WAB2 Supplements Errata

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The document provides errata and clarifications for rules in the Allies & Mercenaries supplement to align them with the second edition of Warhammer Ancient Battles.

Several rules around characters in chariots, mixed weapons troops, and chariot runners are clarified. Special rules for various units like Gutians and Makkanites are replaced. Profile details for some units like army standard bearers and chariots are modified.

Units like Gutians, Makkanites, Lybians, Sea Peoples, Kushites, Amorites, Elamites, Hattians, Lukka and Habiru Mercenaries have their special rules replaced to designate them as light infantry or subject them to warband formation rules.



Allies & Mercenaries

Please note that Allies & Mercenaries from these lists

are NOT subject to the Unreliable rules in
Warhammer Ancient Battles.

Page 17: Sea Peoples

Replace Special Rules with:

Subject to Warband Formation rules 1, 5 & 6.

Page 17: Kushites

The rules in the sidebar are superceded by the

rulebook. See rulebook page 82.

Replace Special Rules with:

Light Infantry. Subject to Warband Formation rules
1, 5 & 6.

Page 3: Mixed Weapons

Page 22: Chariots

Page 3 Characters in Chariots

Troops indicated as armed with mixed weapons are

counted as having various hand weapons and javelins.
They do not have the Mixed Weapons special rule.

Page 3: Chariot Runners

The rules in the sidebar are superseded by the

rulebook. See rulebook page 105.

Page 10: Gutians

Replace Special Rules with:

Light Infantry. Subject to Warband Formation rules
1, 5 & 6.

Page 11: Makkanites

Replace Special Rules with:

Subject to Warband Formation rules 1, 5 & 6.

Add to the Equipment: Hand weapons.

Page 23: Amorites

Replace Special Rules with:

Light Infantry. Subject to Warband Formation rules
1, 5 & 6.

Page 23: Gutians or Elamites

Replace Special Rules with:

Light Infantry. Subject to Warband Formation rules
1, 5 & 6.

Page 23: Unit of Hattians

Replace Special Rules with:

Subject to Warband Formation rules 1, 5 & 6.

Page 30: Hittite Chariotry:

He has two Wounds, not one as printed in some

copies of the supplement.

The Strength of the 3-Crew Chariotry is 3, not 4 as

Delete the Special Rules of this section.

Page 15: Chariots

Page 31: Lukka

Page 14: Army Standard Bearer

Add to the Equipment: Hand weapons.

Add at the end of the Special Rules: The Chariots can also
shoot during a counter-charge.

Replace Special Rules with:

Subject to Warband Formation rules 1, 5 & 6.

Page 16: Marines

Replace Special Rules with:

Light Infantry. Subject to Warband Formation rules
1, 5 & 6.

Add to the Equipment: Hand weapons.

Page 16: Lybians

Replace Special Rules with:

Light Infantry. Subject to Warband Formation rules
1, 5 & 6.

Page 32: Habiru Mercenaries

Page 44: General

Add at the end of the Special Rules Section:

The General was highly skilled in using his javelins
from a moving chariot, and is able to shoot as he
charges. This attack is made after any enemy charge

reaction (ie, any enemy that fires as a charge reaction

does so before the General). This attack can also be
made during a counter-charge. The attack counts as
having taken place at short range. Enemy units that
take 25% casualties must pass a Panic test or flee.

Page 44: Heroes

Add at the end of the Special Rules Section:

The Heroes were highly skilled in using their javelins
from a moving chariot and are able to shoot as they
charge. This attack is made after any enemy charge
reaction (ie, any enemy that fires as a charge reaction
does so before the Heroes). This attack can also be
made during a counter-charge. The attack counts as
having taken place at short range. Enemy units that
take 25% casualties must pass a Panic test or flee.

Page 44: Eqeta Chariotry

Add at the end of the Special Rules Section:

The Eqeta Chariot Warriors were highly skilled in
using their javelins from a moving chariot and are
able to shoot as they charge. This attack is made after
any enemy charge reaction (ie, any enemy that fires as
a charge reaction does so before the Heroes). This
attack can also be made during a counter-charge. The
attack counts as having taken place at short range.
Enemy units that take 25% casualties must pass a
Panic test or flee.

Page 45: Spearmen

Equipment: the cost of the optional equipment (sword,

javelins, light armour and shield) is 0pt rather than
Replace the first sentence of the Special Rules with:
Subject to Warband Formation rules 1, 5 & 6.
Add at the end of the Special Rules section:
The Spearmen were highly skilled in using their
javelins and are able to shoot as they charges. This
attack is made after any enemy charges reaction (ie,
any enemy that fires as a charge reaction do so before
the Heroes). The attack counts as having taken place
at short range. Enemy units that take 25% casualties
must pass a Panic test or flee.

Page 45: Archers

The cost should be 5pts, not 4pts as printed.

Replace the last sentence of the Special Rules with:
If included in a unit of spearmen, the archers become
subject to Warband Formation rules 1, 5 & 6.

Page 49: Sacred Ark

Add at the end of Special Rules section:

The automatic rally effect of the Ark happens as soon
as a unit moves within 6 of the Ark. However, if a
unit is broken and pursued and the pursuer rolls
higher, the fleeing unit is still destroyed even if its
starts within 6 of the Ark. The Ark is not
automatically broken in hand to hand combat if
reduced to less than 5 models. It takes its Break Test
and may use its Stubborn ability. It always counts as
formed, though it is not a close order unit.

Page 50: Horsemen

Replace Special Rules with:

Light Cavalry. If deployed as Skirmishers, Horsemen
benefit from the Chariot Runners rule 1.

Page 50: Judean Spearmen

Replace Special Rules with:

Stubborn. Subject to Warband Formation rules 1, 5 &

Page 51: Midianite Arabs

The Movement should be 6, not 8 as printed.

Page 51: Israelite Tribal Militia

Gadites are subject to Warband Formation rules 1, 5

& 6 not 1 and 2 as printed.
Zublanites are subject to the rules for Combined
Danites are subject to Warband Formation rules 1, 5
& 6 not 1 and 2 as printed.

Page 57: Four-Horse Heavy Chariots

They should cost 70pts not 97pts as printed.

Replace the Special Rules with:
Chariot Archers are Expert Horsemen and as such,
do not suffer the to hit penalty when shooting on the
move. Heavy chariot impact hits are resolved with a
Strength of 4.

Page 57: Cavalry

Replace the Special Rules section with:

The unit is subject to the rules for Combined
Formations. Mounted Archers in the second rank
may shoot over the first rank at full effect, even if the
unit has moved (but not during a march or a charge).

Page 58: Kisir Sharruti Infantry

Replace Special Rules with:

Subject to Warband Formation rules 1, 5 & 6.

Replace the Special Rules section with:

The unit is subject to the rules for Combined

Page 46: Lybians

Page 58: Sab Sharri Infantry

Page 46: Lukka

Replace Special Rules with:

Light Infantry. Subject to Warband Formation rules
1, 5 & 6.

Replace the first two sentences of the special rules with:

Light Infantry. The unit is subject to the rules for
Combined Formations.

Page 58: Unit of Heavy Slingers

Add at the end of the Special Rules section:

The unit is subject to the rules for Combined


Page 59: Unit of Mounted Infantry

Change the last sentence of the Equipment to

Each cart may carry up to a maximum of six models.
Add at the end of the Special Rules section:
Each cart should be based on a 40mm x 60mm deep
base. This allows any infantry that dismounts to be
arranged in a formation of 2 models wide by 3
models deep.

Page 59: Urartians

Replace Special Rules with:

Subject to Warband Formation rules 1, 5 & 6.

Page 60: Chaldeans

Replace the Special Rules section with:

The unit is subject to the rules for Combined

Page 60: Midianite Arabs

The Movement should be 6, not 8 as printed.

Page 60: Elamites

In the Special Rules section, delete the third sentence (Elamite

chariots may transport up to three infantry models
per chariot).

Page 60: Unit of Medes

Replace Special Rules with:

Subject to Warband Formation rules 1, 5 & 6. May be
used in Babylonian armies only.

