FM Question Model 2

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Code No:A109210202

SET-1 R09

B.Tech II Year - I Semester Examinations, December 2011
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks
- - -

1.a) Define specific weight, specific volume, specific gravity, viscosity, Surface tension and
b) A U-tube manometer is being used to measure the pressure difference between two
points on a horizontal pipe. The fluid in the pipe has a relative density of 0.8 and the
manometric fluid has a density 13600 kg/m
. The two readings on the manometer differ
by 0.5m. What is the pressure difference measured by the manometer? [15]

2.a) State and prove Bernoullis equation for flow along a stream line with clear assumptions
and limitations.
b) In a two-dimensional incompressible flow, the fluid velocity components are given by
u =x- 4y and v =-y-4x. Show that the velocity potential exists and determine its form.
Find also the stream function. [15]

3.a) Derive the Darcy-weisbach equation.
b) A pipe line, 50 cm diameter and 4500m long, connects two reservoirs A and B whose
constant difference of water level is 12m. A branch pipe, 1250m long and taken from a
point distant 1500m from reservoir A, leads to reservoir C whose water level is 15m
below that of reservoir A find the discharges to the reservoir B and C. assume Darcys
friction coefficient 0.03 for all pipes. [15]

4.a) Derive an expression for the force exerted by a jet of water on a fixed curved
unsymmetrical vane in the direction of the jet.
b) A rectangular plate weighing 60N is suspended vertically by a hinge on the top horizontal
edge. The centre of gravity of the plate is 100mm from the hinge. A horizontal jet of
water of 25mm diameter, whose axis is 150mm below the hinge, impinges normally to
the plate with a velocity of 6m/s. Find
i) The horizontal force applied at the centre of gravity to maintain the late in vertical
ii) The change in velocity of jet if the plate is deflected through 30
and the same
horizontal force continues to act at the centre of gravity of the plate. [15]

5.a) Describe briefly about the classification of water turbines.
b) A Francis turbine has a wheel diameter of 1.2 m at the entrance and 0.6 m at the exit. The
blade angle at the entrance is 90
and the guide vane angle is 15
. The water at exit leaves
the blades without any tangential velocity. The available head is 30 m and the radial
component of flow velocity is constant. What would be the speed of the wheel in rpm and
blade angle at exit? Neglect friction. [15]

6.a) What are constant efficiency curves? What benefits are derived from these curves?
b) A quarter scale turbine model is tested under the head of 10.8. The full-scale turbine is
required to work under a head of 30 m and to run at 7.14 rev/s. At what speed must the
model be run? If it develops 100 kW and uses 1.085 m
of water per second at this speed,
what power will be obtained from the full-scale turbine? The efficiency of the full-scale
turbine being 3% grater than that of the model? What is the dimensionless specific speed
of the full-scale model? [15]

7. Write short notes on the following:
a) Surge tanks
c) Types of hydro electric stations. [15]

8.a) Explain about the efficiencies of a Centrifugal Pump.
b) The impeller of a centrifugal pump having external and internal diameters 500 mm and
250 mm respectively, width at outlet 50mm and running at 1200 rpm works against a
head of 48m. The velocity of flow through the impeller is constant and equal to 3 m/s. the
vanes are back at an angle of 40
at outlet. Determine inlet vane angle, work done by the
impeller on water per second and manometric efficiency. [15]


Code No:A109210202
SET-2 R09

B.Tech II Year - I Semester Examinations, December 2011
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Explain in detail the phenomena of Viscosity and surface tension of liquids.
b) A Pressure vessel has an internal volume of 0.5 m
at atmospheric pressure. It is desired
to test the vessel at 300 bar by pumping water into it. The estimated variation in the
change of the empty volume of the container due to pressurization to 300 bar is 6 percent.
Calculate the mass of water to be pumped into the vessel to attain the desired pressure
level. Given the bulk modulus of elasticity of water as 210
. [15]

2.a) Explain the terms streamline, path line and streak line in a fluid flow
b) Water is flowing in a 300mm pipeline fitted with a 45
bend in the vertical plane. The
diameter at the outlet of the bend is 150mm. The pipe axis at the inlet is horizontal and
the outlet is 1.5m above the inlet. If the flow through the bend is 0.4m
/s and a head-loss
of 0.5m occurs in the bend, calculate the magnitude and direction of the resultant force
the bend support must withstand. The volume of the bend is 0.075m
and the pressure at
the inlet is 300 kN/m
. [15]

