Computer Connections
Computer Connections
photographs into a computer with a digital camera. Photos are taken with the camera away from
the computer and stored on a memory chip. Then the camera is plugged into the computer, so
that the images can be downloaded. Another input device is a graphics tablet. A pressure
sensitive pad is plugged into the computer. When you draw on the tablet with the special pen
(never use an ink pen or pencil!), the drawing appears on the screen. The tablet and pen can also
be used like a mouse to move the cursor and click.
Output Devices
Output devices display information in a way that you can you can understand. The most common
output device is a monitor. It looks a lot a like a TV and houses the computer screen. The
monitor allows you to 'see' what you and the computer are doing together.
Speakers are output devices that allow you to hear sound from
your computer. Computer speakers are just like stereo
speakers. There are usually two of them and they come in
various sizes.
A printer is another common part of a computer system. It
takes what you see on the computer screen and prints it on
paper. There are two types of printers. The inkjet printer uses
inks to print. It is the most common printer used with home
computers and it can print in either black and white or color. Laser printers run much faster
because they use lasers to print. Laser printers are mostly used in businesses. Black and white
laser printers are the most common, but some print in color, too.
Testing 123.
Find these working sheets and do it.
Labeling Worksheet
Input/Output Worksheet
RAM stands for Random Access Memory. RAM chips will remember what you tell them and
can even change to remember new information. But, when the computer is turned off, RAM
forgets everything you told it. This is why it is so important to
save your work on a computer - if the computer gets turned off,
RAM will lose all of your work!
ROM stands for Read Only Memory. ROM is good at
remembering, but cannot change it's mind. It holds information
that is built into it. ROM is like reading a library book - lots of
information is there, but you can't change it (because you never
write in a library book). RAM, on the other hand, is more like a journal - you can write
information into the journal. But if you change your mind, you can erase and write in new
Ports are the places on the outside of the computer case where you plug in hardware. On the
inside of the case, they are connected to expansion cards. The keyboard, mouse, monitor, and
printer all plug into ports. There are also extra ports to plug in extra hardware like joysticks,
gamepads, scanners, digital cameras and the like. The ports are controlled by their expansion
cards which are plugged into the motherboard and are connected to other components by cables long, flat bands that contain electrical wiring.
Disk Drives
Disk drives read information off of storage disks. The three most common disk drives are the
hard drive, floppy disk drive and CD-ROM. In lesson 1, you learned a bit about the latter two,
which are usually installed inside the front of your computer case so that you can get to them
from the outside to load the software. The hard drive, however is hidden inside the computer
because the disks are not meant to be removed. Information that you save on your computer is
stored on these hard disks. You can learn more about storage disks in Lesson 4: Storage; but
first, check out Lesson 3 to learn about bits and bytes.
Testing 123.
Find these working sheets and do it.
What Am I? Worksheet
Labeling Worksheet
You may have seen these abbreviations many times before. Do you know what they mean?
KB = kilobyte =
MB = megabyte =
GB = gigabyte =
As you can see, these abbreviations stand for a specific number of bytes. And each byte holds 8
bits capable of forming 256 combinations of 1/0. Wow!
The number that comes before one of these abbreviations represents the computer's memory
capacity. For example, if a computer has 64MB of RAM that means that the computer can
handle 64,000,000 (64 million) bytes of random access memory (that's 64,000,000 microscopic
8-bit panels). Hard disk space is also measured in bytes. So, a 15GB hard drive has
15,000,000,000 (15 billion) bytes for storing memory.
Look at your keyboard. Each character key is represented by a number that is held in a single
byte. Remember how the letter A is sent to the CPU to be translated into binary code? The
numerical value of the uppercase letter A is 65. That number 65 is represented in one byte - a
combination of 1 and 0 or on and off switches. The computer cannot understand letters, so it
translates them into numbers that are represented by patterns of on and off. To get an idea of how
much on/off data a computer can store, just imagine pressing one key one billion times! How
long would it take? If you pressed the key 5 times per second, it would take you over 6 years of
continuously typing to reach 1 billion keystrokes equal to 1GB of memory! And many computers
today can store over 20GB of memory on their hard disks! Incredible! So, the next time your
computer is taking a long time to load a web page, think of how fast it really is going!