Page 61: Greek or Lydian Hoplites

Replace Special Rules with:

Stubborn. Phalanx. May only be used in Babylonian

Page 4: Cavalry Counter Charges

Delete this section. It is now covered by the main


Page 4: Skirmishers & Rank bonuses

Delete this section. It is now covered by the main


Page 4: Leadership & Warband


Delete this section. It is now covered by the main


Page 4: Combined Formation

Delete this section. It is now covered by the main


Page 4: Elephants

Delete this section. It is now covered by the main


Page 4: How to use the army lists


used to add to the Combat Result. Oracles may still

be used to re-roll leadership and break tests even if
standards are involved. Oracles may not be applied
to skirmisher combat resolution, but may be used for
re-rolls of skirmisher leadership tests.

Page 5: Xyston, Pikes & Shields

Replace the section with

A Xyston (zees-ton) is subject to the same rules as
the kontos, but will strike after a pike or a kontos.
Mounted characters and cavalry from this supplement
armed with xyston or kontos may not carry shields.
Mounted models may not use large shields in this
period, and models on foot may not combine pike
with large shields.

Page 5: Macedonian and Trained


Delete the whole section. The rules for Macedonian

and Trained Phalanxes now appear in the rulebook.

Page 5: Special Rules

Add a new section:

In most army lists, one model in each unit may be
upgraded to a Leader (+5 pts), one to a Standard
Bearer (+5 pts), and another to a Musician (+5 pts)
unless otherwise stated. Note that Elephants and War
Machines may not have Leaders, Standard Bearers or
Musicians. Greek units and Rise of Macedon units
may not have unit standards, this also applies to Rise
of Macedon army Allied units.

In general the Alexander the Great selection lists
assume that all "Allies" troops must follow army list
rules and restrictions. An Allied Army General is not
required for allies, but may be chosen in larger games.
Here are some examples: restricted kirata bowmen
could not outnumber spearmen as allies from the
Mountain Indian list. The Mauryan Indian army may
take Persian Noble Levy cavalry without restrictions
since that unit type is listed as a single option.

Page 4: How to use the army lists

Page 6: Cavalry Wedge Formation


Army Generals: All armies must have an Army
General, unless playing a special scenario. Replace the
0-1 limits with 1. In skirmish scenarios any character
can be nominated as the Army General.

Page 5: Oracles

Add at the end of the section:

If a unit standard or army standard bonus applied to a
hand to hand combat result then no oracles may be

Add a third paragraph and replace the diagram with:

A Wedge front zone is also based on the position of
the first six models of the apex as shown in this

Page 21: Thessalian Cavalry

The Thessalian cavalry should have WS4 and cost

25pts (and not WS3 and 24pts as written).

Page 21: Hypaspists

In the Special Rules note that troops using the

optional Mixed Armour rule, are subject to the rules
for Combined Formations.

Page 21: Phalangites

Front Flank and Rear arcs of a Cavalry Wedge
Note that wedges are formed from open order
troops, but the wedge uses its special pivot move
rather than turning, so the free turn and
expansion/contraction rules for open order cavalry in
the new rulebook do not apply to wedges.
Add the following clarification:
In the case of chariots ridden by characters, each
character counts separately from the chariot model
for purposes of counting how many models may
strike back that are not in contact with the apex of
the wedge. For example if a wedge of ten models
strikes a unit of five Heavy Chariots that contains
three characters, then the chariot in contact would
fight back with the character and chariot. The other
out of contact characters would count as separate
models from their chariots, so the player may need to
choose which models would attack in this
If skirmishing troops charge a wedge, the wedge does
not flatten out. However the wedge may only fight
with models in actual contact if hit on the side or

Page 9: Levies

Delete this section. It is now covered by the main


Page 9: Parthian Shot

Delete this section. It is now covered by the main


Page 9: Feigned Flight

Delete this section. It is now covered by the main


Page 9: Character on Mounts

Delete this section. It is now covered by the main


Page 20: Alexander the Great

Add at the end of the special rules:

If Alexander is chosen then at least one unit of
Companion cavalry must be taken. An Agema cavalry
unit may be upgraded to Drilled for +2 points, if
Alexander is present. Alexander must choose to reroll oracles before deployment commences.

In the Special Rules note that troops using the

optional Mixed Armour rule, are subject to the rules
for Combined Formations.

Page22: Skirmishers

Change Special Rules to:

Special Rules: Skirmishers. One Agrianian unit may
be chosen for every one other infantry skirmisher
unit. Every second unit of Agrianians may be

Page22: Special Troops, Mercs & Allies

All units taken from these entries are subject to the
Unreliable rule.

Page 25: Persian Companions

Should be labeled (EX).

Page 25: Light Cavalry

Add to the equipment:

Dahae/Skythians may have pelta (bucklers) +1pt.

Page 25: Phalangites, Hypaspists,

Pezhtairoi & Agema

Phalangites should be a category header in boldface,

Hypaspists, Pezhetairoi and Agema underneath.

Page 25: Experimental Phalanx

These should be labelled (EX). The EX

(experimental) label really does not mean anything. It
is there to identify troops that Alexander never really
used heavily in battle, but possibly planned on using
in his further adventures. It is a guideline to separate
the real troops from the what-ifs.
Replace the Special Rules section with:
Macedonian Phalanx. Combined Formation. At least
half of the models must be taken as Archers that
form the rear rank(s) of the unit. If the number of
phalangites falls below 12, the unit is not considered
as a Macedonian Phalanx.

Page 25: Epigonoi Phalanx (EX)

Delete the Mixed Armour and Combined Formation

rules in the Special Rules section. Note that Agema
pezhetairoi are allowed in the same army with
Epigonoi from the Imperial list. Only the regular
pezhetairoi are not allowed.

Page 25: Special Troops, Mercs & Allies

All units taken from these entries are subject to the
Unreliable rule.

Page 26: Elephants (EX)

The Mahout should have 1 Attack not as indicated.

Change Equipment to:
Equipment: Crewed by a Mahout and a Macedonian
soldier. Mahout has a goad, which counts as an
improvised weapon. The Mahout may have javelins
+3pts. The Macedonian soldier has a pike and a light

Page 26: Allies

Change the text of the Thracian allies to:

Only Mountain and Lowland warriors, a Chieftain
may lead them, no other characters allowed.
May only select Levy Cavalry and Levy Infantry.
Change the text of the Late Achaemenid Persian allies (Fall of
Persia Army List) to:
May only select Levy Cavalry and Levy Infantry.
Change the text of the India allies (Fall of Persia Army List)
Indians: 0-1 Indian elephant, 0-1 Elephant escorts,
0-1 cavalry, and 0-1 mercenary infantry unit allowed.
Mountain Indian Allies: 0-1 Parapamisidae cavalry
and 0-1 Kirata tribesmen allowed.

Page 80: Iphicrateans

Delete the Mixed Armour from the Special Rules.

Page 82: Stealth

This section is superseded by the WAB2 errata.

Page 82: Highlanders, Lowlanders &


Add at the end of the section:

Thracians troop selection restrictions are based on
the type of Army General selected. If a Getae King,
Warlord (Highland), or Odrysian King (Lowland)
Army General is chosen then the army must conform
to the restrictions described for each type of army.

Page 82: Warriors

The reference list used is the Greek army list that

appeared in WAB 1.5.

Add to the equipment:

0-1 unit may replace javelins with slings (free).
Add to the special rules:
Lowland Tribes unit armed with spears may be
fielded as close order infantry instead of Light
Infantry. If this option is chosen the unit may not
skirmish. Close order spearmen should be identified
as being separate from formed Light Infantry units,
either by using a different basing scheme or some
other marking method.
All Thracian Lowland and Mountain tribesmen:
Thracian Warrior units add +1 to their leadership if
they are skirmishing. Thracians armed with bow or
sling must skirmish. Slingers may not be the largest
skirmisher infantry unit in the army.

Page 79: Special rules

Page 92: Characters

Page 52: Phocian Army Additions

Add the following special rule:

Optional Oracles for Greek Mercenaries: An
army which does not use oracles but includes Greek
Mercenaries creates a pool of oracles for the Greek's
use only. The Mercenary oracle pool is determined as
1D3 + the number of hoplite units in the army, and
+1 if a Polemarch or Xenagos is included. Example:
If an army has 3 hoplite units, and a Xenagos, the
player rolls D3+3+1 for oracles. In large games the
Oracles pool can be increased by 1D3 per 2000
points.(A D3 is half a D6 rounded up).

