Chapter 15 Notes

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Chapter 15

Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance

Thomas Hunt Morgan
first to associate a specific gene with a specific chromosome in the early 20th
wild type: The normal character phenotype
mutant phenotypes: Alternative traits
Deduced that the gene with the white-eyed mutation is on the X chromosome
alone, a sex-linked gene.
Females (XX) may have two red-eyed alleles and have red eyes or may
be heterozygous and have red eyes.
Males (XY) have only a single allele and will be red eyed if they have a
red-eyed allele or white-eyed if they have a white-eyed allele.
Linked genes: Genes located on the same chromosome that tend to be inherited
together because the chromosome is passed along as a unit.
Results of crosses with linked genes deviate from those expected according
to independent assortment.

Morgans Experiment
He crossed F1 heterozygous females (b+bvg+vg) with homozygous
recessive males (bbvgvg).
According to independent assortment, this should produce 4
phenotypes in a 1:1:1:1 ratio.
He observed a large number of wild-type (gray-normal) and doublemutant (black-vestigial) flies among the offspring.
These phenotypes correspond to those of the parents.

Morgan reasoned that body color and wing shape are usually inherited
together because their genes are on the same chromosome.
The other two phenotypes (gray-vestigial and black-normal) were fewer than
expected from independent assortment and totally unexpected from
dependent assortment.
These new phenotypic variations must be the result of crossing over.

Genetic recombination: The production of offspring with new

combinations of traits inherited from two parents
can result from independent assortment of genes located on
nonhomologous chromosomes or from crossing over of genes located
on homologous chromosomes.

Parental types: organisms with phenotypes that match the original P


Recombinants: new combination of parental traits

Morgans Results

The results of Morgans testcross for body color and wing shape did not
conform to either independent assortment or complete linkage.
Under independent assortment the testcross should produce a 1:1:1:1
phenotypic ratio.
If completely linked, we should expect to see a 1:1:0:0 ratio with only
parental phenotypes among offspring.
Most of the offspring had parental phenotypes, suggesting linkage
between the genes.
However, 17% of the flies were recombinants, suggesting incomplete
Chromosome map: This map is an ordered list of the genetic loci along a
particular chromosome.
Frequency of recombinant offspring reflected the distances between
genes on a chromosome.
The farther apart two genes are, the higher the probability that a
crossover will occur between them and therefore a higher
recombination frequency.
The greater the distance between two genes, the more points between
them where crossing over can occur.
Linkage map: Alfred Sturtevant used recombination frequencies from
fruit fly crosses to map the relative position of genes along
Map unit: distance between genes, the recombination frequency.
Map units indicate relative distance and order, not precise
locations of genes.
Some genes on a chromosome are so far apart that a crossover
between them is virtually certain.
In this case, the frequency of recombination reaches is its
maximum value of 50% and the genes act as if found on
separate chromosomes and are inherited independently.
A linkage map provides an imperfect picture of a chromosome.
The frequency of crossing over is not actually uniform
over the length of a chromosome

Cytological maps: Developed by combined with other methods like

chromosomal banding
These indicated the positions of genes with respect to chromosomal
More recent techniques show the absolute distances between gene
loci in DNA nucleotides.
Example Problems:
Genes A and B cross over 22% of the time. Genes C and A cross over 11% of the
time. Genes C and D cross over 3 % of the time. And genes B and D cross over
14% of the time. Construct a map of this chromosome.

A wild-type fruit fly (heterozygous for gray body color and normal wings was mated
with a black fly with vestigial wings. The offspring had the following phenotypic
distribution: wild type, 778; black-vestigial, 785; black-normal, 158; gray-vestigial,
162. What is the recombination frequency between these genes for body color and
wing type.

