Shirley Price Aromatherapy Syllabus

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The document outlines the structure and requirements of an aromatherapy course syllabus, including the different topics covered, minimum contact hours, and aims of the course.

The aims of the aromatherapy course syllabus include developing knowledge of aromatherapy principles, exploring the safe use of aromatic materials in treatments, developing skills for consultation and treatment, and recognizing the importance of professional development.

The 'Historical and Philosophical Perspectives' section covers tracing the evolution of aromatherapy from ancient uses to modern practice, explaining concepts of health and illness, and evaluating the relationship between orthodox and complementary medicine.



Core Element
Course Component
Distance Learning.
Minimum Student
Self-directed Study Hours
Anatomy & Physiology 50* 100
Pathology 15* 50
Applied Aromatherapy
inc 60hrs massage (see
Therapeutic Massage syllabus)
and blending
80 120
Theory of Aromatherapy 70* 100
Therapeutic Relationships 7 10
Professional Studies Legislation,
conduct, ethics
7* 20
Business Studies Legal
framework, Accounting,
7* 20
Reflective Practice 7 20
Understanding Research
See Appendix 4
7* 10

250 450

*Indicates components which may be taught by distance learning. All other
components are taught face-to-face.
Demonstration/ interaction/evaluation, observation and hours which are not
asterisked refer to contact hours.



To develop a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the principles of
Aromatherapy from a historical and philosophical perspective.

To explore and develop an in depth understanding of the art and science of using
aromatic materials safely, in a range of therapeutic treatments.

To identify and evaluate the necessary skills to assess individual needs and the
implementation of appropriate treatment, based on sound research-based evidence.

To recognise and critically appraise the importance of personal and professional
development and the need for lifelong learning in a critical and systematic way.

To explore and discuss the socio-economic and political factors from a national and local

To develop the skills necessary for effective consultation and safe treatment with
essential oils and related products

To utilise reflective practice and the use of personal and professional development
within the boundaries of client management.

To identify the factors required to create a safe and appropriate working environment,
taking into account the socio-economic and political influences, which may impact on
professional practice.

To develop an understanding of the ethics, limitations and business requirements of the
practice of aromatherapy

To develop an awareness of current research into aromatherapy and associated
products used in its practice and evaluate its usefulness to practice


The student will be able to trace the development of aromatherapy from its roots in the
ancient use of aromatics to its emergence as a 21st Century system of natural medicine.
The student will be able to explain the meaning of health and illness and the role of
aromatherapy in modern health care.

The student will be able to:

Describe the evolution of aromatherapy:
the traditional use of aromatics;
the development of distillation
the modern history of essential oil use to the present day

Explain what is meant by modern natural medicine in relation to:
its holistic principles
a comparison between biochemical, energetic, structural and psychological forms of
natural medicine

Evaluate the importance of:
- the relationship between orthodox and complementary medicine
- briefly summarise the CAM therapies in groups 1 & 2 of the House of Lords report
- current issues with regards to socio-economic and political factors, integrated
healthcare and the creation of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council
- self v. statutory regulation and protection of title


Develop an understanding of the science and issues around the production and composition
of essential oils and related products, and apply this in safe practice

The student will be able to:

Define and discuss terms such as:
aromatherapy resinoid absolute
essential oil chemotype synergy
essence fixed oil
aromatic extract hydrolat

Describe the taxonomic classification of aromatic plants

Describe a typical plant cell, explaining the structure and related function of:
nucleus golgi bodies cell wall cell membrane
central vacuole chloroplasts

Explain basic plant structure and functions including:
tissue root stem leaf flower fruit seed
glandular structures
essential oil biogenesis
pathways of biosynthesis
roles of essential oils within the plant
the influence of external factors on the development and quality of essential oil
within the plant

Define and describe transpiration, photosynthesis, respiration, diffusion and osmosis
Define the terms atom, element, molecule, organic and inorganic compounds
Briefly describe the structure of an atom.
Explain the following terms in relation to aromatherapy:
ions, valency, single and double bonds, co-valency, hydrogen bonds, saturates, poly-
unsaturates, polar and non-polar solvents, isomers
Define the terms oxidation and reduction and explain their relevance in relation to
essential oil storage and safety
Describe essential oil chemistry including the relevant principles of organic chemistry:
Major families of essential oil components (Monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes,
diterpenes, alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, acids, esters, oxides, ethers)
and, where appropriate, relate the therapeutic action or possible hazard to the
presence of a functional group.
Understand and critically appraise safety issues relating to chemical composition
Define and apply the terms precaution and contraindication in relation to the safe
practice of aromatherapy
Explain essential oil safety and its relevance to clinical practice, including:
hazard and risk photosensitivity
dermal irritation allergic contact dermatitis
sensitisation acute and chronic toxicity
essential oil metabolism & excretion cross sensitisation
anaphylactic shock safety for the therapist


