David Sims CV
David Sims CV
David Sims CV
2 Ahmed Heshmet St., Apt 7
Zamalek, Cairo
Tel: 20 - 2 735 6193 or 20 - 12 323 9270
E mail: [email protected]
Mr. Sims has worked and lived in developing countries continuously since 1971. He has advised
governments, donors, and public agencies on the following: urban planning and management, housing,
land management, municipal finance, community development, the environment, tourism, industrial
zones, small/micro enterprises, and local administration development. Advice has included
administrative, legal, financial, and technical procedures; project identification, preparation,
implementation & evaluation, and capacity strengthening.
Mr. Sims has been engaged by a number of international consulting firms and also directly by donors,
multilateral agencies and banks, and host governments. Assignments have been varied, including inhouse advisory and institution-building efforts, preparation of specific project plans and sectoral
analyses, and participation in project identification, preparation, and evaluation missions. He has
worked as team leader, team specialist, and individual consultant. The writing of concise reports is a
skill which has been frequently called upon.
Mr. Sims has worked in numerous countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Because of his
language skills he has had many assignments in Arab and francophone countries.
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August 1995 - April 1996 (half time); Team Leader, Urban Planner
Cambodia Urban Development Strategy Study (ADB, Government of Cambodia, PADCO)
Lead an international & local team in an urban sector assessment of rehabilitation and development for fifteen
cities in Cambodia, with emphasis on the development potential of Phnom Penh. Diagnostic analysis, prioritized
investment plans, and institutional strengthening programs were the main outputs, including the identification of
possible ADB loan projects.
June 1995 - December 1995 (intermittent); Senior Planning Advisor
Tirana Land Management Program (USAID, Albanian Min. Construction, PADCO)
Coordinated the new land identification and development component of the ongoing land management technical
assistance project for Greater Tirana and prepared a feasibility study on the participatory development of a new
residential subdivision of Tirana for WB loan appraisal.
Jan 1993 - June 1995 (intermittent); Senior Monitoring Consultant
Sustainable Ismailia Project (UNCHS, Governorate of Ismailia, Gibb & Parts.)
Assisted the Governorate of Ismailia in undertaking a participatory-oriented project for touristic, environmental
and development management of Ismailia city and its surroundings, monitored the project for UNCHS, and
helped in coordination with related donor efforts.
Oct - Nov 1994; ADB Staff Consultant (Urban Management Specialist);
ADB Fact-Finding Mission to Bangladesh: Institutional Development for Land Management
Prepared the draft Aide Memoir, TOR, and Background Report concerning a proposed 2.5 year TA for
improving land administration and taxation with the Ministry of Land.
Nov 1993 - Sept 1994 (intermittent); Housing and Urban Development Consultant
Human Settlements Programme Preparation for Eritrea (UNCHS, Gibb & Parts)
Prepared a preliminary housing and urban development sector review for inclusion in a World Bank Country
Memorandum and assisted the municipalities of Asmara and Massawa and the Town Planning Dept. in the
design of UN-assisted technical assistance packages.
Apr-Jun 1994; Mission Team Leader, Preparatory Project Mission on the Problems of the Landless in
Nepal (UNCHS, MHPP, Gibb.)
Led a team in investigating the dimensions of the landless problem in Nepal and in developing both a draft
national action plan to address the problem and a 3 year technical assistance project to support this action plan.
Jan-Feb 1994; Mission Team Leader, Preparatory Mission on Strengthening Municipal Capacities in the
Occupied Palestinian Territories; (UNCHS, Gibb & Parts.)
Led a team in assessing the municipal management situation in Gaza and the West Bank and in preparing a
sector review and proposals for technical assistance programmes.
Nov-Dec 1993; Housing Specialist; Final Evaluation Mission of the Rural Housing Reconstruction
Project in Bangladesh; (UNDP/UNCHS, Government of Bangladesh)
Participated in a three-person final evaluation of a 3 year UNCHS housing project of revolving credit through
NGOs to the rural poor.
