Attack On Titan Fan Made Miniature Game Rules

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The attack on titan tribute minature game is played at a 10mm scale and uses round

bases of sizes 25mm and 40mm. any model will do and it's up to your stisfacticon in
playing that descides the model that you use but tians must allways be to scale with
the class that the points have paid for.

stat line

Movement Strength

Toughness Wounds




will/ focus

Players take turns to activate a unit. One model is counted as a unit. For example the human player
activates erren. Then the titan player activates a 6 meter class and back to the human player. The
only exception to this is when the human player wants to coordinate a team attack. But more on
those later.
Once a model has been choose then they may execute up to their value in actions/ 3dmg abilities.
Then the turn passes on to the next player. The next section explores the different actions that a
model may take.
movement is the only action that crosses between the two rule sets for titans and humans. They may
both move across the ground a number equal to their moment characteristic. For most humans and
titans it will be 2 inches with a exceptions for each side.

Human movement rules

the humans main use in battle is their three dimensional manoeuvre gear (also shorted to 3DMG).
This piece of equipment allows them to negotiate the battlefield quickly and gain momentum to
unleash devastating attacks on a titan.
Ancherable terrain is any secure and sturdy structure. This will be most scenery but if decided by
both players at the start of the game that it is not acherable for any reason then 3DMG may not be
used on it
3DMG can be used in two different ways. To gain momentum, and to expend it in attacks.
Momentum is necessary to actively damage a titan so to attack the player must generate it through
several different ways.
3DMG has a 4 inch cable in respects to the game. No player is allowed to pre measure so it even
takes skill for the player using the humans to calculate how far the gear can reach. For this reason
their should not be a bigger than 4 inch distance from any point I then terrain to the scenery for the
ease of the human player.

Generating momentum
based on how fast they are going but also in which direction. To turn round you will need to use
your momentum up. Generally in a swing. If this creates momentum then you earned it. And if you
loose it. Then too bad

propel-- this movement is used from a lower level as the 3DMG is latched onto the side of a
building or tree and used to throw the character into the air. This uses two cables so there
must be a anchorable piece of terrain on either side of the model two the sides of where he
or she wants to go. The model is pulled forward to the a line between the two anchor points
and then propelled either d3 or d6 inches (the human player decides this). The model also
gains 1 momentum
mid-air propel-- this is probably the most basic move. Simply swinging yourself in a straight
line requires momentum and a flying start. An anchor point within 4 inches is selected and
the model moves towards that to the 4 inches and is then propelled d6 or 2d6 inches in that
same direction. If the character momentum is facing the opposite way then only d6 extra
inches are added.
Spin/loop-- this move is used to move round a point easily and quickly. It very effective at
both getting behind a titan to get their weak spot in line of sight as well as generating a huge
amount of momentum. The model must already have 1 momentum to use this as it requires a
good swing. The model must have an anchor point within 4 inches of them. This will ideally
be a poll or the end of a building for maximum affect of this move the model is then swung
round in an arc of 4 inches and may release at any point during the swing. If they move less
than 45 degrees however they do not gain the additional momentum. After the swing is
complete and the new direction is chosen the play then moves the model an additional d6 or
2d6 inches in the new direction. The spin move may be done in a 360 degree action however
the object must be very thin and an impartial player must decided or the two opponents
decide realisticly if that move is even possible.
Long throw-- this move work similarly to the propel and mid air propel move. Using two
anchor points on either side of the player the the model is pulled straight forward meeting a
line between the two anchor points and is the propelled 3d6 inches or 4d6 inches in the
chosen direction.
Quick pull- this small but subtle move allows a human to potentially save their own life as
well as endanger the titans in front of them. If face on with a titan they can shoot a 4 inch
one cable and quickly move direction. This does not require any momentum but if the model
has any already then they will be reduced to one momentum. Not maintaining it as well as a
spin move. This simply propels the model 4 inches in the players chosen direction and an
extra d3. This is good to get from in front of a titan to the side leading up to use the titans
head as an anchor point for a spin move

George, George, George of the walls watch out for that building.
These moves require precision and skill in both the model and the player. As there is NO PRE
MEAURING is allowed this means that there will be some miss calculations especially on your first
try. This is an important rule that keeps the game both accurate and risky. If a models 3DMG cables
do not reach the building then they will obviously fall. If they where originally on the ground then
there is no penalty except for wasting an action. The model will continue to move there movement
characteristic in the direction they wanted to go their maximum moment and if they still have
actions left to take then they may use them. If the model is in mid 'flight' and misses an anchor point
then they fall to the ground following their current momentum and moving 2 inches for each
momentum point they have in that direction. They can then no longer make any actions that