Page 79: Xenagos

Add to the Polemarch special rules:

May be Drilled +2pts and Stubborn +3pts.
Add 0-1 before Xenagos.
Change equipment to:
Same as Polemarch above.
Add to the Special Rules:
A Xenagos may be taken instead of a Polemarch and
gives the same benefits as described above. May be
Drilled +2pts and Stubborn +3pts.

Page 80: Cavalry

Remove the 0-1 before Greek Horse.

Add to the Satrapal General the following special rule:

One Satrap may be taken for each Persian and/or
levies unit in the army to limit of character points
(exception: scythed chariots).

Page 92 : Half-Barded Armour

Replace the whole section with

Half-barding taken from this list counts as a HalfMetal Barding, as described page 98 of the rulebook.

Page 92: Massed Cavalry

Delete this section as it is covered by the rules in the


Page 93: Persian Infantry

Replace the whole Special Rules section with:

Special Rules: Combined Formation. The unit may
combine models equipped with bows and models
equipped with thrusting spears. Satrapal Guards refer
to the 0-1 Persians statline. Each unit type in this
group may combine only with similar troops.
Melophoroi may not be combined with kardakes,
etc.. Melophoroi are Stubborn and may only be
included if the Great King is present. Persians
Satrapal Guards may only be included if the Great
King is NOT present. Kardakes armed with slings,
javelins or bows are Light Infantry. Units combining

Kardakes with bows and kardakes with spears must

be deployed as formed Open Order units.

May replace bows with javelins (free) or add javelins


Page 93: Scythed Chariots

Page 107: Army Composition

Delete the Special Rules. The Scythed Chariots are

now covered in the main rulebook.

Page 93: Shock Cavalry

Add to the Special Rules:

Any other Persian list cavalry or skirmish cavalry unit
allows a Noble Cavalry selection, not just cavalry
from the Levy section.

Page 94: Skirmish Cavalry

Change the last sentence of the equipment to:

Dahae/Skythians are armed with daggers, javelins and
bows. They may have pelta (buckler) +1pt.

Page 94: Satrapal Infantry

Replace the reference to Warband Psychology rule 1

with: Warband rules 5 and 6.

Page 94: Greek Mercenaries

Add to this section:

Greek Mercenary characters are counted as part of
characters points totals, not troops.

Page 94: Allies

Replace the second sentence of the special rules with:

Lykians and Carians are subject to Warband rules 5
and 6.
Add to the Bithynians allies rules:
Wagons can not be taken. Bithynian foot all count as
Lowland Thracians, no rhomphaia are allowed. Only
Light cavalry may be selected, no Nobles, or Getae

Page 100: Horse Archers

Add to the Equipment:

Add at the start of this section:

There is no "Generic Indian Army List." Players must
choose from the following variants: Classical Indians,
Republican Indians, Mountain Indians, or Mauryan.
Please refer to pages 112 to 115.

Page 109: Mercenaries

Change 2nd sentence of the Equipment to:

May have longbow +3pts, or may have shields,
throwing spears and javelins +3pts.

Page 108: Characters riding Elephants

Delete this section. It is now covered by the

Page 108: Characters riding Chariots

Delete this section. It is now covered by the

Page 108: Elephants

The Mahout should have 1 Attack not as indicated

and should have a BS of 3 not as indicated.
Add to the equipment section
The Mahout has an improvised weapons and may
have shield +1pt, light armour +2pts and javelins
+3pts. In a Mauryan army, the Mahout may have a
heavy armour +3pts but may not have a shield.

Page 111: War Wagons

Please note that the rules for the Indian War Wagons
are different from the one described in the errata.

Page 114: Special Troops

Replace the first sentence of the hand to hand combat with

Units behind unoccupied wagons or skirmishers
inside count as being behind a defended obstacle (see
rulebook page 56)

Page 7: How to use the Army Lists

Page 53: Manipular Formation

Pages 20-21: Army Composition

Page 54: Manipular Formation Swap

The following rules have been superseded by WAB2

and its errata and should be ignored: Phalanx, Levies,
Stealth, Mixed Weapons, Mixed Armour. Troops
with Mixed Armour are now treated as Combined
Under The First Punic WarUncommon Troops,
change Ligurian Infantry to Ligurian Slingers.
Under The Second Punic War in ItalyUncommon
Troops, change Ligurian Infantry to Ligurian
Under The Second Punic War in Africa
Uncommon Troops, change Ligurian Infantry to
Ligurian Warriors.
Under The Third Punic War in AfricaUncommon
Troops, add Ligurian Slingers.

The maximum rank bonus is now +2, amend text as

For the purposes of the Manipular Swap, the rear arc
remains as in the supplement diagram for this rule i.e.
90 to the rear.
A unit entering combat by swapping in this way is
considered to be charging in the next combat round.
This will therefore count as a new combat, except
that the units opponent will retain a momentum
bonus if it won the previous round of combat against
the units predecessor.

Page 60: Specialist Units (continued)

Page 22: Citizen Infantry

For Tarentine Cavalry, Numidian Cavalry, Spanish

Cavalry, Gallic Cavalry, and Illyrian Cavalry, change
the wording in the Special Rules from May not
outnumber any other unit of cavalry in the army to
May not be the largest unit in the army.
Change Ligurian Infantry to Ligurian Warriors.

Page 23: Mercenary Hoplites & Oscan


Page 71: Ambush Special Rule

Add May have light armour (+1 pt).

Mercenary Hoplites and Oscan Infantry fight as a

Trained Phalanx.

Pages 24-25: Cavalry & Elephants

For Campanian Cavalry, Spanish Cavalry, and Gallic

Cavalry, change the wording in the Special Rules
from May not outnumber any other unit of cavalry
in the army to May not be the largest unit in the

Pages 51-52 Army Compositions

Under The Second & Third Punic Wars in Africa

Uncommon Troops, add Balearic Slingers.
Under Roman Campaigns in the EastUncommon
Troops, add Balearic Slingers; change Ligurian
Infantry to Ligurian Warriors.

Replace the text with:

At the start of the game, before units are placed, the
Spanish player may designate a unit that will gain the
Ambush (WAB rulebook, page 104) special rule for

Page 75: Warriors

They are subject to Warband rule#5 not rule one as

indicated in the text.

Page 75: Numidian Cavalry

The Levy are subject to the Levies special rule (not

Levy as written).

Page 77: Ligurian Special Rules

The Warband and Feigned Flight descriptions have

been superseded by the corresponding rules in the
WAB2 rulebook.

Page 80: Gallic Warriors

If mixing unarmoured with armoured models in the

same unit, the whole unit becomes subject to the

rules for Combined Formation (WAB rulebook page


Page 12: Leadership & Warband

Psycholgy, Mixed and Improvised
Weapons, Stealth

Page 13: Trained Slaves

They are subject to Warband Rules 5 and 6, not 2 as

written in the special rules.

Delete all these sections. They are covered by the

main Warhammer Ancient Battles rules and its errata.
All Mixed Weapons in the supplement follow the
rules given in the errata.

Page 13: Untrained Slaves

Page 13: Gladiators

If Army Break Points are used, each Lictor is worth

one ABP if killed.

Note that if choosing to form a Light Infantry unit,

Gladiators must choose to be deployed as skirmishers
or as an Open Order unit. If in skirmishing formation
they may not reform back into a formed unit.

They are subject to Warband Rules 5 and 6, not 2 as

written in the special rules.

Page 15: Lictors

Page 17: Skirmish Cavalry.

Delete the description of Feigned Flight. It now

appears in Warhammer Ancient Battles, page 107.

In the supplement, all horse barding is considered to

be cloth barding (page 98 of the rulebook).

Page 4: How to use the Army lists

The following rules have been superseded by WAB2:

Heavy Chariots Chariot Runners and Retinues,
Combined Formation, Levies, Massed Cavalry,
Leadership & Warband Psychology.
The other rules (Warrior of Legend, Fearsome, Fast
Pass and Eastern Shock Cavalry) still apply.

Page 4: Allies

Replace second paragraph with:

Allies are Unreliable (see Warhammer Ancient Battles
page 103).

