Control Systems - Experiment 3

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Partial-Fraction Expansion, Mathematical Models, Block Diagrams

Preliminary Works:
1. Calculate the residues ( ), poles ( ), and direct terms ( ) of a partial-fraction expansion of the
two polynomials
. The partial-fraction expansion of
is given by

2. Consider the mechanical system shown in Figure 1. The system is at rest initially. The
displacements and are measured from their respective equilibrium positions. Assuming that
is a step force input and the displacement
is the output; obtain the transfer function of
the system. Then assuming that,
, and
is a step force of magnitude
. Obtain an analytical solution of
The equations of motion for the system are

Figure 1

EED3016 Control Systems Laboratory, 2015 Spring

Rs rch. Asst. zge Canl

Rsrch. Asst. Dr. Neslihan Avcu

3. The zeros are at

, and
. The poles are at
is 5. Obtain the mathematical representation of the system in transfer-function form.
4. Given the zero(s), pole(s), and gain of
representations. Consider the following three cases:
a. There is no zero. Poles are at
b. A zero is at . Poles are at
c. A zero is at-1 . Poles are at

and -8.

, obtain the transfer function


.the gain



5. Obtain the transfer functions of the cascaded system, parallel system, and feedback system
shown in Figure 2. Asume that
are as follows:

Figure 2

EED3016 Control Systems Laboratory, 2015 Spring

Rs rch. Asst. zge Canl

Rsrch. Asst. Dr. Neslihan Avcu

I. Partial-Fraction Expansion with MATLAB:

Consider the function

where some of and may be zero. In MATLAB, row vectors num and den specify the coefficients
of the numerator and denominator of the transfer function. That is,

The command

finds the residue the residues ( ), poles ( ), and direct terms ( ) of a partial-fraction expansion of the
two polynomials

II. Transformation of Mathematical Models of Dynamical Systems

MATLAB has useful commands to transfer a mathematical model of a linear time-invariant
system to another model. The following are linear system transformations that are useful for solving
control engineering problems:

Transfer-function to state-space conversion (tf2ss)

State-space to transfer-function conversion (ss2tf)
State-space to zero-pole conversion (ss2zp)
Zero-pole to state-space conversion (zp2ss)
Transfer-function to zero-pole conversion (tf2zp)
Zero-pole to transfer-function conversion (zp2tf)

For examples:
a. Transfer function to state space. The command

Conversts a system from the transfer function from

to state-space form
EED3016 Control Systems Laboratory, 2015 Spring

Rs rch. Asst. zge Canl

Rsrch. Asst. Dr. Neslihan Avcu

b. Transformation from state space to transfer function. To obtain the transfer function from
state-space equations, use the command

This command converts the state-space system

to the transfer function system

III. Matlab representation of systems in block diagram form

Figure 3.a shows a block with a transfer function. Such a block represents a system or an
element of a system. To simplify your presentation, you can call the block with a transfer function
system. MATLB uses sys to represent such a system. The statement

represents the system. Figure 3.b shows a block with a state-space representation. The MATLAB
representation of such a system is given by

Figure 3.a

Figure 3.b

Any linear time-invariant system may be represented by combinations of series-connected blocks,

parallel-connected blocks, and feedback-connected blocks.
a. Series-conencted blocks:
In the system shown in Figure 4,
are series-connected. System
(which is represented by
sys1) and system
(which is represented by sys2) are respectively defined by

EED3016 Control Systems Laboratory, 2015 Spring

Rs rch. Asst. zge Canl

Rsrch. Asst. Dr. Neslihan Avcu

provided that the two systems are defined in terms of transfer functions. Then, the series-connected
system (sys) can be given by


Figure 4

The systems numerator and denominator can also be given by

If systems


are given in state-space form, then their MATLAB representation are,

The series-connected system (sys)

is given by

b. Parallel-connected blocks:
Figure 5.a and 5.b show parallel-connected systems. In Figure 5.a, the outputs from two systems
are added, while in Figure 5.b the output from system
is subtracted from the output of
system .


are defined in terms of transfer functions, then

and the parallel-connected system

is given by

Figure 5.a

Figure 5.b

EED3016 Control Systems Laboratory, 2015 Spring

Rs rch. Asst. zge Canl

Rsrch. Asst. Dr. Neslihan Avcu

If the parallel-connected system is

, as shown in Figure 5.b, then you define sys1 and sys2 as
before (in transfer-function form or state-space form), but change sys2 by sys2 in the expression for
sys; that is,

c. Feedback-connected blocks:
Figure 6.a shows a negative-feedback system and Figure 6.b shows a positive-feedback system. If
and are defined by in terms of transfer functions, then

and the entire feedback system is given by


If the system has a unity feedback function, then

and sys can be given by

Figure 6.a

Figure 6.b

Note that, in treating the feedback system, MATLAB assumed that the feedback was negative. If the
system involves a positive feedback, we need to add +1 in the argument of feedback as follows:

Alternatively, you can use sysh in the statement sys; That is,

for the positive feedback system.

The following diagram summarizes the statement sys for feedback systems:

EED3016 Control Systems Laboratory, 2015 Spring

Rs rch. Asst. zge Canl

Rsrch. Asst. Dr. Neslihan Avcu


EED3016 Control Systems Laboratory, 2015 Spring

Rs rch. Asst. zge Canl

Rsrch. Asst. Dr. Neslihan Avcu

Lab Procedure:
1. Find the residues ( ), poles ( ), and direct terms ( ) of a partial-fraction expansion of the two
given in preliminary work question1. Write your codes and result
in given table.

EED3016 Control Systems Laboratory, 2015 Spring

Rs rch. Asst. zge Canl

Rsrch. Asst. Dr. Neslihan Avcu

2. Define the transfer function and state-space representation of the systems given in preliminary
work question 3 with MATLAB.

EED3016 Control Systems Laboratory, 2015 Spring

Rs rch. Asst. zge Canl

Rsrch. Asst. Dr. Neslihan Avcu

EED3016 Control Systems Laboratory, 2015 Spring

Rs rch. Asst. zge Canl

Rsrch. Asst. Dr. Neslihan Avcu

3. Obtain the analytical solution

using MATLAB.

for the system given in preliminary work question 2 by

EED3016 Control Systems Laboratory, 2015 Spring

Rs rch. Asst. zge Canl

Rsrch. Asst. Dr. Neslihan Avcu

4. Define the transfer functions and state-space representations of the systems given in
preliminary work question 4 with MATLAB.

EED3016 Control Systems Laboratory, 2015 Spring

Rs rch. Asst. zge Canl

Rsrch. Asst. Dr. Neslihan Avcu

EED3016 Control Systems Laboratory, 2015 Spring

Rs rch. Asst. zge Canl

Rsrch. Asst. Dr. Neslihan Avcu

5. Consider the system

which has two inputs and one output. Obtain transfer functions
for the given system by using MATLAB.


EED3016 Control Systems Laboratory, 2015 Spring

Rs rch. Asst. zge Canl

Rsrch. Asst. Dr. Neslihan Avcu

6. Obtain transfer functions

of the system given in Figure 2 with MATLAB.

EED3016 Control Systems Laboratory, 2015 Spring

Rs rch. Asst. zge Canl

Rsrch. Asst. Dr. Neslihan Avcu

7. Consider the system shown in below. Obtain the closed-loop transfer function
the system with MATLAB.


EED3016 Control Systems Laboratory, 2015 Spring

Rs rch. Asst. zge Canl

Rsrch. Asst. Dr. Neslihan Avcu

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