Training Development Final 13-1-2014
Training Development Final 13-1-2014
Training Development Final 13-1-2014
1. Executive summary
2. Introduction to Training and Development
3. Importance of Training and Development
4. Need for the study
5. Research methodology
Sampling plan
Area covered
6. Data collection
Primary data
Secondary data
7. Data Analysis
Statistical tool
Statistical package
Telecommunication is a technology intensive industry with a high probability of
obsolescence. Our country has witnessed a number of technologies varying from magneto
exchanges to the modern New Technology Digital Switches. We have also seen changes
in the transmission technology starting from carrier systems to the DWDM systems
providing long distance circuits across the length and breadth of the country.
Telecommunications today is both a public utility and a vital infra-structure. Therefore an
in house training center is an essential institution for continuous training of the officers
and employees in this key technological field.
Training is a process through which a person enhances and develops his efficiency,
capacity and effectiveness at work by improving and updating his knowledge and
understanding the skills relevant to perform his or her job.
Training also helps a person cultivate appropriate and desired behavior and attitude
towards the work and people. Unless training is provided, the jobs and lives of employees
in organizations are at stake.
It gives people an awareness of the Rules & Procedures to guide their behavior. It is an
application of knowledge to improve the performance on the Current job or to prepare
one for an intended job.
Organization & individual for their survival & attainment of mutual goals should
develop & progress simultaneously; this can be done mainly through training technique
because training is the most important technique & it is a value addition to the
organization through Human Resource Development for the development of the
employee. The employee she/he been selected, placed & introduced in an organization
should be provided with training facilities in order to adjust & make them suitable for the
Job as no organization can get a candidate who exactly matches with the job &
organizational requirements.
The trained employees are the valuable assets to any organization. Training at BSNL is
given when there is a difference between the job requirements & employees present
specifications. Thus employee training is the most important sub-system, specialized &
one of the fundamental operative functions of Human Resource Development.
Organizational efficiency, productivity, progress & development, also organization
viability, stability & growth to greater extent depend on training. If the required training
is not provided it leads to the performance failure of the employees. Training enhances
the Competence, Commitment, and Creativity & Contribution to the organization.
The first step in my study is to find out the effectiveness of training and development in
achieving the goals of the company, to study the different methods of training followed at
BSNL, The basis on which training programmees are planned and scheduled and how the
performance appraisal helps in identifying training needs.
The second step was data collection through various sources I used both primary and
secondary data for the study as both are quiet essential in any type of survey.
primary data was collected through survey and personal interview, whereas secondary
data made use of certain reports from the HRD department provided the information as to
the total no of employees, schedule of training programs, number of persons attending it
and other such things. The secondary data also included textbooks, company data,
The analysis of the questionnaire was carried out through which the purpose of the study
was served. The analysis was done by using statistical tool in which the study made use
of two test that is : frequency test and correlation.
These tests gave the clear idea about the most significant factors which are positively
correlated and those factors which are not so significant and are not positively correlated.
Hence it helped the study to identify the important factors which are quiet essential for
effective training and development in the organization.
This study gives a detailed idea about the employees attitude towards the training
program and how the employees apply the knowledge, skills and attitude in job
Therefore through the analysis the study could be interpreted that the training and
development programs are quiet effective but still needs to be improved on some of the
aspects mentioned above.
Scope of HRM without a doubt is vast. All the activities of employee, from the time of
his entry into an organization until he leaves, come under the horizon of HRM.The
divisions included in HRM are Recruitment, Payroll, Performance Management, Training
and Development, Retention, Industrial Relation, etc. Out of all these divisions, one such
important division is training and development.
The modern approach of training and development is that Indian Organizations have
realized the importance of corporate training. Training is now considered as more of
retention tool than a cost. The training system in Indian Industry has been changed to
create a smarter workforce and yield the best results
The principal objective of training and development division is to make sure the
availability of a skilled and willing workforce to an organization. In addition to that, there
are four other objectives: Individual, Organizational, Functional, and Societal.
Individual Objectives help employees in achieving their personal goals, which in turn,
enhances the individual contribution to an organization.
Organizational Objectives assist the organization with its primary objective by bringing
individual effectiveness.
Team spirit Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of team work,
team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within
the employees.