Page 4: Combined Formation

The section Art of War Combined Formation Special

Rule still applies.

Page 5: Steppe Nomads

The part dealing with Expert Horsemen, Parthian

Shot and Feigned Flight is superseded by the rules In

Page 5: Eastern Shock Cavalry

Replace Rule#1 with:

1. Eastern Shock Cavalry were trained at charging and
withdrawing repeatedly. To represent this, they may
choose to retire if they win a round of close combat,
but fail to force their opponents to either flee or give
The retiring movement is made as a normal Give
Ground move with the exception that the retiring
unit may still charge in its following turn.

Page 6: Volley Firing

The rule should refer to Massed Missiles, not Massed


Page 15: The Spirit of the Shaman

On a result of 5: Spirit of the Eagle, the unit may now

Give Ground even if outnumbered by the opposing
unit (and not Fall Back in Good Order as indicated in
the text).

Page 16: Tribes People

They are armed with Improvised Weapons and

Stones (Warhammer Ancient Battles page 89)

Page 28: Rightful Conduct

Note that if the game doesnt use Victory Points, this

rule has no effect.

Page 32: Tribes People

They are armed with Hand Weapons and Stones

(Warhammer Ancient Battles page 89)

Page 43: Cavalry Light Crossbows

Note that the Light Crossbow that the Light Cavalry

Crossbowmen use is different from the light
crossbow in the rulebook. The rules indicated in their
description apply. Also note that Light Crossbows
may not be used during a Shoot & Flee charge
reaction as all other weapons that forbid shooting
after a movement.

Page 78: Caravans

Please note that Caravans have no effect on Army

Break Points.

Page 78: Yurts

The rules for Yurt as described still apply. Note that

the Yurts themselves are not worth any Army Break

Page 108: Cavalry Light Crossbows

Note that the Light Crossbow that the Light Cavalry

Crossbowmen use is different from the light
crossbow in the rulebook. The rules indicated in their
description apply. Also note that Light Crossbows

may not be used during a Shoot & Flee charge

reaction, like all other weapons that forbid shooting
after a movement.

Page 109: Magistrates

They are subject to Warband rule#5 and 6 when

accompanying Peasants or a Mob, not rule 1 as

Page 110: Peasants

They are subject to Warband rule#5 and 6, not rule 1

as indicated.

Page 114: Peasants

They are subject to Warband rule#5 and 6, not rule 1

as indicated.

Page 114: Yellow Scarves Mob

They are subject to Warband rule#5 and 6, not rule 1

as indicated. They cannot Give Ground unless they
outnumber by more than 3 to 1 (this is an exception
to the normal Give Ground rules. Please note that the
reference to Fall Back in Good Order comes from a
previous WAB edition).

In the supplement, all horse barding is considered to

be cloth barding (page 98 of the rulebook).

Page 45: Comitatus

If the Army General is killed and the unit has rolled a

4+, it will have to charge any enemy in sight if
possible, and if no enemy is within charge distance,
will have to move toward the closer enemy unit in
sight as fast as possible. The unit becomes immune to
Panic, Fear, Terror and automatically pass any Break
Test it has to take. Note however that as described in
the Warhammer Ancient Battles rules, if reduced
below 5 models it will break when losing a round of

Page 45: Priest

When fighting an army that is not taken from Fall of

the West, the Priest doesnt give Hate to the unit he

Page 46: Pedes, Palantina and Veterans

The number of models replacing their equipment
with a bow is up to a third, not a fourth as written.

If the Pedes, Palantina or Veterans unit includes

models equipped with bows, it becomes subject to
the rules for Combined Formation (page 105 of the

Page 47: Heavy Shock Cavalry

Any model that is equipped with a heavy armour and

shield may substitute them for a Cataphract armour
for free.
Replace the Special Rules with:
Special Rules: Drilled. Cataphracts.

Page 58: Barbarian Cunning

Replace this rule with the Ambush rule from the


Page 58: Mixed Weapons

Delete this section. Troops from the Barbarian list in

the new rulebook may not replace their Mixed
Weapons with throwing spears as suggested.

Page 4 & 5: How to use the army lists

The following rules have been superseded by WAB2:

Shieldwall, Cavalry Counter-charges, Rank Bonus &
Difficult Terrain, Different Weapons, Reforming in
Combat, Skirmishers & rank bonus, Fall Back in
Good Order, Leadership & Warband Psychology.
The other rules (Fury of the Norsemen, Mounted
Models, Army Standard Bearer and Werod) still

Page 22: Combined Units

Please note that this is a different rule from the

Combined Formation in the rulebook.

Page 22: Army General

Replace Special Rules with:

Special Rules: Army General. Any friendly English
unit within 12 of the Army General ignores
Warband rule#1.

Page 61: Ambush

Replace the rule with:

At the start of the game, before units are placed, the
Hibernian player may designate a unit that will gain
the Ambush (WAB rulebook, page 104) special rule
for free.

Page 70: Carolingian Frankish

When mixing bow and spear armed Milites in the

same unit, the whole unit counts as a Combined
Formation (WAB rulebook page 105)

Page 71: The Bretons

Replace the Special Rules second bullet with:

Any character or unit of Mounted Milites
have the Feigned Flight special rule (WAB
rulebook page 107)

Page 71: Capetian French

Replace the Special Rules second bullet with:

Characters and any unit they accompany are
subject to the Warband rule #1.

Page 72: Ferocious Charge

Replace this special rule with the Ferocious Charge

rule in the WAB rulebook page 108.

Page 77: Bradwr

Note that in the special rules broken means failing a

Morale test in close combat. If the Bradwr fail a Panic
test or flee for any other reason that after a failed
Moral test in combat, they may rally.

Page 78: Gestir & Vikings

Gestir and Vikings are subject to Warband rule#1 not

Warband rule 2 as indicated.

Page 78: Stipendarii

Replace the Special Rules with:

Special Rules: Stipendarii may count a rank bonus
of up to +1. Unreliable.

Page 78: Sergeants

Replace the Special Rules with:

Special Rules: Any unit of Sergeants may be
designated as Light Infantry. Unreliable.

Page 78: Cottereaux

Replace the Special Rules with:

Special Rules: Skirmishers. Feigned Flight.

Page 78: Devroet

Replace the Special Rules with:

Special Rules: Devroet may count a rank bonus of
up to +1. Feigned Flight.

All barding in this supplement is considered to be

cloth barding.

Page 3 & 4: How to use the Army Lists

The following rules have been superseded by WAB2:

Cavalry Counter-charges, Rank Bonus & Difficult
Terrain, Reforming in Combat, Skirmishers & rank
bonus, Fall Back in Good Order, Combined
Formation, Ferocious Charge, Feigned Flight.
The other rules (Andalusian Allies, Mounted Models,
and Bows) still apply.

Page 9: Bloodthirsty

Replace rule #1 and 2 with:

1. Bloodthirsty troops are subject to Warband
rules #1 and 2.

Page 13: Jinetes and Caballeros.

They are Light Cavalry, not Light Troops as


Page 14: Arqueros

They are Light Infantry, not Light Troops as


Page 37: Andalusian Horsemen

Replace the rule with

Andalusian horses were the finest of their age, and
highly sought after. Their natural agility and
manoeuvrability made them ideal for the light cavalry
tactics that typified Andalusian warfare. Any formed
cavalry being noted as Andalusian Horsemen
benefits from the following:
1. Even if deployed in Open Order, the unit
may break into Skirmish Order at the start
of its move. This may only be done when
executing a normal move, and not when
charging, fleeing or pursuing, for example.
Models in the unit can then move at double
pace as Skirmishers.
2. The unit may Reform (see WAB page 23)
after movement following a normal or
march move (but not a fast march, charge,
flee or pursuit move.) When reforming in

such a way, no model in the unit may exceed

its permitted movement distance for this
turn (i.e. the movement made during the
Reform manoeuvre counts as part of the
movement of the turn, unlike usual
reformations). No Ld test is needed to
perform this reform manoeuvre. The reform
may include a change from open order to
skirmish formation and vice versa in an
exception to the normal rules.
3. Mounted characters accompanying an
Andalusian Horsemen unit are assumed to
have excellent horses as well, and do not
impede the units ability to reform.
Note that the ability to switch from Open Order
to Skirmish Order and back again is unique to
Andalusian Horsemen and an exception to the
normal rules. The intent is that they should be
able to flow around the battlefield, skirmishing
and reforming.

