Case 4 5 AIDS Condoms and Carnival

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CASE 45 AIDS, Condoms, and Carnival

Worldwide, more than 2 million people died of AIDS in 2009, and

more than 33 million are estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS.

Half a million Brazilians are infected with the virus that causes
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and millions more
are at high risk of contracting the incurable ailment, a federal study
reported. The Health Ministry study is Brazils first official attempt
to seek an estimate of the number of residents infected with human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Many had doubted the governments prior number of 94,997. The report by the National Program for Transmissible Diseases/AIDS said 27 million Brazilians
are at high risk to contract AIDS, and another 36 million are considered to be at a medium risk. It said Brazil could have 7.5 million
AIDS victims in the next decade.
If we are going to combat this epidemic, we have to do it now,
said Pedro Chequer, a Health Ministry official. Chequer said the
Health Ministry would spend $300 million next year, distributing
medicine and 250 million condoms and bringing AIDS awareness
campaigns to the urban slums, where the disease is most rampant.
Last month, Brazil became one of the few countries to offer a
promising AIDS drug free to those who need it. The drug can cost
as much as $12,000 a year per patient.
AIDS cases in Brazil have risen so dramatically for married
women that the state of So Paulo decided that it must attack a
basic cultural practice in Latin America: Their husbands dont
practice safe sex. Last month, the government of Brazils megalopolis started promoting the newly released female condom.
Many of the new AIDS cases in Brazil are married women who
have children, according to a report released last month at the PanAmerican Conference on AIDS in Lima, Peru. Worldwide, women
constitute the fastest-growing group of those diagnosed with HIV.
And of the 30.6 million people who are diagnosed with HIV, 90
percent live in poor countries.
One Brazilian mother, Rosana Dolores, knows well why
women cannot count on male partners to use condoms. She and
her late husband never thought of protecting their future children
against AIDS. We were married. We wanted to have kids, says
Dolores, both of whose children were born HIV positive. These
days, I would advise young people to always use condoms. But
married couples . . . who is going to?
Brazil, with its 187 million people and the largest population
in South America, has the second-highest number of reported HIV
infections in the Americas, after the United States, according to a
report released by the United Nations agency UNAIDS.
Public health officials say one reason why AIDS prevention efforts have failed is that many Brazilians just dont like
condoms. Although use in Brazil has quadrupled in the past
six years, it is still the least popular method of birth control
a touchy issue in the predominantly Roman Catholic country.
Another reason is that condoms cost about 75 cents each, making them more expensive here than anywhere else in the world,
health officials say.

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Plus, Latin-style machismo leaves women with little bargaining power. Only 14 percent of Brazilian heterosexual men used
condoms last year, according to AIDSCAP, an AIDS prevention
program funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development. In other studies, many women said they would not ask their
partner to use a condom, even if they knew he was sleeping with
Women are afraid of asking their men to have safe sex, afraid
of getting beaten, afraid of losing their economic support, says
Guido Carlos Levi, a director at the health department at Emilio
Ribas Hospital. This is not Mexico, but were quite a machoistic
society here.
The frequency with which Latin men stray from monogamous
relationships has compounded the problem. In studies conducted
in Cuba by the Pan American Health Organization, 49 percent of
men and 14 percent of women in stable relationships admitted they
had had an affair in the past year.
In light of statistics showing AIDS as the number one killer
of women of childbearing age in So Paulo state, public health
officials launched a campaign promoting the female condom. The
hope is that it will help womenespecially poor womenprotect
themselves and their children. But the female condom seemed unlikely to spark a latex revolution when it hit city stores. The price
is $2.50 apiecemore than three times the price of most male
The Family Health Association is asking the government to
help subsidize the product and to cut the taxes on condoms that
make them out of reach for many poor Brazilians. Were looking for a pragmatic solution to prevent the transmission of HIVAIDS, group President Maria Eugenia Lemos Fernandes said.
Studies show there is a high acceptance of this method because
its a product under the control of women.
While 75 percent of the women and 63 percent of the men in a
pilot study on the female condom said they approved of the device,
many women with AIDS say they would have been no more likely
to have used a female condom than a conventional one.
Part of the problem is perception: 80 percent of women and
85 percent of men in Brazil believe they are not at risk of contracting HIV, according to a study conducted by the Civil Society for
the Well-Being of the Brazilian Family.
Also at risk are married women, 40 percent of whom undergo
sterilization as an affordable way of getting around the Catholic
churchs condemnation of birth control, health officials noted.
Its mostly married women who are the victims. You just
never think it could be you, says a former hospital administrator
who was diagnosed with the virus after her husband had several
extramarital affairs. He died two years ago. I knew everything
there was to know about AIDSI worked in a hospitalbut I
never suspected he was going out like that. He always denied it,
she says.
While HIV is making inroads in rural areas and among teenagers in Brazil, Fernandes says it doesnt have to reach epidemic
proportions as in Uganda or Tanzania. There is a very big window
of opportunity here.

