Fluid Mechanics and Hydralics Machines PDF
Fluid Mechanics and Hydralics Machines PDF
Fluid Mechanics and Hydralics Machines PDF
SET - 1
Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry Equal Marks
a) Differentiate between; i) Absolute and gauge pressure, ii) simple manometers and
differential manometers, and
iii) Piezometer and pressure gauge.
b) Two large vertical plane parallel surfaces are 5 mm apart and the space between them is
filled with a fluid. A thin plate of 12.5 cm square falls freely between the planes along the
central plane and reaches a steady velocity of 2 m/s. Determine the weight of the plate if the
viscosity of the fluid filling the space is 0.02 Ns/m2.
a) Derive the expression for the force exerted by a water jet on a plate moving in the same
direction of the jet with a velocity less than that of the jet.
b) A blade turns the jet of diameter 3 cm at a velocity of 20 m/s by 60. Determine the
force exerted by the blade on the fluid.
What do you understand by the characteristics curves of turbine? Name and explain the
important characteristics curves of a turbine.
a) What is meant by cavitation? What is Thomas cavitation factor, and what is its
significance for water turbines?
b) What are the characteristics curves of a hydraulic turbine? How are they useful to practical
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SET - 2
Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry Equal Marks
a) Two large planes are parallel to each other and are inclined at 30 to the horizontal with the
space between them filled with a fluid of viscosity 20 cp. A small thin plate of 0.125 m
square slides parallel and midway between the planes and reaches a constant velocity of 2
m/s. The weight of the plate is 1 N. Determine the distance between the plates.
b) Derive expressions from basics for the pressure inside a droplet and a free jet.
a) Show that the velocity profile in laminar flow through a circular pipe is parabolic. Find the
average velocity in terms of maximum velocity.
b) Describe Reynolds experiments to demonstrate the two types of flow
A 4 cm diameter water jet with a velocity of 35 m/s impinges on a single vane moving in the
same direction at a velocity of 20 m/s. The jet enters the vane tangentially along the x direction.
The vane deflects the jet by 150. Calculate the force exerted by the water on the vane. (15M)
a) What are the uses of a draft tube? Describe with neat sketches different types of draft tubes.
b) A model of Francis turbine one-fifth of full size, develops 4.1 h.p at 306 r.p.m. under a head
of 1.77 m. Find the speed and power of full size turbine operating under a head of 5.7 m, if
i) the efficiency of the model and the full size turbine are same, ii) the efficiency of the
model turbine is 76 % and the scale effect is considered.
a) Under what headings the centrifugal pumps are classified? State the difference between a
closed, semi closed and open impeller.
b) Explain the working principles of reciprocating pump with sketches
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SET - 3
II B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, March 2014
(Com. to EEE, ME, MM)
Time: 3 hours
Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry Equal Marks
a) A shaft of 150 mm dia rotates in bearings with a uniform oil film of thickness 0.8 mm. Two
bearings of 15 cm width are used. The viscosity of the oil is 22 Centipoise. Determine the
torque if the speed is 210 rpm.
b) What is the difference between dynamic viscosity and kinematic viscosity? State their units
of measurements.
a) Derive an expression for the velocity distribution for viscous flow through a circular pipe.
Also sketch the velocity distribution and shear distribution across a section of the pipe
b) Define and explain the terms: i) Hydraulic gradient line and
ii) Total energy line
a) Obtain an expression for the force exerted by a jet of water on a fixed vertical plate in the
direction of the jet.
b) A blade turns the jet of diameter 2 cm at a velocity of 15 m/s by 65. Determine the force
exerted by the blade on the fluid.
a) Brefly explain the various considerations in the selection of a proper type of turbine for a
hydroelectric station, indicating also the conditions where a particular type of turbine is
b) What do you understand by governing of hydraulic turbines? Explain with sketches the
working of an oil pressure governor.
a) What do you mean by manometric efficiency, mechanical efficiency and overall efficiency
of centrifugal pump.
b) Define slip, percentage slip and negative slip of reciprocating pump.
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SET - 4
Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry Equal Marks
a) A U- tube mercury manometer is used to measure the pressure of oil flowing through a pipe
whose specific gravity is 0.85. The center of the pipe is 15 cm below the level of mercury.
The mercury level difference in the manometer is 25 cm, determine the absolute pressure of
the oil flowing through the pipe. Atmospheric pressure is 750 mm of Hg.
b) State and prove Pascals law. Explain the consequences of the law.
a) Define and distinguish between streamline, path line and streak line.
b) State and derive Bernoullis theorem, mentioning clearly the assumption underlying it.
a) An oil of specific gravity 0.7 is flowing through a pipe of diameter 300 mm at the rate of
500 liters/s. Find the head lost due to friction and power required to maintain the flow for a
length of 1000 m. Take = 0.29 stokes.
b) What do you understand by the terms: major energy loss and minor energy losses in pipes?
A water jet with a velocity of 60 m/s enters a series of curved vanes at an angle of 20 to the
direction of blade movement. The peripheral speed of the disc on which the blades are mounted
is 25 m/s. Calculate the vane inlet angle. If at the exit the component of absolute velocity along
the direction of motion is zero, determine the outlet blade angle. Assume shockless enters and
a) Make a neat sketch of a hydropower plant and show clearly the various elements.
b) How do you estimate hydropower potential
Explain the terms specific speed, unit speed and unit power as applied to hydraulic
turbines. Deduce expressions to indicate their values.
What is a reciprocating pump? Describe the principle and working of a reciprocating pump
with a neat sketch. Why is a reciprocating pump not coupled directly to the motor? Discuss the
reason in detail
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