Organization Culture Training and Development helps to develop and improve the
organizational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning culture
within the organization.
Organization Climate Training and Development helps building the positive
perception and feeling about the organization. The employees get these feelings from
leaders, subordinates, and peers.
Quality Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality of work and
Healthy work-environment Training and Development helps in creating the healthy
working environment. It helps to build good employee, relationship so that individual
goals aligns with organizational goal.
Health and Safety Training and Development helps in improving the health and safety
of the organization thus preventing obsolescence.
Morale Training and Development helps in improving the morale of the work force.
Image Training and Development helps in creating a better corporate image.
Profitability Training and Development leads to improved profitability and more
positive attitudes towards profit orientation.
whatever price it can fetch. This further emphasized the need for training and
development in PSEs to improve their performance. (Sudhman, 2000)
regional training institutes. Reliance has also established Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of
Information and Communication Technology. In addition to that, Bharti has also tied-up
with IIT Delhi for the Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology and
With the increase in competition, availability of huge amount of information through
internet, magazines, newspapers, TV, etc, and increased awareness among customers, the
demand to impart proper training in non-technological areas like customer care and
marketing has increased too.
Rapid technological changes, network security threat, mobile application development,
growing IP deployment in the sector have brought back the training and development in
the priority catalog.
DoT-BSNL MoU: Training of minimum 20% BSNL officials-: BSNL has signed MoU
with DoT vide which at least 20% staff has to imparted training in 2006-07. To achieve
this, all BSNL units have been asked to fix the target to train 25% of their staff &
officers. The training report has to be compiled under various heads such as indu ction,
seminar, workshop, behavior & Attitudinal etc.
Computerized Training Management System at ALTTC: This system with online
nomination facility has been made operational after clearance by IT cell of BSNL. This
software eases the process of nomination by SSAs, Circles and other BSNL units, as it is
a paperless system with capability of online nomination & approval. A-circular and
approved nomination list are available online. Through online post training evaluation
module Trainees and their controlling officers can give their feedback regarding
effectiveness of the training. In the last two months many BSNL units have started
reaping the benefit of this system.
NATFM, Hyderabad: BSNL Corporate office has again sought applications of willing
officers having B.Tech & MBA qualification for -JAG/ DEs/ SDEs /TTS Group B &
Group A officers its letter NO.22-6/2005 - Trg Dated: 21.3.2006
specialization batches conducted are a part of in-service training. The courses are
monitored continuously and the utility of these in-service courses is assessed from time to
time and courses which are not in demand are weeded out and new courses are
d) Field Training Programmes
Considering the need to update the knowledge and skills of the technical maintenance
personnel in specific disciplines of technology from time to time, a system of short-term
practical oriented training programmes has been developed by this institute. For
conducting these courses the trainers go to the field stations. These programmes called
Field Training Programmes (FTPs) are for a maximum of 5 days duration and conducted
with the help of the equipment available in the field. Besides training the lower staff on
job, this also helps the trainers getting acquainted with the day to day problems in the
field which can later be taken care of in the training modules being developed in the
Training Centre.
In the main building all the administrative offices, class rooms and laboratories etc. are
housed. There are several faculties viz. Electronic Switching I (OCB - 283, E-10B),
Electronic Switching -II (C-DOT, ILT, NEAX), Radio Transmission, Transmission lines,
Telecom External Plant, Computer, ITMS. The technical faculties are supported by the
three sections namely Programming, Works and Administration.
There are 15 class rooms for lecture sessions fully equipped with facilities like
overhead/slide projectors.
There are 66 laboratories for practicals. They are equipped with a wide variety of latest
technology telecommunication equipments like OCB-283, E-10B, C-DOT 512P, ILT
512P, Digital Microwave, Optical Fibre, V-SAT, Digital UHF, EKB & EKBC, SFMS,
Local Area Network, Pentium/486 computers, Window based PC software , Commercial
service and other latest software.
