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Experience that Delivers


Wood Group Kenny

An introduction to
Wood Group Kenny


Subsea, Pipelines & Risers


Project Experience

Wood Group Kenny strives to provide

leading-edge life cycle engineering and
management for subsea, pipeline and
associated developments all over the world.

All-of-Facility Integrity

We pride ourselves in nurturing the best

talent, winning and delivering the most
challenging projects, and creating industry
leading software and technology.


Our global expertise and capabilities

Our experience of multidiscipline and
niche projects

Our innovative solutions and technologies


Pipelines, Flow Assurance

and Technology

Our dedicated, high performance workforce brings a wealth of

experience to the industry and ensures that we always deliver
exceptional value for our clients.


Wood Group Kenny has long-established bases in the main

energy hubs of the world, and we continue to extend our global
reach with permanent operations in 16 countries.

Specialist expertise and our

commitment to innovation


Our services for

renewable energies

Steve Wayman, Chief Executive Officer, Wood Group Kenny

Field Development Studies

Flow Assurance Analysis
Subsea Systems Design
Offshore Pipelines Design
Riser and Mooring Systems Design
Floating Systems Engineering
Materials Engineering
Onshore Pipelines and Facilities Design
All-of-Facility Integrity Management
Operations Support
Simulation-based Decision Support Solutions
Project Management
Renewables Engineering
Design by Lighthouse www.lighthouse.co

Software and Technology Development


Wood Group Kenny is a global organisation providing life-cycle

engineering, project management, operations support and integrity
solutions for the offshore and onshore energy industries.
We have over 2500 employees
located around the world,
(office locations indicated as
on map below) providing multidisciplinary teams for front-end
engineering design through to
operations support.
Wood Group Kenny has thirty
years worldwide experience
providing specialist capabilities
within the following service areas:
Subsea and pipelines engineering
design and project management
Riser design, software and
advanced subsea technology
Flow assurance and process
Integrity management and
materials engineering
Offshore & onshore renewables
Offshore and onshore pipelines
Combining the expertise and
track record of our leading

brands, Wood Group Kennys

key strengths include:
Operating the largest
independent subsea hardware
delivery and project management
team in the world
The ability to provide a fully
integrated technology based
service delivery from our 25
offices throughout the world
Independence from equipment
suppliers, vessel contractors
and inspection contractors
The capability to fully integrate
pipeline, riser, flow assurance,
mooring and vessel engineering
disciplines in delivering a SURF
design solution to our clients
Our independent asset
lifecycle management consultancy
providing bespoke, fit-for-purpose
engineering solutions and advice
A global offshore and onshore
pipeline resource with an
extensive network of engineers
and specialists.

Wood Group Kennys specialist businesses are:

Wood Group Kenny is a

business within the Engineering
division of the international energy
services company, Wood Group.
Wood Group Engineering
comprises Wood Group Kenny
and Wood Group Mustang.
Wood Group Engineering
operates in more than 20
countries and holds a strong
position in the engineering
and project management of
facilities and topsides through
Wood Group Mustang, and
subsea and pipelines through
Wood Group Kenny.
Wood Group employs more
than 41,000 people worldwide,
has annual sales of more than
$6billion and operates in
50 countries.




Subsea, Pipelines & Risers

Wood Group Kenny has the largest and widest internationally
spread team of subsea engineering specialists in the world.
We are a global leader in riser design and flexible pipe
technology, and we have the largest independent subsea
hardware delivery and project management team worldwide.
We provide total life services and can offer a combination of
experience, responsiveness and engineering innovation.



Project and Delivery

Subsea Projects

Wood Group Kenny has 30 years

experience in engineering subsea
projects in offshore basins all
over the world. The company has
designed subsea infrastructure
for developments that range
from single subsea tieback wells
to developments with up to 100
subsea wells, in water depths up
to 2,500m.
Our engineering scopes
have ranged from concept
definition studies to Front End
Engineering Design (FEED)
to Detail Engineering and
Project Management scopes.
Our capabilities and experience
also extend into providing
engineering and project
management services for the
operations phase of a subsea

At Wood Group Kenny, we have

a dedicated project management
services group spread across
our business internationally
consisting of project management
professionals with extensive
experience of the offshore oil
and gas industry.
Over many years we have
developed best-practice project
management procedures that are
tailored to the needs of both our
clients and our business. These
include procedures for project
and document control, quality
control and quality assurance
implementation, technical safety,
cost estimation, specification and
request-for-tender preparation,
procurement coordination, risk
and interface management,
and the development and
management of subsea project
execution plans.