Testing 123.
Find these working sheets and do it.
Byte Worksheet
Byte Math Worksheet
CDs and other kinds of external memory make it possible to backup important information in
case it is lost by the computer. Do you remember in Lesson 2, we talked about RAM and ROM?
RAM loses its memory each time the computer is turned off, but ROM keeps information stored
even when the computer is not turned on. Well, sometimes computers have problems that can
cause them to crash. No, that doesn't mean they jump off the desk and smash on the floor. A
crash is something that happens inside the computer's circuits and can make it forget things.
Some crashes can even make ROM forget everything! Having important information backed up
on disks will allow you to put it back into your computer's memory. Backup disks can save you
lots of time and headaches.
Disks also allow information to be transferred between different computers. Let's say that you
are working on a project using a computer at the library, but you don't finish it by closing time.
There's your project sitting in the computer. How do you get it home to finish it on your
computer? You write the information to a disk, take it home and upload the information into
your computer from the disk. What an easy way to transfer information!
Uses of Compact Discs
The most common use for compact discs (aside from playing music) is storage of software
programs. When you purchase a computer game, the program that tells your computer how to
run the game is stored on a CD. You move the program into your computer's memory by
installing it. Some programs are transferred completely into your computer's hard drive.
However, many programs are very large and would take up lots of memory space on your hard
drive. To keep that from happening, these programs are designed to only upload part of the
program onto your computer. The rest of the program stays on the software disk. The program
cannot be run from your computer unless you have the CD in the disc drive so that RAM can
read the rest of the program from it.
With the introduction of CD-RW (disc drives that can write to compact discs as well as read
from them), CDs can now be used for storage. Using a CD-RW, computer data can be backed up
to a CD. All kinds of information can now be saved on CD. Many people store music files or
family photos on CD.
Testing 123.
Find these working sheets and do it.
Backup Math Worksheet
Vocabulary Worksheet
Programs do much of the work for us, when we perform tasks on the computer. The program
instructs the computer in a language that it understands. Think of how hard it would be to dictate
a story for someone else to type if that other person spoke a foreign language! You could learn
that person's language, but that could take years. The easiest way would be to have a translator.
Programs are like translators that allow people to work with computers without learning the
computer's language.
Testing 123.
Find these working sheets and do it.
Matching Worksheet
Vocabulary Worksheet
and discovered that many of their older programs would no longer run using the new operating
The Computer Revolution
The introduction of the Macintosh OS and the later introduction of Windows played a large part
in making computers accessible to so many people. The user-friendly interfaces of both
operating systems made it easier for people with no computer training to learn to use these
amazing machines. Other machines, such as typewriters and payroll calculators quickly became a
thing of the past, as computers became so easy to use and so affordable.
Testing 123.
Find these working sheets and do it.
Matching Worksheet
Vocabulary Worksheet
Just as you recognize your favorite TV program by its name, you can also recognize a file by its
name. File names often consist of 2 parts: name and type. There are many different types of TV
shows - comedies, dramas, cartoons, sports shows, game shows, etc. Similarly, computer files
come in different types - text files, graphic files, program files,
e-mail files, etc. In many computer systems, files are named so
that you know what type of file it is just by looking at the
abbreviation behind the name. A period is used to separate the
name from the type, like this: "name.type". If TV show titles
came in 2 parts like computer files, they would give the name
of the program, followed by a period, followed by the type of
show it is. It might look like this: "Sillykids.toon" or
"EmergencyRoom.drama" or ""! One important
thing that you should know about file types or extensions is
that they are always written as abbreviations, usually with 3
letters. For example, a text file is shown as .txt and an
executable program file is shown as .exe. You may not always
see the extension on a file name, because many PCs offer the
option of turning off the extension. Even though you don't see
it, the computer still does. On the Macintosh system, however,
the practice of naming files with extensions is not always
followed; but you can see what kind of file it is by the icon or 'kind' identifier in the directory
listings. Common Mac extensions you'll see are .sit (a compressed stuffit file), .hqx (a binhexed
encoded file), .pdf (Adobe Acrobat file). Web pages (no matter what system) always use
extensions to identify the kind of file - .htm or .html for the web pages, .gif for gif graphics, .jpg
for jpg graphics and so on.
