. The
dose of antidepressant drugs was significantly reduced in the active treatment group.[54] Ratings of
anxiety were significantly reduced in 14 patients
undergoing haemodialysis who were exposed to lavender aroma, compared with no fragrance.[55] In 40
healthy adults, lavender aromatherapy was associated with greater relaxation and less depressed
There is a need for controlled trials of aromatherapy in patients with depression.
2.7 Other Disorders

In 100 patients with intractable epilepsy who

opted for treatment with aromatherapy, one-third
were no longer taking conventional anticonvulsants
and were seizure free at a 2-year follow up.[57] These
results, rather surprisingly, indicate efficacy for
aromatherapy that is similar or superior to synthetic
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In patients with severe learning disability, no

benefit of lavender, lemongrass and orange flower
was reported by Lindsay et al.[58]
Buckle[59] reviewed anecdotal evidence indicating that aromatherapy may be of value in the treatment of chronic pain.
Other unexplored clinical psychiatric applications of aromatherapy include: addiction; autism
and other developmental disorders; bipolar affective
disorder; and, to judge by subjective effects of many
essential oils (table I), sexual disorders.
3. Safety, Adverse Effects
and Contraindications
In the context of the modern clinical litigious
environment, one of the foremost concerns in the
application of aromatherapy to clinical practice is
the issue of safety, particularly in view of the widespread availability of essential oils in health food
stores and other commercial outlets. The products
are not licensed, and information on their safety or
chemical standardisation is generally not provided.
Thus, it is important to consider the use of an
essential oil in conjunction with the advice of a
professional aromatherapist and with reference to
standard texts on essential oil safety.
One of the most comprehensive and widely used
texts in aromatherapeutic practice is Essential Oil
Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals by
Tisserand and Balacs.[60] This provides vital information for each essential oil used in aromatherapeutic practice, including hazards (e.g. dermal or
mucous membrane irritation; phototoxicity; neurotoxicity including, for example, convulsant activity), contraindications (e.g. pregnancy, breastfeeding, use in children), and toxicity based on relevant
animal data (including LD50 values, which are usually in the range of 25 g/kg; the clinical dose being
between 10 and 100mg per individual). Such safety
information from professional aromatherapeutic
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practice can be combined with that available from

clinical trials of the individual constituents.
The essential oils selected for common use in
aromatherapy are those with the least or no toxicities
or contraindications within the therapeutic range.
Thus, lavender (L. angustifolia) is considered to be
the safest amongst all oils and there are no contraindications to its use. Other oils without contraindications include basil, chamomile, clary sage, coriander, frankincense, geranium, lemon, melissa, marjoram, napeta, neroli, patchouli, tea tree, thyme and
Although there are very few reported contraindications to the aromatherapeutic use of many widely
used essential oils, some metabolic products of certain essential oil constituents have been reported to
be more harmful than their parent constituents. For
example, the ether safrole (and other phenyl methyl
ethers) has been found to lower the levels of glutathione (a compound that removes free radicals and
other toxic substances) in the liver. Tisserand and
Balacs[2] caution against using essential oils containing glutathione-depleting molecules in patients taking paracetamol (acetaminophen) or other drugs that
many contain acetaminophen, and in patients with
liver disease. Certain essential oils, for example
tansy, pennyroyal, rue, savin, juniper, sage and
wormwood, are not recommended for use in
aromatherapy and have been shown to exhibit abortifacient and/or neurotoxic effects at high doses.[2]
Essential oils containing high quantities of ketones,
for example thujone and camphor, should not be
used on individuals with epilepsy as these constituents have been found to cause epileptiform activity
in high doses.[2,60]
As with all substances used medicinally, there are
potential adverse effects associated with the overdose of essential oils. Camphor poisoning has been
documented for more than 100 years[61] and it produces gastrointestinal and CNS irritation after toxic
ingestion. Large quantities (1g taken orally may be
2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

Perry & Perry

fatal in a child) are associated with hepatotoxicity

ranging from mild elevation of liver function test
values to acute hepatic encephalopathy[62,63] and
doses of 50150 mg/kg have led to status epilepticus
in children.[61] Camphor is often combined in cold
remedies with eucalyptus oil (Eucalyptus globules),
which also contains 1,8-cineole (found to correlate
with an increase in motor activity following inhalation in mice[64]). This combination has been reported
to cause ataxia, slurred speech unconsciousness and
convulsions in high doses.[65] Myristicin and
elemicin, two ethers found in nutmeg oil, are also
neurotoxic at doses suggested to be psychotropic.[2]
Individual sensitivity/allergic reactions may occur with any topically applied substance. In addition, due to their high concentration, skin irritating,
sensitising and allergic reactions can occur with
repeated exposure to certain essential oils that contain specific constituents, such as certain phenol
(e.g. thymol in Thymus vulgaris), aldehyde (e.g.
neral in Citrus limonene), monoterpene (e.g. alphapinene in Eucalyptus globules), lactone (occurring
in small amounts in a few essential oils, e.g. sesquiterpenoid lactones present in chrysanthemums[66]) or ester (e.g. linalyl acetate in L. angustifolia) compounds.[2] Although there are substantial
reports of the beneficial effects of lavender (L.
angustifolia) in the treatment of eczema, for example, there are conflicting reports on its sensitising
and irritating effects (see review by Cavanagh and
Essential oils should be treated with the same
precautions as any synthetic drug and only used
under the advice of a qualified aromatherapist, medicinal herbalist or practicing physician as appropriate. Essential oils should not be used undiluted and
storage directions should be followed. With respect
to the source of essential oil, the supplier should be
selected on the basis of the ability to guarantee the
authenticity and purity of their product, together
with information on whether the chemical profile of
CNS Drugs 2006; 20 (4)