Our key strength is that we

provide a fully integrated
engineering capability from
the subsea wellhead up to the
topsides connection that includes
subsea equipment and controls
design, subsea manifolds and
structures design, flow assurance
analysis, and the design of
pipelines, umbilicals and risers.
For floating production subsea
developments, the riser system
design is also performed in
an integrated manner with
the floating vessel motions
and mooring design. Design
for effective subsea integrity
management and life cycle
assurance is always integral to
our design approach.

Within our overall project

management capability, we offer
specific Delivery Management
services whereby we combine
our project management skills
with unique technical and
design know-how of a part of
the subsea system, particularly
where such know-how is
crucial to a successful delivery
and offshore installation. Such
examples include our Delivery
Management services for flexible,
steel and hybrid risers. Here
our unique knowledge of riser
system design and technology
enhances our ability to deliver a
safe, effective and efficient riser
solution to our client.

All our engineering and project

management services are
provided independently of any
subsea equipment suppliers,
subsea construction contractors
and platform vessel owners.
Hence, our focus is on providing
a solution that best meets the
requirements of our clients
subsea development.

Subsea Operations

We deliver our subsea services

based on technical engineering
excellence combined with strong
project management skills, all
underpinned by our experience.
Our engineers variably work on
technically advanced specialist
studies and participate in large
multi-disciplined teams for
subsea, umbilical, risers and
flowlines (SURF) FEED and
detail design projects.

Wood Group Kenny is a

market leader in the provision
of operations support and asset
management services through
our Operations Support Group.
We have unrivalled experience in
providing total life services and
can offer the best combination of
experience, responsiveness and
engineering innovation.
Our team has provided a full
range of operation support
services to a number of operators
for more than a decade. We
are able to tailor our support to
suit our customers needs from
the provision of a full subsea
operations team, to dealing with
specific operating problems and
one-off technical challenges.

Pipeline Engineering

J P Kenny leads our pipeline

engineering design for subsea
projects. We are technology
leaders in pipeline engineering
and have been responsible for
designing infield pipelines for
some of the longest subsea
tieback developments in the
world in water depths up to
2,500 metres and on some of the
most complex seabed conditions
leading to the development of
patented anchoring systems.
We have led the industry in the
application of limit-state design
techniques, pipe-in-pipe systems,
pipeline stability and a host of
pipeline related techniques.
We have engineered the majority
of high-pressure, hightemperature
systems operating worldwide,
developed snake lay solutions to
deal with pipeline lateral buckling
and believe that we have more
extensive pipe-in-pipe experience
than any other company.
A full range of services is offered
throughout a projects life cycle,
from feasibility through FEED
into detailed design and into
operations support.

Flow Assurance

Our specialised consultancy,

MSi Kenny, is experienced in
the application of advanced
technology for the design and
optimal operation of oil and
gas production, pipeline and
processing facilities.
Our consultants are recognised
as world-class experts in flow
assurance and combine strong
analytical capabilities and
innovative technology in transient
multiphase flow, thermodynamics,
dynamic process simulation,
production chemistry, and
computational fluid dynamics.
Our know-how in engineering
and operations of multiphase
production systems is embedded
in our field-proven simulation
software suite called Virtuoso.
Through our software suite, we
provide project-specific, turnkey,
cost-effective solutions for
real-time optimisation of both
single-phase and multiphase
production facilities and pipelines.

Riser Engineering

Our riser engineering business,

MCS Kenny, is a world leader
in dynamic riser design with an
extensive track record across
all riser types and water depths.
This includes flexible risers,
steel catenary risers, hybrid
steel-flexible risers, and top
tensioned risers for both floating
production and floating drilling
platforms. Our design capability
is supported by world leading,
in-house developed, industry
validated riser analysis software.
On a number of occasions over
the last twenty five years,
we have led the way in the
design of new riser concepts
and in the design of riser
solutions for the deepest of
water depths worldwide.
MCS Kenny is a world leading
authority on flexible pipe
technology, and through our
management of ongoing joint
industry initiatives, we have
written a number of key industry
standards for both riser and
flexible pipe design.
We have extensive experience
of riser configuration design
for drilling, completion and
workover risers to enable safe
riser operations for drilling,
completing and intervening on
subsea wells. This includes the
determination of top tension and
buoyancy requirements to keep
extreme loads and motions within
allowable limits and to minimise
subsea wellhead fatigue.