3.a) Explain principle of the Pitot static tube.
b) A vertical venture meter carries a liquid of specific gravity 0.8 and has inlet and throat
diameter of 150mm and 75mm respectively. The pressure connection at the throat is
150mm above the inlet. If the actual rate of flow is 40 liters/s and the coefficient of
discharge is 0.96, calculate
i) The pressure difference between the inlet and throat
ii) The difference in levels of mercury in a vertical U-tube manometer connected between
these points. [15]

4.a) Derive an expression for the force exerted by a jet of water on moving inclined plate in
the direction of jet.
b) A square plate weighing 117.72N and of uniform thickness and 300 mm edge is hung so
that horizontal jet 20mm diameter and having a velocity of 15m/s impinges on the plate.
The centre line of the jet is 150mm below the upper edge of the plate, and when the plate
is vertical the jet strikes the plate normally and at its centre. Find
i) What force must be applied at the lower edge of the plate in order to keep the plate
ii) If the plate is allowed to swing freely, find the inclination to the vertical which the
plate will assume under the action of jet. [15]

5.a) Describe briefly about the classification of water turbines.
b) A Pelton wheel operates with a free jet of 150mm diameter under the head of 500m. its
mean runner diameter is 2.25 m and it rotates with a speed of 375 rpm. The angle of
bucket tip at outlet as 15
, coefficient of velocity is 0.98, mechanical losses equal to 3%
of power supplied and the reduction in relative velocity of water while passing through
bucket is 15%. Find
i) the force of jet on the bucket ii) the power developed
iii) bucket efficiency and iv) the overall efficiency. [15]

6.a) Obtain the expression for the specific speed of a turbine.
b) A conical type draft tube attached to a Francis turbine has an inlet diameter of 3 m and its
area at outlet is 20 m
. The velocity of water at inlet, which is 5 m above tail race level, is
5 m/s. Assuming the loss in draft tube equals to 50% of velocity head at outlet, find
i) the pressure head at the top of the draft tube
ii) the total head at the top of the draft tube taking tail race level as datum
iii) power lost in draft tube. [15]

7. Write short notes on the following:
a) Governing of turbine
b) Characteristic curves of centrifugal pumps
c) Types of hydro electric stations. [15]

8.a) Explain the phenomenon of fluid slip in the centrifugal pump.
b) A centrifugal pump has a suction lift of 1.5 m and the delivery tank is 13.5 m above the
pump. The velocity of water in the delivery pipe is 1.5 m/s. The radial velocity of flow
through the wheel is 3 m/s and the tangent to the vane at exit from the wheel makes an
angle of 120
with the direction of motion. Assuming that the water enters radially and
neglecting friction and other losses, determine the velocity of wheel at exit, velocity and
pressure head at exit from the wheel and direction of fixed guide vanes. [15]


Code No:A109210202
SET-3 R09

B.Tech II Year - I Semester Examinations, December 2011
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Discuss the factors effecting to cause the viscosity.
b) A 150 mm diameter vertical cylinder rotates concentrically inside a fixed cylinder of
diameter 155 mm. Both the cylinders are 450mm long. Find the dynamic viscosity of the
liquid that fills the space between the cylinders if a torque of 1.05 N-m is required to
maintain a speed of inner cylinder at 100 rpm. [15]

2.a) Distinguish between
i) laminar and turbulent flow ii) uniform and non-uniform flow
b) Derive the Bernoulis equation along streamline and state the assumptions and limitations
while deriving it. [15]

3.a) Discuss about the minor losses in a pipe flow.
b) Define total energy line and hydraulic grade line.
c) At a certain section A of a pipe line carrying water, the diameter is 1 m, the pressure is
8.10 kN/m
and the velocity is 3m/s. At another section B which is 2m higher than
section A, the diameter is 0.7 and the pressure is 59.2 kN/m
What is the direction of the
flow? [15]

4.a) Differentiate tangential flow and radial flow.
b) Derive expression for efficiency for the impact of liquid jet on series of flat plates
mounted on a wheel and find out the maximum efficiency of the system. [15]