Aromatherapy for Psychiatric Disorders

any particular plant oil conforms to international

standards. Information on typical chemical compositions is widely available and includes that outlined
in Tisserand and Balacs,[2] Price and Price[1] and
Bowles-Dilys et al.,[25] amongst many other professional aromatherapeutic texts. It may be advisable to
have samples of oils for clinical use further tested
chemically, and services providing relevant analyses
such as gas chromatography mass spectrometry are
widely available.
Despite potential adverse effects, it should be
noted that no adverse effects have been reported
from the controlled clinical trials of aromatherapy in
psychiatric disorders, such as lavender or melissa
used for agitation in dementia (table II). These trials
indicate that treatment with these oils compares
extremely favourably with the use of antipsychotic
drugs commonly prescribed for this condition; these
conventional drugs have only modest efficacy[68]
and are associated with extrapyramidal symptoms
including falls[69] and tardive dyskinesia,[70] sedation[69] and even cognitive decline.[71]
4. Mechanisms of Action
Pharmacological studies, combined with phytochemical analysis, have identified specific
neuropharmacological actions for a variety of essential oils and their individual monoterpenoid (and
other essential oil) constituents that relate to clinical
effects (tables III, IV and V). Individual constituents
reach the blood, cross the blood-brain barrier and
enter the CNS following inhalation, dermal application, intraperitoneal or subcutaneous injection, and
oral administration.[64,72-77]
In vitro and in vivo studies in animals confirm
that particular essential oils have anxiolytic, sedative and anticonvulsant actions or CNS-stimulant
effects that are relevant to the respective treatment
of symptoms such as anxiety, agitation, sleeplessness, epilepsy, apathy, lethargy, excessive daytime
2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.


sleepiness and catatonia, which are present in many

psychiatric disorders.
4.1 Pharmacology of Essential Oils with
Sedative Activity

The pharmacological profile of lavender (L.

angustifolia), the essential oil that has been the most
widely investigated, provides a model for the pharmacological activity of an essential oil and its individual constituents. The actions of lavender may be
significant in the quest for novel anxiolytic agents
that lack the dependency issues associated with current therapies such as benzodiazepines.[57]
Inhalation of the essential oil of L. angustifolia
has been found to block pentetrazol-, nicotine- and
electroshock-induced convulsions[79] and exhibit
dose-dependent anti-conflict effects in mice similar
to those of diazepam.[78] Inhalation of L. angustifolia
(and its main constituents linalool and linalyl acetate) for 1 hour decreased the motility of normal
mice, and reversed caffeine-induced over-agitation
in mice.[72,73] This sedative and anxiolytic activity
was directly correlated with blood concentrations
(311 ng/mL of linalool and linalyl acetate).[73,75]
However, L. angustifolia extracts exhibited no
antidepressant effects in a forced swimming test in
rats.[92] Such extracts protected neurons against
glutamate toxicity in rat cerebellar granular cell
The main constituent of lavender, the monoterpenoid linalool, possessed anticonvulsant properties in
glutamate-related seizure models and effects on
NMDA receptor binding.[86,88,89] It also inhibited
potassium-stimulated glutamate release and decreased glutamate uptake in mice cortical
synaptosomes,[90] and modified the kinetics of the
nicotinic receptor ion channel at the mouse neuromuscular junction.[91]
There is evidence for a distinction between the
pharmacology of the enantiomers of linalool. (R)()-Linalool (present in lavender oil) produced a
CNS Drugs 2006; 20 (4)


2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

Table III. CNS effects of lavender speciesa essential oil and constituents
Lavender species
[% constituents]
Lavandula angustifolia Mill.
(syn. Lavandula officinalis),

In vitro and in vivo pharmacology



Dose-dependent (4001600 mg/kg, SC) anti-conflict effects in the Geller conflict test,
with effects similar to diazepam



Inhalation of oil blocked pentetrazol-, nicotine- and electroshock- but not strychnineinduced convulsions in mice. A dose of 33mg decreased motility of normal mice and
reversed caffeine-induced over-agitation in mice; serum concentration of linalool
correlated with effects on motility



Increased pentobarbital-induced sleeping time. Sedative effects in certain tests in

mice. Suppressed the population spike amplitude in the CA1 region of rat
hippocampal slice preparation following application of essential oil (IC50 65 g/mL);
effects comparable to the GABAA agonist muscimol (Perry N et al., unpublished data)



Extract of flowers protected against glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in rats (100 mg/L)



Spasmolytic action on guinea-pig ileum smooth muscle (postsynaptic, not atropine




Concentrations of 0.0110 g/mL produced dose-dependent local anaesthetic activity

in the rabbit conjunctival reflex test. Restorative effects on stress-induced


stoechas L.