Floating Systems
MCS Kenny provides specialised
services to the offshore industry
within the disciplines of naval
architecture, hydrodynamic
analysis and structural engineering.
Using a combination of in-house
developed software and licensed
commercial software packages,
we can carry out frequency and
time domain analysis, mooring
design and analysis, vessel
motion analysis, marine structural
design and complex non-linear
system analysis.




Project Experience...
With over 25 offices across the globe, Wood Group Kenny
brings a wealth of experience in delivering to the energy industry.
These selected case studies highlight the specialist expertise
within Wood Group Kenny, displaying our latest experience and
engineering techniques.

Browse LNG Project

Western Australia
The Browse liquefied natural gas
(LNG) development, with first gas
planned for 2017, is located
northwest of Broome off Western
Australias Kimberley coast.
It is one of the largest offshore
developments currently being
undertaken worldwide, and
encompasses the Calliance,
Brecknock and Torosa
gas-condensate fields.
Wood Group Kenny consultants
successfully completed the
concept development, basis of
design and FEED phases for the
subsea and pipelines design and
for the system flow assurance.
Wood Group Kenny consultants
also performed the steel catenary
risers (SCRs) FEED in support
of the Aker Solutions design
concept for the Calliance and
Brecknock infield facilities.
The subsea and pipelines design
work scope included feasibility,
concept screening and FEED of
the subsea infrastructure, including
route selection. Major design
challenges for which solutions
were developed include the routing
and on-bottom stability of the
export pipelines through difficult
terrain and very onerous metocean
conditions, and the pipeline lateral
buckling mitigation under high
fluid temperatures.
Flow assurance work continued
through all project phases with
challenging solutions required for
waxy liquids, corrosion issues,
hydrates, liquid holdup, high
and low temperatures and a
complicated operating envelope.
This complex, hydraulically
coupled system is challenging to
model transiently using traditional
techniques, and so the Wood
Group Kenny software solutions
team developed a transient
integrated engineering simulator
of the entire network from well
perforations to onshore using the
Virtuoso software. This approach
provided new insights into the
operability and dynamics of the
Browse offshore network and led
to a more robust system design.



Quad 204


Total Egina

Shah Deniz

West of Shetland

Gulf of Mexico

West of Africa

Caspian Sea

The BP Quad 204 project

encompasses the redevelopment
of the Schiehallion and Loyal
fields, which are located
approximately 150km West of
Shetland in a water depth of
350m - 500m.
Wood Group Kenny has been
appointed by BP to provide
engineering design and project
management services for the
subsea, umbilical, riser and
flowline (SURF) infrastructure from
concept through to commissioning
and operations support.
Wood Group Kenny assisted
BP in the evaluation of a wide
range of concept options. The
concept design that has been
taken forward is to replace the
existing FPSO with a new-build
FPSO on the same location and
to re-use the existing subsea
infrastructure where practicable,
replacing only where required
and extending it as required to
support additional wells.
Wood Group Kenny is responsible
for the design of approximately
$1.2billion worth of subsea,
pipeline and riser infrastructure
for the project.The dedicated
Wood Group Kenny engineering
team is 85 strong and co-located
with BP in a number of project
offices around the centre of
Key challenges include:
integrity assessment of the
existing infrastructure; integration
of the new subsea equipment
with the re-usable existing
infrastructure; detailed design of
81 new structures (totalling over
2750te) and 15 new flowlines;
determination and mitigation
of Flow Induced Pulsations
(FLIP) in structures piping, and
qualification of large, two-part
riser bend stiffeners.
The project commenced in 2008
and is due to start-up at the
beginning of 2016.