5.a) Write a short notes on of types draft tubes and its importance in the reaction turbines.
b) A radial flow hydraulic turbine is required to be designed to produce 20 MW under a
head of 16m at a speed of 90 rpm. A geometrically similar model with an output of 30
kW and a head of 4m is to be tested under dynamically similar conditions. At what speed
must the model be run? What is the required impeller diameter ratio between the model
and prototype and what is the volume flow rate through the model if its efficiency can be
assumed to be 90%. [15]

6.a) Explain the terms unit speed, unit discharge and unit power of a turbine and explain
their importance.
b) A kaplan turbine used in a small plant develops 600 kW at 80 RPM when head available
is 2.1 m. Assuming
i) Find discharge and specific speed of the machine. Tale runner diameter =3.5 m
ii) if a 1.5 m diameter homologous turbine is to be tested at a head of 3 m, find speed,
discharge and power of that unit. [15]

7. Write short notes on the following:
a) Surge tanks
b) Characteristic curves of centrifugal pumps
c) Types of hydro electric stations. [15]

8.a) Explain briefly about manometric, volumetric, mechanical and overall efficiencies of a
centrifugal pump.
b) A centrifugal pump is running at 1000 rpm and working against a head of 20m. The rate
of flow through the pump is 0.2 m
/s. the outlet vane angle of impeller is 45
and velocity
of flow at outlet is 2.5 m/s. if the manometric efficiency of the pump is 80 percent,
calculate the diameter and width of impeller at outlet. [15]


Code No:A109210202
SET-4 R09

B.Tech II Year - I Semester Examinations, December 2011
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Distinguish amongst solids, liquids and gasses.
b) A hydraulic lift consists of a 60 cm diameter ram and slides in a cylinder of diameter
60.015 cm while the annular space is being filled up with oil having kinematic viscosity
of 0.025cm
/s and specific gravity of 0.85. If the rate of travel of the ram is 9.25m/min,
find the frictional resistance when 3.85 m of ram is engaged in the cylinder. [15]

2.a) Distinguish between
i) Steady flow and unsteady flow
ii) Uniform and non-uniform flow
iii) Rotational and Irrotational flow.
b) Derive the one-dimensional continuity equation along a streamline and state the
assumptions clearly in deriving it. [15]

3.a) Define total energy line and hydraulic grade line.
b) Water flows horizontally through a constant area pipe with cross-sectional area of
and with 180
bend. The flow is axial and its velocity is 5m/s throughout. The
absolute pressures at the entrance and exit of the bend are 2.2 bar and 1.6 bar
respectively. Calculate the anchoring force required to hold the bend in place. Assume
the atmospheric pressure as 1 bar. [15]

4.a) Differentiate tangential flow and radial flow.
b) Derive expression for efficiency for the impact of liquid jet on series of flat plates
mounted on a wheel and find out the maximum efficiency of the system. [15]

5. An inward flow vertical shaft reaction turbine runs at a speed of 375 rpm under an
available total head of 62 m above the atmospheric pressure. The external diameter of the
runner is 1.5 m and the dimensionless specific speed based on the power transferred to
the runner is 0.14 rev. water enters the turbine without shock with a flow velocity of 9
m/s and leaves the runner without whirl with an absolute velocity 0f 7 m/s. the discharge
velocity of water at tailrace is 2.0 m/s. the mean height of the runner entry plane is 2m
above the tailrace level while the entrance to the draft tube is 1.7 nm above the tailrace
level. At entrance to the runner, the static pressure head is 35 m above the atmospheric
pressure, while at exit from the runner, the static pressure head is 2.2 m below the
atmospheric pressure. Assuming the hydraulic efficiency of 90 percent, find
a) The runner blade angle
b) The head loss in the guide vanes, in the runner and in the draft tube. [15]

6. What do you mean by characteristic curves of a turbine? Discuss about different
operating characteristics of a turbine with neat figures. [15]

7. Write short notes on the following:
a) Surge tanks
c) Types of hydro electric stations. [15]

8.a) What is significance of characteristic curves centrifugal pumps. Draw the following
characteristic curves for Head, Power, efficiency versus discharge with constant speed
and operating characteristic curves.
b) Find the number of pumps required to take water from a deep well under a total head of
120 m. All the pumps are identical and are running at 800 rpm. The specific speed of
each pump is given as 25 while the rated capacity of each pump is 0.16 m
/s. [15]


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