Determining Gender

Sex Influenced Traits

Errors and Exceptions in Chromosomal Inheritance

Major chromosomal aberrations and their consequences produce exceptions to standard
chromosome theory.
Nondisjunction: occurs when problems with the meiotic spindle cause errors in daughter
This may occur if tetrad chromosomes do not separate properly during meiosis I.
Alternatively, sister chromatids may fail to separate during meiosis II.
Some gametes receive two of the same type of chromosome and another gamete receives
no copy.
Aneuploidy: Offspring results from fertilization of a normal gamete with one after
nondisjunction will have an abnormal chromosome number or.
Trisomic cells have three copies of a particular chromosome type and have 2n +
1 total chromosomes. (Ex. Trisomy 21 or Down Syndrome)
Monosomic cells have only one copy of a particular chromosome type and have
2n - 1 chromosomes. (Ex. Turners Syndrome)
If the organism survives, aneuploidy typically leads to a distinct phenotype.
Polypoidy: Organisms with more than two complete sets of chromosomes, have undergone.
This may occur when a normal gamete fertilizes another gamete in which there has
been nondisjunction of all its chromosomes.
The resulting zygote would be triploid (3n).
Alternatively, if a 2n zygote failed to divide after replicating its chromosomes, a
tetraploid (4n) embryo would result from subsequent successful cycles of mitosis.
Common among plants and much less common among animals.
Polyploids are more nearly normal in phenotype than aneuploids.

One extra or missing chromosome apparently upsets the genetic balance during development
more than does an entire extra set of chromosomes.
Breakage of chromosomes
Deletion: occurs when a chromosome fragment lacking a centromere is lost during cell
division; This chromosome will be missing certain genes.

Duplication: occurs when a fragment becomes attached as an extra segment to a sister


Inversion: occurs when a chromosomal fragment reattaches to the original

chromosome but in the reverse orientation.

Translocation, a chromosomal fragment joins a nonhomologous chromosome.

Some translocations are reciprocal, others are not.

Genetic Disorders
Down Syndrome
Klinefelters syndrome: an XXY male, occurs once in every 2000 live births.
These individuals have male sex organs, but are sterile.
There may be feminine characteristics, but their intelligence is normal.
Males with an extra Y chromosome (XYY) tend to somewhat taller than average.
Trisomy X (XXX), which occurs once in every 2000 live births, produces healthy females.
Monosomy X or Turners syndrome (X0), which occurs once in every 5000 births, produces
phenotypic, but immature females.
Cri du chat: results from a specific deletion in chromosome 5.
These individuals are mentally retarded, have a small head with unusual facial
features, and a cry like the mewing of a distressed cat.
This syndrome is fatal in infancy or early childhood.

Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML): Cancer caused by chromosomal translocations

CML occurs when a fragment of chromosome 22 switches places with a small
fragment from the tip of chromosome 9.

Genetic Imprinting
For most genes it is a reasonable assumption that a specific allele will have the same
effect regardless of whether it was inherited from the mother or father.
However, for some traits in mammals, it does depend on which parent passed along the
alleles for those traits.

Genomic imprinting
In this process, a gene on one homologous chromosome is silenced, while its allele on
the homologous chromosome is expressed.
Depends on whether the gene resides in a female or a male.
The same alleles may have different effects on offspring, depending on whether
they arrive in the zygote via the ovum or via the sperm.
In many cases, genomic imprinting occurs when methyl groups are added to cytosine
nucleotides on one of the alleles.
Heavily methylated genes are usually inactive.
The animal uses the allele that is not imprinted.
In other cases, the absence of methylation in the vicinity of a gene plays a role in
silencing it.
The active allele has some methylation.
Fragile X syndrome, which leads to various degrees of mental retardation, also
appears to be subject to genomic imprinting.
This disorder is named for an abnormal X chromosome in which the tip hangs
on by a thin thread of DNA.
This disorder affects one in every 1,500 males and one in every 2,500 females.
Inheritance of fragile X is complex, but the syndrome is more common when the
abnormal chromosome is inherited from the mother.
This is consistent with the higher frequency in males.
Imprinting by the mother somehow causes it.

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