Since 2002, Wood Group Kenny

employees have served as key
members of Anadarkos Gulf of
Mexico (GoM) Integrated Project
Team. Over this time, Wood
Group Kenny has supported
Anadarko with five independent
greenfield developments in
water depths up to 7000ft,
namely Gunnison, Constitution,
I-Hub, Lucius and Heidelberg.
Furthermore we have worked on
numerous brownfield expansions
of these and other existing GoM
deepwater facilities, namely
Boomvang, Nansen, Neptune,
Red Hawk and Marco Polo.
Our engineering responsibilities
have included pre-FEED, FEED,
detailed design and installation
verification support on subsea
tieback systems. We have
provided project technical
support on the manufacture
of subsea trees and tree
control system components,
the manufacture of ultra high
pressure flexible pipe, and
fabrication support on numerous
subsea pressure containing
structures. We recently assisted
Anadarko with the replacement
of a critical path flexible riser
system with steel lazy wave risers
for their Constitution Spar - the
first application of a steel lazy
wave riser system in the GoM.
Ongoing consultancy work
to Anadarko has included
flow assurance analysis; riser
Certified Verification Agent (CVA);
welding metallurgy and corrosion
expertise; and risk assessment
and integrity management
strategy development.
In addition to project specific
engineering, consultancy and
installation support responsibilities,
Wood Group Kenny continually
provides operational support
to Anadarko associated with
tree control system intervention,
subsea hydrate mitigation, tieback
system abandonment and
support for their ever increasing,
governmental regulatory and critical
documentation maintenance needs.

Discovered in 2003, the Egina

field is situated offshore Nigeria
within the Oil Mining Lease -130,
200km from Port Harcourt, in
water depths up to 1750m.
The Egina Main Field
development facilities will act
as a production hub for the
development of additional oil
accumulations at Egina South
and Preowei Fields. The Egina
field is being developed by
TOTAL Upstream Nigeria Ltd.
Wood Group Kenny, alongside
Nigerian engineering company
Dover Engineering, completed
the first comprehensive Front
End Engineering Design (FEED)
undertaken locally in Nigeria
for the Egina Main Field. The
combined team worked more
than 60,000 man-hours
in-country on the project.
The subsea scope of work
included comprehensive
design studies and engineering
assessments for the riser
and umbilical systems, and
production manifolds; the
preparation of procurement
specifications for the flowlines
and pipeline; and the verification
of material selections. The
scope also included developing
specifications, documentation
and technology studies relating
to the design of the umbilicals,
flowlines, risers and the subsea
production systems.
Wood Group Kenny was
responsible for all aspects of
the riser system which is based
on the use of a Steel Hybrid
Riser solution. This involved
the development of a full set of
riser system specifications, and
the design of the riser and its
key components, including the
buoyancy tanks. Wood Group
Kenny was also responsible for
the dynamic umbilicals and the
pipeline system.

The Shah Deniz field was

discovered in 1999 and is one of
the worlds largest gas-condensate
fields, with over 30 trillion cubic
feet - 1 trillion cubic metres - of
gas in place. It is located on the
deep water shelf of the Caspian
Sea, in water depths ranging from
50 to 500m.
Shah Deniz Stage 2 is a giant
project that will bring gas from
Azerbaijan to Europe and Turkey.
The project is expected to add a
further 16 billion cubic meters per
year (bcma) of gas production to
the approximately 9 bcma from
Shah Deniz Stage 1. It is one
of the largest gas development
projects anywhere in the world.
Plans for the project include
26 subsea wells and 500km of
subsea pipelines, with production
commencing in 2017.
We are BPs Subsea Engineering
and Project Management Services
(EPMS) Contractor for this long
term project and we have a team
of 170 people working on this
fascinating project.
 ur scope of work includes
overall subsea system design
and responsibility, functionality
and technical assurance for
the subsea production system,
flowline and export pipeline
design, detailed process and
flow assurance assessments.



Asset Integrity

All-of-Facility Integrity Management

Wood Group Integrity Management (WGIM) is Wood Group Kennys global all-of-facility asset
integrity technology and management consultancy.
WGIMs global team delivers innovative asset integrity management
(AIM) solutions and technologies across a broad range of industries.
With a focus on materials engineering, we have developed a deserved
reputation for excellence and impartiality.
Our industry leading professionals, continually invest in new ideas
and technologies, and we have developed a market leading suite of
integrated services and AIM expert systems.

Our global network provides 24-hour business support, focusing on

delivering local expertise backed by our worldwide resources and
knowledge base.
Our engineering advice is independent. We critically review third
party services and products, assessing the engineering facts and
ensuring we deliver the very best techno-economic solution for your
organisations specific needs.