Files are stored in certain places within your computer, much like TV programs are shown on
certain channels. So, to find a file you must know where it is located, just like you must know on
what channel to find your favorite TV show. If you forget what channel a TV show is on, you
can either flip through channels until you find the program or you can look in a TV guide to find
the information you need quickly. The quickest way to find files on most computers is to use
Find. This is a type of search program where you can type in the name of a file and the computer
will search and tell you where the file is located. If you use a Windows Operating System, Find
is located on your Start Menu. On a Macintosh System, Find! is located under File on the menu
bar. (More on Start Menu and menu bar in Lesson 8).
TV Programs, like files, have specific lengths. TV shows may be 30 minutes long, 1 hour long,
or several hours long. Files are not measured in time, but in bytes. If you'll remember from
Lesson 3: Bits & Bytes, a byte is a measurement of stored data. Larger files may be measured in
kilobytes or megabytes. The length of a file tells how much storage space that file is using within
the computer.
Folders or Directories
With so many thousands of files stored inside a computer, it is very important to keep them
organized. Folders, also known as Directories, keep files organized by grouping them together.
Imagine for a moment that you had a giant toy room filled with toys and you were given the job
of organizing all of those toys. You decide to start the job by sorting all of the toys and grouping
similar toys together. For example, you put all of your red marbles in a box and all of your blue
marbles in another box and all of your clear marbles in a third box. Then, you put all of those
boxes into a bigger box and label it "marbles". Then, you might even put the "marbles" box into
a bigger box that contains boxes of "super balls" and "tennis balls" and "baseballs". You would
name that big box "balls". If you continued to organize toys that way, you would end up with an
entire room of boxes with labels that contain similar kinds of toys. Then if you needed to find
your plastic brontosaurus, you would know to open the box labeled "toy animals" and go past the
"bug box" and the "reptile box" until you find the "dinosaur box" - open it and there is the
brontosaurus! In this example, the toys are like files and the boxes are like folders. Your
computer is set up to store similar files in specific folders. Then similar folders can be put inside
other folders, and so on.
Many times, the computer will automatically store files in
certain folders in order to keep itself organized. However,
when you create new files, you must decide which folders to
put them. You can even create new folders to store your files.
For example, let's say that a boy named Adam wants to make
a folder of all the fun things he creates on the computer. With
an adult's help, Adam creates a folder titled "Adam". Within
that folder, he creates 3 new folders titled "stories",
"drawings" and "jokes". Then, when Adam writes a story
called "Alien Tap Dancing", he stores or saves that file that
contains the story in the "stories" folder. On a PC, the file
name would be "Alien Tap Dancing.txt" because it is a text file.
The best way to keep up with a file is to know its address. The address basically tells you what
drive and folders to look in for a file. For example, the address for Adam's story might look like
this on a Macintosh system: "Macintosh HD\Users\Adam\stories\Alien Tap Dancing"
(Macintosh HD indicates the hard drive). On a PC, the address might look like this: "C:\\My
Documents\Adam\stories\Alien Tap Dancing.txt". In this case, the letter "C" indicates the hard
drive, as most PCs assign a letter to each drive in the system. Note, that the file address always
includes the drive, folder(s), and file name in exactly that order.