The Support facilities for teaching/labs, available in the BRBRAITT are :
i) A big library having about 32189 books and 236 technical journals.
ii) A Video lab, equipped with sound proof studio, editing video and audio chain &
Computerised video animation.
iii) Instructional Technology (I.T.) lab fully equipped with micro teaching equipment like
Video Cameras, TV monitors, VCRs etc.
iv) Desk Top Publishing unit fully equipped with Computers, Laser Printers, Scanner,
where the text processing of course material / handouts is done.
v) A seminar hall with a capacity of about 40 participants fully equipped with P.A.
system, Video and Computer projector on a wide screen and slide/tape projector.
vi) Screening room with facility for projecting 16 mm films and video films with a
capacity of 25 audience.
vii) An Audio Visual hall for bigger gatherings upto 200 persons for A/V programmes
and cultural functions.
The institute plays a key role in human resource development for telecom services. To
make the training effective, a good infrastructure of well equipped laboratories with
experienced teaching staff has been provided. The equipments are in live condition and
the trainees are free to handle the same to have clear concepts about the working of the
system. It is always endeavoured that the personnel trained should gain such knowledge
and skill that they are in a position to install, operate and maintain the systems without
any difficulty after completion of the training.
Keeping in view the rapid development in telecom technologies throughout the world,
new labs are being added to the training centre. These are installed and commissioned by
the faculty members. Each lab is maintained by a S.D.E. with the help of J.T.Os.
The training opportunities outlined here allow you and your subordinates to develop
knowledge and skills which are consistent with departmental goals and career plans. As
individual training needs are identified, the subordinate should be an integral part of the
planning process.
As a preliminary step in planning a complete training program, you should seek answers
to the following questions.
What are the job requirements ?
What past training, job experience and/or education contributes to job performance ?
What performance deficiencies or problems could be attributed to a lack of knowledge
and / or skills ?
What related job functions would be useful to know ?
In what areas is knowledge needed in order to develop potential for future assignments ?
Answers to these questions should provide you with sufficient information to identify
training requirements. As part of the planning process, you should perform the following
activities :
Step 1 : Identify the areas in which training is needed.
Step 2 : Determine which courses address those needs.
foreign trainees a fee of U.S. Dollar 650 (six hundred fifty U.S. Dollar only) per trainee
per week excluding boarding and lodging shall be charged. For boarding and lodging
charging will be done separately. In addition charges for study tours outside Jabalpur are
also payable. (The above rates are under revision and latest rates may be checked at the
time of nomination of candidates).
Sunder Nagar
Preparing both the old & new employees to meet the present as well
as the changing requirements of the job & the organization.
Preventing obsolescence.
Preparing employees for the higher-level tasks.
Ensuring smooth & efficient working of the department.
Ensuring economical output of the required quality.
Imparting knowledge & skills for new entrants.
Preparing for future assignments
Competency development
2.On-the-job training:
Here, the individual is placed on a regular job and taught the skills necessary to
perform that job. The trainee learns under the supervision and guidance of a qualified
worker or instructor. It gives first hand knowledge and experience under the actual
working conditions.
3.Apprenticeship training:
Apprenticeship training is normally given to artisans, electricians, plumbers and a
like. The duration is mainly 6 months to 2 years; this is carried out under the guidance
and intimate supervision of master craftsman, expert worker and supervisor. During
training period the trainee is paid less than that of a qualified worker.
4.Job Rotation:
This involves the movement of the trainee from one job to another. The trainee
receives job knowledge and gains experience from his supervisor or trainer in each of the
different job assignments. This method gives an opportunity to the trainee to
understand the problems of employees on other jobs.
The trainee is placed under a particular supervisor who functions as a coach in
training the individuals. The supervisor provides feedback to the trainee on his
performance and offers him some suggestions for improvements. But the trainee may not
have the freedom or opportunity to express his own ideas.
6.Job Instruction:
This method is also known as training through step by step. The trainer explains
to the trainee the way of doing the jobs, job knowledge and skills and allows him to do
the job.
equipments, which are used in actual job performance, are also used in training. This
type of training is commonly used for training personal for clerical and semi-skilled jobs.
Theory can be related to practice in this method.
It is a method of human interactions that involves realistic behavior in imaginary
situations. This method of training involves certain characters. This method is mostly
used for developing inter-personal interactions and relations.
11.Lecture Method:
The instructor organizes the material and gives it to a group of trainees in the form
of a talk. To be effective, the lecture must motivate and create interest among the
trainees. This method is direct and can be used for a large group of trainees. Costs and
time involved are reduced.