Asset Integrity

Materials and Corrosion Based Services

Risk Based Integrity Management System Development

WGIM supports brownfield operations with our materials selection,

coating, cathodic protection, chemical selection and fitness-for-service
assessment expertise. The focus is a clients asset group or a
particular material failure problem. WGIM commonly conducts a site
visit of the assets in question and where relevant, corrosion, coating
and cathodic protection surveys. A failure analysis report, forward
looking corrosion management or integrity management plan are
typical deliverables. Engineering assessments of any anomalies found
by visual survey, NDT (Non Destructive Testing) or intelligent pig survey
are conducted by our engineering team using specialist in-house
assessment software and FEA (Finite Element Analysis) capability.

WGIM uses extensive risk assessment methodology to enable cost

effective and focused integrity management of existing or design
phase client assets. Up front risk engineering studies are performed to
understand the threats and controls related to the assets in question.
Reliability studies are performed to understand equipment, sparing and
maintenance resource criticality. The assessment results are then used
for the basis of development of integrity management strategies, pipeline
or facility integrity management plans, IMMR (Inspection, Maintenance,
Monitoring and Repair) plans, reliability plans, performance standards,
written schemes of examination etc. WGIM ensures all requirements
of local legislation and relevant local and international standards are
employed in our best practice IM (Integrity Management) approach.

NEXUS IC for Pipelines

Oman Gas Company
The Oman Gas Company (OGC)
has managed the integrity of their
40 pipelines on paper which has
proved labour intensive, slow and
prone to error. They have a vision
of an integrated system that
would allow the maintenance of
their pipeline system integrity as
before but recorded, monitored,
analysed and planned within
a single database that would
reduce time and cost as well
as minimising error.

NEXUS Integrity Centre (NEXUS

IC) allows them to apply industry
standard models, such as
DNV and ASME B31.G, and
algorithms based on their own
experience into a single system.
By analysing in-line inspection
data within NEXUS IC, they can
now combine corrosion rate
predictions and fitness for
service methods to determine
the remaining life of pipelines
subject to active corrosion.
OGC committed to NEXUS IC
because they saw its flexibility,
configurability and capability
would allow them to improve
their time, cost and accuracy.

H2S Risk Assessment

North American Operator,
Gulf of Mexico
WGIM was contracted by a
North American Operator in 2011
to provide technical support
and to facilitate a workshop to
systematically assess the risk
profile of continuing to operate their
flexible pipelines with hydrogen
sulphide (H2S) present in the bore.
The initial design had not
anticipated sour wells and so
sweet service flexible pipes were
installed, allowing only a very
limited level of H2S in the bore.
In 2010, bore fluid composition
indicated that the wells were now
producing higher than expected
levels of H2S, and the workshop
was set up to determine a safe
and justifiable H2S exposure
envelope for continued production.
The workshop consisted of various
activities including: a systematic
and comprehensive review of the
HSE risks; threat identification
indicating failure modes, initiators
and mechanisms, and potential
consequences as applicable to
sour service; and the identification
of ongoing measures to validate
the technical integrity of the
system and reduce risk.
Workshop participants established
the maximum H2S operating
threshold to support safe
operations and recommendations
were made for implementation of
controls and monitoring measures
such as improving H2S sampling
capability and establishing controls
to restrict floating vessel excursions.

Riser & Pipeline Integrity


Gorgon Field Development

Chevron, Western Australia

BP, West of Shetland

WGIM has provided continuous
integrity management support to
BPs West of Shetland operations
since 1997.
Project support services
have included:
Development and maintenance
of Risk Based Inspection
management strategies for the
flexible risers, jumpers, rigid
pipelines, and oil offloading lines
Development of new inspection,
monitoring, and assessment
techniques to assure integrity
in these challenging
environmental regions
Management of riser fatigue
life re-assessment programs.
In particular, WGIM provides an
integrity management framework
which allows BP to manage and
maintain system integrity, whilst
also ensuring that all operational
data is logged, assessed, and
stored should assessment of life
extension be required.
Regulatory authorities have
commented that the systematic
and diligent approach with which
WGIM personnel have taken to
maintain the integrity of BPs
operating systems demonstrates
a best in class approach.