Be a Responsible Computer User
Understanding the relationship between files and folders, and how they are addressed and located
within your computer system is a very important part of using a computer. Beginners should
make it a priority to learn about this early in their computer education. Never delete, move or
rename a file unless you are absolutely sure of what you are doing! A computer relies on many
files to keep itself running correctly, so changing or deleting those files can cause major
computer malfunctions. When in doubt, ask a parent, teacher or other expert for assistance. The
safest way to learn about using files and folders is to ask for help in setting up your own personal
folder, then creating new folders and files within it.
Testing 123.
Find these working sheets and do it.
Organizing Files Worksheet
File Address Worksheet
On the left side of the screen, you may see a small, triangular-shaped icon. This icon accesses the
Control Panel. Clicking on the icon will open a menu bar that includes various icons for
accessing important system features. The Control Panel usually includes monitor controls,
volume controls, printers, energy savers and more, providing quick access to these important
system controls.
The Menu Bar
At the top of the screen, you will see a long, thin bar with words and a clock on it. This is the
menu bar - another graphic tool that helps you to access programs and files. On the left side of
the menu bar, you will see an apple icon. If you click on this icon, a box called a drop-down
menu will appear under it. The drop-down menu contains several words or items that allow you
to do different things within the computer. Clicking on an item will let you access files or run
programs. Look back at the menu bar again. To the right of the apple icon, you will see several
menus: "File", "Edit", "View", and "Help" are the most common menus, but you may see others
depending on what program you are running. Each of these menus accesses its own drop-down
menu with its own set of items.
Bars that are pale are inactive or not being used. Clicking on the bar makes that window active
or ready to use again. Clicking the icon on the far right of the title bar again maximizes the
window, so that the entire window can be seen. When the window is maximized, look just below
the title bar. You may see folder information there that tells how many items are in the folder and
the amount of space that is available within the folder. On the right side of the window, you may
see a scroll bar. The scroll bar appears when the window contains more information than can fit
on the screen. Moving the scroll bar up or down allows the user to see all of the information in
the window.
Learning the Basics
Learning how to use the desktop is the first step in learning to use a Macintosh system.
Hopefully, you can use this brief lesson as a starting point. Remember, though, that experience is
the best teacher, so do some exploring on your own Mac. Go to the "Help" menu on the menu
bar, and check the drop-down menu for "Mac Tutorials" to help you learn to use your system.
Testing 123.
Find these working sheets and do it.
Labeling Worksheet
Vocabulary Worksheet
clicking on the icon will open a window that will show you what is stored in the Recycle Bin.
Just like in real life, things sometimes get thrown away by accident and have to be rescued. The
Recycle Bin lets you do the same thing. If you delete something you shouldn't have, you can find
it in the Recycle Bin and restore it to its proper place. When the Recycle Bin is emptied,
everything in it is permanently deleted. Never put anything in the Recycle Bin or empty the
Recycle Bin without permission!
The Start Menu and Taskbar
At the edge of the screen (usually the bottom edge), you will see a
long, thin bar with a box labeled "Start" on one end and a clock on
the other end. This is the taskbar - another graphic tool that helps
you to access programs and files. You may see icons on the
taskbar, too. These are called "Quick Launch" icons that allow
one-click access to frequently used programs.
If you click on the "Start" button, a box called a menu will appear.
The menu will contain several words. Some words will have
arrows next to them that access other menus. Listed below are the
basic Start-menu options:
The Start Menu can be personalized by adding and removing programs, files and folders.
rectangular button on the taskbar that displays the windows title and maybe an icon. Minimizing
the window clears it from the screen, but keeps the program running - all you will see of a
minimized window is the button on the taskbar. A raised button indicates a minimized or
inactive window, and a depressed button indicates an open or active window. Minimizing a
window is helpful if the user is temporarily not using the program, but plans to return to it soon.
To restore a minimized window, simply click on the button on the taskbar. Also, it is sometimes
possible to have several windows open at once and lined up in a cascade, one in front of another.
In this case, the active window will always be in the front.