Sept-Oct 1993; UNCHS Consultant and Urban Land Expert; Formulation of National Urban Sector
Programme for Bangladesh; (UNDP/OPS, Culpin Planning)
Participated in the preparation of a national urban and shelter sector programme for the next two national fiveyear plans. Concentrated on programme elements concerned with strengthening municipal government and
urban land policies.
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Oct-Dec 1992; Urban Economist; Integrated Urban Development Project - West Java and Sumatra
(Cipta Karya, Culpin Planning)
Evolved procedures for medium-range financial planning and growth promotion for the municipalities of three
secondary cities in Indonesia.
May-June 1992; Urban Development Specialist;
Land Management Unit Technical Assessment (USAID/Cairo)
Performed an assessment a four-year USAID-assisted project to build land management units in the six largest
municipalities of Egypt, including the identification of further needs.
Jan 1991 - Mar 1992; Team Leader and Housing Specialist;
Nepal National Shelter Strategy (UNCHS, MHPP, Culpin Planning Ltd.)
Managed a team of international and local consultants in the preparation of a National Shelter Strategy for
Nepal. The work included a large representative sample survey of housing, various field investigations, analysis
of subsector issues, and preparation with the Ministry of Housing and Physical Planning of a comprehensive
shelter policy and implementation strategy for the country.
May-Jun 1991; Urban Development Specialist;
Egypt Project Formulation Mission (UNCHS, Culpin Planning Ltd.)
Carried out a mission to identify possible urban projects for UNCHS/UNDP. Identified three projects and
prepared project documentation. One of these projects, under the Sustainable Cities Program, is underway.
Aug-Sept 1990; Urban Development Expert;
Study of Private/Public Partnerships in Urban Land Delivery in India (USAID/Delhi, Padco Int'l)
Part of a two person team which investigated current joint public and private efforts at urban land development
throughout India. A case study approach was employed, and evaluations and recommendations were prepared.
November 1989 and May-June 1990; Urban Development Expert;
Study of Development Benefits of the Cairo Ring Road; (USAID/Cairo)
Prepared reports and gave presentations assessing the benefits of the proposed Cairo ring road in terms of
impact on the general economy, industry, and lower-income neighbourhoods.
Oct 1989; Urban Economist; Nepal Urban Sector Assessment (USAID, PADCO Int'l)
As part of an overall urban sector assessment, investigated the future financial and resource requirements for
urban infrastructure services in 33 Nepalese cities.
1989; Team Leader and Housing Specialist;
Reconstruction of Rural Housing in Bangladesh: Preparatory Mission (UNCHS, Culpin Planning)
Lead a team of local and international consultants in the investigation of the rural housing sector following the
1988 floods, resulting in the studies and reports required to launch a 4 year UNCHS project to develop rural
housing delivery systems appropriate for the rural poor.
1989-90; Industrial Land Specialist;
Industrial Estates Project, (USAID/Cairo and GOFI)
Headed a team of local consultants which designed and promoted the implementation of pilot small industrial
clusters in Cairo and Alexandria. Full feasibility studies were prepared. A formula for implementation was
proposed which would involve government along with private developers.
1988; Land Development Specialist; Tetuan Urban Development Project: (ANHI, USAID, PADCO Int'l)
Worked with local consultants on baseline studies of land markets and housing finance required for
implementation of residential urban expansion of Tetuan using the joint-development (ZAC) approach.
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1988; Urban Land Specialist; Project Identification Mission, Jordan Housing Guarantee Program
(Ministry of Planning, USAID)
Part of team assigned to prepare the Sectoral Approval Document for the second Jordanian HG Loan which
stressed broad sectoral policy adjustments. Was responsible for defining nation-wide policy approaches towards
improving the supply of serviced land appropriate for housing for moderate-income families.