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Cases 4 Developing Global Marketing Strategies

Brazils Health Ministry has added a new ingredient to the
heady mix that makes up the countrys annual Carnivalcondoms.
The ministry will distribute 10 million condoms next month, along
with free advice on how to prevent the spread of AIDS, at places
like Rio de Janeiros sambadrome, where bare-breasted dancing
girls attract millions of spectators every year.
Its considered as a period of increased sexual activity, a
spokeswoman at the ministrys AIDS coordination department
said on Monday. The euphoria provoked by Carnival and the excessive consumption of alcohol make it a moment when people are
more likely to forget about prevention, she explained.
It is no coincidence that Rio de Janeiro was chosen to host
a Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment. Brazils handling of the epidemic is widely regarded as exemplary. In the
early 1990s, the World Bank predicted that by 2000, HIV would
have infected 1.2 million Brazilians. Five years after that deadline, the total was just half the prediction, at about 600,000. So
how did Brazil do it, and can other poor countries learn from what
was done?
Perhaps the first lesson is dont be squeamish. Brazil, a predominantly Catholic country, hands out free condoms in abundance. Some
20 million are given away every montha figure boosted by 50 percent in February to accommodate for the exuberance of the countrys
famous carnivals. Drug users, too, are treated sensibly. Those who
inject are offered regular supplies of clean needles and, as a result,
three-fourths of them claim never to share needles with others. Nor
are prostitutes neglected. Both ladies and gentlemen of the night are
the targets of campaigns intended to promote condom use.
The second lesson is to treat freely. Brazilian law gives all residents the right to the best available drug treatment at no cost. This
is important, because having to pay discourages people from complying with the full treatment and thus encourages the emergence
of drug-resistant viruses. Providing free treatment is, of course,
expensive. This year, the government will spend $395 million on
anti-HIV drugs, almost two-thirds of it on three expensive patented drugs. This has brought it into conflict with foreign drug
companies. Although it has never actually broken a drug-company
patent, the government has exploited every available loophole to
evade patents and buy or manufacture generic versions of drugs.
For those patents that cannot legally be evaded, the government
has played chicken with the patent owners over prices, knowing
that manufacturers are desperate to avoid a patent-breaking precedent that others might follow. So far, it has been the companies
that have blinked, though the latest sparring match, with Abbott
Laboratories, an American firm, over a drug combination called
Kaletra, has yet to be resolved.
The third lesson is to encourage voluntary action. In 1992,
Brazil had 120 charities and voluntary groups devoted to AIDS.
By the turn of the century, that had risen to 500. The virtues of voluntarism were recently confirmed when the Global Fund (the main
multilateral distributor of anti-AIDS money to poor countries) audited the success of its donations. It found that spending by voluntary groups usually produced the best value for the money.
The fourth lesson is to do the sums. One of the arguments that
has sustained Brazils anti-AIDS program is if you think action is
expensive, try inaction. The government spent $1.8 billion on antiretroviral drugs between 1996 and 2002 but estimates that early
treatment saved it more than $2.2 billion in hospital costs over the
same period. Add that to the GDP loss that Brazil would have suffered if the World Bank had been right, and an aggressive program
of prevention and treatment does not seem so costly after all.