In the Windows operating system, each window contains its own menu. Found just under the
title bar, the menu contains several words that will access drop-down menus of options and
actions. The menus vary from one program to another, but here are some basic examples:
File menu contains file items like new, open, close, and print.
Edit menu contains editing items like undo, cut, copy, paste and clear.
View menu contains items for changing how things appear on the screen.
Help menu contains items to access tutorials or helpful information.
Under the menu, you will often find a toolbar - a bar of icons or options that allow you to
perform specific operations within the program.
In the main body of the window, you may find lists of folders or files or you may be given a
workspace for typing, drawing or other activities. On the right side of the window, you may see a
scroll bar. The scroll bar appears when the window contains more information than can fit on
the screen. Moving the scroll bar up or down allows the user to see all of the information in the
Learning the Basics
Learning how to use the desktop is the first step in learning to use a Windows system. Hopefully,
you can use this brief lesson as a starting point. Remember, though, that experience is the best
teacher, so do some exploring on your own PC. Many systems include Tutorials that will teach
you how to use your system step-by-step. You'll also find some very helpful information about
the Windows desktop under the "Help" option of the Start Menu.
Testing 123.
Find these working sheets and do it.
Labeling Worksheet
Vocabulary Worksheet
Monitor Display
Video Card
Sound Card
Peripherals - joystick, gamepad, etc.
Modem (for internet applications)
Support software
Remember that the information listed covers the minimum requirements. In other words, your
system needs to have at least that much speed, memory, space, etc. in order to run the software
properly. If your system specs are higher than the minimum requirement, then the software
should run on your system. The only caution you should have here is that some programs written
for older operating systems (particularly Windows 95) may not run on newer operating systems.
Requirement or Recommendation?
On many software products, the manufacturer will list System Recommendations along with
Minimum System Requirements. This information lets the consumer know that higher specs may
be needed to get optimum software performance. The program will run on a system with the
minimum requirements, but it will run better at the recommended requirements.
System Specifications
If you don't know your system specifications already, you should be able to find them in your
user guide or other paperwork from the manufacturer. System information can also be accessed
through your computer. Although the location of this information may vary from system to
system, the most common place to find it will be in the "System" menu of the Control Panel.
Knowing this information about your system will help you make compatible software purchases.
Testing 123.
Find these working sheets and do it.
System Requirements Worksheet
Hands On Worksheet
Never spray your monitor screen (or any other computer component) with glass cleaner.
Instead, spray a lint-free cloth lightly with glass cleaner, then clean the screen. Be sure to
hold the cloth away from the computer when spraying.
Computer components should be kept as dust-free as possible.
Canned air or small computer-specific vacuum cleaners are an excellent way to clean
keyboards, computer case vents, or around disk drive openings.
The rubber ball inside the bottom of a mouse may need occasional cleaning. If the mouse
does not perform correctly, check your user guide for cleaning directions.
Never try to remove the cover on your computer to clean inside. Instead, take it to an
authorized service technician for cleaning.
Keep all liquids and food items away from your computer. Liquids and food crumbs can
damage delicate electronic circuits. Also, mixing liquids and electronic components can
cause serious electrical shock!
Wash your hands before using the computer to avoid "sticky keys."
When in doubt about how to clean your computer system, consult your user manual or
technical support.
A Shocking Possibility
It is important to remember that your computer is connected to electricity. If you have an Internet
connection that also means that your computer is connected to a telephone line or cable
connection. These are also conductive connections. That means that lightning could be
conducted to your computer through any of these connections. For safety reasons, you should
never use your computer during a storm.
Many computer users purchase surge protectors to safeguard their system. The user plugs
computer components into the surge protector, and then plugs the surge protector into the wall.
Just like the name implies, surge protectors are designed to protect computers against electrical
surges or lightning. However, these devices can fail, so it's best to stay clear of the computer
during storms.
Also, as mentioned earlier, electricity and liquids don't mix. Keep water and other liquids away
from the computer system. This includes drinks, water guns, fish bowls and cleaning fluids.