1988; Seminar Moderator, Conference on Housing (Jordanian Housing Bank, USAID)
Responsible for moderating, in Arabic, a conference of private housing developers and government officials.
Also responsible for preparing a report on the results of the seminar.
1988; Urban Land Specialist;
Egypt Local Development Project - II Urban; (USAID, Wilbur Smith Ass.)
Responsible for preparing reports on strengthening land management in six urban governorates as part of the
Inception and Diagnostic Reports.
1986-1987; Urban Economist and Housing Specialist
Jordanian National Housing Strategy Study (USAID, Culpin Planning/PADCO Inc.)
Examined housing processes in Jordan to identify constraints to improved housing delivery, particularly for
limited- income families, as part of a national housing strategy. Responsibilities also included field surveys and
investigations of ownerbuilder housing processes and ways to encourage these processes.
1986; Financial and Economic Analyst;
Dhaka Urban Development Subcontract (Dhaka Municipal Corporation, UNCHS, Culpin Planning)
Undertook the financial and economic analysis of a large flood and surface-drainage subproject for central
Dhaka, to be funded by a World Bank loan.
1986; Economist Planner; Baghdad 2000 Comprehensive Development Plan Project (Baghdad
Municipality, Japanese Consortium of Consulting Firms)
Carried out analyses of Baghdad's (1) housing demand and dynamics of housing markets, (2) land market
mechanisms, and (3) basic and non-basic urban employment, as inputs into the Project's metropolitan planning
efforts. Contributions were also made to proposals for a capital area land development agency.
1984-1985; Deputy Project Manager & Urban Development Specialist;
Extension of Municipal Services Project; (Cairo & Giza Governorates, World Bank, Culpin Planning)
This project aimed at producing effective systems for urban land development, including the identification of
specific desert sites for large scale urban expansion with a bias towards the needs of lower income families.
Detailed plans were prepared for large first phase sites east of Cairo and in Giza. Mr. Sims was responsible for:
(1) developing the necessary institutional framework and implementation techniques, (2) designing project
finances for cost- recovery and stimulation of the informal housing sector, and (3) elaborating the Project's
overall development strategies within the local government context.
1983; Urban Development Advisor; Reconstruction Advisory Group; (Lebanon Council for
Development and Reconstruction, USAID, Berger/Nathan Associates)
Acting as an in-house advisor to the Lebanese Government's efforts to rebuild after the civil war, responsibilities
included preparing an immediate action plan for upgrading Beirut's Southern Suburb and a study of Beirut's
urban land markets as a prerequisite for future urban development projects.
1981; Economist; Tourist Development and Investment Study - Luxor West Bank; (Egyptian Ministry of
Tourism, World Bank, Arthur D. Little)
Economic development advisor on team planning tourist-related improvements in facilities and infrastructure.
Responsible for assessing the impact of planned investments on the local rural population and means of
maximizing benefits to this population.
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1981-1983; Urban Management Advisor; Ismailia Land Development Agency Technical Assistance
Program; (Governorate of Ismailia, Egypt, UNDP, Culpin Planning)
One of two advisors assisting the Governorate of Ismailia in the establishment, initial operation, and expansion
of the Ismailia Planning and Land Development Agency. This agency acts as a self- financed para-statal land
developer, with housing subdivision, industrial park, and public facilities projects..
1978-1981; Urban Planning Advisor; Ismailia Technical Assistance Program, Phases I - IV; (Governorate
of Ismailia, Egypt, British ODA, Culpin Planning)
A member of a small team, responsible for assisting the Governorate of Ismailia in setting up and operating two
urban development agencies responsible for the upgrading and expansion of two settlements in Ismailia. The
two low income areas had initial populations of 45,000 persons, and have expanded under the agencies to
populations of 120,000. Assistance was given on the direct implementation of the projects at the early stages,
with progressive withdrawal to a role of support and training. The projects were unusual in Egypt in that
improvements were all self-financed through land sales and that they succeeded in providing serviced plots to
lower-income families. The success of these projects has been recognized by several international awards.