600 mg/kg (aqueous-methanolic) extract of flowers reduced severity and increased

latency of pentylenetetrazole-induced convulsions; prolonged pentobarbital-induced
sleeping time in mice, with effects similar to diazepam


Lavandula vera D.C.


Prevented metrazol-induced convulsions (200300 mg/kg, IP) in 6070% of mice and

rats. 108164 mg/kg (IP) inhibited electroshock-induced convulsions in rats



10300 mg/kg potentiated narcotic effects of hexobatbital sodium, alcohol and chloral
hydrate, and inhibited spontaneous motor activity in mice


Competitive antagonism of [3H]-glutamate and non-competitive antagonism of [3H]dizocilpine (NMDA receptor antagonist) binding in rat cortical membranes. Evidence
that optically active linalools may have different CNS effects. Delayed NMDA-induced
convulsions and blocked QUIN-induced convulsions; partial inhibition and significant
delay of behavioural expression of pentylenetetrazole-induced kindling in mice.
Protection against pentylenetetrazol- and picrotoxin-induced convulsions and noncompetitive inhibition of [3H]-dizocilpine binding (IC50 2.97 mmol/L) but no effect on
[3H]-muscimol binding in mice. Significantly inhibited (at concentrations of 1 and 3
mmol/L) potassium-stimulated [3H]-glutamate release and decreased its uptake in
mice cortical synaptosomes



Inhalation (of 27mg) decreased motility of normal mice and reversed caffeine-induced
over-agitation in mice



Modified the kinetics of the nicotinic receptor ion channel at the mouse neuromuscular
junction. Inhibited basal adenylate cyclase activity



Inhalation of 23mg caused a particular decrease in motility in normal mice and

reversed caffeine-induced over-agitation in mice. No antidepressant effects in forced
swimming test in rats


French lavender [linalyl

acetate 45%, (R)-()-linalool
38%, (Z)--cis-ocimene 10%]

Linalool [3040%]

CNS Drugs 2006; 20 (4)

Linalyl acetate [1020%]

The main lavender species used in aromatherapy is Lavandula angustifolia, although other species include L. latifolia, L. stoechas and L. x intermedia. These species do
not have the same phytochemistry and may have differing biological activities.[67]

IC50 = concentration that inhibited the effect by 50%; IP = intraperitoneal; QUIN = quinolinic acid; SC = subcutaneous.

Perry & Perry

Main CNS effect

Aromatherapy for Psychiatric Disorders

decrease in beta wave activity (~13Hz) following

inhalation in healthy 20- to 26-year-old subjects that
was similar to that of (RS)-()-linalool. However,
(S)-(+)-linalool had no effect on this parameter.[131]
Available data suggest that the anticonvulsant
and CNS depressant effects of L. angustifolia and its
main constituent linalool (and its acetate) are likely
to occur via modulation of components of the glutamatergic system (i.e. NMDA receptor subtype), although more direct cellular mechanisms such as
inhibition of adenylate cyclase (affecting cyclic
adenosine monophosphate second messenger activity) and ion channel activity (affecting neurotransmitter release) may also be relevant to clinical effects.[82,86,90,91] Such physiological mechanisms are
consistent with the extensive use of lavender as a
sedative/CNS depressant and anti-anxiety agent in
aromatherapy and herbal medicine (for reviews see
Cavanagh and Wilkinson,[67] Buchbauer et al.[73] and
Several essential oils have anxiolytic and sedative actions; the pharmacological action(s) of species such as melissa (M. officinalis) and neroli (Citrus aurantium), which are used in aromatherapy
massage and inhalation for this purpose, are listed in
table IV.
4.2 Pharmacology of Essential Oils with
Stimulant Activity

Some essential oils are traditionally used as stimulants, although there are fewer of these than sedative oils (table V). Essential oils with stimulant
properties include rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), sage (Salvia sp.) and jasmine (Jasminum
grandiflora). Data (mainly from studies on locomotor activity in animals) indicate that these oils have
pharmacological activity consistent with their therapeutic application (table I and table V). For example, inhalation and oral administration of rosemary
oil stimulated locomotor activity in mice and this
was correlated with blood concentrations of
2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.