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S. Manis small barbershop in a southern Indian city looks like any
other the world over. Its equipped with all the tools of the trade:
scissors, combs, razorsand condoms, too.
A blue box full of free prophylactics stands in plain view of his
customers as Mani trims hair and dispenses advice on safe sex,
a new dimension to his 20-year career. I start by talking about
the family and children, Mani explains, snipping a clients moustache. Slowly, I get to women, AIDS, and condoms.
Many Indian men are too embarrassed to buy condoms at a
drugstore or to talk freely about sex with health counselors and
family members. Theres one place where they let down their hair:
the barbershop. So, the state of Tamil Nadu is training barbers to
be frontline soldiers in the fight against AIDS.
Programs like the barber scheme are what make Tamil Nadu, a
relatively poor Indian state thats home to 60 million people, a possible model for innovative and cost-effective methods to contain
AIDS in the developing world.
Six years after it was first detected in India, the AIDS virus is
quickly spreading in the worlds second most populous nation. Already, up to 2.4 million of Indias 1 billion people are infected with
HIVmore than in any other country, according to UNAIDS, the
United Nations AIDS agency.
But faced with more immediate and widespread health woes,
such as tuberculosis and malaria, officials in many Indian states
are reluctant to make AIDS prevention a priority. And in some
states, the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is regarded as a
Western disease of decadence; officials deny that prostitution and
drug use even exist in their midst. Some Indian states are still
in total denial or ignorance about the AIDS problem, says Salim
Habayeb, a World Bank physician who oversees an $84 million
loan to India for AIDS prevention activities.
Tamil Nadu, the state with the third-highest incidence of
HIV infection, has been open about its problem. Before turning
to barbers for help, Tamil Nadu was the first state to introduce
AIDS education in high school and the first to set up a statewide
information hotline. Its comprehensive AIDS education program targets the overall population, rather than only high-risk
In the past two years, awareness of AIDS in Tamil Nadu has
jumped to 95 percent of those polled, from 64 percent, according
to Operations Research Group, an independent survey group. Just
two years ago, it was very difficult to talk about AIDS and the
condom, says P. R. Bindhu Madhavan, director of the Tamil Nadu
State AIDS Control Society, the autonomous state agency managing the prevention effort.
The AIDS fighters take maximum advantage of the local culture to get the message across. Tamils are among the most ardent
moviegoers in this film-crazed country. In the city of Madras,
people line up for morning screenings even during weekdays. Half
of the states 630 theaters are paid to screen an AIDS-awareness
short before the main feature. The spots are usually melodramatic
musicals laced with warnings.
In the countryside, where cinemas are scarce, a movie mobile
does the job. The concept mimics that used by multinationals, such
as Colgate-Palmolive, for rural advertising. Bright red-and-blue
trucks ply the back roads, blaring music from well-known movie
soundtracks whose lyrics have been rewritten to address AIDS issues. In villages, hundreds gather for the show, on a screen that
pops out of the rear of the truck.

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Part 6

Supplementary Material

In one six-minute musical, a young husbands infidelity leads

to his death from AIDS, the financial ruin of his family, and then
the death of his wife, also infected. The couples toddler is left
alone in the world. The heart-rending tale is followed by a brief
lecture by an AIDS educatorand the offer of a free pack of condoms and an AIDS brochure.
Tamil Nadus innovations have met with obstacles. It took several months for state officials to persuade Indian government television, Doordarshan, to broadcast an AIDS commercial featuring
the Hindu gods of chastity and death. Even then, Madhavan says,
Doordarshan wouldnt do it as a social ad, so we have to pay a
commercial rate.
Later, the network refused to air a three-minute spot in which
a woman urges her husband, a truck driver, to use a condom when
hes on the road. Safe infidelity was deemed inappropriate for
Indian living rooms, says Madhavan. A number of commercial
satellite channels have been willing to run the ad.
Tamil Nadu has met little resistance recruiting prostitutes for
the cause. For almost a year, 37-year-old prostitute Vasanthi has
been distributing condoms to colleagues. With state funding, a
nongovernmental agency has trained her to spread the word about
AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. As an incentive, the
state pays participants like Vasanthi, a mother of three, the equivalent of $14 a month, about what she earns from entertaining a
Before Vasanthi joined the plan, she didnt know that the condom could help prevent HIV infection. These days, if any client
refuses to wear a condom, I kick him out, even if it takes using my
shoes, she says. Im not flexible about this. More men are also
carrying their own condoms, she says.
Thank barbers such as Mani for that. Especially in blue-collar
areas of Madras, men trim their hair and beard before frequenting
a commercial sex worker, says Madhavan. They can pick up their
condom on the way out.
Tamil Nadu launched the barber program in Madras last March.
So far, it has enlisted 5,000 barbers, who receive AIDS education
at meetings each Tuesdaythe barbers day off. The barbers arent
paid to be AIDS counselors, but they appear to take pride in their
new responsibility.
Over the generations, Indias barbers have been respected as
traditional healers and trusted advisers. If you want to get to
the kings ears, you tell his barber, says Madhavan, the state
AIDS director. Reinforcing the image of barbers as healers,
the local trade group is called the Tamil Nadu Medical Barber
I first talked about AIDS with my barber, says Thiyagrajan,
an electrician in his 40s. I dont have multiple partners, so I dont
need a condom, but I take them for my friends.
One recent night, a man in his 30s walked into Aruna Hair Arts,
greeted Swami, then headed out the door with a fistful of condoms
scooped from the plastic dispenser. Thats OK, Swami says approvingly. Hes a regular customer.
A local nongovernmental organization helps barbers replenish
condom stocks by providing each shop with self-addressed order
forms. But the central government hasnt always been able to meet
supply, for reasons ranging from bureaucracy to price disputes
with manufacturers.
Tamil Nadu has started sourcing condoms from elsewhere. But
theyre too expensive to give away. So the next stage of the barber
scheme, just under way, is to charge two rupees (six cents) for a
two-condom pleasure pack. The barbers will get a 25 percent