Page 41: Andalusian Jinetes and Noble

They are Light Cavalry, not Light Troops as

Page 42: Andalusian Mounted


These troops also have the Expert Horseman Special

Rule, as do regular bow-armed Andalusian Jinetes (i.e.
they have no move and shoot penalty.)
Note that the Light Crossbow that the Andalusian
Mounted Crossbowmen use is different from the
light crossbow in the rulebook. The rules indicated in
their description apply. Also note that Andalusian
Light Crossbows may not be used during a Fire &
Flee charge reaction as with all other weapons that
forbid shooting after movement.

Page 42: Andalusian Archers

They are Light Infantry, not Light Troops as


Page 48: African Drummers

Note that a unit with two musicians automatically

gains momentum after a drawn combat instead of
rolling to see which side will get the Momentum
during the next combat round.

Page 51: Camel Riders

They are Light Cavalry, not Light Troops as


Page 54: Aliados Y Mercenarios

Replace bullet 3, 4 and 5 of the Special Rules with :

Aliados y Mercenarios units are Unreliable
(WAB rulebook page 103).

Page 55: Ghuzz Horse Archers

Replace Special Rules with:

Special Rules: Light Cavalry. Feigned Flight.
Parthian Shot. Expert Horsemen. Aliados y

All half-barding in this supplement is considered to

be cloth barding.
Full barding is considered to be metal barding.

Page 6: Rules Additions

The following rules have been superseded by WAB2:

Leadership & Warband Pyschology, Cavalry countercharges Characters, Darts & Bows.

Page 8: Rules Clarifications

This chapter should be ignored as all the issues have

been dealt with the second edition of the rulebook.

Page 11: The Armoury

Note that Kontarion strikes after pike or kontos.

You may not Shoot & Flee as a charge reaction with a
Solenarion, as with other weapons that forbid
shooting after a movement.
Ignore the part about half barding, this is dealt with
the main WAB rules.

Page 12: Troop Types & Abilities

The following rules have been superseded by the

rulebook and should be ignored: Shieldwall, Levies,
Ferocious Charge, Used to Elephants, Expert
Horsemen, Feigned Flight and Stealth.

Page 13: Bedouin Cavalry

Change the text to:

Bedouin Cavalry are allowed to turn any
number of times without incurring any
penalties to their move distance and that
even if they are marching (but not fast
marching). Note that unless Drilled, they
may only about face and are not able to turn
by 90. They are permitted to change
formation once during their movement by
any number of ranks with no penalty to their
move. They can even take advantage of this
ability when marching (but not fast
marching or charging).

Page 12: Superior Cavalry

Replace the paragraph dealing with Superior Byzantine and

Superior Turkish and Arab Cavalry with:
Superior Byzantine Cavalry were trained at
charging and withdrawing repeatedly. To
represent this, Superior Byzantine Cavalry
may choose to retire if they win a round of
close combat, but fail to force their
opponents to either flee or give ground.
The retiring movement is made as a normal
Give Ground move with the exception that
the retiring unit may still charge in its
following turn. This ability requires a fairly
high degree of mobility therefore, it can
never be used by cavalrymen riding barded
or half-barded horses.
Superior Turkish and Arab Cavalry were
renowned for their mobility. During their
move Arab and Turkish Cavalry are allowed
to turn any number of times without
incurring any penalties to their move
distance even if they are marching (but not
fast marching). Note that unless Drilled,
they may only about face and are not able to
turn by 90.
They are permitted to change formation
once during their movement by any number
of ranks with no penalty to their move. They
can even take advantage of this ability when
marching (but not fast marching or
When deployed as Skirmishers, Superior
Turkish cavalry has the Parthian Shot special
rule (WAB, page 109)

Page 12 & 13: Shieldwall, Levies,

Ferocious Charge, Used to Elephants,
Expert Horsemen, Feigned Flight,
All these rules have been superseded by WAB2.

Page 14: Flattening out the Wedge

Replace 2nd bullet with:

When a wedge loses a round of close

combat unless it is allowed and is able to
Give Ground.

Page 14: Rank Bonus & the Wedge

Replace with:
Units do not count their rank bonus in wedge
formation, nor do they benefit from the Close Order
combat result bonus. If a wedge flattens out, it does
not gain any rank or close order bonus.

Page 15: Diagrams

Replace diagrams with:

are Unreliable, and may not be joined by any

character except their Faction Leader.

Page 40:Ghassanid Arab Infantry

They are subject to Warband rule#5 and 6, not 1 as


Page 48: Cataphracts

Replace Equipment and Special Rules with:

Equipment: Hand weapon, Cataphract Armour and
Kontos. May have barding for their mounts (+4).
Special Rules: Superior Persian Cavalry.

Page 49: Mountain Men

They are subject to Warband rules#1, 5 and 6, not 1

and 2 as indicated.

Page 52: Gepids & Early Lombards

Replace second sentence of the third bullet of Special Rules

Saxons are Unreliable, they are not Light
Infantry and subject to Warband rules#1, 5
and 6.

Page 53: Arian or Orthodox Christian


When fighting an army that is not taken from this

supplement, the Priest doesnt give Hatred to the unit
he leads.

Page 54: Freemen

They are subject to Warband Rules 5 and 6, not 1 as


Page 57: Beg War Wagon

Note that these War Wagons are subject to their own

rules, not the War Wagons or Wagon Tabor rules
described in the WAB errata.

Page 58: Pecheneg

Page 15: Combined Formation

Delete as this has been superseded by WAB2.

Page 16: Ambush

Delete as this has been superseded by WAB2.

Page 37: Justinian Dynasty Special Rules

Note to third bullet:
If the Irregular unit passes its Leadership Test it
becomes subject to Warband rule#1, not 2 as

Page 40: Green or Blue Circus Faction


Replace Special Rules with:

Special Rules: Mobs and their Faction are subject to
Warband rule#5 and 6. They cannot Give Ground,

Replace second bullet of special rules with:

Formed units of Pecheneg Horse Archers or
Noble Cavalry are subject to the rules for
Massed Cavalry (see Warhammer Ancient
Battles rulebook page 109)

Page 60: Subject Tribesmen

They are subject to Warband rules#5 and 6, not 1 as


Page 60: Wagons

Replace the entry with

0-5 Wagons
You may buy up to 5 Wagon Tabors as described in
the Warhammer Ancient Battles errata. The
Defenders bows may be exchanged for javelins and
shields (free).

Page 60: Yurts

The rules for Yurt as described still apply. Note that

the Yurts themselves are not worth any Army Break

Page 81: Rivalry

Note that the Impetuousness refers to Warband rule

1, not 2 as indicated.

Page 83: Volunteers

They are subject to Warband Rules 1, 4, 5 and 6, not

1 and 2 as indicated.

Page 88: Druzhina

Druzhina are also worth an extra ABP if destroyed,

similar to an Army Standard Bearer.

Page 95: Mercenary Tribesmen

They are subject to Warband Rules 1, 4, 5 and 6, not

1 and 2 as indicated.

When any unit entry refers to Warband rules 1 and 2,

it should read Warband rules 1, 4 and 5 (note that no
units in Age of Arthur are subject to rule 6, as there
are no Warband characters.)
Any unit entry special rule exclusively referencing to
Warband rule 1 should read Warband rule 5 and 6.
Many unit entries refer to Light Troops. They
should read Light Infantry.