1,8-cineole (the major constituent of this oil).[64] 1,

8-Cineole has been shown to increase global cerebral blood flow after 20 minutes inhalation in human
subjects; interestingly, and importantly in relation to
physiological versus psychological mechanisms, the
same effects were seen in an anosmic subject.[133]
Furthermore, Kagawa et al.[98] showed that the sesquiterpenoid cedrol (a component of pine essential
oils) had sedative effects in normal and anosmic
(zinc sulphate treated) rats (table IV). This substantiates the view that the effects of certain inhaled
essential oil constituents are independent of olfactory function.[98] However, some essential oils may
not affect those who are olfactory deprived, since a
chamomile and lavender oil mix reduced pentobarbital-induced sleep time in normal but not anosmic
mice and rats.[98]
The effects of essential oils with stimulant activity may occur through the modulation (antagonism)
of GABAA receptor activity,[134] cholinergic (nicotinic and muscarinic) receptors[110] or transmitterrelated enzymes (acetylcholinesterase, adenylate
cyclase).[124,127] Such stimulant effects may be relevant to the treatment of memory disorders and apathy common to a variety of psychiatric disorders
(e.g. Parkinsons disease, frontotemporal dementia,
progressive supranuclear palsy and catatonic schizophrenia).
4.3 Pharmacokinetics
and Pharmacodynamics

From the data available, blood concentrations of

essential oil constituents following inhalation or oral
administration are generally in the nL/mL blood
range (tables III, IV and V). The therapeutic effects
of oral versus inhalation/dermal application may
differ, since metabolism of the constituents may
occur at differing rates before circulation in the
body. An unexplored aspect of naturally occurring
terpenoids is the significance of their metabolites in
relation to neuropharmacological mechanisms and
CNS Drugs 2006; 20 (4)


2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

Table IV. The main essential oils used in aromatherapy and their constituents that show pharmacological sedative activities
Main CNS effect

In vitro effects and in vivo pharmacology



Inhibited the binding of an NMDA receptor-ion channel blocker [3H]-dizocilpine, but

not a ligand selective for the glycine binding site. Rhizome essential oil 0.3 mg/mL
inhibited glutamate- (but not AMPA-) induced excitotoxicity in primary cultured rat
cortical neurons. Rhizome essential oil inhalation in mice delayed appearance of
pentylenetetrazole-induced convulsions, prolonged pentobarbital-induced sleeping time
and inhibited activity of GABA transaminase


Artemisia annua L.
(Asteraceae) [camphor 22.7%,
1,8-cineole 20.4%, p-cymeme


470 mg/kg (IP) produced CNS depressant activity in rats


Benzyl alcohol [in e.g. Tilia


CNS depressant

Decreased motility of mice following inhalation. Inhalation of its acetate produced no

effect on pentobarbital-induced sleeping time in mice


Cedrol [in cypresses and

pines, e.g. Juniperus
virginiana L.]


Decreased spontaneous motor activity in normal, caffeine-treated and hypertensive rats

and mice, and prolonged pentobarbital-induced sleeping time in normal and anosmic
rats (408 g/mL in air 1.0 L/min)


1,8-Cineole [in e.g.

Rosmarinus officinalis]


30 mg/kg (IP) decreased motor activity in mice


Citral [in e.g. Melissa



Increased duration of barbiturate-induced sleeping time and had motor relaxant effects
(100200 mg/kg IP) in rats. 0.1 mL/h significantly reduced total immobility time and
potentiated the imipramine-induced reduction of total immobility time in a forced
swimming test in rats


Citronellol [in e.g. Rosa



400800 mg/kg (IP) possessed anticonflict effect similar to diazepam in Geller and
Vogel tests in mice


Citrus aurantium L., neroli

(Rutaceae) [linalool 37.5%,
limonene 16.6%, -pinene

anxiolytic, sedative

0.5 g/kg peel essential oil increased latency period of tonic seizures in
pentylenetetrazole- and electroshock-induced convulsions in mice and 1 g/kg increased
the sleeping time induced by pentobarbital. Anxiolytic effect in the elevated plus maze
test. Inhalation of Subsp. aurantium reduced motility of mice by 65%. Inhalation
decreased motility of normal but not caffeine-injected mice


Citrus bergamia Risso,

bergamot (Rutaceae)
[limonene 38%, linalyl acetate
28%, linalool 8%]

CNS depressant

1040 mg/kg (IP) nonvolatile extract of essential oil reduced spontaneous activity,
potentiated sodium pentobarbital-induced sleeping time and protected against
pentylenetetrazole-induced convulsions in mice


Eugenia caryophyllata, clove

(Myrtaceae) [eugenol 77%, caryophyllene 10%]


0.0500.1 mL/kg (IP) suppressed tonic electroshock-induced convulsions and mortality

in mice


Laurus nobilis Linn.

(Lauraceae) [cineol, eugenol,
sabinene, 4-terpineol]


Protected mice against electroshock- and pentylenetetrazole-induced convulsions and

at 0.751 mL/kg (IP) produced sedation and motor impairment in mice, though LD50
value was 1.45 (1.221.71) mL/kg


Continued next page

Perry & Perry

CNS Drugs 2006; 20 (4)

Essential oil, common name if

known (family) [main
constituentsa]/constituent with
activity [essential oil/s found in]
Acorus gramineus, Solander
(Araceae) [- and -asarone]

Main CNS effect

In vitro effects and in vivo pharmacology


See table III

See table III

See table III

d-Limonene [in e.g. C.