The Gorgon Project is developing

the Greater Gorgon and Jansz
gas fields, located about 130km
and 200km respectively off the
north-west coast of Western
Australia, in what is Australias
largest ever resources project.
As part of a Wood Group Kenny
team, executing the concept select,
concept validation, FEED and
detailed design set of workscopes
from 2005 through to 2012,
WGIM provided ongoing materials
engineering expertise, and has
been instrumental in establishing
a life-cycle integrity management
plan for Gorgon, with a designfor-integrity focus throughout.
WGIMs scope of work included
extensive corrosion modelling,
corrosion monitoring assessment
and the development of a
corrosion management, reliability
management and inspection
plan. The work was applied to
the extensive Gorgon upstream
system which includes offshore,
onshore, and domestic gas
pipelines and subsea architecture.
Throughout the design, WGIMs
scope also included material
selection for the production flowline
spools, infield flowlines, manifolds,
trees, valves and export pipelines.
WGIM has been an integral part
of a combined Wood Group
Kenny, Technip and Chevron
team executing the FEED and
detailed design scope for the
game changing Gorgon project.





Flow Assurance

Since 1978, J P Kenny has been an industry

leader in designing onshore and offshore pipelines
in all major locations throughout the world
and to internationally recognised standards.

MSi Kenny is experienced in the application

of advanced technology for the design and
optimal operation of oil and gas production,
pipeline and processing facilities.

Our strong global brand name and our reputation for excellence in
delivery are unrivalled. Our vast and varied experience includes a
significant proportion of the worlds major trunkline projects, including
both subsea and onshore sections. We have achieved multimilliondollar cost savings through continuous innovation and are pleased to
have pioneered many of the design methods, material technologies
and installation techniques used in the industry today.

We provide full services flow assurance support at every phase of a

project life cycle from pre-FEED to operation optimisation.

Our multidisciplined teams deliver innovative engineering design for

offshore oil and gas developments by addressing the challenges
of projects that are moving further offshore into deeper waters
and harsher environments around the world. Our 20-year focus
on extending deepwater capability has secured our inclusion in an
engineering or management role on the majority of the deepwater
systems in the world and to depths of 2,500m. We have spearheaded
technology development to extend traditional fabrication limitations for
major deepwater trunklines.
Our expertise includes the design of export pipelines, in-field flowlines,
pipe-in-pipe and bundle flowlines, tie-in pipe systems, trunklines and
onshore pipelines for the transportation of oil, gas and multiphase
products, and including the design of associated Above Ground
Installations (AGIs), crossings and landfalls. Our onshore pipeline
group operates globally in the upstream, transportation and distribution
sectors, and has completed pipeline project scopes ranging from
upstream in-field systems to low pressure distribution networks.
Our knowledge of the design of cryogenic pipelines has been
reinforced by the detailed design of the worlds first operational LPG
loading line and includes technical leadership in proprietary LNG
loading line systems.
Finally, J P Kenny has over 15 years of experience in utilising
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and use these and allied
technologies to develop cost effective and timely solutions for
onshore and offshore pipeline distribution systems within a safe and
environmentally sound framework. This use of spatial intelligence may
help to eliminate many of the pipeline engineering design challenges
by performing image interpretation to generate valuable information
without extensive field survey work.

Our consulting services offer resolutions of multiphase flow dynamics,

slugging, erosion, wax, hydrates, emulsion and scale problems in
subsea, pipeline and riser systems. We maintain detailed knowledge
in a wide variety of simulation and modeling tools that enables us to
provide value to our customers in diverse ways.
Our software products provide essential operational and commercial
functionalities based on the unique challenges confronting each installation.
These project-specific solutions address the most complex multiphase and
single-phase gathering, production, transportation and processing issues.
With over thousands of technical consulting projects delivered globally for
150 different companies in 50 countries, we offer unparalleled experience
in vital upstream engineering disciplines such as concept screening
and development, flow assurance, pre-FEED/FEED, field planning,
well test, fluid sampling and laboratory analysis, among others.
Our team has over 15 years of experience installing and maintaining
simulation-based monitoring, optimisation, and control software for
upstream production operations for 500 pipelines and 30 Integrated
Process Facilities. We currently have more than 25 simulation-based,
decision-support systems operating 24/7 around the world,
supporting oil and gas production, and pipeline operations.

Technology Development
and Software
Innovation, engineering software development and
technology development are key differentiators
by which Wood Group Kenny has distinguished its
engineering expertise over the past three decades.
They are at the forefront of our business and we believe they allow us
over time to deliver effective solutions and cost savings to our clients.