If an over calculation occurs and a model ends up smashing into a building then it is going to hurt
(quite a lot I imagine). For each extra inch that the model would have moved a d6 is rolled. If any
result is a one then the model looses a wound for each. If this occurs in death then the opposing
player may reward the unfortunate player with a very, very, very slow clap.
Gravity works. I've seen proof
although I have tried to cover everything that I can with these rules physics is still a thing. This
means that if an action (especially a 3DMG action) does not seem quite right, because you know.
Physics, then any player must oppose the idea. If it offends Newton then don't do it. Be be
reasonable and rational.
Ending movement. In 3 dimensions
ending movement is preferable over buildings as they models can be placed on the building without
too much y axis troubles. If over normal ground use a flight base standing roughly two inches from
the table. This also gives you a great opportunity to do some amazing models in mid-flight.
Titan movement rules
titans are much slower and uncontrollable than humans. Although through the series they are very
stupid and fairly easy to predict for an onlooker in this game for the purpose of fair play and a bit og
a laugh titans are much easier to control, as if they are being controlled by a hive mind. They will
usually attack the first thing they seen unless guided by a shifter. If a shifter is present then the titans
are a little easier to control but that does not mean they are not uncontrollable normally. There are
many different class of titan however they are split into 2 main groups.
Standard-- these titans are the box standard foot soldiers. The slowest and most stupid they are the
easiest to defeat.
Aberrant- these titans are much faster and unpredictable. Their movements are quite irregular and
are fairly rare. These are much more flexible as units on the battle field.
Shifters- the biggest and scariest of the lot. This group is made from the female titan, armoured titan
and colossal titan. Each are very different from one another in many ways and much different to the
normal titans. They follow their own unique rule set present on each of their pages.
Standard titans
these titans can move 2 inches however when a human is in sight then may move up to 4 inches in
that models general direction. (everything but directly behind them)
titans can only see in a 45 degree angle in front of them. This means the gain the 4 inch move the
model must be in their line of sight. As soon as a model leaves the line of sight then they are back to
a 2 inch movement. The player can of course uses is initiative to change the heading of the titan.
After a model is lost sight of then they loose focus on them immediately.

I should probably take this opportunity to explain focus. A titan gains focus when they see an
enemy model and looses it if the model disappears. After each action of any model the focus of the
titan is re calculated. If a model tries to attack a titan that is focused on them then they are going to
have a difficult time killing it. This makes it important to be very light footed when moving around
making each move count. You do not want to make yourself seen however that is quite hard to do.
Any glimps of a character will allow the titan to see and turn to face them. For example if a model
moves across the line of sight of a titan then the layer may choose to face the titan toward the
middle of the area that the human just crossed. For example if a human shoots across the sight to
the left side of a titan in a 6 inch move the titan faces the direction that the model was half way
across it's move. (so 3 inches in). This is one of the only exceptions for the normal action
sequences alternating players. Focus is best used to it's advantage through teams. But i'll come to
those later

(anyway where was I. O yes titan movement) titans can move completely freely in any direction
they want as long as it is not through a piece of terrain following their focus rule.
Aberrant titans movement
These guys move on much quicker than a normal titan able of moving 4 inches normally and 6 if
they have focus. They follow the same focus rules as a normal titan except for the different
movement values. They may also make a leap once per turn. This can be used to get the titan up
onto or over a building. They must have focus on a model over or on the building to get up there.
This jump can also just be in a straight line and can be join with a bite attack (i'll cover that later.
Sorry for all the 'Ill cover that later' but we need to learn to walk before we can run.) the jump can
be a minimum of 2 inches to a maximum of 8 inches along the flat ground or can be a jump from 2
inches to and building to get onto or over the thing.
Once again shifters are very special and have a rule set that will be covered on their stat sheet.

Attacking/ combat
So now we can move it's time to start doing some damage. It may be a good idea to actually roll
some dice before reading this section to make sure you understand every way that a human can
manoeuvre the battlefield.
Once again attacking is very different for both sides so I will cover each one separately. Here we go:
Human attacking
using the 3DMG to their advantage humans need this to generate power and strength as they are
quite weak by themselves. Each attack uses one momentum and one action. There are 2 different
types of attack. If your reading these rules you will most likely understand that the only way of
killing a titan is removing the 1 meter by 10 cm area on the back of the neck. A difficult task
requiring both accuracy and strength. This is why both characteristic are on the stat line. You may

only attack a titan from the side or behind.