50200 mg/kg (IP) increased duration of barbiturate-induced sleeping time and had
motor relaxant effects


Matricaria chamomilla L.,

Roman chamomile
(Asteraceae) [see below]


Inhalation decreased restriction stress-induced increases in plasma ACTH level in

normal and ovariectomised rats in the same manner as diazepam. Effect was blocked
by pretreatment with the benzodiazepine receptor antagonist flumazenil. 200800
mg/kg (SC) exhibited no anticonflict effects in the Vogel or Geller conflict tests in mice


Matricaria recutita L., German

chamomile (Asteraceae)
[farnesene 27%, chamazulene
17%, ()--bisabolol 14%,
()--bisabololoxides A and B


Extracts of chamomile reduced the latency in the onset of picrotoxin-induced

convulsions and decreased mortality rate. Flavonoids present in herb (e.g. apigenin)
demonstrated a low affinity for the benzodiazepine receptor, with no effects at
muscarinic or 1-adrenergic receptors, or the GABA binding site of the GABAA channel


Melissa officinalis, lemon balm

(Labiatae) [geranial 31.9%,
neral 22.3%, -caryophyllene

CNS depressant,
analgesic, sedative,

Suppression of the population spike amplitude in the CA1 region of rat hippocampal
slice preparation following application of essential oil (IC50 128 g/mL), comparable to
the GABAA agonist muscimol. 3100 L/kg did not influence behavioural parameters in
the staircase test in mice and inhalation produced no effect on the motility of mice.
12800 mg/kg extract decreased behavioural parameters measured in a non-familiar
environment test (staircase test) and familiar environment test (two compartment test).
4001600 mg/kg extract produced peripheral analgesia by reducing acetic acid-induced
pain; 36 mg/kg extract (and not 100 L/kg essential oil) induced sleep in mice after
treatment with an infrahypnotic dose of pentobarbital; 6 and 50 mg/kg potentialised
sleep induced by pentobarbital. 25 and 50 mg/kg extract produced sedative and
hypnotic effects and potentiated barbiturate-induced sleep time. Extracts (ethanolic)
displaced [3H]-(N)-nicotine and [3H]-(N)-scopolamine in receptor binding studies using
human cerebral cortical cell membranes. Leaves contain compounds with 10-fold
greater radical scavenging ability than ascorbic acid and -tocopherol (Perry N et al.,
unpublished data)


Mentha rotundifolia, L. mint

(Labiatae) [rotundifolone
10.4%, piperitol 57.6%],
Mentha longifolia, mint
(Labiatae) [rotundifolone
33.2%, diosphenol 47.7%]


CNS depressant effect (100400 mg/kg) in spontaneous activity and curiosity test,
potentiation of pentobarbital-induced sleep (50 mg/kg) in mice and rats


[in e.g. Calamintha sylvatica]


30 mg/kg (IP) decreased motor activity in mice


Passiflora incarnate L.,

passiflora (Passifloraceae)
[matol, 2-phenylethanol]


Decreased motility of caffeine-induced over-agitated mice but not normal mice following


Continued next page


CNS Drugs 2006; 20 (4)

Essential oil, common name if

known (family) [main
constituentsa]/constituent with
activity [essential oil/s found in]
Lavandula species

Aromatherapy for Psychiatric Disorders

2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

Table IV. Contd

Dose-dependent (300600M) reversible blockade of the compound action potential of

rat sciatic nerve, suggested to be clinically relevant (i.e. concentration reached in
dermal tissues during massages with essential oils). Inhalation increased pentobarbitalinduced sleep time in mice
a Taken from the individual references detailed or from Bowles.[93] The principal chemical constituents are listed in order of concentration, highest first; note that proportions
may vary according to source and that many oils contain hundreds of terpenoids.
ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone; IC50 = concentration that caused 50% inhibition; IP = intraperitoneal; LD50 = dose lethal to 50% of animals; SC = subcutaneous.





400800 mg/kg (IP) possessed anticonflict effect similar to diazepam in Geller and
Vogel tests in mice
30 mg/kg (IP) decreased motor activity in mice
400800 mg/kg (IP) possessed anticonflict effect similar to diazepam in Geller and
Vogel tests in mice. Inhalation produced no effects on pentobarbital-induced sleep time
in mice. Restorative effects on stress-induced immunosuppression in mice
100500 mg/kg (IP) reduced motor activity, impaired the performance in the rotarod
test and protected against electroshock-induced convulsions in mice
Inhalation decreased motility of normal and over-agitated mice


In vitro effects and in vivo pharmacology
Main CNS effect


Perry & Perry

Essential oil, common name if

known (family) [main
constituentsa]/constituent with
activity [essential oil/s found in]
2-Phenethyl alcohol [in R.
Pulegone [in e.g. C. sylvatica]
R. centifolia, rose (Rosaceae)
[2-phenethyl alcohol,
citronellol, geraniol]
Safrol [in e.g. Licaria puchurymajor]
-Terpineol [in e.g. Lavendula
Terpineol [in e.g. Eucalyptus
globulus], terpinyl acetate

