Reaction Paper

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Based on my understanding about the martial law the president of Ferdinand
Marcos the philippines was the most controversial regime in the Philippine
history and I thought at first I can read the proclaimation under the martial
law. it is started of violence so I got confuse on what I read about. As I read I
slowly understand about the proclamation R.A 1081 or the martial law on
which the former president Ferdinand Marcos signed. Like what I read they
are more flashbacks and most of the characters tells what they've
experienced way back 1970's. And base on my reading as what I have
learned/understand, being activist was hard thing after the proclaimation of
the martial law, the government treated the activist as their enemy and they
were being hunted and killed in the way of torturing them and way back to
their present time, we all know that it is normal to us the situation like our
friends/trator us for their common good or for their safety in this situation. It
is hard for us to forgive them though in some way we forgive them but. After
what happened in the past, our memory is still being good. And our memory
stays as what it is and about the declaration issued under proclamation 1081
suspend the civil Rights and imposed military authority in the country.
Marcos defend the declaration stressing the need for extra power to quell he
rising wave of violence allegedly caused by communists.
In September 1972 Marcos declared martial law, claiming that it was the last
defense against the rising disorder caused by increasingly violent student
demonstrations, the alleged threats of communist insurgency by the new
Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), and the Muslim separatist
movement of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF). One of his first
actions was to arrest opposition politicians in Congress and
the Constitutional Convention. Initial public reaction to martial law was
mostly favourable except in Muslim areas of the south, where a separatist
rebellion, led by the MNLF, broke out in 1973. Despite halfhearted attempts
to negotiate a cease-fire, the rebellion continued to claim thousands of
military and civilian casualties. Communist insurgency expanded with the
creation of the National Democratic Front (NDF), an organization embracing
the CPP and other communist groups.
Marcos was an intellectual, capable initiating unimaginable ideals for himself
and for his country and almost 10 years of military rule in the country.
Marcos formally ended martial law on January 17, 1981 when democracy
was restored – after the dictator and his family were forced into exile,
overthrown by a popular uprising that came to be known as the people
power revolution. And the “New Society”, that's what former President
Marcos visions for the Philippines in his proclamation of Martial Law last
September 21, 1973. A country fulls of progress, with the populaceenjoying
everything that the development brings, abundant life, peaceful society,
Harmonious relationship between people and good governance. Maybe it's
evident with eyes blinded, but far fromsight if one tries to look at the big
picture. Ferdinand Edralin Marcos, an unforgettable persona of Philippine
history. He was a brilliant law student topping the Bar Exam in his times, and
successfully argued before the Philippine Supreme Court for a reversal of a
murder conviction against him, being himself a sharp shooter, held
responsiblefor the killing of his father's rival who won the gubernatorial race
in their province. He quickly gains popularity in the political world, until he
won the Presidential election in 1965. He showed favorable performance in
his first term, gaining acceptance and trust from the public which then
helped in his winning for his second term in Presidency, the first over
history. His thirst for power had been more evident as speculations spread of
his plans for staying in office.
The Martial Law is then proclaimed, putting the whole country in his
absolute power and under the military rule. A new constitution has been
formed, yet lacks from provisions of social justice and human rights, still
pursued for his selfish desires. Marcos wants no oppositions. Persons who
areagainst him are arrested, put to jail and in worst cases, persecuted. The
media is also controlled as toshow only favorable news about the
government. A new form of economy was also formed, the 'cronycapitalism'.
Major businesses over the country was controlled by some few elites, which
includesrelatives and some close friends of the first family. At first the
country is showing a good picture of the sudden change of system, with a
stable economy and business confidence, but later revealed it's darkside, as
corruption has been very rampant and human rights are continually and
evidently being Violated. It slowed down economy, worsened social status
and overwhelmingly increased internationaldebts. The existence of anti-
communist groups also a placed a threat for the administration. The
onceactive support of the American government also vanished as they
realized that Marcos is not working towards democracy.
Some prominent personalities stood out during the period. One of it is Gen.