Side on attack- this is the most preferable way to kill the titan as it allows you to maintain at least
some momentum after your attack. Flying past the titans neck with outstretched blades slice off the
key area. This attack firstly requires a focus test from the titan. The titan player rolls a d6 and if the
dice roll is higher than the focus on the stat line for the titan then they get to attempt to grab the
model. This also throws off the attack of the opponent and if they survive this ordeal then
immediately make a mid-air propel away from the titan towards which ever way the back is with
the easiest accessible anchor point. If they can't anchor they simply continue to go straight and fall
d6 inches hopefully landing on a building. Or they risk being easily picked up and eaten. If the titan
misses it's reaction attack then the attacking model gets to roll some dice (finally). They must roll a
d6 and equal or beat their accuracy roll. Next they will use the following table to see how much
they need to roll to cause any damage to the damned thing. (see the table at the bottom)
backwards attack- this attack is similar to the first but the titan can't resist. The titan can't see
anything so doesn't have a clue what is going on. The only accept ion to this is if the model
attacking was in the titans line of sight at the start of the activation. Then they can make a grab roll
on minus one. using gravity to his advantage coming down on his prey as well as being forced to
use all of their momentum of this attack.
After every attack whether it effective or not the model gets a free quick pull move to get out of the
way. This isn't the best thing in the world but it gets you out of the way.
Toughness of the titan
strength of
the titan
plus the
amount of
used on the

If the roll is successful then the titan is killed. Straight out that's it no draw backs.
After a successful attack the titan slayer adds a tally to his note chart and uses a mid-air propel to
get away quickly. To the nearest building preferably or even maintaining mid-air flight. This rule is
for simplicity of the game and may be ignored or modified for ease of use and fun.

Titan attacking
titans main attacks come from human charging them as they are not very fast and may find it
difficult to catch up with a human. Even so they can attack and aberrant especially will find this the
easiest. All titans have a group of main attacks with aberrant and shifters having their own special

Standard titan attacks

grab- each titan has a range. This is not for a shooting attack and is actually their arm reach. If a
titan is in this range he may attempt a grasp attack. Grasp attacks from a humans attacks also follow
the same rules. The titan must roll off with the human player. They both roll a d6, the titan adds
their speed to the result. The defending player takes off how many actions they did that turn and
adds the speed of the model .a If the titan gets equal or over the score of the human then they are
picked up and eaten. If the human scores higher then they get away and the titan can't grasp them
again. If the human player is attacking they do not suffer from the penalty of using actions. This is
because the titan can't see them very well.
Bite attack- a titan may attempt to straight up try and eat a target. With a 2 inch rage (unless an
aberrant with a 4 inch range) the titan jumps face first at the opponent. The rolls a dice to make an
escape roll. Rolling a dice and adding there speed they must equal seven. If they fail the target is
eaten. Standard titans can only do this to a target on the ground or at the edge of a building (base to
base with the edge) aberrant can do this regardless.
So that is the basics and with this knowledge you can play the game. There ware a few additional
rules mainly for larger games that I will cover next as well as creating a legal force so that the two
opponents have a fair game.
Force creation
force creation ensures that the game is fair and even allow the two players to have fun and keep it
fair. Each model has a points value. A point total must be decided between the two players before
they even place a single model on the board. For your first game I recommend a points total of
Squads (human army only)
Each model has a class, either warrior or character. Warriors are your standard troops. They bulk out
your army and distract the opponent from the main characters devastating attacks. For every warrior
in your army they must have a main character to lead their squad. Any character can lead a squad
and they are able to led a maximum of 4 normal models (making a squad size maximum of five).
Characters can also make up the bulk of the squad (however it is not recommended as you always
need the pawns). For example armin mikasa and eren can be in the same squad so they can deploy
together. This is fine as long as you nominate one of the characters to be the leader (this is important
for later). These three heros can (if they wish) make squads of their own and will deploy by
themselves. The only reason that squads can't join together is if they are members of a separate
division. So members of the survey corps can't join with anyone from the garrison or the military
police. Squads do not have to stay in any coherency with each other. They are simply for setting up
a game both on the deployment side of things as well as force creation.
Advanced rules
the rules featured below are not required for the main game however they add a lot of fun and make
the game that little more interesting. The majority of these rules are for humans and the advanced

rules for the titans are simply the titan shifters as they add a hole new element to the game.
Teamwork- distract and kill (humans only)
this rule allows humans to corditate battle together. To do this two models (who have not activated
this turn) must start in one of the models activation. They can then activate in the same turn
combining their activation scores together and the splitting the number of activations between them.
The only rule to this is; when dishing out the actions one model can have a maximum of two more
actions than the other. For example two normal survey corps team up (with 3 actions each). This
means that they can either have 3 each or one guy have 2 and the other 4.
Break down tests. (humans only)
If a hero dies then each member of the army looses 2 will. When reduced to 0 will the army must
take break down tests. This is all individual for each model so some models may be breaking down
whilst others are not.
If a model starts it's activation with 0 moral they must roll a d6 and add their starting will. If the roll
is 7 or higher then they are ok, but if not they are removed as a casualty.
rules for heros
a hero is any named character in the game. They must lead a squad like before but are also different
In two different ways to normal humans. They each have their own unique ability (which is
mentioned on their pages as well as a fate score
fate- a fate roll is simply a save that the human player can attempt to make if he would be killed.
They can do this as many times as they want through the game and there are no restrictions or
modifiers to them. They are what they are and if you live HURAAY and if you die you die.

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