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commission. Thus far, the only perk of participating has been a

free wall calendar listing AIDS prevention tips.
Roughly 30 percent of barbers approached by Tamil Nadu have
refused to participate in the AIDS program, fearing that they would
alienate customers. But those who take part insist that carrying the
AIDS message hasnt hurt business. We give the message about
AIDS, but we still gossip about women, says barber N. V. Durairaj
at Rolex Salon.
Multinational soft drink giants Coke and Pepsi may soon become part of the Indian governments efforts to reach out to people
in far-flung areas to spread awareness about HIV/AIDS and promote the use of condoms. Where social marketing efforts have
failed in reaching supplies of condoms, the idea is to reach out
through the soft drink firms that have managed to set up a marketing network estimated at more than 1 million outlets across
the country. Realizing their reach, we have appealed to the cola
companies PepsiCo and Coca-Cola to allow us to piggyback on
their advertisement, including possible slogans on their soft drinks
bottles, a senior health ministry official said. We have also asked
them to help us with the distribution of condoms through their
outlets in remote areas.
The requests have elicited encouraging response from both the
multinationals. We are planning to talk to them and hope that they
will soon be on board with our awareness campaign and promotion
of condom use, the official said.
What led to the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO)
looking to Coke and Pepsi for support was the encouraging response they received for advertisements featuring cricket stars
advising on the need for preparedness. Some campaigns even had
them carrying condoms along with the cricket gear. Backed by
10 countries, including India, the International Cricket Council
(ICC) has been actively supporting efforts to promote awareness
about HIV/AIDS through campaigns on safe sex. So whether it
is cricket stumps bearing condoms or cricketers themselves urging
the need for preparedness, we are finding good response among
the public. NACO also wants to take the campaign forward with
celebrity endorsement at a time when sensitive films about HIV/
AIDS like Phir Milenge (Well Meet Again) and My Brother
Nikhil have struck a responsive chord among viewers.
The effort is to ensure that the number of HIV-positive cases
in the country is contained at the official estimate of 5.13 million.
Besides cola companies, several other multinational and national
companies with large sales networks, such as banks, are now being
looked at by NACO as potential vehicles for creating mass awareness and promotion of condoms.