Table IV. Contd


2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

to psychological and clinical psychiatric effects. In

addition, chiral differences influence the pharmacokinetic behaviour, as well as affecting the biological activity, of constituents.[10,64,131,135,136]
The pharmacokinetic profile of monoterpeniods
so far studied indicate a two-phase elimination
rapid and slow rate with accumulation in adipose
tissue.[64,73,137] The cytochrome P450 enzymes
metabolise certain essential oil constituents by addition of a sulphate or glucuronate group (e.g. linalool
shows part conjugation to glucuronic acid) and,
thus, some contraindications associated with
hepatotoxicity are evident (see section 3).
5. Conclusions and Challenges
The essential oils with reputed sedative actions
such as lavender, lemon balm and neroli have pharmacological actions consistent with reducing CNS
activity (tables III and IV) and, likewise, those with
a stimulant reputation, for example rosemary, sage
and jasmine, have comparable CNS stimulant-like
in vitro and in vivo activities (table V). Thus, there
are no apparent contradictions between the anecdotal and scientific literature, or clinical effects and
pharmacological profiles. There is, however, a need
to establish a phytochemical and pharmacological
profile (database) of specific putative clinical essential oil agents in order to establish phytochemical
standardisation, mechanism of action and any
clinical contraindications.
Relevant psychoaromatherapeutic effects of essential oils so far studied occur through a direct
action of chemical constituents on: CNS receptors,
including cholinergic,[110,138] GABAergic[128,134] and
glutamatergic subtypes;[88,89,94] ion channels, including potassium and calcium;[85,90,91,124,139,140] and enzymes, for example adenylate cyclase and
acetylcholinesterase.[13,76,84,86,126,127,141-145] However,
to date, all of the pharmacological studies of terpenoids have involved established bioassays generally
based on receptor targets of established neurotransCNS Drugs 2006; 20 (4)

Essential oil, common name

(family) [main chemical
constituents (% in oil)
Citrus limonum, lemon
(Rutaceae) [citral, geranyl

Main effect

In vitro and in vivo pharmacology


Antidepressant, stimulant,

0.1 mL/h vapour reduced total immobility time and potentiated the imipramineinduced reduction of total immobility time in a forced swimming test in rats.
Shortened pentobarbital-induced sleep time in normal but not anosmic (via zinc
sulphate) mice. Long-term inhalation of lemon fragrance in mice induced
suppression of plaque-forming cells in blood (immune response) induced by highpressure stress. Inhalation modulated the behavioural and neuronal (acetylcholine
release) responses related to nociception and pain differently in male and female
rats. Restorative effects on stress-induced immunosuppression in mice


Isoborneol and isoeugenol

Stimulant in normal,
anxiolytic in stressed

Inhalation increased locomotor activity of mice under normal conditions, though

decreased it in over-agitated mice pretreated with caffeine


Jasminum grandiflora L.,

Jasmine [benzyl acetate
22%, benzyl benzoate
14.5%, phytyl acetate

Stimulant, spasmolytic

Stimulant on inhalation in animals and humans. Shortened pentobarbital-induced

sleep time in normal but not anosmic mice. 200800 mg/kg (IP) exhibited no
anticonflict effect using the Geller-type conflict test in mice or antidepressant
effects in forced swimming test in rats. Spasmolytic activity on guinea-pig ileum
and rat uterus, suggested mediation via (rise in) cAMP


400 and 800 mg/kg (IP and IV) increased ambulatory activity of mice. Note other
Mentha species with distinct photochemistry (e.g. Mentha longifolia) may have
CNS depressant activity (table IV)


Mentha piperita L.,

peppermint (Labiatae)
[menthol 43%, menthone

Increase in locomotor activity observed after inhalation and oral administration.

Following 0.5mL rosemary oil per cage for 1 hour, the concentration of 1,8-cineole
in the blood was 11.15 nL/mL (approaching that in the breathing air, 13.65 nL/mL).
Inhalation and oral administration produced dose-related increase in blood levels of
1,8-cineole. There was rapid elimination after 10 min (t1/2 6 min) and slower
elimination after 45 min. Extracts delayed the onset of picrotoxin-induced seizures
and decreased the mortality rate in mice


Salvia officinalis L., French

sage (Labiatae) [-thujone
37%, -thujone 14%,
camphor 12%, 1,8-cineole

Cholinergic, stimulatory,
GABAergic, antioxidant

0.1 mg/mL and certain constituent monoterpenoids inhibited erythrocyte

acetylcholinesterase. Extracts (ethanolic) of certain Salvia sp. displaced [3H]-(N)nicotine and [3H]-(N)-scopolamine in receptor binding studies using human
cerebral cortical cell membranes. 0.07 mg/mL initially increased population spike
amplitude and within minutes caused epileptiform activity, followed by suppression
in population spike amplitude in the CA1 region of rat hippocampal slice
preparation. -Thujone (neurotoxic in high doses) is believed to modulate GABAA
receptor. Plant diterpenes (e.g. carnosol and carnosic acid) inhibited TBPS binding
to the chloride channel of the GABA receptor complex, but not muscimol or
diazepam binding in rat brain membranes. Monoterpenoids, extracts and phenolic
components exhibited antioxidant activity on lipid peroxidation (Perry N et al.,
unpublished data)