Note on Chariots in Age of Arthur

Chariots in Age of Arthur are rare, and reserved only

for a handful of characters in the Pictish and ScotsIrish army lists. However, chariots in Age of Arthur
are treated slightly differently to characters in chariots
in the main WAB rules (see WAB pg.82.) This is
simple enough to play if you follow these exceptions:
1. The chariot and character are counted as a single
model that combines the profile of the character and
his charioteer. As the character and chariot are
treated as a single model, there is no need to
randomise hits if the chariot loses all its Wounds,
the character is assumed dead and the whole model is
removed. If the chariot is immobilised through
getting stuck in difficult ground, it is suggested that
you just use the characters dismounted profile.
2. As mentioned above, the chariot and character
have combined profiles in a single model. The
number of attacks is increased by +1 to allow for the
charioteer getting involved this is already included
in the profile in the army list. The characters saving
throw is increased by +2 as usual, so a character
wearing light armour, carrying a shield and riding in a
chariot has a save of 3+.
3. WAB 2.0 rules state that characters in chariots may
not issue challenges to other characters that are not
also in chariots (WAB pg.82.) Given that chariots in
Age of Arthur are very restricted, and only for the use
of heroes, it would be a shame if our heroes were
unable to fight single combats from their hero carts.
Therefore, if both players in a game are using Age of
Arthur armies, then characters in chariots may issue
and fight challenges against non-chariot mounted
characters. However, if a character who is not in a
chariot wishes to refuse a challenge from a chariot-

riding character, he does not have to retire to the

back ranks as normal (WAB pg.85.) It is assumed
that he is able to turn the challenge down without
losing face with his men.

Page 15: Allies

Replace 2nd bullet and subsequent text with:

Allies are Unreliable (Warhammer Ancient
Battles page 103)

Page 15: Fierce

Replace the two bullets with:

A Fierce unit is treated as subject to
Warband rule 1, 4 and 5 but fails its special
test for the Warband rule 1 on a result of 1
or 2 rather than just the usual 1.

Page 15: Mixed Weapons

This rule has been superseded by its equivalent in the

WAB errata.

Page 16: Playing against armies from

other WAB supplements

Replace the non-italic text with:

Whenever an Arthurian Age army from this
supplement plays an army from another supplement,
allow all units that are subject to Warband rules 1, 4
and 5 to have all the Warband rules as described page
113 of Warhammer Ancient Battles. All point values
of troops are unchanged.

Page 16: Shieldwall, Warband Rules 1

and 2.

Ignore these sections. They have been superseded by


Page 17: Angones et Franciscae

This character advantage may only benefit an infantry

unit, as mounted troops may not make use of Heavy
Throwing Weapons.

Page 18: Boats

Any character who may have the Character

Advantage Boats for no points cost (as detailed in

their army list) does not have to pay any points for
either the Character Advantage, or for the boats
themselves they are all free.

Page 18: Chieftains Chariot

The rules for Light Chariots can now be found in the

WAB rules on pg.114 (not pg.57 as stated.) See also
the Note on Chariots in Age of Arthur (above.)

Page 18: Fabricae

Replace Frankish Milites with Franci.

Page 20: Mounted Raider:

Ignore the description of Feigned Flight, it is played

with the rule described on page 107 of Warhammer
Ancient Battles.
Note that units led by a character with Mounted
Raider may use his ability, even if they are in skirmish

Page 27: Romano-British Civitates

Pedyt should have only 1 wound, not the 3 stated on

the profile!

Page 37: The British Kingdoms

Replace the first paragraph of the special rules with:

All Teulu and Combrogi units on foot lose their Light
Infantry status and become Close Order infantry.
Mounted Teulu and Combrogi remain as Light

Page 47: Saxon Kingdoms of the


Replace the second bullet of the special rules with:

All infantry units armed with shields lose
their Light Infantry status and become Close
Order infantry. Mounted units remain as
Light Cavalry.

Page 47: Saxon Kingdoms of the

Heptarchy / Page 48: Anglian Kingdoms
of the Heptarchy

Replace the second bullet of the special rules for exchanging

Saxon Bucklers for shields with:
All infantry units armed with shields lose
their Light Infantry status and become Close
Order infantry. Mounted units remain as
Light Cavalry.

Page 48: Anglian Kingdoms of the


Add the following to the list of possible Allies:

Scots-Irish Dalriada. Units of Ceithern may be
taken. Each unit of Ceithern may be led by 0-1
Curadh or 0-1 Toiseach.

Page 53: The Army of Ecgfrith

Ecgfriths Leadership should be 9, and he costs 210


Page 57: The Franks

Pueri should have a points cost of 12 (not 15), and

Mounted Pueri should cost 20 points (instead of 23.)

Page 63: Pictish Thrusting Spear option

Replace first bullet with

All units of Nobles and Warriors fighting on
foot lose their Light Infantry status and
become Close Order infantry. Mounted
units remain as Light Cavalry.

Page 64: Hunting Crossbows

Note that as with all weapons that may not move and
shoot in the same turn, troops armed with hunting
crossbows may not Fire & Flee as a charge reaction.

Page 74: Dalriada

Add the following to the list of possible Allies:

British and Welsh Kingdoms The Welsh Kingdoms
in the North. Units of Combrogi may be taken.
Each unit may be led by 0-1 Tiern or 0-1 Uchelwyr.
Saxons Anglian Kingdoms of the Heptarchy. Units
of Geoguth, Duguth and Ceorls may be taken. Each
unit may be led by 0-1 Atheling or 0-1 Thegn.

Page 75: The Kingdoms of Ireland

Add the following to the list of possible Allies:

Saxons Anglian Kingdoms of the Heptarchy. 0-1
units of Duguth may be taken (this represents a small
number of exiled Saxons serving as guest warriors
with an Irish king.) The unit may be led by 0-1
Atheling or 0-1 Thegn.

Page 76: Fianna

Mounted Fianna are subject to Warband rule 1 only.

The army lists use the terms Light Artillery and MultiBarrelled Artillery. These should respectively be
played as Cannons (Warhammer Ancient Battles page
130) and Organ Guns (Warhammer Ancient Battles
page 132)

When Plate Barding is mentioned, it should read Metal

Some special rules refer to units being Open Order
with a rank bonus of up to +2. This refers to a
previous version of Warhammer Ancient Battles and
now all Open Order units may claim a rank bonus of
up to +2, so ignore such reference.
When a special rule indicates Army Battle Standard, it
should read Army Standard.

Page 3: General Rules & Clarifications

Ignore entirely pages 3 to 13 and replace them with:


First Charge

First Charge is the equivalent of Ferocious Charge, as

described page108 of Warhammer Ancient Battles.


Impetuous units are subject to Warband rules# 1 and

3. They may never disengage from hand-to-hand
combat, but they can Give Ground.

Allies & Mercenaries

Any unit entitled as Allies and/or Mercenaries is

Unreliable (see Warhammer Ancient Battles page

Mixed Order

Units with this rule are subject to the rules for

Combined Formation with the following exceptions:

The missile troops may initially make up the

front rank(s) of the unit instead of being
deployed to the rear.
When being charged, the player controlling
the unit may choose either to stand & shoot
against the charging enemy, or the missile
armed troops may retire to the rear rank(s),
exchanging their position with close combat
troops. This choice prohibits them from
To bring the missile-armed troops in the
rear rank(s) back to the front, the unit must
Reform (see Warhammer Ancient Battles
page 23).

Mounted Models:

1. Some models may be mounted on a horse. This

increases Movement to 8 prior to armour penalties.
2. Some models may be mounted on a warhorse with
the following profile:
W I A Ld
8 3
3 NA NA 3 1 NA

Mounted Infantry

Mounted Infantry may move 8 immediately after

deployment but before start of Turn 1. They count as
moving as cavalry for this movement. After that, the
Mounted Infantry unit abandons their horses and
fight on foot. They are treated as Infantry for the rest
of the game.

Nomad Cavalry

Units noted as being Nomad Cavalry are subject to

the rules for Feigned Flight, Parthian Shot, Expert
Horsemen and Special Deployment.

Special Deployment

Units with the Special Deployment ability are allowed

to make a free march move after both sides have
deployed. Note that they may not use this march
move to charge at the enemy, and may not shoot any
missile weapons after making this move.

Eastern Shock Cavalry

This rule covers all cavalry described as Eastern

Shock Cavalry
1. Eastern Shock Cavalries were trained at
charging and withdrawing repeatedly. To
represent this, they may choose to retire if
they win a round of close combat, but fail to
force their opponents to either flee or give
The retiring movement is made as a normal
Give Ground move with the exception that
the retiring unit may still charge in its
following turn. This ability requires a fairly
high degree of mobility therefore, it can
never be used by cavalrymen riding barded
or half-barded horses.
2. Eastern Shock Cavalry may re-roll any to hit
dice that miss when they charge or countercharge.
3. Eastern Shock Cavalry may count a rank
bonus of up to +1 in the open.