12.Conference or discussion:
This method involves a group of people who pose ideas, examine and share facts,
ideas and data, test assumptions and draw conclusions, which contribute to the
improvement of job performance.
13.Programmed instruction:
The subject matter to be learned is presented in a series of carefully planned
sequential units.
instruction. The trainee goes through these units by answering questions or filling the
14.Internship Training:
Here, the organization makes arrangements with technical institutes to get its
employees duly trained in the latest theoretical knowledge and other developments
relating to trade, this training is provided to the employee in such a way as to bring
balance between theory and practice.
15.Professional skill training:
Here, training is given to Professional staff such as Accountants, Surveyors,
Auditors, and Architects etc. Organization provides this training to newly joined
professionals to gain the
Technological advances
Organizational complexity
Learning principles
There are numerous sources of online information about training and development.
Several of these sites (they're listed later on in this library) suggest reasons for
supervisors to conduct training among employees. These reasons include:
Enhanced company image, e.g., conducting ethics training (not a good reason for
ethics training!)
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL)
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (known as BSNL, India Communications Corporation
Limited) is a public sector communications company in India. It is the largest
telecommunication company in India and the sixth largest in the world[citation needed]. Its
headquarters are at Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Harish Chandra Mathur Lane, Janpath, New
Delhi. It has the status of Mini-ratana - a status assigned to reputed Public Sector
companies in India.
BSNL is India's oldest and largest Communication Service Provider (CSP). Currently
BSNL has a customer base of 65.3 million (Basic & Mobile telephony). It has footprints
throughout India except for the metropolitan cities of Mumbai and New Delhi which are
managed by MTNL. As on July 31, 2007 BSNL commanded a customer base of 32.7
million Wireline, 3.7 million CDMA-WLL and 28.9 million GSM Mobile subscribers.
BSNL's earnings for the Financial Year ending March 31, 2007 stood at INR 397.15b
(US$ 9.67 b) with net profit of INR 78.06b (US$ 1.90 billion). Today, BSNL is India's
largest Telco and one of the largest Public Sector Undertaking of the country with
authorized share capital of US$ 4.26 billion (INR 17,500 Crores) and assets of US$ 14.74
The foundation of Telecom Network in India was laid by the British sometime in 19th
century. The history of BSNL is linked with the beginning of Telecom in India. In 19th
century and for almost entire 20th century, the Telecom in India was operated as a
Government of India wing. Earlier it was part of erstwhile Post & Telegraph Department
(P&T). In 1975 the Department of Telecom (DoT) was separated from P&T. DoT was
responsible for running of Telecom services in entire country until 1985 when Mahanagar
Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) was carved out of DoT to run the telecom services of
Delhi and Mumbai. It is a well known fact that BSNL was carved out of Department of
Telecom to provide level playing field to private telecoms.Subsequently in 1990s the
telecom sector was opened up by the Government for Private investment, therefore it
became necessary to separate the Government's policy wing from Operations wing. The
Government of India corporatised the operations wing of DoT on October 01, 2000 and
named it as Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL).BSNL operates as a public sector.
Employment at BSNL
BSNL's employee base comprises of more than 3,57,000 telecom engineers and
During Financial Year 2006-2007 (From April 01, 2006 to March 31, 2007) BSNL has
added 9.6 million new customers in various telephone services taking its customer base to
64.8 million. BSNL's nearest competitor Bharti Airtel is standing at a customer base of 39
million. However, despite impressive growth shown by BSNL in recent times, the Fixed
line customer base of BSNL is declining. In order to woo back its fixed-line customers
BSNL has brought down long distance calling rate under OneIndia plan, however, the
success of the scheme is not known. However, BSNL faces bleak fiscal 2006-2007 as
users flee, which has been accepted by the CMD BSNL.
Presently there is an intense competition in Indian Telecom sector and various Telcos are
rolling out attractive schemes and are providing good customer services. However, BSNL
being legacy operator and its conversion from a Government Department, earns lot of
criticism for its poor customer service. Although in recent past there have been
tremendous improvement in working of BSNL but still it is much below the Industry's
Expectations. A large aging (average age 49 years(appx)) workforce (300,000 strong),
which is mostly semi-illetrate or illeterate is the main reason for the poor customer
service. Further, the Top management of BSNL is still working in BSNL on deputation
basis holding Government employee status thus having little commitment to the
organisation. Although in coming years the retirement profile of the workforce is very
fast and around 25% of existing workforce will retire by 2010, however, still the
workforce will be quite large by the industry standards. Quality of the workforce will also
remain an issue.