London International Group (LIG) is recognized worldwide as a
leader in the development of latex and thin-film barrier technologies. The Group has built its success on the development of its core
businesses: the Durex family of branded condoms, Regent medical
gloves, and Marigold household and industrial gloves. These are
supported by a range of noncore health and beauty products.
With operational facilities in over 40 countries, 12 manufacturing plants, either wholly or jointly owned, and an advanced
research and development facility based in Cambridge, England,
LIG is well placed to expand into the new emerging markets of the
Durex is the worlds number one condom brand in terms of
quality, safety, and brand awareness. The Durex family of condom

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Cases 4 Developing Global Marketing Strategies

brands includes Sheik, Ramses, Hatu, London, Kohinoor, Dua
Lima, Androtex, and Avanti. Sold in over 130 countries worldwide
and leader in more than 40 markets, Durex is the only global condom brand.
The development of innovative and creative marketing strategies is key to communicating successfully with target audiences.
Consumer marketing initiatives remain focused on supporting the
globalization of Durex. A series of innovative yet cost-effective
projects have been used to communicate the global positioning
Feeling Is Everything to the target young adult market, securing
The Durex Global Survey, together with a unique multimillionpound global advertising and sponsorship contract with MTV,
has successfully emphasized the exciting and modern profile of
Durex and presented significant opportunities for local public relations and event sponsorship, especially in emerging markets like
LIG continues to focus on education, using sponsorship of
events such as the XI Annual AIDS Conference held in Vancouver
and other educational initiatives to convey the safer sex message
to governments, opinion formers, and educators worldwide.

London Okamoto Corporation, the joint venture company between
London International Group and Okamoto Industries, announced
the Japanese launch of Durex Avanti, the worlds first polyurethane
male condom.
This is the first time an international condom brand will be
available in Japan, the worlds most valuable condom market,
which is estimated to be worth 260 million ($433 million). Durex
Avanti has already been successfully launched in the United States
and Great Britain and will be launched in Italy and other selected
European countries within a year.
Durex Avanti condoms are made from Duron, a unique polyurethane material twice as strong as latex, which enables them to be
made much thinner than regular latex condoms, thereby increasing
sensitivity without compromising safety. In addition, Durex Avanti
condoms are able to conduct body heat, creating a more natural
feeling, and are the first condoms to be totally odorless, colorless,
and suitable for use with oil-based lubricants.
Commenting on the launch, Nick Hodges, chief executive of
LIG, said; Japan is a very important condom market; with oral
contraceptives still not publicly available, per capita usage rates

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for condoms are among the highest in the world. Our joint venture
with Okamoto, Japans leading condom manufacturer, gives us instant access to this strategically important market.
The joint venture with Okamoto, which is the market leader in
Japan with a 53 percent share, was established with the specific
purpose of marketing Durex Avanti. Added Takehiko Okamoto,
president of Okamoto, We are confident that such an innovative
and technically advanced product as Durex Avanti, coupled with
our strong market franchise, will find significant consumer appeal
in Japans sophisticated condom market.
Durex Avanti, which is manufactured at LIGs research and development center in Cambridge, England, has taken over ten years
to develop and represents an investment by LIG of approximately
15 million.

1. Comment on the Brazilian and Indian governments strategies
for the prevention of AIDS via the marketing of condoms.
2. How is the AIDS problem different in the United States
compared with Brazil and India?
3. Would the approaches described in Brazil and India work in
the United States? Why or why not?
4. Suggest additional ways that London International Group
could promote the prevention of AIDS through the use of
condoms worldwide.
5. Do you think it would be a good idea for Coke and Pepsi to
participate in a condom distribution program in India, Brazil,
and the United States?

Sources: Half a Million Brazilians Are Infected with the AIDS Virus, Associated
Press, December 21, 1996; Andrea McDaniels, Brazil Turns to Women to Stop
Dramatic Rise in AIDS Cases. So Paulo Pushes Female Condom to Protect Married
Women from Husbands, but Costs of Devices Are High, Christian Science Monitor,
January 9, 1998, p. 7; Brazil to Hand out 10 Million Condoms during Carnival,
Chicago Tribune, January 19, 1998, p. 2; Miriam Jordan, India Enlists Barbers in the
War on AIDS, The Wall Street Journal, September 24, 1996, p. A18; Caro Ezzzell,
Care for a Dying Continent, Scientific American, May 2000, pp. 96105; Ginger
Thompson, In Grip of AIDS, South Africa Cries for Equity, The New York Times,
p. 4; Roll Out, Roll OutAIDS in Brazil, The Economist, July 30, 2005, p. 376;
AIDS Campaign May Soon Piggyback on Pepsi, Coke,, August 30, 2005; A Portrait in RedAIDS in Brazil, The Economist,
March 15, 2008, p. 38. Also see the Web sites and http://www

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