Technology &


Technology Development
At Wood Group Kenny, we have a global team of technology and innovation
leaders who are committed to keeping our engineering at the leading edge.
Through the leadership of a dedicated Group Technology Director, our
technology team coordinates the delivery of our T4B (Technology for
Business) and R&D programmes. Annually, we invest significant
internal funds into these programmes in i) technology development
that is aligned to the strategic development of our business, and ii)
in innovation that has been identified directly from our subsea project
experience. Furthermore, we undertake technology development
projects supported by the external funds received from participants
to our ongoing Joint Industry Projects (JIPs).
Our track record in successfully managing and delivering results
from JIPs has been established over our thirty years in business.
Typically, many of our industry leading JIPs are financially supported by
between 10 and 15 international companies from a mix of operator,
contractor, manufacturer and regulatory authority companies, with
operators largely dominating the participation.
Some examples of our JIPs over the years include topics such as slug
loading and response in pipelines; integrated riser and mooring design
methodology; flexible pipe fatigue design methodology; design guidelines
and analysis techniques for spirally welded pipelines; thermoplastic
composite riser concept development for deepwater; subsea integrity
management strategy and associated inspection and monitoring technology;
and numerical modelling and experimental testing for seabed pipeline stability.

Wood Group Kennys key software products cover riser and pipeline
engineering, flow assurance and integrity management.
Our advanced riser engineering analysis software offers clients tangible
business benefits in drilling, design, analysis and operations. The range
includes the widely validated and industry-proven Flexcom, as well as
PipeLay, DeepRiser, OptiLay, Optima and Ariane 3-Dynamic.
Virtuoso is a suite of flow assurance software products used for off-line
engineering and operator trainer applications, and online real-time
simulation of production operations. Over the last twenty years, 90
systems have been deployed to more than 25 companies in 20 countries.
The companys software solutions provide a variety of operational and
commercial functionalities based on the unique challenges associated
with each installation, addressing even the most complex multiphase
and single-phase production, transportation and processing issues.
The NEXUS IC suite of software is the culmination of our ongoing
investment in the development of bespoke technologies and expert
systems. Its a world-class asset integrity management software suite,
designed to cater for all-of-facility integrity needs and to integrate with
leading CMMS systems to reduce data duplication and improve productivity.

SgurrEnergy is Wood Group Kennys leading
engineering consultancyspecialising in
renewable energy projects worldwide.
Our multi-disciplinary team has the capability to deliver at every
phase of a project, from the early stages of site selection, feasibility
and design right through to project management and operations and
With extensive experience and an international reputation for technical
excellence, our global team has assessed more than 65,000MW of
renewable energy projects in over 40 countries, across six continents.
Headquartered in Scotland with six international offices in key
renewable energy markets, SgurrEnergy has an unparalleled depth of
international technical expertise and is active across the spectrum of
renewable technologies.
We provide advice on renewable energy projects from small off-grid
power systems, specially designed for remote locations, right up to
some of the worlds largest renewable energy developments, with
capacities of thousands of MW, across all terrains and environments.
From the Galapagos Islands to Mongolia, our engineers and
consultants are working to support efficient, successful developments,
ensuring the best technical advice and project management to clients.
As a trusted partner for renewable energy developers, lenders,
investors and operators worldwide, our dedication to working
in partnership with clients and our expertise in delivering expert
engineering and technical services has positioned the company as
one of the leading engineering consultancies in the industry today.

Galion: The definitive wind Lidar

SgurrEnergys flagship product, Galion, is an advanced Lidar
for visualisation and measurement of wind speed, direction and
behaviour. Offering a unique, all sky scanning capability and up to 4km
range, both onshore and offshore, Galion is transforming the way in
which wind data is collected and analysed.
Beyond its 1st generation Lidar capabilities, Galion is used to conduct
advanced wind flow profiling across a wind farm site, giving greater
visualisation over complex terrain. The device provides project
developers and investors with increased certainty, improved efficiency
and a reduction in risk at every stage of the project lifecycle.


Wood Group Kenny has world leading experience in subsea,

pipelines and riser engineering, materials engineering,
flow assurance, renewable energy and all-of-facility integrity
management. Our engineering capability is supported by
world class, in-house developed engineering software across
many disciplines.


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