Only formed units may place stakes. Stakes can be

placed when a unit is deployed on the table on its
front only (use an appropriate marker to indicate
stakes). Only the unit that places stakes can benefit
from them.
The stakes gives the following benefits:
1. A unit equipped with stakes may make a
free 4 move after deployment is complete
and then place their stakes. If not placed at
deployment or after the free 4 move, stakes
are lost as they cannot be placed after the
start of the game.
2. Mounted Models fighting against the front
of a unit with stakes suffer a 2 to hit
penalty, lose all bonus related to a charge
(e.g. the strength bonus of their weapons or
Ferocious Charge).
3. If the unit is subject to Warband
psychology, it can ignore Warband rule#1 as
long as it remains behind its stakes.
Stakes are lost if the unit that placed them moves out
of contact with the stakes for any reason. Remove the
marker from the game if this happens.

Master Gunners

If stated in the list, one model per cannon or organ

gun can be upgraded to Master Gunner. The Master
Gunner allows the player to re-roll a single Artillery
Dice during the game that resulted in a Misfire.

War Machines Crew

All war machines comes with three crewmen that

have the following profile:
4 2
3 3 1 2 1 6

Equipment : Hand weapon and light armour. May

have heavy armour (+2pts). Up to two additional
crewmen may be added for +10pts per crew.

Page 15: Peasants

They are subject to Warband rules#5 and 6, not 1 as


Page 16: Camp Followers

They are subject to Warband rules#5 and 6, not 1 as


Page 33: Esquires

Dismounted Esquires may have halberd (+3pts) or

double handed weapon (+3pts).

Page 33: Genoese Crossbowmen

Replace Special Rules with:

Special Rules: Combined Formation. May be included
in a unit of Pavisiers with the Pavisiers forming the
front rank(s) of the unit. The first rank of
crossbowmen may shoot over the front rank(s) of
Pavisiers, this is an exception to the normal rules for
Combined Formation.

Page 33: Crossbowmen

Replace Special Rules with:

Special Rules: Combined Formation. May be included
in a unit of Pavisiers with the Pavisiers forming the
front rank(s) of the unit. The first rank of
crossbowmen may shoot over the front rank(s) of
Pavisiers, this is an exception to the normal rules for
Combined Formation.

Page 33: Pavisiers

Replace Special Rules with:

Special Rules: Combined Formation. The unit may
include Crossbowmen or Genoese Crossbowmen
with the Pavisiers forming the front rank(s) of the
unit. The first rank of crossbowmen may shoot over
the front rank(s) of Pavisiers, this is an exception to
the normal rules for Combined Formation.

Page 35: Italian Condotta Army


Add at the end of the section:

Only Swiss and Free Company allies are Unreliable.
Mercenary units taken from this list are not Unreliable.

Page 36: Militia Crossbowmen

Replace Special Rules with:

Special Rules: Combined Formation. May be included
in a unit of Militia Spearmen with the spearmen
forming the front rank(s) of the unit. The first rank of
crossbowmen may shoot over the front rank(s) of
spearmen, this is an exception to the normal rules for
Combined Formation. If they carry a pavise, they are
Open Order and cannot be in Combined Formation.

Page 36: Militia Spearmen

Replace Special Rules with:

Special Rules: Combined Formation. The unit may
include Militia Crossbowmen with the spearmen
forming the front rank(s) of the unit. The first rank of
crossbowmen may shoot over the front rank(s) of
spearmen, this is an exception to the normal rules for
Combined Formation.

Page 37: Militia Pikemen

Replace Special Rules with:

Special Rules: Medieval Phalanx. Militia Pikemen
were trained in defensive tactics, on the turn they
charge they cannot claim their Close Order combat
result bonus. In subsequent rounds of combat, or if
they are charged, they receive their Close Order
combat result bonus.

Page 37: Skirmishers

Add at the end of availability:

In Late Armies every Skirmishers unit may upgrade
to crossbow (except those handgunners that are

Page 39: Communal Pikemen

Special Rules: Medieval Phalanx. Stubborn.

Communal Pikemen were trained in defensive tactics,
on the turn they charge they cannot claim their Close
Order combat result bonus. In subsequent rounds of
combat, or if they are charged, they receive their
Close Order combat result bonus.

Page 39: Communal Crossbowmen

Replace Special Rules with:

Special Rules: Combined Formation. May be included
in a unit of Communal Targedragers with the
targedragers forming the front rank(s) of the unit.
The first rank of crossbowmen may shoot over the
front rank(s) of targedragers, this is an exception to
the normal rules for Combined Formation.

Page 39: Targedragers

Replace Special Rules with:

Special Rules: Combined Formation. The unit may
include Communal Crossbowmen with the
targedragers forming the front rank(s) of the unit.
The first rank of crossbowmen may shoot over the
front rank(s) of targedragers, this is an exception to
the normal rules for Combined Formation.

Page 39: Whitehoods

The rules for Mixed Weapons in the WAB errata

apply to these troops.

Page 40: Late Armies Composition

Amend as follows :
Characters: 0-25%
Cavalry: 25-50%
Infantry: 25%-50%

Mercenaries: 25%-75% (point spent on mercenaries

also count towards the relevant infantry or cavalry

Page 40: Late Imperial Armies

0-1 Landsknecht units with heavy or partial plate
armour may exchange spear and shield for
double-handed weapons (+1pt).

Page 41: Commanders

Replace last sentence of the Army General & Army Standard

Bearer Option section with:
The Army Standard Bearer may not upgrade
equipment except for a warhorse or a partial or full
plate armour.

Page 41: Archers, Crossbowmen &


Add at the end of the special rules:

Handgunners or Archers that are part of a unit in
Mixed Order or Verlorene Haufe count against the
relevant limit in Late Armies (i.e. against the 0-1
Archers or 0-2 Handgunners limit).

Page 41: Levies

They are subject to Warband rules#5 and 6, not 1 as


Page 43: Native Subject Infantry

The rules for Mixed Weapons in the WAB errata

apply to these troops.

Page 45: Followers/Retainers

The rules for light crossbows are given in

Warhammer Ancient Battles page 90. They are not
treated as bows as indicated.

Page 45: Militia

Replace special rules with:

Special Rules: Combined Formation. Crossbowmen
and spearmen must be in a Combined Formation
with spearmen making up the front rank(s) of the
unit and the crossbowmen not outnumbering
spearmen. The first rank of crossbowmen may shoot
over the front rank(s) of spearmen, this is an
exception to the normal rules for Combined
Formation. The Poles used their pavises as a
defensive barrier in hand to hand combat. As a result,
Militia units with a full front rank made of spearmen
with pavises gain a +2 armour save in hand to hand
combat and are 1 to hit in hand to hand combat if
they were stationary in the previous phase of
movement. These benefits only apply in attacks
against the front of the unit.

Page 45: Wagon Tabors

Page 56: Bohemian Nobles

Page 47: Regulars & Militia

Page 57: Cantonal Standards

If a Gewalthut loses its standards, the opponent
immediately scores 1 Army Break Point as if the
Army Standard was killed.

Replace the entry with

Wagon Tabors
See the WAB errata for the rules of Wagon Tabors.
You may have up to one Tabor for every 500 army

Lefegii should cost 11pts.

Strajeri should cost 8pts. Their equipment
should be hand weapon and bow with the
option to take a light armour (+2pts)and a
shield (+1pt). 0-1 unit may have heavy
armour (+3pts) and every second unit may
replace bow with thrusting spear (free).
They are Mounted Infantry.
Pedestrasi should cost 5pts.

Page 47: Western Men At Arms

Replace special rules with:

Special Rules: Allies & Mercenaries unless led by a

Page 48: Shieldwall

Ignore this section, it has been superseded by WAB2.

Page 49: Druzhina

Junior Druzhina should have the Eastern Shock

Cavalry special rule not the Superior Shock Cavalry
special rule as indicated.

Page 50: Hungarian Knights

Add at the end of the special rules:
May count a rank bonus of up to +1.

Special Rules: May count a rank bonus of up to +1.

Page 58: Keeper of the Oriflamme

If a unit is forced to surrender the Oriflamme to a

victorious opponent, the banner is also worth an
additional Army Break Point (that comes in addition
to the Army Break Points lost if the Army Standard
bearer is killed).