The student will develop a knowledge and understanding of how essential oils and related
products are produced and identify the factors that influence their purity and quality.
The student will also demonstrate the ability to apply this knowledge within safe practice

The student will be able to:

Describe the following methods of extraction :
hydrodistillation water and steam distillation
steam distillation expression
solvent extraction CO2 extraction enfleurage

Evaluate the criteria for essential oil identification:
organoleptic analysis (colour, viscosity, aroma profile and taste)
physical analysis
Describe methods of essential oil analysis and understand their relevance to the
aromatherapist, including Gas Liquid Chromatography (GLC), Specific Optical Rotation
and Mass Spectroscopy (MS)
Explain the significance of the principles of safe handling and storage of essential oils
Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the issues surrounding safe bottling and labelling
Explain how shelf life is affected by oxidation
Evaluate related botanical products in terms of their production, quality control,
importance and therapeutic uses:
hydrolats (aromatic waters) tisanes, decoctions
tinctures fixed and herbal oils

Demonstrate knowledge of at least 10 of the following fixed oils in terms of their
botanical name, production, quality control, importance and therapeutic uses:
sweet almond apricot kernel avocado borage
castor oil cocoa butter coconut evening primrose
hazelnut jojoba kukui macadamia nut
neem olive peach kernel rose hip
safflower sesame seed sunflower seed tamanu
walnut wheatgerm

Demonstrate an understanding of at least 4 of the following herbal oils in terms of their
botanical name production, quality control, importance and therapeutic uses:
arnica calendula wild carrot lime blossom
comfrey devils claw echinacea meadowsweet
fenugreek gotu kola hypericum

The student will gain an understanding of the various routes through which essential oils are
absorbed by the body, together with the ways they are applied therapeutically.

The student will be able to:

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms of actions of essential
oils in relation to:
inhalation (olfaction, respiratory absorption)
theories of olfaction
theories of how essential oils work at a cellular level
skin absorption
internal administration (for reference only)
effects of aromatherapy massage

Identify and critically appraise the ways in which essential oils might be used
baths compresses
massage inhalation
douches poultices
direct / neat application creams / ointments / lotions / gels
clay applications hair, skin and mouth care products
Demonstrate knowledge and application of the different approaches and theories of
according to fragrance, chemistry, taxonomy
aesthetic, clinical and psychological approaches to blending
principles of synergy and antagonism

Critically assess and demonstrate the ability to blend essential oils with various media
i.e. carrier oils, herbal oils, creams, lotions, gels, floral waters, clay

Examine and justify the theoretical principles and demonstrate the practical skills
relating to the accurate diluting of essential oils according to the therapeutic
requirement of the individual and the method of application.


The student will be able to demonstrate an in depth knowledge of the following 30
essential oils, resinoids and essences and their main chemotypes, including:

botanical name synonyms botanical family geographical origin
chemotypes habitat plant morphology extraction method
aroma relevant chemical composition physical characteristics
traditional & general uses
therapeutic indications uses (researched and anecdotal)
cautions and contraindications

Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
Bergamot (Citrus bergamia)
Black pepper (Piper nigrum)
Cardamon (Elettaria cardamomum)
Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica & C. deodara)
Chamomiles: Chamomile, German (Matricaria recutita)
Chamomile, Roman (Anthemis nobile)
Morrocan chamomile (Ormenis mixta)
Cinnamon Leaf (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus & C. winteranius)
Clary sage (Salvia sclarea)
Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp)
Frankincense (Boswellia carteri)
Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi)
Jasmine (Jasminum officinalis)
Juniper Berry (Juniperus communis)
Lavenders: Lavender, Stoechas (Lavandula stoechas)
Lavender, Spike (Lavandula latifolia)
Lavender, True (Lavandula angustifolia)
Lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia)
Mandarin; Tangerine (Citrus reticulata)
Marjoram, Sweet (Origanum majorana)
Neroli (Citrus aurantium ssp amara flos)
Orange, sweet (Citrus sinesis)
Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martini var motia)
Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium ssp amara fol.)
Pine (Pinus spp)
Ravensara (Ravensara aromatica)
Rose Otto (Rosa damascena)
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis chemotypes)
Sage (Salvia spp)
Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris chemotypes)