Beware of Viruses
Viruses and worms are names for pesky computer-unfriendly programs that can accidentally be
downloaded into your system. Some are just a nuisance, but others can crash your system and
cause irreparable damage. To avoid these nasty creatures, follow these safety tips:
If you would like to learn more about viruses and antivirus utilities, Check out The Virus Zoo at
CNet for some great information!
Avoid Installation Marathons
Let's say that you were given several new computer games for your birthday. Or maybe your
parents just bought you a new system and you want to load all your favorite games. Do you sit
down and install all of these programs one right after another? No! It may be tempting, but it's
not a good idea. Sometimes, installing a new program can cause conflicts within your system.
These conflicts will need to be worked out or else the program will have to be uninstalled so that
your system will work correctly. If you install 2 or more programs before you realize there is a
problem, it will be very difficult to determine what the problem is and which program caused it.
Instead, try installing one program, then use your computer long enough to see how your system
responds to the installation before loading the next program.
Safe Computing!
Following these guidelines should help you to take good care of your computer system, so that
you can get lots of enjoyment from it. Remember, that if you have any questions about your
particular system, you should check your user guide or contact technical support.
Testing 123.
Find these working sheets and do it.
Safety Worksheet
Computer Connections
Worksheet Answer Keys
Lesson 1: Outer Hardware
Labeling Worksheet: 1. monitor, 2. tower case, 3.keyboard, 4. digital camera, 5. trackball,
6. mouse, 7. scanner, 8. speakers, 9. printer.
Input/Output Worksheet: 1. output, 2. input, 3. input, 4. input, 5. input, 6. output, 7. input, 8.
output 9. output, 10. input, 11. input.
Lesson 2: Hardware on the Inside
What Am I? Worksheet: 1. modem, 2. BIOS, 3. CPU, 4. ROM, 5. hard drive, 6. RAM,
7. motherboard, 8. power supply, 9. video card, 10. port.
Labeling Worksheet: 1. power supply, 2. video card, 3. sound card, 4. modem, 5. motherboard,
6. CD-ROM drive, 7. hard drive, 8. floppy disk drive, 9. RAM, 10. CPU, 11. BIOS.
Lesson 3: Bits & Bytes
Bytes Worksheet: 1. 01011110, 2. 10011011, 3. 11101000, 4. 00110111, 5. 10110111,
6. 10101010, 7. 00101001, 8. 10011100, 9. 10101000, 10. 01000111, 11. 10100101,
12. 10100010.
Byte Math Worksheet: 1. 32KB, 2. 4KB, 3. 6KB, 4. 75KB, 5. 26KB, 6. 360KB, 7. 450KB,
8. 235KB, 9. 427KB, 10. .5KB, 11. 2MB, 12. 64MB, 13. 32MB, 14. 8MB, 15. 16MB, 16.
17. 256MB, 18. 40MB, 19. 6MB, 20. .5MB 21. 20GB, 22. 7GB, 23. 13GB, 24. 4GB, 25. .5GB
Lesson 4: Storage
Backup Math Worksheet 1. CD, 2. floppy disk, 3. floppy disk, 4. CD, 5. CD, 6. CD, 7. CD,
8. floppy disk, 9. floppy disk, 10. floppy disk, 11. CD, 12. CD, 13. floppy disk, 14. CD, 15. CD
Vocabulary Worksheet 1. primary, 2. secondary, 3. floppy disk, 4. electricity, magnetism, 5.
CD, 6. pits, lands, 7. magnets, 8. data, 9. rpm, 10. DVD.
Lesson 5: Programs
Matching Worksheet 1. desktop publishing, 2. spreadsheet, 3. database, 4. research,
5. entertainment, 6. education, 7. database, 8. word processing, 9. desktop publishing,
10. word processing.
Vocabulary Worksheet 1. program, 2. translators, 3. programming, 4. installing,
5. programmers, 6. BASIC, Pascal, 7. downloaded, 8. word processing, 9. entertainment,
10. desktop publishing.