Fabian Veer, a very loyal follower of the dictator. He assumed the highest
position in the military and displayed power over it. Another is Imelda
Romualdez, the first lady. A very strong and powerful woman and at the
sametime possess a beauty that cannot be compared. She is a very
materialistic woman popular for hercollections of expensive shoes, bags,
perfumes and other luxurious items. Through her, Marcosgained more
popularity. And the hero of the story, Sen. Benigno Aquino who, in spite of
threats andmaltreatments against him, stood firm in his beliefs and remained
to be Marcos' number one archnemesis. His death when he came back to the
Philippines triggered the public to take a step in fightingfor their rights and
the freedom this country deserves. This then lead to the People Power 1,
EDSA Revolution, a fight between roses and rosaries with guns and riffles.
Marcos' had been threatened bythis event and had no choice but to
surrender and flee to Hawaii, which at that time he's sick and isdying. The
proclamation of Sen. Ninoy's widow, Corazon Aquino, as the first woman
president of thecountry paved way for the restoration of the country's
Martial Law, a very pretentious form of government, showing only knitted
good points and ignoring the true scenario, full of lies, deceptions, selfish
desires and abuse of powers. The society is derived from the truth and
continually fed by lies. People are treated like animals, their human rights
abused. Innocent ones are suffering but the devilish ones enjoy benefits.
Inequality is truly rampant. The world is shown by what they can perceive as
good, visits of the Pope and American presidents are properly prepared to
show off only desirable things.
Marcos, a persona closely comparable to Hitler and Stalin, is one whom I
thought would only be existing in fairy tales as villains. A very selfish man,
one who tries to satisfy all his wants, compromising his pledge to God that he
is ordained to serve the people. He has abused his power and authority
History spells of what is in the present. I can closely relate the things that our
country now is suffering because of that one proclamation. Poverty.
Philippines before is one of the fast developing countries in the whole world.
The progress then halted as the economy is not properly managed during the
times of dictatorship, to the extent that it reached the bottom level. Now, the
country can barely cope of what it missed, the chance that could've made us
to be one of the world's richest countries. Another problem is corruption.
Maybe it had existed before the Martial Law; however it is strongly
manifested in those times. Until now, the problem has worsened. In recent
times, we had encountered some persons with the same agendas. Former
president Gloria Arroyo, made issues of her staying in power through the
Charter Change, which changes our form of government to Parliamentary,
one of the excuses of Marcos. Fortunately, she has ended her term without
pursuing this move. Unfortunately, to say, she is still politically active as she
is now a member of the Lower House.
Through the documentary, I have fully realized the merciless oppression of
the dictator. I have known some of the countless stories to be told by
prominent characters and also ordinary individuals of their experiences
during one of the dark ages in the Philippine history. I have seen the struggle
of the country to regain democracy. Filipinos has fought for it since the past.
From the Spaniards, to the Japanese then to the Americans. We had won
them all. The Martial Law is never an exception. The people once again
showed their love for freedom, both in peaceful and active rebellions. We had
shown our unity as we stand for our rights. We will always be fighting of
whatever forces that might hinder us from our goal, to live progressively in a
democratic nation. This is the huge factor why Marcos declared a martial law.
People tend to protest and March along EDSA because of his undeniable
works like heavy demonstrations and spend a large amount of money. He
extended his term, closed the mass media and even the freedom of people
was lost. Then Cory Aquino “Ina ng banyan” takes off. Specifically, Marcos
cited a sizeable Communist force that had obtained weapons from China that
sought to overthrow the government and violate the peaceful lives of
ordinary Filipinos. Marcos even compared the current state of the nation to a
war, one which he intended to put a stop to.
In response, Marcos declared that he would place the Philippines under a
state of Martial Law, as according to the president’s powers described in the
1935 Philippine Constitution. Such powers included command over the
Armed Forces of the Philippines to maintain law and order, as well as
exclusive decision-making powers for whether or not a person would remain
detained for any crime.
Furthermore, Marcos promised that he would use the special powers he was
given in Martial Law to lead reforms that would lead the Philippines to
prosperity and peace. Those who did not oppose his vision would live to see
it come to fruition; on the other hand, those who dared to offend his rule
would suffer just as any rebel would.
Though the announcement was made on September 23, the actual document
had been signed September 21, 1972 due to a special superstition Marcos
had about numbers.
Ultimately the only good thing about the martial laws nowadays are the
increased checkpoint, military presence and enforcement of law.

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