Continued next page


CNS Drugs 2006; 20 (4)

Rosmarinus officinalis L.,

rosemary (Labiatae)
[-pinene 22%, camphor
17%, 1,8-cineole 17%]

Aromatherapy for Psychiatric Disorders

2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

Table V. The main essential oils used in aromatherapy that show pharmacological stimulant activities

= elimination half-life;

first; note that



Essential oil (IC50 0.03 mg/mL) and certain constituent monoterpenoids inhibited
erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase. 20 and 50L essential oil inhibited rat striatal and
hippocampal acetylcholinesterase following oral administration. 0.07 mg/mL
increased population spike amplitude with no epileptiform activity in the CA1 region
of rat hippocampal slice preparation. Essential oil and certain monoterpenoid
constituents exhibit in vitro antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity (Perry N et
al., unpublished data)
Tagetes minuta L.,
45 g/mL inhibited binding of the benzodiazepine [3H]-flunitrazepam to rat and
chinchilla (Asteraceae)
chick brain membranes. 0.3 mg/kg (SC) displayed anxiogenic and antidepressant[c-ocimene, t-ocimene,
like effects in rats in elevated plus maze and forced swimming tests. 0.040.45
mg/kg exhibited anxiogenic effects on chick behaviour in T-maze and tonic
immobility tests
Stimulant in normal,
Inhalation increased locomotor activity of mice under normal conditions, though
anxiolytic in stressed
decreased it in over-agitated mice pretreated with caffeine
a Taken from the individual references or from Boelens BACIS ESO database;[6] principal chemical constituents listed in order of concentration, highest
proportions may vary according to source and that many oils contain hundreds of terpenoids.
cAMP = cyclic adenosine monophosphate; IC50 = concentration that caused 50% inhibition; IP = intraperitoneal; IV = intravenous; SC = subcutaneous; t1/2
TBPS = t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate.
stimulatory, antioxidant,

In vitro and in vivo pharmacology

Main effect

Essential oil, common name

(family) [main chemical
constituents (% in oil)
Salvia lavandulaefolia Vahl.,
Spanish sage (Labiatae)
[camphor 22%, 1,8-cineole
21%, borneol 13%,
-thujone 1%]

Table V. Contd


Perry & Perry



2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

mitters, which are almost all amines or nitrogencontaining. Terpenoids, in contrast, generally being
hydrocarbons, may interact with the CNS in as yet
undiscovered ways, raising the exciting prospect of
uncovering novel receptors, molecular targets or
endogenous chemical signals in the CNS. This parallels the discovery of the endogenous cannabinoids
and their receptors, which were identified originally
based on the interaction of plant-based terpenoids
from Cannabis sativa with CNS receptors.
Some of the challenges for further research that
can presently be identified are summarised in table
VI. As well as considering potential contraindications and/or adverse effects of certain essential oils
(including skin sensitivities and toxicities and abortifacient effects), in the event that clinical efficacy is
established for particular oils and this efficacy is
attributable to specific terpenoids, the question then
arises as to whether future treatment should involve
the use of single chemical constituents or combinations of these. This would satisfy those that seek
simple, standardised formulations as medicines but
most probably not the vast majority of aromatherapeutic practitioners who believe in the value of the
whole essential oil.
The linking of subjective or objective behavioural evaluations to potential objective assessments, such as neuroimaging or EEG, when assessing essential oils would help establish aromatherapy
in clinical practice. Several studies have reported
results from such assessments. In healthy individuals, 810Hz EEG reductions in parietal and temporal regions were reported after lavender oil inhalation, associated with subjective ratings of feeling
comfortable.[146] In 15 healthy adults exposed to
lavender or single aromatic chemicals (e.g. ethyl
aceto acetate and camphor), autonomic measures
including skin potential and respiratory and heart
rates altered in conjunction with hedonic effects.[147]
Other potential physiological measures that are affected by lavender include auditory reaction time
CNS Drugs 2006; 20 (4)

Aromatherapy for Psychiatric Disorders


Table VI. Challenges for further research into the use of aromatherapeutic agents for psychiatric disorders
Clinical trials

Conducting suitably powered, controlled trials, fulfilling the rigid criteria for blinded, randomised, controlled
trials, or developing other criteria for establishing clinical efficacy

Selection and
standardisation of oils

Selecting appropriate aromatic oil(s), based on relevant bioactivities and chemical composition as well as
traditional use, together with standardisation of commercial preparations, application procedure and dose