1978; Mission Advisor; Preparatory Socio-economic Study of Luxor (World Bank, Culpin Planning)
Organized a preliminary socio-economic study which provided background on the dynamics of the Luxor region
and identified low-income groups and the effects of tourism projects on them.
1977-1978; Economist/Urban Planner; Ismailia Demonstration Projects, Egypt
(Egyptian Ministry Reconstruction, British ODA, Culpin Planning)
Responsible, as part of a small team, for the detailed design of urban upgrading and sites & services projects in
Ismailia. The study was immediately implemented (see above).
1977; Urban Planner; Five Cities Master Plan Study, North Yemen; (Ministry of Public Works, UNDP,
Louis Berger Inc.)
Responsible for baseline studies of urban land use and physical growth possibilities, as inputs into the master
plan efforts for five Yemeni cities -- Sanaa, Taiz, El Hodeida, Ibb, and Damar.
1975-76; Economist/Urban Planner; Ismailia Master Plan Study, Egypt; (Ministry of Reconstruction,
UNDP, Culpin Planning)
Part of a large team involved in producing a reconstruction and settlement strategy and town plans for Ismailia
Governorate following the 1973 war. Participated in economic and demographic studies, the urban structure
plan, a housing strategy sensitive to low income groups, & a settlement plan to complement desert reclamation
1974; Urban Planning Advisor
Office of the Minister, Egyptian Ministry of Housing and Reconstruction
Urban planning consultant advising the Minister on urgent reconstruction and planning issues related to the Suez
Canal Zone reconstruction efforts.
1973: Economist ;Second Five-Year National Development Plan Study; (Rwandan State Secretariat for
Planning, UNDP, Louis Berger Inc.)
Responsible for producing estimates and projections of employment and production in social sectors of the
national economy.
1972; Economist; Addis Ababa Child-Support Project; (Mekane Yesus Church Ethiopia, Louis Berger
Identified the location and parameters for a child-support program for poor urban families.
1971-1972; Urban Economist; Battelle Regional Development Project, (Iranian Plan Organization, Louis
Berger Inc.)
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As part of a large effort at regionalizing the five-year plan, was responsible for formulating a urban growth
strategy and linking this to funding of all Iranian towns outside the capital.
1968; Researcher; Study of secondary cities and industry in Gujarat
(Ahmedabad School of Architecture, National Science Foundadion, Yale University)
Independent field study of the location of basic manufacturing (groundnut processing and light engineering) and
city-size in western Gujarat, India.
"Ismailia 1978-82: Institution Building for Urban Development" in McNeill, D. and Meikle, S. (eds.) British
Planners in the Canal Zone: The Lessons of Experience, Development Planning Unit, University College,
London, 1982.
"Tools Available to Government for Managing Land Development: Common Constraints to Successful
Application" in Regional Urban Land Workshop -- Papers and Presentations, Regional Housing and Urban
Development Office, USAID, Lisbon, 1988.
"Owner-Builder Housing in Jordan" in Habitat International, Vol 14 No. 1, 1990, pp 123-135.
Case Study of Manshiet Nasser: Labor-Intensive Provision of Basic Infrastructure and Participatory Up-Grading
of a Dense Low-Income Urban Settlement, Paper Presented at the 8 Regional Seminar for Labour-Based
Practicioners (hosted by the Egyptian Social Fund for Development and ILO), Cairo, 15-19 October 2000.
What is Secure Tenure in Urban Egypt? in Payne, Geoffrey ed., Land, Rights, and Innovation: Improving
Tenure Security for the Urban Poor, ITDG Publishing, London, 2002.
Cairo City Report a contribution to the UN-Habitat Global Report on Human Settlements 2003: Slums and
Poverty in the City, forthcoming.