Page 59: Coustilliers

Add to the Equipment:

Coustilliers may dismount (-13pts). This reduces their
movement to 4, and they may add shield (+1pt) or
exchange shield for a halberd (+1pt) or a doublehanded weapon (+2pts).

Page 61: Knights and Ordnance


Dismounted Gendarmes should cost 17pts (not 16pts

as indicated). The cost of their halberd or doublehanded weapon option should be +3pts and not
+2pts as indicated.
Add to the Special rules:
May count a rank bonus of up to +1 when mounted.

Page 61: Coustilliers

Page 52: Ottoman Wagon Tabors

Special Rule: Mounted Coustilliers may be in the rear
rank(s) of a Combined Formation with Knights or
Ordnance Gendarmes.

Page 53: Serbian Vlastelas

Page 61: Light Artillery/Multi-Barrelled


Add at the end of the special rules:

May count a rank bonus of up to +1.

Delete the option to add additional crewmen, they are

given in the special rules of this supplement.

Page 55: Kavallaroi

Page 62: Mixed Order

The rules for Tabors are described in the WAB2

errata, not in AoC as indicated in the first paragraph.

In the equipment, the option to take half-barding

should read half metal barding (+4pts). Ignore the
phrase that says Mounted Kavallaroi without heavy
armour are Open Order.

At the end of the section:

Archers and Longbowmen not in Mixed Order may
be designated as Open Order. If you choose to make
them Open Order, then ALL Archers and
Longbowmen in your army that are not in Mixed
Order must be Open Order.

The army lists use the terms Light Artillery (or

Bombard) and Multi-Barrelled Artillery. These should
respectively be played as Cannons (Warhammer
Ancient Battles page 130) and Organ Guns
(Warhammer Ancient Battles page 132). When a
special rule indicates Artillery, it should read Cannon.
When Plate Barding is mentioned, it should read Metal
Some special rules refer to units being Open Order
with a rank bonus of up to +2. This refers to a
previous version of Warhammer Ancient Battles and
now all Open Order units may claim a rank bonus of
up to +2, so ignore such reference.

Page 30: Plaiesi

In the special rules, Ambush should be written (not

Hidden Ambush Force).

Page 37: Ottoman Empire

Mortar are limited to 0-1 for the first 2000pts, then

one additional Mortar for each full 1000pts thereafter.

Page 38: Ottoman Wagon Tabor

The rules for the Wagon Tabor are described in the

Warhammer Ancient Battles errata. Note that the
Defenders will be foot Janissaries, taken from the
Ottoman list

Page 39: Timarli Sipahi

The Feudal Horse should cost 22pts, not 24pts as

Replace the Special Rules with:
Special Rules: If taken with no armour or light
armour Timarli Sipahi are subject to Feigned Flight
and Eastern Shock Cavalry rule #1. If taken with
heavy armour, they are subject to all Eastern Shock
Cavalry rules.

Page 40: Azabs, Gnll and Yaya

They are subject to Warband rule#5 and 6, not 1 as


Page 41: Kesici Slilahkarda Musellah

They are subject to Drilled rules#1, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

(and not 2, 3 and 4 as indicated)

Page 41: Zhirli Nefer

They are subject to Drilled rules#1, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

(and not 2, 3 and 4 as indicated)

Page 41: Solak

They are subject to Drilled rules#1, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

(and not 2, 3 and 4 as indicated)

Page 41: Sahaloz and Holonborna

Culverins are Cannons that inflict D4 wounds (not

medium artillery as written).

Page 70: Zamanitchka Vojska

They are subject to Warband rule#5 and 6, not 1 as


Page 70: Fshatarsi

They are subject to Warband rule#5 and 6, not 1 as


Page 97: Almughavars!

Delete special rule#2

Page 131: Heavy Artillery

Heavy artillery shoots straight ahead like cannons.

Delete the reference to their 45 field of fire.

Page 131: Hidden Ambush Force

Delete this section. They are replaced by the main

Ambush rules from Warhammer Ancient Battles.

Page 132: Mantlets

Note that cannons, mortars or organ guns deployed

behind mantlets will be able to shoot only straight

Staff Sling

Delete this section, the staff sling being covered by

the main Warhammer Ancient Battles rules now

Page 134: General Clarifications

Delete page 134 to 142 and replace them with:


First Charge

First Charge is the equivalent of Ferocious Charge, as

described on page 108 of Warhammer Ancient


Impetuous units are subject to Warband rules# 1 and

3. They may never disengage from hand-to-hand
combat, but they can Give Ground.

Allies & Mercenaries

Any unit noted as Allies and/or Mercenaries is

Unreliable (see Warhammer Ancient Battles page

Mixed Order

Units with this rule are subject to the rules for

Combined Formation with the following exceptions:
The missile troops may initially make up the
front rank(s) of the unit instead of being
deployed to the rear.
When being charged, the player controlling
the unit may choose either to stand & shoot
against the charging enemy, or to retire the
missile armed troops to the rear rank(s),
exchanging their position with close combat
troops. This choice prohibits them from
The unit must reform to return the missilearmed troops to the front ranks(see Reform,
Warhammer Ancient Battles page 23).

Mounted Models:

1. Some models may be mounted on a horse. This

increases Movement to 8 prior to armour penalties.
2. Some models may be mounted on a warhorse with
the following profile:
W I A Ld
8 3
3 NA NA 3 1 NA

Mounted Infantry

Mounted Infantry may move 8 immediately after

deployment but before the start of Turn 1. They
count as moving as cavalry for this movement. After
that, the Mounted Infantry unit abandons its horses
and fights on foot. The troops are treated as Infantry
for the rest of the game.

Nomad Cavalry

Units noted as being Nomad Cavalry are subject to

the rules for Feigned Flight, Parthian Shot, Expert
Horsemen and Special Deployment.

Special Deployment

Units with the Special Deployment ability are allowed

to make a free march move after both sides have
deployed. Note that they may not use this march
move to charge at the enemy, and may not shoot any
missile weapons after making this move.

Eastern Shock Cavalry

This rule covers all cavalry described as Eastern

Shock Cavalry
1. Eastern Shock Cavalry were
trained at charging and
withdrawing repeatedly. To
represent this, they may choose to
retire if they win a round of close
combat, but fail to force their
opponents to either flee or give
The retiring movement is made as
a normal Give Ground move with
the exception that the retiring unit
may still charge in its following
turn. This ability requires a fairly
high degree of mobility therefore,
it can never be used by cavalrymen
riding barded or half-barded
2. Eastern Shock Cavalry may re-roll
any to hit dice that miss when they
charge or counter-charge.
3. Eastern Shock Cavalry may count
a rank bonus of up to +1 in the


Only formed units may place stakes. Stakes can be

placed when a unit is deployed on the table to its
front only (use an appropriate marker to indicate
stakes). Only the unit that places stakes can benefit
from them.
The stakes gives the following benefits:
1. A unit equipped with stakes may make a
free 4 move after deployment is complete
and then place their stakes. If not placed at
deployment or after the free 4 move, stakes
are lost as they cannot be placed after the
start of the game.
2. Mounted Models fighting against the front
of a unit with stakes suffer a 2 to hit
penalty, lose all bonus related to a charge (as
the strength bonus of their weapons or the
Ferocious Charge).
3. If the unit is subject to Warband
psychology, it can ignore Warband rule#1 as
long as it remains behind his stakes.
Stakes are lost if the unit that placed them moves out
of contact with the stakes for any reason. Remove the
marker from the game if this happens.

Master Gunners

If stated in the list, one model per cannon or organ

gun can be upgraded to Master Gunner. The Master
Gunner allows the player to re-roll a single Artillery
Dice during the game that resulted in a Misfire.

War Machine Crew

All war machines comes with three crewmen that

have the following profile (unless otherwise indicated
in the army list):
4 2
3 3 1 2 1 6

Equipment : Hand weapon and light armour. May

have heavy armour (+2pts). Up to two additional
crewmen may be added for +10pts per crew.

These errata and clarifications are intended to form the complete corrections for supplements and their update to the
second edition rules.
Material provided by Alex Buchel, Allen Curtis, Martin Gibbins, Jeff Jonas and James Morris.

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