The student / school will choose a further 10 oils from the following list and study those
oils in the same manner as those above:

Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum)
Angelica Root and Seed (Angelica archangelica)
Benzoin (Styrax benzoin)
Cajeput (Melaleuca cajeputi)
Caraway (Carum carvi)
Cistus (Cistus ladaniferus)
Clove bud (Syzygium aromaticum)
Coriander seed (Coriandrum sativum)
Everlasting (Helichrysum italicum)
Fennel, Sweet (Foeniculum vulgare)
Ho leaf and wood (Cinnamomum camphora CT linalol)
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)
Laurel (Laurus nobilis)
Lemon (Citrus limon)
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)
Lime (Citrus limetta)
Melissa (Melissa officinalis)
Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)
Myrtle (Myrtus communis)
Niaouli (Melaleuca quinquenervia)
Orange, bitter (Citrus aurantium ssp amara)
Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin)
Rosewood (Aniba roseadora)
Sandalwood (Santalum album, Santalum spicatum, Santalum austrocaledonicum)
Savory, Mountain (Satureia montanta)
Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi)
Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Vetiver (Vetivera zizanoides)
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata var genuina)

The student will be able to discuss environmental issues, which may influence the
current use and / or availability of essential oils, for example rosewood and sandalwood.

The student will develop appropriate skills to enable them to source and evaluate
information pertinent to their work as a professional aromatherapist.

The student will be able to:

Source and critically evaluate a variety of research papers and information about
essential oils.
Demonstrate an awareness of a variety of outcome measures to allow them to
evaluate their practice
Provide evidence of use of at least one measure in their practical work
Demonstrate an understanding of the process of audit and its relevance to
professional practice


The student will develop the knowledge and skills required for the safe and effective clinical
practice of aromatherapy

The student will be able to:

Prepare the treatment area in accordance with the guidelines set out in the IFPA code of

Identify and evaluate the necessary skills to assess individual needs and the
implementation of appropriate treatment, based wherever possible on sound research-
based evidence

Identify and justify key points in the compilation of a consultation sheet / record card

Complete a consultation sheet / record card in an accurate and legible manner

Demonstrate and apply a knowledge of procedures required in order to perform a client
consultation and assessment for treatment

Conduct an effective consultation to demonstrate the following:
empathetic listening skills
appropriate use of open and closed questions
analysis of body language
offer suggestions regarding diet and lifestyle
session closing skills
monitoring of on-going progress

Perform a range of diagnostic tests to include:
postural and skin analysis
fascia mobility
identification of cellulite and oedema

Identify and justify clinical contraindications which require the avoidance of specific
products or treatment methods

Demonstrate an effective approach to treatment:
appropriate, detailed and researched essential oil selection
safe, hygienic and accurate blending
appropriate and safe treatment

Devise a treatment plan to meet individual client needs

Give advice on aftercare and make recommendations for home care
Identify and analyse potential situations & conditions which require client referral to
medical and non-medically trained healthcare professionals
Identify and evaluate the importance of recognising ones own limitations as a therapist
Examine and critically appraise the application of aromatherapy for specific conditions
as itemised in the IFPA Anatomy & Physiology Syllabus (at least 5 common conditions
per body system)

Explain the use of aromatherapy for special client groups: the use of essential oils and
related products in special situations:
skin care & associated conditions pregnancy
baby and child care stress-related conditions
the elderly cancer care
physical & learning difficulties

Evaluate the use of essential oils and related products in clinical environments; persons
who are debilitated or on intensive medication

Explain the term Psychological aromatherapy and its application in a variety of
the mental emotional benefits of essential oils
placebo effect and mind body links


The student will be able to:

Apply a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of Aromatherapy in assessing the
needs of the individual.

Demonstrate the ability to blend oils safely and appropriately for clients' needs.

Demonstrate and justify the use of a variety of therapeutic skills within a chosen practice

Create a safe and appropriate working environment, taking into account the socio-
economic and political influences, which may impact on professional practice.

