Power: Karina Amanda Prisylla / 20120259

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Karina Amanda Prisylla / 20120259

There have been many regards and meanings in what the term power is. In my opinion,
having power is the ability someone no matter what gender, race, age, etc has to control
another fellow person/ thing whether by actions, or even words. In other words, power is
generally given to someone, which cause them to have authority over a certain someone/
The human race has had different people all around the world holding such authorities. In
which, some did it for good or the opposite. Others, might start off with good intentions at the
beginning but then, starts to crave more from having the power thus leading them up to no
good such as corruption which is led by high authorities of each country that isnt satisfied by
the money/ wealth they got.
An example that can be given on someone that used to have power would be Presidents.
These people have been chosen by their citizens to lead the country they live in. Presidents
are somewhat until now still called the person that contains all the power in the country. Some
used their power to improve their countries in terms of money, and the welfare of the citizens.
Others on the other hand prefer to stay quiet in their safe place, using their power only for
their own good and neglecting others needs.
The person that can be a suitable example on using power to improve the country would be
Abraham Lincoln, whom is the 16th president of the Unites States, America. Lincoln is well
known for beating racism out from the country, as he has faced a lot of hardships until he was
able to achieve the power in which he uses to help the blacks out from slavery and
judgments from the whites.
Abraham Lincoln made the decision to fight to prevent the nation from splitting apart. He was
an unfaltering commander in chief during the Civil War which preserved the United States as
one nation. Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation which began the process
of freedom for America's slaves. The document also allowed black soldiers to fight for the
Union. Legislation Abraham Lincoln signed into law included the Homestead Act, the Morrill
Act, the National Banking Act, and a bill that chartered the first trans continental railroad.

Abraham Lincoln set an example of strong character, leadership, and honesty which
succeeding presidents tried to emulate. He has his own perspective regarding power, which is,
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him
power He understood that the presence of power make a huge impact on someones life. He
is aware that man is susceptible of the enchantment of power. Abraham Lincoln successfully
carried his responsibility that comes with the great power bestowed upon him and use it for
the good of his nation.
On the other hand, we experience the regime of President Marcos. He is well known as the
person behind the excellent condition of economy and security in the Philippines. He is a very
intelligent man and he had a dream of building a new society had brought forth several
projects that have benefited us in the long run.
During his third SONA in 1968, Marcos claimed that the country became self-sufficient in
rice and corn, therefore solving the chronic food shortage.
Fast forward to 1980 and the Marcos administration reached yet another milestone: The
countrys gross national product (GNP) dramatically climbed from 39.5 billion pesos in 1965
to an outstanding 86.7 billion pesos in 1979, which translates to 6.6% growth rate a year.
And this was only the tip of the iceberg.
From Sept. 21, 1972 up to Feb. 26, 1986, Marcos was able to craft and formulate a total
of 7,883 presidential decrees and other 5 legal issuances. All of the countrys specialty
hospitals were also built during his term and these include the Kidney Center, Philippine
Children Center, Philippine Heart Center, and the Lung Center of the Philippines.
Marcos accomplishments are too many to mention, and have since become the benchmark by
which the performances of his successors are based upon.
But we also have to deal with the other side of the coin. Power without self control has
change our former president. According to the Akbayan party-list group, the Marcos
administration was responsible for 35,000 torture cases, 70,000 incarcerations, and 3,257
murders. He was also blamed for the arrest of more than 50,000 people including
the desaparecidos or those who were victims of enforced disappearances.
It should also be noted that the value of the peso also dropped from P1 = US$ 1 to P25 = US$
1 during Marcos term. And from just $360 million in 1962, our countrys debt reached a
staggering P28.3 billion by the time Marcos left his office in 1986.

He implemented the Martial Law to "create a Bagong Lipunan (New

Society)" by choking the people's freedom of speech, setting curfews and
prosecuting those who speak against the government. We noticed
cheating, corruption and vote bullying. But what got affected greatly was
the media. He implemented dictatorial ship, in which we know is the
reflection of greed and centralization of power.
Such a waste, him, who started as a brilliant governor and public
authorities, end up got destroyed, all because of his greed and obsession
for power.
Another example of a person in which uses power for their own good would be the
Indonesian anti corruption political party (KPK). This party was given the trust by the nation
to protect their rights. To protect the nation from injusticeness and greed of irresponsible
Our nation appreciates what the party has done, for they manage to keep the government in
control, to be fair and honest. But what we didnt expect is how they betrayed the trust that
we put on them. Behind that sheer justice and law enforcement, they practiced corruption
themselves, in which it is what they are supposed to eliminate.
They are well known in Indonesia for using their money and power only to increase their
wealth and their corruption acts against the nation, which leads to a lot of riots being in the
country against them. They misused the power, trust and authority given to them; abusing
them for their own personal gain over the nations welfare.
In conclusion, power should only be given to a person whom can truly stick to their own
believes which is to help others and can be fully trusted. For, if a power is not used wisely,
someday it might wind up as a disaster in the upcoming future.

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