Chemical constituents

Establishing the active constituent(s) in order to understand the pharmacology, toxicology and interactions
that may occur between constituents

Anosmic issues

Identifying and separating the psychological and pharmacological effects and relevance to anosmic

Adverse reactions,
interactions and

Developing awareness of which essential oils do or no not have contraindications, potential interactions
with other medications, and individual dermal or other adverse reactions


Aromatherapeutic practice tailors the application to the individual as opposed to standardised symptomatic
treatment; this poses obvious challenges


Bridging the gap between preferences and practices between nursing and medical practitioners;
accumulating scientific evidence, clinical trial data and relevant pharmacology to enable, e.g. general
practitioners, to consider prescribing the use of specific essential oils as an adjunct to conventional
medicine in psychiatric disorders; availability of standardised aromaceuticals with information on clinical
and pharmacological effects; including such information in medical student education; acceptance of
complex, synergistic effects of a therapeutic agent

Research support

Identifying research support the absence of economic incentives for the pharmaceutical industry and the
insufficient resources of commercial suppliers of essential oils indicate the need for government and
charity support

and critical flicker fusion frequency.[146] Preliminary

evaluations to select the most appropriate aromatic
oil for individual symptoms could, thus, include
standardised physiological and perhaps also psychological assessment measures.
One of the major challenges in conducting controlled trials of aromatherapy is the issue of individuality, not only in terms of treatment response but
also the selection of the essential oil on the basis of
subjective preference and context. Sugawara et
al.[87] evaluated the perception of a range of oils
(ylang ylang, orange, geranium, cypress, bergamot,
spearmint and juniper) in 24 healthy young adults,
based on a range of responses including soothing,
pleasant and comfortable, while performing different types of work. They reported various results,
including that juniper was found to be more favourable during mental work, whereas geranium and
orange were unfavourable under this condition. This
and other reports[84,131] raise the issue of whether
such subjective sensory tests should be incorporated
into preliminary clinical trials of essential oils.
2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

Since aromatherapy, like any pharmacotherapy,

potentially affects all systems, the indirect effects of
essential oil therapy on cerebral function, such as
those on the cardiovascular system and autonomic
function, may need to be considered. Heuberger et
al.[10] reported that inhalation of (+)-limonene increased systolic blood pressure, together with subjective alertness and restlessness, whereas ()-limonene had only effects on blood pressure (also incidentally indicating that molecular chirality is
relevant in terms of mechanisms). Similar peripheral
changes affected by lavender inhalation were noted
in healthy volunteers who liked, as opposed to did
not like, the fragrance.[148] Nagai et al.[149] observed
that odours of choice, including rose, jasmine or
lavender, reduced an increase in diastolic blood
pressure induced by exercise in healthy adults, and
Komori et al.[54] showed that citrus odours restored
stress-induced immunosuppression.
Thus, it may not be possible to fully assess the
clinical value of aromatherapy in psychiatry without
taking into account the additional pharmacology of
CNS Drugs 2006; 20 (4)


Perry & Perry

essential oils that contributes to general physical

well-being. Essential oil constituents that penetrate
the nasal passages, skin or lungs have direct actions
on the autonomic nervous system that can be
grouped as relaxing or stimulating in terms of basic
responses such as heart rate, blood pressure and
respiration, in addition to localised dermal and
bronchial effects.[10,131,138,147,149-151] In addition to the
direct neuropharmacological properties of an essential oil, the smell of the oil may exert a pleasant
familiar learnt response, via the olfactory system.
This, in turn, alters the hypothalamic control of
hormones and neurotransmitters. Further antiviral,
antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immuno-restorative properties of certain
essential oils[54,84,97,141,142,144,145] support a multiplicity of CNS and autonomic nervous system effects.
In conclusion, based on relevant neuropharmacological and limited clinical evidence, aromatherapy
is a treatment with major, but relatively unexplored,
potential in the field of clinical psychiatry. Together
with the outstanding need to provide an evidence
base derived from controlled trials, is the requirement for information on safety, drug interactions
and sources of standardised preparations. While lavender is the most widely used essential oil, there is
immense scope for exploring other oils that have
distinct chemical and relevant physiological effects.
This may lead to the identification of specific plantbased essential oils for the treatment of psychiatric
disorders that are as effective as synthetic pharmaceuticals, and perhaps also safer and with fewer
adverse effects.
We are most grateful to Lorraine Hood and Linda Cawley
for manuscript preparation, and Dr Sarah Davies, General
Practitioner, Morpeth, for helpful comments. Dr Nicolette
Perry was supported by the Newcastle Medicinal Research
Centre and Dr Elaine Perry was supported by the Medical
Research Council. The authors have no potential conflicts of

2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

interest that are directly relevant to the contents of this


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Correspondence and offprints: Dr Nicolette Perry, Medicinal Plant Research Centre, Universities of Newcastle and
Northumbria, Newcastle General Hospital, MRC Building,
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 6BE, UK.
E-mail: [email protected]

CNS Drugs 2006; 20 (4)

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