Clarksburg 2007

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22500 Wims Road, Clarksburg, MD 20871

Office: 301-444-3000
Counseling Services: 301-444-3020 Fax: 301-444-3594

2007-2008 Clarksburg High School will have its first graduating class!

VISION: All members of our learning community Grading System

will receive a rigorous education in an environment Montgomery County Public School (MCPS) system grades
awarded are A, B, C, D and E with D being minimum level of
that expects scholarship, promotes leadership, and performance work for required credit. Five unexcused
fosters respectful global relationships. absences in a course during each semester result in loss of
credit (E2) for that class. MCPS does not utilize a class rank
MISSION: To provide a quality, evolving process. The transcript shows both unweighted and weighted
education that ensures success for every student grade point averages. An additional quality point is awarded
to students who obtain an A, B or C in each advanced
through teaching and learning. placement and honors course.
Clarksburg High School opened for the 2006-2007 school year Graduation Requirements
as Montgomery County Public Schools’ newest high school. English 4.0 Credits
It is located on 34.5 acres and serves students from Social Studies 3.0 Credits
Clarksburg, Germantown, Damascus, Boyds, and US History
Gaithersburg, Maryland. National, State & Local Government
Modern World History
The student enrollment for our first year was 968 students in Science 3.0 Credits
grades 9-11. With the addition of a senior class, we have an Physical Science
enrollment of 1,460 students for the 2007-2008 school year – Biology
and we are still growing. Mathematics 4.0 Credits
Administrators Geometry
Principal James Koutsos Physical Education 1.0 Credit
Assistant Principals Bernie LeGrande Health .5 Credit
Michael Smith Fine Arts 1.0 Credit
Student Support Specialist Ericka Waters Technology Education 1.0 Credit
Electives 2.5 Credits
School Counseling Services Foreign Language or 2.0 Credits
Resource Counselor Jeanne Popovich Other Program Completer
Counselors Caryn Fischer Total 22.0 Credits
Tom Laddbush Community Service 60 Hours
Natalie Ritchie
Mandy Rosado AP Courses Offered:
John Schulien Language/Literature
Secretary Kay Clowser Biology/Chemistry/Physics/Environmental Science
Registrar LeeAnn Geisler National, State & Local Government/US History/
College-Career World History/European History/Psychology
Information Coordinator Sharon Williams Calculus AB/Calculus BC/Statistics
Spanish Language
Clarksburg HS Staff Music Theory
Professional: 106; Support: 56 Computer Programming 3
Studio Art Drawing

Honors Classes are offered in all academic disciplines.

Athletics Special Programs at Clarksburg High School:
Clarksburg High School coaching staff and students have a ► Capstone Project Program
strong sense of pride and determination. While our athletes are • It is a part of the Clarksburg HS Signature Program.
striving for excellence in their sport, they are also striving for • It is directed toward seniors.
excellence in the classroom. We at Clarksburg High School • It is designed around completing a project with a mentor in
are very fortunate to have a tremendous Booster Club, parents, an area of strong interest to the student.
and community that enhance our athletic program. Students
• It allows the student to pursue an individual curriculum.
must maintain a GPA of 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) with no more than
• It is an opportunity to develop skills of research,
one “E” or loss of credit for a grading period to participate in
most extracurricular activities (sports, clubs, drama independent learning and problem solving that helps prepare
productions, etc.) A student who is ineligible will remain a student for college or the world of work.
ineligible until the next report card.
►APPS Program Philosophy The APPS Program is
Awards designed as a four-year course of study through which
►Girls Cross Country Team 2006 Division students follow a comprehensive curriculum combining
Championships honors and advanced placement course work. Students follow
►Girls Soccer Team 2006 Regional Playoffs a rigorous course progression of advanced level courses. In
►Pom Pons County Division II Champions addition, students receive structured support and skill
refinement through their course work, required group
College Board Test Profiles meetings and seminars.

SAT Verbal Mean: 495 Math Mean: 526 (as of June 2007) ►Special Education...
We currently house two Special Education Programs at CHS.
Post High School Activity The Learning and Academic Disabilities (LAD) Program and
Eighty-two percent of the class of 2006 was accepted to the Cluster Program for Students with Emotional Disabilities
college. (This percentage is based on the 2005-2006 data for (ED Cluster). The LAD Program offers services for about 130
graduating seniors from our three feeder schools: Damascus, students and the ED Cluster Program has about 35 students.
Watkins Mill and Seneca Valley High Schools.) Some of our Most of our special education students receive services in
students who participate in MCPS vocational programs will predominately inclusive classrooms, co-taught or supported by
enter the work force with the training that they receive from special education teachers or para-educators. While we
their vocational program. Also students choose to enter the strivefor a fully inclusive setting, the specific needs of our
military and take advantage of their educational programs and students determine whether or not full inclusion is appropriate.
benefits. Subsequently, some self-contained classes are available in
both programs in order to offer a continuum of services.
High School Assessment (HSA) Test Results:
Current seniors are required to take the High School ►Work is currently underway in the development of an
Assessments in English, Biology, National, State and Local Online Learning Lab in affiliation with the University of
Government, and Algebra 1 for graduation but a passing score Maryland University College which will offer students access
is not required. to college level courses.


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