Demonstrate and utilise knowledge of an evidence base to support decisions for chosen
Aromatherapy treatment plans, including suitable after care advice and home


The student will have a working knowledge of the ethical management of a professional
aromatherapy practice

The student will be able to:

Assess the implications for the practitioner of the IFPA codes of conduct and ethics with
regards to:
maintenance of up-to-date and secure client records
time management
health and safety in the clinic / home setting
boundaries of the therapeutic relationship
liaison with other health care professionals
working within an orthodox healthcare setting

Demonstrate an understanding of the roles of the following bodies:
The UK Medicine and Healthcare Regulation Authority (MHRA)
The UK Aromatherapy Trade Council (ATC)
The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)
The Aromatherapy Council

Explain the requirements for the establishment of
A sole trader a partnership a limited company

Identify and evaluate the issues for an aromatherapist in connection with the following:
curriculum vitae
scope of practice
insurance: professional indemnity / public / product liability
advertising and marketing
financial management and accountability:
data protection
NI contributions
development of practice

Explain the implications of legal requirements for good practice:
Health, Hygiene and Safety at Work Act
Local authority by-laws
Data Protection Act
Consumer Protection Act
Goods & Services Act
Veterinary Surgeons Act
Trades Description Act
Inland Revenue
Public Performance License (in terms of playing music for clients)


The student will develop an understanding of the key elements of continuing professional
development and research.

The student will be able to:

Critically appraise the value of personal self-development

Demonstrate an understanding of the current CPD requirements of the IFPA

Recognise and critically appraise the importance of personal and professional
development and the need for lifelong learning in a critical and systematic way

Appreciate the necessity of keeping up to date with changes in the profession

Demonstrate an understanding of the advantages of participation in local support

Appreciate the value of understanding research in terms of:
introduction to research methodologies
ethics of conducting research
conducting literature searches
accessing scientific data
read and critically analyse research papers

Identify strategies for maintaining practitioner health and well-being

Develop an awareness of other complementary therapies, in particular those discussed
in the House of Lords Report 2000


Battaglia, S (2003) The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy 2
Edition. Brisbane.
The Perfect Potion

Bowles, J. (2000) The Basic Chemistry of Aromatherapeutic Essential Oils. Australia

Buckle J. (1997) Clinical Aromatherapy in Nursing. London. Arnold.

Buckle J. (2003) Clinical Aromatherapy. Essential oils in Practice. Edinburgh. Churchill

Burfield T (2000) Natural aromatic Materials Odour and origins, Tampa. The Atlantic
Institute of Aromatherapy

Clarke, S (2002) Essential Chemistry for safe Aromatherapy, Edinburgh. Churchill Livingstone

Franchomme,P & Penoel D (1990) Laromatherapie exactement, France, Jallois

Kusmirek,J (2002) Liquid Sunshine. England. Floramicus

Lawless, J (1997) The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of essential oils. Shaftesbury. Element

Leung A & Foster S (1996) Encyclopaedia of common natural Ingredients, USA. Wiley

Mills, S & Bone K (2000) Principles & practice of phytotherapy, Edinburgh. Churchill Livingstone

Mojay, G (1996) Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit. London, Gaia.

Price L & Smith I (1999) Carrier oils for aromatherapy and massage, England. Riverhead

Price S & L (1999) Aromatherapy for Health Professionals (2
edition) Edinburgh.
Churchill Livingstone

Rhind J (2009) Essential Oils. A Handbook for Aromatherapy Practice. Edinburgh. Napier
Schnaubelt K (1998) Advanced Aromatherapy. Vermont. Inner Traditions International

Schnaubelt K (1999) Medical Aromatherapy. Berkley. Frog Ltd

Tisserand, R & Balacs T (1995) Essential Oil Safety London. Churchill Livingstone

Weiss EA (1997) Essential oil Crops. Wallingford. CAB International

Weiss EA (2002) Spice crops . Wallingford CAB International

Williams, D (1996) The Chemistry of Essential oils, Dorset. Micelle Press

Journals: The International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy

The International Journal of Essential Oil

In Essence

Aromatherapy Today

Harris, R & Harris R, The Aromatherapy Database. Research into the physiological and
psychological properties of essential oils and their components,
Essential Oil Research Consultants.

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