Simple Tricks: How To Multiply Any Two Digits Number by 11
Simple Tricks: How To Multiply Any Two Digits Number by 11
Simple Tricks: How To Multiply Any Two Digits Number by 11
When we were at school, we have been taught how
to sum two or more numbers together by using the
right to left approach. With this method, you first
sum the decimal part of the number, then you move
to the hundreds and so on. This works good on
paper, but its a pain when youre doing mental
calculations. Fortunately, the solution is very easy.
Left to right approach
Instead of using a right to left approach, we can
start from the left and move to the right. Take the
following example:
Like with addition, you can use the left to right
approach for subtracting to numbers together. This
time, however, it may feel uncomfortable to keep
track of borrowings (a borrowing occurs when you
subtract a number to a bigger one, like 16 9). Lets
see an example of this.
User contributions
the following are some math tricks contributed by
the users.
Multiply by 5
Contributed by Scott.
In order to solve simple multiplications, its helps a
lot being comfortable with the multiplication table
for numbers below 10.
As you may have already guessed, were going to
use the left to right approach to solve simple
multiplication very easily. Take the following