Access Deficit Charges (ADC, a levy being paid by the private operators to BSNL for
provide service in non-lucarative areas especially rural areas) has been slashed by 37%
by TRAI, w.e.f. April 01, 2007.The reduction in ADC may hit the bottomlines of BSNL.
provide convergent services through the same backbone and broadband access network.
The Broadband service will be available on DSL technology (on the same copper cable
that is used for connecting telephone), on a countrywide basis spanning 198 cities.
In terms of infrastructure for broadband services NIB-II would put India at par with more
advanced nations. The services that would be supported includes always-on broadband
access to the Internet for residential and business customers, Content based services,
Video multicasting, Video-on-demand and Interactive gaming, Audio and Video
conferencing, IP Telephony, Distance learning, Messaging: plain and feature rich, Multisite MPLS VPNs with Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. The subscribe will be able to
access the above services through Subscriber Service Selection System (SSSS) portal.
Key Objectives
To provide high speed Internet connectivity (upto 8 Mbps)
volume-based billing. It shall provide the customer with the option to select the
services through web server
The Broadband Service will be given through the state of the art Multi Protocol
Label Switching (MPLS) based IP Infrastructure, which is designed to provide reliable
routes to cover all possible destinations within and outside the country. Layer 1 of the
network will consist of a high speed Backbone comprising of 24 powerful Core Routers
connected with high speed 2.5 Gbps(STM-16) links. The routers are located on the
national DWDM network interfacing at STM-16 optical level to provide for high
transmission speeds.
Advantage of MPLS over other Technologies
MPLS VPN is a technology that allows a service provider like BSNL to have
complete control over parameters that are critical to offering its customers service
guarantees with regard to bandwidth throughputs, latencies and availability.
Services available through Broadband
High speed Internet Access: This is the always-on Internet access service with
speed ranging from 256 kbps to 8 Mbps.
Dial VPN Service: This service allows remote users to access their private
network securely over the NIB-II infrastructure.
Content based Services: Like Video on Demand, Interactive Gaming, Live and
time shifted TV
The training programs are not given adequate importance due to the
work pressure in the organization.
The training programs are well designed and widely shared in the
More priority is given for on the job trainings than the value addition
programs like motivation, stress management, group dynamics.
Employees should decide and determine the training programs that they need so
that they can work more effectively and efficiently, employees should decide
some of the training they would like to undergo.
Apart from on-job training programs the HR Department should conduct constant
value addition programs such as Time management, Stress management trainings,
group dynamics, grievance redressal, these will help to add value and is also
essential in todays business scenario.
It should aim to narrow down the gap between expected level of performance and
the actual level of performance.
It should provide new recruits or trainees a scientific pace for imbibing the
knowledge and skills required to discharge their duties
and responsibilities
The company should conduct training programs at regular intervals, which helps
the employees to enhance their knowledge for their current jobs.
The company should design the training program based on the current
requirement, which includes development of technical skills, personality
development, time management, computer knowledge etc.
The training session should be made more interactive and participative so that
trainees and trainer are in constant interaction
According to the study conducted we can conclude that the overall satisfaction level of
employees in relation to the training programs is moderate.
the employees agree that the training programs helps to increase productivity and achieve
the organizational goal.
The employees said that the training programs in the organization are well planned but
they are not satisfied with the duration of the training program and the are also not
satisfied with the evaluation process of training program, they are not evaluated
The training programs in the organization strongly focus on the technical and managerial
capabilities but these programs are not given adequate importance sometimes because of
the work pressure.
The employees do not take the training programs seriously, as there are no strict rules and
regulations to attend the training programs.
The employees are not involved in determining the training need analysis. The training
programs are fixed by the top management.
The quality of the training programs is excellent but the employees are not making the
best use of it.
Therefore we can conclude that the training programs in the organization are excellent
but they have been not utilized properly by the employees as the training programs are
not mad compulsory to all the departments. There is a broader scope to develop and
improve its training programs in future in order to meet the requirements of the global
Human Resources Management by Gary Dessler